HE ti.HA r-iir-ArtiHltin thf nnv AMFiinriEiit urn mm mW I ; - Afe. Now Under Consldera .tion by the Officials of 'De partment of Justice and the Revenue Bureau. " BIO FORCE TO DETECT : VIOLATORS W LAW Officials ;DecUre,v However, iffi&VttJZ iThat the Bulk of Enforce- SS . .... , -a i i. , uitrr aeored ten points, fhenf Work MUst rail on King fotavirh, una. up of the two team was as uw. Concord .. v Positlotti : , - Badta Dick, 16ft forward ... -KSf Belt, Goodnlan, center right guaru -uv.ww Badin Loot To Concord by a Scon of r 40 to tLLarge Crowd rraent, . The basket ball tme last evening at the local t. M. O. A. gytnnniuitum was witnessed by large and BnthnBlastlc crowd of apettatort, who awth Jo. i Ni,tnf arid v ahother victory to Vat ijitavu . 1 their Bflalpv The final ijscore of the raffle waa: Concord 48, Badin 80. The game last evening waa the sec ond one that has been staged between Concord and Badin, the former game having gone to the local playera also. In both games, however, there aa been much reap and enthualaam. and the m wi bv no tneam a one-aided af fair, i The visitors played an aggres alve game at all times, ad kept the Concord boys on their mettle. n.nin. AM forward for Concord waa the mainstay of the loeala when i nahi tn Betting the scores. He State and Ldcal Officials. BREOEIIISIIWS OFTHE V IRKOFTIBTME They Have Occupied the Bar racks, theTown Hall, the Telephone i 'Office and the ' Banks of the City. .. . HAVE MACHINE GUNS IN THE MARKET PLACE The Statewide Cotton Ware house System Introduced in (General Assembly Today by New Hanover Man. BILL TO RAISE judges. Salaries '- i Bill To In n. Qiw in the Barracks House Passes w,. nuarmed bv Work- crease the Pay of Jurors in ers.A General Strike Has Been Proclaimed. i . . . -rU aio fannm ttf ah. wasmn.!. . -f r"T" V I" I w,u rWhfc uru : roreinz raviuiuvn ,ii.-y . re: v.tuianti left mara tinder consideration by offlCiaia oi uie -S., Tenlhg the local quintet Department of Justice ana wlU meet the fast team of the Char. ;,i UovhnnA Rurean but atepa to ere- r " "Tf", . t inMtAaanela.: j'te ...enforcement UST bur The g; wmrtTrt at taken till CongreRB has. had time non duiiuiuk t,act on pemUrig t&T,n jui be one. of the big.gafflea of the flThlc IlllMkflll 11(1 W ILHB . ailUHV . vw I m. fta - - '. Amsterdam. Jan. 22 -Th 'f nmiMi la virtually in the banda oi Serkmeraccordtog to a dlapatch W the Berlin Lokal Anlger from i the iwmui aeaport. ine w"-"t Capital to $2 Day-Dog Bill Introduced. RvW.T. Boet, Raleigh, Jan. 2.-enator Cooper a statewide cotton warehouse system jvaa Introduced into the General Assembly today by the New Hanover man. and have ... the feature of a snort session J. . agenta wM could be; ass gnea tquor . tfiNTUBY.. tAi.rinn .lariwvinn inciuuiim w uww - . ..-. ..w.m . r 2 J it if I a vr mow rmiMiTN hi ii iub U Ur.U,rtheforte would by ftfai A? R, to be enlarged by several times to tf- ta geeon4 Attelripi t Bod Life, fectually enforce nationwide pronioi- ,( delDbia ReCofd. Hon. The Department . of Justice , also PhBedontllyed- bla stands ready to ?"n?J"-f friends f redeHck Laytoil, 100 J l .A nflWkKiiiitinn Miiorcement "t . . Am vtvi i 1 3 niontns oia, yesierunj wmuug If deemed necessary. J -. mied suicide by banging hlfflaelf from with the auamented government . . XI -rt mltu ut. nand. force devoting Its entire efforts to pre. TUn, Frtnk Gilbert. No. 1428 venting thp manufacture and sale of ' J gtreet ggr agb;he at. llqnors, however, offldals d n,g fe fcy cuttlng his Kib nf the enforcement work would il"r,. .. .-.i meka in St. !?."!LtUfn:,J1n,,d noi Mary's Hospital, hovering between life ... n, V m.vr the country thorough. I netn.i rauM 'Mi ased V rt onerate In those dts- ."-".T.T W. hvliie tricts where local officers seem unable nnafteCted. in BppearaM he or unwilling 10 euirvw i "" hooked about 6 year oi age. ri -r-riv I .... ..ho. Ma home. Shor. A.,i. ... thS fart that the prohU I" l" .Ho.1lr .'In b.tlon menKure Is a Federal act might m mntVetl1lg and waa- aWay Ih, interpreted In some i states which r He w.5 a famni.r flttre never had referendum of prohibition. I?-neighborhood.. and on the occa. throwing the ouraen oi "M.lon of hfs hundredth Wrthday a neiRru uerman . . ' hall. I mhinh TlnnubUcan asd uemocraca w occupied the tarrncta. he town 11, U Wch wlthout wU. the teleonone oui l r have oosted machine guns ',"-"--t. v. ived tbs MIL and et place nd lnPc rwere ot Court Judges It had started tne di pTovYd-ng the codification of lw mm .u.i k ma AnmmiRsion. Senator Haymore, Surry, . KePub"cn- h t.H. with his fathers, had smitten 'the proponent of the law to accept .... inn Inrors of one mind. The House wae ready to adjourn when i. .oiro.i . torn nuestlons. Turner, ot Mitchell, republican, was listening to his Dioooea " his county, and bad it passed at the u.nnd reading. GoltRW uuniora. . Midlers In the barracKS disarmed by the wrtew. SJrtte M Webkncl , and Bosa liUiemberg, a msm.. 5aW The factories have closed and traffic "topped. RUSS1AH SI7UM10H IS BEiHG DISCUSSED WINEC0FF HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. We ff$E& TeXr ct,ltthhenMnasolTe "of all Incon. many ..., - enjoyable usually atten uu. .. .. - ?roJnJ; twin babies In the! -rrdlnatin.r the oil In. Did inr " unci the - ..j ws.,ihlv n. -si ranu ir v-i t onoof nn i pnnnnieiiu shh" point. Here snch thin:s aa JJ tne number and expense of the H55-.!S rulrf)er balls and other ('U'"K' Minority Lea.ler W.Ulams came suspicious anu ik-"" - be read. It wasn t a parwr ?Se giris left the galleries Fearing that Mr. Turner waB swapp ng sainted breeds of klne, Gold stopped lt, and lt Weill uvtri. .- . ,.Dt (Phu. nmehnm OUl lllianim"""'.' Marshal Foch Present at the Meeting of the Supreme! Council of the Peace Con ference This Morning. ALL OTHER MEMBERS WERE PRESENT ALSO The Council Continued the Formation of the Concrete Proposal on Russian Situa tion, It Is Assumed. (By The Awoclate Prew.) . Paris, Jan. 22. When the Supreme .ho Tuuia inference met this morning there were present In ad- dltlon to au tne meuio - dl. Marshal Foch. allied commander ta 1.- wnnil. his chief of staff. Sea Lord or tne jnniiru It was assumed ir ",,r I of these military and naval "Jere that th7Bulan situation on the Baltic and to the land front was discussed. The council continued the formula tion of its concrete proposel on tne Russian situation which was announc ed yesterday, and It was hoped would be completed today. . N W F. Massey. the premier of ew . :.,t orith the council Keaiana. w i""" for a short time. Supreme Counrll t onsiocrms . Paris. Jan. 22. The Supreme Coun- Testlmony Given Today Before the In terstate Commereo Committee, ,? , (By The iwtUH' Vwrnm .. Washington, Jan. 22.-The Jjaeof water route to relieve crowded rail road lines, consolidation of ticket offi ces; unification of termmala, and pool ing of repair anopa were time reform Instituted by the railroad administration, endorsed as worth oi continuation by Julius KruttscUnidt. chairman of the Southern Pacific, a testimony today before tto Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, nr. Kruttschnldt appeared In "upport iia looH.iiiHrm nropoaed Dy the AssocUtlon of Railway BxeeuUvee, and waa the first of aeveral prominent railroad offlelala whom the committee ?.5SLi of enutoment f or aU railroads under .alontrol pro posed by the rauroau i:.. ..i Kw Mr Kruttschnldt to ne WBB D J inadvisable. ' HOTE OF THE BmW-l British Requested ' German Government To Refrain From Further. Provocation- of the Polish Population. examiners Minority things, were can ht on fr salaries and no misooHit" receipts from I , i,no ' nervlce. He was Tneourboths and the slxteer . , bfection stopped t, and he hnM was 55; a part of this will e "ul- Batl8fled with his first ef- SSSMT!,; . iehool room clock, and "icu nowii thQUgh not MiPPorted by local popular op.!.. ? k tf povernraent officials believe tout "mj' I ..ff) fbUower- ot the., race ,relwal aeency .must wrcise. whWJ igaH. JX loaoneyTtt;jv ure ot ubpervMon "oyerlh. law n-,atlw tears. He was born U Eng. "- forcement. Vmalnder for other Improvements. b7 a day. the W'""CT-i.oil Bnld for less than 'y8.;' 0., thn b 11 increasing None oi iuo ' them I n"""." " . . ,A . iurors pay, in wpinu.awi - -lay and mlleago. and tin a W with l.i.J veniremen not taken. i aw, i1 avl MHT.'tUI ma.' Willi'. t , . ... . , of them One boy tor-... two dollars and several brought lour o..- . of pent 14 anu nu '-""-- -- . annii Bl, e, S Jf wany igBBg.ww- , , to nave a v". and several CHAPIN GETS LONG SENTENCE Pleads Guilty "to Wife Murder in the Second Degree. A 20-vear to life prison sentence was given Charles B. Chapln, former city editors of the New York Evening World when he pleaded guilty to wife murdei irroa January 14. before 111. 1UO btvviiu " Jurflce Weeks in the Criminal Branch - of the Bupreme Court. Chapln la now 60 years old. . ' He killed his wife In her sleep, Bep . tember 16 last, giving the reason tha. S he did not wish her to suffer hardshlpr he felt were, coming because of flnan clal difficulties, A commission pronoun ced him legiilly sane and H along h' has Insisted that he wanted to pay the - death penalty. Chapln received bis sen Fence with a smile, a alight twitch.,,, of the Hps being the only sign of own 'tion:. ,. -. :'.vy-'v' :, ;. . MILLS GO ON 8H0BT TIME Textile Conr-m Employing W.WO tc Work i M It ours m ' v H... Jan. 18.--Begtn- nlng next week the Amoakeag Mills, employing 15.000 textile worker wM be operated on a achedule of hftuT . . .-iinr to an official an- nout today. The milla wlU open at 6:4.Va, m. and dose at !n-. T." ceneral trade conditions due to the wadjustment period were pre. "' i lala as the reason trSj; .,n In onmmon' with ohv New - England mll the JjjJ rfnel reouewts of workera tor I ttf iri ... . . K i.t Innrt. and Cftme tO inw COUUiry 80 years aga He did not come downstair -tor , i.a. iaataAv mornlna'. and MT. Gilbert went up to his room to awefl him. She found him dead on ttafWor. r. 4 at-aiti mi called, and alq taat he had apparently died several fcottrt NEW FACE FOR BO Hospital Surgeom Work t Vktlm bf . .: SlMgUnr AeioetM, v Titt-i. ion ift. Winnipeg hos- pltal physicians are making new t a for 8 year old Edgar Forbes. ofJBath well, Man. The boy'a face. was reduced to .pulp .when ne was m -- -- ueigii. nvery uvu- - -. J" . " .ibo. and are preptt-- The experiment win ras a buw.-. aave "'' ""-- rk during tne Wa iiad olnnneo n.0..1""" "...H ere heartily ap- Sas a whole was ver. nUCHDy a 1H have been been rair our -y-'i" . ir.rX'o,ahTve another box tse't:11, rBHn duv. The Juniors troduced his bl-ennlal dog bill, his fa forite amusement since 1895. DB. CALDWELL RESIGNS THE COTTON MARKET Showed Renewed Nervousness Today- Covering Steadied rram (By ! Asel F- New York, Jan. 22.-The cotton mar ket showed renewed nervousness and irregularity during tf!" ing, but there was considerab e coyer lag with scattered buying w Wch gave prices a steady undertone. The open inir was 30 points higher to 5 polnte ."?".!. Ton.,.n ahowlne maximum 'Tn ,rlrseUlng at 25.40. There GERMANS EXPRESS;. SURPRISE AT REQUEST They Say Thaejhe B'rftfai Government Is Inadequate ly Informed, jas: to lErentt :. Occurring; In' the East Amaterdanv Jo. 22.-repiyto British note TWiuesun u eovernment to refrain- from further provocation of theroiiau In east and west PrnMUn. ana ftiiMlA. the German gu pmwlTSta ff!f.' the German eastern frontiers depend upon the peaco U' ference.The German surprise at the reaue-t to refrain froo dl of the penco confereiK-e this morn f" LrteVed the l'."lish question and derided to send a mission 1 This announcement was made in tne official statement of the proceedings of the conference. .,,. wi,aon A proposal from i-it-n.... ... -- dlscusel tnis ew.m.i,, added. GIBSON MILL NEWS. Numerous Personal Note From This Section oi tne vhj. W. D88."' JZi rvidson Sunday Heuunx "' 7w.rM. H Lee "d spent the day with Miv It ,W "priEte Lewi- Furr. of Camp Jack .rZ,tt the week.eml here with his daf in Charlotte where they took their little son Eugene, for treatment. Mrs J M Crowell and Mrs. Lela Mr8-. wmer City, hav. Ye"Z : to the bedsi.le of were further notices estimated at wu uIP"i. nd mTI the reaueat "can bales, however, aud the near months &Kb fo tho fact that tt Mon eased off undr scattering liquida- only he JJ iMdaMWf ia,- ; ttTand selling at 25.05. or n5 potaU net BriUsh go , lower. Uer months were tofluracMW German note declare. Germany relatively firm cables , and LWerport "i ererTthlng to redreeB Poliah . , buying with March selling up to 24.00 . g and accuses the Pole oC. and May to 22.72 shortly after call, or gJ provoklng the German It about 25 potato net higher. posen Is in a Btat "l.111 Co ton futures opened fairly steady. G.rmaa P111. ' January, 25.351 March, 23.85 ; May. led tot p to the Geru govern. , 22 02 ; July, 21.70; October. 18.97. whlch ha, been forced to Ukj- t military measures to restore . . . . tji. ir. .h mmmitted treason and revolt, u . Yorkshire Coal neJd At "suffer ambitious Imperialism , BA aaa mar. mr ni ww htk. H morrow ido.owi I to reign supreme. London throui ... . w i- ,. ,1,. IWiiiia (Br th r"-' ,1 Events in upper oncwi, Jan. Xnt the United Kingdom is on the natlonal oestlonB; J d '""" - jjuu o-A tha rnrttL l J, Pmnii mere can w !?.r"-Sr. T naaonPoU-i ovnt shire coal fSTui of lnere- tomorrow ' .n. .re be- employment, whUe preparations are iult made .to Hootland for a general THIRTIETH IS RELEASED. As Member of Graded School Hcard influenza Situation uwcussea, The city School Board held its regu- caUe(, tnore to the i i...,, .vonimr at the otncei'"'. , .. ofMrlT At this meeting tneir ab)p , , k Usation of Dr. D. O.J Ca dwe 1 1 a,ter being oon ned to as a member or tne ooaru .o nU nome for several t. i.i in.i I rnnic I II in Biru vu . i . ... .. teu. .""-"---- ; .at 1 OI liine. . ,.,., .,,, nave cunt of . poor health, m u elected as a memoer oi iuj 1898.. and since tnat time ue in all more than thirteen years. ; i xflnnwH H. V. lano. Uaiiownj u.... MljQ Rftnnlp Unth ivfirrfii mm WAV, "UrdTpt d J22 Mrs; Edgar Brinkley Hunday In Charlotte the resignation. No successor nas y The influenna slfnation was review h the board. Although there are Mr. J. P. Flsner ami seriously 111 of lnlluenza at iu. " on narns . . hom8 Mrs. Fred Moweii "X" t. 1"""" iwtuiij, . .. TIW, nire.v - llv we rr'"L ni monld. they amy. wriH itwi w.... - i i Four demists, -f:s S ,rB atill making wotiderru. prw- " " ... anf ((!! I tioa and DemobUlratiao rennalitie. t emr.0;(W J:ir twent "MliWaaaf the cin-uig --7ln, A tor nim start home a TWW;,,!.? .Zrw ' Vriv dte. - - " - - ' It Is expected that the hoya w. TXP 0li!AMCSEMENTS 30th division will return vi ; TA'i?LL70TBE INCREASED f Chariesto . i-a Tfilr k. n,mn Jackson. Efforts to have im Conferee Agree I v'h Carolina boya aent to a cam. Former ueciswm. I, tiat BUte for muster oat nave w a7 m. A ctt p-- i, hen uMvaUlng and ao have local WathTnTton. Jan. 22-? 2K. orradJ to GoldBboro, Ra- , amusement mii. Wl other k- 'U" creased by M--, elr Today's aimouncemeu. ; . , . -eipt e?f a petition bearing thousands names f1 teen retaastd.-frcw these were not caused by the schools v e, a)ong ulcplyi we crease, in vucn , 771 tax I merely a ouesuon conferees decidedto W ttajg-je-t -JjW oUobiU-ation Amusement admission renm. ou, vav(aa. I Ml I " 1 . . I . . ' i .f na la TrviiiK V" - ... motb. . ' M tn IVirth was offered to the best literary ...mm the boy was brough ; to the which pIea9ed to have hospital his face was "nre5llt,L; WnI ol our friends visit us In our meet kwV. hn was sunk in. Both eye' any oi our irieu Buiarly every honM of nM tags, wnicu " nose w . . ai i - and after ? 'I"'. - TELEPHONE RATES' , .i hnt tne cases aeeui r j . nnn iwihk "c?"'"",.r.. children are giau "". , THa Hur. , certain iocnm. ""- 7 -1 Messrs. J. w. au"' " - in the habit of congregating and I Messrs t sppnt Saturday 7Zll Sunday here with Mr. C. C lo- the children, and they are nt home ae ,)ert Lucke, the infant son of Rev if there are any symptoms of illness, Q Lucke is real sick at IlA m h. fer In the schools fl.n" nUOnhnlmpr avenue. n irthe-hools were riose l and tner , they were aiiowea m ; Sunday with nis auni, m.-. --- .WrVl 'WOTFECT .ctTon-s taken by the VKerr st' f rn , The' hoy will hM '?-"-AMIt- oird, therefore, looking . toward the T. Honeycutt. of Gold Hill, although Vi&?r Exeep to Tiose Stotea Where Tnpo- closing down of the schools. the latter part of the week with an ;VhtTordav fW to nnlon lender however, are pmatm mtimaa -r . tintaa- order Exeepi iu d i.L rary Injunctions nave b-. Indiana and Mississippi. wuauo . tnll and Washington, Bnnr0ved "-j--.t MMTW lOng UIBIU1IW T,..-lMml win to" ? .te where tempo. ?rh"S,e oVber. The yeballB were not injured. PLANNING GREAT m tt , tnn.tcuv linwerer. are rheTbTvebndA billtatto , dwd In th Islatura calling for a general eigot nur IWanst, tiu r n 1 .,.. . . . T ri Ion ' JTA MlilLLlCLUU I IH 1111 . ' J??. "S".lwu".. .nnnneement was maae nnletelv destroyed Dy btb 01 iuC --frnm Minnesota ihnrtwaftertwo o'dockvttiU morning, unitea 7---, l.IT i rm irrnN COLLEGE IS DESTROYED Bl WeU Tlnown Female InatltuUon Was Burned Last; nigm.- The frM ' Ottleton. N. C Jan, '22. umecoo relatives here. TODAY'S EVENTS. rjuU.j.r Janimrv 22. 1919 vZHZZ ago toda, William Pt. ,t the founder of the bank of fcng land. club dues from mi 10 "mJ"." British Royal Family Mourn. Loss of Hinrs xouiito. iw. London, Jan. 20.-The Prince John, youngest sou "r'p.tricr and Commander Iliuvo . PW OI r n,oo,f TUP V1811. Ul r WaTeV to Paris has been cancelled. ai j jl .Alln orince, born of the whole naiiuu. -- , h, ntire royal household, and Chicago, Jan. 21 .-Tho j JThls announcement was made ii.k ha taonrotitrV .-:thSbof!., r Oreene ot Tadkin College Nortn , .S wh'o say. that Midlers are Immediately please iwan the training "'rtll during the pnttag oo seriously interfere with prooucuw. the iarmsu..- , "miMm. Bays In A.?L" t-rtrall ableodl UOiaT , -..i;!Ln32riSK."cK. The "-, tunator Bln' Greene is so -JonaM, with TO cui.c. - I. lie OI cue rutiiu - . had luneriiu . where Ufe- He oWATZraaat the housenoju . wiiaont left after president -and Mrs. Wilson iew., a"eJ..,fTHi9 lllnesB was protracted. for Tarls. His limesB and for some Miutfrn . . . .i .... An official Duiieun ...:..l ..... ' ' " ' relief. ' J ': ' '-"? 1 HI UU11CIU1 , after 5vo oVHockvttiU morning. United States aenaior iroa, who .once tafaney nau . , " g. Secret Wtoba 1 n.in-lP Rcotnna.'jan. I the raising vi , ... i,t,. rates wouia un. I conauiueu i.hi I Thn annual eenerai --- Dun lee. Bcotnnd. ' Jan. I the raising v....i.iii' h nrlt'ah Minister 01 aiu-1 . VMra. dtlmuL wr- eo heckled by the : omen UUonB of hefore whom he spoke in. . ma noiur campaign, tnar u? .. France " " 7fc mimlonary -era only a man. not c mllliona. will bo to 'home mWlm Til. audience wa composed, wcluslve- k ana . like sum to tha foreign - - . j Lkbiinir nrnoMi 1 4- iiintntr frnom of a four nnicklv . anread. - ana story uiuu'vij- m - .j consumed all buildingaol : the school. tral Railroad Company will hold their ..i m(tlnir today at Albany, N. Y. " , nr r nt The annual genera, ci ; states-Indiana ana Uurance. . - j- the id be had not "f" ,- ..I The college was cuuu ------- XI PT iU I . Vlll v..---- - s the women to stop qniaming "fi ted to end tomorrow. sharply iney nuuii . porting hl candidacy. 5 v ' v : ifvnM. 'm tmsus of Nations, : - .V- mi ir..JiiHnn id.1 . jii .inort everywhere iney gSm.t"oTJ ,.,. .1,1 into touch with eachl .. . . , 0rth of Seneca turnea in I la the oniy - - . that has .held ruii .war. -.;r.n-1 ot Senatof ami Hundred, of head of cattle decision today ; enlo . . v f -attte have died 5" L.wn todav ; enlo the . restraining 1 -.a nmnr-lAV "urw.; Situation" will be dlaedat t'he 28th annual Tuskegee Neero Conference, opening tolay at Tu8kegee.-Alabama. - . riniiiiwi or a nauuuni and proposals for the creation of a new Pcam7et office to be taowj, . the ftocretarv 01 Marine win u -""----at Tconference of shipptag men to be bTrne mequcnt and severe, p. ed away in nis a.-f- WOMEN WANT A PLACE In Bodies Created for Putting Into Et 1MB SICB. ,:, ..1 . Jan. SOWhlle.iiotB. land, 01 . and Premlera againsi r '-tio. no concera , is rf,..5?.S?tK Proaidenf. ' JThTwomen f.'it Paris, Jan. " ,nd special Prf" "talk." " 1 ' ka Biven a Place to safety from attalK. - tm.T be" created foOUtttagr tbe awwai-j" Uheidcaof.H an lnjuncii, r- -natralnlngt ; -- (By m . opened in wuiuS, wLnn today ; mto -tha .restraining 1 22. President I ur reinventions Opening Today, Neorass-a r Mt iorc. will Into touch mother next week. Jeon : head of the rrencb organiaatlou. Vls- : count Bryoe. of the Brltleh. 40wr - 8 Btranas, representing mcrii, wiifer for this purpose: V V 1 - No Reduction In Freight Bate, j ,. A .Wf r'Ji'i . Washington, Jan. 22. Director Gen- 1 in. u tndav that present in. rtipittona nointed to a reduction of the '. freight traffic, this year,, and conse-.- qnentlv he dM not expect any -great . r-!'irt!i.n In (he gnpral level cf rate- . . 1 v 1. winTor nnnx wu . in a few hours. The cattle Oie quiuaij . . " i,k to ne no rent - - - . ':' . - .nnnnnced Under tne e - ...gi,. . ..in there will be a paste 11. kiMno murnKv " . . ..li mnv .-7-- " I--, am tn mianiKui that" how and 4 :30 0 .ewea 5 .,. morning. 2 . ' rec0mmended "rf tha committee on 1 In tne ion y.ir jl nnrlnson M !UwSuldUVtoa-l .taU and long dlstonca charges over tne couiiuj. ... - ... i t'.- ,- -Former Senator OHvtrDd. : the dieeasa.. . ' - V- ... v . II , , .;L,ao.;i. ; .; 11 J '; .." ' lmnorta'-t VnVri.:"''; II ' All 1 cf t ' I- "U Or- f Wilson's failure te remove restrictions iiBuu in American crTtK to thernate.today hrSen- ator Jones. 01 Vw r-'to-'Tiaair Educa uu : I - ijeuiri - , m.hwI it. uniustiflable, criminal." Such a policy, nnLr compels ' sn,py Jan. "-r C 22.---Formcr or T. Oliver t ...i. Mutinnni Conference of r.... n.-nroitnmni1 Association. Dlr. rrtvrwestern AssocUtlon :kW Mlil nntLt.Hni rn nraomtivA iTniOll. to suspend I ptniodelphla fennsyivama TXrthrowing. thoutaiids of men lumberman's Association. S&oSat in con- r indianapolls-Betail Lumber Deal-teta-betait awarded to tirffl to other I era' Ass)ciatlon of Ij tractt being awaroea to , - "--r rrAta , Implement countrleB.-.v,,;:-.Vi.,. '''jC;f-a;aV,'., , ...i.nnn:...,"'".W'',:i M - ..ivsnra OP THEl .Albany. N. Y.-NewTork State Tax, m a resu.uwj. . , Uon of Presiaeni " ;7h, United States Becret conference by .an crack men of tho Cnlteoo Mnrphy, during the war M MJ-- Tot W0 aJ Ian 22.Prealdnt. Wilson Paris, JW:,- are In com- M ?"l-X;i;n. to hare aU ?lnltaar, to the icgu vice, -my " 7::.. . v.w. au 1 V'l'i,nt S Ttirra pr declare, and ara a nr members present at .--IP" .vi(lence of a- FARrllSCALE TN "MADAM : WHO." j IN, SEEN KEtJua. ? . c . , The A?bevill-Chs rlotte r- trav- ' ! j,. -., v I r PICTt'PES.- OFFERS ;THl . s, P. BU7Tww:-iTillPEB, Pastor

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