, - ( -A . V' ' - - w w O ( . ; y- - .-"i ; ; . ( 3. -. i 1 L JAY'S' 6 t. U ooouoo OOOO C r 1 -j-"--- T -i LJ O DISPA1QIE3 o o o o u o u VOLUME XX. CONCORD, K-C TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920. v. NO. 139, ; ti:e .G;;;;;!3;TnATio; : COiiEOL OP S!: The Next Move Will Pr'obab ly Be a Definite Trend To ward Some One Particular Presidential Candidate. HEARINGS TO ALL WtfO HAVE PLANKS TO OFFER ; Balloting Will Not Begin Till Platform Is Decided Upon, Though Nominations May Be Made Before. R : (By ta AaaoeJae4 Prasa.)" ' Auditorium, Sun Franclwo. ; June 20.- Asscmblinir int hour Inter Hum usual today the lttmorraUc National 7 riuslness--iiecesKftrV' time Kiiier,-io Convention had la'forc It only routine l,giv opportunity .for .committee worn ' (innbft outside and the Anal iietfeetioii. of organisation "machinery, , I Th second kerndle speech by Bpn '' titer Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkun- " fin,' the KiicgOBSfnl administration, con- " didate -fur. permanent, chairman, wu "-"the principal event on to program, : 'Prospects for a spectacular fight on - The floor over the election of tit er- .-: dentluU eoniniltfrsy Which sustained " the Democratic National Committee : 1i refusal of seating Senator Reed, of Missouri as a delegate,; were neageii about with uncertainty.- There were tiredictlons that the contest would not he carried further unless Reed wax - determined to force himself Into the Georgia delegation. The Georgia case : also, la which the credentials commit- " tee sustained . the national oommttfoe anil seated the Palmer delegation to the seclusion of the Smith-Watson fae- tlon, also seemed to have been nettled with a finality, although there was i way a chance of a last minute out 'break. :J" 'V.;'-v .. :; ' ' . Today's "tension, however, w the last play day for the delegate tor un , (let the mien aa adopted, tha conven tion may go ahead hearing 'Candida ten placed in lTominatloa -while the phtt- ''. form mmmlHaa ia mrnrltlnir thollSh it f maj not proceed to th votlug iniUl the Wlform haa been iacoep4fl. i Wille'the Mil membership or'tlw .- : awav'lieanng IntereHlert person no had pfaokn to auggeNt, the gnb-vomjfiit-' ' . J- ... t . i .l I l. 1 1 m 111 .,kn ' Iff Ul I1IIR9 DUA'U Ullliail -mill niii ' the planks- into nhapef and -decide V ,V' - whether 1m. 5. Bryan Is' to have, a . . I'-, lione dry plank or whether the party ' a iliall accept some xort of compromUe . ' ; ns atiggeNled h.v rostmaster Uenerni : ' ' 1 Jtnrleson, Is laying back waiting for - the hearings to end before It take np the tank, of- actnally building a plat- form. In the meantime the suh com ; ' k mittee memliWs are not lowing the op portunity of getting the preliminaries '" v out of th way., .', .';'. -;- " ' : !- MeAdoo people came on to th con- ventlon floor today for the- Aral time 1 ' with a working orgaulution, Including the floor leader and representative on practically every v atate delegation. Their problem wa to find enougk ' attpporters to round tip a- two-third v vote- Coi and Palmer, forces are busy : rounding up a vote for th? firm bal- - 'lot. V- ," :;v-i Administration force were in full :". Control of theunventlon machinery . and there (teemed little donbt of their v ' power to gtiide the adoption of the ' platform entirely satisfactory to them. 'They' were -also apparently in a posl- tion to exercise a vetovower of any ". . : candidate unsatisfactory to them. ' There was still today no word from the white house as to a preference on can - dldates. ..vt 'v ; .; -i '. . . i - Inevitably- this situation led , to n -. " ' ' discussion of durk horses becftUKe no one knew If the white, house . would - favor any particular candidate. The - leader in Al dark, 'horses wee Vlco President Marshall, Chairman Ctiin- mings, and 'John "VY Davla, ambaasa . dor to Great Britain. . , ,r r , San f'ranclsco, June 29. After night of sucoesseg In the formating of ', the' committees administration forces - in control of the Democratic national , convention pressed home their victor ies today when the delegate gathered 'r. for the second session. . .'. AVhether a combination of the opno nition forces can be-accompllshed to ' stem the .tide of success of the admin- istration was not yet revealed. With the situation apparently well in hand, . close observers of the convention devel opment would not be sorpriseiNo see . -(lie next move be definite trend to ' ward some particular candidate for - ' . the Preaidentiai nomination. i . While the administration forces : hove worked In concert to control the nmchlnery of the convention, there Ik - - no assurance thaT the community of . inlcret among them will continue : whoa the balloting has reached the eixl of the preliminary stage of com- phuicutnry voting. . There are. many i wlo believe there will be no dcllnlfe dr :'t-of Presidential sentiment until aficr (he platform is adopted, and cau . (llilatcs definitely know upon what character of psrty prlnet; les thoy arc expected to stand. TUere wag no stir- fice indication wnen tne convention n-t today that there was a niaterlal c mue in the relative standing of the 1 Kidentinl rinrtiiat-t. - , . ha full (S tinlr -e . pi " ' oocn. 1 the hours bciore tlie r -uins of convention at t p. m. i i i, 1 - to various tntereMis tant hi 1 : to oCfer, 'i committee however, nit'ni i U 0 lii'. t forces HREinFULL; FOISCO C0:il!TI early - and threshed out the unit rule question an ngreement helng made to adopt a regulation that would not come In -ontlIct with tlie jttate primary laws. . a he delegates Were extiectunt wheth erthe nomiubllug speeclies would lie reachinl today '.or tonight. The com mittee on rules decided the nominating Speeclieii snould. ne delivered in ad vance of the adoption of the platform, but balloting will: not begin till the declarations of the platform are decid ed on. If there is no extended discus sion of credentials and rules commit tee reports ,lho convention will reach that stage where nominating "speeches will lie In order. - :- .The big wptM'h ' of today's session was- that of !pnntor nobinsnn, when he1 relieved Temnorary i " I'liiilitn CunimingH and took, iMrniiHieiit charge of proceedings. '. '' ?,;:'"',-: ., AMERICAN INTERESTS , -TO "HAVE BIG HAND" Transportation lines and Route. ; Transpnrtaiion line and Koutca.' iBr Ike AiMwlate4 Prau.) . ' New Tort, Jun- 20.4-The arrival hero today of director general 'Philip Helneken, of the North ,iieriiiait; Lloyd Steamship Company, on, the .Nenw aid sterclam, with otlier diiwtors, ' Rave signtl-nnc to report 4th at American liiuresis i (lie near iiiture on, m "have a big -hand"- In Joriniini.v's.form er freat sen . transportation llp mid routes.' -:v. ,-.: ' ...',; A, - Hortieken refused to discuss the In! mediate object of his visit, but an tin-, portant conference Is' looked for In connection with the a rival of the Ilelu eken group. It was pointed out thnl the Amorican Ship t Commerce Nav igation' Corporation,- control of which was acquired, by the Hurrlman inter ests, recently asserted It hud entered Into contract with the , Hamburg American Hue for operation of its trade fontes throughout, the-worlij. V -.V. V . ; ; '. : .': V SI GGESTS OPERATION OP ' . ; r . RAILROADS AS A t'NIT As s Means of Relieving the Present . ', Tnuisportation Difficulties. s ' ;-:'.-By the Amectate Pr-.R ''.-r , Washington," June 20. -Operation of the railroads ox the country "a a unit" a a"taetts (if relieving the present transportation dltllciiltles wax Feileral Trade-Commission In an ad dress before the Washington Ad Clnli. Mr. Colver predicted that n continua tion of the present situation would mean untH sulrerlngfl and Indiistrlnl shuttwns nerftWinter.", Hundred of millions of dollars are lied np now In merchandise in sidetracked- cars,-- he said. ,'' - - . .. ' '-. .-. Only one-tenth of the heeded i-oal for next winter's supply ha been mov ed to the head of the Lake, Mr. Cob ver said, while the Industrie in New England are actually closing down now for lack of coal ' - , -' CLARK80N 8AV8 10,000 , TO 15,000 FOR MORRISON Gives Estimate of Morrison Majority v .Next 8turday. - ' Raleigh, June 28.-rHerlof Clarkson, state campaign manager for Cameron Morrison, basing . hi - estimate on pledges of support coifiing from " all parts of the state and. believing ' the democracy of North Carolina i. tired of gum shoe, method and will resent them at the poll next Saturday, to night declared that Mr. Morrison will wiu the gubernatorial nomination by n majority ranging from 10,000 to lf.,000. INDICTMENTS AGAINST- ' ; - ALLEGED WAR SLACKERS. Filed Against 3,264 In the Brooklyn ... ,. f ederal court.- . j (Br ta AaMH!ta(c Pi-I A New York,' . June 2ifc Indictments against 264 alleged war "slacker" were filed today In the Brooklyn Feil-. eral court.-- The warrant are to" be issued for arrest by a United 8tatei Marshal after the elimination of about 60 per cent .who are believed to have entered the war service without notify ing local draft board. ' J . , Specials During Certain Hours at the Parks-Belk Co. This Week. . From ft::0 to 10:.'(0 a. m. every day this week the -Parks-Belk Co. vlll sell the famous Cannon 'loth at only 25 cents a yard, five yards to s customer. The following .are. some other specials for hour sale: From. 10, to 11 -o'clock Thursday, Gordon fnll. fashioned ,silk - hose for only $2.50 a pair, one pair; to a cus tomer. . - -;. ' , From 4 in 5 ofclock p. in. Tliurslay Monitor Silk hose at $1.08. ' - 2 ..For oue hour Saturday, 4 to 5 o'clock, garter at 10 cent a pair. From 1 to 1 :30 Friday. 2.O0 shirts for $1.00, two to a enstomer. ' Wednesday and Friday, 9 to 3:S0, Colgate's shaving soap, B cents a cake. Head the big two page ad. In .to day's paper for further particulars.' Every day this week from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 4 to 6 p. m. Octagon soap and powder, large aise, only J) cents, limit 20 to a customer J j Second floor only. . - -k , A New Countcrfcijit $3 Bill. (Br th Associated Prn.) Washtnr'ou, June l,f Warning of it new coniitei'fiMt $ j i . e of the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Ki( Imioial. Va., was Issued today by th$ Treasury De partment. ' ' . ' '-.-- Of Queen Victoria's graniliTanliters' t'"" !"" c---"i rii-ii-N of Snnni ; ; I r 'Jlij'''.' i ' " '' "" ' '" 'u''"' "" '''''' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' m ih, boss' kM-M " THE FIELD ATt FRISCO. . A ' Mitchell Palmer, of Pennsylvania lawyer by profession ; served several terms In Congress, wn Allen Property Custodian during the war, and Is non- Attorney General In President Wllson cabinet. v ' . J" James M. Cox. of Ohio, Newspaper publisher; served three term lu Con- srefuL and la iroiTi serving his: third term a governor of Ohio. , ; ' Carter (las, of Virginia. Newspaper publisher. 8ervel n member j of the Viririnta,. senate. live terms as a re- nresejitutive - In Congress,. Hecretary of the Treasury in tne caninct ot t-res- dent Wilson, anil'ls now I'nited Hlates senator fiiim Vlruluia.' L '. Lawyer jjpoTu1ff.'rwerveif -iir-Thr- .West. . Virginia legislature, iwo rerms In Congress. Solicitor-General Of tjie United States. , and ,( now I'nited States ambassador to Great, Rrltftlu. Futuiifold McL. . Simmons, of "North Carolina, Lawyer by professitih. Serveil one term in the. national bouse of tc- nreseutu lives, . interim I . revenue col lector for the. -Fourth: . -. District unil Culled States senator . . from Nortu Carolina siuce M01. , James W. Gerard,, of New ;' Tirk. lawyer by professton,.. Served hrce year as, associate, justice, -of . the Supreme Court of New York,, and a United States ambassador to Germany from-1913 until the commencement pt the war. - ' i rr - Robert Jj. Oweu, of Oklahoma. Law yer by profession. "Served, as United State " Indlnif Agent tor r the'; Five Clvllied Tribes, member of the Okla homa since 1907. - ; Edwin T. Meredith, of Iowa.. Editor rand publisher of agricultural papers. Served as president of the Association Advertising Clubs of the World,- ano has been Secretary of Agriculture- In the cabinet of. President Wilson since the early party of this year. ' . - " x William - J. Bi-yiin. of Nebraska. Lawyer and Journalists ' Served two terms In Congress, : wa ' Democratic nominee or President In ISflO. li"D. -and IflOR. and Secretary of Slate Jn the cabinet of President Wilson from 1013 to 1017.- .-- - - - . . Gilbert M. Hitchcock, of Nebraska. Lawyer and newspaper.;, publisher. Served -two terms In : Congress, '; and ha been United States senator since 1011. serving . as chairman i.of . the Foreign Relations Commltte lu , .the War Conffres. ' Eil ward I. Edwards, of New Jersey. Lawyer by profession. .Ha long been active In New Jersey polities, and is now gordrnor of the State. Has gained wide prominence through his opposition to nn tion-wide prohibition. : . .. Homer I.-Cummings, of Connecticut. Lawyer" by profession. Has served as mayor and corporation counsel, -of Stamford, - and as- State's . attorney i now chairman : of the. Democratic National Committee.."; i : J' f ; :.. - . .-CIUie-Groome. .',- , : ; The following invitations have been received here; -y't r Mr. and Mrs. Zaoharlah Lee Groome .request the honor 'of , yonr presence. , at the marriage of -theii, daughter ; - NelUe - ' ; to,.., .' : - ,. Mr. Harvey, Eugene Cllne t . V- ., i, on "Wednesday evening . ''-; ( ;,- the-' seventh of Jiily .' ; ' at nine o'clock . - - Jkiethoilist Eplsccial Church . ; O. '.-.-. . . "Groodiestown" i ' - - -'' ' ; iftreensborp. North Carolina- r- ' RowUnd and Red Springs Both Shw . - Decreaae. y (Br tbe Auoctatca Wm.) : Wofihington June 29 Census figur es announced ;. toliry j Include lied Springs, NV C-r 1.01H, decrease 71 or 6.5 per cent; Rowland, N, C tdi. de crease 20, or 2.5 per ccnL , , ,. : . There are between 20 am? 25 va- enneies in the teaching forces of the' liuiingtou white schools. l .... j : FOUR KILLED WnEN WAIXS OF BUFFALO HOTIL COLLAI'SE - : - - '.. ' '- ": Ami an I'ndetermiwd Ndmber Injur- ed. 80 Ocetipied Rooms Ijint MKht, (Br Aaorlatl Press.) ','.: BulTulo, N. Hh Jmle 2H.---Four per sons were killed and Sin undetermined numlier Injured todar by the collapse of the walls of he Sutherland Hotel, a lower Main Ktreet1odgiilg . house. . Eighty men occupied rooms in the building last night ad the day cleifc had no information a to the number of peisbn in the bu)lding when the ' crash came. . . i ' .-. .-- - - ' The bodies of four taen taken from the ruin' were unidei tilled. ' ' . . , Hotel Fire In Bwton Also;- ' ' ; 3nsUH.ruia . 2y..iHnftli VlM'.M lire ' within week, MlWtf uiwertirtn origin, was discovered . afc- the- Hotel Essex early Kshiy while, every bote; In, the city was specially guarded to prevent such tin occurrence. All t. lie lires have tarled lit hallways or clos ets, and the police they were set by an nicendlarj'. '. Other hres have been In the Hotel Brewster. American House, Hotel Hollis, and Ihn Aduuis House. In each case the damage has Ikhmi sliglit. . .. s ; . Is "Agin the $1,000 Tax on Jitney unvers. :,'., Mr. Bdltor: . ;' If you can spare space in your val uable paper, I wish to express my opin ion on the proposed jitney bond. . ' I consider It an unfair law, altnougn I am not Interested In the Jitney busi ness.. I - am a taxpayer and I claim just as imich right to-, our streets as the Mr.' Rich Man. .we know very well there are just as careful drivers who haven't the thousand dollars to out ho. as Concord or any other city can produce. If you or our city offi cials will take the trouble to look Into the records yon will ifind that no per cent.' of -the accidents' and speeding is done by the so-called rich people. I consldeifthe proposed law a scheme to protect a - few individuals' when xve all have to pay the taxes to niaiiitnln the'streets. and thea are, dcnieil tne privilege of driving a- car on them to hire, if we can t plank down a thous and dollars.s It Is unfair to all and I for one shall not support any such men. : -.... v . ' Hope to see this in print. . remain a subscriber to The Times. '-. ;--' ' Your respectfully,- ; . - W: M.' LIVEXGOOD. ' Gibson . Mill, June, 22. ', ; 's ': -, ',;-;- Freight Rates Must Be Increased 55 t;':-. -L---'-; PerCent,.-?.' V. (Br the Associate Fr. ;i-;,':-'.-:' Washington, June SlWFrclght rat e must'bo Increased nr 1-2 per cent. If the roads' demand for increased freight traffic and the men' demands for Increased pay are- granted, the. In terstate Commerce Commission was told today by Clifford Thnrne, of .Chtc ago, representing shipper.; :; ':: Bank for the B.: U of E.-'" f "" ':.-' (B 4tt 'iMaa1fna,(y :-' Washington,- '' June ' SO.-X charter tot the -Brotherhood y jof ,lxcomotlve Engineers Cooperative National Bank of Cleveland, ().i wa approved today by the Comptroller -of Currency. . The bank 1 capitalized at $1,000,000. War ren 8. Stone-, grand chief of the Broth erhood mud the application for the charter.'- c-.. .;". ;; :';-,. Diwliareed From Temporary, War -. -s- tanka. (Br Aawrlalra Prau.) , ... Washington, June' 29. Formal an nouncement of the discharge from tem porary war ranks -of Gen. Peyton c. March, chief or staff; and Lieut. (lens. Hunter Liggett andt Robert L Bullard, was -made today by-the War Depart ment,- Thev will return to the perma nent rauk of. Major General lm the regular army list July .1st.: Some men ripe to the occasion, oth- rs are constantly up In the air, There Is a diflerence. THREATENED IF THEY WOULD NOT TESTIFY .AGAINST JENKINS. Three Soldiers Say They Were Sus pended in Air and Threatened With ... Death. ::- 1 - '- -.. (Br the Associated Press.) Mexico City, Juno 20.- Several In dians examined with regard to pre vious testimony in the case of Wil liam O. Jenkins, former American con sular agent nt Puebln, testified todnj that they were suspended In air, hit and threatened with death by shoot ing until thev agreed to testify against r Jenkins, according to a Puabla dis patch to El -Universal this afternoon Jenkins was kidnapped by the bandi' Fcderlcw Cordova just fall, and Inter was ehahted 'With' complicity in - hit- w rapt ve; Interviewed 111' Mexico City tonight j on his arrival from MexicoCordovn said he kidnapped Jenkins, but the Inter -was not an jiciiompllce.' Agents of the Ciirranzn government,', Cordova asserted, luiil miiile al tempis to in duce, him to teslify' that, the kiilnnp ping was the' result of, a eheme! be tween himself and Jenkins, but. he had declined to Itinke snch a statement. ; BOYS WIN AGAINST A BANK . t v Jury Believe Them Entitled to . the $5350 Tney round. -Pittsburgh, : June 28. Alliert John Bradley, Jr., aged seven, and William A. Donahey, Jr., aged nine; of Wilkin. burg, won their suit against the First National Bank of Wllkinsburg, which Claimed the $3350 the boys found hid den under a lumber pile of the Mitch ell Lumber Company, October 4, 1011). "Jack Bradley -and I were playing pirate when 1 stooped down behind a lumber pile to grab a stick aud ran my hand Into a whole pile of money, fat rolls of $i0 and $100 bills, wrapped In a newspaper," said Billy Douuhey In telling of his find.' 'I was so surpris ed that I couldn't believe it' was real money.",-.;.'' ";:- '- ;.,;; ..-! - -:- Chief of Police Bishop, of Wllkins burg, thought the money-was part of $:,(KH) stolen from the bank. May 10, HU!, and caused the mpney to. he re turned jo the bank. The fathers of the boys entered suit on behalf 'of their sons ' for the recovery of the moiKy, and the jury, believed that the bank .failed' -to prove ownership and gave ' verdict of $5,504. including In terest to date, for the lads. ; THE COTTON MARKET. ; . Continued Strength of July Feature. ,243 Above Low Level of Last Fri day. - '' : -':-. '-" . - Br AMOClt4 Ptcm.) ' -New York, June 2?The feature of the cofton market nt the opening to day, was the continued- strength of July. So far as could be learned there were no additional notices and July sold at 37:05 on the call, or SO points above the close of ( yesterday, and 2-15 points, above the low level of laig Frl day. it. -W Cotton futures opened steady:. July 37.05 ."October Kt.fiO; December 38.33; January 81.73; March 31.20. , GOV., BICKET WRITES ; '. - PRESIDENT WILSON Reiterates tils View on the Woman ' . - i- .- . Suffrage Question."1 . J : Raleigh, June S.-Wrlting Presidetu Wilson - today, . Governor Blckett reiterated the fact that he doubted the wisdom "of woman suffrage in North Carolina, but that he would advise tho special session -to ratify the 'federal amendment,"- thereby accepting the Inevitable. .' "''";-- -,-e ifi; ; The letter' wn in' answer to a tele- grain to Governor -Blckett from Mr, Wilson last Thursday night. 1 There were T75 farm home In North Carolina made convenient last year through the installation of home water ciinnlv ttrstems n -n ftiMcl; .result, of tl -.efforts of , the ntrriciiltni-nl ex-1 tension service; according -to. the un- hual report of Dhuotor .Kilgore, i PROGRAM FOR TODAY. ' - fltr-the Associated Press.) Hrtu Kranciscn: June l!i. The . jH'tnocrMlle . national 'convention tt. pnigram lor-iisiay is as ioiiows: Convention meets at 1 p. m. Pra,vr by Kt. Kev. Wm. ' T. Nichols, bishop of the Episcopal church, California diocese. - ? Iteport, of committee on perma- ttaix. ; .4 ' . ' . Report tt committee on perma-' nent onrsnization. - , . I Address by Henator Joseph T. ' Robinson, . of Arkansas, - tperma- neiit. chuirmnn. . Report of committee on rules and order of business. : .Next in order is the report of lh resolutions committee, which jrf holding hearings and is not ;C ready to report on the obilform. sf: IrK -The remainder' of the day's program depends on (lie conven- lion's 'deliberation. The delivery of 4Hnilmting speeches is next in ' order. '-.-- ;, '; CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE -R.1TIFIES TUB ACTION Of National Committee in Sealing the Palmer Delegation . From .Georgia aim Kcrusing Heed fieat. (Br -tne Awoclar4 Press.) ' V Siiii Frnnciseo. June 2!.-'Tlie ere deullnls committeo of the Ilemocnilic nalinnal convention Inst night ratillcd the action of the nutionitl committee in sealing the PiiJmer delegation from Georgia and in denying henator Jus. A. Heed Ji st-at in the convention as a delegate from the 10th Missouri dis ti let. ' EFFORTS TO PROTECT THE I'EVCII CROPS, OF GEORGIA Every Legal Remedy Will Be Used by the Department of Justice. , . (Br tha Associated Preaa.) ' i Wushington,, June ,2!t. -T:very legal remedy to protect the public interests will be used by the Depiirtment of Justice to save the Georgia peucli crop which is threatened with disaster through tlte refusal of Ice. concerns to provide for Its transportation, it was announced today by Howard Flgg. sjie cial assistant to the attorney general. ATLANTA IS STILL '--x-r' . ;;" AHEAD OF BIRMINGHAM. Census Bureau Figure for Birming- ; ham Give That City 178,170., i?A 1; - Wnsuiiigtim. Jniie 2!): Alliiufirwl with 200.HIH people? relulns her rank ns second city , in the South, figures for Birmingham announced today by the Census. Bureau showing, the Alabama city as 178,270, an iucrei'ise of 45.5S5. of ,'4.4 ier cent.. . Birmingham was the third eilv in 1010 with l:te.liS.i. while Atlanta'at that time had lh4,R.'iO. ; .'1", Now Let it Raia , San. Francisco, June 20. Postmast er General Burleson brought his well known umbrella to this dry country and carries It everywhere. When ask ed by San Franciscoans, who boast that no Tain fall ' here for ' several motitlH -f i tlw- year,: including June, why -he persists- in doubting and slan dering iheir climate, Burleson says: ou never know when you have to run to . cover ; to escape aehower. The best way is to have ani umbrella at hand. I have saved myself many a time by having this trusted covering." A Burleson circulates among . the delegate talking MeAdoo, he is point ed nut .as the only man in the world who Is never without an umbrella. " The Congregational is ts in Boston. - tBy In 4srlatra Praa.) '.i - Boston. June' 20. The ConKregatirtu- alists of uiimy lands are here today for the 4th decennial Internal con gress council. ; Nearly 3.000 delegates representing '1:1,000 ;- Congressional churches In all parts of the world have registered. -: -.-..' '. See ad. today of the United Lite and Accident Insurance Company, rep resented here by Messrs. J. Walter Darnell and Walter P. Ritchie. : v Stiff Amendment Killed. ; " . -. Atlanta. June 28. The proposed amendment to the state constitution giving woman the-right to. vote was killed in the senate today. The vote was 10 to 15. - ' WMIOTM BIG BENEFITS - Financial independence" " 1 Freedom from wprry-; - ,5 A comfortable old age '-V- A home '-. v;:-v-'-t;"V.:..;K:'Vv.':V.: ', Proper care in time of illness , ? , - There are are hundreds of benefits from the sav-. ings habit;"--;;,:'Uir-:v . : A neV interest quarter opens July first and your money will draw 4" per cent, compound interest. ',. . ,' CONCORD NATIONAL DAI ZZ ' Safe Deposit Doxes Fcr Rcr.t , 1 I June 21-10-t.i " SUB COMMITTEE AT - otUUFoe:, r''" ' '.V :: ' ' ' ' ' Bryan Is Not Given a Place on the ; Committee. Ma jority Against Inclusion of Wet Plank in Platform. LABOR, LIQUOR AND V IRISH QUESTIONS Are All Subjects of Disagree ments-Real Contest Will Come After,' Committee's Reoort Is Made. . ' (Br the' Anaoelalrd Press.) San Francisco, Juim vJBIu Actual preparations of the IHwipcratic plul form delgated last night to the snl-i-oiopiitfee of nine under adminlKtra tion leadership waited Kslay while the platform committee of 53 kept open , house tp hear the, final suggestions and arguments from, many sources. .- The,, labor, liquor mill Irish fue- t lions, all - subjects" of disagreement, , were up for debate lit; the committee's , public hearings. - Besides- there were many.siieakerij on the issues of lesser wmlroversy and there seemed' litllo prospect that the long list could lie fin ished nntil late In the day. .', ''.-.:. In the ineHiitiuie ns - the olwervers studied the- mnke-np of the sulwom mittee It Is-came more apparent thut the real contest over the. :, platform would eomc after the suli-cominlttee re port had lieen'laid before tlie full com- mittee" for review. Wm. J. , Bryan. ' omitted by administration forces from membership on the sub-committee, maid he -probably would not present , his planks on prohibition, the league of nations ami other subjects for tlie sub-. committee's consideration at all. Selected by Senator . Glass of Vir-, gluia, after he had lieen unanimously chosen chairman of the platform com- . mittee, the sub-couimittee was expected : to show -the majority administration, supporters and a majority against the inclusion of any wet plank hi the pint- . form.:- '- ,' - "'.''' '-; - ' .-'"-. i ii i in ':: .'-.;''-.... HEADQUARTERS FOR W, G. MeADOO OPENED. Three 1 Room Rented by Personal Friends to Be Used. Solely for Con- ' ' KeiH eS-i--..-r.fr VIU.'rkr ; I (Br Ik Aoelate Preaa.)- - ' Sn' Francisco, June 21.-Jneh head-. quarter n Wililam G. MeAdoo will -' " have, at the. con vent ion were openiMl -. here today. TbeylconsisttHl of three V rooms rented by personal , f rinds of , Mr. MeAdoo aud xre to Ije us-! solely for conferences. No one Is in charge of the rooms, nor is a publliety eanf palgn from them lielng planned. Con- ferences nlglitly perhaps, will lie held by his supporters during the remulnd- ; , er of tlie convention. . ,Mr, MeAdoo', friends say he may run tiiird on the balloting on the ear- .'. ly votes.'. They erpect-Palmer" to lead . because he has a tremendous "compli mentary Vote" , that will he cast for him on the first ballot. Cox may.rnn ' second,, they said, aud after that the. -break, will be ; toward MeAdoo. ' Governor of Verjnont, Jnd.Tn,M!,,f,e', ''- y-.i,-'s in Race. ." v -: 'h ' -i.:"' San Francisco, June 28. Governor Roberts, of Tennessee, and .the gov, , ernor of Vermont were in a .race to 7 , call a- siiecinl session of thetr leglsln- . Hires to consider- ratification .of the, .. suffrage amendment, according to re? , ports given currency here today 'by suf frage lenders. ."H1, ,(,.(;... '-'.Leader- lea rnedi. they 't said, that Senator Harding, the republican presl. . . . . dentinl' nominee.- bad .-told frkHMls In ; , Washington that Ihe governor of Ver-s - J inont would call a special es.-doiv soon'f "... probably next week, to consider suf- ; fruge. At once snffiiVgh leaders got :in touch with democratic-leaders. UcriH .-j hud telephoning to the 'governor. roi ,1, , Tennessee followed, v1 t - j ( .v" -:; Members of the national woman' : ; party decided today to - call ' -on . the-;, Tennessee delegation next Thursday,, and urge ,ther advantages . of. their ; legislature ratifying the 'amendment.; ,. The leaders will t Ih accompanied by j delegation of women front - every. " ' equal suffrage stnte. .' , '. -; OF SAVINGS .V , T. !.;