xrnei The: 2 r7cx Savings v) LIS . CO. Ccme in and look over the Big Lot of Shirts just in by express-Monarch and Arrow Brand. d , $4.00 Value SMrts $235 $3.00 Value Shirts $135 $2.50 Value Shirts ... $1.50 $2.00 Value Shirts $1.25 ' 1 f . Big line of Summer Underwear in Union Suits and.Two-Piece Suits. . Cooper's Union Suits a good Y value at $125 lite Ctnccrd Ds2j Tnbaae wiunira roucAn . r.kr tonight and Wednesday: pre Oc4 ttuKKfe-rmbowen this afternoon or tonljrht la Mat portion; eunUaoM wam. rmk ota wtoda. It $1.50 Value Union Suit $1.15 $1.25 Value Union Suit 98c $1.00 Value Union Suit 75c PARKS- BELH CO. PHONE 138. Buy Thrift Stamps' 2 f a. THE SMARTEST OF OX w I , Sk .cut as a uuu t FORD AND PUMP STYLES. Tan, Grey, Black, White. I tThere is no prettier and surely no more comforta- ble style of Summer Footwear than our showing of Pumps and Oxfords. They really breathe the TUESDAY. JTN1 It III. OTHtK LOCALS Bev. T. F. Haney, at Hartevill, "R Clilittx city. Cotton rrmata. at 29 cents per pound ; cotton seed at TS cents per bu The unloa prayer awetlng eervW tomorrow night will ba held at tbe 8t. James Lutheran Church. A treat picture "War and tbe Wo man." at tbe New Pastime today, tea turing noreoee La Badle. Tbe Chautauqua people due bere for tbe Drat performance tbla after noon cannot arriYe nntil 920 o'clock. Tbe afternoon performance, there fore, will be held In tbe Central School auditorium. The tent will be erected this afternoon and tbe evening per formance will be held , In It A typographical error in one of tbe page ada of the Parka-Belk Go, pub lished in Tbe Times and Tribune yes terday. Bare tbe price of No. 400 44 incb Nainsook, 12 yards to tbe bolt, at $2.98 a bolt, when tbe price should be 13.98. In spite of every care and precaution such an error will some times occur. A badly wrenched ankle obtained in directing one of the exciting scenes in Brace I n.' the latest Herbert Raw- llnaon Bluebird feature, to be shown at the Piedmont theatre tomorrow is still being nursed by Elmer Clifton. who wrote the story and also directed the picture. Herbert Rawllnson has plenty of opportunity in this quick-action thriller to show his athletic a well as bis acting ability, and the star and his leading lady, Clarie Du Brer, also had several narrow escapes from serious accidents while making thl picture. SOLAR ECLIPSES TERRORIZED ANCIENTS X spirit of the season. Every model is the perfection ot daintiness, bach style is right from the point of fashion. w Our prices are as low as good shoe making will permit, $3.50 to $7.50 and upwards. POUNDS-MOSER CO. UOTllKS SHITS AID - floating Bases liar EUM fWW SaJjM Of lbs Cwl la aVpart. Aa Atlaatlc Port. J ana 8. Bfports tbat.Bsutbrr ships or floating bam bare eiaded tbe patrol ships ot tbe oary and are aiding tbe Una andersee Dtrates la their operations en tbe American coast, continue to craao late in ahlpplnc circles here. Incom ing resects, shipping mea occtare. during the past week Ir aora, bare brought la reports of two small aaiU lug craft, hovering around me cosh. sixty to one hundred miles at sea and marina aimlessly OB and down tbe Virginia coast. A nondescript Mean vessel flying no flag. U also reported to bare been sighted within, tbe past two days. One member ot the Harpa- thlaa reporta sighting such strange remri. These reporta bare been trans ferred to local naval department oftV rtals and are being Investigated. ' Nov York Csttoa Review. New Tort." 3w . Tbe fea tares which bare beea asost geoerally rom awuted oa In rbe cotton start dartag tbe past week bars been tbe fallnre ot high official coodldoa tgvres ts Inspire fresh selUng and tbe relative strength ot Jnly contracta both la New tort and New Orleaaa. Tbe market was rather nervous and nnsettled at tbe beginning of tbe week. Tbe appearance ot Germaa submarine In American waters created a real apprehension of anything more than a temporary disturbance of shipping, bat for time there was some confusion over the ef fect oa marine war risk insurance rates while tbe decline of Monday was also influenced by the expectation of bearish crop figures and enntlnned good weather la the sooth. Tbe mar ket waa - steadied by covering and trade baying on a scale down however. and as soon aa it was certain that tbe optimistic view of tbe new crop start naa oren - oiscoaniea prn-r iuiw firmer. Tbe government's report plac ing tbe condition at 82.8 proved even more favorable than expected and was followed by a very fsrorable weekly report from tbe Weather Bureau on Wednesday, bat neither of these tea tares led to any pressure of conse quence and the advance later In the week waa stimulated by the evident nervousness of near month shorts. July contracta sold as high as 26.52 -on Thursday comparing with 2423 the low point ef Mondaand 23.06 the re cent low level Reporta of an lmprov-! for Adoption, m nice baby key four Beaaons-enr-afata la n central posi tion from which tbe enemy can direct attacks southward to Enprees HL Denli or southeast to Oompelgna. He la be ing strongly counter-attacked however, and will only be able to develop bis advantage at heavy cost If at ail. PENNY COLUMN lng demand for low grade cotton and of a continued demand for spots out of tbe local stock, seemed to modify the expectation of heavy deliveries next month and shorts were very act ire buyers on tbe advance until July Showed a premium of about 26S points over October. Offerings then Increas ed slightly and the market showed re actions during Friday's trading under realising for over the week end. There has veen very little discussion of the Washington news regarding an Inves tigation of cotton exchanges by the bu reau of markets, the outcome of which appears to be waited without anxiety by local brokers who have been doing business In keeping with tbe provis ions of tbe cotton futures law. months old, healthy and Intelligent Will be given to a couple who can furnish reference. Apply to Trib une office for name and address of party. - " - 10-lOt-p. Wanted Boy to sell the Concord Dal ly Tribune every day at the Brawn, HartseU and Franklin Mills. Cm Make good money. 'Phone-78 er call at Office.' . Per 8ale Chautauqua Tickets. Pbom No. 130. - . -2t-p. Lost Bunch ef Keys at Central School. Leave at Tribune Office and get re ward. - 8-2t-p, "Dancing Rastus" , .J. what we have been looking for fun for everybody Bring roe "h -eu. The Store That Satisfies will furnish the music, and tb in. June Victor Records on hand., The Victor leads the wor.- Ut ' rds. They hare the Mst the world over. too 'liust hear Harry Lauder the laddies that fought and won. ; urn K. 70117 and if its light opera ask to hear 35672. This is the ; , tlm we all want to hear the singing soldier and John McCor mck in "God Be With Our boys tonight and if you don't life that ask to bear tbe "Jaxzy Band; or the Goose Step and then ask that . I we. send you set of Caton's make of Porch Furniture, THANKS. SlkiTis furniture Co. 1 wXtt G .nALY, JLD,D.C. SPINAL SPECIALIST r me and get well by adjust. " "' ' ., ...; ' ; menta. Examlnatioa and consult ation free. Office hours:" I to 0. 3 to 7:C3 p. m. OSier hours by i 'ntment Office in New South No. 10 W. Depot street ; 1 and 2. Phone 227. i t o t 4 Grocery ' I tr I. I Bilious? Constipated? Headachy? , ; teead Our Guarantee. ' If you knew what effect calo mel had on your system,' you would never r take ' It - again. WHITFIELD'S . LIVER r POW DER it the medicine to take,' Does not gripe or sicken, you do not have to lose a days work, eat anything you like. White for our circular on the Liver. It tells you what WHITFIELD'S LIVER jPOWDERS contain. SOLD ON ; A " MONET BACK GUARANTEE. For safe by Gib.' son Drag Co., -Concord; J, B. emith.Drng Co, Kannapolls. Trice 2,"c per box. . Manufactur ed only by Creomulshun Co, At lanta, Ga, - - Aroused Superstition and Inspired All Primal Raoes With Awe, j Washington, June 8. Today's solar eclipse, which will be visible In many parts of the United States, Is not like ly to arouse any such feeling of fear as similar phenomena aroused among the ancients. Before tbe dawn of astrouo mival science eclipses of the sun and moon aroused superstitious alarm and umpired all the primal races with awe. Among the ignorant and eclipse excited the same apprehension and dread ex perienced ou the occasion of au earth quake, a volcanic eruption or a thun derstorm or a cyclone, The earliest record of an eclipse was that of the suu, observed by the Chin ese, B. C. 2158. The record is meagre and merely says: "In the last month of autumn, the first day of the moon, the heavenly bodies were not in agree ment in Fang." The first record of an eclipse ap proaching any definiteness of account was the Niuevah eclipse B. C. 703. The records of these ancient eclipses are valuable chiefly on account of the data' supplied by the dates and for the re ligious significance of such occurnnces. . The most notable eclipse recorded in history and the, most frequently men tioned iu literature and among scholar was that of the sun at the time of the battle between the Lydians and Medes, May 28, B. V. 583. The battle was sus pended and peace was made through the good officers of Thales. The most important eclipse, however, itythe his tory of mankind occurred In A. 1). H-W, ami which caused the death of Emper or IiiiiiK The three sons promptly en iiased iu a war among themselves, which tore the country to pieces. The war lasted three years and ended with the treaty of Verdun, whereby France.! ii.iiy mm ueruiHiiy were carveu out ui Charlemagne's vast empire. This nvas the. begluulng of the three countries named. ' - The first eclipse observed iu Eng laiirt occurred February 15, A D. 53s, and is mentioned iu "The Saxon Chron ica Is." Columbus made good use of his knowledge of .eclipses among the sav ages. . - In the Infancy of the human race the earth was supposed to be the cen tre 6f the universe, with the suu, moon and stars revolving around our globe at a certain fixed distance.' Not even the seers and philosophers of ancient times understood the mechanism of the celestial world. Little enough Is known about celestial subjects at this day, but an eclipse is the simplest phe nomenon of all that occurs among the heavenly bodies.. Tbe early races of men worshiped the sun and regarded Its extinction by an eclipse as the work of a demon or the wrath of an unknown and superiof god, or of a gigantic monster. In India the drairona Balm ami' Ketu were held responsible for the suffering endured by the sun and moon at the time of no eclipse. Suu worship was prevalent among the ancient Egyptians, Phoe nicians, Assyrians, Persians and Hit' titles. All of these nations used the winged disk as their emblem of tbe sun god. The Egyptians worshiped animals for tbe Jnost part but the Semitic re ligions were based upon reverence for astronomical objects. Superstition anil ignorance went hand In hand on the occasion of an eclipse and so created the most appalling apprehensions. 1 The eclipse pf the sun la occasioned by the movement of the moon. The sun stands still, virtually, while the moon sweeps over Its face; That Is, the sun moves only about a minute and a half along his path during an hour, which la about the' average duration of an eclipse. Hence, It is clearly ' apparent that both the eclipse of the moon and of the suu are brought about by the moon' motion, with virtually no refer ence whatever to the motions of either the sun or the earth. In olden times great calamities were associated in the minds of the people with an eclipse, but as a scientific and well known fact, an eclipse has no ef fect: on the nhvslcal condition of the universe. The ancient alarm was thi'i most groundless of all fears. Yet the most intelligent cn hurdly look nprw such an event without a feeling of solemnity. . ' ', Dr. Henry W. Littleton Die In Char lotte Hospital Greensboro News. "'. A message received here last eve ning conveyed the news of the death of Dr. Henry W. Littleton, of Badln, at Charlotte, sanatorium in Charlotte yesterday . afternoon. Dr. , Rlttleton was a nephew of Mrs. T. J. Jerome, of this city, who will go to Albemarle to day to attend the funeral. Dr. Little ton was about 30 years of age, Un married, and was a practicing-physi cian at Badln. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina and also of Jefferson Medical , college of Philadelphia. ' iKrcently'he had made application for service in -the; medical corps of the army, but his illness pre vented him from entering upon . his duties In the service. ,. ( .America and Tbe Great War. Greatest seller In years. . -Every American wants It. Lavishly Illustrated; Low price. We will pay you 8225.00 to distribute It Sample Free. Inter national Press, ' Philadelphia. 8-lt-p.. ' ;-v SOLDIERS ENCAMP FOR A1 WHILE AT SALISBURY Body of Men Going North From Ala bama Stop For Twenty-Four Hours Salisbury, June 10. Salisbury . has i temporary soldiers' camp. It will probably not be: listed In the war de partment as such but as known local ly as Henderson canwx, being located near the residence of the late John 8 Henderson. . ' " ' there are 500 soldiers in the camp and they were halted here, Monday at ternoon for 24 hours while en route north from an Alabama camp. Wmirt Th Trlhimo' Pannv Ada. DON T WANT WHEAT FOODS When I v can have SUET & ii PostToasties (met or com) sap fflg&fy, ' ALABAMA MERCHANT II WWRAlo E cr. i ? ;.!' c .t r ' wt Cn.son ' ' .1 another victory to her 'rll'g K'T-lfy by K' nf'ng out the - tiM -i 1 1 0. r ' , .th I v ! i v ,. a t.i i i i ii t . ,1 tlie t Prominent Southerner Gives Out Re markable Statement for PublicatiSu. Tells of Stomach Troubles and Re- ' lief, Here Is a story that canot fall to Interest the hundreds of men and worn en of this section who are victims of indigestion, dyspepsia and the many other malignant disorders that are bound to follow these ailments. It Is told by Mr. Samuel Simmons, the prom inent and hilgly respected merchant whose place of business Is at Second Avenue and Twentieth street, Besse mer Alabama. It la given for publica tion so that other sufferers may read and take hope of courage. This la what ne says: , "For a long, long time I waa a victim ot stomach trouble and all its attend ant evils. Constipation, liver disorder, rheumatism ot the muscles and con stant dlxzy spells made miserable for me. My mother waa also a -sufferer from these disorders of tbe system and we feared there was, no hope of cure for us. . -"Some of my friends had gotten such wonderful results from this new herb medicine Dreco, that I ordered six bottles of if for my mother and mv self. Both of us took it faithfully and are wonderfuly improved. "I think you have in Dreco the fin est medicine in the world. Have paid almost $3,000 in ny search for a cure but f 5 worth of I f co did more than everything Ute combined." Deliverance from such miserable con ditions as the above liss caused many men and women In different pnrts of the country to d - ' re sincere, henrty words of praise an 1 thankfulness for tlhs great Invlgorunt and body recoil- stni' lnnt, Dreco. .-,-.' V ... ...-.' ' ; ; If ' I Suit Case, i $U0 to 120 5 Traveling Bigs j.... 3 to $18 New Anfrls In SdJoes Bros. Lifct WdiM Suiti r -. - . . - - Palm'Bcach, Cool Cloth, ! '"Mohair, Crash', " Etc. 'Shirts at old Pricc$-li .$1' $2io 'and $20 Sak. Shirts ..-----.-ii---.- $3 to $5 . Men's and Boys' Underwear..-- 50c, 75c $1.00 np - I't-'1- Bookers, inc. Wanted Boy to sell The Concord Dai ly Tribune every day at roreat nlU and the Gibson Mill. Apply at Office. For Sale Cheap Two mules, wagon and harness,. See- W. if. Goraine or A. 8 Dayytalt, ' Tp. Warded-Fire Proof Safe. A. R. Hoo- Store Room for Sent a East Depot street, formerly occupied by Cook A HarrU. See B. A. Uoss at Cor rell's Jewelry Storv'; .,. ; ; S-tL . NOTICE W.X).W. FULL FASHIONS ED HOSIERY IN STOCK vTailored Sldrts . Regular meeting Elm Camp, No. 10 Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. : ,W. B. MOKBBBAD, C fl NUX-IROW - A - ,.'yk - '" tt ' KV I ") J,Vi.y.'.i 1 , (Trail hTwkl ' IV of White Gabardine. ; Trimmed Loops ' '.. ).,;'. . i -'i, ' '.'v..' Buttons and Tailored - Pockets i . JV-l See FISHERSl liPays ... Corsets THAT ARE Guaranteed;! ; ':, i Is TAqrc a Thrift Cqrd.in f YOUR Pocket? r itJ JU you aland read, you thank youc atora that the , war IS "over there" and not here at your doorstep. And you feel grate .ful to tbe boys in khaki Who ai-e KEEPING It and WINNING It "over there." , " - a' !, . u M ' a ,TURN YOUR GRATITUDE INtd WAR' SAV- tonic; WithPawPawAdid THREE POWERFUL 4 ilk PUT UP forces 1.1 c: r ' IN LIQUID FORM Yoi can overeat, you caul overdrink, you can oversleep, you can so "Oner tbe Top" and onoe again become a strong, healthy, active member of so. clety inau or-woman if . you wilt follow the directions, bow- to Uke the Standard Nns-Iron Tonic. If sufferlnit from shattered nerves, anaemic conditions of the blood; men- tal or physical depressions and lack tbe desire to accompllsn wnat you would like to do. If suffering from indigestion or kindred troubles caused through the after effects of a severe cold or hacking cough or probably-from aa attack-of pneumonia or pleurisy, get a bottle of Ironlzed Tonic from your druggist, take It exactly according tp direction half an hour before meals, one table spoonful with-a little water added If desirable, but not necessary. Continue this treatment for a few days and you will find It seems to energtce , every fibre, tissue and bone, ' 1 In your anxiety to get better quickly, don't overdo It as many sufferers do, and take larger doses of this standard retnedy. It will not act any faster and you; will not receive tbe same benefits from Its 'use you otherwise would. Nux-Iron Toole has been favorably known throughout the whole world for the past 20 years. There la no guess work or necessity to praise its value thousands of people have done so. Go where you will Paw-Paw Is known, and In presenting Nux-Irosi 1..'e (the addition being nux and iron) we have achieved anniirtaralMed sucwks as the thotiKands of grateful testimonials tmue pouring In prove without di : t Niix-Iron 1... t will do r" lirijjtiten the world; to di "1 i mnkftliBpi v tic" en aiH i !. t II. 'I 1 . ! , 'til . ING3, STAMPS The spare quarters that you Invest in War Savugs 8tamps and Thrift Btampa help Uncle 8am to clothe, to feed arid to arm those -, boy in khakU i '-V ' ' When you have accumulated sixteen Thrift Btampa, cost to yon 14.00, yon exchange them bytpattnffroia 13 to,23 cents, accord ins to the month of 1018 in W hlch you make , he' exchauge,' for a - War.Savlnga Stamp for which the Government , will pa you SO 00 . In January, I92f TJ l?eq.Ulratent- fti.jpti icent Interest com ' pounded quarterly. A safe and remunerative Investment l - - . Get a Thrift Stamp, pasted, op a Thrift . Card,, TODAT at uny r- post-offlce bank or trust company, drug, cigar or department store', or the many, other places showing the W. 8. 8 agency afgn. ; 5 Concord Furniture Co. t r ir-, o : , i I ' Ik ii j '; i i V. I- o if -' i f f e - f. l no t ; t 1 I 1 . e y y ne to iXlIll, t' t 1. i 1 t v 9 a'-' 1 1 Scudders Maple Syrup-4- . Quart Cans Fresh "Honey" in Comb Liberty Dill Pickles in -:. ; - -ans?-, : Durkees, Libbs,' Yacht Club and Green Seal yc Sdsi'DrcsstagT';? , .. Hi CLzrtli C ircit Clcrc', 4- T - V SPRING CHICriENS "'"ft::iCci::'.7". 1 CONCORD COTTOS MARKET. V Jl'ESDAl, JUNE V MIS. , Cotton .. .. .. J, . 'A . ! 20c, .... ... m notion naeu i 1 CGNCCZZ) TKefUCB ttlKBT. 'V ..; , ; krket Here. , W x'v ? Corrertod weekly ijr u-m m . -i . ft Corn,' per biihel .,a-. vm.$1.S5 Wbest, per bM a aknimil . . - iT I- 2H ' .ill -w : 4,.wt miatnea. ner busbul ... $1.2.1 r otter fw ponna-,.. .. wj. fork, per pound i .;- .'. S ..:;: Accepted men reelvlug notice of free cental attrition will report r t'.y it ir. II. O. IJerrln? in the i .,- Is l)i;.,l!mj, on Cate a;.clalist. 1 in : " i noiU-e, t r r '-"ral evsmlnation, ; , 1 be a .r ! to 1 d'-t i of I t coin'", ' I bare kindly , a -tj b'-'p do t i wo k, to hare i r wmk f' t cargo. .'ft t 1 W..i K 11 Itl Wl l'"V f. 1 i' f '5 I"-' j... : r : ;iv,. r s v. 1 mt le f 1 t 1 re i i t and will t or t'jolr ; 1. : t t ) ( try t -roa . ! v ,- r i tiit ' tt o their i i i, ei'i i : i t t 1 firely Y I in t n ri' ii .irkfr es w'l s i r. f in. I ii" if r i v J ! i s n r ! ii 1 medicine Ih ) ' the r" t 1 ' 'i i wen' ' t i 'j. I' l v f t ,tlW v . 'i i I ! it, i i (i i ji'i it f. i r I r : C. F. 7