C.. tWIUU lST IX ATLANTA Tilt COh'C. aD DAILY TRIEUNE r i-tk :p-?-,ti ri r t . '" r 7v.?r& sf:.t V1 v 1 6 Bcu-ans Hot water. ' Surs Keaf ; twit IfeDIGV&TIW ' ,:aY 0E THIIJS f it:psf com JiTKilp Dr. KinW Naw Do- 1 ' cover? ' for fifty' yean NOTHING but sustained, quality and unfailing effectiveness mo arouse such enthusiasm. Noth- Ins but sura relief from stubborn ! . old colds and onrushlng new ones, 'V grippe, ' throat-tearing coughs, and - croup could have made Ir. King's . 'New Discevery the-nationally popa " kr and. standard remedy it Is today. Fifty years old and always reli able. Good for the whole family. A bottle la the medicine cabinet ' , means a RhorirVed cold or cough. ' 60C and eX2(V All druggists. ; T.- Rcfakr Bowela la Health .. Bowels that more spasmodically free eat da am) stubborn the next aboutd he. henitlftullA PRU ktted by4tn, King -Neititff Ms. - In this way yon Itctfb the.imttiHaties of waste matin from cjfcglatlng through the system by cleansing - the bowels thoroughly and promot ing the proper flow.t bit Mild, : fttmfortabla, j " liable. Dr. King's. Mew lifa,. Fills work With precision wltliout the constipation results of violent pur gative., ?c. Mmi at ail dra r.--. ' d 1111? in -4 a?uZT mZu!xQn Ta. 1 bum. Male.! wilh rLuet Kihhoi- " .V B rniaimiialM.SaAAhvRltohti S0U&1 WK'GGttTS VWOW TV. t. W A Two Strang , Houthwa Eleven WUI Clash For Supremacy On Gridiron Today.:'"' rr-c, -'T':''':: '' Atlauto. Oct. 17. The first big game f the 1019 football' seatton wiU be pi toiuorrow wbea (Georgia. Tech, preuiier sontttero eleven for the part throe years. auU V'anderbilt, which hehl that tftle for taauy. years, meet iw Urant Cald here. -. : ; ' - tMher games today today include: At Columbia Uidvereity of South l aroliaa vs Davhlsou college. ' At t'hafhiUeaTllleTt'ulverHtty of Virginia vs. V. 31.. I. At Knoxvillo University nf Tennes- ae vs. .ussissippt- a and U. At Athena- I'liiverslty f the Boutb vm. lieorgia. . . k ,. At Baton Rouse University of Mis- KtsKtppe m. Louisiana nulversitr. At Lexington w abuigtoir and lee vh. uicunioud College. ; At Chapel Hill University of North l iirolinn vs. wake Koret At Mobile Sprlnghill college vs. Tu lune. At TuwaHHisa University of Ala bama vs. Howard. . .", At (ireenville. H. C. Fnnnau vs. li-esb.vteria(i college. '.;; At Sparttuiburg The Citadel V Wofford. I . . J--' At Richmond Randolph-Uacon t Iliimpdeu. Sidney. - ' , y ,'. At Washington. D. C Virginia 1 vr. Georgetown. .' ' , , Southern to , Rxtend Two Passenger Routes. v . ;'f; KiilelKli, Oct. 17. Aniiounreaieiir is made by tin- cnrporatiim coinmiSNiiin that beviMiiimi 'iveiuler Ik Sonthern railway trains. Nnmliers 11:1 awl 111 will bo fxtmlcd from Ktttberfotdtni) to XTiirion. thereby affonllaa areatly Improved ser.rlce tietween fltwe points and im'.rtlr bem-tlttiiig trnval to the territory now served by these life ins. I l ri IV ?f V-HL 1Wr"i1 . r n , -, & --t . "ksaaaaaaa' ' '1 .' . .'.H.a.-wKla.' -. . . , -M J 111 I . v '. - ' .. I 1 J L7iaVWlV i ' " II E, jiMT '. ,- -' - fc .-- . fcUSo, CIa,Fk, ... i - Ml 'ill I 1 . . t I ElflKTB VTLi. ' aaa II"--: ni -l -V . .V.: i I I "I -' YmxtX iUmmWMI marl VMki . J : ' -ry v . . . ....... rH ' ' f n'l i. I. i in i 1-U-l It Was a Brick. Coiiuwli-Theit you think he struck you with ainliee aforethotnrht? Witness, I iudiiiiiuutly I Xnn can't mix me up like that. I have told you twice bo It i r nu with, A brick. There wasn't ' mi. wallets ,imr milliitt' of the kinfl about It, The Extreme Poor. Mis. A. : ''1 spppnsc yo.H. fl manv cases of extreme want dnring your visits lo the poor." Mrs. B. : "Yes, indeed. I visited a family .today, and ni tuitlly tlie hadn't a droi f 'gasoline- for their nu tomouile." , 1 1 . i 1 Yes; & S. S. Is Purely Vegetable u'mtum Safe Blood Tralment On tb Mrket Half a Century, Wbeajrou are in perfect healthy ajid -re, enjoying a strong ah4 vlgotoii'vltaKty, it is then tKaV' jonr b)ood jf free from all impuri ties. Yea should be very careful and give heed to the slightest indica tion of impure blood. A sluggish circulation is often indicated by an impaired aooetite. a feelinir of twsituiU and a geaeral weakening; o( th system. It is then that yon jheul4 Jiromptly Ulte a" few bottles of. SiiS. vJlviffiaJd' In cleans ing the'-Wftod a4PTtu'14upT "it strengthen We: wwle system. S, S. S. is soldvby--4t druggists. -Valuable information about the blood supply can be had free by writing to the Swift Specific Co, 0 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, aiminiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiratHiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiu 1 We Invite You To Drive Around ' Our battery service is t lit "ounce of prevention." We aim lo keep your buttery at tup elHciency ami to prevent the costly repair bills that come from neglect. 5 r3 ARK T,H t;f ICIAIi 8KUV1CK HTAriO.X'Olt THK WILSON AND THE DANCE 18 MQriths"of Giiara'nieed Service for one type and Two-Years For Another. We tarry Fxill LrW of Repair Parts te Tit Any Battery, Any Size, . .'. 1 ' Any Make. ,. When Yau InataU a I'hiUwleWihia. Diamond Grid Battery in Veur l.mr VnM iieti &.HilM''nir1h'reiia1rif -id 'rettTBlSi.'',lw'' instaft a euo-l 'i B k 1 Hod Koutai" Battery in your car while repairing your battery , ' -"-'XL " ' J " " - 'i.J' :r. --li Siorogft. Caliery Co j-s leWvDepot Seet . Phone 232 .a . a t a SllHliiMMr1INIlilHIIIIIHUIIIIlrWltlli:Mll5iHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIlll prf f R.B.( WILKINSON I J fa a we7 to gain ttgr fact 7 mid .4 perfectly, heated home. VVhy not ; 3 gas halt ot tne coai wesisa py auoracr "1 ,T-,-,T - tatesvillc Ijiiidinaik. If we get tuu Itev. James Wilson, he doesn't know anythiuir ubout danc ing., but he condemns it all as bad. Because some form of dancing are ud luUtedly or evil tendi'iiey. the church, ae cays, is agalust dancing in any firriu. So! Awl he oniJil have.1 truth fully adileil I hat the chureh 1ik found Mint it is unable to enforce its regu lations again" dancing and is now demanding that Caesar take a hand. Let it lie ifnilerstoiMl that this writ er bus no patience with the idea of compromising with evil. If dancing any form of dancing whatever Is wrong, is a sin. then the . church should not only continue to stand against it. lint it should lfSTe I lie nerve, wheih it dosu't seem to Have, to enforce Us regulations ami dlsrfp liuc or dismiss from membership those wlai persist in wilfully violat ing Its laws, even though reduce its UH.iiliership 7."i per ceuL This writer is not am never was a disciple of $ci:ps)cluire. ami he lias u I Mint tlie snipe opiniim- that Mr.. Wilson has of sme furuia of the dancy. - Neither i it tlie uiir tit tell. ,tbe cjmrclies what to do. But IF itorti weni. ul a reasonable proposition, that it is tlie part of wisdom to determine whether all forms of any pleasure are tsvil be fine condemning all. If ufter a ca re fill anil candid study by those who seek, light, not by those who. like Mr. Wilswu condemn without information, it be decided that all forms of diinc ing lie wrong, then stand by the in hibition and make it n reality instead of Ink UK it out in talk until it iscon sidered a jokje. ' A coiiipnuy of young lioople glidtlls ab 'iit a riMini. coming in nctunl con tact only by tiuu-litug hands as they pass to and fro. may be on the road to the devil because they shuffle their fiH-i and the figures they make as I hey more alHiiit is called dancing the old-fashioned' reels. The sumo company of young people can engage iu wme sort of jtame. In ,vhith f hey touch blinds, holds hands, even, come into as much, or more personal con. tack than in the game called dancing, awl it is' all right. That is a play not a dance, hut the only real difference is in the name and possibly in the movement of the feet. Now yon can tell these young 'people that one form of the amusement is a sin and the other is innocent diversion, hut yon can't maul the distinct ion into their I heads with a chili, because the dls ! tiiictiou isn't really there. I The other form of dancing, which Mr. Wilson ami others are ungal lant enough to call "hugging." is ad mittedly open to serious objection for oirt'ipua reasons. But liecause of the evil tetideucV: of that form ot the dance, and' la-cause that form has de generated, are all forms of dancing evil? Failure to draw the distinction In .(be for st instance has probably caused many young people to defy Un church and go the limit. Because the wholesale prohibition does not appeal to the common sense and reason they are disposed to Ignore all the objec tions offered. The first form of dancing described may be silly and there may. lie. uo good in it. The same can be said of many forms of '. admittedly inuocent recreation. It may appear that way to old folks, after they hare had their fling, hut those who do not forget the days of their youth will know that some form of recreation and diver sion is necessary t young people; and' the mistake; that the older people1 of ten make Is In not encouraging: the harmless form instead of all - the time rryhr ' to' stop- something lest evil should come of It The most in nocent amusement can he turned in to evil, but notsjdy wonld argue that all forma of amusement should be: drscoutluued for that reason; and the more rigid the restriction the ' more the- Inhibitions," the- more likely it Is that the pleasure-seeker will go to 'Otbw tMtnaV-?-.v- .-r'-i. jiv"' 4-. V. Because dancing ami card-playing have such largo possibilities for evil. because those engaging lit that ps- tiae ae often drift into the forms ad mittedly evil, these things, are gen erally : eoadnBued -wholesale. . But what has the condemnation amounted toT-iHoms-foMBaoC 4aaelng. we eon- tend, are bo more hurmful and have have always been given a clean bill of licnlth. Home forum of card-nliiriiiu are no. more harmful, thau cliecks or chess or pitching horseshoe,' whlfh do not fall under the condemnation. But dancing and card. playing are usually condemned, wholesale, without any discrimination. We don't know whether that has anything to do with it, but It is a fact that here never wus so much ihincing and curd playing in the his tory of the world as there is today. Curd-playing in some form has be come so common, particularly among the women, thut the church lias about censed to offer opposition to if; and at the present rate the church had about as well cense to Issue edicts ngainst dancing, for ail the good 'ne couiplishtid. (Hi tlie other hand It might be a good idea , to try to find.jonr not lie any enmpromise with w'fohg hut in an honest cileavr to find 'the truth whet hit ij Is rigid or wise, to condemn all forms of an amusement as evil because some forms of it are. Some of the pictures tluit appear on the movie screen are distinctively of evil and evil only. Others are Whole some, uplifting and Informing. Cut out the niovios because of the Imd ami sen. I Hie harmless along with tlie Jad? (t cau;t 'no dime- We don't want to take "luulcrholts" on llro. VilsHi, but talking alamt eschewing things unless there is sonic distinctive gol lu them, no matter if Imnu dcn not appear. Wouldn't thut place fishing under the ban? 'In the old days, when a certaiu stimulant was plentiful. It was the largest' itiHil In the eve rage tlshihg expedithaT ahd ilrmikeii frolics under tlie name of fishing trips were common. At least It is generally bPlrred that au otherwise truthful man will exaggerate uImhw (he slice of his catch and tlie uumlier ami sine of the fish that fell back, t'ixhiug also encourages idleness and' sloth. Vet it is 11(1 innocent sport, in which many of our greatest and licst men, scholars. philosophers, preachers, statesmen, c.iptaiiis of Industry mid plain citizens, have found .pleasant diveasjuii, rest and fod for thought. But" fishing fms ben ' prodiM'tivc ot much wickedliess and evil. Therefore cut it out, according to Mr. Wilson's logic , ,. . i Effect of Cotta Prlres, Manufacturers Record. Kvery line of mauufactinlng in tlie South will lie limited in Its dm-elop-mcnt until cotton brings a prohtablc price to the grower. Every educational advancement of the South will he lessened n its ef ficiency tiutil cotton brings a profitable price to tbe grower. . . Kvery religious activity of home missions and foreign iiiissHius wll be limited in Its work nd in Its power to raise innnuy for the extension of tbe (iospel. throughout the world undil oot ton brings a profitable price to the grower. Kvery niad construction undertaking in the Mouth will he limited in Its ex pahsfon mid in its influence for gisid nntH cotton hrtiuM a protltable price to the grower. Kvery country school and ewry country diuroh will continue as at present, luettlciently iuadniuate , to the work it is trying to do. occupying as in most cases aouie wretched build ing, until cotton bring a profitable price to the grower. Every sclimil toucher iu I he South, every uiiiiiHter of the tiosisd lu this section;' will receive. inudeiiuHle Kalar- fes'' MitiT 'btttr lurlngs prontgb.le' price to tne grower.. befcrq tha vvc r pack3H5 V;; during the package NOW THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES TH5 PRICE! ProvhJent, Hicks "Where did you spend your vacation" Wiiks "I didn't sihmuI it. My wife and iranghtcr spent everything else I had and I thought I Imd better save something." , . . UNITED STATES TROOPS IN ITtVNCE ONLY 13,000 Expected That These W ill Finish P liee and Other Duties Kaon and Re turn In Another Mouth. The actual handier of America n tnsip now iu France is less tlmn 15, t00 and is rupklly dimbiUhlng, Ueiu n . ik t. or nor, comraandiug tne Amen can trisips, suid today. , Within a mouth, he stated, virtually all the soldiers will lie gone, as the task of repatriating the ttiennan pris oners Is now completed. Only four or five (icrmaus now remain under the cbage of tlie American forces . and these are ill iuJbopltalft.:Tbey will be sent home through Coitions as soon as they can travel. . - The wark of "elriHipletiug the liquida tion of army cfnpplies, squaring ac counts ami the policing; nf American peace couferenca headquarters, are now the- pnly tasks 'detaining, the soldiers and officers in". Vrauoe, Uoneral on nor said he expected that this liquida tion work, too." win Is ' terminated within one month. ' ' " '' mwim XOLOSAKBFLU k J2 rsadera at this paper wife M plse t learn that there la at Mast na dreaded disesM that setenee has fceea able to eure In all Its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh keiac srsatlr slluae4 bjr eatrtuUonl condition require oonailtutional treatment Hall's Catarrh afedlcfne is takea lntraau sad acts thru tha Bloed on the Mncoos Sur. : fwsaa of the 8f atom therebr destroying . the (mndation ol the disease, living the sauent. strength ?r sunainc up tne con stitution and aesU'lnt nature ut Soto Its Work. The prosrtetonr havtgto. much faith h tha curative powers at Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they efffc One fiuM.n Dollar for anf esse ththhi( lo eure send lVr ttt of testimonials. Aadrnsi F. I, CiIFMFT CO, XmmIs Hoidk bold bj; ajl bruggtst. faa. ' ; , i . r OH out m-'wui . : . And iiidl'w Th System Take tbs Old St ri CLOVE'S TASTE LESS chUl TON iu Voo know what you sra taking, as the fonnula is printed an every label, ahowirg it is Ouiuine and Iron In a taste s Irn. in I nine I I no more nncsihllitiau nr Imrm l"tnir. I (Lives OOt the mi: ''.3. tlie iron fcbJS BQ ' gestion or otherwise than ganie which' tua system. 6) t !.. rnflyeaza and Grippe, tike Ordinary Colds. Reauirt Calotabs, the Purified and Refined Calomel t TabJets i That AreNausealies$, Safe and Sure. ; Jr..1 Physlclaus and, druggists claim that the great epeOemic f inrituyiw hasxquur clusively sVmunstrated that tlie4liiicA est relief for a cold and the best pre ventive vt influeiiEa ami pneumonia i to keep the Uvea active so that tn di gestive organs, nuy be la perfected ooudition. i'or this purpose Calotabs, the new' uauseniesa . calomel tablet that aret free from the siekeulag ajad weakening effects, 1 the most tborougt and dependable, aV;WeU as the must agreeable iatatlre. f , r Calotabs have the special advantage or not making tbe patient sick : aud weak, as they do not upset the 'diges tion am appetite. One Cakitah at bed time with a swallow of water that's an. No - salts, no Mumaa. nor the slightest interference with yon eating, plea sore, r work. Next muruina rour eoia nas vautsDeil, your liver at autive. year sysfem t purlfkit, and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite ror Dreaaiaat. i. t ... rot ronr protect lou. Ca otaba are sold 'only in orgtual sealexl. nackaaes. Price thirty five cents. Hold by . all druggists and your muis . hack ' if you are not dellghte with, theta- I Adv. ., .-. . : , , ..... r.f,d. f f-krwa 1 ' ,- M 1 A .f 1 1 CoiWonauaQ. Sick Headache. Bilious ets, LJoating, Soar. Stomach, Gas on the Stomach, Bed Bream you wid find ' sotting better than that wbo1csms Byiic- . ' ,.: . ; 'T'''"--I.. Kavet dieaopoiaL Take lookhj andUelbaucr ia the toonvnj,r T7 0rfjte. Aele.HTer.fc "TnW tir , ..c .ect Seve eweee to be riw be If.- -e ln k... ui.- uj ffuMr.ad w lut aeuiuiiauus see cltcusasst,' . " I.I .1 . '" I" I LI HI .' I II M im Hi in in im , i nlwnv I I I mrUsV r r w v . ) mi m wu bisGiulsaLte s delicious Ocoo-nee-cheo, rTouy; it.aimply indispensable i nMm an y 'house holds. It rreujoifornJ'y. good biacuita, hot-cakea l and wafflea because the bajting-powder, aoda and salt ar alceady in ik - Tht proportions are 8tientific,aRy cor rect, so there, ja qo, hanc for anything hat perfect reap Its, Occo-nee-chee, Flotjr is econptn ical it saves you money, because you pay feJo the extra iniiredi enta hy ' buying "them,1 alreitljl mixed, ; ti It's so easy to use Occo-nee- 1 che youll wonder htrsv you evef got alone without it Juct mil tha. flpun with watec or. rrtilk ano bake that'a aft, Qnjjr a,gtv aet oods fpf, each and no-worry a) all, becauM. you- cn ba urt tjiea biscuit are always tteUeaoua. 8nd mvoi yru f 10097 - I ; . V " Tere' o India HmmJ en mrj, ( otdtlm ' ... . . - .w., t, , Bay Pvrlttt Flour If yov wnUkrn ' f i -. . . bejt utiin leir. . ': '-. 'r:-!).t ' HUn. Co., Drhjinj, N, C r ' 1 idia 1 jlfio Qigar Supreme At. the price fL0R dsMELBA. I' .- elter. bioer and more plea.inpJ jthan any mild Havana cigar: . ' KCom'om OH ' 1fC meSnM Ask VOur rfeakw 4 vmttf' tmiarUm Umm . U your (HMier caeft supply you.wriit.it, . t-E.V19 fnoAR Mrq CO NewerS.N J. Urgeet tnJifieiil Ciger rattwy a the wbeid, ciia fc::;y;7.ds LW AYS GET THE r.ESLLTS '.-t - - . - .- ' n ; . 1' -. ; , j V' Hit