PAGE FOUR THE CONCORD DAILY. TRIBUNE Monday, May -17, 1920. The Ccnccrd Daily Tribune i. B. SHFBRILl, Bailor aaa PaaHaaar W. M. SHUHRILL, AuMllIt Rdltaa A. CaJM-BaUJb CUXH, City Bdlta MaaiaeF af . TOPI UNOrJATED PUII Narta CmcllM t...rtaHa mi Tka Aaaaalatae Praaa la cxclaalraly title ta taa M far aaaaalteaUaa al U acwa maltea ta It ar aet etaarwla. reaita la thtoHaaw a4 alaa taa la- aal aawa aabltaaaa herela. All rlsata at repablleatlaa at esulSl aiaaateka hercla are alaa Special Reareaaatatrra. ? HOST. LAHDIS ft KOIUT 135 Fifth Anna Wew Yark Adnnliiu Balldiaa.CBtease ISO. Candler Ballataa, Eatercd aaeeeea elaaa autl at taa aoatoSW at Ceaeora; Bf. I aer tka Art at Man S. 187. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I la taa City at Caaeerd Oaa Year Six Moatha ay Carrie . s.aa I.B0 .50 The anti-suffrage leaden could pos sibly get some rclU-f .it. America bad such a bill as, England has,' which. bill require a woman to make an affidavit that she la thirty years old before abe can vote. , How man women In Ameri ca would qualify under that law! Carrausa is reported to have a large part of the Mexican treasury with hlin in his flight The fact that tliePren ident of the country baa access to the money probably explains wny mere la always some Mexican who. wants the job of President. , Three Moatha ha Oat af the city mm hr Bull the fol Uwlaa arm wUI arc vail : Oaa Year .... Ix Meatha J TkFM Meatha . - ... Lcea Thaa Three Moatha. M Caata a Moata. Oaialde af the State, the Saaeerlatt U the Saa. aa la the City. an aohaerlatlaaa Meat Be Pal la Adaaee EAILBOAD SCHEDULE. In Effert November S& 1919. Northbound. No. 44 5:00am No. 130 11 :38 am No. 36 12:10 am No. 46 3:45 pm No. 22 1 :10 pm No. 32 8:00pm No. 138 0:36 pm No. 30 120 am Southbound. No. 85 7:80pm No. 43 No. 29 No. 81 No. 137 No. 11 No. 45 10:10 pm 2:56 am 0 :47 am 0:06 am 10:00 am 3:20 pm We see by London reports that' the testimony of Admiral Kims has sur prised the English people.'. It sceins that they didn't know what a frieud they had among us. "II IS Bf IMf. Jtiad OUnCred bO from (be time r began "taking Tnnlae. had Srnmnrh TmiiUo H Wo t"" having repeated apcUs- of severe , I , " . , " r . P""' in my right, side; I noticed my AinUQ Me a Have lO DUD-J pains were more severe when I EARKB-BELE ;eO; THE SHOPPING CENTER vosm i SUSHIS IT IT mit to Operation. Bryan couldn't defeat Underwood Jul Alalmnia, but he gets his check 'n"SAYS NERVES WERE Hie Aiui-ouiuuii a-rague juat 1117 Miurj, so why should the joko be ou hlui? TERRIBLY UPSET Caruso Is said to get 3,000 a night. That is 0110 job, at least, that beats bricklaying. Tanlac Straightened Him Out Four Years Ago and He 'Has Been Enjoying Fine Health Ever Since. li.. fc t ... HAVE TEST FIRST. It niu'rk quite an advance in JItxi- can revolutions that it is proposed to Spare Currnnza's life if he shall be v caught before lie can get out of tlic cuuulry. Xo mercy was shown to Madcro. and iluerta might have fureil badly if lie had not miule a quick get away. AiMwirently no one wants to kill Cummzu, but there is a pretty Unanimous dwire 1o get rid of him as President. Clearly Mexico is iiuprov-1 Jug. After a while Presidents will he . allowed to. serve on! tbeir terms with out resorting, to the autocratic" meth ods tf l'orlirin Diaz - Philadelphia Record. While we feel tliut Carranza muy be safe with the reiicls, we had rather have lilm make a test catisc before we believe that the life fany ex presi dent iu that country is jjohiK to be anfe. The rebels promise that '!' are going to make good rulers, but Carraiusa made the same premises to this country before lie was put In. ttild we don't believe any of them. It is true that the rebels and all Mexi cans have had their patience tried on dor Carramm, and we Ijelievc that he will pay for it. Still another well-known Florida man relates bis Interesthig experience with Tanlac. William A. MciJraw. 207 Beach Place, Tampa, elevator erector for the Otis Elevator Company, Says: 'One day, about four years ago. In Richmond. Virginia. I was telling a man of the bad state of health I seemed to Im getting in and he advised me to try Tanlac. saying it would Mirely set me right. So I took his advice and found Tanlac Just as lip said. It not only straightened me up at that time, but has' kept me 'In good trim ever since. I had been suffering from contipn- tion and feeling rundown for several years and for some mouths, previous to lac. TODAY'S EVENTS. Monday. May 17, 1920. 'Norwegian Independence Day. King AlfousO of Spain today enters .!.. 4r..l. I. ' V. John M. Parker Is to take omce to day as Governor of Louisiana. Governor A. K. Smitn or ew lorK is to hold a public hearing tislay on the da.vliKht savings repeal bill. Colorado Democrats moot in Stat' convention at Denver today to select delegates to the national convention. Washington's fourteen delegates to th Democratic national convention vili be'Hoseu at a State' convention In Spokane hxliry. A call has been issued for u uiei-t lug of publishers in Washington today for the puriiose of forming a league t cope nilli the paper situation. Iecisions iu the Prohibition test cases may be handed down by the Su preme Court of the 1'niteil States when it reconvenes today after a two weeks' recess. At .New York today the Interstate Commerce Commission will begin scries of public hearings on the appli- outio nof the express comniinies for increased rates. ' The National Association of Manu facturers, which for ir quarter of a . .... ........I tw.l eeuiui.v ijh wiiiui-i mini,. ,uin , great subjects which nieeii tli tJeSt Canned Com ,15C! rnitc.1 stat,-s -ui beKin ' No. 2 Tomatoes 15c Jlliiim- 1. vii Tin em in . ' ' ' tolay. To sliow the special advantages of lii'.hu-nv frenirht triinsiHirlatinn. all (imris of the I'liiliil Stules mid Cana da are to observe the week beginning today as Nhip-by-Truck We. worst constipated. Finally they got to coming so often and intense that I could hardly stand It and as a result my nerves were getting terribly upset Well, I. had myself treated, but never with any satisfactory results and it looked like I was In for an operation. "In fact, I was advised tbo cause of my trouble could only he removed by an operation. But soon after I began the Tanlac treatment I commenced to be less coustiiiated, my stomach felt bet ter, ana my pain began to ease . up. Well, It wasn't long until my wjfe spoKn or now i was Improving and In a few weeks I found myself free of pain and feeling fine. Ever since that time Tanlac has been my stand-by. When I began to feel run-down and out of gear It Isn t long until Tanlac has me feeling right again. My mother-in-law, who Is now seventy-seven years of age and lives in Toledo.-Ohio, took Tan lac with line results while visiting us last winter. TUe way her appetite picked up and her .strength increased was wonderful. To hit mind there'a no kmedicine equal' to Tanlac for people with any sort of stomach trouble and who are in a general run down condi tion. All good Drug Stores sell Tan Adv. Special Prices on Canned Goods. Jel lies and Preserves F The largest ami most attractive is sue of any weekly newspaper evr published in the State, so far as we have observed, is that of the Morgan ton Xews-llerald of May 13. Besides the regular uews edition of that paper, which is, as always, a model in the way it is edited and printed, there is a pictorial gravure section allowing views of Morganton aud lliitvke county and a bio a Burke County Special, con taining 2S pages, exploiting in a com plete and attractive way the advan tages of Burke and its beautiful capi tal. Miss Beatrice Cobb is the editor and publisher of the News-Herald, and she has by her own untiring efforts brought the News-Herald to a point where acknowledgment is made by other weekly ; papers that it has no superior in the State. It has met ev ery expectation of the people, of Mor ganton, and It has established a repu tation among Its fellows that is gilt edged. ' ' ' v There are some people at least who favor Senator Knox's peace resolution. The ticrmuil-Amerlcan Citizens' League has been In session, and it has char acterized the treaty of Versailles as "based' on hatred and vengeance." Senator Knox should feel heartened and delighted to have his resolution agreed to by such an eminent ami purely American authority, rerhaps ' the members of the League are to got an Iron Cross for supporting the Knox resolution against the League of Na- 'While Lieut. Cor, V Gardner has tnauy - supporters in , Ibis city . and county, ois campaign oeva was not been waged with the same energy as displayed by other managers, but with the announcement that bis campaign here is to ha under the BuiDitffcnienr of Major W. A.. Foil, lively things are to be expected. .Mr. Gardner will prob ably speak Lore this week, and a bet ter line of his popularity will t pos iiiUe after bis public appearance. ' Tte Italeigh News aud Observer pre dicts that after the Chicago conven- t on there Will be euough Wood-pulp to 1 1 Here the paper shortage. Wo are tertaia thu.1, this wiil-.liu.ppen after the Chicago colli rutioirc"-'the fall election. Orders Seizure of Material For Making Liquor In South. Uoanoke, Va.. May It. Seizure by field agents of the Bureau of luCernal Revenue of all material "designed to be used in the manufacture of alcoholic liquors" bus been ordered by S. -Jl. Brane. Federal Supervising Prohibition Agent for the Southern Division. The division includes Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Curoliua, Tennessee and Kentucky. Mr. Brume's orders, as announced by local agents of the bureau, stated that "not only are materials such as sugar. -grain, molasses and malt ingredients to be seized, where sufficient reasons exists for the belief that theyvvill be used in the production of illicit ah-nho-lic liquor, but that suspicious ship ments also are to be dctatued." Greensboro to Keep Eye on Kind of Shews. Greensboro Is to have a board of amusements whose duty It wffl be to keep an eye on the theaters and, other amusement places In the city to see that the entertainmeut they furnish is wholesome and lit for both young and old. The hoard will be composed of members chosen by tlx? various organ izations of the city. It will be created by a city ordinance aud clothed with full authority to take such action as it deems necessary to prevent improp er shows from operating. - The com missioner of public safety will be au cx officio member. Smilax Kraut 10c Silver Floss Kraut 15c Large cans Hominy 15c 2 cans for 2oc Sugar Peas, 20c, 2 for ?J5c Apple Butter, large jars 35c Large Jar Preserves, rasp- , berry or peach 40c Large Jar, Pure Honey 45c Apple Jelly, per glass 15c We alSo have plenty of Mill Feed at less than today's buying price. CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. . Phone 571W Medicinal Virtues Retained and Improved Dangerous and Sickening Qualities Kcmoved. .New Tablet Called "Calotabs." NEW PENSION BILL A LAW Civil War Veterans Now Will Get $50 a Month, President Wilson has signed the Fuller pension bill, imTeasing the pen sions of veterans of the Civil War to $Ti( and increasing the pensions of widows and other dependents of vet erans...::,,. -.;; ;.r'- - What la o pussy-footed as a poliU- eal convention-. Chicago Tribune. - Colonel Pryan reports that If aid is t scut iitissla wU be a chaos in six :!. A-vi'i-ding to this we ere one Winston-Salem Lady Feels Thankful For Re-Cu-Ma. Mrs. II. S. Grant wbo for a rear has been a suferer from chronic consti pation, nervousness and weakness now mm better. Rays Be-Cn-Ma has her. Mrs. Grant says: , -v For the past year I have bad con stipation so bad that I could not sleep st nights. I bad gotten all run down and nervous, and was so weak 1 could hardly go at all. I was very much dis couraged about my condition as noth ing gave roe any relief. 1 saw tte-va-xa advertised in me paper and thought I would try it as last resort- i I have takes oaa bottle sua my con stipation is better, I sleep better, at night, end I also feel much stronger thaa I did before I started taking fie- Cll-MU. , - It bas made me Ceet so much bet ter that 1 now recommend yt. to Vm f rends aud neighbors, and '.Would ' ad vise anyoue to take it who bas my troubled. '- ' - - v ' : , , (SigoVd) MRS. H. 8.' GRANT Winston-Salem, N. C. " Ea-Cu-Ma fa sold oa a four days yarautee by Cllue's I'iutricucy. '. AUTO SERVICC STA TION Bear of Caton's, Norta Church - Sirsel . Famous Vesta Batteries Free Testing and . Inspection of all Makes WALTER LLPE Telephone 76 The ialeh maey is a ' I triumph of modern pliar-'do-nauseatrd'' calomel tab let known to the drug, trade as "Calo tabs.'' Calomel, the most generally use ful of nil medicines thus enters upon a wider field of siiulurity. purified and refined from those obJi'tionuble qualities which have heretofore limited its use. In biliousness, constipation, head aches and indigestion, aud iu a great variety of liver, stomach and kidney trouble calomel was the most success ful remedy but its use was often neglected on account of - Its sickening qualities. Now it is the easict aim most pleasant of mdeicines to lake. One tablet on the tongue at hedtiuu with a swallow of water, that's all. No tste, no griping, no nausea, uo salts. A good night's sleep and the next morning yuu are feeling Hue, with a cicau liver, a purified system ami a big appetite. Eat what you please. No danger. Calotabs are sold only in original, sealed packages. pri-e thirty-five ceuts. Tour druggist is authorized to refund the mice as a guarantee that you will I la.' thoroughly delighted with Calo j labs. Adv. , - FREE With each 50c pack age of Clark blaes a Dollar Razor free.. We Deliver by Automobile Ciiscn Drug Stcre For Enmved WeddBif Invitations ana announcements , come to The Times-Tribune office. We represent one of the beet engravers in Amesl- Visiting Cards Beautifully Printed. 69 tor 10X1 cards up. lot) cards from old plate, $1.50. Cull, at Times-Trib- i ...... .... .1 Hi.. 1 ' i i iVi , ? i i ' , , . 4 Visiting Cards Printed in Beantifid type face, 50 for 1.0t 100 for 1.50. Timesl'riliHiie oflK. Land Deeds and JUurtsage Trust Deeds 5 cents each In auy quantity, at the Ts-Tubune ct.e. Pearls A strand of pearls i one of the most adapt able pieces of jewelry a woman can own. Pearls seem to have the unusual quality of em phasizing the beauty of su evening gown, at the same time borrowing , from its beauty for themselves. This holds true whether worn with vivid colors or subdued shades. The - assort ment we show contains ' long and sbor( strands of ull staes. PRESLAR & 1 , MANGUM . - LEADING JEWELERS Quality First Courtesy Always Standard Parks-Belk Co. qualities-but very much be low today's market values. Wliy? Don't ask, but come here today, tomorrow any da, in fact and see the merchandise we're now prepared to offer in our Worn eiCs and Children's Hosiery section. We have felt all along that we have been offering sane, consistent values m nosiery ana we have but here are some of the most exceptional offers yet announced. Gordon No. 300 Beautiful Silk Hose, value $4.00." Our price . $3.50 Women's Pure Thread Silk '. Hosiery of good, substantial weight and lisle x tops and double reinforced heels and toes; also seamed leg, in black and brown $1.48 Buster Brown Pure Thread Silk, brown and black $1.98 Women's Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, made of good weight silk of superior quality, in black only $2.50 Extra Good Thread Silk Buster Brown Hose, spe cial $2.23 Monito Silk Hose, Brown, Black, white, special value . $3.00 and $3.23. Gordon Clock Stitch Hose, in black and brown, Full fash ipoed Silk.. $3.50 1 y Mm Parks Belk CO. Office and Pattern Dept. Phone 608 'Shoe and Clothing Dept. Phone 138 Dry Goods and Notions Phone 508 Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Phone 338 Cl f HLfNT-8 fall, la ah A II MatmaatariTCH.KCZaaIA. aNy'a.JI KINQWORM. TSTTKR w ri t DV athrf. itcaioa akia ?ry 1 VI 7i a 7t aaathMataar nak. Gibson Dmi Store uiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiit u NEW RECORDS FOR MAY. No. 101-17-rVbcn Smiles. My Uaby 5 Xo. 10133 Yellow Dog piues. Wonderful -: ,-' - No. ' lOl'tti That Kid From Madrid- P. DR. J. A. SIIAUERS , Chiropractor Acute, v Chronic , and : Kervstxi DuSe1 Building. T (Jh'ii, Made Bes. I. MC. A. ; i i rhone 20 Wheii King Georg and Queen Mary attend the theatre special program are printed for them ou viliite satin, No. 10140 Venetian Moon. r ; Kb. loill ong',!of Omun S (juss). , , - Thesn arc our live best num- S 5 hers for, May and should be in S every home. 'Vou wUI ind the B entire May list new and refresh- B B ing and we have been able to r, add the foUoMing iiiiv sought - B for numbers to ourtock in large E S quantities; . - S B The Kt Iiuis Blae. - - e 5 . The Baxaphone Blues. . . - B Cuclc John aud Aunt Naucy B s Pm up Kitchen Store. . , ,g Lucie Josh Takes. Census. ...... a Tuck) Josh aud tue houucx. Also a new .express shipment 3 ot U. U. H. Player Piano lolls, a nusEfTE. i::c. tm-'L J- J! . " -i B - x-oncora j-avauuiK t Music Store : ; 1 h' CONCORD MOTOR CO ;.-' t , i " v-; ' . AGENTfs. FOR ; .... , V, v essex.' , - . ; dodge , - ; t OVERLAND 7 HUDSON (AW AW a W a Wa-ti W allalWaaW U W u "kt ajatfe aKataaSa-aataaCatk. . - - -, -' B aii'MiiiiiiiiHiiiuiinsiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii'.i ANNOUNCERIENTS.-- 1 hereJiy aooouuoe myself a c andi date for the oftice ot BlierinT of Cabar ruSfCouniy, Mibject to the actioo of the lMWOcratlc priinsrlos. -'. - ZPBCLON D. TJJUBNBUUG. Eiigravea Visit"' tarts, in the LaOest eti-tns, from l-.BO a hundred up. iu ' eluding niate, at Times-Tribune of ' tea. AT r fiibt wdt. luo for tliO. daaaAaKaaVaBBaiafs DARRE ,GER MOTOR CO Xlt Peasant, N.C ; Special! " FR EE" vSpecial! : i iJVee Tube With Every Pennsylvania Tire Purchas- : . ! edThis Month:,. :'-v. - ' - , 30 x 3, $19.10-. c-;y-r' r'"' .;, ; 30 x 3 1-2, $23.70. ; Compare These Priccs4Vith Other Tires ' v AndzTZQii end Orow-EIIdiart Cars , n - i n i i clh rE:::;v .'.uvavs get the results IK I ,U' I--o 'j? ;S ,0 i : i i ' O i : : if. O Jf o . ii ; i ! IS o