V I ;,.. . -, ' ' n ",". ' . 1 - '. . ' .' ; . ' - 'i . - . . - -! V i : S' ' '" '' r ', '" '" '- ' T . , ''. V'. - " o o o o o a o o o Tonws ' o O N. ..'3 O J AlJL - jliL,, J JN id. TODAY. O DISPATCHES O O & O O 0 O O O ,09ft80OOO . . ?" VOLUME XXI. ' - ' ' CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAYJNOVEMBER.4, 1921.;, i NO, 240. i. . .::deo out today .Judge Carpenter . Decides Against Government in I .Case to Dissolve Trade'As r sociation of 13 Members: ; RULING AFFECTS " .';,RiANY MEMBERS :. iSf .. ", ' ' -;'- .-' v Of Other Associations, Which . ; Have Been; Organized for L the Purpose of Exchange - - ; ing Price Lists. . ;r l ' 'VBr Asaeclat Fe.) J S CUiiwgo.. Notj .4. The? govern i, Xnent's suit for dlKsoluHnn of trade . 4 no4irer of Unseed oil. was awmlwea ' V liy Jiwlire Ga 'A; Carpeatw ih Fed , ' ;eral Court for want of egnity la hl ' idreMon Hied todajr ,V. ; fmlav T' i.VhA unit hv thn Mvnrnment Was to ; jUlocltle tlio question ofiwhrth trade 5 J naoclatloiig may m ' formirt for the " r Spurpos of ixohai.ginK price 'list and other ih-ado: data, and wad regarded ' ' ; a or precedent; the rdllng of which V" would atTct the ataadin of 3,000 other ' Kui'h asaoolatlonii thronehont the coun-"'ry- The ault was brought s a pari "V. - j v the goTernmenft' anti-trust proae , . rutiona. . - -r, .'S- -r.W ; J'f . "iiogle which amumed that becanoe ' y , there In an opportunity to ax;prlce, r ; therefore price are fixed, la contrary -vto the genhw and logic of our lnw,', '' Wild the opinion of Judge Carpenter. . . ; i Evsry man I premimed innocent ' j' until he 1 proved guilty. If the Arm- ' 5 Htronx bnresa Is to be dissolved mere ly heca'.we It iiflorded the members an '.."-i opporuntlty to lis priced, then this -mrt with mal prnrlfty could lx ,r " .ked to dismlre any lunch club where buainess'-men meet This theory hnrd ly warranw dscwlon."; ,: ; ' ; ' TlIE tMlTTON MARKET : 1- Opened Easy at a DeRn of U ! 14 . , , linta. With Atiive Mentha Shew ' ' Mm Lmtn. .:. ..'' . h'i'Kv;-" ..v'-'i -jj Br tin 'a wlt4 ' ruHfciy.i.' , ?i Xew york,-1 Xor. 4. Bcportx that .' prlvaiff returns indicated a finning of ':-''. tWfW.0tlfl llir rt October all n fs-S'-'v-i'11 or alitntwt ml'ittm - Iwiitwl aborp' tho tfkftii tM'iiaat, Jiawpd " , on the d of' September condition i - ' ItffurcK, had aa unacttllnir Influence: on S the cotton market during tmlay's ear L " ly trading : The- market-opened 'eaiy lit a decUno of 12 to 24 polntx with : nctlvo Months kIiowIbr npt. Ioksou of - 'M to 27 piiinls after tlie call. . ' ;. '' ' Cotton futures opened eany : Oecem- , i l5r 18.23; January 18.15; .March HM; fifg-Mnyina: July i1-K;:-i:.z;;,;;;; (Mrl Baadlf LameBtH a Sandlw De.' 'v;.,' ' ' aeeada.- .;' ; K - ' New '.Tor; Not.; 2. 'I hate to do A ; " this, but 1 am driven to t " aaid !' j 1 a- woinanvbandit today. ' Jsint before '. hitting Rny "Nftftal. a modiste, on the . bead with a atandbac , -ir ,. ' :.', f ' " Unoed, the MOdtHte dropped In the ' . : hallway of . an apartment house he a .' .had, Just entered. Two men stepped ' up, slesed the fanhlonto.-e gowns aho i , V;wa -ilellvetini, removed 11500 In Jew.' " ' i.' elry front her finger stole her purse i; and fled, leaving a 4nwca handker " ' chief ovefthe .victim's mmttn. - -V " ' ' JPolice said the ..modiste' - skull S -would have been fractured but for 'a ' ; 2 well-padded hat and heav coiffure. ' 8he told thetn she hod received a call v 'S, from, someone "giving a. custonr's . ,, nfttrte at the apartment . ana asking . that some gowns too .ruahed. The per , non whoe name was' given jo ni) 'i.T jicnt;all day. , w - ' , il K i Wh Our Advertisers. ,t v IV' -i Yon can And tho best grade of drum, J pntpnt medielnes. cigara and sundrleR 'V at tline's Pharmacy. head the now . ad. .today.? i " ' v r-w - If you want to buy where your dol lar will go "de furdesfest.V. tc the - prices at the VlgglyWlBgly ore be fore buying. '' v--;J".-i--:-,K. ; - .lt- is to your advaanatge to see the prlits at tho IL B. Wilkinson Furni ture Store before bnylng. 4 This com- pnny states In a new ad. todaay. Be Real baranlns. in yrup. See new ad. of the Cabarrus Cash Grocery. w. . J Podlno flue ' granulated, eujiarj, 15 s pounds for a dollar, of S3 pound! for IM, at CHoe Moose's. See ad. ".J j ' In a new ad. today the Pearl Drug " Co,: announces,. the opeulsg of a new ' Hquihb gectlou. Don't 1IM read the . im. carefully.' . ' - V J - The new ad. of the pCitlseiis Bnild , Ing and Loan Ansoelntlon on the, flrnt ; page, will .intercut yon. - . Fock to. lay Vreatlt On Ttfmfc of Ca. Lexington, Va , Nov. ' , 3.-LiMarslial Foch today accepted. In ft telefrram. to officials of Washington and Lee uni versity, an Invitation to visit Lexing ton and lay a wreath on the tomb of Robert E. Lee, Presentation to the marshal of th degree of doctor of laws, conferred on him by the nniver slty. will Uke place at th same time, it, was announced. The date- of the vfMlt has. hot been fixed. - t - At The" Theatres. , t j Bnc Jones Is being shown at the i . ricdmont .. again today in v "Sunset i Sprague," a western drama. , . t The rastime again today is offering ' t Maurice Tourneur's great production. ' "The County Fair." ': f Wallace Keid is being featured to j dnv strain at the ?tar in '"Too Much ' Speed.- . : : , . .' : ' HE DITTO) DEBUTE Oil 1111 CHARGES Georgia Senator Tells Sena-I : tars That He Got Informa tion From Soldier Who Saw the Gallows. - , WITNESS VVILL FACE SENATORS And Tell What He Saw inl rrance, Watson A says. 1 Twenty-One Soldiers Were Hanged, It Is Charged. . i- I. n r y.F :: .;. ;,, u. . -: (he fe1mt4 frn. WaMhlngton.' Xov. 4. Knnator AVnt snn,' deuwN'rat. Georgia, .tW,'the Sen ate today that his charge, "than 21 Aiiifrlin Hotiliers lifid .hetn hnngert in Frani without trial hmjlccn based Mli the statement of a sollier'who said he hnd on the gnKllows.aiul.lutd been told byv tho scaffold 'guard -that -this number of men had pcm hanged...?.- ' The Georgia Nona tor presented the basis for his charges during another heated dehaUn on the, auhjecfc Ha read a telegram fi-om ' this soldier whose name was not disclosed, saying that the gallows was a Glevras, nnd that tha guard bad told bint that other men were to be banged on it. - "Tlint's tho numlter I aId,"T; d ciared Senator Watson, referrlngto the nnmler mentlonefl in -the- tele gram. "That Is tho Information on which I based my statements," . Tha Georgia Senator declared that this soldier, who he sold, had served four - year , in the army, would "face the Senate and answer any question as bravely as he faced the Germans." .' Senator Watson asked If , the War Department. would give the name of the ''gallows guardr and others In. volred' fn the Gievres execution. Sena tor Warts worth, - republican, of New York, cluvirman of tha military com mittee said that was what was pro posed by the Senate Investigation or dered he added, because ifhe Georgia Senator indicated jack of confidence in tha chairman and -other member.' f tha military committee by rafHslngJ a twin,!, tukfora I-: . . 1 ":. Senator Watson replied that he had const li'utlonfll right to present his case in orir-senate and intended to "Kxpei me if yon iiko for that," said Senator Watson to the republican side. ' "You've got the votes. -'Go ahead and do . It. Is ' the repuBUcan majority scared? Why not debate' this here In the open and meet me face to face? Why try. to entrap me and cage me and silence me in a committee room? If there la anything cheaper In this country than human, life, U'a a white washing committee . report, . Nobody reads committee reports nor has con fidence in them." ,v .. .-; ? "Does the general staff want to hide in' a committee roomi" Senator Wat son continued... , 'Why not give facta to . some Senator and hatfe- fcim face me here?' ' -.: . ;; - "; Senator Watson said he was fight ing the "military1" clloue. the Prus sianized system," and that "we nave. now reached . the" point of militarism where it la a cruse to criticise the army," which he aald was the stage that "Germany bad reached before (he breaking out of tile war.". . o WATSON-8 CHABGES TO - v; BE INVESTIGATED SOON New Resolution Ordering an Invest 1- -, .. gallon Adopted by the Senate. , . ?.V - is a .rta rwiM "Washington, Nov. '4. A new resolu tion ordering a special committee to Investigate .tho. charges of Senator Watson, democrat, Georgia, regarding the treatment of privates in the Amer ican, Kxpcdltlonnry Force, was adopt ed, ananimonsly ; by the Senate today, after a- two hours wrangle..'"; . : , , The Senate also adopted ' unanl nKiusly another resolution; by 'Senator Brandegce, republican, of Connecticut, chairman of the special - committeo, authorlaing: the committee - to sub poena witnesses and documents ' bnt left unsettled the exact question as to tha exact charges of Senator Wat son which Is to be investigate. , BIO FIBE AT WEEHAWKEX Tlie Erie Railroad's Iters, Warehouses and Loaded Cars Iestroyed. ' ..- ... .... 0y 1h. AsaarlatMi Prk . ' - Weeliawken, N. J Nov. 4. -The Krle Ilailrond's Wechawken piers and wat er, front yards wore laid waste early today by one of the most: spectacular fires .the metropolitan area has wit nessed in years. . Fire piers, all honv ily laden with" freight, a llVe-story warehouHe,.' loaded barges, a train of 30 loaded cars, and another of Ave oil tanks,, were deskroyad.- , Early esti mates of the loss ranged from $1.000.. 000 up hut the figures were guessed, and will remain speculative- until a check can he niade-of the variegated shipments' In transit. -j- Vankaraebeak Leaves for VVashlBe- ton. , "' (Br th. AuMciatra Prew. ' New Yorlc, Nov. 4,-H. A. K. Van kacnebeek, minister of foreign affairs for Holland, and permanent president of the League of Nations Assembly, who will bead the Dutch delegation to the Washington conference on the limitation of armaments, was a par. -senger on the Steamship Rotterdam, due today., -. . Mr. if. D." Manws left Iat night on.' a business trip of a. week or more to! Florida. Mrs. Maness left this mora-, tng Jot -Albemarle to visit relatives. I ill , . Sentenced ni "zi r' I '-' . ' in U Jil 1 1 I ikur.etiCMNii'itiQ' I ivf ftfiT' ' , IV J j rstf r. ' "?si ni it ii i hi ill i i - ,'i i 'it i 1 I B I ' Ariv NS'-r ill! I Illi! I I B ! ,V i I til! if I I bfS I Xtir' 'I W 7;..,Jk: -J U . Li s Q lrA I RUSSIA WILL NOT BE BOUND BY DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE. WU1 Hold Herself tree to Take Any Steps Necessary to Prevent Enforce ' mcnt of Decisions, --'r ' ; IBJir (fce-AsMMlatca, Press. I v Moscow,'"' Nov. 4. Foreign Minster CUItcherln.Hent a note to tho entente nations and the United States today saying that Bussia will not feel her. self bound by the decisions of the Washington conference and holds her self free to take any lteps neeessnry to1 prevent their enforcement. , . CREMATEli 15 CLOSET , ,V St-s Sy?ery in Woatan's Shocking - iteaia. in stem. " Newark,' N. J. Novt &rn. Agnes Mtnh Mrcnel ta Jlth awixv Jjl j cltllrts'elKrt of lv.lr Loor-uPrt. . . il. ii. . x ..... .... I. . 1 1 r that she lit. a match In the ?rk "closet and -fainted' when-' garments hanging tnslde catteht 'fire. -Later tbey nere nuzzled when a- stendauahter' found a note in the next room reading: "l am innocent: God is my Judge." . " i WiUlacn. Mnroby. the hnsband who lost his. Job as a shoe saletinan yes terday. Identified the writing as his wife's upon his return from seeking work Ho waa unable to explain the nvanfng of the not. ' (Mrs. (Murphy s 9-year-ohl son, Rob ert, heard poundings on the clothes closet door when he rtui1ied''from school andf, opening it. his mother fell forward In flames.' The boy an. cry g. "My mother is bnrnlne nn." "bat when: help arrived she. was (leptd. .v.." All Liberty Bond Issues Reach Kpw i Htirn level. : New York. Nov. '8---All lKierty-bond and victory loan Issues today reached new high records for the year, pre- aurumoly as the result of the federal 'Rserve'board s action tn rcauctng re discount rs,tes. .Odd 'lots of victory 4 3-4 ' rose to oar during extensive trading in .that Issue, while substan tial gains were recorded tn the liberty Issues, notably the. 4 1-4 per cent ser-if-l. The highest previous record for victory ' 4 3-4'a. was 99.82, ihe ow,cst rt.'Q. . : ;.(: Dr. W. L. Hill, of Maxton. Buried. Maxton, Nov. 8 The remnius of Dr. William I,jinrlo Hill.' for year poet laureate ' of the North Caroliua Press association, were laid to rest in Center :. Prcsbvterlnn -church burying ground, close by the homo of the de ceased, this afternoon. .: ;- - - "; : ' Pr." Hill died Wednesday night, fol lowing an Illness of -hevcral weeks, which followed several years of de clining health. He was about 8T years' of age. -,.'-" ' ' "?':" f v,.1, '. ",' Honor Roll Elghlli Graik. ' Hult Carpenter, Catherine Stlrewalt. .Ninth grade Brady McKay, Virgin it Batte. Ross Turner. i. . Tenth grade Binoche . . Armfleld. Mary KllxahetU Blaekwelder, May Ay-cock,- F.llwleth Dayvaolr: Mary Ells aheth Davis, Mary Jionnell SmootJ Al da Wlnecoff. George Batte. Anule Io Ajcoek,; Mary Ellen Cochran, Harry Propst. i '-.si.. - V ," - i :'": Eloventh gradi Nola Helms. Ruby Williams, Katherlne Wolff, John M. Cook.;.;' t '. ..'.'..' ;. fi,.' I Library "Report for Orloher, 19!1. ,'. Borrowers 4.17S. 1 . - ; ; -New borrowers 40. , : Victors to reading ' room : Adults 52ft, children l. - . - Books taken out r Adults 2(100. chll dren 14.1R, total -4.041, average HIS. . New books: Adults 1, children's .TO. - Books given : Adults 3, cldldreu's 1. No, Volumes 4001. - . - '; MRS. RICHMOND REED, i , ' . . :.- ,' Llbi-arian.' v ' Tobacce Prices Rale High, h Henderson. ..Nov. 3.Henderson's tobacco market continues steady and the price high. Tueedav 172,479 pounds were sold on the floor of our sis warehousss and the average price for the entire sales of the etx houies were $33.0i making the sales a total of 1 15 360.75." - . ' . - . " ; , WILL ASK FOR f 10,0,W ' ; XO ENFORCE . i'KOHIfnTION More Complete" EnforetmeBt of Prohl- , . bitkm Laws Js- Desired. , : r Mr th'. AaMeiatca lJ. . '" Washington, Nov.' 4'. Congress will be asked for $10,fl00,eoo 'for enforce meut of prohibition during the', next fiscal year, an increase of $2,500,000 over the appropriation' forhe current year." - - . :j-v,;' ' ..."j- ' Prohihlrlon Commissioner Haynes In making this announcement today said the Increase would be sought to enable more complete enforcement of the prohibition laws through enlarged forces and facilities. . APPROVE CONFERENCE ON -r ; LIMITATION Of ARMAMENT ". :. Motion to TWs Effert. ; C , M th tmm iilstea .' Iwondon, Nor. 4. The House of Commons today nnnnlmonsly adopted a- motion presented by Labor members "warmly approving" the approaching conference on limitation of armament and Far Eastern questions. The vote came after two and oue-lialf hours of discussion, in which numerous speakers supported the resolution, and voiced their' hopes of the conference's success. ALASKAN RUAD'S XASIVLAP l : House' Passes Appriipriation of $4?- - ' NMN to Complete Project. Washington,' D. C, Nov.t The House, by a Vote ot J3 to 76, today parsed and scut to I lie Senate a bill authorizing., an appropriation of 000,000 to complete construction of the Alaskan Railroad. . A total of S52.0O0.00O has already been -appropriated for construction of the road which, when completed1, will extend' from- Seward to Fairbanks, a distance of 639 mih'S. Wora is now in progress on a final link ot tl miles. The 4,000.JOO appropriation is need ed. Chairman Curry, of the Territorial Committee, said, to construct a 1340 foot bridge' over the Tanana River and one 600 ectlong over : the Menana River, and for; other similar work. .Vedals Pawaed fr Food. Is Claim. London, lJov. . 2 An angry scene occurred in the House .of . Commons this afternoon when :J. fe Mills, a Inbor member of Pai liainent, charged tlfc thotutands of Brittfh war piJdal had been pawned for food. . Col. Stanley had Just announced that 6,000,000 medals of a total of 10.000.000 had been distributed when )Ul!ft jumped ; shouting: v v . ?'Is It' a fact that thousands of these medals have been pawned, for toodr - '.; v-.' Cries of "shame1, shame!".came from all parts -of the house, one .mem ber shouted "you dirty dog." Mills' question was not answered, and the house proceeded with ita business ignoring the incident. ' ; -. , v Died From Wounds Received While .: "..,'" . , Hunting. - ' i . " . . .t .: (Br th Arlat 'Pfcwi.) Fayettevlllor N. C. Nov. 4. Toby Morann 21 son of Josh Morgan of this city, died last night at a local hospital aa a result of Injuries received while hunting' outside Fayettevtlle yesterday Morgan stated to attending physicians that be stumbled while taunting snd his gun accidentally went off, the shot errikjng him in the abdomen.: ,'. Sand HapsOnrgs Te Madeira for Exile. Lisbon, Nov. 3. Arrangements iiave been completed to receive former Em peror Charles and ex-Empress Zita, of Austria-Hungary, as exiles on the Island ot Madeira, according to a telegram-received here today from Fun chal, chief city cf the ..stand. : .;. PuUumb far Destroyed by Fire, T It, laMnUM lt.r 4 Deland, Fa, Nov. 4.--Sereral guest were rescued with difficulty and others lost ' all personal effects when the Putnam Ion wis destroyed by fir early today with a loss of (65,000 to. the building anLJts contests. - TO CALL MINERS v STRIKE NOVEMBER 7. Executive Board ef District No.' 9 Decide at Special Meeting. . -'..a 4aeliiice ihiiw . '..'PittsbnQrh,- Pa., Nov. 4. The exe cutive board of District No,, 5, United Mine w oncers of America had a special meeting here today and decided to call at midnight November 7 In the Pitts burgh - section.' " f This action was taken after President Robert Glggons had been notified by R. W. Gardiner, commissioner of the Pittsburgh Coal Producers Association that the coal 0erawrs would no longer tontlnne the "check off system. : , Appeal From Injissetion. ' Chlcnp),, No4.r-A.ttornej-s for the United JlliM' Workers or America to dar llfcd- it the Mnl :Clmttt Coat' of Appeal a-" patlthm.- for- au appeal from the lnjnnctlon . issued by Judge A. R. Anderson-at Indianapolis last a-eek, In which he barred the "cheek off" system of deducting union dues from the mlners'( wages by the com panies, j-. ' FORMER "e.WPEROR CHARLES , IS FORMALLY DETHRONED And the Hapsmtrg Dynasty Is Owated ' from Htmgary by National Assem bly. - ' - - nr he Asswlntnl Press.) - Budaiiest, Nov. 4. Former Emperor Charles was dethroned,' and the Haps burg dyuasty was ousted,, from Hun gary 'by a bill adopted by the Htin garinu national assembly today. Count Stefan Bcthieu,. the . premier intro-diR-eiV the measure in. the Assembly yesterday, - ami it . was expected the tlebate would last "for at least two days.'. Final action upon It, however, was takeu today. - RECOMMENDS PARDON FOR FIVE SOLDIERS Who Are Serving Sentences for the Murder of Captain George Lanre . field. Dr the Awmelaletl Pleas. Washington, Nov. 4. Pardon for the Ave American .soldiers convicted by court martial of the murder of Cap tain George iJincefleld,. of the British army. In Germany. Inst year has been recommended ... by Secretary Weeks. The men. James A. Odell. Roy O. Youugblood, George VonGtlder. Carl J. Br.van and Jim- D. Richardson, afc serving tifo seiitenees lu the Federal penitentiary at r.eavenwortn, Kansas. LIX1YD GEORGE STILL . . . . HOPES TO TAKE PART Iq the Conference at Washington as : Head o( ine nnisn ueiegaiionv By Ikr AwM-lilnl Press.) Ixndon, Nov. :"; 4. Prime -Minister t lnvH IZmrm at III hones It will be possible to carry out Itefore l.uig his iiitoaitl.m of irnlnir tn Washinctou and taking the leadership of the Brltiob delegation at the armament conrer enee, declared Anstin ' tamberlnlu, the sovernmenf leader,' In the House of Commons today. Mr. Dhamnennian mane wis ucciiir a (ion in speaking tn the debate in the House on the forthcoming confeBencc. 'V Pershing Denies Ctiarges. (Br th Aactta Prrsfc) ' " ' Nashlvllle, Tenn'., ' Nor. '4.--While here today General Persbng was adked to be quoted la reference to the charges of Senator Tom Watson that Ameri can soldiers bad been hanged over seas without trial. He said: . ' ."It is the most outrageous and un true accusation that could be possibly made, and absolutely without founda tion." ;- -;...-h- .., r "-:; ;;-,-. .'. , Na Mawage from Burning Ship. , IMV he Asaoelalra frcaa.) - Halifax, X. 8, Nov. 4.The Cana diB naval department at Boon today was still, without further tidings of the un'deatifled reseel reported abtaae 430 miles southeast ot tb la port R prated radio calls bid failed to bring additional lnformatioo from the tank er -which .had. reported, sighting..' the burning vessel. :s '. GO-ER0R MORRISON IRSITR ARMISTICE DAV PIMM L-VJUTION ' i1 - '. ,- 9. . fn" i . ; . ,f - ' .:.-.'-.- I'rges the People t Enter Into : the rtpini ana Mgiunrance el the pay. : , - tm tha'AssoetatM freukt " nalclgh, Nov. 4-In Ills Armistice I Day proclamation issued ' today. Gov ernor Morrison urged the people of ."ortn t arnlina "to enter into the splr- w 'llfh''T tbW' her 11th, to ponder upon the bravery j of those wno mnte the supreme saerl- nee on the European iwtlloflolds and upon the loyalty, devotion and pa triotism of those in the homeland who, without murmuring or complaining sent the best they had. the Bower of American manhood, to the fields of honor, and to resolve anew to make tho peace attained count for all that la noble snd good and true in our do mestic life." ' The Governor also annealed to the I churches and religions jieople of the Ktate to. assenihie in their respective I houses of worship that day and "spend one honr in prayet' for the reduction I of armaments of all nntlons in the world for pence, on earth." He on- I eluded the proejamatinn by asking the I educational leaders., of . the State .-; to I conduct such exercises "as may he cOn- Iveilent ami expedient." TWO BREWERS GET PERMITS ' ,.Vv .TO MANUFACTURE BEER To Be Sold For Medical Purposes Un der tha New Treasury, Regulations. "'."'. I B- the AsMtetatnl Praaa.) "."'-.';' ' Washington, : Sor. .4 Prohibition Cnmmisslooer Hayn Approved today the first two applications from- brew ers "for,; permits to manufacture and 11 beer, for medical purposes' under the new Treasury regulations. ;' "v The applications.' otQdalo said, wer from Joseph Schlitz, of- Mllwauwcu, and Ph'l Brothers, oT. New York, and permits permitting tbcm to engage in medical beer business would be foV warded to. them at . once. Other per mits, officials said' would be acted up on rapidly, and where tliere was- no cvldeuee'of prior violation of the' law or Irregularity for. 'the preparation for dealing In medical beer, the .necessary permits would lie. forthcoming. : , JAPANESE PREMIER FATALL VSTABBED TODAY Premier liars) Rrrrived Wounds WhOe in a Railroad Station, j Toklo, Nov. 4. Premier Hnra was fatally,' stabbed tn the 'breast today at the railroad Walton In Toklo. Waington Notified. ? Washington, Nor. 4. Official advteea from Tokio announcing that premier liars, of Japan had - been stabbed , fatally were received at the "State De toiims e4b ootti uUm i. tha 'tmmt- dispatches brought, the f news of the fr sssAssiiuitlon the United Stsfea. . Jnimnese embassy officials mid mem bers of the Japanese delegation to the armament and far East conference received the first pews from the As sociated Pnws. and were greatly do- pressed. ... , , ' OLD RATES ON BOX SLAKING MATERIALS TO BE RESTORED Interstate Commerce Commission Or ders the Old Kates Restored. I By h Airli4 rteaa.1 AVashlngton, Ntrv. 4.Southeusteni railroads which attempted by sched ules tiled last June, te increase freight charges on box making materials from Virginia, North Carolina and South Caroliua points to New York. New Jer sey, and Pennsylvania points were ordered today by the Interstate Com merce Commission to restore the older imil lower schedules. Ta Soon Issue Call for Seeejal Session. . efv ill' AnMMn.4 llak-igh, Nov. 4. Governor Morrison t.slay was busily engaged in preparing the proclamation which ha is expected to issVte within the next few days culling the- state legislature on special session on December O to pass the municipal finance act which failed at. the last session of the Legislature he. cause of an error of a clerk. Every Union Miner in Indiana, Idle. .Mr th Asanelatea' fnmm., Tetto na1ute,'i Ind., Nov. 4. -Every uinion miner In. Indiana was Idle to day, according to John Heffler, dis trict president of the United Mine Workers of America- For this rea son, he said, no formal strike order would ue issued, a New York City turns out one-half of all the men's and buys turnish lng goods manufactured in the United States. , ; ' UllllllllllllllllllllilllllltllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIO . ' I N V I T I Ve invite you and your friends to be- come stockholders in our 32nd Series of v ' Building and Loan which opened : NO- - VEMBER 1st, -,V .,",( ,:"., ' A- . yBe fair; to yourself and family hy be- I ' ginning this splendid way of saving in ' ' . subscribing, to stock NOW. ; There is . danger ahead , if you are not saving a ; ' S , , part of what you earn. ' - ; I Citizens 0:;! cd Lc:n As::ci:'::: 3 . :;- tu.- . ; V , f , ;" ' v; si aminiiMiiiimiiiimiiiiiii!::::::::::::::::::.:: 3TIETII - L GREET GEII. mi When Leader, of the Amcri- . , . v-.; can Forces in France Ap peared in Nashville, Term for Annual Reunion. . - OTHR NOTABLES T , 4 ATTEND REUNION nrnnrn Addresses Made During the hi Day By Governors Coop- ; er, of South Carolina, and Taylor, of Tennessee. -;- ... -:'-. ':i Rr Ih aiMPltr4 Pr. 'r'V;!. Xashvllle, Tenn., Nov, 4. Veterans v. of the 80th Division gathered here to- ; . day for the second day's reunion, greeted the man who letj them and ' i the other hosts of the American Ex- ''.' petfitlonary forces to victory in France In 101S General John J. Pershing. : , 5 , -.The "Old i Hickory" members were. . ' here In large numbers to take pari in. the onening nrogram of the convention which incruded addresses by General Pershing, Governors Cooper,' of South ,arol!na and Taylor of Tennessee; Brigadier General 8. 'I Faison, anii Major General E. M. Lewis. ; ":1v;iK . One thousand home made cakes con trlbuted, by the women of Tennessee, .:" will be a part of the Innehes for the i,: visitors.' -- .' -''. -. .',--; ',,!,"-.;. S A parade tn the afternoon ,in wbk-h -all former service men will take part ' was the principal feature on the pro- ' gram,.-.. : r V ' :'' '-..e iyl ' ITay at Mt, PUn-ant Tonight. V J v - 'Much Ado. About Notldlig," a rum-j ,' ely in three nets, by Walter Bear Hare. . ! will lie given liiJh!Mt. Pleasant Audi- ,V tori um tonight at . o'clock. The foM f, ; lowing wHI lie the cast of characters : ' ' Lin Ionard Betty's om best let -C. B. Siulthdeai . ' ';' j -; , '" ".-.-"..;' Major Jartrec, of Wichita, not only v, bent but crooked V. R. Klm-kle.. .' Ned O'Hare, a Jolly ynnng honey- : , mooner J. E. Whitesides. . . ' Mr: E.-5C Ostrich, who has written v a, wonderful picture play-f;-J. F. Htith-V cox. -. . ,,-:, -, v, .;. i . ' ,. " : -: y;- , lr. MeXutt, ' solid Ivory from" , the lieak up iA. U Patterson, 'V. '.i' : ' ; "' JfM-WIWN a highcboot senioi' M. v V , 'V i'-L I'"liisct1ia-J5. W. Sechler, a WaiC iK'THn "Syi.n duty W. T. Miller. .' v V:.'-,; "'-." Officer Dugaa, from the- Emernkl ' ' Isle O. D. Moretii. ' '. -V' " ' . . : :'v Mr, Ebenexer O'Hare, a '' sick man , "ti ',; ami a submerged tenth U. S. Riser.. ':, Mrs. ' Elicnezer O'Hare. "Birdie,"" s the other ,, nine-tenths Ruby Mlsen- . i helnier. " ' ' . i, T.lsrale .Mouolian, Betty's maid, with r a vivid imagination Edith Moose. 1 - Ethel Kohler, a high-school admirer -of Betty Alma Tucker. . , .... Violet Ostrich,' a film favorite. Ned's ; bride Mabel McAllister. Mrs. K.'. M.. Diggins, a guest at the . . 'Hotel . PolnsettlM Bonnie Misenheln-; , er. ' , ', " : x. Daffodil lltgginsl her daughter. "Yes. . Jlamnin V "Temple" Ritchie Miss Oiaale. . one of the North r -.-? flrorgin Chlsr.les-rlJllian Ilcillg. f - Pcarlle Itrown, Violet's maid, a win- , dov of elsiiiy hue Maud Nnssumn. "-.if Violet, Violet Ostrich's Uttleglrl-. aged sevww-Virgiuia McAllister. f - ... Diamond. Penrlie's little girl aaed . ' six Genevieve McAllister. . - . Aun - Winnie,, Betty's ehaperone ) ; Ruby Miseiiheimer. Betty, the star of the Movagraph , : Company Mildml Barrier. . . ( , . Xynopdls : . Ail: I Hettyi apartments near New Y'ork. Married in haste. - ', : , Act II Parlor D of the Hotel Poin- -set tin, Palm Beach, Fla. Three .days ' later. Betty loses her memory, ?'Aot III Same cene as Act II.. A . foil honeymoon. , Admission 25 aad S3 ii-nts-Adrer- ' tlscment. : -. .. . ,' , Bank Runners Held up and Robbed. ; ( .- (Br th AaaHslr4 Prraa.) Phl'-adeiphia', Nov. 4. Five men In f - an automobile held up two ruuuera - - , of the Corn Exchange National Bank, . .. and rohlied them- of $r,iMiO and es ! ,' caied. ,':' '-:, . r ; " .'" ' ;A Tl O n3?IIS? I '