1 . ' THE CONCORD D. . :t THILL., J Friday, August 1, 1919. u X of Tea and Frozen Cream Very Constipating . t.T"MERE it Utile inclination for solid food on a hot day. Cold U X drmki and ices, salads and pastry form much of the diet, espeo- Mr among women. This lack of wholesome variety, however. I intertefe with proper digestion. The eetuk u biliousness listlrunr,,. doay apelk The cause i constipation. TW stomach could not digest not the bowels pu off the day'a strange mixture of food and dimk. A simple way of oTttcommg the Pooxjio it inn: it jrou luve not already lot Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin in the Donee, go to a drug store and buy a MJc or $1 bottle. Take a teaspoonful tonight before you go to bed. It will act in the head will be clear and that reeling of oppression will be gone. Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, li acta on the stomach-muscles trammg them to do their work naturally so that medicines can be dispensed with, ft it the most widely used laxative compound in the world. That meant merit. A free sample bottle can be had br sending your address to Dr. W. B. Cald- morning, and immediately thereafter your i well, 480 Washington St, MonticeUo,llL Or. Caldwell's1 'TT" . . Ge tect.hxatiue' I V Pretty arid Practical pat' -3 ifuits NO. 10 TOWNSHIP. MisH .Wiliier lliirticll luis Ihth in (lUpostil for tlii' lust week. Ilov. T. I.. Kitiltz. of Kl-ifiilii, wlin Was called litre linnlly liy tin- smi tten dentil j'f )ii In-ill Iiit. tin- il.ilr I). A. Kluttz. tit-li i-reil .111 ulili' scriimn ;il Bethel, his nlil Ihhih' clmicli. ;m Sun day niiifiiiiiL'. Hi- wis invited liy iln pastor tu till tlic aiioiiiiiii'iii. which lie Krafioiisly iHvi'pteil. His niitiierniis friends were plutl 1" liine liim with tirni. Mr. Will McAtiulty ii.-i-seil iiit,. i In (treat lieyonil on l:is: M1111I...V e eiiini;. He was sick ill" at li.i weeks. 1ml CTsiliutlly prew wm-si- until the enl. His dentil was a ln k in his li iemU ntul iieihlini s. 11, h-aves tu nnmi-ii his (lepai-tiiie. a uiiluw. ami live eliil- Iren. it mnilier. Inn si-ters aii'l Inn brothers. The remain- weir I:, ken tu Bethel mul tlr- inlet menu, w as in tin tl'liielery there. Mr. J. lilt .Newel, nf ( harhilir. was the week-end cues! ef his paiein-. Allolllcy t'lilT .Ne.vrll. i,f 'ha 1 1. i , . WHS lliarrieil fi'i ent ! . 'e Willi a host nf his fl ielnl-. e' i. I he.n l.' ie'1- Wululat imis In the h.ipi" ',,in.- urn-pie. Everyhmly in .'.. in i- Xehrasia for Suffrage. I.inenln. Neli., July The senate if the Xrliraska legislature tixlay. I a vnie nt -i in 0, iiasseil a Jnint reso I'll inn in-iiviilint; fur nitifieatinti nf tin federal wnuian suffrage iiiieinlinent The lower house is exmi-ted tn take final action mi Hie measure ny Sa unlay. l.'.'l.i.n: f..r hi. Il i t' .ll.ll-l 111' rlllli.T thi ward In the irreai paeanl. lie pulled nil' in (Un enl ,.i Mil. Let everyliedy rn dale and lie on haml on Mini i:r:ii,. day On aeeiiunl of the ineliiii.nl weath er, linn. J. I'. Newell, and his llar.e.i eiass frniu llan'tli'irue Kane church, of Chai-ahitte, failed tn make the trip to Hoa-er's Inst Sunday, the L''i:li. a huil heen plauiKHl. We hup i Inlet- :u ratisenients for the carrying out nf file program. Mr. J. F. Little made a bu-in. ss I rip to Charlotte today. .. n. HEADACHE Caused by Acid-Stomach Yc. indeed, more often than you think. Becauw ACID-STOMACH, starting with ta digestion, heartburn, belcn.n?, lood-rept-at ing, bloat and gas, if not checked, will even tually a fleet every vital organ of the body. Severe, blinding, splitting beadacne are. therefore, ni Irt-neot occurreoce ac reeuit of this up ant condition. Take EATON 10. It quickly banisbea acid stomach with itspour bloat, pain and gas. It aids dict-stion helps the stomach get lull strength fnm every moathfal of food you cat. MS lions of people arc miserable, weak, Mrk and ailing because of ACID STOMACH. Poisons, created by partly di gested food cbarged with acid, are absorbed into the blood and distributed th roagbout the entire system. Thifl often causes rheumatism, bilionsnr'f,cirrho8isoft,heliver.heart trouble, ulcers and even cancer of the stomach. It rods its victims of their health, uUdermlnea the ptrenRth of the most Vigorous. If you h ant to get back yonr physical and mental strength be full of vim and vigor iuy lift; and be happy, you mutt ret rid ol your acid ttomnch. In EATONIO you will find the very help vnu need and :'a guaranteed. So get a big .tk box from your druggint today. If It fail to please you, return it and be wul re- lund your moaty. ATONIC K FOR YOCR ACID-Stf3MACg) FX" If? -TABLETS - mz UrrM I -s-a,,-. , ..a Gibson Drug Store and F. L. Smith Drug Co. i ChaS red ljt - - -r- " ''"- We are apt to think that things practical, In any kind of apparel, are sure to he commonplace nnd unattrac tive mid that things pretty are likely lo be unpractical. But the designers of bathing suits have finally succeeded In turning out beach clothes that are both prnctical and pretty. After a 'ot of experimenting with fabrics nnd styles they have furnished the batli rs of this season good looking and imifoitiihlo clothes, "from the crown 3f their heads to the soles of their 'eet." Kvery Item in the bather's out it has been carefully thought out. Cnpes to wear to and from the earu prove the most acceptable of pinneuts, for they are iiuide of cloths -.hat water does not dnmnge, as Turk sh toweling, jersey cloth, rubberized ;lnths nnd certain silks. Caps to natdi in color are cleverly draped so is to he not unbecoming and are nude of rubber and trimmed with mb 3or ornaments and Mowers. With a ape that has not been in the water ind a rap that refuses to be wet. one ::m ri'tiirn from a swim and walk ;ven city streets homeward, conscious )f being presentable. In the picture of two bathing stiMs hnvn here, one Is of taffeta silk and !he other of black wool Jersey with nhite slripes in the collar nnd short Sleeves, and around the bottom of the knickerbockers and skirt. The cape is of rose-colored bath toweling, and the cap of rubber matches it in color and Is trimmed with little rubber flowers. Black silk stockings and cloth shoes complete as satisfactory a suit as the season has produced. The other suit Is of blue (f eta, the iuii knickerbockers gathered on an elastic cord 'above the knees. It haa a short, slit aklrt and a long-waltrted bodice, ulso short sleeves formed by a small flounce of taffeta. The stock ings match -th suit In color, but the shoes are black and high at .the bade, lacing with white cord or tnpe across the front. Llnoerla Hats of ChantlllyT Lingerie hats made of black chantil ly luce and modeled after the bonnets worn by the peasants of Lorraine are quite a feuture In the hats for ad vanced summer wear. The most ef fective of these models are made with low full tulhj crowns gathered Into a medium high hoinl hand in mob cap style. To the band are attached two or three full gathered ruffles of differ, cut widths of black eliiiutllly lace. Net Dress Needed. No summer wardrobe Is complete without at least one net dress, because they tire delightfully cool and comfort able for hot afternoons or evenings. A simple und becoming, little affair la a frock of white net and voile combined. tri ed with a bit of embroidery dona iu' heavy white cotton threads and girdled witb a corded net sash. Wedding Gowns of Satin. The moct distinguished of wedding gowns are of dachesse satin, very plain with lace Tell forming the onlj ornament. FAITH. Gilbert llolslnuiser has ed Imiue from Franco, lie brought Venus a nice little collection of war relies for his collect inn. Mrs. .(cihn Kline lias lioiight a house anil lot In Kit ilh next to Andy t'as per'H nnd is living there. W. S. L'nrnhardt is building a new house for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Maha- ley. John Kineharilt is busv reimiring atf omohjlc ami shoeing horses. Robert Stirewalt. the ncrnhat from hiim (irove. was a visitor iu Faith this week. Miss Hut tie Wagoner, of (iohl Hill. s visiting her brother and family here, We know of a family of ten children. Mrs. Will Josey and children, of st return-1 AUeniarle. were visiting friends and relatives in Katth last week. Misses Pearl and Ina Peeler have gone to Liiicnlntou to spend the week with their friend, Miss Brcuia Hltarne. They will also attend the Missionary t onreienee at .Newton. Mr. I). S. llrown, of near Christiana, nun ,i in; ii.iii-iuiKiiiii least ouiltiny About fifty Hnple were present. Mr. A. M. Frlck, one of Faith's boys who joined the navy six years ago, is now one of the recruiting officers at Howling tJreen, Ky. t'otue on. Little Girl. We like your ilems. Your largo tree beats us. We I give it up. Two of the boys married sisters, ami f ' , . ' ' 1 , nvVUm.' ... . . " ... . I II lli'ii llftmm VnuPU dill twt I thmicrhl- 110 uiic ciuiM cotue up to my 15 year ohl lifii. k UV. y v m v CORSETS America's lait&g Corset ' ' accompliththa ' C C Waislless-Hipless 1 Bustless ; f i fifurc-outlines: Fashion' : : latest decree. I A model for every figure, f fi (rarhexdusivefor itiourrjotei i i combuung Slendernett, I' f Grace and Suppleness, with ' long-wear, W. B. Nuform f Corsets proride "Moch Cor- THcet $2.00 It et f or Littto Money. m two or the girls married brothers. A wife of one of the boys has two brotli- rs who married sisters. If von cau iK'at that trot our your family. - Mrs. Kliznheth Ketch ie, of Pisil- town, is visiting her relatives here iu Fuith for a few months. Venus took dinner Sunday for the first time with Mr. and Mrs. George FfKpermaii and got a line dinner. Sin. and Mrs. James Fisher anil two sons. Kilwaril and Jesse, visited Mrs. Ushers parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. . Fesperimi n's Smidav. Mr. and Mrs. James Overeasli. of near Mill Bridge, visited Mrs. Over- ca sh s parents. Mr. and Mrs. .Sampson Shnping and Mr. and Mrs. llvercash's uncle and aunt. Mr. und Mrs. John li. Ludwick Sunday. Mrs. tiurnry Watie, of High Point, is visiting Miss Pearl Uatit and rela tives here for a week. Mr. Julius Cauupp. of Salisbury Js visiting relatives iu Faith. Mr. Ben Ketchle, of Salisbury, Is visiting friends und relatives at Faith. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mahaley sold six acres of land for six hundred dol lars to Samuel Fralcy. Old Maid, we like yonr Itcuies fine, and we must come down some time and see some of those pretty girls. Red Rose, come on with your items. We like to read them, l'ou have us bent on the H year old boy who weighs uiiiy u pounds, yte give It us. Venus got his,' Drat bait of water melon grown in. this community on July JTlh, m John L. Ludwlck'a. VENUS. Miss IIom Hunsutker. Salisbury, July . 31. Miss Hopo i . i, .iii.-o.inj,! death lieing cnusd by t itlierculoK. X lie was a daughter of the late J.- W. Hunsucker ami gramldaughter of Wi J. Itostlaii from whose home on Fast Horah street the funeral Was conduct ed this afternoon. ' 'Ji Alumni Orpuiire, ; . - WashlngtoB,-July SI, A flna lt of old A. and Mj college boys liave or ganised au Uutunl association here to lie known -as tbe District of Colnaa Ida branch' of the -North ''Carolina State college, as the . institution - lb now kuownuW.A..Ucaiuim Xlark. bob of Chief Justice Walter Clark, of 'Ra leigh, is president of ..the , organisa tion. It is- expected ' that about 60 Washington: "and "BaHlrlidraTwtis""ot tire at ate -cortege wil-Jotn the branch ;. t "' ' ' ' : "What are your politics T" "I dun- no," replleU'' Farmer - Corntossel. Things has - worked around ' to . such a mli-up that there isn't anybody I don't disagree with on some point or another." Washington Star. ' I YOU UZD t:0T ', : i t. ."" r w irrFT i it apm m m tr a nn V V ' . .But Yon Moat Drive It Out of , Your Blood, i 1 " Cat mr r h"is innoyii.g enough when it chokes up your nostrils : and airVpaitages, earning difficult fcra thing ami other - discomforts. Real danger, comes when it reaches 1 down into your lungs. ' v This is why you should at ohce 1 realise the importance of the prop er treatment, and lose no time ex "perimenting witb worthlcji reaje- dies which touch only the surface. To 'be rid of Catarrh, you must driveube disease germs out of your blood.' r' -r -.- f --.; : QnlM,f,rf M,lta tuna VmS r orted from the nse of "S, S. S; ! which acts on 4ha catarrn germs t in the blood. .. .:' i' W.--f-'J. If you wish medical advice the treatment pf your own indi vidual ca, write to Chief Medical , a j..:... a c,.,if, cn.;c. rv a,. V ianta, Ca, '."; ;q t BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS t Next Time Buy ') .X) r "1'TT' ' s1nMoR4irr Kg mileage Fabric built with an extra ply and a heavy tread Big tires with mileage com-.- ' parable to that of Gords.j v- 'H . THE HANDSOMEST TIRE T MADE ' White side-wall Red Tread For Sale by Dealers t siiMiillia.iiiWliii,iia1,i,,i u. , .jl, : ,,, 9 i -?r . C i . L rn V DlTl W-" U." li II I WMA to "t,f - ":,! . ',. ' I"; ' y WW meet your Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never befqre attained. To best realize their qual ity compare Qamels with any cigaroitq in the world at any price j Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will ' Win you at once it is so new and unusuaL That's" what Camels expert blendi of choice Turkish' and ' choice Domestic tobacco "gives you! Youll prefer mm- As you smoke Camels,, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretti aftertaste or any nn pleasant cigaretty odor. ; And, youll be delighted to discover that you canf smoke- Camels liberally without tiring your fsfe7 i ' ! ' ? Teke Camels at any aile they surely supply cigarette contentment bejjond anything yoa ever, experienced. ' They're cigarette'reyelationj You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Carrels quality I . ' n 18 centsf a 'package CassiaftT mm aolrf anai j mtmmln mcimtlifimUr aaaW oacK itsll4afaanwikpstsiu UOOesiMIss) at " ' V ala inm-pmpmtovnd mr1on. Wm atromgly jmjosiliiasnsf .' tlum cartow fbrthm houmm waSc aappy ot whmm w tlmwmt ' . , R J. REYNOLDS TOBaScCO CQ, Wautosvlas. fL C. .US i,M re v WE'K "TH"' iiL I1-- : nnxncuKES Price $330?. NEW YORK CHICAGO f .K . v . . ' ' a - 7 .. ': , - ' y .. o

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