c fi:. It- r. j. . Id v Ji These must go at once to malie room for summer goods. Our prices will prove to you what we are doing., All our paiterri hats will go in this sale. We get these in daily, always something new. Children's Hats a specialty waists. 52.00 Voiles and Organdies $1.00 $5.95 Georgettes T $3,98 (Friday and Saturday Specials) . WASH DRESSES. $3.98 Gingham pressesf . $1.98 $2.00 Bungalow Aprons w-i- $1.00 $2.00 Children's Gingham Dresses, . at ... , $1.48 DneJot White Dresses $1.00 (S'tfals for Friday and Saturday. ' i. : : ' " ' . i . . :. . ii Ends All Just Aa Good For CaJIu&ei , Money Back If It failfc . ' Thirty eoouda after yon touch th corn 1tb this liquid corn remover the Jnb blng. (tabbing patn of It top.for all time. J , Simple Aa A. C ., ' If o corn, bard or soft, t too old or too fleeply rKtl to resist "Gets-It." Im metllntnly It dries and shrivels, tli edc loosen (rom the (rue flush and soon jrou : can peel It riaht off Tilth your flnaers aa IxilnlesBly as you trim your dhIIs. Don't eoddle corn nrstn. Jient trnrse nnd pampnr them.' Don'tcutand trim tbm. KKMOViB them with "GKTS-IT." i Oosts trifle at any drug ntore. atfd. by . M. Ijtwrenaa Oa. CUtoago, Sold in Concord by - Gibson ; Drug Store. "' . . ' -' AtOSAiaJPM SLOAirS GETS 'EI! t iimout pain and ache Liniment..: - ept bandy, brings warming, i - ftradfyinft relief RHEUMATIC twinges" ease up soon. So do stiff joints, lame back, neuralgia, overtaxed nius . cfcs, and those pains from weather ex posure,' too they don't fipht long proinit the counter-irritation that loan's Liniment produces.- Always keep this old family friend! landy tor instant use a litde pena. Irates without rubbing, leaving no skin stains, muss, or clogged pores. - Its very odor healthy and stimulating- sifrests the pood it will do. Jul druggists. Three sizes 33c, 70c, ' ' A J. Laritl. tilzo jamosteconomical. j-i'-t I ' Viol s II iifw i i i iiur j-. .i i L ami ur in 'u- n:i , (o thi public t!m I '" '1 I i' I i I '1 1 1 Getslt Corns 85- ''iY Watch , " "... . ' .' - . t ' i C' - 0 $ 3 $ K ANNAPOLIS . DEPARTMENT KANNAPOL1S NEWS. KuiiimMliK. April Ki. The .luntor Clasn of the KauiuiixtliH Higli School charmingly eutertaiiHMl tli rlcnior ou hint Tliurwlay evening at the home of Mi!t Mary Hrmllcy Tlniuip.sou, ou Itidgp areime. AsHixtiiiK in entertain ing were Mr. and Mix. Tliouiuxon and Miss Clulrv Thomp.xon. GtimeM wvre played throughout- the eveniiiB and lively contests fnruisheil umcli niervi- nient. Mihr Smith delighted the guests j Willi wemi -iint-r ri?miJign. j-n'iiviuius ie cream with cake wo dcrrcd hy the liosti'snes. lite favorx were ennuing iniiiinture diplomas tied with the pink mill white colors of the chits of '21. The mcmliens of the Junior Class arc: Minn es Julia WIHett. Norma Montgomery, Ocncra Oruoher, I'liyllis Halstead, Fan nie OvercUKh. Harrlette Gluxn. Connie KiMlBer. Mary Rradley Thompson, Kra Oolile, Crele I'razier. Marie Rotlgern, Mu1h1 Reel, Mary Flowe, Pnlsy S!e Dullie. Ijlura Hall, and Mr. Botidy Ciunphell. Tlie 'KnesfK inclnded Miiwes Margaret WtnKer. . Kannje Johnson. Knth Walter Iollle Allen and Caille Wlneccff of the Senior C4a; Mie Margaret Smith, Martha Snider and Wluifred I'ott of tho High School Fac ulty and Mwrr Lnthet Oillon, J. T. Nance,: Ouy Ritclihv Olenn Conmll. Kdward Kelly. Tender' Lhivls, Hanry 1'eeler J. P. Choatc. Tuul Short, Mel Til Caddell. Fleet CoIIIiib. Elmor Kl liott, Jamra 'Viwmn. Brad Strowl, Clins. McKInley, and Winifred Mont gomery. . , , ,. ' Mr. T). C. Taldwelt. of Concord, and Rev.- Mr. dailco. pastor of the A. It 1. Church at this place, left' Monday afternoon for Bessemer City to attend tlx- First Hresbytery of the A. Jt. I'. Clmrcli which convened at that place beginning at It o'clock Tueffday morn-' HANK and THE LADIES WOOL SKIRTS $5.00 Fancy Plaids . $2.98 $7.50 Black and Navy Serge $3.98 WHITE WASH SKIRTS $4.98 Value J..,fi-.C $2.98 (Friday and Saturday Specials) COAT SUITS hi Tricotine and Serge. All sizes. In beautiful styles Less 10 Per cent (For Friday and Saturday.) 'ihg!Ahd adJoUttting today: 1 The AVoman's Club met Momlay eve ning at eight o'clock at the Mury Kiln Hall. The 'Home KcoiioiuIcm Depart ment of the cluli. of which Mrs. M. I.. Trontmau is cJiHlrnmn. . had dharge of the prograui. Ming Maude Wallace, the State Home Demonstration Agent, of Kiilvigh. made mi Interesting talk on 'The Six Testa, of the Welldressed Wouian." Miss Kathleen Wilson, the County Jlouioiist ration Agent, of Cou ch id, nimle an interesting talk. Miss May Stockton, the county nurse, wits a welcome guest. A delicious ealud irotirse was servtsl. Miss Anna Short, oldest daughter of Mr. ami .Mrs. J. M. Short, and Mr. Samuel Hartniun, were married Satur day evening at the home of the bride's parents on South Main street, Uev. Mr. Rolden beiug the officiating minister. The wedding was a quiet affair, the couple having kept the exact date crct until the hour arrlver. for the t-ereniouy. .They will make tholr home at present with the bride's parents. Mrs. Hart ma n possesses an amiable disposition, and lsith she ami tbo groom have uuiny friends who wish them a h'liiooHi sea for life's iayftge. Mrs. Frank Flowe entertained a few friends Friiluy afternoon.. Five Hun dred was playetl at three tables,' the highest score . being made by Mrs. W. R. Brandon,, who received lovely rut gloss rase. A delicious salad course Wg servl. .M- 4.'v .v.-' Mrs. K. J. Slidipe delightfully enter tained the Social Hour Club Thnrsday afternoon. A numlier of guest enjoy ed the occasion. Mrs. Bob Lowe made the highest score. In Heart's, pice, and Tooeived'two lovely linen handker chiefs. Mrs. A. R. Surratt;won the contest priae, which was an oil cloth luncheon set. The hostess assisted by Mrs"., X. E, Halstead and Mrs. K. E. Iady served a tempting salad and Ice course. ;; '- : Recently . the eighteen ' months; old child of Mr. and Mra, Host, of " the Cabarrus Mill wtiou. foil from the kitchen porch, a distance of 27 feet. A physician was summoned nd tt was found that its injuries were at minor nature.- ,---,-:--.',,' Mrs. E. E. .Lady has issued invita FETE . OLOBCr CONCD DAILY TRIBUNE 4 ' 'r tions for mi -t At . Home" Friday after noon at tlti-ee .o'clock. The Lltciarjr' Club will meet Tlmrs iluy afternoon at the Mary Ella Hull. Mr. Frank I'ajruell s)Kut Monday in Kanmiuolis. ; ,. j , , ' . . ( Miss Snuin tuinu spent Wednes day iu Chiirlotto. , MisHeM Tenijiie Bass and Lncy Stougli have returned .from a visit to Stntca vllle. Mr. Henry Smith spj-nt SundHy In !ustouiu with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Butlelgo spent Sntnrdiiy in Clisrlotle with Mrs. Rut ledge's brother, Mr. James L. Brown. and aunt, Mrs. James McEacbern, who! ure .seriously IU at the Presbyterian l-tuwiiltul . - ? ' xno i ... in.. .,i ii. n'iiii.im 'il,. of Mt. Hen sunt schools, sisMit the week -end at home.. .Miss Mary iKyv isnt the week-end at her home in Cornelius; Mr. "Chuck" Adams spent the wecfe vmi n( ms miiuc m pimewi iiiv, Mr. W. K. llaiky. of Charlufae, spent Sunday with ids family in Kannaisilis. Misses Ksthet Brown, ; Elisabeth thK'll. Itetty (Jay Colfrane ami Master luntte Coltrtiua. f Concord,- spent Thursday with Mrs. John H. Kutleilge. Mrs. W, J. Oine and daughter, Mary Kmmn, were (Tiarlottc visitors Saturday.- -v ; ; I ' " . Work was started Monday ou the side .track for the new cotton mill at China drove. & vr- .''' The Presbyterian ; Mission -Study oiiass met yiertiay arxernoon.wnn Mrs. Hill, cf Midway. .v it i ; The bank was cloned yesterday, It be.lng a legal holiday in celebration of the Halifax Iluplqration of Indepeud ence. t - Mrs. H, C. Simm.wR will be liostesa to the social Hour Club a week from Thursday. ' .? '.' --; Rev. J. B. Craven, of Iavenport Col lege, and 3. F.lKlrfc. Presiding Elder of the KniisluBT district, will speak Sunday at the Methodist Church at on educational raHy. ' .- Mr. R .!. Wrier, of North WUkesbcro. passed throneh-the city Katnrday. ' Mr: and Uni R. E. Ooble ami Mr. Vninrlin Com Were guests Snndny of the Salvation Ahuy force at Salixbury. ii 'A MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Now Is The Time For Muslin Undcr wesr $155 Gowns ; 79c $1.25 White Underskirts 79c $1.25 Silk Camisoles .:i..u.-f:J 89c Specials in Middies and Kimbnas. Alt prices for Friday arid Saturday. DRESSES In Taffeta, Charmeuse, Georgettes, Canton Crepes, 10 Per Cent. Ofif, ( For Friday and Saturday). Metdaunw Wrenn Slap and Ollie Walker, of China Ornve,Hwere guests Snnduy of Mrs. C.0. Sechler. . ' Mrs. P. L. Ketchic and little daugh ter have returned from Mooresville. Mr; Clarence Goblr, of China tirove, was a visitor Sunday of Mr, R. E. Uo- blc. ; - Miss Nell Canthen, of King's Bus! ness College, Charlotte, . spent the week-end in China drove and Kanmip- olls. r '! ; "Sir." T. I. Iiigrani was in fpavta burg Saturday. , , Mesdauies f A.; Peeler and T. P. Moose have returned from Itucoliiton where they attentled the 25th annual session of the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the N. C. Classix of the He-1 formed Clinrch. ; Mr. 'Peeler - was elected President ' ' Mr. Marshall Teeter, who has, re turned to ids borne at Olass from the oneord , Hospital, t whore , Im was treated for injuries sustained . in ' au itiUttmohile Avreck, Is1 now improving. . Miss Mildred Lindsay, the attractive daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Jobu Lind say, of East avenue, and Mr. Rnudolph Hartis. ou of Mr. A. H. Hart Is, of Ouk slrtH't, were married iu Concord on Huturdny evening ity Rev. V. C. My ers. After the -ceremony the happy cou ple nourdetl No. 35 for Charlotte, This marriage cauie as a surpriso to the friends of the contracting parties. The bride und grodin are popular in Kun iie. polls, and botll are active wovjiers ii Snuday .ochool find the Young Peoples' Prayer-, Meeting, ',, A host -of friends extend to these) highly esteemed young lieo4v their best wishes, -i - - Rev. W. B. Shinn, rof Salisbury, preached two excellent sermons Sun day at the Metlimllst Church wlikh were enjoyed by bis llsteuora, - Ckau I'p Week! Everybody busy! Let'a see who will win .tlie-prise? Miss Bora Tliornburg returned yes terday from the . Concord Hospital, where site underwent .u- alight opera tion. i'j-.V--.'S .,.- .; Mrs. N. Bnckner, of Asherillc, State Secretory of the Baraca4'hiluthea I'n ion. will apeak, at the Baptist Church i Sunday at three o'clock. :r All iiiterett ed In this work should avail themselves, of the -oppovtnnity- of liearing Mrs. j MVt- l'i -T-ViHV5 J . ' . .. i , i i . ...... . . LADIES' COATS AND CAPES AH the New Shades and Materlals--t Less 10 Per Cent. :, i" (For Friday and Saturday.) LADIES' IIATS, $14.95 to $22.50 Less 33 14 Per Cent.'' $9.95 to $14.95 Less 20 Per Cfeqt. - $5.00 to $9.95, Less 10 Per Cent (Special For Friday and Saturday). TTTTT Bnckner. Hho is a aplendid aiiettker. The Mission Stmiy Class nf ' tlu Methodist Church met Monday ...night with Mrs. tlaset Allred. v Mrs. Frazier i ublc to - Join tlie Parks-Bclk clerical force agulu after a weeks Illness. -.f - -' Mr. J. P. Fleming is Indisposed at his borne on Mulberry street. The residence of Mr. John Shank near here, w-as burned Monday.. The lionsliold goods were a total loss.- No, man ranee was carried.- -.- i - f 4 Mr. Jas. Howe and family, of Yad kin, moved to town the latter part of last week. They win occupy -the Vm- berger nouse in centerview until a residence can - lie (constructed. Mr, Rowe and family formerly resided here and Kamwpttlls welcomes them buck- Monday night a reception was given at the Cabarrus Hall, formally opetilng i nc nan as a i. si. a. tiic netor- ntions were dogwood and lioncygucklc.J j ue program ; was as iouowd : pong, America, : Prayer: by Rev. A. U. Sur- ratt. - AtWress by M. L. 'Cbiuiou, pro- son ting building to -tY M. C. A. Ai dretai by K. V,. Wilson, Intornatioilal SctTctary of New York. Koto, "Perfect Day," by Miss Ruth Montgomery. Re marks by R. C: Propst and J. C Fun dcrliurke. . Unartetle by I. 8. Qiu-ry, Wily. ,Sinu Parker, E. J. Shnrpe. Oth er spetikera were: Messrs.. J. S. Car- jantej, E. J. Sharpe,. Roy YaiL - Mr. 1. U. Alien introlucod tlie speakers. ltpfresliiiiciits wefe. erved. Mr. -J. H. Carjicnter la liecretaryi' After tbo pro gram the guests wore Invited t the gymnasium room where they enjoyed a volley ball game nnd a taxing match. . Dr. .Oscnr Haywood,, of New York, who is conducting a ineeUng at the Baptist t liurcii, is being heard with enthusiasm. The meeting started Sun day with much interest, four profes sions being made the first night- The opening is a great uneven. , . . . Tlie Norwegian fishing industry hat boon experimenting to determine whether a microphone, submerged, will bid ia locating moving schools M fish. Hrggy Hyfaod'i first "stunt- for the moving picture was to dive .into ths Tbamos on a cold February day. .PETE - ; r ROOUT Thursday, ApriH4, 1021. A Danennma lui n..i.. Charlotte, IMiscrver.. k The people isf tlm 8tule juiv not bo VV JLu1 "U1sfi1 WiUl tb,V hHMtf in which the Legislature put ove- the law requiring medical examinations be fore a marriage lit use can be seen ml ' It would have been better If the pro. posed law had been submitted for con. sidcratlon and reported to. following session by the Htat Modical Horlotv, and yet, While there are possilny mole objectors to tho form of tbo law itself than there are to its manner of enuct iueut. it Is ths law of tlie land must be observed. The Stateaville Laiulmark hus leen impressed with a report by South Carolina papers to tha etf thut since thp passage of the Nostlt Carolina' law requiring medkwl es aiuinations many conplea frmu this State ure goinw over the lino to iret married in South Curo'.iim. It is to ha borpp iu mind that the object of th ' luw 1s to establish mental ud physl. ' cnl fitness for the marriage state, r 1 fleeting on that point ona may readily come Into aiqn-eclatiuu. of . tlie fact that it is ji dangerons- law to dislue. -There nnvy liavc been some "ruuiuni;e ' Iu the giiiinr away to .get married tliuler lite obi system, but with the new order of things .there bag developed u nmv timoiiltilitv lty in Alio -uluuM-i-ulliu, of The Landmark : that the dotlging. of the meilloal exuwinatloa wUi tit onw suggCist' the. idea that "there is, a ' raasoii, and whilo it may be very un Just, it will take lodgment in the minds of friend nnd acquaintance. "If," says The Ijindmark, "the mini lit ( the caau "vuggests goini; out of : tlitr State. . tbo lady, should not inily in sist on leing uiarriod at home or not at -. all, but she should be justified In d manding io see the medical certificate nH I.. t..fA.'1.... tl.n il,.ln,' Im . VI Ul IHWMHDUl' ill,- U1A,V) i IML n vexation thought in coiincctiou with the new law' and a possible marriage outlde of it.. but alaive it Htiiiids forth the tuoraU; Be .inarrled at ' home. Ah'efirl fight - to high altitude ta prescrkbotl by aa army physician suited a restoring ' th nowor of -apeeel) to a former soldier, , who for eight jnonth bad (been unable to apeak above a whisper. , . AM) HIS WIFE. - 3QME Vh'$ r . V. - o CMKirrVTO VJ1TH a.'.: .mi - T

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