oooo o o o o ASSOCIATED O 0 PRESS O DISPATCHES O " TODAY'S O fi7 2E UME O 9 DAY. ' ' O ' ;oooooooe volume xxi; CONCORD, t H: C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921,- NO. 235.-' RIB AUTOPSY performed : - Oil DEADMAfi'S BODY t Post . Morten Examination of v " Arthur J. Allen's Body " Made at (Order of Solicitor ,;' - Hayden Clement - TWO BULLETS INN'-' , ? f BODY LOCATED Interest in Case Today Cen , ters in the Habeas Corpus . Hearing. Being (Conducted in Court at Gastoma: ; An autopsy of the! body of Arthnr -j J. Allen, shot and killed Tuesday . y- night In Kannapoiis by O. G. Thomas. -T or. Charlotte, was "performea " he.-o .Thursday ... night,-, The postj imotcin ' ' culmination was performed at, the or l d.v of Hiyden" Clement; solicitor '. -Jf who wanted to determine .whether the' t wound in Allen's back was caused by ' the entrance or exit at buhei.H',:.; v ' Coroner ' T, N. Spencer was In eon ' ; fpr.-nco with. Solicitor Clement in Sal. iebnry late-Thursday, afternoon,, amf after the conference, which followed a, day bf -investigation in Kaunapolls by Mr,C!oment, the autopsy wa or tiered. The examination was conclud ed In less than two hours, and oa '. bullet '-waa extracted from Allen' body and a second definitely locate. ' near his spinal column., ; : V - The bnliet which was extracted, w ' located In the breast bone ' of . the -' , . dead man, on ft level with the fourth - ' and. fifth :riba. It. entered the ood near the middle' of the lower back ' went through the left kidney, rang' . ed up through the right ventricle ot the heart and lodged in the breast 'mm, which was partially Biiattered by the bullet. ' i . . r The second bullet ; was located in tho muaclo near the epinnl column. It entered the wn' body Just nelow ' the left Khnuldeiv struck and tha(Ior-r-i ibi left eoltnr bone, passed through the upper lobe of the left lunend , - Indeed near the, vertienl column. The ' 1 bullet was not extracted, as the Sollci , tern ordered the autopsy solely for the r purpnsa . of : determine; for.. ' certain Mhetbcr or not 3lr, Allen wa etiie It ; wHh two bullets. :.'-. , rrtie' hUfilet vT5 -&:otmK&M , the dctermJiwMott bf tits chnraier rorrotorateg the statement mnqe -'hy . that he shot Allen With a 2 -After the- examination Dr. 8. R. Uuclianan, county' health officer, who assisted with the autopsy,; stated that , in his opinion either bullet would hare cauwed death.. He was of the opinion, , however, that the bullet which eater : ed the dead man's-back was tu one .' which caused his almost Instant death, as it passed through, bis heart ' ' Tlio order of .Solicitor Clement for . tho autopsy hns been the . occasion ( of i-niich cniriment; both here and in Kannapoiis, . Beoorts - from Kantiapo ( lis are to. th effect that after mak ing his investigation there Tbursdny, the Solicitor was of the opinion fjiat t detiilto Information as to Whether the ' man was shot in the back was of .much impnrtahce, as it woula tht'ow light on Allen's position when; Bo re ceived the Tmllet ' v-i-,1-J'. .''"V'-":-'"':i:-'" ' ' Thomas nd Mrs. Robert Lowe, who r -was riding -with him when, the sb.iot- ' ing 'Occurred,' both' stated that Allen -. approached - the oar - in which they were riding, on the left skle, au the powder burns on the left neck of the ' dead man gave evidence that the bul . ' ' let which entered , his left shoulder - was Ored at close- ranite. Jnst the po t sition ia which Allen and Tbomaf were in when the former received the -bullet In the back baa b,een the occa . slon of mtuch conjecture. y- ? Interest here today centers in the - .. habaas . corpus hearing which Is be ' Ing conducted before Judge' Bis Ray . -v In Qastonl today. A niwnher of t'on- cord and Kannapoiis people have been - vummoned to the hearing by attorneys for Thomas, and the .prisoner was ; carried to Gastonia by Deputy Sheriff . Pesperman, of Mecklenburg - uuuaty, - the Kummons having also been served .on the Sheriff of i- Mecklenhurg, in . whose custody Thomas was placed ?. .Tuesday night'' V. , " .. i - : - 4 .. . .Reports reaching Concord Thursday' ' were to th effect that Solicitor Oif '. ment, after" making his Kan nam.! !3 ' investigation, had wired Judge 'Ray, asking that the hearing te postponed ' i until aionday, bo that he could get .-' more evidence.. This report could not' '" be verified, however, and persons who - saw the Solicitor, stated that he made V no mention of having - sent Judge Ray such a telegram. It Is known how- i ever, that the Solicitor waa ln,t?Je--' phone communication ; with several county officials dnring Thursday af- ' ternoonTand at least two of the bffl- cers advised Mr. . Clement to light .: h Thomas' efforts to get his freedom by 4 bail. Mr. Clement advised these om- ' rials that he would attend the l(r - :ing. and intimated that he would make determined fight-against bail. ' Among the persons summoned for ' . 'the hearing were: Coroner spencer, r Dr.i Buchanan -Sheriff - Spears, Mrs. Robert Lowe and Mr. J. D. Lowe, and ' several other persons from Kaunapo : f. . , , While no definite, information has I ' -e?n given out by local officers. t;uron cr Spencer stated Thursday . tugbt - llhat he understood Chief Poger, of the Kannapoiis police. - had a most important witness in the person of . youn man named Loin, whose father i and- brother appeared before the cor. oner's Jury Tuesday night. Voung Loin stated that he saw a woman get out iiearino postponed. : ' m 'The .Tribune resolved the fol-'ifc .lowing telegram from The Go m tonla pasctte at 2:10 this after. H giMn :-.. . '.""v ':, ' IK ; The bearing; of the hahen cor- 'pm writ In the Thomas ease Is not likely to ho held here today. !K Judge Ray has Instructed Attor- ney. Williams ;' trt get- ill touch m with Solicitor Clement over the m telpphene and '? - report . at. .2 -.30. when and, - Vhere" the hearing $ should lie hold.r:Tlie Ktafo pleads imt nn(ly.y i - ' ! , v:.. ; ,-;'-'V '.'...,' SCHWAB NOT ALiBMKt) ' V : AT ni SINKSS DEPRESSION "We Have Drew on n OrwU Spree." He Says In Hpcech at .Mlunlle City. f B III Awolatpt Prr.l ' Atliiptlc Clfy, N. J., ( ietr 2S.nins. M. Schunh. nddnsshiK tlie minimi hari qnet tit the. National l'lilut.' Oil and VtirnlsbAsMocintioii Insfulght., wild hp wax ot alarmed nlxuit the lilisinasK dcprcHSlfiu. : ., vs;.; t ) ' .'We' have' Nen on a grrflt business Sireo and we ortnnw In Hie Wld grny ' 'The business depression will place Xta I., a rllnA ' 1. 'as t can iMirrow money 1 am going lo liet .every, dollar over which I have control on American Industry. I be-HcA-e that this great lint Ion of . ours Is going o he the workshop of the world. ''Wo, are on the eve of the greatest, development hi our history,'- If we had to live m.v life over ngaln I would choose the present day for beginning a career. ' Ve have all Iked extrava gantly hut it doesn't mean anything, f don't give a rap for money except In sofnr as 1 run use It to circulate it through uiy plants and derelop them.'.' Discussing, the Industrial -conditions Mr. H-hwnl sald'i. Wherever :I go I hear the. same that labor and capital should cooperate,, but I have' yet to find a. miin who will tall me haw to do lt,?..;; -.'; y Urn.K ENTENTE PRKIMRE ;; ANOTHER I LTLMATO! Arrr.rding io Its Terms Charles MttKt . Be Stirrenilered hj-f Hungnr- Willi ' In 3li .HfliirM. i . n- kc! jguarlntvil Wr.! Prague, Oct.- SX. Former Emperor Charles inuKt- le surrendered to the "littler entente" within 8(1 hours under tlie terms of an ultimatum from the iiiemhers of this eomliluatien of states. yB-'-rt.W f.r.-w-nf to thejin riiwi nssignmenrs io P" rraiill ii)wrft ft, govern loeht 7 "u juimih pest. T Deiiuty. Mueonlt "declared at n inns ItieethiB held, here lust night: that the uUlihntum voiildhe presented, some time today. Tlie; project of Interning th former Emperor in eltlicr-Cxecho-Klovakin or Jugo-SlaviicJias been dis cussed frequently by the foreigu mln-i listers, iu these j eouiitrles.t Foreign Minister Hones has-been in .icoinnmid cation with the allied tuition and Oecho-Sllovakia and Jugo-Slaria rel ative o steps le be lukeu as ji- result of Charles' absnrtlve. attempt to re gain the Magyar throue, , . THE CIGAR STORKS,.. MERGER Xegollallont Pending Whereby Srhaltc. Interests Would Gain Control. , (Br b Amorimt4 Pmaa.1 . i Savannah, Ga..' Oct J8. -L. Golds togel, first vice president of t the Schulte retail Stores (Corporation has telegraphed -the Savannah Scbulte Cigar Store -saying the wrong impres sion had -been gained relative to the impending sale of the retail cigar stores of his company.? -. '',. .v' '.. Sodstogel wires be is authorized by A. Schulte to say that the negotia tions wow pending are for -consolidation ' whereby the Schulli Interests would gain control of - the j .United Cigar Stores. If the deal Is made, says this statement, David S. Scbulte wouldbe president or both companies. The deal is far from "being t losed, the statement concludes. . v C:'- ' ' " 11 " v '" . Charlotte Deeds Tract For Tubercular HospltaL ..';" ':.;'-. . rtiarlotte, Oct. 2. Tbe -lty pf Charlotte today deedel a tract of land In the southern extremity of Clmrlotte township, embracing 30 acres to the Mecklenburg .Antl-Tnbcreulosis asso ciation uft a sit upon which wlU be erected the new, tulemilnr; hospital to be Jointly 'built and maintained by the. city and county. The land is near the Camp Greene-site. . . -. -'. - "" World Itecord Grain Muvemet Winnihes. Men.. Oct 26. The Cana dian Pacific Railway today claimed a newworld's record for handling r:iri when it shipped East yesterday 1573 loaded cam In J4 hours, forty-one trains more than 12 miles ot cars were required to move the huge ship ment which consisted of between z i-z and 3 million hnshels. - , :-, ." i More than 10.O0O.00O uolf balls ate used up in Britlan every year. ley. Inl81. ' .''-. ,;, -',.":.' ';". of a Ford Sedan and get into Thomas' car. according to the Information giv en to Coroner Spencer by. the Kannap oiis bailee. It is understood that the officers are now trying to determine who the woman was, basing their ef forts on Loin's belief as to wbo she Was. . - : ,:.-' ' ' Other Important witnesses also have been .located by -the Kannapoiis officers,- It was stated by local oncers Thursday, ut their name and testi mony have not been disclosed. It is stated that Solicitor Clement iwas In conference with all of the Kaninpolls witnesses Thursday while be was in that city, and that the evidence he se- cured from them led to his decision of $1 per share on common stock. This to hare the autopsy on Allen's body ' la the first dividend paid on, that is performed. v jaue since July of 1320? - 0 ' i'' " ' " i. 1 ' REV W. A. JENKINS THE NEW PASTOR OF CENTRAL CHURCH The Charlotte ' News - Pays " High . Tribute io Him Editorially. The Charlotte News has the follow ing 'editorial In regard to . Rev. W. A. Jenkins, tlie new pastor, of uentrnl Methodist Church here : I ' This emnmlunity. that part of 'It "which knmvs the subject of this com ment intimately and tnnt pare ot u which knows him only remotely, will slncerelv lament the transfer of Rev. V. A. Jenkins." pastor of Trinity church, to a new Held, although realis- Ina- well enough that .such is the way of the Methodists. They come and go With regulated frequency.' Charlotte has been fortunate in these tate years TOt"w-' no ? nomination and of men who are more than mere ministers who preach twice. a-day on the Hnbbath. They ard men of broad-mindedness, of civic Impulses, of souls afiamo for the inierests and well-being , of theW feliowmen in this world as well a for their destiny In the other. :'- 1 i, , !.'; Bill Jenkins, as ho is Rotarily called by some 100 of those In Charlotte who know him best, has been here oniy two years, coming here young and, fresh for the Qosped ministry, after- a pe riod of intensive preparation. He threw himself at once into the work upon which his hands had fallen and In the space of mere weeks, -he had become, generally known for his splen did qualities, his unusual ministerial abilities, his capacity as a ryulpir orator, and, above all of 'these even, his appreciation of the earthiness of men. This Jatter gave an inlet into the Uvea of a multitude he could not otherwise have touched and his ln f.uenee, therefore, especially upon the young men of the city with whom hei became associated directly or remotely, base, been Immeasurable, 1 " . ' , Mr. Jenkins has indicated a. deep in terest In the clviewell-beina of this community and during the1 two years of his residence here, he has been called upon often to assist in great- move ments and enterprises that meant much for the advancement of the material Interests of Charlotte. ', -' , . It is regreftable,-therefore,- that a man of auch usefulness in a eommiunity that needs a Multitude, more like him has to be transferred to another field so shortly ami that his personal lead ership and constructive Influence must be interrupted at a time when it, seems that these 'were ripening into great harvests. . . i.?'v '''.,--' : i- ... - ; lJ, Shoots 'Father In Defense of Mother. Spartanburg, S. C, Oct. 26; Maa nina inmjn. young white niun,' caarg- ed with the 'killing' of bis father here ( on December 16, was declared "not guilty" by a Jury this afternoon. Short testimony was: given by two) roomers in the house, a sistar and the mother.. Neither side made arr tgnment, facts of the testimony' being deemed sufficient Testimony develop ed that Inman wax defending -bis mother from an attack. The father ' became enraged at the -son; and after chasing himi with knKo he was shot. The klling created a sensation at , the thne. "v ;. j -. . ': . , .l-J.' Mrcklrnhurg Sends l ra' Claim of Slft.UOO. Charlotte. s t, ' 27. Auditor Floyd fireslinm, of , Mecklenburg etiunty. to day mulled a check to Chairman Page of the North Carolina' highway com mission, for $3.ft00 to eofer what the board, of county commissioners con tend Is Its remaining part of the debt of $40 000 held by the state against the county for . the scnmpleiton of the Charlotte-Matthews hnfd - surfaced road. . ;' . - - . ,' '. ..: ;" .The comity paid, previous to the mniling of this check, approximated $.50,000 on.thlir Jon, the total orislnal Indebteiluoss being $96,000, v Coca CoU Dividend. ' New tor, Oct 2T The Coca Cola comnanv today announced a- dividend pplogies AcCi PRESIDENT RETIRNEI 1-0 WASHINGTON TODAV. Completed the Run In Two Hours Less Than the Schedule Time, riUf Hi ,Acld I'reu.) WnshlnAon.- 1 Oct.i; 2S. President Harding returned w Washingron from his southern trip at jit a. m. today, hid special train coitailetlng the run bat-k from Atlanta,' 04., in two hours less than scheduled tithe of the South ern Railway's limitedij Th President's speelal, which left Atlanta at 0 p. ni. central time, yes terday, made no stopsJon the way ex cept to change engini liuiueuuueiy on - lira arrival iuu President motored to The white house 1 arrival TAX REVISION BILL CANNOT ' 1 wn.rnoBw oi ivnuwvun. ' Some Senators Think That Another Week Will Be Necessary, V- isrr ili AMiMiniee it4m.i Washington, Oct. L'S There appear- ed to be little prospects today that 'the tax revision bill would be passed by the Senate by tomorrow night as th HepiUilican lenders had IioiShI. All of those ou the majority side hnnt jHven n Lot the norn Opinion seein-d to lie that Ipal vote could .riot be had before next Tues day or Wednesday. Some Senators thought another week would be neees "; ;;.;.,.' ' '. - . MR.' HAYS SHAKEN I P V IN TRAIN ACCIDENT. Train Cnufaed into Rear of a Loral . - Train In Heavy Fog. , is MsraciMim mM.' New- - York, Oct. 28. Postmhstcr Oeneral Hays and a score of passeilg. era on the midnight express of the Pennsylvania Lines for , Washington, were badly shaken up this morning wljen the express crashed in a heavy fog Into the rear of a local train at Manhattan Transfer, in New Jersey. No one was seriously hurt . ;' The Disposition of the Muscle Shoals 1 '"''": ":;-.' Plant ' '-' . . f ' (By the 'AuMM-lntrd Pick,) ' - Flomice. Ala., th-t 2a The dtsM sltiou of tlie nitrate plants 4 ud the dam at Muscle Shoals will he, made from a strictly business standpoint and no other, Secretary Weeks told 11 Inrge crowd that came here early to day rd greet him. . . . ;; J Oldest GHzen Dies. :-i-Winston-Salem, Oct. 27r John Mace more, aged 104, said to be the oldest citixen in the , state, died yesterday, near Longtown, ..Yadkin eonntyvv v -: UIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIU f NEW JOIN i - ; i".;. Which begins NOVEMBER 1st. It is r the best way known tb save money by ; making small weekly or monthly pay ments. ' ' x i If there is anything you do not un ': derstand about the BUILDING AND : 5 ; v LOAN, we Vilt gladly explain it to you A . 5 :wvif-you will come in. - ''J''t-1 I ; Citizens Bi:i!f:ng Loan ' fecciatiaa I -: ' , , (Office 'in Citizeris BankV - , t ' . -f- Htttiiiiiiitinnitffiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiirriiiitf tiiiitir'tiiiiiiitiiiiiinitiitiiitiiiifs My oOODflEtt'.AiyiVyOvJ ASHAMED Of youft." SELVf V P'IN ON 1HAT ume felcow ; MRS. SARAH WHITtEY IS GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE Plead Guilty to Assessor? Before the I-act In Connection W ith Death nf Her Husband. (By the .tmaelnteil Irrxx.) , Snow Hill, N. C. Oct 28. The trial of Mrs. Sarah Whitley, of Walsfonr; burg. chars?d with first degree mie--der in conne-tion with the killing cf her husband by Wright Rouse.neBio; was abruptly ended this morning when the defense entered a plea of 'guilty of accessory before ths fact, and ac cepted a sentence of life In the state I nnnll.nli.rv Dai,.. uih. .& .....,.) uilv of flr9t ,iesree lmlI der Wcln(t. VtSJri:nly: nection with Whitlev's death vv ho ,rIe(j a, the December term of Orcrne County superior court. TH E ( 0TT0 Jf A RK KT. Joined Steai'.v, at an Advance of from , jQ'f0 13 points, j (H thf Ammt.,nUta .. . , ,,, , I , New York, Oct. 28 -The cotto.1 mar- . kel Pfd ady t an advance of -if. t0 13 Points 011 tl,e announcement of a settlement of the railroad dispute Many of yesterdays buyers iwere sellers and disposition to take profits on favorable labor news was probably Increased. by the easier ruling of Hie foreign exchange. There- wns enough buying to absorb offerings oh reac tions of 8 to 10 paints, and the murk-el tiiowed general steady undertone dnr--ing early trading. . Cotton futures opened steady: Io-cenjlH-r 1.:: January f.i.17: March 1.V.IK; May; July 1S..12. TYRF.E REACH BY ATTACKED ' A DAXUKR01S SEA Residences Were Wrecked, Bath Hous es Washed Away and Boardwalk De stroyed. (By- the AMMlnled Pr-. Savannah, Ga., Oct 28. A tide closely approaching a tidal Wave, be ginning late yesterday afternoon and swelling beyond the bounds during ths night played havoc with Tybee pro perty along several miles of the oeaoh. Residences have been wrecked, bath houses washed away, boardwalks des troyed and the pavilion threatened and attacked by the highest tide seen on Tybee in many months. Tybee is a summer resort facing the Atlantic Ocean 18 miles from Sava nail. - The good taste of the average wom an as regards clothes is almost al ways bad. says iMiss Evelyn Hatison of the Chicago Art Institute. . SERIES m m m m . I MARSHAL FOCH HAS -' !- -t . IANDEIJ I.N NEW YORK. ...,,,',-. , : , .. (By the Associated Press.)' f ' New ork. Oct. 2M. A mighty liomliarilnient of ciieers greeted Marshal Foch when he teamed into New York today on the lln- ft Paris, ( Hit with his Ameri- 'huddles" vat the American m Legion uicctiiiff in Kansas City. . , ' ::- ji3f3iE mm m FI NERAL OK MR. A. J. ALIJCN Helsi This Afternoon at :38 O'clock at . MeKbinon Presb)-terian Chtireh. The fnnei-nl service 'over, the re mains of the late Arthur J. . Allen, who wax shot to death Tuesday night by ,0. Thoniu.s. was held this after noon at 2:.'itl o'clock at the McKinilon Prcsbj-N'rinn t'lmrcli, of which Mr. Al len was a member. Hie. service wns conducted by ltcv. ('. C. Myiers in the presence of a large number of sympa thising friends. Mr. Myers spoke as follows In regard to Mr. Allen : - Rend I Chi-. 2:1HU and I's. 2.'t. The first, Scriptni-n shows that v are not to slay in this world as It now Is but for a short time: it is not our permnnent home and Hint life Is un certain for we know not what a day may bring forth, as we are sojourners here. We are aware of tlie fact that death firings sorrow Imt the dentil which has brought' us together at this time Is oiu of the saddest we have ever had to deaf with as it was brought about In- such a circumstance. It seems dear that a crime has tieenconi-1 mltted in the laklior of the life and if tl!ore hHs Is-en a crime it is a triple crime. First, a crime- iiisalust tliell"r"llll 'iiiiiis. Ntate, In takiug the life of one of its While these orders are Is; ng clrcii- 'cIHm.ii m.u.o.i a ,.i..Mt ti... ' . . " ' f vomiir w fe. Third, a crime Hwiinst these three' babies. For surely the State, the wife liud the children are losers In the. death of Mr. Allen. While we are here not to praise Mr. (Allen but to Inn y him .vet as there has liccii so much Mild about dentil. I feel Mint it in due the dead lo say I loir I have known Mr. Allen for eight years! I have known him as few others knew him. Ho loi-i been a nieiiils-r of the Presbyterian Church, for a nimilsT of years 'ami I have liecn his pastor for live of the rigid year 1 have known him. lie liax come to ine at I linos for advice and we have been closer friends than Just member and pastor, and I have known lihn ax a citizen, as a man and in his home life. As a cili'cu the state has lost one of th best. As, a man Mr. Allen was mist MumS Jili'MW.uJwif- ncss. - In his-hoiiie fife "he ivfts devill ed to Ills laiuily and bis little hoys v.cie the pride of his life. At the time of the killing his filially was gathered around the fireside wait ing to lienr his footsteps at the door. 1 want to leave with you who are In sorrow the promises of (Jod as lie gives tliem in tlie 2:trd I'saliu. that lie-would be flie shepherd of His flock and even though yon have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death as you ore doing today He will be with you to guide and comfort you as no other can. SOI, 01 Kit ItOM S RILL AAIS IV THE 8KXATK Senator Reed Brings Measure into Tax Revision Rill by an Amend ment. (Hy the Ao-lntrl I'rrnx. ) Washington, Oct. 28. The way wns paved today by Senator Reed, demo crat of Missouri, to force o vote on the soldier bonus bill, which the Senate recently laid on the table at the request of President Harding. Senator Reed introduced an amend ment lo ths fax revision bill providing for faxes en excess profits of corpora tions and for use of the revenue de rived as a special fund to pay bonus for former service men. The mea'suve included the Mcl'umber bonus bill, re ported by the Senate finance com mittee, providing for Ave-way bane fits to former service men. ' JAPANESE STEAMER SINKS During a Hurricane Thursday Night All Passengers and Crevr Picked lp. IDr he Auaclat'4 PrtM.1 Seattle. Wash.. lKt. 2X The Jhimiii ese Htcamer Fukn Muni auk ;f7."i miles off Cape Flattery. Washington, at midnight last night in a hurricane, but all her passengers and crew were picked up by tlie freighter West Ivan, according to a wireless received by the Harbor Department here early this morning. She was bound l Seattle from Kolic. The West Ivan wax iHiund for Japau and will continue lo the Orient, the wireless stilted. Bank at Moyorh Robber of $84.07. "';'.- tBy the AmMM-ll frrmn. Norfolk, Va.. Oct. 2S. Robla-rs this morning euterod the Hank of Currl ftick ut SfliycK-k, N. C. suith ot Nor folk.' They -were unable to enter the burglar-proof afe. and the robbers se-ircnt yeur. -.'.-' . ... . '.. cnretl oniy .S4.07 and are lielleyed to! Tho army Increase Is ti "00 devcte.I have esr-aiH-d lu an automobile before ' Inrgely to aviation. The estimates are the residents of .the town were disturb ed. v American Prison Congress Meets. JacksonvUie. ElaM . IM.- 28. The AmerkiMi Prisnn Cress. eimiposed of wganizatloHS interested ln irisou wort, cnaruies aim voi-Twin.,-. begin Its annual convention here to night to continue eight clays. John Garibaldi, father of Joe Gari baldi and one of Charlotte's oldest and best known citizens, cuea yesterday . , . afternoon at 4 o'clock at hia borne,) . porfcaps. vithout realizing it. 400 west Vance street He was 90 years have gone bock to noramlcy a nl t ot age. Mr. Garibaldi wns the first (owe. A reader writes to the C !- cousin of General Joseph Gsrlholdl, on asking how the print may b i the great Italian general. -. ' , ,out of flour sacks. stWeissentout Leaders of the : Big Five of Railway Workmen Flash Code Messages to General Chairmen Everywhere. ' REACHED THEM ' " l IN FEW HOURS Similar Orders to Be Dis , patched - Today to Tele graphers , Union, Which Had Voted to Join Strike. (Hy lk AaiMH-lmt-4 Prrwt.) ... . "lilcimo. Oct. 2STh official reinll of the railroad strike-' ordi-rs issued ; I iy Nwitchmen. trainmen, conductors, engineers and Ilrciwn Were dispatched . IimIiij- when the leaders of the "Itlg .V' li.-isliel cfsle messages to their genera f . cliaii-inen. The linlrnieu will xiihniit the aiCKsngcs to the locals anil the oft. : Hcial order 'recalling' the strike will, thus permeate the coimlry . lit . h few( hours. -'' .' ' ;:' . ,' ; v. Similar ordi-rs prolialily will be-lls-r liatciiiHl today by the telegraphers' or-; gauisuitlon. the only other union which 1'I voted to participate in the strike scheduled o Is gln Simdiiy and which , threatened to tie up the 10. lion trails- ,iu fed I lie lulled Males iiiMironu iji- 1 It 1 .l.l..l. ..I. ..i " """" i"."-i ......... part in tho dual decision of the union, will today announce its II ml lugs ns it ; result of the public hearing Weduesdur' nf which nuioii leaders and railroad 'v. executives tostilled. This declaration,.'' it''. was expected, would analyze, the situation and lis'.; outcome, Hie Board;- according to mid member, feeling that tiifl matter - Is HOW OUI, M H JIU1IUH. Wlh the announcement this morning t of the official resolution?rflcalling the , strike order, union leuders summoned -here for the labor board hSuring-, anil , who remained to take the action end-- ing the threatened strike, were prepar- lug to return to their homes,: ' Time gnd Half Wages. Chicago.' 1s t. 2S.-lt. A. Worthing--v'-MMMldent;.of the t'lnciuiiatt Inili-aminolis- isl " -.Western ltailroad. lo-V Uay .nwtjlfi-JrTfeli ;'. 1ToiTlieT',lrti.ffiKr'' I'f the pitlilie gsoiip of Us rallrimd la hor hoard' lu ii letter, that the road : ' would pay time and a lull f for over-., time dating back, from Aiigust 1. ar which time II was eliminated, until -v tlie iiuostioii Is dytinitely. decided by the Hoard. Messages Sent Out Cleveland. Oct. 2S. 8'crit code which they are dirertetl to notify Hie local chairincn that the proposed rnll roaild strike has been called oil, were sent out early today .from the general offices here of the brotherhoods of trainmen, eiiglneiiien and firemen. . Telegraphers Noilfled. ' PI. I.ouis.Mo.. st. E. J. Mau- ion, president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, loilay seut lisle ines--sages to the general chairuieu of tho order, on tlie various railroad-'. In forming tliein otiiclally that, tlur strike. schcduhHl fio- OcIoImt .'III had Ihh'U called off. I. &. N. Strike .Net Yet Called Off. Chicago. Oct. 2S. It waa learned tislny that tlie code word calling oft the railroad strike had not yet been disimt-chod to the International I ireat Northern trainmen, who went out on strike last Hatmrday. Calling -off of this strike was- deferred pend. lug determination of their opportunity . to return to work. . i - . i ... . . . Japs Not Planning Any Disarmament. v ' I TnL in tM. 07 On the stb or tlm . Wnnhliiiftoii ctfifcrenee.. -.'Willi . tlm Jnpanesf delegate already on Ameri-" can soil, the Toklo government is pre-, paring the budget for the next .fiscal - year which will bear practically the same militaristic aspect an tho current: budget iu which approximately J! p'1' cent went to the army and navy: . The Toklo Nlchi Xichl publishes the figures of tlie new budget teututlvely reached by l:e finance deiiartmeiir. sbowlni: isiipmxlmately 48 pec cent of the total will go to the arm? and navy; Hie ";0 ier cent to the navy and IS ier cent to tl'e army falling onlj' a fraction of one jer cent below the cur rent defense approprintionv Nlchi Xichl say th- lolal budget Is approxl. . mately 1.000,000100 yen, the natr taking 40,000,0IO yen. a decrease o" 20.1100.000 yen and the army -2H7.O0O.-inmi yen, ami incrense of 24.000,000 yen. . The naval reduction Is explained hv economics in maintenance exenc. It is not tteiteved the naval building an liroprlntion will lie less than the rut. known to include 40,000.000 ,ven ' for a bombing battalion, .and other avia tion equipment- . ... ; . . v v -. - ..' ' ' . " t ', " Brillsli Woman Defeats Amerinm . at ,;. ..' s v ML : -. nr t Jkmanatt rntm.y . j ; cw York; - (ct. " H. Miss Cecil twitch, the wouiett golf champion of Oreut Hrltatn. France and Canada, de feated ,Ml Alexa Hterllng. former Voltvd Ktates cbampioo. by 'J up be fore a large gallery at the Pclhnni Oouutry Club today.

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