. 606'ocb pfri 1 0 TODAY'S , 0 f O ' NEWS O -i - , !H O TODAY. . 0 JlJLJ ;OOOOO6O0 . , H7ffT-V r rfTxTr O ASSOCIATED O Vr N lvl l-T o PRESS IlXl'll JjiJ IN JLUj ' DISPATCHES O as 0 6 0000 "'r'V:? ;-"", ';''rf VOLUME XXI. - ' CONCORD, N. C," THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3,192!' '1 NO." 239."i - i 1 i I - ca:i fhove charges ' : seil mm says Telegrams and Letters From . . Men Stating That Soldiers i Were Hung Without Trial, ' Are Being Received. - - SENATOR BITTER s AGAINST CRITICS ARy Person Who- Impugns . His Honor Will Have to " Answer Not Only Here But Elsewhere, lie Threatens. I : iUlT (he Aswetatee; Preaa.) Washington," N a. letter and i Telegrams from icrms orrcring to ami- i ; init proor or tlio'charges that Amen 'can soldiers " overseas :" were hanged "v. without trial . wVi presented in the $ Senate today .b.vHonator. Watson, i democrat, of Georgia, whose prcsenta & tton ot the .original; charge in the .' ftetmle acrnrnl ilnvs aoro resulted III flip Appointment of n special eommIr- 'X' Investigation. of- the t dears m. Senator Wat- win" mild, wait from a former nmjor In the amir. and said he could "assist In sidisiantlating the charges." -Another from a resident of Philadelphia, of fered to give two pholograpahs simi lar to that presented recently by Scn ator Watson an showing a gallows. Tho- Philadelphia man, whose name wax not . marie public by the Georgia Senator- Mild lie saw one hanging on the Mcnsc of n negro in uniform and could supply "positive proof of the hanging. The correspondence did hot , sar whether the hanging wn after -, a court martini. .. v , , ; . . ' ' In presenting his documents, Sena tor W'atHon. with mwn chow or reel' in" Uixhed with neveral Senator, nnd was reminded bj-.VIee rreoldent Hlldce that he should "pi-oceed in Apilrr" ikliwerv tliA Aeiuite rnlefi. The Vh-e-Prmident Intervened with Senator! Watfoa when lie referred to Senator ' Mimes, repnbllean. i New Hampshire, dlrwlly without the ne or the lumnl ternm The henator rrom Xew lUmpKhlre."- . ..v- .; Konntnr Watson axkeil for innortloa In the Ootytrewlonal lleeprd of jhe p1itiiiirnph.C'(JMr4ilieHl hang iiisk. in Ttnr AmerH-aii t ExptlltHinrf irtrn pnhliiahMt hi a Jfew jersey newwpnper, and Senator Moe, elialrman of the printing rminltt niarted to ny that (lie prliitliiB rnlex did Dot permit the ' publication of photographx when he wfla cut off hy Kenntor Walaon with n- alemi-nt that tila oltjertlori ('wa v eowardly.". .; v ; - - . -! The. fleorgia Senator again attacked Renal or Wadfworth. ..republican, of New York, who flmt called t he . Sen- ate'a itteutlon to Senator ,Vatnon' ehnrgea. rr.. " ' :' "It ia only A fkw hour." Mid Mr. M'ataon, "ln I was put on the. ra?k' v in a moNt brutal, supercilious manner by the rx-aoclaic of Win. 11a rues, a erook." i -'Senator Wndsworth did not reply. , ' Mr. Watson said, that a. former Georgia soldier was Vn rente here to 'furnish proof of the hanging charge, ... and that he might appoint hint as his secretary so that ho might stand by the Senator's side In the chautfior to " aid in the proof. " - i , Senator Watson then had the Sen Vnte clerks fa read a large number of telefwin, letters and newnpaper ree prdK into the -record, all reporting al ' leged enicll'lea to or mlHtreatmeut of . soldlera. "v , ' ' The (Jeorgla Senator referred to Jils data, lis "evidence of eonjlrmatlon.'V I would lie plnil to illlellov these char'gea." said Mr. Walaon. "If proof U aulimltted that) they are not true I would lie glad to know they are lot v I rue. ' . : TIo then added; 'fi e ii show ami will show rliat onVw had mon sliot without a trial .whaterer. I can show ; and will show that 'officers told the ' court martlals bt to lo in order . that the court martlals ' might keep from being shot themselves." , Facing- .the ' repuhlicaus, . Senator ' Watson said: "Yo make a fight on wo If you cau; If yon dare! You said ""you'd put inv bead against Wall. ,v Come oiv do It r . .- - ' ,i Senator Watson said 8,000,W 'prl i - rates of the war were "enlisted" with .t his side., and that the negroes seeing U the jihotograph he presented would re ' sent It. ? ; ,"IIereafter rbe man who Impugns 1 my .honor." said Mt, Watson In con cliinion, "will a ns wet to me not only .' here but somewhere rise." t , - -' Senator Edge, republ lean, of New 4 ; Jersey. read fi-dm the New Jersey , newspaper presented by Mr. Watson that the soldiers whose execution was pictured had been found ullty of at--'jacking a seven year old French girl who had died. The iriscnsslon closed. 1 for the time at least, when Senator klge reiterated the hope that Senator V Watson would present evidence of his 5;.rtArfev;.:,,'v-' - -'V'-.vj: 'f, ;-: y' :'.'' BIl Veaeel en Fire. ' ' ' i 'S' Br Awelt4 rremt.) ' . y I"" Uallfax, N. S.. Not. 8. A large S Tpssel, tbe identity of which 'a tin ' known, is on fire 400 mlloa south east 1 of Halifax, aecordlng to a wireless message received today by tbe Cant : dlan Naval Department from ; th j .British oH tanker Saxolp 1 Re&MtW C".00,00 ta . PubU - - I'lM . Washlnton, Nov. Z Eedncilop of about $ j.OuO,000 In tbe robllc debt durirg Popfpmber was anuoanoed to-day by the Treasury. ,' , , i TIIEDTICEDAY'. PR0GRAF.1 COr.lPLETED Mill Whistles and Church Bells Will Sound at 11 O'clock, and; AH Business Will Stop Then. ., EXERCISES TO BE . AT COURT HOUSE Three Short Speeches Will Be Made. Holpers of D. S. C, Will Be the Honor liuests oi tne way. ' Tho full program for Concord's- ob servance of Armlwlco Day was made puhllo today by the Joint committee of the American Jegion ana Hr mow era, which for tho past .ten days has been confering dally in order to get an : inter.-Htliig anil rppropriate p. . gram for (the- third anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. The Legion has had active charge of making, ar rangements for ths ttvent, and tho War. Mothers have cooperated In carry i'lir out the jilniia. j The exercises will be held on tho court", honse lawn if the weather la good and tn the eonrt room if It is is reining. The. program will probably lie concluded williln an hour's time, though the city will give two hours observance, during the day, all stores ana ousinesswiouHcs to do ciosea rrom 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. - v All mill whistles will be blown and Church bells rung at 11 o'clock, and at their, sounding all business house n the cltv will cio.' At 11 o'clock all persona throughout the United States have been asked to stop all activity and offer a two- minute silent prayer, for the men who paid the supreme sacrifice and In thanks for the victory which the Allies won. The program as issued by I he Legloii, follows : - ' i . " Church bells to he rung and mill whistles blown at 11 a. m. , . . " Two minutes silent prayer n? )l a. in. ' , Closing of All stores and business, houses' at 11 a. m.' Exercises at court house, beginning at 11 :VS a. m.. as follows: ... i Ten minute talk. by J. Lea Crowell, Wfor ta1- ? - - . y 4 Ten mUiute talk by War Mother. ' Ten' mlnnte talk by llevv ,T. K. Lawrence for Red Cross. : Roll call of D, R. C. men from this courity. Tbe roll will be read by Mr. (Crowell, and as their names are called the men will stand while the citation Is read. " , Music. ' ' The court house will be appropriate ly decorated for the 11th by the War Mother, and business houses through out the city are asked to display tho National flag and service flags. War to display their service flags, daring tbe day. ; ; : The schools of the city will also oil- serve the day. and all the .children will he assembled at the count house for the exercises; : v The following are the Cabarrus men w1m received the D. R. C, the star in dlcating the deceased : Albert Lee Cranford; Ernest B. Green; Carl O. Jones; Joseph H. Lvighllo ; 'Albert McKay; Thomas A. Mooreland ; Vance Hbankle; Zebulon B. Thornhurg.' These men- will occupy a p.ace on tbe plat form, and will stand while their heroic deeds are being recited bv Mr. Crowell, Armistice Elms to Open International .. -T-. Avenue.. . ., (Br the Ammvlmimt Vitun. ,, Washington. Nov. 3,-Two Armlslice Kims to liewlnntcd next Monday morn ing will mark the beginning of an In ternational Avenue on the Lincoln Me morial grounds. The trees, which will he planted by the American Forestry Association, will lie the ilrst of .. a magnificent approach lined with me morial trees to be set in by -various governments. : - - . ? . .- ' (hie tree will 1st for the Army ami one for the Navy, i - ' - xne elms win be TXaeea ny two rep resentatives from each of tbe Ameri can Legion - Posts In the District of CoHimhia. Tliere will bo an invoca tion by Col. John IV Axtou.' chief of Chaplains of the United States Army, and a benediction by f'npt. joliu H. Fraaxier, of the United States Navy. Girls Hast Qnlt Loterlng Oa Streets ' At Ashevllle. -.-.C'W Ashevllle.- Nov. 8. Young '-wblte girls, lottering on the streets of Ashe vllle, ostensibly ' looking tor work, musj give the officers some other ex cuse. Sheriff Lyrely reports (hat his attention has been called to the pres ence of young girls, apparently loiter ing, whor when approached by tbe o ra cers said they were from tbe coun try looking or employment but could not find It - v . OTII-LEE ' BOUT AT THE ARMORY TONIGHT 8 O'CLOCK Tickets on Sale at ; ; Pearl Drug Co. Admission 75c and $1.00 A Chance to See a Real Fight " l i , v jte i . i l WRIT OK HABEAS CORPl'S SERVED' HERE WEDNESDAY Stanly County Man Seeks to Get Sis ter, Mho Has Deea Adopted , hy Clerk ef Court. . Attorney I. It. rtniievson. of Allie- uinrle, enme to Concord yesterday arm ed with a hnheas 'corpus writ by which he hopes to get 'a decision of Clerk of Court C. ( Stonestreet, glv Ina Itiirgcs. an orphan, to X. V. Uonevcutt, wt aside, The writ was signed bv Judge Thomas J. Shaw, pre siding at Mecklenburg Superior Court, and waff-returnable Immediately. Attornev Hnrleyson, who represents Jonah llurgess, brother of the child, appeared before, Clerk. - Stonestreet 'In a hearing fit tliconrt hoiwe here ear ly yestcrdnj', a fteriioon, and :4ft(ihtJjrDi!a.4 ClerkT of 'Court rcftiseil t"everMe- itisl however. dccbdoir whicn 'gave- the child to Ilonoj-cut 'Mr. Riirleyson proiltiml the writ of habeas corpus, which he had . In his possession all the time. and . which lie secured in , Charlotte yesterday morning. Hon. L. T Hart sell, of the local bar, appenred .with the Alliemnrlo attornev. - Ttie adoption papers giving the child to Honevntt were signed on Septem ber 17tb. 'On October' 6th Attorney Burleyson presented a petition, asking for the hearing which - was held yes terday. The halmis corpus hearing wilt lie held 1 Friday before Judge Shaw.. r ? - ; Mr. Stouestreet stated this morning that he had been in coiuinunicatiou with Mr. i;urlevson over long distance teleiihone and that the latter . had served notice ' that he would appeal from the Clerk's decision of yesterday, tho ease to come before the Cabarrus Superior Court In January. He did not say whether his decision tn appeal would eliminate the' hearing In Char lotte tomorrow, 'Mr. Stonestreet stat ed., ' i ' ; 'i. A Striking Trainmen to lie t aken Hack, lint .On Probation. Houston. Texas, Nov. 2. Federal Judge J. D. Hutchescn toony ruled that, the- five hundred odd members of jfie Brotherhood of Railroad Train men of , the . International Great Northern railroad, wfn have been on strike ainc3 October 22. should 'ite tak en back into-the -employ of Uie road. The trainmen would RO back on probation -uikSsr tho court's flecls ion. At' the end of 3) days, tf the Receiver and olncials of the rondTiire satisfied that the men have returned In a spirit of ooncllliatlon. the wags scale existing previous to 'October ii and full seniority lights f (ho men will be rastored. . .- - . Judge Hutcheson's ruling coos not apply, however, the decree said, to the four local chairmen of the anion, whose status should he determined by James A. Baker, receiver of the road. The mea are given until Friday to de termine whether they wHI accent or reject the decree. ! . ': ' Chanmagne at 0 Cents s Bottle, Oil, ' Boy! "-V- - ; '-:.v. (Correspondence of. Associated-Press.) Coblenx, Oct. Ii Champagne at 0 cents a bottle In- Colilena Is one of the Joys of the -American occupation as tho ersnlt of the continued deprecia tion of the mark. V, i "What will yon have. Cbartreaie or Bencdtctlner asked a bock private who was entertaining A party of Ave at dinner, the other night. 'I want to finish this thing royally," he added. They all had Chartreuse. It cost the buck 83 cents. - ' - ' Eight Hurt in Train Accident, ' (Mr Nik Ajnmlmt4 rra.t t Columbus,, O., Nov.' 3. Eight per sons were fnjured. none ' seriously, when a Peausylvanla passenger' train from Columbus to Bandasky, Ohio, was derailed at Lewis Center, near here, at sevent o'c'.ock this morning. The engine left tbe rails and one coach Was upset.' The Injured were brought to Columbas. . . V ' v J- ,Wevtng has been practised irom the earlieat times; the aid of machin ery dates from 1733, when the fly shuttle was Invented. . Seeking.Retief f SIR JAMES CRAIO ACCEPTS Hn KKNMKIl h l.lTAHU3l To Come to London to Consult a to lister's Attitude en Irish isetUemero Question, ..' ? (By the AraoHated Preas. Ixindon, Oi-t. 8. 81t James Craig, the Ulster premier, has accepted the government's invicatilon dispatched yesterday to come to Jmdon and con aull as to Ulster's attitude toward the proisisals regarding tiie Ulster boun dary and other questions involved iu the Irish settlement ? Sir James it- is stated, is coming to London to discuss speclllc plans auli mltted to the government by the Sinn Fein of such a character that the gov ernment thinks them feasible if Ulster ii.thfrtn. .TlMiasiitilana uo.noft embody anv agreement reach ed between the government, and Sinn Fo!n. The Ulster premier has said throughout be would not Intervene until such an agreement was reached, but has now- consented to discuss the provisional features. MOTHER AND HER FOUR . CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH Fire Destroyed Fruit Store and Apart ments at Toledo, Ohio. " . (Br (he Aasorlateil PmM.1 Toledo, 0 Nov. .1. A mother and four children, three girls and a boy, were burned to death shortly after b a. m. today when lire destroyed the fruit store and apiirtments of Wolt Oreenburg. ' The father and four other clulurea who , were sleeping In another room were, able to escape, but. flames frus trated, attempts to ri'sene mother and smal.er children. When the llremen n 'itched the second floor thev found Mrs. Oreenburg arid two children burned to death and two others, BUtTocufed, seined In chairs. TOE COTTON MARKET Showed Renewed Nervousness and Irregularity During Today's Early Trading. . (Br k Ao.alr4 Preas. New York, Nov. 3. The cotton mar ket showed renewed nervousness and Irregularity during itoday'a early trad ing. . After opening steady at an ad vance of T points to a decline of 6 points, active months soon- .showed advancha of 12 to IS points on cover ing,. Liverpool and New Orleans buy ing, promoted bv relatively steady cablts and continued talk of small ginnlug figures., Cotton futures opened steady. Deo. 18:B5; Jan. 18:42; Mar. 18:3;? May 18:10 July 17:05. , ; CILVRLES AMI WIFE WDX .if-; ..BE SENT TO MADEIRA Will Make Homeat Funrhai. Chief y -.City of The Island. , ' Lisbon, Nor. 3. Arrangements hare been completed to receive former Em peror Charles and Kx -empress Zlta of Austria -Hungary as .exiles on. tho lulad of Madeira, according to a tele, gram received here today from Fun chal, the' chief, city of the island. ' Henry W. Gates Gets life Imprison r - men. .'u (Br' the . AM?le(l r.) Lapeer, Mich, Nov. 3.-Henry W. Gates, 60 of Huntington, Ind. who con fessed Monday that he wreaked a fast (frond .Trunk train near here last Friday night pleaded guilty in circuit court here today and was sentenced to lifo imprisonment. t y, : : Bank of England Reduce Discount ';-: Rate to 5 Pen Cent. . (By the AaaeelateS Frees, . London. Nor. "8. The Bank of Eng land, reduced Its rate of discount to 5 per cent, and 6y 1-2 per cent -this morniny. ' .. Mark Drop to Less. Than Half a Cent (fer the - AaaeeUieS) Frees. ' Vamt VnrV Vktf .t Yrnwn marlra dropped to .48 cennV today, a new low ' mmwI o HEARING FOR DEALERS IN SACRAMENTAL WINES. To Be Held by, the Department Justice Next Tuesday. (Br th Aaavelated Preaa.) Washington, Nov. . 3. Representa tives of religious denominations aim others Interested in tbe question of whether wholesale dealers in sacra mental wines may do business under the prohibition laws will be given n hearing by the Department of Justice next Tuesday, officials said today. Secretary Mellon has. asked Attornev General Dougherty for an opinion as to whether former Attorney (Jen era I Palmer s ruling which held thnt wholesale liquor dealers 'could Ite banned from dealing in distribution of Inroxjcantapnlledfjo dealers la wine for 'reiigMHW' purposes, ..The request watt mjwtA nfilcln'ltt One nl m Iji a.1 nnnn j protests, of religious denominations against lute rrenxury ruling iviushik wines for eacraments, on tho ground that churches could not obtain stand ard wine for the purpose from other sources. STRIKING MINERS ARE V ORDERED BACK TO WORK Thousand Coal Mine Workers in 1111- nois Who 8tnirfc, Are Going Bade to Work. tar the-AsMMilatea fmi.! Springfl(ld, ill., Nov. .'I. Morexban a tlKinsand eoiil miners at Carlinvllle and Staunton struck today before they bad received a telegram from state headquarters ordering them to remain at work. One hundred and fifty a;so tmck at Hillehoi-o. Acting upon the official telegram. however, which arrived shortly after ward, tho miners at. each of these places voted to return to work tomor row; according to information receiv ed bv Walter Nesbit, official of the miners; union here. Two other locals which struck yesterday in southern Illinois, Mr, Nesbit said, went hack to work today. " BARKING OF WATCH DOG SAVES SEVERAL LIVES Residence of Man Who is Said to Have . Informed on Bootleggers Set on Tire. . iBf (he AiwflxH Prw.i . Richmond, Va Nov. 3. Furious barking of a watch dog resulted in saving the lives of Mrs. "Eddie" Jono and her several children last niht alKiut midnight after tltelr home at nrokenhurg, Spottsytvania County, had been set atlrer supposedly bv a member of a gang of bootleggers who are lielleved to have suspected bcr husband of Informing tbe authorities aliout tho illk'lt sale of liquor, accord ing to" the county- authorises. - , ; Houghton May Be Ambassador. . I Br the AaaeHateS Press.! . ' Washington. Nov. 3. The name ot Hanson B. Houghton, of Corning, New York, a member of the House, from the 37th New : York , District; was trader stood to be tho first in tho mind ot President Harding - as ambasssidor to Germany after a conference to lay be tween the President and .Chjis.- ' B, lilies, republican National committee, man from New York. , Statue 'of George Rogers Clerk t'n , . , veiled, s ,..r. ' tBt (he Aaaeelalr4 Preaa.) ! Charlottesville, Va.. Nov. 3. A statue ' pf George Rogers ('lark, con queror of the Northwest, of Revolu tionary days, was unveiled at the Uni versity, of Virginia this afternoon. Dr. Archibald Henderson, of the Universi ty of North Carolina being the orator of the occasion.' The stntne Is the gift oO'anl Ooodloc Mclntire, philan thropist, to tbe University.. ... - . Gulf Cbsmpton Commits Suicide. -Newton, Mass., Nor. 3.-Tb body of Leuis Telllar, Massaohusetts toea folf champlion, wak found today' hanging ,by a small rope in a shelter on the links of a country club here Medical ex. amlners and police said death was due aiilnlilA ' . - . 1 to auictde. ALL COAL MINERS IN ; INDIANA ARB IDL1 Strike ef Inion Miners in Pretest Against Injunctian Issued, i . (Br the iatfUiM Press.) .. - ' Indianapolis, Inl.,. Nov. 8.-I'ractl-cally every mine In the Indiana coal Held was idle today as a result of the strike of the union miners in protest, against the injunction issued here on Monday, bv Federal Judge 'A. . An derson priibilriting the use. of the '-check nlT system for collecting dues and assessments. Duly two small shafts were In operation pud these operatives were expected to walk out. . Counsel for Imlh the union and op erators wen- busy today In prepara tion of thIr appeal from the. Injunc tion to the circuit court of appeals In Chicago, and are expected to make formal application for lie appeal be fore Judge Anderson either today or tomorrow. The counsel said the appli cation was only a iM-rfuuctorv irnwy Ins. r FlfiHTINt; PARSON IS ELECTED (HVPLAIN Favers Dimrlng, Boxing and Other Amusements in (mmcctlon With Church Work. (By (fee Auwlilel lma.) Toneka, Kans., Nov. 3. The Rev Karl Itliickiimn, elected National Chap. lain of the American f.eglon todav, is knowa as the "lighting parson" Id ealise of his many calls to officiate in iHixing bouts, bolh with the overseas forces and tduce his return to Kan sas, where he has been a minister in the Christian Church Disciples of Christ for the past ten years. He is now preaching at Chnnnre. on his re turn from the armv service he an nounced to his church that he favored supervising dancing, boxing and other amusements in connection with bis church work and gave the congrega tion a chance to accent his resignation. After an exerting vote be was retained. STRIKE OF MILK WAtiON DRIVERS 1H 8 TILL ON Drivers Are Perfect nig Plans for a Strike That Might Ijwt liiree Months. 4 By Ihr AMrlllr( Preaa.) New York, Nov. 3.- W ith al) ncgo tint ions for the settlciiient of the milk strike st a standstill following tbe re fusal of the Milk Conference Hoard, the employers organisation, to accept Mayor Hvlan s proiiosar nf arbitra tion officials of Milk Wagon Drivers 1 mon todav were perfecting plans for a finished tight which they prdictrd might last three months. ." -, Meanwhile residents went without! Mwfrj(tswaX-tf)'ly'J "fwtlhu'au aanan Deliveries to hospitals, liealtb sm tlnn, dispensaries,,and nurseries con' tinned ns pledged at the beginning of the strike Jby the milk wagon drivers. ARAB RIOTERS ATTACK JEWS IN JERUSALEM Five Persons Were Killed and Thirteen Others Wounded. I Br the Aeeerletod Frasa. Jerusalem, Nor. X Five -persons were killed and thirteen others woun ed in disorders here today which in cluded the throwing of a flomb. The trouble, the police reported, originated iu an attack bv Trabian rioters, on tlie Jewish quarters. Of the killed, four were Jews and one an Arab. The police frustrated an Arab at tack. Later while troops patrol ed the city, tho Governor with officers com maudlug the troops and principal Moslem notables, walked through tho streets and restored order. FIGHT FOR SALES TAX IS LAUNCHED BV SENATOR SMOOT Proponents Ray They Enter With 40 Votes Pledged to Flghl Their Plan. H the AMMlate4 Pra.) Washington. Nov. 3. The flsbt for the sales tax was launched todav in the Senate by Senator Smoot, republi can of I tab, after the tax revision measure had been perfected with the committee nml Individual amendments disposed of. The proponents of the sales tax said they went Into tlie light with 411 votes pledged for their plnn. 3,500 Bushels of Corn Destroyed. Ilillshoro. (ia., Nov. 2. Fire that broke out in" the Garland warehouse here tonight dest raved the warehouse and S.-VMI bushels of corn, for a time threatening the whole town. Fifty men with a fire pump from Moutlcello ri-spouilod o a cull for help. ISK THE PRNXV CWI.t M!V IT PAYS UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMimilllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltC v ' mm a at . . naA .a. leva. "a e a ' S f ... Look ahead, plan for the future, by taking Building "and Loan stock in our, NEW SERIES which is NOW OPF.N. There is no friend like "ready money" when sickness, trouble, or old age comesr " . This world is a hard place for those with-. out money. , .; :r's' '- - y. BUILDING AND LOAN is a NEV ; ER-FAI LING friends ' , (Office in Citizens Bank) - niiimiiii::::!:ir"::":::"! " : I The Advance Guard Is Al ready Arriving for Reun ion to Be Held in That City Friday and Saturday. ' ..-? ATTENDANCE WILL BE 4,500 TO 5,000 Gen. Pershing Comes To-V morrow, and on Saturday , Gen. Jacques, of the Bel- gian Army, Will Arrive. , , (Br the Aaaeelatea IPreae ) ... Nashville, Tenu., Nov3.M-Nasbillo hung out the welcome sign today tn vcfera us of (he 30t.h Division, the ad vance guard of which has adready' be gun to arrive for the reunion to tie ' laid tomorrow and Saturday. ' . Col. Albert Cox, of Raleigh,, N. C, president of tho O.d . Hickory Asso- elation, who is already hive, estimated ' the attendance at 4,fl00 ito 5.0(10, and In addition to the soldiers, banks, oth er visitors and people interested in the men who broke tbe Ilnidenbiirg Lino are exiiected for, the occasion. . The convent loii will Iwwi tomorrow morning ami continue through Satur. . day. Gen. John J. Pershing comes tomorrow, spending the day here ami addressing the veterans at 10:45 in the ' morning (Jen. Karon Jacques., of . the Ilelgiau armv. who )md srcepteit the invitation to attend, will lie pre veuted from coming by 1 1 lues, . 'Ibe parade of tbe division. mother ex-ser-: vice men and women, military and welfare organizations, will -be held tomorrow afteriiiwni. Military balls will be givea tomorrow and Saturday , evenings. . . SENATE COMMITTEE RESUMES HEARINGS Favorable Report on Resolution Ex tending Emerxenry Tariff Law to : February I. ... ;.':, (By the AaaeWate Preaa.1 '. 1 Washingroil, Nov. 3. TJia , Senate . finance committee resuming bearings todsr on tariff questions ordered a fljrofRlej'report on the Houos reso-;; lutlon. exlenjilng; 3brvarr,oiw-4ftritr. kwi.tr 'imwwrf T 'or tuitU Audiriims as the, nexmnnent tariff schedules are enaohMl Into law.' .. ' .-v :v '' . . The committee's lntentton to hold,, tbe hearings on the permanent- bill' prolmbly will be changiHl now. and the hearings postponed after today until after Mondav because of consldern- ( tlon by the Senate of the tax - bill, which requires attendance of tbe com mitto members. . ' LAND BURNED IP. : ' Over 100 Acres ef Farm Land Near : ' Moyork Destroyed by Fire. I By the Ikaaerlaied Preaa.) ' . PortHinoutb, Va., Nov. 3.-rOver 100 acres of farm land is reported to have been burned np bv fires; which have ' been raging iu the neighborhood of Moyock, N. C, for the past month.' The fire spreading from tbe burning swamps got Into the peat soil ana devastated field after field of the cul- . tivated soil, eating down Iu many places to tbe c ay soli which lies 10 ' feet under the surface, , . . Estimated Government Expenditure $3,940,000,000 - ? a Br the Aaaaelalea Preaa. ' Washington, Nov. .1. Estimated eg.;, penditures of tbe government for tb fiscal year 11X22 are now placed at $3,040,000,000, a reductilon ot fVM.000,-.' 000 from the August 10 estimate of $4,034,000,000, President Harding has informed Congress in a letter . to . Sjieaker Glllctt, ; ., a he new estimate was presented hr the President in connectilon with the deficiency estimate f' approximation of $187.l22,57.74 Which; Mr. Hardlns; said, was takcu into (nnailerationiit arriving nt the new estimates . for 11122 exiiendltures. . vn; The first cargo of bananas ever shipped from Central America to Eu rope has Just been sent iroia iion durae to . tbe London market In a refrgciated vessel.. . . , t. v , t

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