V !;Vop o a a o o o oooooooo ff Tv TTTT f TPS O ASSOCIATED O TJ IH press . o JLlLi) vU XN iLi DISPATCHES O O" tTODAY, - O I iRf 17 VVI - " , CQNCORD, H. Cy THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921. NO. 233. 1 I: f"" "''"T- e-r( - ft TII0.7ASVILLSEEK P II til! if r Man Charged With the Kill- ing of Arthur Allen t lias a J i Instituted Habeas . Corpus HEARING TO BET - ' In Gastonia Before. Judge Bis Ray, Nothing vNew Has,! Developed Since Ar- V.?4.-':;'.' . f. - J - Mnne aflrt Ariiinold. uttoniern for O. G. (Bert Thoinan. hoW fop tho klil ';v:in'(f of-AJ J. Allon, dpenivthi'ir&Mier rrt f VfXliMliy -ln Clirlotro ami MtllRhufj-: itHiferrlfifc with Thomii and WHh HolIdtopHnj'ilnn jt'leiiuuit.- The ,v Httorncy wantHl Kolicllor CleiBfiit to jippcnr Vith thora In linitcaa forpnii pi(MVO(UM(s Friday before Jndgo W r Kay; ' who ' 1m holillnff court Un Giix ' tonln. An rffora to oMnfu lirH will- lie mndo at that t lino. . ; : ' - . , ThomaM - U mill belntr luia In the l harlotte jail, whpre, hp waa' placed Blmrtly, . fter i mhluieht., (rowerday mornlnit. after anrrenderliis to tht p ' llr: In KannapollH after kllllntr Allen'. ' 'llie prluoner aa Interviewed hy newa- .- paper men yesterday, and made the .v . following atntement. In the preHenee of ' ... la-pnty sheriff Frsnormnn; r "I had stopped my car wltb the en glim running." said Thomas. "It wa i dark jalong the, street and I wa look , lug for the. home Tt "Mr. Ovorcanh. ,1 had never Wen there except In the daytime, and .waa looking to aea 1f 1 waa lu tfie right plare. ; ' , ' r; -.' -."I noticed a eloned Ford ear atop sev- eral yard ahead of me, but paid no partlenlar attention to It. While I wan looking for the home of Mr. Overcatib, a limn walked up to the ajde ef the ear . and told me to throw up nijr banda. "The pbtol wns lying on the sent be. ' Fide inc. I grflblicd It lip, ahot'hlm three, time; and throwing 'the.' Ilulck mitoniohlle I wan driving lu gear, drove 'rapidly up the atrect - "t did not wait to ae bow badl.r I had hurt him. J r v;.'. . -t jl4n-t(now at tlie fhne' who "he ' . lata jt tKnn nun an auui tni vuiiur. Afed If It wa hla pistol with v- which ho did the nhootliig, Thpmaa Hinted that itrwaa pot,; ...,',; '"You know I alwaya carry my "pl tol in the pocket of my oar. Well, Home time; during the . day aome one tookjt - My plrtnl la a 82.a while this gnq 1h a Straight 12. It belanged . to the fellow who went with mo to : Knnnapolta. I borrowed It from him. After getting up atreet I anrreqder el to the police and wa told that Al Mon wqb dead, : Later I wa aurrendcr cd to Sheriff Speara. who brought me la Charlotte juat after midnight- this morning." . : - ,.! :': : . The atatement as made b'y Thomas ia -interesting liernuxe' it differ in one . -point from the testimony of Mrs."Bob ert Ixiwe aa given at the roner'a In queat. Mrs.. Lowe, who waa ", riding with Tbomfta at the tUiia of the ahoot - , nip. ieiin mat tuc uisiui wiiu wiin-u Thomaa killed Allen, was lying in her '' lap; while. Thomaa stated that when ' the roan told him to throw up - his hands, "I grabbed up Uie ptstiH which waa Tying, on theaeatt and ahot bim - three tluies." nil .other points the two version of, the killing agree, ; Attorney Maness notlfled'i Coroner . Spencer last night that the habeas corpus bearing would be held tomorrow . In Gastonia before Judge Bay Instead of in Monroe before Judge McElroy as " bad been first planned. i '. . ' " Attorneys for Thomaa altar eonfered T " with Solicitor Clement in. Salisbury several 4 time yesterday,, bill ..the ' 8ilUltor, after conferring .with local ' officers, waa unwilling to agree , to boud, not being satisfied, local officer ' stated, that Thomaa coWd not be held -' t for murder.. The Holicitor did not. state, , . however, whether or not b would at . tend ' the hearing before Judge- liar tomorrow.;- : ' v '.' ,v ' -, , There are no new developments in the case other than Thomas' efforts ta t get out on ball. Local county officers bare made no further investigation of ' me Killing, luuiigu wruiiur otrou.Tr - baa been notified by Chief . Boger, of " the Kannnpolla police, that two linpor .. . tant witness, wefe found there y enter-' ' : dayvTbe nature of the testimony these , C Itnees will give waa not stated, how , ' ' ever, but Chief Boger- waa notified to liavo them 'ready for the bearing be- fore the grand jury at the next term of Cabarrna Superior court. - -. ' Coroner ' Spencer itold Chfcf Boger ' that the testimony of the witnesses waa . not wanted now because the coroner's lnr harl klrAflrlv w.nrlorsfwl ltd VArrtlctL having determined that; Thomas-killed imcrjl aervicea over the remains of Allen will be held tomorrow, Friday, afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the. Mo Klnaon Presbyterian Church, conduct rd by Hr. C. C Myera. Interment will , be made in Oak wood cemetery. The ' servicea were postponed .until, tomor row so that Mrs. Allen's brother, Mr. Clarence Henderson could arrive, from bl shome in Pawtncket, K. ,L: ' 4.. So1 many-: rumors in eounectior ' With the. killing have been beard that little or no attention is being paid to any of them. There nave been a few exceptions to this however, and officers ' have tried to get at the foundation Of . a ramor' that' Allen talked with n ' woman of KSimapoils. In her homr shortly before ha wag killed. Just who the woman was the officers hav not l . jvmuru, biiu vi nnirBP wry ubiq uui f .. . . ... ' PROPOSAL OF t NION, f 1 ' 4- MINT.KH CAST ASIDE By Ceal Operatora atx Hearing Before ..' i- the Henate tonmlltee. ' .-.''.' (Br 1M mmartmtr Prrmm. ' 'Washington, Oct, 27.- The proposals Of tho union miners in West Virginia Sovere vastt aside today by counsel for the coal operators at a hearlug liefore the Senate investigating committee. TherpropoKaTs for the settlement put forward by --Frank' P. Walsh, miners' counsel, and Philip Murray, vice-pre Inenf-nrtha I nited Mine workers. were meet with a declaration from tlie operators j'Well bnve.no dealing with Ihe mine eworkers. . . ' . Mr. WalA at the- opening, of to day's Netunion cbIIihI the cmnuilttee's attention to the settlement plnatsiilV. mitted Monday bvMr. Miirrnv Involv ing the we of tho committee's media tory nfllcera. ,, ' Mr. Walsh suggested that, ail nttornevs .In-tho caser Mmain In Wrtsblngton after, the nreaent .benr' lilgM here and attempt to put. an end to the . toibles in West Virginia in a crfiference on the Murray plan under thev enmmlt tee's' directum..,. s..V-L'4- R01.SK 4DJI IXiED fa n.TV or urnur.R i?f fipst df.okkk Tefdlct In Vase HendWd at SmiVnill iX iv-K.'r 1 his Mart (ng. :;iJf- ..i"V-,'viMr!-he AMM-lara IriAi.. : '. '. Pnow Hill. N. C:, 0o. 2!.-Ulull(y of n-iirder in flint degr-ao wi"3 'the- vor- db:t of tho jury. in the casn of Vr'?li: Iloi:f.e;. negro, c:.ftrg:i" . jointly ' wiiu w 8iraUv -Whitley,- o': AViUtonburg. this, Greene County, and Thos. rlayes. l mur,l.r in ctr.Dcutioii with the k! lng of the woman's iiimii tevernl n, nths aafvi: Jude .lianiei lii ii 'iir.t yet seutenceil the nctr ' . ' immediately after ; House's case went to the Jury tho trial of, Mrs. Wbltley began ana"'. Ave' Juror of a s'.Tcial venire of . 10d V n County ciivtns baJ been .iei ;tf!, when the it litf recea'wd at 1.2. ' ' " '.Vbltiey,. vaa ahot, - to ''death while a .'cop near bbr tobavv ba'-n mar his heiaia.v The state chr.r&ed that the nsgro did the shooting while Mrs. Whitley and. Hayes, a former tenant. instigated it. f ' . . ' Football Tolay. .- v'Coliiinbin. C. Oct.- 2T. First pe riod. South v Carolina I'niverslty , Clemson Of, second period.- i'lilversl.v T to . ! - ."' ; bean able to Jearn what conversation took place ' between them. ; AnMilier.ww-r.tnst )aa been ageept- Th'onms'ls alleged to have -owed Allen. The aunt of the debt i said, to be $100, and numerous persona are alleged to have stated that they heard Allen and Tliomaa discnasing the debt - in Kannanolls Tuesday afternoon. J Mr. Allen was very popular, both in Concord nud Kaniiapolls. v Neighbors here sieak In tlie highest tenna of bini. One of hla neighbors saldr- -r Vl '-havw known Mr. and -Mrs. Allen for six, years,' andi they.' were lovely folks, t Mr. -AUeu waa- always gentle and kind to his family. He tva a good buslMind and always at home with his wife and chtldreir when his day's work was over. Ht was not known to have an enemy. - He always met everyone with n smile. He wa a faithful memlter of the McKlnnon Presbyterian Clinrch and always ready to do his duty." . ' - . .' ------ Thomaa stated in an atatement madn yesterday that he eold Allen a-car. but he made no mention of owing Alien money, or of Allen owing him money. He did not recognise the man be shot, he stared, and Mr' Lowe , also aald that ahe did not see the man's 'face. Mrs. Lowe stated that so far as ahe knew ahe dtdrnot know Allen. - - The Charlotte Observe today carried the following paragraphs concerning Thomas: v , - -. ' ' - - Thomas, a salesman for Osmond L. Barringer, . automobile - distributor, is one of the best know and most sno vssful a utomoliilo salesman Ui Char lotte. He, has been connected with sev eral of the largest automobile firms and in fact stated Inst night that he sold n automobile sometime ago to Allen, the victim of the shooting. , Mrs. Robert Lowe,-; who waa with Thomaa at the time of the killing of Allen, waa in the- city yesterday for a good part of the day; bnt conhl not be seen. She is a frequent visitor to ttila city, having relatives here and being also a friend of both' Mr. and Mrs. .Thomaa, with whom .ahe ; has frequently been seen aiding here.-, v Her testimony before, the corner's jury In Kannnpolla Jargely corroborat ed the account of the snooting aa given by thomaa. -'. rVpntv Sheriff Vk'k Fesperman. who consented to allow the prisoner .to be Interviewed, waa . later -asked .why Thomas waa brought to Charlotte. He stated that Sheriff. Spears aald there, was some feeling In Kannapolis and Concord 'over the' affair and -that Thomas desired to be brought away from there. - , ' .' There were a number of cltlsens from Concord and Kannapolis in the city yesterday, and in .con vernation with omoers and 'others, some or them Indicated that there might be interest ing disclosures at the time of the trial that have not been learned by the pub lic at large op to this time.-- " Thonias hns been a f reouenf visitor to Concord and Kannapolis, It . was said; in fact, many of .bis -sales, es pecially In nsed ears, have been made in that territory. He lived for a time in Concord and ia- well acquainted in both Kannapolis and-Concord. . Thomas, who lives here with his wife and small children, is Weil known and popular with the automobile sales men. He ta known to be a good trader and "hiakes .excellent commissions. He la exceedingly affable and has a large number of friends, i Sheriff Cochran said that at least 10Q people asked per mission to visit him in the Jail yester-ftay- ' .. . -r .... Local Flurries J 51 KwM'yrtOlkiUiMflSrl -.l-'-NJ I uLTI A. '.15- -lfl.U(I .HUiSUiU 'lAJTIUtl I I ' II-1 It DUa'-iT-I " . - I 1 1 1 1 I J I V U 11 Ul ' J. . f ' l ' 1 II m r. : tir , 'tk - u BI AXTON EXPl lilON CASK , NOW ItKFORE THK IIOI SK Resolution Offered by Leader Mondell lo'i nseat tne iras itepresMiiaiive. " (By the AsMelatea PNMk v ' WashingtoH, Oct. 27.. The resolution for the expulsion from the House of Thomas. I "'Blanton, democrat, of Texas, wns called np tisMy by Kepre seututire Mondell. ! the repiihllcnn leader.- - i---'; ' " ' ' Adoption of resolution was nsaed by the republican leader who declared while it was improper to Inform the public-of the reasons for what the House was called eipon to no 'the publication' which Is the basis of the charge is of such aa-fiuracter mat .ii .'-n-n b.-flihted fin the floor".. V - Aloildolf 6hol'oteHse'A . tt.e b jectidnable. wbrdal in the affidavit in serted In the Congreasional -record by Blanton as t'n'nspcakably vile, (mil, filthy, proflant. blasphemous and l scene. i. , . ' " " ( -J know members of the House will agree It was the vilest thing they ever saw in print" he added. "If 1 were to recite here even a very small portion of these words I myself would oe subject to expulsion." ; ' . . Mr. iMondell said he knew of no In stance where aT member exercising the right of leave to print published profane or obscene matter 'n the Con greasional Record. - The Blanton re marka, ha told the House, were sent to the printing-office Saturday night with direction for its publication that night. The. printing office, he added, had-no right to refuse to insert offund tng articles.1"'. ';'-1 ''.''"''. '.'I i ; , "And on the." dawn of Snlibnih." Be shouted, -this vile, foul thing was oh Its way, to homes and schools. Tlie language used would subject one now mailing It to Jail for five ;renrs.' Mr. ithuiton entered the chambiT a moment -liefore the chaplain's prayer And Took his accustomed sent On the second row anil, during Mr. Mondell's another meeting of the council next speech sat with his bonds to his Up Saturday when final decision regard looking lri tho opposite direction., j their dteposition is to be made. . Nearly every, member of the" House! - -. , was pint and a den senators came Small Child Here Seriously Burned, over to see what would happen. , . AW)ie, the-5-yenr-old daughter of ' " 1 '. .rr-; 1 . .. - . ' ' , . Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cranford, ofCald- " ir j,f- Lumoer rant.. weU gtrpe was wrioiisly and perhniw rL"a. ,,l!'kr-''i!rlilnfc-wt-r'"Jp-ow,n 0,""'f "Ine o'clock this night at JO o clock octroyed the build- mMaing when her ,,i0tlilng . cauglu lng and wnteuts of the Mt Pleasant ,rom a flre m,P1. ., waHh pt ,,, thl Lumlier Company, located at Mt. Ptea ar of w ,lnme . rrwUelllb. ant, this county, u nuiea from Ton--,, A, cprjf. The 'loss is estimated t 20;0)0. V ""''" """ "";""' ",r,"l not fully covered by- Insurance. - - ; The plant was owned by Mr. i. U V., Miller, .. The entire, plant., with a large quantity; of line lumber which wn i Placejl In It yesterday, together with all the machinery and a gin,, lo-'. cated near the lumbeOlant, were de-t stroyecl. Tlie bhiM did not spread he- yond the gin, however, and lunch of the company's lumber, which was stored, near the plant, was aaven.-. ine oiaze had gained some headway when dis-, covered, and there Is no clue aa to Its origin. " ' Dr. Haitley Removetl to Death Ten. '.'. tUr the Assaelale4 Press. Richmond, Va Oct. ,27. -Dr. W. A.) nadley, - convicted yesterday , after- noon of murdering his wife, has been - removed to the death cell in the Hen- rlco County Jail, and will remain there- until he Is sentenced to die In the eloc- trie Vhalr...''.',-:-..-'. ' ,; I Argument on a motion for a- new trial will be made by H ad ley's mn-. sel before Judge -.Scott .prooounces sentence and fixes the- date for the execution. - Judge. Seoft I expectel .to pass on the motion today. -" ' - The ceil Ilndley now occupies was occupied by Heilry ('lay Heal tie. who several years ; ago waa exicnted for w ite nmnier. ' - i In the remote parts - of Scotland 3-j people st '11 wear garters -made fresh eel-skin as a . preventative rheumatism. - .-. y , A- mile In length, and Including 78,- 105 8ignatures, was a petition recently' presented to the i British . House of, I.ordR( - r , .'"'''',." PROHiniTIOV OFFli'KR f , v V y MAUK ANOTHER RAID Two Bairels of Beer; and Gallon of v Liquor Found Near Homes of Two :;, Negroes, - vv5'- ' Prohibition ACP'it Ij V. Wldenhonf-e yeterchiy made two mnre liquor sec ures in the '.county.', VNo stills w'ere found by theKofflcer; liilf two barrels of beer and a gallon of -Honor were seiz ed.. . : ri'-y ': A,t the home of Lott McCully, -olor-ed.- who Uvea near toe Cedar Grove Clinrch, Agent Wideahoiise found n barrel of beer hidden in some, cotton. McCully ran-when he. -learned that of ficers had,lsired blsihome. x At the home- of, IWn Walker, also colored, who lives ltit- across the riv er jfroiirMeentlj JkifliSit -Wtdenlwmse innde n more important and interest ing selsHire. Under tlie manure in a horse sta hie. V which was eceajded by 0 horse at the time, the officer found a, barrel of beer, and while the officers were searching the burn they saw one of Walker's sons iiiiiiing with a jug of , liquor".- "Both the lieer and liquor were acixed. - Near Walker's harn the Wflrera also 'located a still hole, lull n still, was found. Walker and his wife were away from home, at the time of the search, the woman returning inter and telling the officers that her husband had "stop ped on .the road" a minute. He had not returned bt :..(. i EX-EMPERORi AND EMPRESS TO - BE PLT ON BRITISH CRUISER Final Decision Regarding' Their Dis v position to Be Made Saturday. - - , (Hy iUt) Aasoclntra Press.) ' Paris, Oot." 27. The allied council of ambassadors today decided that foirmer, Emnernr Cha rles of Austria- jiiunaarv and ex-Emi.ress Zitn should be placed immediately on a British battle cruiser nn the Danube, nendimc troin h(.t body, and slie was Jiadly burned from tho waist up. --. 4 . HpIntlveH ,., trU.lht trlp(. tl nut therhlld's clothing out before she was ,rr. e,,m -and. , flu efrurt , my9 tie cMUV; ; Ufr,; wne, of h,.r nothing was torn ,,,.. h,. h., ;,i Vj. x.nygi,.tallB wh(, exanUnetl'thS girl tated ,hlJt ner t,ll(litioi, b, serious. - - - f , , ' l - aiinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillltllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllll Ii ...... t. ,4 . -i; .. . . . , NEW SERIES - : S S c 5 -Will be open NOVEMBER 1st. To ; those who!want to save by the weekly or monthly plan, or to those who want "to . build or buy a HOME, THIS ASSOCIA- TION offers unsurpassed advantages. , ' ' .' , " S ; S ' . , s S ss . Citizens Bciliing-ajidf-Loian I I ; : V : (Office In Citizens Bank)' . V ... ' 1 1 :.: vlYffvs-: - V...-:', niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:,'iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!iii::!i:;.: STORM PROPERTY ' DAMAGE ABOUT FIVE MILLION. DOLLARS Known Death List Stands at 5.. in "Tampa and St. Petersburg Vicinity. ' . (Bjr the AMiatea Press. ; ' Tampa. , Fin., Oct. 27. Properly' damage In that section of the Flori da peninsula swept Tuesday and Tues day night by the tropical hurricane, is fouglily estimated lit at least .l.lHKi. tlOrt by insurance men here who have been analyzing the reports rent-hing Tnmpn from oilier sections'. Hnmngo In Tampa Is estimated at between $1. )0.tM)0 and' $2,(KM.(HM, hut it, may be Several dnj-s liefore delinlte tiiriircs inn be given. The known death list early today -wood at tlve. which included two at Ht Petetrtntg and three - In N Ims of Life at Pasa-a-Grille. , St. Petershiirg, Fla., t M. 2(1., ftp. ,I.. by mall to .Tiicksonville.-r-There was no loss of life at l'asx-a-Ci-lllc. a (liilf resort southwest 'of here, as a result, of Tuesday's hiirrienno, and tlie prop erty damage at the settlement probab ly, will amount to less thnu $.0,0(M. The death list in St. Petersburg to night remains at two and pr-ipert loss roughly estimated at between $500,000 ami 1.0W,0w. fcix pie-s on the water front here, valued at $250. 000 were swept away and nt least' iio small motor and sail boats were sunk. Tlie other daonage largely wns con fined to unroofed houses. LITTLE ENTENTE DEMANDS SURRENDER OF EX-EMPEROR. 'An Ultimatum Has Been Issued to Hungary, Two Days to, Send the Answer. (Ry the AiuMH-latcl rreNH.) London, Oct. 27. The little entente, composed of ltouutnnin, Czecho-Slov. akin,- Jiigo-Klavia, lias dispatched a note to IPiniRi. demauding the sur render of i former , ICnqieror Charles, .the demobilization of the Hungarian army and reparations sufficient to de fray the expenses of the little en tente's mobilization, according to a Vienna dispatch to the Central News agency today. ITnlessj Hungary replies satisfactor ily within two days the little entente troops will enter Hungary, the dls patch says. Forh and Pershing to Attend I'onlh.ill Game in w York. (By the Anrlatrl Press.) Atlanta, Oct. 27. Marshal Foeh .ind General ' Pershing will attend the Georgia Tech-Pennsylvania State foot ball game in New York Saturday. ;it enmpanyed by mayors Tyan and Key, pnd tlie Presidents of the rival insti tutions according to r announcement here prior to the departure of the Tech squad today. : ;;; .' . . EDV RDR-PATTKRSOV .Hiss Xanry Lee Pattersoa" Becomes Bride of .Mr. George K. Mwards Bealllul Ceremony in Ceatral Charrh ' t'aufrnl .Methodist-Church wns the scene of a marriage of peculiar inter est to tlie entire State Inst evening at 7 ;30 o'clock, when Miss Nancy , le Patterson liecnnio the bride of Sir. George U. Kdrtards, of KfK-ky Mount. Friends and relatives of tlie contract- ling parties from all parts of Xortb Carolina witnessed ihe ceremony, which wns one of the most beautiful In the history of .Central Church. The ceremony was performed by Ir. 74 Paris, pastor of the bride for the past four years. , Tlie pulpit, altar and choir rostrum were lavishly and tastefully covered with ivy and white satin, a huge bank of ferns providing the luickgrnund for the wedding party. Four large cathe dral candles mid eight smaller cmi dlox ,'mldol it Mift touch to the nerfect I wedding setting. .Beginning at ' 7 o'cliH-k n musical program waa rendered by Mrs. C. B. Wagoner,' Mrs. Victor A. Means and Mr. Kay Patterson, the first number being "Chanson de Florin n,". by (Jod ard. an orgnu solo piayml- hy . Mrs. Sloans.' Thiw, was fnllowed by a flute solo, e.t the Hrook." Iy Bifisdcfl're. played by Mr. Patterson. Another or gnn solo. "Cniitlipnn." by Snloine. play ed by Mrs. Means, was followed by "O Perfix-t Iove." sung ly Mrs. Wagoner. !Mrs. Means played the orgnn a-coin- pnnimcnt for Mrs. Wagoner and Mr. Patterson. Tlie bridal chorus from ''Lohengrin" was used ns the march, and the Mendelssohn Wedding March wns used as the recessional. ' The, ushers entered first, using both aisles and standing on cither side of the altar. The ushers were Uobert (lorliam, of Aocky Mount, Louis Huui mell. Jr:, of tioldsboro. it. T. Jeffcr les. Of llotrky Mount, Woodnll Rose, of Itocky rfonnt, A. J. .Odell. of (ncord, and .lames L Brown, of Concord. They Were followed by the maid of honor. Miss lieleu Patterson, sister of 1 the bride, who entered from the richt I aisle. Her' gown was of sunset taffeta unit sue cameo a sneaui or pina ros es. Next enured tlie flower girls, little Misses Kliwthcth Klell and Es ther Brown, nieces of the bride, who carried baskets of roses. They were chnrmingly attired In white organdy ruffed frocks with trimmings of rilv bona and rose, buds , The bride entered from the right aisle with her brother, Mr. Fred M. Patterson, a student at Chapel Hill. Her wedding gown, was of soft white tulle with sprays of orange blossoms, over Ivory t satin nndlnce.. A court. train nnng ciear or ine areas xrom inn tntnldtrrrhe" wwtrear-crrarct -oa nnge blossoms .and in her-arms slie trried a shower bouquet ' of orchids and valley lilies. Her only ornament was a diamond and platinum bar pin, the gift of the groom, The groom en tered from the right vestry with his best man, Mr. Hunt Parker, of En field, and Joined bis bride at the al tar. Tlie ring ceremony of the Meth odist Church was nsed. Immediately ater the ceremony the members of the bridal party were hon or guests nt n ri-ccplioti given nt the Inline of tlie bride's parents on North I'nioii street. Immediately after the reception the couple left for u bridal tour which will embrace severiil north ern cities. Mrs.- Kdwnrds Is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. anil Mrs. John K. Patterson. She is a i;rii dunte of music from Salem college, vocal and piano, and Is one if the most gifted musicians in tile State. Last year slie was a metnls-r of the faculty of the schools of Hed links, ami enjoys mi enviable reputa tion as a musician throughout the Stufe. She is known and lioloved by a host of friends in North Carolina. Mr. Kd wards is associated with his father. Mr. tieorge S. Kdwards. in the wholesale grocery business in Itocky Mount and Is known as a man of many tine qualities. Mrs. I'M wards hns Immmi tlie recip ient of much attention -since her en gagement wns announced several weeks ago. many elnlsirale showers. parties and luncheons having been giv en in her honor. The couple received many costly gifts, .signifying tlie esteem in which thty were held hy their many friends. Among the out-of-town-people here for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. George S Edwards, Miss Julia Edwords, Mr. and Mrs. Woodall. Rose, Itocky Mount; Mr. and .Mrs. James It. Norfleer, Winston-Sn-lem; Mf. and Mrs. Churles 8. Stone, Miss Jennie Patterson, Miss Until Crowell, Miss Lulia Oraharu Marsh, Charlotte; Miss Dorothy Gregory, Elisabeth City; Miss Sarah Watts, ReidsvlLe; Miss Elizabeth Conrad, Winston-Salem; Miss Oaltlier Pear son, Salisbury; Miss Mary Roper, Lexington; and Miss Elizabeth Arm strong, Greensboro. Annual Han est Sale at Purks-BHk Company's, ' The AnniutX Harvest Sale at the' Pnrks-Belk Co., will begin foiuorrow. Friday, etolK-r 2sth. and continue for: !) days. Buyers for the company been lu the northern markets for someabout igo.000.000.' The deal, which It time selecting gisids for the sale, and wa, predicted In ' flnanciul ciis b.s company will lie in position, to -offer some attractive Imrgains. " , ar;, '' v ' . The coiuiiaiiy., . according to Jstato ments In two page ads, in this paper today, will offer bargains 'hat will nnws U,,1-t1,l,,r 1 1 hi, m-n ATnMd fore. . Shoes..-., clothing -for -men and! boys', millinery, coats for women, miss- es and girls, suits for women and mis-, es. furs, shirt waists, hosiery and hun-K dreds of other oommoditto will .lie of- fercd cheaper during the sale, as ymi can-learn by. reading the ads. lit this paper today, ; ; v ' . - . ' '" i" , ' l One c-n;irfe of j The steel hull of a vessel Is rendw-1 ti e TirP'e a ed magnetic during - construction by r :h. The v. the harownering, and even- steel v-- -, - T1 r f set has its compass carrot-ie-l to c - , - -teraet its own magnetic lnn a nt 1 - . i , 8UU Ubrwy nunraiiBtlfflEETS. Ben W. Hooper Attended the ' Morning Session of the Conference Being1 Held bjy .Railway Employes. , NOTHING DEFINITE WAS MADE PUBUd By" Mr. ; Hooper. After . the Meetings Believe W. G. Lee Is Behind Movement; to Avert the Strike. 4 . .., '. (Br the iaaoetatea Pmn.y :- - ,' ; . Cbieago. Ck 27.--At 9 o'clock Ben ' ' W. I looier, .member of . the ' 'linMed . v, . . States Railroad Labor Board, left his; : . . office for Ma sonic. Temple, where presU, . dents, general , chairmen gnd-exocni;' tive committees of the Big live union -are Ifr session. , - ' Mr. Hooper was expected to nutko; ' the final appeal on behalf of the eov--' - 1 .:.-V , ernment for eallng off the threatened : ' , ' strike. . ... - ... r--', if- rri,.' v. ' . , ' , . H . . xow ouuruB proisjwu, it was reH)rb-i, . .j, ed. is a guarantee that neither watte 1 cuts nor rules changes will be eon - smerea nntu.all pending cases are dls. f . posed of. . . . ' Mr. Hooper waa accompanied by A. P. Whitney vice, president of the' Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Whitney's presence led to reoortsi . that W. O. Lee, president of the train- ' men was backing the peace move. 'r-.- l-wr. Jtooper said before coinsr to m ths meeting room that he was winking t r me can uiiomcially, and that he , thought he - had a"vague possihil'u " for a settlement in mind, which he would outline. "It is very vattue.-, 1 '- -v though," he added. More than 200 union men were as- .' 1 ' sembled when the two board mm-. ..: , v .. bers arrived. - -; -' The meeing was arranged by Walt er L. McMenftncn labor member of. . ' the board, and a fonaier officitil of the trainmen's organization. . ' There had baen much discussion in . - ' union and railroad circles as to the T S ': possibility of the railroad labor bo.irtj- ;. i putttug ot an order hat the strike is v Illegal and ordering it called off. , . The boasbmouUUaoUlJwe. frrts the repoij' this morning -Voire . tn,,aay no such order bad been pie- ' ' pared. - s..i.' '-SA-'ff''' Alfred P. Thorn, " counsel for the ' Association of Railway Executies, ap-1-. s !y peard at the railroad . labor board. offices in response to a coll from Mr. , v -Hooper for a conference, but be sold : -," ,, lie would call later when he found Mr. Hooper had gone to the unin exe cutives meeting. ' t IMr. Hopper left the conference of. tho Big five union executives shortly afternoon and said the strike had not yet been settled, and that the strike could hardly be settled whiln be was at the meeting.' "Did you settle the strike?" Hoop er as asked. ' Well, you could hardly expect ttom to do that with imo in there," be re plied. "I was not sent by the board, but went on my own volition. I still believe tho only basis of settlement is the resolution recently adopted by the hoard. Mr. Hooper Btated, after the meeting request that the men refrain from striking and give, the board a chance to act on further questions of further ' wage reductions or rules changes that - the railroads may bring before It Mr. Hooper stated, the meeting that that he wanted it understood tnai he. had made no promises for the biart or for himself. The union meeting broke up soon after Mr. Hooper left with tho an nouncement that the five organizations i would hold separnto meetings at 1 p. in. and n uniou meeting nt 3 p, m. . - WHEL.IS'-DTKE INTERESTS HAT Bl f SCHt'LTE STORE Negotiation for the Sale are rnrter- way it Bersme Known Today, v (By the Asstteted Pteen. NewYork, OiH. 27. Negotiations for absorption of the Scliulte retail storea Corporation, one of the largest chain of cigar stores in the - country bv . the United Cigar Stores Corporation,' nwneil by the Wbelan-Duke tobij.-co interests are underway. It was mane known today by D. A. Schulte, presi dent of the former oiganlzaUoc. ' Ve arj "onsidormg n piooosition from the United -Retail Store' Mr SChulte. 'ai-i 'bt t ' lave, not- nc?epted the terms." ' , . .The, Schulte chain , , operates ti storea throughout the country, with an annual turnover of approximately -'o,-. 000,000.'' Reports of the Unilod t or- have-'poration show an annnal busihess of would be completed by the first of the year, would represent one of ' the greatest . tobacco .deals ti the hi itory of he. country. .--:., ; -, ' ' siir-jY!)iA!ITK EXPL0Din . ' .v.:.' , '' : J . , , uvmmw ' 1 ,.- Be ere tor several l ?. ' Br the Awwimi vm. Pittaburg, ' Kans.. Oct.' -7.--'; : 'Gray Wolf mine, uettr t" w-reeked by dynamito I 't t V

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