OOOOOOOO v ,r ' O .TODAY'S Q rV- oeoeoov ASSOCIATED O PRESS O DISPATCHES O rv : O TODAY. ft ' J L 00.0000 o o OOOOOOOO .VOLUME XXI. CONCOR D, N. C; S ATUR DAY; OCTOBER 29, 1 92J . ,-NO. 234.' w :tho:.:aheari:ig to BE HELD OH TUESDAY ? Habeas Corpus Writ Will Be Heard in Charlotte on . November ,1, Before Judge T. J. Shaw. , - --vjM & THE STATE WA NOT READY; FOR HEARING Thomas and Witnesses For - Def ens t , Were all In Gas tonia Tnday-r-Thomas Re- uirnea 10 unarione jau. fin; '''."'. f c '" 1 i "i iiearuig ik rue uiiihuh rni ,';t;; ti" writ In the case of O. G, Thomas, lipid :f the. killing of , Arthur 4, Allen Id " :': Knnnnplls last Tnpsday Bight,1 will be r.7j'-:-f-MA in Charlotte text uwday inorn vV if-';; it 11 o'clock before Jndpp Hhnwi f,i)wn determined lu Gnstonia Fri- ' flZ. when a temporary hearing was '"mliicted Wfore Judge' Ills Rny, who t r C I .postponed ( ho hearing until' Tuesday f iiiwMi -pleading of Attorney II. K. Wlh P-duslhnt the State wns.'iiof'.rpndy ;J '' 9-'. tor the JionrhiR Friday, ,; ; V Mr. William, represented the State , In the abspnep ' of Wolleltor Hnydcnj Clement, '.ludcp' Ifjir Instructed Mr. ; .' f Williams ' Frldiij" , morning to got;; in ? aw touch with the Solicitor and report - ImhIc t the court at S'SIO Friday at s i ternoon-when and where the hearing r-; 7, Hhould ho held. .Thin wan done and at '.-' " :.'U tho dwlHlon to hold "the proeppd s injr In i'lmrlotte next Tuesday; wa 'V.':: niadp, v v ," " Tlipr iiave )ppn no new develop-- . nipntfi In the pnp pHhpr 1u Concord . or Kaniiapollx. Local oflicera are still co-opprntinK' with the Knnnapolia po lice In nn plrort to got ncw,lnforma- . tlon'and additional wlt.newra.-bnt so ;i - tut jtn Van 'be learned nothing has : " lipen bronclit'to llcht within the pnot l 24 lionra that change the appct of the 'V-'- -asiP. .' ,"' ' 1 y '- . ."7;;? ,Th; hllootltiK wiiil Iniies to lie Hip ; ; auhjpct . of much eonrersnl Ion " fn thin :.;cty And. In KannnMli and Jtvli ccr tain that Jioih cltipw will lie. Well rcn ..reentc! at. the licVirlng in Charlotte V;V", next Tnexdny. ' '- , . v' . . TIip C'hnrlotlp' Ohen,er' ca rrteA tlie '' following utofy nt tho hParlhK. writ r:crT r' Itn'lley T.- tJroomo.. Bilt, &vr-T-';' -pfnondMit i ,-. ''.;.!;' .;'.- ,!,-..;.. . v : : Oastonla.: Oct! 8&-IIenrIni oh the' ;. writ of hiihenn corpus lHRifcd by Judgo ' wel for O. 0. (Bl) Tfioirm wa cort- .s tfnue4 today until next Tuesday morn- '" ing at H oVUx when the bearing will ':-he hold by Judge T. J. Shaw in fbnr lotte. Thoroan. ; who ;; was brought I ' 1 Gaatonla this" morning' by Sheriff ? ' W. (. t-hrnn,' and IVputy Sheriff ; ' Vic Fcperman.' upon order of Judge Jlny. wa taken brtck; to Charlotte-tll - afternoon to- reninln in '..Jit II until '' -Tiieoday. ,; ..;v-t. .,.:.-?-f '--p ' Thouian . whtv in a weu known nnto i " ntolille Baiesman. 1 held in oonnpctlon with the. Shooting to death lnut Tuph- , . , day tiight at KannanolU of Arthur. J. . . Allenv Concord inaxtpr plumber, - , i r Tlie hparlng wan '.continued follow f Ing urgent : tolegrama from Solicitor . 1 In j don Clement K.', Salisbury, awl At r ',: . toriiey Jv.T. Hartsell of Concord, the i ' ' f latter pmployed to asHlst ' the nollcltor. ' r ' end by li; B. - Wllllnms, ,of Concord, i -ho appeared Itefore- Uip- eourt and , . a-Jvet' for a . eontlnnauee. Mr.-' Wll-llaniu- atatcd -that '. Solicitor' Clement '. "11 wan' bnslly. engaged .in - InvPHtlgating i - V--Oio killing , with- Attorney Hartsell., "f'Jl and that hlnwelf had Jnst been em ' i ploypd' and had v neither time for in-veatlgation.-nor time for conference ' . with the aollPltor. ' ' "Beslden," added Mr, William.; "the , ..victim baa not, been Interred yet."." ,, t j..;'.Maue and Arm Held, of Concord, appeared for 'the defendant andtnt , cl that'tUPyj were--riot trying to urge ' ' , the tvtirt td act baatilyt hut Rtatpd . they did not . think the aoUcifor, had ; . dealt fairly with the defense. ' ' . ; ' i -. - "I notitled thera at the name time ' k : r 1 nntitieit your homrf." aald Mr. Man "'"p ftw. "and If the aolMtor waa not go-!,-a,,f ,ing to- be here be at least ought not: !: t'vh have allowed me to bring; all our, vvK V Ineasea here and appear 1 at thin . --i tiM We, would have been perfectly - l Ing to wait until the 'solicitor. wa ' ; 'I ready. . Hp did not Indicate nnrendl .' -.' .'ripen to' na." - -' -: , ; "Welt."" replied Judge liny "tbpre was - nothing Mr "'for me to dobtit V' 'i lgn it and send It back or aend'along . . ?2,500, So I signed it." ' -, All the witnesses for the defense S'Pykr& present and sat. in the back of ' . the court room while the trial of a negro charged with picking the pocket r .! f of another negro ( thedrcna wn be-i- Ing held. - ; '.-';; - ' i : The defendant was accompanied by and sat with his "wife.; . ?. ' t ' , Mrs.- Robert Lowe, the only eye wit ' . - 'ness of the shooting, sat with hei hus ' V. . jl. band, Robert Ix)we, who is to appear f. as a character witness, according to ?f -Mh Mnness. , , Other witnesses were V" Dr.. 8. , E. Buclianan, who made the "s post-morten examination of the body ; of Allen and who would testify as to ? ; the nature of tlie wounds. 'V , : It. was learned tUat- Allen was . , shot twice; altBongh Thomas . fired ':. ' three times.' The bullet .which caused i death entered just alwve the heart and f ranged downward. Powder marks on " the man's body it is alleged indicated v.'how close the pistol was placed when '"' - (lred. Tlie second shot enter Just : nbore the hip and rnnsred throngh the. 'boly towards the shoulder opposltp. :'" ''.-": showing flint the victim received the '; ': t,t foiling. He foil upon his chin and i was cut badly about the mouth from DR. FRANK M. JOHNSON DEAD. Mysteriously Disappeared from Mocks ; ' vlue Seventeen lean AgoV . ' " , (By the AMPlair4 Prr.) . Winston-Salem, Oct 2. Postmast er N. I Cranford ia Is receipt of a letter' from A. O. Frost,- American con sul stationed at Guatemala City, Guat emala, stating that ;, Dr. Frank - M. Johnson, a dentist, native of America, died on June 20, 102L-' -. Dr- Johnson wn a native 'of Davie county, this State, add was practicing hit profession at Mocksvlllo seventeen years ago when, he mysteriously dls appared and up -to Uifa time nothing had been beard from him. Dr. John son a sudden .departure was a lew j months after his marriage - to , the daughter of a minister. The wife, one daughter, a brother and a aister sor- vire. According to the. message from Consul Frost,1 Dr. Johnson married af ter he went to Guatemala, and a son and daughter by that f union, now in school at New Orleans, survive. i EVELYN NESBITT RECOVERS. . From (he Effects of an Orerdose at erohlne lilrh Xhe Hwallowed on Friday, '.f- - .-s f'-i: -,. tHr h "Auoelatel Pre. ,t ' Xew; Tork, Oct. 29. Evelyn Nesbtt was reported today, as almost .wholly recovered from the effects' of an over-. dase of morphine swallowed yester day( when- a city marshal began re moving, the furniture from her ten roonv and apartments - in West 52nd street." ' -. - '"". -.'..', ;..'.-'' Tlie (former wife of Harry K. Thaw, who later married and was divorced from Jack Clifford, a danoer, became nygwricai wnen ner enoris io opiain funds to pay overdue rents failed, and she swallowed 13 grains of tlie drug. She called to .the marshal informing him what she bad done, and collapsed to the floor.-. The marshal s speed in summoning assistance Is said to have saved her life.-. . v ? "- - . PMIIIIEMSONS TO ATTEND MEETIHB Of the American . Leon .Which Holds Annual Con yenlion in Kansas City Be ginning on Monday. MARSHAL. FOCH -l TO BE PRESENT list - of Notables Also In v eludes Admiral Bcatty, Vice President Coolidge and uen. Pershing. - - Changes Since Conference. Since the adjournment of conference on .Monday afternoon Kishop Darlings ton . has -. authorised the following changes in appointments as were rend out by him : ' ! . .' Rer.vA. R.' Surratt, ,vho was read out to the Belwood ? charge ' in the Shelby district, goes to- Cbadwick In the Charlotte district. Rev. - C. M, Short Is .changed 'from 'Chndwick to Norwood station in the Salisbury dls trier, and Rev. D. It. Rhlnehardt, who wan to have gone to Norwood, goeij to Hftwonu umienit.' - . - r- - ;V' . -,- .'- . A vpry '. enjoyable '"HnlliiWp'en Frol b"v was given by the seventh utiuiv cIHs'nt Central w-hool Fridnr mnni' en guests fos this wciisJon mid much Inbrriment was had iiwide from the ehtprtaipment afforded by the . watch ing the little tots enjoy the black cut. ghosts, witches, etc. Miss Mary Hoover Is the teacher of this grade. .- 'Mr. and Mr . John . ItonnelK,' of Greensboro, and Mr. and . Mrs. Lewltt Iteiiin. of Ashboro; are visiting ;Mr. ainl Mrs Bert ravpn. on White strei-t Horn to Dr. and Mrs. W. II. worth; IK-tnlier 2Sth. a son. Wmls- the fal. - ; . " ' Dr. Spencer' the coroner, and Sheriff ,C. L. Spears, also were witnesses;'.- v.--'- . ' . ' ' It. T. Ft.v. a RannnlHlis merchant, was in IPHlIf' that he heard Thomas niaklnq .arrangements .to call at die homer ;of s Avprcash before whose borne the. shooting occurred ' and for whom Thomas t;liiliHvd' to be liMikiug when Accosted by Allen. ? .' Testimony will also h olTeri'd to sliotv that Thomas was seen, ny Alien with a large sum of iiione in Ills pos session.; . ,f.s : -. , i . : The defense hid lea ted that It. wonld show that, there, have been numerous holrt-tin in Kanhnpolis wently and that hts have ' been ; exchangwl ls twpen 'woirid-lie hold-up men and their rlptims iu the lecpnt past,. :. j- ... , tt was abso, stated that it would tie showh that there .was nothing amiss in Thomas and Mrs. Lowe being out to gether., It jWas, stnted . that Thonuis boards at . the saiuo place ' when in Kannapolls - and that the Lowe and Tliomas families arn frlpnilly. . Tlie de fense .will attempt to . hLmuv. ft was stuteil,. that Thomas Invited several at the boarding house to accompany him to the moving plctnre show and stat ed that he was going ta drop by and see )s Overcash Itefow going, '-'I- The stufe uncovered . none of '. its evidem-e, either publicly or privately. It was learned that the state will come to- the hearing, with the Intention-- of bringing out a strong case nguiitst the. defendant. If the facts warrant such. ,' The state will be rcpresentPd by So licitor Haydcn Clpmpnt of Salisbury, U T. Hartsell, pf Concord. Z. V. Tnr-' lington of MooresvlllP. and H. .' Wil liams, of Concord. Friends and rela tives of the deceased, .it was under stood.' have- employed the three last named to assist the solicitor in prose cuting the case. ;- H, :. - - ' ; i -Attorney Williams, wa on the long distance telephone with Solicitor Clciu ent at Judge Ray's request and, fol lowing the conversation. Mr. Williams and Judge Ray conferred for swera I minutes. . - :' :' vv-;.'1 :-,t i Following this conference Judge Ray announced that the hearing was con tinued nntlt Tuesday' morning 'at .11 o'clock liefore Judge T.: J. Shaw. in Charlotte. ; ..- , "-- .' - . w : There were 10 or '12 Cliarlotte citi xpus In Gastonln summoned to appear as character witnesses., for Thomas. Most of them jrere automobile sales men and dealers with whom Thomas has come In contact In a biisliics way. Sheriff W. fh Cochran and Deputy Sheriff V. P, Fesperman carried the prisoner over to Gnstonla and brought him back- , to await the hearing on Tuesday. Thomas appeared to be In pood spirits. and not In the least wor ried over the outcome of the affair. v Br the AsMctatad Press.) Kimsns t'lty.-Oct,. 2l.-T-An army of former service men began to descend upon Kamas City today for tho an nnal rventint of the American leg ion which opens next Monday. Fore lnost'fitrpigu military leaders of mod cm times arc among -those en route here tt) be the guests of tho I-citinn, tir eluding Marshal Koch, of FrnntHj, the comma ndcr-in-chlcf of the Allied arm ies! i.ieut. tieri. Ilnron .Insques, of Itnl glum; Gen. Armando Dins, of Italy and. Admiral' Karl lteotty, of (I real Drltnln Marshal'' Foch is expected Monday; hcecvnpanled by General John J -Pershing, commander of the American army in France. Vice President Cooli dge representing President Harding. will head the American delegation of notables at the convention.. -V Today's work dealt mainly' with ar- rangtn4or the parade Tuesday, which oniclsls said would be more than miles long and Include 40,000 or more marchers. , -- JUtSjfWHlTLF.Y GOES TO PK F0H A .LIFE TERM State Accepts Plea of Gum In Three- j Arnered Greene Miwder- i ase, Kinston, Oct. 2S. Mrs. Sarah Whit ley.-37, will spend thq rcmatninder of her lifo In tho stale, prison ' for her nai-t in the ;uurder. of her hett'iund. Wlllam Whitley, prominent .Wullons- Durg fnrmer, iwno was snot to oeain while he slept at a tobacco barn near his farm home on the nlRht of Augast , 192t. ".', ., ... - . ', - . . -'-'Wrls'tii Koiisn' elderlv ins?ro "ious- ITB6ttt'lrhri saithKW'ni'.lay tha-e trerae penalty in the death ctumbel at the penltentiury January 3, Con victed yesterday-he was sentenced to day; His was the hand that' fired the ratal shot ror any empty promise oi $5f.a Thomas Hayes, one time tenant oi the Whitley farm and the, woman's confessed lover, will not be tried un til tho regular December term' of Greene county Superior court. Hayes did not, like the others, seek a special terra trial. - THE C0TT0X MARKET. ,'! Opened Steady at a Decline' of 10 to 2o Points l nucr uvernignt neuing Orders. ' - v ' '. . . v , (ttr Assaclnleil Pwss.) New York. Oct. 28 The - cotton market opened steady at a decline of 10 to 25 points under overnight sell ing orders brought in by easier .rul ing of prices Inte yesterday. After Helling oft to 18.85 December rallied to 18.95 and later months recovered all but a few points of their early losses, but the bulge met renewed near-months selling with December easing off to 18.80, or 23 points net lower.. ' " - Cotton- futures opened steady. Dec. 18 :00 ; Jan." 18 K51 Mar. IS :Q0 ; May 1S:J5; July 17:68. , - .' . Closed Steady. . , New York. Oct 29.--Cotton closed steady. December, 18.74 : January 18.60: "March 18.50.- May 18.10: July 17.65. .. -..-.,",, -...'.; ;. ANTI-KI" KI.l'X PARTY . , W1IX HAVE CAXUID.IT8 In .the City Ele-rtion To Be Held hi v Now York an November 8. (Br the. Associated , Press.V New York. v Oct. 2!). The anti-Ku Klux patty will have a place on the ballot in tlie city election November S. the board of flections announced to day Tlie party's only, nominee Is Kdward II. ltrogan; candidate' for juilee.of the general sessions court in Manhattan: - , ; " , An arrow. is the parry s einniem on the ballot.--, i.-) - ,':'- ; Salisbury Defeats Loral limits. The Spencer high school lootball team forward passed tne wcai nigns defeat at the otifton Milt parK n- day afternoon before a large unmlier of spectators. . ; Neither Jteiiin witld gain through the line, and both resort ed to . the pass,, the Spencer youths showing skiU iu this game. 'Tlie only score of the game came in the last period when tlie Spencer unrterbnck carried- the ball over after getting wtthlir striking distance with it thirty yard pass to. his left half Imick. t on- cord lost a good opportunity In score in the third period when a forward imss groimdcd within tlie teu yard line. The playing of Cook.' Coltrane, Smart and Mlsenhelnier featured for the locals, f 1 v Ilnpp Car Prices Cut. ' - " I Price reductions ranging, from $100 on closed models to $235 on touring cars and roadsters are announced by the Hupp Motor Car Corporation, "it- ( festive immediately. y ' The cut in the prices oi closed cars la the second within the last month, the first having been $250 off tho price sf the coupe and sedan. IMPORTAHT FINDINGS OF R. R. LAeOR BOARD Any Railroad VjJnibn- Going Out on Strike Will Forfeit ' all Rights in Existing Con tracts With Companies. THE BOARD 1ADE - ' THREE FINDINGS By the Members of the ririt ; ish Delegation to Peace ; Conference, Who Hold a Week-End Meeting. DEFINITE ACTION STILL UNCERTAIN Chief Among Demands Is One That Northern Coun ties of Ireland Come Into a United Ireland. (Br I AssArlstnl Prem. JaiiiiIoii. (Vt. 2(.--Chlef among the demand presented lit the Jiish con ference ity the Dull Kiremnnn dele gates Is one that the six northeastern vunties of Ireland shall either romp Into a united Ireland or accept the ver dict of a plcbeM-tte for the fixing of new iHimidai'ic. It was. declared by the Star today. British delegates In the conference will.- it' is iimtci'stoiMt. consider the Irish terms over I lie week-end at. Che- All Disputes Must Be Refer red to - Board.; Strikers v Will Be Classed as Outlaws by the BoardJ ; v . (Dr the AsiMrtdrl Pre.) Chicago. Oct 2f.-Tllie Ilailroad I-" bor Hoard today issnwl its iloi lslon oil the hearing to determine tlie rsponsI htllty for the.' general', strike llirealen- ed by the "Iilif Five" brotherhoods. making tares minings, the third Which held ''that any.'' union going out on "strike wijl forfeit i Is right ami the rights of its meniher in all existing contracts and lose, alt licncltts accord ed by the transportation act." ' , The othpr iltidlqgs- Were : VThflt all such dismus must Is? ro-tiPrs court, the siiliurhiin home of ferred to the board before any action Prime Minister Lloyd tJeorcp. It Is Is taken.' ' y probable, however, that no definite dc- Thnt any jiiterrniition of traffic cislon will In- reached until after would ls n blow nltiK.I at the peai'P, Monday's delmte in the House of Coin- prosperity and, fafet.v of the entlrC nions. niwiii which it Is liclicvcd the nation." '' ; . " state of peace depends. Striking Members to Re C'hiSsed as Tn s,Hr, enwni-ll met in Dublin last fltlilaWII I'tl'IMlIK HIIU I1MI lllll IlllJOIiril 1111 IlIIO- -,. 6 frt.l ,,,. ... ,,.'' niglit. It Is stated today that tlie Chicago, Oct. 29,--T3ie tnlted States ,,.,. ,,.,,... , ., ,. Railroad ljibor : Board today In . "'T ' ' effect forbade- the; vrailroad union 1 ' ' labor from striking" without the 'board's TRACING RORBERS WHO permission and declared that all strik- HKI.D IT MAIL CLERK trs iwho violated the border would b Z . " classed as-..'."outlaws ...who had volun- Car I'sed by the Bandits Has Been tarily rsmoyed themselves' fiom' thV Located, And One Arrest, :it .-Lensi, protection of the transportation act." j Is Exnerted Soon. ' Sr lk Assorlalnl Press.) NO TAX REVISION PILL .1 New York. Oct. 2!.-Tlie urcea an 18 POSSIRIJ-; THIS WEEK' loiiioniic ust'ii ny ( lie tnrcc nanii'ts i;i . ' , T last .moikiiij-s i.isni.isHi mail iriicK Sortie Senators Tiiink 11 Will He Week robliery has hc'n Identilied and llu Itefere the Bill s Passed. ; net is growing close about at loaf one - in tu swwlnVa ; of tlie thieves. Chief Postollico Inspect Washington. Oce. iilKReptlbllcan 'or Pochrnne snW today. It was hull- Senate lenders, conceded today that caleit that the arrest might U' :iinih tlieie "was no possibility of oasstng the Ui'oio nlRht.-, . tswsjobttliJiitvK Tliey also - information meyrnlug th, luxiii.i: lisllcafed that there WaslUtle pi-os- of 4 be baVlUs-. Vargas withU-iii rbift pect of maintaining a quomm for the was learnpn tnnr inspectors ami in -session of the Senate tonight. teethes on the case nre incliiilug away 4 A number, of .the majority senators. : rrcu the theory thin the rohlievs were were absent from Washington' todny members ot a band which commuted arid as -the Democrats generally were" robberies in other cities, and .ire lean- opposed to tonight's meetings, the ing more to tlie theory that tle liold plan was to recess late in the day mi- up as the work of Usui talent. :iln- tiLMonriav. "Hie work oi) the tax bill.e-l J an "inside conreiierate. Is far from finished and some leaders I .,, . .., , .... . ,,,. i both sides of the chamber doubt If , " " VV.-nir irvxti. u vote on the flnal measure .can be had Or AJIfcllll AX rOKfcNILK.H much before next Saturday night. i ' , ." . . . Immediately upon convening the r"r"'"'. ;""" , " senate launchiHl into the capital stock I 'nu' ". . tax fight; having before It an amend- "" -'-- rr.., ment to retain this tax. which the fl- Asheville, Oct. 29. With ' twenty nance committee proposed to repeal charter members, the Southern Ap next January 1. As unusual a quorum I palnchian Chapter of the Society of was maintained for only ' a few . American Foresters was formed here minutes, . but Senator Stanly, demo- last night. ernV of Kentucky, forcsd a roll call J- Holmes, state forester of .North KO as to get absentees back into, the nna, was cieciea presioeni ; vcrne cusimber. .Senator Heed dema;rnt, of Khoades. aupoivisor of the Aslwville Missouri, opened the discussion, tal;-j'o'esi siauon. vice presineni; ano Ing up tho Lrolga amendment to com-1 F- Korstian, of the Appalachian promise the amendment. He said the ji-orcst experiment station, secretary. Lodge plan should lie entitled "an ex-. The chapter will include members omption to exempt h.dding cornpanies from irginla. Kentucky Ohio, 'icnn- fiom. the capilol stock tax. ;ime, mirm .ariniiu ana mmm i.ra- The Missouri Senator declared there ne, ana rsonn ueorgia ana nnnnern 4TKIKE OX THE I. t . K IS CALLED OFF This is Hie linul Ktep Toward Pearej ruiicy AniiMitpp as to Ke. lam of Htrikers. ' ; - . -llr Ifc Assaeiatml rs. , Chicago, '. Oct 29. The , Railroad Labor Board today was expected to hand down Its deferred decision on public hearing here last Wednesday to which representatives of the big 5 rail unions and of C lass A carriers were parties. , Virtually all rail brotherhood oai ?ers who called off the railroad strike icheduled for October 30, Thursday night had departed for their homes to iay. The final step toward rail peace came with the announcement here last night by W. G. Lee, chief of traln nen. that the strike of 6W trainmen jt the International and Great North ern Rairoad in Texas had baen called off by the general chairmen of the .-a 1 1 road. . Officials of the carriers.' however. have not indicated their policy In con nection with the return of tho strikers. sairjiarcjuwix-" :;r; OST MANY LIVES FKARKD TO : ' HAVK BKEN I In (louilliiirsi Which Partially Swept Away the Town of ltritania Reach. (nr he Asswlsleit I'rrns.) ... Vniieouver. It. C Oct. 211. Many Ives ore feared to have been lost and scores injured by a cloudburst which flooded nud partially swept away the town of liriitania liea-h. IS. C lust niglit. according to advices received !iere tndiiy. l'hysicians and nurses left for the scene of the disaster on a special steamer. Reports today said the town virtual ly had leon cut in twoiby a stream of water which flashed down the moun tain side, sweeping numerous build ings to the' peach. llrittania Bench is a mining town with a population of l."KHi situated on a iinxinfaiir eighteen miles from here nn Howe Sound. WELCOMES MARSHAL French Marshal Begins ' a .'Busy Day in Washington.;' Calls at the White House ; to Fay His Respects, , : CROWDS GIVE HIM ' A GREAT GREETING President Harding Attended by His Military and Navah ; Aides, . Received ; Marshal ; Foch in Blue Room. 1 were only tow reasons for the or- ; Alabama. The meeting today will be ganlZfttion of holding cmpanies. evuieu 10 oisciisbioh oi ioresi pro- One is,"he said " to restrain trado views m iuis secuou. and control prices The other 11 ' tbHt STB1KI.Nf; TKAIVMF.N TO those organizing the holding compan-1 ' . ulllh , ,CTltl, ies expect to make large profits specu- H0,',) AMELTIt. I0M).U Uting In its stock. Ein-)loypes of 1. (!. '. ow Inle. Will In tba nUdst of his address Senator Hold Conference in Houston. Texas Reed was readvised that Senator I Monday. Lodge was absent mi account of ill- (Bjrh Associated Pros..) ness. and it. was agreed that further u, ,,., consideration of the Lodge amendment ' of ,he n'era, co;R,niMe of tue SIrik. n.,u.., 6 ,cr ....... .j tralnment on the International A V; ' . ' A menrtmeiit to Bill. Washington. Oct. 29. anosne tax returns made to the Treasury by cor Great Northern Railroad system has be-.'n lulled for Monday in Houston by J. B. Frame, general chairmen of tlie poratinns and Individuals would bo Srothsrhood of railway trainment on open to Inspection at the request of the rood, it was announced today. either' House of Congress under an until the strike is officially vailed amendment; to the tax, revision bill! off the striking trainmen will remain adopted , hv the Senate without t a out, Vice PresldeAt Slipppiird saiil to- record vote. , 1 ' , dny at Palestine. umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiic JOIN NEW SERIES Which begins NOVEMBER 1st. It is the best way known to save money by making small weekly or monthly pay ments. ... - - - If (there is, anything you do not un 'derstand about the BUILDING AND LOAN we will gladly explain it to you if. you will come in. i 'Citizens Building and Loan Association f (Office in Citizens Bank) ; 1 stiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiKifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriifiiriMiHii'tiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiR AFFIDAVITS JYTROIMCF.I) Deslunrd to Kstahlisli Existence of liilawfal iensplrary Between the liiion Miners and Operators. Illy tk Aimiclntrd -Prrss.) Indianapolis. Oct., 29. Affldavilg designed to establish existence of un lawful conspiracy between union miners and operators were introduced today in the Federal court hearing on an application for temporary injunc tion restraining the United Mine Work ers of America in its effort to organize the West Virginia coal fields. . The Borderland Coal Corporation In Peking the injunction on behalf (if Ihipe score -West Virginia operatorsj alsri- a'skir'Tnataiiy rdciC 'If ' griiitetTl set aside wage agreements between the unions and operators in the organir.ed fields throughout the country. (Br lh Aortsl PreM ' Washlngtou. ' )ct. ?". Prestiltit; . Harding, acting for the AmeritMin peo- , 3 .. pie, today formally welcomed Marshal Koch to the United States.- . ' ?A ;, The leader of ine Alued armies In 3 , the final and ctvtorious phase of tl f straggle against he forces of the Cen- . ,' tral powers, liegan a busy day In tho . nation's capital with a call at the ; ' ' i white house to pay his respect to the President and to receive.' from- the ' President a formal welcome. ." i Attentled by a squadron of cavalry - ; ,','. and accompanied by Ambassodar Jus. .? -, .; serand, th Marshal arrived at tne . ' .. while house at Id o'chs-k. Crowds : f- . gathered along the driveway through the white house grounds and gave him - 'T a great greeting. . ' ' '- . ' ' The President, attended by his mill- . tary and naval aides. received tlie f , ' .. Marshal 1n the blue room. ' ' The visit to the white house wits' followed by calls on acting Secretary of War Wainwrlght: Secretary Hugh-;.' es, and Secretary Deuby. The Mar. r -shal's program for the' day. also-Included a call, on fornter .President . , Wilson. ; . ' . i " ' When flic 'Marshal called at the . home of former President Wilson ,". , Brig. Gen. W. 1. t'iMilier lionoraiv able to the Marslial. was told that. Mr.-:- Wilson's physician had giveih liistrue- lions It would Im inadvisable to re eclveany visitors. The .Marshal there- , upon, sent in his card. Marshal Fei'dlnand Foch might well be oalled tlie fighting jjwofessor. One of the foremost .lecturer on .- -. mWunrj;."SjiibJecfa'in Knrooe, be won honors o 1 tlie-early -battlefields of r . the world vis-ni(i in. ii ltv th fhtbeme commander of ail alliert . . force of 10,OIJO,(K0" meni successfully practised tho strategy he had preach ? 1 j ed so many years in the French AVar - - ' College. '. - ' . , k - The morning of yoveiulmr 11, WIS, found him, a marshal of France, slt, ting in his private car behind the lines, -smoking bis pipe and waiting, in thn unnatural calm that followed the ' :'-, "...j 1 hushing of t.lin big guns, the coming of r , the German envoys to ask for peace at the Allioes' price. The professor's . theories of strategy and moral force in warfare bad beeu vindicated.' , Foch fought iu tlie Frano-Prns- ; . siun war as a siwoud jiemtenant, as ' did JoH'ri. iiiey laith were horn in the south of France. Foch worked for tho '. . ret of liis life with the shame and humiliation of that debacle In his - ' mind. He studied the battlefields of ) , that war until be knew them aa well , as his own backyard. He studied tho -. j German war machine, the psychology ' of its leaders, the reasons for their mistakes and their, successes'. , Later, aa a professor in tlie 1 War College, he wrote text books on the , - conduct of war and the principles of - r-. : war. He worked with enthusiasm and 1 ' ' patriotic fervor to indoctrinate tliti . -.young French officers witii the prin- ' plple of the offensive ' at al costs. Battles are won morally, as well a materialy, he said, and ho stressed the mornl element in modern warfare. 1 As a General commanding a forp. '- . , s in this vicinity on a basts that.f 120,000 men, Foch found himself, d be of a very advantageous na-0PPoseu by a tJeriuau army of 200,00i ' men nr. tue rim Dnicie 01 the Marne lu 101. As tlie battle progressed, aide , rushed in to warn him both his wing ' "' wero beins pushed back, '"we must at , tack In tho center." said Foch. "Order i' up the Moroccans." , f . v , t , The German eeuter,-composed of.'1' ' russian Oitards, the flower of their army, gave way under this unexpected onslaught and later airplane observn- ( ' twn brought news to Foch of a gap In : the German line. He pushed in a wedge , of infantry; supported by heavy artil- lery, and dawn fonnd the German in a -' panic and retreat. ' . . . . ,- ' -- -..'.'.:- Dr. Bowers Dies ' in ' Winston-Saleut ; Hospital After Nhort Illness. , , ' Winston-Salem. M. 'JX. Uev. D. P.. Ilowers, pastor of tin' Wnugbtown Re-. . formed church, died at a hospital lust night, aged 14. He was taken violent ly til during a revival acrvlcp at hi ': limreli -Wednesday night ami was tak- ' en Immediately tri IIhv lHwpltal. uHls : condition grew worst; until the 'eml 1 came. -His wife and two -children snr .' vivp. V IVceascd was pastor of the. " First. Reformed ehurvh tit High Point five years, jiud during that time built- . Itctliel Reformed church in Jhat town', : .II, came, to . AVinsfon-Snlem .1H yea is ago. . organized a . ingregation lit Wa light own , and siicri 11 tended the" coiistruetion of a splendid brick house of worship. ' . ... : . The Symplmnia Company of Concert Artists. The Syinphonia Company ot Con cert Artistes is endorsed by the most prominent ladles and gentlemen in en tertainment, , professional ana busi ness circles as 'being, without exag geration, tlie finest aggregation cf artists, and the most original presen tation of it's kind- in fact, as our ad vance notices state "An Inspiration." It Is a pleasure for me to act as representative of Symphonia, and you will readily understand this wuen I state that, included in this party, is Maurice Carleton. who, especially in Europe, is widclyfViown as having been prominently-dyineeted with the faimous Queen's Hall Rnval Sv-mDhonv and Sir H. Beerbohm Tree's produc tions, and has entertained In the cap itals of the world. It is surely unnecessary to inform vou that such an artiste wouid only be supported by entertainers, vocal ists, instrumentalists, etc. nf the very highest calibre and refinement. To en ter into details in this letter would hardly give yon a fair idea of the high quality mark of the beautiful term of entertainment that we are presenting. we have decided to bonk a few town would ture, to anv organization or sunject that is deserving. I would be interested to kriO-. tbe approximate seating capacity of a hall in your town, and on receipt of your letter I shall have the pleasure of personally calling on' you. AH expense connected with print ing matter and advertising is under taken by us.' The advertising display' of such an unique and original na ture that, combined with that and the entertainment itself, very substantial receipts can be looked, for, . At the Pastime Novemlier z ami A Negro Tafcen to Richmond for' Safe Keeping. . ' ' (By the Associated Press. Newport News, Va Oct. i.- Carlo Mecking, a negro, found guilty of first degree murder last night and sentenc ed to life imprisonment for the killing of .I'olicv 'Officer Robert DcKorte, will he nlaced iu Richmond Jnil for safe keeping. . : ;.-- r ". Mock ins will hot go to. the peniten tiary for sixty . days, if he goes then. his attorneys ' having this time : inl which to pave the way for an appeal. ,: "'. " . 1 1 -' 'i 1 11 '' .'-''. .i. Soviets to Recognise Debts 01 niierial Uoveriument. ; -- Bv th AmmUiM Pe. ' ' . Riga, Oct. 29. Officluis . confirma tion that the Russian soviet govern ment had agreed under certain r-ondi- Weather for Week Beginning October tlons to recognise certain debt ut the Imperial Russian government was re celved here today through Rosta oni etal Bolshevist news agency. ; , . N. C. Bank Cete $75,000. Washington, Oct. J8- Approval of an advance of $75,000 to a North, Caro lina bank for agiicultural purposes I temperature. There are no indloiit1 was announced tonight by the War tat this ti'tne of a disturhnnce It 1 finance corporation. 0.-2 y , aist. IBy the Asawlnted Presa. f Wasbington. Oct 29.The- weatlier outlook for the period of October ni to November 6. Inclusive. .includes: South - Atlantic states ehowerv weatber at beginning of the wp-k 4 n 1 gentTally fair thereafter. Not - . .West Indies. 1

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