oooo O .ASSOCIATED O PRESS lil .11,2) i DISPATCHES O V tc o 000 cro : NO. 216. I .LLisr,i,.OYFn,T::E , III FiaSTD!GR'.:TODAY .REIHLSTHISliEEK mm .!"' . C' ! .'.'V ' ' i'' : ' ' ,1 UE FOR rirTunnri i i n nnv 'ISTTOFI) rlM I liiLli AnU Dun ARRESTED ATMAfl SniMOGE GARY SAYS v, i 'it A 1: V ( i m , Some 33,00O.;,Fans Prepared I Shfmeuf Redlapd: Field, TncinhaliTodayli;:, ', i ... . ; ''.V " ' tNp.OF THE'WHITE SO , V.. X Probahe LineupFor Today' r Game. ReythiervWiU Op pose. Cicotte.Wingoftp Backstop Reutherj; (Br Tk Aawatolcd Prean.1 . ; 1 Cliiclnnall, Oet'. l.--oiiie 33,000 f:iim prennml to Worlilp r the shrine )! f bnNetmll at Bedl.iml Field today, where the-t'lnchiiuUl . Berta,'. eliam plntiH of the uaftoiial lesRUC. and tbe uChlemrn 'Mfe Hox .' nenmillt wiiilierfi t f Hie Ameriean Imrup, w'H fl battle iin un-ui. mi uo not nu, inera I lir the flrxt prawe of what may be nlne'fliHn they neej your help most. Do I rumen for'the world cbamtiloiishlp. at t bai ami wait for ihein to cull i ArranRements for7 the series when I ffouinletwlyVeren: to the xreatf of ..emi theautetvea, an-aDiionnrrtl; from ' eailmiarteta' f Irath clirita fv iu- oxttlve information, that BeHthi'r, oontinirnnnly ami . fultbfnlly, each de li nonthpirw Jlerileff wonld 'oiioHe i'l- IfW'taB.Af contdderatlon ami awppfirt i c ,e. rlRht naimeii. w lure no.-woiie t j Wiuffo will UWktfp."Bfjirlier. and ! y SrhaTK ijlv do the catching of ,1eottf' "ahlneT and buckle 'balls.' -I There I W doubt that tlu White u.. will im lufn tViA fvav aftef- fiwiah allRhtly the favorites. . The Irf f tie betting here -that haa lieen recoril- jh! ahows'odds)f from 0 to 5 to 7 to B I, iu riilcaK"!1 favn : v. . ; The proitany ; . nnenp' rinr' tmiuy s an we a:?.,f,- ?'' . . .:.-.-. (hk-asto: J. ColM. rff Weaver, .1.1 linHe::.Kilille ColHnu, 2tl; Jaiknon, It; FeVlu ct: Oandil., lb: Uiniiers, kh; Schalk, i-atrheri'Oeotte, pltolier. ' CliiclniHitl: Hath. 2I: OMiiliert lb: O n.h. .Hi,' Honeh ef, Dnifcaii If; Jtopf a Naal, rt t WluKVatclier, B4utlur. pitcher.' .Vi -N.,-- . ; . ff. A. .'i- -f -FaJr Weather prwrnng."-' V lmiiiBatl,?tVts';.lS-Tali'j' wimthef preTailel;thi'nMirnliw ii aitve prom Ihp that, the. first worlV aerlea pa me a-r, .. Irlrf. wmr-n( Wred weather, bat the local forecaster did not think" it would rain enough to in terfere with the game. ' REAL BASEBALL BACKED ' - BY REAL, TEAM WORK. Thai ia What Experts Expect to See Behind 1919 American League Pea - Miit Victory. : -".-: (Br the Aiunetate Pmw. Chicago,' Oct. 1. Beat liaiiebaH Itackeil by . real teamwork ; that U what experts on -the national game nee behind the, 11 Anjerlcnn league peiiuant victory of the Chicago White Hox, who today are awaiting a chance o demonstrate their baseball ability ralnst the National league con- nders for the world flag. But team , ork ia not the only thing, tbey say, tliat has trough about u winning ag gregation. '':-:- . rJ'-f They pointed to Eddie Olcotte, -with his famous knuckle and ahlue ball, as ' big reasln alone for tbe position of Comiskey's mighty baseball " machine. He Is declared to be the pitching mar. el of baseball, winning .something; like 80 game, thta season. Without him, they say the White Sox's chances would not have been so bright. , Of course ( pitcher cannot do It all, experts declare In naming catcher Bay Bchklk as another reason fpr the vic torious work of the White Sox. . He. ihey contend, h had mnch to do with turning many a defeat into victory by bis quick headwork. for. wheh he has been noted since but leaprom. tbe ml - nors to tbe Chicago club eight years ago. s.tZ-J ,.r. . .. . But the man namea as-iue person "chiefly responsible for -the succesa of f to be the guests of President and Mrs. the White Box is Manager - WtUlam , Wilson at the White House. No south 'kid" Gleaaon, who has batted for a em cities, are included in the Itinerary (Contlnued'on Page Six.) 'as anuounced. . y , r announcement; ,The 44th Series in This Old Reliablev Building Loan and Savings Association is now Open. Come in and take shares and we will help you to save your money help you' to own your; own' home. Now, is the accepted time to take shares.. Don't Put it off But Come and Do It at Onc Cabarrus County Building Loan and - , .v Savings Association ' Office in the Concord . - ..,-- ":. , .:.- I f You Tpive Your Renewal Subscription iff This Week, ; It. WilU Have FourvTimes xijc usual vote, value, "''V ' .. ' : $5.00 GOJJ OFFER 1 ; AGAIN THIS WEEK The Contest Is Fast Coming W to -a Close, the Last 'Day '. Being Saturday,-. October r 18th .-Get Busy Now. .: 0tober K' 101ft the date Jrt for yodf j,enewal.'.Are ffih ftoliiK to be In Iit . we;k? Your renewal baft four Hniwt Hie value in ttitej. OnriiiK .thft week at will liave tlie rehiHlniler of tbe caoipalKii. : We are pxpeetiiis yon nml your frlenrtx are pxpeetliifr yon to Vn you wrw way ro that they will . aroaiHl to everyone "thla week. . . - ' Kvery .contestant llteil Ih working District One (Canrerd) Mlna Lucy Bell Lltaker. ' . Mrs. p. A. MoLaurln. . Mian Hnrfsle McEnchern. ' Miss Jolnile Pur iiell. Mr-.-red Mnrr. Mlaa, Bone kldmore. ' Mim Alma Orlffln. -, Mr.' 4; Z. Perry. v' bktrirt Two (Kanmrpotls.) , Mri.rW;jCr-Ynf. , " , . MIkS t'ocb Walton. t Minn l)illle Ballnrd. IHatrict Three (All OlberTerritry) Mli "Wllma Tucker. ' .-Mev. I); F. HeliuK. MIsx A mile Tucker. I MIhh Mary nine. MIsm Maude BiKKcr. , 'at bat Elsie Bartwe. "Wm It. U. McSwnln. -Miaa Buby Sapp. v "Sllsa Lucy'Klntta. ISo prUEea, with the exception of the : Overland Automobile. VIU be awardwl Candidates are reminded at hat tbe contest is fast coming to an end, and that with the right kind f effort they can make the period left to them the crowning achievement of the entire contest. By no means Is their oppor tunity to win the cilr passed. Oct In behind the guns and stand by 'them to the last moment. Fight a good tight and In the end a just award -will be yours. ":. . ..." It was very much rcfrrettefl 'that we were unable to place the Overland on display in the wlndowa of the Con cord and Kaunapolis (las Co.'s offices, but when measured it was found that Hie car was Just nine Inches too wide. We have been una'hle to find a, suita ble place to put it on display. - Bemeiuher that the big weeks of the contest are yet to come, and that when you once secure a new subscjlptlon, that subscription la counted new until the end of the contest, go back to your friends and explain to them what ad vantages you receive by their taking another year's subscription and they, will be glad to help you out. Are you going to win a 5.00 gold piece this " week? Twenty-flve new yearly subscriptions are all that Is necessary In order to receive this award. Every- candidate on the list should be able to. win one of the $3's. Oor after them. ' ' l King and Queen to Reach Washington . Ociofcf 24th.,: v '"''jraV 'rfca Aajwkut rnma.1 ' ' Washlrfgtou, Oct 1 After, visiting nineteen cities on as tour that will carry them to the Pacific coast, King Albert aim Queen Ullxauetn win ar rive In Washington on October "24th National Bank. J SIX CONNECTION WITH RIOT They Are Charged By the Grand Jury ' At Charlotte. ' With Conspiracy to Kin..-. .. Charlotte. Sept. 30.-The Mecklen burg county grand Jury today .returned iudictuieuts aeuiust six men on Hmrges growing out the. street car strike and riot at the car liama here on August 'J5. Fire of the men are charged with "unlawfully, maliciously, wilfully and feloniously conspiring, combining, con feiU'rutiuu ninl agreeing together, to as sault, bent, wound and' kill certain people of the state they , being con ductors ami motornteu employed by the Southern Utilities company to operate street cars Iu the city of Charlotte.", The five men artf J tin Warren, Dewltt I Hullnian, J.4T. HHiudff Charle War. fl;diaailaini JiheWtlweJnig. a brothei" of John-Wilson, who IS to face trial on two charges of inciting to riot and one of inciting reliellion. and the young man who was struck down by a policeman at the car barns during tbe rioting. The sixth man, Charles Goodman, is charged with wilfully and feloniously making an assault In a secret manner with a rock, stick aud knife, upon As sistant Superintendent Drunini, of the Southern Public Utilities company, se riously injuring him. Drumm was at tacked ou the morning of August 23, the first day an attempt was made during the strike to man the street cars wifh Drofessional strike breakers. as he stepped from a car. These six were among the 25 men whose names were turned over to the grand jury yesterday whose alleged ac tions on. the night of 'the shooting are belag invest lgated.xIt was , reported that five of the six' men indicted today were present at the, car-barns, during the night of Augusts. PRESIDENT WILSON STEADILY IMPROVING WW Be Prevented From Any Exer tion Which Would Cause Relapse. . . s, By Tfc Aasortatea rnaaj Washington, . Oct. V With ' Presi dent Wilson's condition showing steady improvement, those attending him ' in his Illness, were ' concerned today ' In preventing any exertions which might cause a relapse. . - 11 Although lr. Grayson reported the President s "Improving" yesterday, he prescribed rest, again today for the patient and White House Inmates ex pected tbe prescription to stand for some days. , j CLOCKS TO BE 'TURNED ' I . BAUlk UVlVDIiB ZD. Off! rials In Washington Make This ' . Announcement. .,' " . (Br thm Asssflatwl Preaa.) Wasbbigtou. Oct 1. General un- certali.ty as to when the clocks of the nation may he turned back ana day light savings abolished, seems to have resulted from the 'recent action cf of Congress in repealing the daylight savings act. In answer to numerous inquiries officials have pointed - out that clocks may. not be turned back till last Sunday In October, or October 2i at 1 a. m. ' t (- ". - -' ; Had a Restless Night.' , Washington,' Oct l.-r-After a rest less night, President Wilson fell asleep during tbe forenoon today and, arose late, Bear Admiral Grayson at 1 p. m today Issued tbe following: ' "The President had a restless night, and consequently is feeling somewhat jaded today." ; , . i : 1 v Tbe President general condition was described at the white house as being as a-odtf as yesterday, despite tbe rest less pight . A setback was not iutilcat. ed. it wasfsald. ' ,w v ; i Monroe Hensley, Sunday at Weaver vllle, shot to death Ie , Buckner. Hensley Is alleged to have been .drunk. Both men have large families. - - MEN INDICTED IN conditions in england Are improved today According to the Government's Report. Train Service Hs Been Bettered. (Mr the AwsR-ifitnl Prcaa.) London, Oct. 1. While the delega tion of the transport federation were assembling today to .decide whether the rUftOOO workers f they represeuteil should go out In R&ipathy with theltered In Washington, where Ellwrt striking railroad men of Great Britain, the governments officials report on tin situation, issued at,f iiikiii, announced coutnued Improvement in the actual conditions.. 4 y Train service bus been bettered, more than 800 trains linvjug been ruu yes terday, inclusive of those in operation In subway service. Aildltonnl railroad man had returned Id work, it was de clared. 'T ' 3 u AtnftuWlw3&Jwen made to. re-,, luarc inin -mm any iraw men 'snouin they strike," the statement said. It was said the movement of food was proceeding remarkably wel. The meeting of the transport men marks the most critical moment so far in the labor situation brought about by the railroad tieup. The meeting was attended by representa tives of the amalgamated engineers federation, the sUTp building and engi neering trades, the. printing trades, the electrcal trades, railway clerks new postal federation and national federation of general workers. Most of tbe labor members of the bouse of Commons also were present' It was expected the transport work ers would demand a general strike by all trades,, but J. H. Tliomas, the railway men's leader, on entering the meeting, said be was still using all his Influence to confine tbe dispute to the original participants, the govern ment and the railway men. RATIFICATION IX ITALY WILL NOT BE PREVENTED By Dissolution of Italian Parliament. May Become in Force, by Royal Deerea. (By mrt-m fnm Paris, Oct. 1. Butittcatlon of the Versailles ' and SL Germs hie treat! will not tm prevented In Italy bv the I dissolution, of the Italian parliament. it is unnecessary to watt for the con vening of the new parliament; it is said In peace conference circles, as, accordhig to Article Five of tbe Ital ian constitution, treaties may become in force or execution' 'by royal de cree, which may be presented before the new parliament for approval . Premier rutti'g official argument to King Victor Emmanuel In asking for dissolution of parliament was that the mandate of the chamber of depu ties expired in October, 1018. - The main issue during tbe coming election will be tbe. international issue before tbe country. Flume . and Internal sit uation caused by the revolutionary ten dencies of the socialists.. Premier Nit- ti Is expected to read the dissolution decree before the chamber of depu ties within the next few days. , RAZANOFF APOLOGIZED v To Major General Graves. Says the Hussiaa ambassador. ... . 1 (Br r-a AwsHawa rna,) ..Washington, Oct,-, 1. The Russian ambassador Informed tbe State De partment today that General Kh tan- off, the superior Russian commander In Siberia, bad apologised to Major General Graves, commanding the Am erican forces in Siberia, for the inci dent at Iman, Siberia, September 5th, involving the arrest by Cossacks of an American officer and enlisted men, and the flogging of the latter.-? -The aafbaasador said General Baa- ahog had promised to call for the pun-l guilty 4f the mistreatment of the Am erlcaaa-i. -.It ; ',' II. O.. Erwln has been appointed cor oner of Mecklenburg couuty to . suc ceed the late Z. A. HoU. Steel strike sitcation KemaTna Virtually Unrhangedv Con flicting Claims Still Made. (By Tb Aaawnniled Pfn.t With the situation in tbe steel dis districts virtually nucha ntted nnd ImiIIi capital and lalsir mnking conflic-tini; claims of progress, interest In the tenth day of the steel strike tislay cen Gary, chairman of the Hoard of the 1'nited States Steel Corporation, ap peared liefore Mie Senate investigating committee when it resumed hearings of the strike. y Sir. Gary began bis testimony by de nying the charges of labor leaders tluit the steel corporation bus uilsti-eated mil underpaid Its men. "There is no basic industry in this country or In the world, Ju my opinion," he said "which, hps pai4 .jlarger ,jwagesL.tbati' tbe 1'iilted Rfate ' Steel Corporation, aud perhaps not as large, nor has treated their employes in greater re spect or consideration, if as great." . While Judge Gary was testifying an official statement of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation asserted that 83 per cent, of its men were working,, as was a statement of labor leaders set forth that between 75 and 80 per cent of the men were out. No change was re ported --from the Pittsburgh aud Chica go districts. The only disturbance reported to day was at the plant of the Sharon Steel Hoop Co.. at Sharon. Pa., where picket are alleged to have turned back workmen who were entering the plant. - No arrests were made. ' WESTERN METHODISTS MEET IN GREENSBORO Bishop Darlington Will PresideThe Ashevilie Churches Are Preparing for Meetings. Ashevilie Citizen. ' Ashevilie and Western North Caro lina Methodists are preparing for the, 30th session of the Western North Car olina .'conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, which will lie held In the West Market Street church. Greensboro, beginning Oetolier 22, with Bishop IT. V. W. Darlington presiding. The conference this year will have In attendance 208 ministers in full connection; thlrty-Aw --proliatiokicirit serving as pastors, and twenty-six lo cal preachers ' who have charges. There are eighty-eight lay delegates, fonrteen candidates for admission on probation and sixty-nine day members of, the conference board ! who are not there are seven or eight connections! men and distinguished church workers as guests of tbe eooference. Tbe Harvard plan of entertainment has been adopted by - the conference, which Is that lodging and breakfast are given the delegate - byi the en talning home and dinner and supper provided by; tbe conference at tbe ho tels and restaurants. The stewards of West Market Street church are canvassing their congre gation this week for homes in - which to entertain the more than mni per sons who will attend this conference. Wont Marker will huve the assistance of her sister Methodist churches In en tertaining. Centenary and - Spring Garden street, with their pastors, Bev, A. W; Plyler and Bev. C 8. Kllpatrlck. already having begun to - subscribe therl quotas. .. 5 ' . "While the sessions of . the -conference proper begin October 22 at o'clock a, m., - many committees- will meet October 21. Most of the dele gates are expected to arrive on, , the afternoon of the 2lst. J 'v- . Conference ' usually Adjourns .oh Monday following , the opening ; ou -Wednesday. ' . A. l5-year-olil--l)oy of Ashevilie has been sworn In by Judge Wells to act aa juvenile detective. He only has he power of an official informer and can make .no arrests. , v -Z-f; In Connection With Riotihg Last Sunday Night Whi ien a Negro Who Atfackedj White Girl Was Lynched TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY IN THE NUMBFjR Held Under Charges of Mu der, Inciting to Riot, As sault to Commit Murdfer . and Destroying PropertJ (Br Tfc AaaaHated Press.) Omaha, Neb., Oct, 1. Fifty men a boys were under arrest today In con nection , with the rioting last Sum I night when a negro who attacked white girl was lynched, the may dragged through the streets with rope about his neck, and the couji court bouse bndly damaged byJife set by the mob. . , 1 Among the prisoners Is Solrffndn Francis, 12 years of. age. All thoie under arrest are "held under charges of murder, inciting to riot, or assault to commit murder,. and the willful de struction of property. 1 Or. E. C. Henry, physician attending; Mayor Smith, who was seriously in jured by the mob. stated this mnril lug that his condition was such thnlt I he thought nil danger past. , Ten iKHrrnes were si-rested in Coun cil Bluff, Iowa, just across the rivi from here, late yesterday, when tht discovery was made that tbey had h stock of guns and ammunition. 1 BIG STRIKE OF THE 1 PRINTERS IN NEW YORK 250 Printing Plants There Are Closed Lockout as writ as tMrnie. -. (Br Tbo Awoclstta Pr.I . , New York, Oct. 1 Two hundred and fifty printing plants employing 10.; 000 men and pulilishiiig nearly all tin magazines nnd trade journals issued) in New ork as well as a large per centage of the Issiks printed here. were closed by simultaneous "lock out" and "strike. ! The. lockout ordered last night hy the printers teagW section W b "A-sK-iatlnn of Emperial Printers Is snp ported by the International Printing Pressmen of America, the American Federation of Ijilior body, which i working a battle for supremacy over alleged "outlaw" unions. The unions Involved the the pressmen s union No, 51, Franklin Vuion . No. 23 "feeders" paper handlers union No. J and Job press feeders No. 1. STATE SANITARY ENGINEER HERE Inspection and Licensing of Privies Begins in Concord and Surrounding Territory Today. State Saiiitary Engineer iit. H. E. Miller and a corps of sanitary inspect ors arrived In Concord this morning to begin carrying out"in,this district the provisions of the State Law re quiring every residence within 300 yards of another residence to be pro vided with Sanitary privy ly octoner 1st, 1010. Mr. Miller will remain in Concord a few days to supervise op ening the inspection work In this dis trict, whlclt will then be turned over to Mr. A. M. Surratt, district director of inspdetiou. Get your property made sanitary. Be ready for, the 'in spection. '-; BOLSHEVIST LINES AT Bl'LATA ARE BROKEN Four Divisions of Bolshevik Troops Are Declared to Have Surrenovrett. , (Br Tka AMMBt4 rnmm.t rnnmhamn Ont 1 The breiikinss or the Bolshevist lines hi ruiui: nj the troops or a nunisa ueuerai, is re ported by a Helslngfors newspaiier, auvu a .iiunutfh fmm ttelsiiiiff ors 1 re ceived here. Four divisions of Bolshe vists are declared to have surrendered. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiittiiiiiiuiiiiitiiiiiiinuiuiiiiiiiiiiinniuiHiiiis I OCTOBER 1 ! iS the beginning of a New Interest Period in our I -Savings Department. Deposits made on or before C 5 October 10th draw interest ' - Interest at 4 per cent, I v Open a Savings Account with us. Your busi- ness appreciated. 1 Citizens Banl and " Chas. B. Wagoner, Prrs- C. U Propst, a!i!!':uiuiiiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiini-iiiuiuiu'iiiiiiuiitiniiiiiiii In Investigation Before the? Senate Committee ' Today. No Vestige of Truth ur ' Statement,- He Says: .,. ' - .i , PAYS LARGER WAGES THAN ANY CONCERN; Photograph Displayed " of a Woman Said to Have Been Killed by Steel Trust, But Who ,Was Killed Efsewhere -- (Br Ths As Prcaa.) - , ' . Washington, Oct 1. Denying .that -, tbe United States Steel Corporation' had -j . mistreated Its men as charged by nniou ' leaders. Judge Elbert M. Gary, cluilr.'-1 man of the corporation, told the Sena to Committee investigating . - tbe - steel ' . strike today that In his opinion there was no basis industry In the world - -which jiad paid Urger wages. ''It has beeli stated befori1 this committee', t Judge Gary said, "that the steel com. panics -have .been guilty of ill treat-j meut of their employes. Stiine of tbe ' statements mude on this information -. are absolutely without foundation. . "It has been charged that duiiiig (hi pending strike Itie subsidiary compani es have been guilty of mistreating , their men. , ; "There isn't a vestige of truth In that statement. Photographs were dls- " played, and was. suid a woman was kilhd. This photograph has been post- . eil all over America, with this lino -over it. 'Mrs. Fannie Knelling body goullshly mistreated by steel tru.-t , tiendish crew'. " "She was shot at Breckenridge, Ta., ; t , We have no workers there, no mm ... there. If she was killed, it was with- -t, out even the knowl-vla-.! of the steel . eoi-poration, or any of Its iinplov-ja." Gary Says I'nion Control Means Decay Washington, (k-t. 1. If anions eon-; v , tnrt the industry in the Culted States ',, "It means decay aud tbe dropping of production," Judge Elliert H. Gary, chairman of the lioard of directors of ; the baited. States, Steel Corporation,. ., declared toi)ny in presenting the cor- poration's side of the steel strike to th-SetVe iuvwktlgatioa coaamiUM f '"It'ftWlM this colihtr cannot keep up in the raev" with the world," said Mr.' Gary. "It means the condition , . here that Eiiglandls in today.", , , ALL Ql'IET TODAY AT --v. - L MERCHANTVILLE, N. J. - Where There Was Intense- Excite-" t . anent Caused by Assault of Negro an , White Woman. ' r: r (Br Tkm Imriittl PM) ; Merchantsville, N. J- Oct. 1. With the negro who is alleged to have as- , ( saulted a white woman here Monday safely In jail, the authorities expressed relief from the situation which they : ' , had feared tpr the past two uighh miaht result seriously. The assault ,; caused Intense excitement among tbe ! Tesitleuts of Merchantsville and nearny , towns and opeu threats of violence , were heard. For 24 hours a posse of more than BOO armed men searched the j, surrounding country for the negro but ! after his capture and assurance by the police that he would be brought to a ineedv trial the posse atsnanuea. lae usual quiet prevailed today..-1 THE COTTON MARKET ' f Weak Liverpool Cables Carried Prices ; to Open 23 to 45 Points Lower. (Br TV 'iataa Prn . York. Oct. 1. Weak LIvetDool . jpables caused nervousness In 'the eot- Vi market at the opening today, and' first prices were 23 to 4a points lower, - lth non,l, lllnr ntt tn Of- feringB were well enough absorbed to cause rallies of 15 to 20 points aner . the call, however, ., ana tne traaing Cotton futures opened steady; Oc- tolier si.4o; uccemoer auw, January 2.00 ;l March 32.25 ; May 32.2., , V from October 1st. ' v . x compounded quarterly. i - - 4 Trust Company A. F. Csradraan, Cashier, teUer. - j - v ' '' f ': r

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