I'. & NAVAL COMMINDER I.N AUK1ATIC V I OSK FLEET m m f- m 4 TA1KOLS XEOIUUUJ COAST & . '-.--.. Uelief TANENHAUSgBROS. 1 iv EUANS : (';' ';.y.. ' ' ,", water "We H'lH' I(e (iiail to lla ve I'o Open Au -ircount" Relief HE LL-AMS L&fOR INDIGESTION YZZM Sure "ONLY ONE THING BREAKSJY COLD! "That's Dr. King's New Di. covery for fifty yean a cold-breaker" r- IN XTOTmXO but dustnined qnallrjr nu unraiiiiiKerfoetivenesHcan Ins but sure relief from stubborn old colds unci onriisliiOK mw ones, grippe, throat-tenriui: couglis. and croup ooukl have made )r. King's New Discovery the nationally popu lar and standard remedy Jt is today. Fifty years old and always reli able. Good for the whole family. A bottle in the medicine cabinet moans a short-lived cold or cough. UK.-, and $1.20. All druggets. . t Regular Bowels Is Health Howels that move spasmodically ' ' free one dav and atuhbnrn the nPxt Hhould be healthfully regu- lated bv Dr. King's New Life Pills. In this wav you keep the Impurities of waste matter from circulating Z thronjrli the system by cleansing - the bowels thoroughly and promot - lng the proper How of bile. I. Mild, comfortable, yet always re liable, Dr. King's New Life Pills - work with precision without the " constipation results of violent pu. r cuttves. 20c. as usual at all druggists. HELPS GIVE TO THE AnRAaiVOUKGGIRLl ITOTHE STURDY YOUNG FELLOW TOTHESTRONGRUGGED FATHER iTOTHEMOTHERATHOME To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take alotAs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure, Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c ORDINANCE. ' Be it ordained l by Hoard of Altfer- : Bleu of City of toneord : Wcctbin 1. That tf .shall be unlawful '. lo swap horse or to exhibit : plug llornea anywhere within eorofHl Jim ; lis .of city of Concord except in the but lots East of Church street: Pro Tided that ordinance shall not. apply to livery or trade styblcs. i . ;. - Sto-etlon 2. Anyone violating this or dinance shall be deemed imilty of a niiwlemennor -ami shall he lined not ex ceed ink S.T0 or imprisoned not exceed injr :tO days. -r- : ' p Section U. ,Tb!s ordinance-shall take etTtvt npon tin publication. .' r. r - Concord. N. C. Dec. lif.'lOM.'t ' - CEO. 11. EICUMON'D. 13-7t. "' ' -e Clerkv 1 1 V v " l ........ 4 Krar-Adjniral Philip Andrews, .lb-ports that tin' U'AnhiwKiu forci ( u t 'Ili ' i !;t : i I n r.-thl on Sl):i la to. llir Anienean luiviti iinse in rue Ainaii when- Item --Admiral Philip Andrews bus a llci't f (Helve craft, led to n i-onfi'i-ciicc in l.iMulon lirtweofi I'liilt-r- Seci-ctary Frank I.. I'ulk uf Hie Stule rt-iu rtiiii-iit . head ef ihi. AuBMican peace til-legation in l Hi. lamivAdiuiT- iil llanv S. Knai-ii. coiuiiiaiiinni.' afl Ani-'iicini naxal t-'i-ci-s in tin- KuroM-- an v.atei-. lialer an ari'i-iiieni reaclicd in l'.uU. Admiral Andrew-' bipi ''i'e .-; i ir i n ( to pat im! a part of tin- I il I til 1 1 in 1 1 riulM. Wlli-lllel new iiisii-iii lions were -cut in tin- American ioiiiinainlor fn the Adriatic- was nut, un:i"iiin ed. KKSOI.I TIOXS Or" KKSPKCT. Win-leas it lias pieased A!lllis.'llv lloil in Ilis ililinile wisdom l-i renio e floiil the seems cf lliis life nlll- beloved ,-n w orker. Mrs. Walter Melellor. Therefoi-e lie it rcsolM-il1: Kii-st. rt'iil ne the members of t! l AVeuiatiss llmiio a in I ' rVrrtcii Mission' i) iv Soeielv of St. Stephen-! l.iithevan Church liovv in lininl-le siiliuiissiou till",- will of mil' kind Heavenly Kather. who iloeih all Ciiic's well. Si cond. That in tin- death of Mrs Melclior the .Missionary Society and i 'hi i ri'ii liuve- siwtuincil a ureal hss. Third. Th-it we wil enmlale her im iili' eMiniple ill t 'hrist i.m life. Fourth. That we e'elnl to the I"--.iri-.ed fatuily our sympathy. Fifth That a c.-tiy of :Ih-m re-oo-- t.inuii I"- i-et-ordd iti utr )niniin-s. our n to the family, mill to the Salis bury Fu-.iinL: I'ost null T!ie Concord Tribune for i-nhiical ion. mus. m. i.. Ki:s'ii:i;. Mils. Ai ri'.i; cuxF.. MUS. ! I t V ISFMHM li. 'oininittee. For That Cough After the "Flu" Lingering colds and coughj that follow the grip or influenza are difficult to overcome, but many such sufferers have found relief in Foley'i Honey andTdr. : Sayx h U Worth $50.00 a Bottle Win. Barnes, Sen Anlonio, Tex., writes; "Foley's Honey tnd Tar is undoubtedly the but cpugh remedy in the worltt 1 know ihie i so beeitsM I touad it t b ao. Acfu1 9riAC' troght tan. It han been worth 160.00 ab ttle to) me. Early iq the season I bad the 'flu.' which H me week arvt with a persistant cwth. The jjh hung oa and t becesne qsucji waxvtatf bbo-jt, Ik Someone advised me to try Foley's Honr-y and Tar and 1 began takin it tfaat nijtht. I hsv nov7 coroplfttely recoverodanddooct cuh stall." Foley's - Honey and Tar COMPOUND AN OLD RELIABLE FAMILY REMEDY, recommended lor coufhi. cold, tickling oi Iho throat, ipumodio croup," whooping cough, la grippe,' and btonebiat cougbi, hoanaoets, etc. All users Praise Us Prompt and efficient action. Absolutely safe ' Contains no opiates. Solo Everywhere.; WOMEN NEEII bWA-MI KOOT. TUotiMiinl!) -6t wouit-n havo,;- kitliioy mid bltulik-r trouble ami ui-vor nuetpt-t-t it, -V:. - : .v- " - WomenV tiintiiluititu of icii. prove to be liotliitig. cttif' but kiiliie.v troubU,.ur (ho rwult ot kidney or blarljcr diw-uMt-. I( Hie Jtidiiey ui-e not In' a healthy einiililioii. Uu-y miiy cuuwi the olber or gaiiH to beiDine (llwawxl. -. . , 5 rn in In Ilia uaek, hoailuelieu. Tom of iimliithin. uervoilsHexti, arc ofien times syntptoui of kblney trouble1. '.i- Kilinera swamn-Hoot. a phj-Hlciaku prescrlptioh, .obtained at uny .i druii Rtwe, may be Just ihp remedy needed to orereome dir-b eonilitlonw. ' ;tt a medium or large Mize bottk- lmmeiriitcty froch any dni Htore. Howerw.'y.If, ymr. wili first to test thin great preparation urnd ten cents to lr. Kilmer & -o Binsluiintou. X. fur s"!nampU' bottle. When wrltlnsr -Mire:- aiul ' -Aleut iOa-'tliO -CoUfdrd TriUuue. f;,f:';'"' "-':'','! - -mm Prices In This Store Everything is marked in plain figures and you cart really wait upon yourself. The Tanenhaus System and profiteering certainly have nothing in common and we welcome the most careful scrutiny by any person at any time. We do business on a smaU margin of prof--it, for we believe in a big business and a shortteeason rathe than a small business and a long season and a "Jong profit.; The confi rfonrp nf a hnvinir nuhlic is a wonderful thins to possess anrwe can , honestly say that the Tanenhaus System has honestly earned the n3 ii j (....i.:.ti.:.it. In connaencc oi inousanus ui pwtiiv m uw . Stylish BestCh Clo thing The ristmas Gift Everyone, whether it be lady; gentleman or boy, will appreciate Ihe selectiori of a' handsome stylish piece of wearing apparel, and it makes a gift that lives for a long tone after Christmas and really gives the wearer pleasure longer than most anything you could se lect. We are showing a wonderful assortment of outer apparel and whether you wish something for a gift or for yourself, you simply cannot go wrong on a selection at the Tanenhaus Store. j Tanenhaus Prices Are YOUR Always, Reasonable This is accounted for by the fact that we arc buying for an everin creasing System of Stores and are in a position, to demand soflie thing more, in the way of price concessions than the average small city merchant buying for one or two stores. , W would like awfully well to have you call in and look us overawe won'f urge you to buy, -but we believe you will buy once yoii thoroughly understand '.THE , TANENHAUS SYSTEM." -ici'vi' f, ' ': A:. - For lW:a:-WhyNotaImi ACCOUNT cither ohaf thirty-dar basis r longer period is sincerely so licited.. The Tanenhaus Sys-.. tern as well as every- other "responsible" merchant,' en joys the convenience of sub stantial credit. We believe in passing this convenience along to our patrons, if they wish; it.4 However, whether Vu are a cash or credit buy er you will receive the same . low prices and the same court teous treatment at the Tan enhaus Store. l....W - ' . i' - ,!, '-) rK.Criljp XllAX VOL PREACH. Seeks to et Moulder' I'sy Raitted, Hut (ant Explain Why Teachem; Are I'oor. .Vshcville, IVe. U. An imiiilui in-: ejdent .wenrwl-Jlerc when 'Mayor ial-1 Iiitm Iltilieits c-nlisloil li Im effort to Met tle the Htrike of union ninlder.s, iiow in progress. There, are 11 mohlera out of Sork from two fouiidrU-!) In tin.- city. The men were, Mnj; paid 05 cents uti hour for 10 huurx per day, and are on Ktrlke for 0 i-cnU and nine honr Mayor Itola-rtM was iipin-aled to "by the Htrlk ers'nnrt lu announeeij that ho believed he eouhl arrange thing Kutlffaetorlly. Aw-onlingly the mayor approached I. S. Uildebrainl, preisldeut of tht Anhevllle Supply and Foundry Conu puny.'. "Mr. llildebraiid, no Id th mayor, "you are not paying your moluV ern enongh mney 'it ; 4 "That in uiterexfiiiR taew;1 replied Mr. IIildebrand.r. "Rut let tne aik yoo Iiow tntirh". vim pay the p'rlm-rpnlea of our eify-K-hooU.'' ; . v - ; ; j'Thl emU-d . tlic" iMrk'The mold-i crH have" been paid more than $2.0(10 per year, while the prineipales of thej graded aehool of the city draw ' aat ariea averaging about $1,200 per year. The teucheiK In the eity vi-hoola svor age "lew fhun $70 per month. . ' ' - ";; 1 V' Frankly Put "- V Recently two old people Jn the neigh borhood were married. Both Were well known, being fuiulllnrtoVvn eharactem. When Simmy heard about it be was o 1 excited he rame running In and ex-' claimed: "O. mother. Mr. Old Jenkins and Auntie Old' Murray, are, ruarjried, and I- think they.'re awful laiig wilt era.","' ': :. . k r I LIVER IPfllACl DIGESTION WAS DAD Styi IS yur U Kcattdf' w,! Wlo ItSUllvw a ReEm3 , , . MesdprsTin.EyWnL Cyathls BIXKlabothsm, of this town, smyf ? it mr cs. wbicb is fS, tbs ltrerj'does ot set so well as when youn . fnr . - -'.-. - -. 7ars sxo my stomscfc was all ut of Ox- t was constipated. my , liver . ' ailing set My fllSMtloa was bad. n4 tt took so Uttlo to npsstao. My sp. otlta. was tons! X was Vary weak...' Uiiaii'.SsW f gttt'C SltCfe Xoiit tkortturb trlsl ss I knsw It -was highly recommended for K tils tronbls. 1 bepa takinjr, Jjj, T"t jgj bstter aftst a few doses.. Ky sppotlts Improved sod I oecanis stronger. My bowels acted nlturalr and tbs least troubio wsa sooa vlgbted wlib s few '-: V "... ; bp'-'-?.'.'";. doses of BIick.liran$1t -:l .. ' ' - Seventy years at succesfr4 ns u nado Tbsdford'fe Black-Orangbt ; standard, liousebold ;; wmody. Srsry metnlrsr, of. srsry fsjnUy,; at ' tlmot, need" tb hip that Blsck:Drsaett ess Sirs la cleaiulos the system and Vt llevlni tbjsv troubles W corns from eonstlpatloa; Jndlwtloa,' 'lasjrllrer, tc. Tott cannot keep weU unless' your stomach, liver sad bowels' are la (bod working order, Keen (bea tnat way, Try BIsck-Drsoibt U acts promptly, KonUy iutd f satnral way .If yon feet sluelsh, Uks dosf . toalg&t. Ton wttl feel frssk tojrwr, Pries 25c. ,a pucisfs Ono s doss All oVtnrclsta.1 "j. Q CUT PEi:::7 UVAVS GET TitE results i NOTirtc to contract6rs 'Stalo Ulghway Conklruction. - ' (S, C. tetlerur'Altl lroJert No. 70.) Healed hid for the. comitrtjetlon of approximately, it.iioj, nuie.r. oi Hlnte highway hi ('larnifi , Comity', N. C will bo rm-lved Jiy . tin,' North Carolina Stale' lllgliway t'uiuilNslou at tlio 11 viHion orlkie in fjreenxlwro, N. t! un- tirTJT OVloflfoii io 2Urd day of tXs- oejuier, lltMheu-they will bo opened- atld,read.i 14 ' ::M-': i"' .- ' "No bliU n lll bo-received after the hotrr flxeU, V; ' --t ; C "' ' ''The Vorfc Ifl consist approximate ly" as follows '. ij. i;",;',,: A-tVV. Sorfacitjc. . '. -y':;;Tv. 14,200 Jig. qdir. plain coiicn-te. or in,4(W wj, yiln. Topeka or Willlle or Warreuito with st. yds. Coin. lilKO aihI Uvadrr ooursa ,-,' ; ', --.'" - ,.S acres -rjrdriiijif ami '(JntltbltiR. 2.100 ktnic-yd. earth oseavatlon. n 3.0 eu. yds.! Cliiw- - "W v Concrete (Iteadwalla). ,, j.. ' -V-: r No biibt wilt h considered ttnlejw ac onnipauied by a properly eertllied oheck for Two ThotiNMiid ($2.000.00). Dollars made payable to Frauka I'ugcv Cliair maii. ' ' ,''- h'-"'. A corpirt-ato surety bond, or otrHT KHtlufnetory KOeurity wlll be' required for the complete fullllliueut of the Contract. ,-. :'.,-, ..: " ".'-' l'Uioa. sptvlfli-stlonK,. forms of con- tract, pminwal blank, etc, tun Ik- so cured from the ollU-e of tlio State Ufghway CounuisKioM, llaleigh, N. ti. on tlio payutcut or nve uoiiara u uc fray cost " ' ". .' .- . . The right -'Is' rewrvetV to r'Jeet any Or all bid" or to accept any bid deem ed heat for tlte State and County. 1 :. I. Bf-fder of - tfitf rth Carolina f.'.r;-r.i..i--. -t'-,,'v-,- -- State Uigbway CommUs)on ' ' " itiw,- - . -. w. h.;fai-lis,' -'V . Stutc, lllgbwuy llocinoor. .. This the 20th day of November, 101!). i)AMASK WEAVE MILL The' Elm Novelty Man u facturiha rlnrrinahv Inift ' uifl' WWSW,-W'fl WtSfWpiM W , SSSWS TV : be .sold to the highest bidder f ' . Li -ill . .1 ' . V ior scaso at me piani on cast Flm 'Sr f!rtncnrH. N P :nn f bursday, January! , 1920, ai uviutit. p. iu., vuiibisunij of one wood buildi'he '30x56. lot 60x120, eight damask , looms, 1 fimotQr, -$hafting, belting oullevs. beams, and warps etc; .to fa?rU sup plies for operation i of the,, looms. - 1 V "'''-V-, ! !. By Order Ihs birectors, ' s - , Thlsf Th4, : into. ' - i ' W L. BOBBINS '4-201., ,:; ' 'Sevrptury:' ; 'f ,' Vlidtlni Card frinted,, S. cents, or 100 lor $1.2)i. Tlniea-Trlu-' for 100, aocortlin j to stylo of ent,Tv v tiuo otliee. " f ifi-it' " Oak Wood; 8iie lr Hester, Wsntol . on nuuserljitiou at Timea-Tribuus Otliee. ' Meo ua before hauling . , - Addlnj Machine Bolls, ZO CcjiU Eadii . 3 for 50 cents,'Tat 'i'iuett-Xrihuue o( llca. , ' --'. - .' r -.. -. i