J. - . ; Plag9Two. THE CONCORD DAILY. TRJBUNB Friday, June 0, 1910. f J It; if - if I- rr- 5. i J v 4. r i'' t V i . 1 & HAPPENINGS IN OUR NElCH- $ 9M , BORING VILLAGES. l ' - BOST MILL "'" lust to let' the people know that General Green did not catch me, 1 will drop in a few lines. Mr. anfl Mrs. S. L. Host and fami ly and Ming Annubcll Furr, of Con cord, visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Plott Sunday evening. Miss Llla Bust spent last Saturday nlidit With Miss Tossie Iscnhcmr. Mr. ami Mr. Will BiRffers and two daughters, .Misses,. Shellie and Ben luh Biggera, and Miss Pearl Bigger spent a few hours last Sunday evening nt the home of Mr. und Mrs. It. O .8. Miller, of Concord. Miss Elisabeth Biles spent last Sundnv with Miss l.cnna Hurtsell. Miss" Sallle Plott spent lust Sutur duy night in Concord wilh Miss Anim bell Furr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kite-hie and family, of Concord, spent last Sunday with her sister. Mis. .1. E. Biggers. Mr. Nelson Bust spent last Sunday with Mr. Holiert Bost. Mr. and Mrs. H. !. I.itnker and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. ti. Bost. We were clad to have Mr. and Mrs Jim Ilarkcy. of Kn una polls, hack with us asaiii Children's Day at St. Taul's church. We hope they will eoiue again soon. Messrs. Frank, Lynn and Worth Plott went seining last Tuesday uinl caught a nice string of cat lish. Mr. Wheeler Love made a husiness trip to Bost Mill lnstflnturdav. I.1TTI, K(!IKL CROSS ROADS. The farmers are liusy hauling their Krain, getting ready to thresh. Mr. and Mrs. (: II. Alliu m spent Tuesday in Charlotte. Miss Thelma and Clyde Ilni-tiii-in spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lent Watts. Mr. anil Mrs. B. K. Wilson and children anil Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Un spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luth er ('line. Mrs. Frank Tike, of Liberty, anil Mrs. Paul Coodman, and children, of fJold Hill, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. (i. W. Watts. Mr. Homer Allnnm and Mr. Homer Fink have gone to Concord to work. Miss Daisy Watts sp-'iit Saturday night and Sunday wit 1 1 .Miss Lena Watts. Kov. Mr. Tosh preached an exi-el lent sermon last Sunday. Mr. Kllis Trontinan. who accidental ly shot himself, has returned hum from the hospital. We are glad t have hiui hack again. I'.KOWN EYE. RLMKK. The crops are looking very well, hut are needing rain badly. Mr. Kllis Troutman has returned home after being at the Salisbury hos pital. He is improving nicely, we an glad to say. Messrs. Ernest. Hubert. Kirby. Ma rie ami Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cress, of Salisbury, visited Mr. John Carter's last Sunday evening. Little Martha Cress is Improving:, we are glad to sny. There will be preaching at Prosper ity next Sunday at 11 o'clock by the pastor, Kev. John Moose. Mr. Jacob Safrit began threshinll wheat last Wednesday. There will be an ice cream supper nt Mr. H. B. Faggart's next Saturday. June LMst. Everybody come and bring well tilled pockets. Mrs. D. M. Faggart is on the sick list. "Aunt" Betty Safrit is improving, we are glad to note. Miss Helen Cress is taking music from Mrs. (Ipha Brown, of Concord. There will be an entertainment at Itimer the 2Nth of June. Everybody come. The Missionary Society will aieet next Sunday after preaching ami those who are behind with their fees will please pay up. Everybody Is invited to attend. SE.MOH. CONCORD, ROl'TE 3. A number of Tioys anil girls gather ed at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Ilaynes on Saturday evening. June 14, and gave Mr. Pink Ilaynes. who has just returned from France, a surprise party. Those present were: Misses ltuby Sapp. Lola Ellis, Bobbie Cooke, Murlll Shinn. Sadie Cooke. Margie Troutman. Ila Cook, Jennie Sides, Hthel Cooke. Willie Meta Sapp, Verda Cooke. Margie Dayvanlt, Martha Sapp, Hilda ('(Hike, Ila Maye Pless. Myrtle ('(Mike, I.illie Ilaynes, Mardecia Dav vault. Until Brantley. Vera Sides. Myrtle Ellis and Nina Ilaynes; Messrs Walter Drye. Otha Patterson, Ernest Ilaynes, Kay Earnhardt. Clarence Pat terson, Leroy Fisher, Welker Pless., Mellaril Kriniminger. Marvin Patter son, William Hurlocker, Lee Ilaynes, l narne i: sapp. uenrge Safrit, Mar Tin Cooke. Dudley Sapp, James Clnr ton, drover Arthurs, John Funilerburk. Fred Nelsler, Roy Stirewalt, Chalmers Krimminger. Oscar Hurlocker, Kay mondTroutman. Pink Hayues. White Troutman, Harvey Ilaynes. Wade 8a frit, Otto Dayvanlt and Lewis Barn- hardt, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sapp and Children, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Blackweliler and children, Mr. and Mrs. Aaaron Cooke and Messrs. P. M. and O. H. Sides. After playing some interesting frames they served cake, , fruits and candy. All reported a nice, time and we wish Mr. Ilaynes many more such parties. There was a large crowd at New Gilead and Kellar Sunday to bear the orphane. -':- Misses Lola and Myrtle Ellis spent a- while Bnnday evening with Misses Robbie and Sadie Cooke. ' Messrs."- Ernest Hayties and Ray Bernhardt spent a few hours Sunday evening near Rimer, -k - . Mr. Robert Patterson,' who has re cently retained from France has op wed his 1lackmtth shop at Mr. Char lie Misenheimer's hi No. 5 township. V! Miss Murlll Shinn spent Saturday Jilltht with i ber. cousin, Miss Ruby Happ.' . '' 4, '-!. : We rr glad to note that Mr; Ellis Trontmafl. who shot himself accident - alt? May ;20tb, was able to go te hi home. Saturday, . after being, at the Whitehead Stokes Sanitorlum since the accident happened. Ws wish for him a speedy recovery. TEMPEST. R. F. D. 8. . The people are. all through with their harvest and are working their crops. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sides, Miss Eu genia Ellis, Mr. Henry Ellis spent Sunday evening at Mr. W. 1). Cooke's. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Blackwelder nnd children spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Rlackwelder's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilaynes. The young people of It. F. I), a gave Mr. l'lnkiiey Ilaynes a surprise party Saturday night, June 14, 11)11). Miss Merial Shinn spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Riih?Napp. Mrs. Clarence Safrit, of Mt. Gilead, Is spending some time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shive. Misses Lola and Myrtle Ellis spent a while Sunday evening with Misses Kobie and Sadie Cooke. DARLIN'tJ. NO. 3 TOWNSHIP. Mr. Smile Siuies and family and Mr. Mack Sillies and family spent Sunday with relatives in Enochville. Mr. W. It. tioodnight and Mr. C. L. Johnston made a business trip to Char lotte one day last week. (lilwood and 1'nity crossed bats on the 1'nity diamond. The score wns N to 7 in fvor of Ollwood. Mrs. Marvin Knox has ls-en spend ing some time with her mother, Mrs. John Smith hi No. .'( township. liss Virginia Hartsell and Mr. Frank Hartsell spent last Sunday eve ning in No. 1(1 township. Mr. and Mrs. Potter spent Saturday and Sunday w ith .Mrs. C. 1!. Harris. Mrs. C. A. (iooduinn anil little daugh ter. Elizabeth Joy, spent one evening last week at the home of Mr. J. Frank (I Inian. The club mis-ting boys of No. .'! gave the young ladies an ice cream supper on last Friday night. Those present were Misses Ila Earnhardt. Blanch Johnston. Irene ISruinley. Cora and Hulli (ioodnighl, Annie Morrison, Esther Seaford. Virginia Hartsell; Messrs. Lloyd, Earl and Fred Allison. Clyde and Otto Goodnight. Fraifk Scott and Boyd Hartsell, Robert Har ris, James Morrison. Allen Harris. All reported a nice time. We hope to have another party pretty soon. Mr. Rich Poplin is not improved at this time. Mr. C. I.. Johnston and Mr. Otto Goodnight spent Tuesday evening in Charlotte. Tl'LIP. HIGH BLOT. In need of a good shower as crops are going back fast -t fw clays, are beginning to make ar- We ar f rain, n the la People rangeiueiits for threshing. Some are at it now. Mr. Cecil Nussman. of Greensboro, spent Sunday with homefolks. Mr. 1-'. o. Drye has trailed Ids Ford car for a Maxwell touring car. Messrs. Floy Melehor. Sam Bar ringer and Chester Nussman. of Sal isbury, spent the week-end at home. Corporal Shellie J. Lent., of the Ma rines stationed at Cuba, has received his honorable discharge, and is now al home. How glad are we to see the boys return after serving their coun try faithfully. Messrs. Bret Bangle. Guy Lipe and John Moose spent Sunday evening in Stanly. Mr. Clarence Drye Is improving, af ter iyi attack of the mumps. Mr. Ray Drye spent Saturday night near Liberty. The ice cream supper at Mr. J. W. Drye's was attended by a large crowd and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Rev. H. A. Trexlcr preached an extraordinary sermon at St. Stephens Sunday evening. Mr. Jim Schenck. of Rimertown. spent Sunday evening In No. 7. The Young Peoples Missionary So ciety of St. Stephens will render a play entitnel "Topsy Turvey" In the near future. The date, characters and place will be announced later. Mr. Wyatt Moose is back on his old job after a cast of mumps. c were indeed glad to Have our roads scraicd. but what a blessing It would ne to Have the rocks removed Mr. Wade Drye spent Sunday niirht at air. v. i). Melehor s. WHEMISER, CHINA GROVE R. 1. The farmers of this community are through harvesting their wheat and oats und are busy fighting general green. There will be preaching at Phaniels church Sunday evening ut three o'clock. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carter nnd chil dren spent Saturday night with Mrs. Carter's brother, Mr. M. A Troutman. near Concord. Mr. Albert Carter has purchased a new buggy. " Mr. I. M. Troutman Is not improv ing, we are sorry to note. Mr. W. D. Troutman made a busi ness trip to Concord Saturday. ' PATIENCE. BEAR CREEK. The farmers are through with their harvest and have gone to threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Earnhardt and little son, Marvin, spent Sunday even ing with Mrs Earnhardt's father, Mr. D. J. Fisher. Mrs. Mule Blume and children are spending a few days with her father, Mr. W. A. Lyerly. Messrs. Henderson! Lester Coley and Ira Barliee, of Stanfleld, were visitors at Mr. D. J. Fisher's Sunday evening. Misses Mary Lee and Josie Lyerly and Dor Eudy spent Sunday evening With Misses Dfiyle and Odessa Fisher. Miss. Nala Burlocker spent : Sunday evening "with Miss Sarah towder. Mr. Will Eudr snent Saturday -In Mt. Pleasant on business. , - The. ice ' cream snnoer Eaturdav night at Mr. Adam Eudy 'a was enjoy ed by all who -were present. Venns-we have yon best on thresh ing wheat. Mr. John A.;- Rowland threshed abort 300 bushels' June , 18. If roil can beat' that trot it ont. A large crowd front far and near spent Sunday at Carolina White Sul- phnr Springs v---; '--w.. ;-.-, ;''-;'.,'. Miss- Znla' Hurlocker snent' Satur day bight with her; sister. , Mis Note Hurlocker at- Mr. -A H. Bides'. . j Mrs. Andrr 'Hatward and- daurhter. SHsa Nellie,, spent Saturay in. Alhe- marie on business. Don't you worry Cabarrus Route 1. Bear Creek will be right along with her items. FARM GIRL. ROBERTA MILL. Mr. Culdwell Hatley, who has been sick for some time, is not improving, we are sorry to say. Mr. Theodore ami Eflle Kiser, Miss es Minnie aud Baxter Riddle were the guests of Mrs. Carrie McCall Tuesday. Mr. Dave Ballard and family have moved to our village. Mr. Ballurd has charge of the Roberta mill. Miss Minnie Riddle spent Saturday with Miss Edna Kiddle. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lipe, Miss Erne and Marvin Kiser spent Saturday night aud Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Neshit, of Salisbury. Mr. Mack Verble and (laughter, Miss Mae, and Mrs. Carrie McCall were Concord visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Mason, Mr. George Mason, Mr. Will Propst, Mr. Zeb Cochrane, Messrs' J. J. Gant Charlie Shoaf and Charlie Verble were. also Concord visitors Monday. Mr. D. W. McLemore and family left Monday for Burlington, where they will make their home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McLemore and family regret very much to see them lea ve. Misses I.um and John Riddle and Miss Erma Riddle spent Saturday night and Sunday at King's Mountain Mrs. John Riddle is spending some time with her parents at that place She is expecting to return home as soon as the bnbv is able to make the trip. It is suffering with a bud attack of whooping cough. Mr. Carl Blackwelder threshei wheat the 12th or June. enus, can you beat that? Hr. Patterson was called to our vll lage Tuesday. Mrs. Crowell, of Charlotte is spend ,ng a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lee Foster. Mrs. Annie J. Cochrane has been on the sick list. Mr. Lee Foster has also been sick. Mr. Charlie Shoaf and family have been calhil to the home of Mr. Shoaf s father, who is very sick. Children's Day will be observed a Kairview the fifth Sunday. Mrs. Lula Blackwelder and cliil (Iron spent Monday with Mrs. J. W Kiser. Sugar Lump, we are not sorry to say we are not lighting General Green These days are too long and hot. RED ROSE MISSION. The mumps are a thing of the past we are glad to sav. We wonder what will collie along next? Of course we are not to know that. About the time the "tin" cleared up, the mumps li its place. Mrs. II C. II. Reid lias been very ill the past week, but is improving some. Miss Lizzie Crayton. of Charlotti spent the week-end with home folks. There was a large crowd attended service at Mission Sunday. There will Is' Suulx-nm exercises held at Mission the fifth Sunday June, beginning at 10 o clin k a. m preaching service ill the afternoon. Ev erybody is invited to come. The pray er meeting services here are real gisxl Rev. T. C. Stalliugs spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. M. II. Herriu. Miss Essie Almond spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. Ephralm Lambert. R. W NO. 7 TOWNSHIP. The fanners are through harvesting and are busy in their crops. Mr. Will Cruse, of Albemarle, I: spending this week with home folks. Miss Annie Moe Blackwelder is right sick at this writing. Mr. F. O. Dry has presented himself with n new Maxwell. Messrs. Arthur Culp and Jim Mar shall made a business trip to Faith Saturday eveuing. Misses Carrie and Dora Malirey spent Saturday night with Misses Ver da aud Iteiilah Flowe. The ice cream party that was held at Mr. Jim Dry's Saturday night was enjoyes by a large crowd. Mr. Clarence Dry is confined to his bed with a case of mumps. Mr. Willie Mahry was a pleasant visitor at Mr. John Holland's Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. S. Barrier and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culp. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Iloneycutt spent last Sunday with Mrs. Honeycutt's mother, Mrs. J. II. W. Eudy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arthurs, of Char lotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Eudy ff Mt. Pleasant spent Sunday with Mr. Eudy and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur's mother, Mrs. J. H. W. Eudy. Master William Arthur is spending this week with his grandmother. Mrs. J. H. W. Eudy. Miss Annie Barrier spent Sunday evening with Misses Verda and Beu lah Flowe. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bnrrlnger and two children, Ruth nnd Melvin, visited Sunday evening at Mr. Will Barrier's. Mr. Sam Barriuger socnt Sunday with hdme folks. BLUE EYE. ST. JOHN. Dr. and Mrs. Cox have returned from Virginia. They attended the commencement exercises of Marion Female College, of which the Doctor's sou is president. Three of his grand daughters were graduates. Miss Beuhltt Rldenhour. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. O. Ritchie at Faith in Rowan county, has returned home. Rev. C. P. Fisher, president of the Board of trustees of Mont Amoena Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, was In our neighborhood recently. Mrs. Fisher aud children are visiting among kins folk here. . s . '- Rev. G. O. -Ritchie, pastor at Faith Rowan county, spent a day with bis parentis,- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ritchie. His congregation St Faith has been in pastorate with immanuel congrega tion for a number of years. At the re cent meeting of the Lutheran Synod at Union church, the congregation was made independent, thus securing the entire -time or the pastor. Of the twenty-one young men of St. John cbnrch who' served the govern ment dnrfng the war, in the army fend navy,.-sixteen have returned to their homes, while five -are still in the ser vice .-overseas. " Two are in the navy. rinA meh have imtde Hiiwa frrlna nnt ft France and. back. Last Sunday Dr, I Cox Issued a pastoral letter to efceh of those who have returned, up to me present time,' of th twenty-one boys. only one has sustained any injury. That one is the son of Mr. U. F. Barn hardt. Mt. Voiirht Bernhardt. Lieut. W. W. Cox and family hive been vlsltlnS the Lieutenant's lather, Rev. Dr. Cox. He has just returned from France ami has been discharged from the .service. He was wounded &i the terrible fighting in the Argonne forest last October. The family has now gone to visit relatives in the New England states. A large congregation greeted the pastor at St. John church last Sunday. Mmiv visitant were nrcaent. The Women's and i'oung People's Missionary Societies of St. John church are preparing for a public mis sionary dav in the near future. Rev. Charles Rldenhour and wife are spending a day with home folks. Miss Beauiah ltidenhoiir had been called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. (1. O. Ritchie, of Faith, Rowan county, who is reported to be very sick. Mr. L. A. Rldenhour was so so un well as to prevent him from attending church last Sunday. uraTKi. CENTER GROVE. There will be a box supper at the Patterson school house Thursday night. June 10th. A program of much fun will he rendered. A general good time is looked- forward to. Ye good people stop your work a little earlier that evening and come out and enjoy yourselves and help a good cause. The supper opens at eight o clock. Should It lo raining Thursday night the pro gram will lie postiHiued until the next night, which will be Friday night. Mrs. Herbert Mora, of Anderson, S. C Is visiting her father. Mrs. E. M. Cook has returned home from Alabama, where she has been spending a few weeks with her daugh ter. Mrs. Ixiwder. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Castor Slid daughter Rebcxva, two small children Roliert and Sarah Frances, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Castor, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Castor, Mt. Harry Baruhardt and Miss Velma CaB for attended the orphans exercise St Keller church Sunday nfternoon. Mrs. II. A. Edilleman Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Holland, of Salisbury, Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Brown took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wine coff. R. ROWAN. The farmers of this community about through with their harvest. Misses I.illie and Efford Troutman spent Saturday night with Mr. J. M A. Host. Mr. J. M. A. Host, spent Sunday with Mr. John Trontmnn. Misses Llllie and Efford Troutman spent Sunday with Miss Elma Rit chie. Miss Effie Deal spent Sunday with Miss Betilah Deal. VIOLET. MT. OLIVE. Wc are needing rain lp our section. Mr. and Mrs. John Uoger are on the sick list. There will be an Ice cream supper at John L. Fink's Saturday night. June 21. Everybody is cordially 10 vited. Harvest is over and you will soon hear the threshers humming. WESTERN STANLY C. C. Burris spent the week-end in iVnsonvilIe. Roy Barliee spent Monday after noon In Albemarle. J. Yow and little daughter, Mary Grace, who. have been on the sick list, are improving. Mrs. Dock Love Is right sick. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Burris and daughter have returned to Badln. John Long swnt Saturday 'night and Sunday near Oakboro. Julius Barliee. has been right sick. FAITH. There will be a supper at Cicero Trexler's next Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. June 21st, given in honor of the two sons, Kay, who were in train iug at Camp Jackson, and George, who has recently returned from France. The public Is cordially invited. Misses Geneva Hess and Flora Brown visited Mrs. G. H. Weddlngton at China Grove, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Julian and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Julian spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Cecil Julian's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Brown. Venus has just tacked up in our town a description of the White Sul phur Springs, which opened for this season Jane littB. . Mr. Adam Basinger and wife, ode of our old soldiers, has gone to visit his daughter In Cabarrus Cotinty, Mrs. John L. Barrier and family. Misenheimer ft Company threshed Clover at G. C. Miller's, M. O. H. Fish er's, Will Csnup's and Charles Bar ter s yesterdav. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Miller, of Dun's Mountain, visited at G. C. Mil ler s Sunday. Kuykendall Brothers, the best stone masons in this section, have commenc ed work again on the granite church building since they got Dp with thelr crops. ! A is a great pleasure to reatt all the good' items, from all the correspondents. - .VENUS. - NO. 4 TOWNSHIP. There will be a box supper at the Patterson school Thursday - night, June 10th. We have a very interesting program. Everybody Is cordially in vited. ' The , girls bring boxes and the boys pockctbooks. They will sell refreshments. 'Mrs. Ed. M. Cook and daughter, Helen Cook, have "just returned home from - a four weeks' visit i with her daughter; Mrs.. H. S. Lowder of Ala bama. ' - , , !.."! " , - Miss Rebecca Castor spent Sunday with Miss Mary Castor. Mrs. Hubert Flora and, little Hu bert, of Anderson, S. C, are visiting borne folks, Hr. aud Mrs. W. A.' Castor. Miss Hanna Castor spent Saturday night with Miss (Bessie Wlnecoff, of fKannSpolis. Misses OUIe and , Annie Earnhardt spent last Sunday with Miss Anna Propst. Mr; and Mrs. D. B. Castor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cas tor. HUM BEAM,- ' SGt'TII E3WAX . Hr. David Williams mad a business trip, to Coarorw Saturday. Mr. Albert Carter has purchased a new bnggy. - Look out girls, h Is not bashful. ( . - , . Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Carter spent Bst aCday night wKfc Mr. Mauless Trout man. ' Misses Lltths and Efford Trtratmati vlsitsd Mr. J. M. A. Host Saturday night - Mr. Leon Wenstl ij spending a few days, with borne folks. Mr. M. Troutman la stll on the sick list, we ars sorry to note. The peopl ef "this community are going to give Messrs. George and Hay Trexler a supper Saturday evening. All are Invited to cone. . - Mr. Bernard Lents visited bis friend, Mr. Glenn Klutts, Sunday eve ing. Misses Llllie and Efford Troutman visited Mr. W, L. Ritchie Sunday eve ning. Misses Elmer and Battle Ritchie visited Mr. 3. B. Carter Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. JU M. Williams spent Sunday with M. J. M. Troutman, Mr. Ellis Troutman has come home from the hospital and Is getting along line. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klutts visited Mr. J. M. Clara's Sunday evening. There will be preaching at Organ church Bnnday at eleven o'clock. All are Invited. There will be preaching at Phaniels Bnnday afternoon at three o clock. - Mr. White Troutman spent Satur day In Conoord. Mr. Cllve Wllhelin spent Saturday night In Concord, SWEETHEART, LOCUST. Mr. J. E. Little has adorned bouse in a beautiful white dress. bis HeSUames Effte Shinn and Horace Dry, of GeorgevlUev were visitors here one day last wees. Private Earle H. Hartsell arrive! last Friday, baring received an lion ornble discharge from Camp Jackson. Kev. E. D. Teeter will preach special sermon at the Baptist church next (Sunday thorhlng. Rev. T. F. Stal liugs will preach the fifth Sunday morning. C. C. Honpycutt has purchased new Chevrolet. The mall will be de livered uu time now. Week end visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bass. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bost. of Conoord, Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Easley, of Albemarle, Mrs. Alex Dunn and children, of Oakboro. Mrs. Travis Burris and little daugh ter of Big Llc'k, spent Sunday after noon and night here. A most delightful occasion last Tues day was an elegant dinner given by Mrs. R. W. Simpson In celebration of her mother, Mrs. K. E. Hatley, seven tv-thlrd birthday. A sadder death has not ocurred in this section that that of Mrs. Fannie Moss, the vouug wife of John Moss and mother of a day and a halt oht infant. She waS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hatley and her death is mourned by a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services were conducted tJt Rev.. t. Basset, and the remains IBM., to,-rrsfr in the cemetery at Clarke's Grove church. The tiny Imby Is doing well, lelng reared by Mr. Moss adopted motner, Mrs. John Teeter. pet. PLTLER. Some of our farmers are having wheat threshed this week. Homer Furr. of AHiemarie, is spenu liia some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Furr. Miss Ola Blalock Is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Albert Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dabbs, Mr. anil Mrs. Jobn Haymer and families, of Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W Hornbnckle, of Albemarle, were Ban dar visitors here. Preparations are being made ior Chlldreji's Day at the Methodist church. The date will be announced later. i Witt Better Summer Than The Weak OM peopl who sni tobfe aod yoanisrBeoplawac art met. will bs Mrenataensa sad esssM to Solhmolh th tenmulnl bMt or Kramer by tas tes GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It portflw aoararfchM U Moot and baud ap th whole iTttna. YoacusooalMl lu Streatthenlnt, to- (rtftofaUiH effect. SOe. ., , . ... . . Thlnk! how useful a commercial truck body would be on your Ford. We can fit you out in a few hours. K. C. OVERCASITS SHOP fe-18-lmO. You will want to show your friends the places you visit-on your .vaca tion.; , s . ;',:AN.3ASTIAN,,r, KODAK .: Wui Do The trick -' , . - . C:l::i Cra $t:re TT3 RSULfi CTCZ3 ' savagery practiced - - by tvrxs Disclosed . fi-Ma.-j --. .-V j SJSSSaasasseieak'''- ' - 4" Story ei Armenian Girl Whe Was Cap tured by Turks, Most Horrible One. New" T6r, -Jnn-18.-i-One -of-tm most pitiful stories of savagery pract iced by Turks or Circassians upon the Armenian - deported during . the war from their homes Into the country at the Arabs Is told by Victor arsbab dlan, a girl of eighteen years. -Her story has been made public here by the , American 'Committee for Armen ian and Syrian Relief. The girl was the daughter of a well-to-do merchant who bad a shop In Constantinople and - another at Nevsher, , Turkey, where the whole family lived. ; Y, In her narrative to a British physi cian She said that her father and foui brothers were deported and that her father died while oh the Journey, from a blow Inflicted by a gendarme. Carry, lug their little fortune of 8000 pounds lp gold they were marched south to the vicinity of Deir-Es-zor (probably on the Euphrates river). There they found a great congregation of refugees, asid to number t.uuu ramiites. While ar Deir-Bs-Zor, Murad or Suvar, the girl said twenty Armenian priests were taken from among the refugees, bound, together, sent away and killed. In Abe river at Suvar she saw one hundred 4Mlies of men. Women and children some with their heads Oil. After collecting a ransom, the Mutes- sarif ordered the men Of the refugees brought before him "to sign a paper: The next day she said she saw the Circassians shoot down three hundred of them. Then the Mutesaarlf, Zeki Bey, ordered nine of the bodies of the Ar menians placed iu the road and drove his carriage over them. He-announced that he would kill all the male refu gees over two years old. Up to that time her brother has escaped death by briliery but he was taken away with others and on leaving said to his mo ther : "Mother, I am going to die. Give me your hand and I will kiss it. For give me anything 1 have done wrong to you. (loodbye. Her brother was shot before Victoria's eyes. She declared al ho that she saw Armenians killed by driving wooden stakes through them, that, two were burled alive by the Arabs and that eventually the Clrcas- slns began to kill all the women and children, with their knives. Her tie- soriDtion of this massacre is too aw ful to be told for she gives details of the fiendish, nuinner lu which it was accomplished. Afterward Victoria was separated from her mother and sent to the tent of an Arab where she remained for two weeks. In that period, she said, she taw two hundred small boys from Mes- keneh brought through Deir-Es-Zor to Shadadleh and saw these children kill ed in various ways und thrown or kicked into the river. She escaped from the Arab's tent, was recaptured by the Arabs with two other girls from Harput hut later was allowed to go her way. After a year and a half nhc reached Aleppo where her story was toiu. nne nas oeen in formed that her mother and One hro- ther escaped from the Circassians or Arabs, We Snail All Be Riding In Airplanes fretty soon Now. Literary Digest. It's hard to astonish American boys these days. "Look, son, there s an air plane!" said a naval officer, home on leave, to his seven-year-old a few day: ago as the youngster Was barncssiuM his dog to a cart. "Oh, yes," replied the sou, without looking up, "that's only the mail-plane." "Shades of the old-time circus and cotinty fair!" exclaims a writer in the Minneapolis Tribune, who tells the story, as he sees the old fashioned ballon-ascension paling into liiKlgnlncau.ee. Kverybouy s doing now, and almost every day there is a report of a new use to which some-, body is putting the airplane. Thus we hear of (ne air-cop, or modern fly-cop, who keeps a watchful eye on sundry miscreants in out-of-the-way places as only angels were formerly supposed to do. Then there is the air-cowboy whose scope of activities In much en larged by bis being perched on the seat of an airplane instead of ou the back of a horse. The forest rangers out West ate said to be Using airplanes to enable them to detect ores more read! ly. Then there are all kinds of scleu tlsts who are planning great things In the way of discovery by means of the flyihg-tnachuie explorers in tbo polar regions or in the tropics, per sons who are anxious to learn about 'the sjr and weather conditions, others who are curious about the laws oi gravitation, and still others with pet forms of inquiry in relation to wtucn they yearn to be more specifically In formed. Many of these things, of course, have not as yet materialised, but exist merely as puns in human brains. It Is mid, however, that the Curtiss Company has sold more than thirty-five machines to Individuals since the first of the year, many of which are to be used for novel pur poses., -. y USES OAS ON WO0D0HUCKS Farmer Finds Modem Way of Exter tainting Pests. Wlnsted, . Conn., June 20. Gassing woodchucks Is the latest wsy of ex terminating the farmer's pests. Elbert Fsnto, New Marlboro,- Mass.i was bothered -with woodchucks destroying his crops.' Elmer King motored to (he Fargo farm; attached a nose to tne ex hsust of his automobile engine, ran the ntnn rimrn the wOodehuck hole and then started the engine, using a liberal mixture oft gas. This operation was re peated at all. the woodchuck holes that could be found, with the result tha not a woodemick has been seen since on the Fargo farm. ' - The chief menace to suzsr-csne In the West Indies la the froahopper, an In sert that sucks the sap from the root and leaves of the sugar-cane, and that owes its name to its ability to take prodigious leaps. - - The Ked Cross flsg is the -s Bwlss' flag with the colors reversed and was adopted lu compliment 4o Swltierlaud. where the society was nrst organised) WATCH THE lA BEL ON YOUft r.:.r.irAeiM. ' .. All subscriptions to The Tribune !K are payable-strictly in advance. This applies to everybody. At W the expiration of time paid tor the paper wdl be discontinued. Watcb Nt M the label on- your paper and .send IK In renewal a few days in advance Nt of the date of expiration, If you W want the paper eon tinned. K A notice to discontinue Is not NJ IK necessary, as we trill take it tot treated that you do not want the Nt psper when you tall to renew., Nt sM :' !' ' J"'' " V-'".- - Nt 1U u 'U Jte S S K-S' S S K- GOTO BED IIUCHY : WAKE UP FEELING SIMPLY FINE Wonderftri How Calotabs, the De-Nauseated Calomel Tablet, Makes You Feel so Good the Next Morning. The old-styie 'calomel . was the best medicine In tile World and the only thing that could straighten out a dis ordered liver, but It had some serious draw backs. The griping Snd sickening after-effects made many people dread to take it. Ndw you can take calomel without the slightest objection. Ono Cnlotab on the toiigue at bedtime with a swallow of water, that's all. No taste, no griping, no nausea, no salts. Next morning your liver is clean, your system purified and you are feeling like a two-year old, with a hearty apt petite for breakfast. Eat what you please, no danger. ' " Calotabs are so perfect that your druggist Is authorised to refund the price if you are not delighted. Sold only in original sealed packages, price thirty-live cents. All druggists nmv have Calotabs. (adv.) I TAILOR MAKES VALUABLE FIND, "After spending 900 for medicine and doctors in four years without get ting any benefit for stomach trouble aud bloating I- ws induced by my druggist to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy ttiid must say that a $1 bottle has done mfe fiOO worth of good." It is a - simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from tbo intestinal tract nnd allays flic Inflam mation which censes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded, . Sold by Gibson Drug Store aud druggists every where. ;Y ..' ., -' ." i TOU MEN who have been In service and who know foot comfort, can return to a pair df our per fect fitting Oxfords aftd en joy that comfort you know. we know the styles you prefer aftd have them ready for you, priced your size $3.00 TO $10.00 IVEY'S V: Good Shoes." ' "' ' ' MUue No Mola ' . It ta bntk'sllMit snd ntttiy. -No em- -barnuuinieitt trp-n truniuug- water.'paS' alwari iiuues iwiccur. . T 7 -jeMm f nil n lftiliii - . tllent Closet T Braa If Iti hlirblvdMedMirtsmelMmM be dl)wrai y chnnx-d lib i. hunaer. It womti ituu be winte, Sod sreutsat Seidt could not enter er euia lu - .. Cchcctd I'imhfeir'Co." ; Telephones 576 & 25 Miss Owen Wllllam's,.Ja noted Eng lish beauty ap(F daughter of . General Sir. Wllllaui Williams, has surprised her fsmlty and friends by becoming a motion picture actress, . , i L - i i t v. " I 1 ft