, - . . . . , . o o o o a o 6 dV ; -JODAY'S ,0 J ;:-o..-:NE7S-.::,.r'0;':v-- O V TODAY. '0 O ASSOCIATED ! O N PRESS . DISPATCHES O VOLUME XXI. V'"i ..k' 5 NO. 242. ki;:gs d:ug;ijers to. leg:o:i i:flp waiited . by secretary weeks AMERICAN DELEGATES Ellw0lE y:'?.- v., lie ztan lioarapr 1 1 ' .1 n.axT . . t " : r.EET HERE TUESDAY T .iwsFiinnirnrnrMi IUHIU Ul ULIIlwni . .... .. ...... T . ... '. im NAVAL POLICY STThJrty-Second Aniraai :Con- ' vention of North Caroling Branch Will Meet at .the :?$ Tra!hin ,Scho0l.7:i; THE MTHNG TO A ' h K . CONTINUE 3 DAYS Mrs. VV. II. S. Burjfwyii, the Presidcht, WiU Preside. - Barbecue Wednesday ' to Be a Big Feature. Tlie Tliirty-Spootiiti Annnpl Oonvrn fni of tbc Nortii jCHi-ollna H ranch of tho Internal tonal Order of th Klnj' naiiBtitorH and Soph will N hold In ronmrd hoelnnlnB imnorrow nlKhr and rnnlldiilue lliroBl'.Wlnpnday nlsltt. Th mwlnna of thoonvnt ion will .bp held In 4he andllorliira of (hp Japk)n Tainlnft fkhool, whhU ha iwclvwl no miii'D unamiat am ana morni i nort from tho oreauliatJon. ? .. -' . y, Hio ononin' wiwlon of Iho wnven- . ; lion 'will lio hold tomorrow night at :- o'clock. whPn tho. flHcatw will , l welmmod to Concord, l'tof. Chor- i )h K. IloKcr,: fiioorlntcndciit of - tlM . ' 'Trnlnlna- Hchoni: wUl -wpleome tnfl nol CKflloa on hcbalf of toe tuHtltution. nml Mrs. It. M. Klniy ,will niak th adlrc of Weiroino (of. flu? Htnnewnil .ropwou i Crircloi Iho local circle.. Tho rwpouHe will lie delivered hy Mr, M. H. tacjr. : and thrao addre will he joiiowon Iw a -iiicKKnite from the Htnto vrtm- ,' denf. Mi. William II., H. IlnrgWfa, pf KnlelKlk The addrettsror tne evomiift - will ho delivered by Hon. E. n.rPrea- ton. ThH afaslon weednewlajr moirn V Inr will be devoted to report of cow initteea and election of offlcera..: and i Wednowlay afternooa a Memorial Her- vh w 11 bo held to 1 followed ny a . .Iwrbeeue to I itrven hy Prof. Boirer : and tho atndenU at the achooL The convent Inn will with the erenlng aefwlon Wertnesdayi u . ; v i The full prorrin fnllowa: ? ' A TuMdajr, 8". 99 p. m,: . . ' Onculuf aervlce ller.-iT, X Uw - rence. &--Jty$ 4 Mnslc. ' S . : .fc"f?.i J. . t- . Adflreaa of Weteomo from the School Urppllnc from tho Hlonewftl Ia- aoit Circle Wra. IU M. Kln, , " ? Ilespoiuio-Mrs. M. It. 8lAey. .' -.- MeUfWRO from Ktate t'fesldmit Mra. V. II. . Bnritwfn. ; , ; ' . '4 Mimle. ; . " v AddrewS "I'toRreRa lit nymnnlUes'' .' Hon. B'nrrerton.'.; ';'r:i Mntilc. ; . '. x . '? " ! ' t -. . Houerttetlon. ' V ''j." ":- '" :' ' 'M'edoesday Morning v o'clock a- .; ' .Hellgloiw ;rrrkRpr,MlMori ; A. j Barlier... '' ' yik, ,:. . ".i .' ' Roll CalLl ... - . t . ' Report of Credential, Audltins Cora ''I mlrteeo. - '';'-' --!. -r': ! . Report of State RecOrdlUft Secretary -4-Mra. Bichard WHllama-' i ' - " Report of , 8tat 'I'raanurer-Mlaa - Mitrgle McEachern., ' ;'. ' O . 5? i Report of Memlxr of Central Conn r oil Mrft'T. .J.lannlDj ":; - Poll open for halt an honr at J2 :30 for tasllji); Informal ; hallot for rilate ofllcem.-. . , ' ,!5 V MiwHancoua tmlneaa- ! ' " Wodnewlay Afternoon. 2 o'clock : ' Poll open for half an hour for eloe- Annottneement for place of next, con ., rention. . J - ' , Memorial Rervlco in Chapol : ,, .'r Scripture lesaon ; and prayer Rev. 0. A.- Martin., ' S -;;'' f'""-'-; Pedlcntlon.of tVintlowa and IHrldge Iter. M. A. Barber, . . ' 1 Presentation of BridgeMrs. T-.- T. s Cooper. v.'.;. '. -.iv-,. Acceptance of Bridge Hon. ;J. P. Cook. , ' -v-'.-tV uv f- - Addrena-IIon. W: N. Ererett. ...v t Tho last ae?8lon Wednesdny evening -. will be devoted Id the. main to.tory: ' telling. nd will begin at 7 .-wo'ciock. , llie anperlhtendent haa flvcn a most cordial, invitation to the Senior and r Junior KWs Pangbtera to. be preo- eut Wednesday and partake of the har i he cue given l honor of th vWtlng 1 V delegation 'In attendance during the . convention. If yon have an extra neat . !n your car .don't .forget lo take aome clrMo memher who haa ho convenient way to go. The Tribune understand that It In a great dewire to. have all the loeaK Khw'a - Pttughtera to meet and mingle with the reproachtatlvee of the varloua circles of the State. There . i do better way to accomplish this than to eat n of Hitpt. Boget'g barbe- .., cnes. rfi- v'--, ; The officers of the organixation this year are: . . Mrs. W, n. S. Burgwyn, Raleigh ' " President : MIrs Eadnlebaw. Uock- Ingham, Vice President: Mrs. "Richard AVIIIiams. Oreensille, Recording Bee , retary; Misa Margie McKachem. Con " cord. Treasurer; Mrs. T. J. Manning, Henderson. Central Council Member. . ' - The following compose the executive committee: '.Mrs. T. i. Wilson,. Jr. Chape! Hill; Mrs.VW.' N. 'Rverett; Rockingham ; Mrs. J.- A: Cannon, Con cord; Mrs. D. I. Cooper. Henderson; Mrs. O. Clark. OreenvlUe. -v: 7 The public is invited to all the ,ses slona of the convention. - ;I : - . .. . Indiana Miners Return re Ww. , (Mr tke AMoetaled Prf. ; V " Terre Haute,, IndM Nov. 7. Reports received this iuornlng at' headquarters s of Ii9trk-t No. 11, United' Mine Work ers of America, indicate that .without , exception the miners of the district have followed tnrucUoni ' nt out Stm" jy by John UctHor and have re turned to work. " : . "';'.'' Who Is Trying to . Run to Earth ' the Charges ' That American SoVdiers ":Were Hung: Without Trial. ' CHARGES SLANDER -V v;.. & i ALL EX-SOLDIERS And Secretary Weeks ; Feels i That Legion Will Be. Able ' to fiet Facts His Office f Could Wot Get. ' (Bjr a AuMolitled Press.) 4' Washington.. Xov. . fi. The Ainoi-lcnn mont today to lend lis assistance In obtaining nil Iho facts Mating to I he charges ihndo hy Senator Watson, - of Ceorgh. that soldiers were freouenlly hnnged and-snot witnout conrnnnrtini during the war.-. : ' . Secretary v Weeks appealecr to Han, ford McX'ider.'eoininander of the Am erican IOglon. asking the, assistance of !ifs organixation in order to make pub' He' all the records' and information re lating to the Senator' charges. . After quoting the Senator's charge as printed In the t.viiigressioual lieeorn of Oclolier 31st. Ihe Secretary said : The foregoing .statement, coming so long after the. commission of the alleg ed crimes constitutes a reflection upon the ontlre personnel of the. American Expeditionary Poreesi ; I consider the publie entitled to alt the' facts which It Is within the power of my office to produce. If there possibly exists nny basis for , such', an allegation the "re sponsible ' person ; should boar " the odinm. Otherwise a definite refutation is desirable. : . - .' : y v -. "The War Departonent will make available all. of its records and such Information as may come from persons under Ua control. However, such per- ons constitute out n smaii nercontage of those wlio served overseas nml, who have- been attacked. ' . ., , "I request that- the American Tcglon lend its assistance- in obtaining all the facta bearing on the issue which has been-raised. .v,"-' i :.tf: c. ; WIIX. ARRIVE WEDNESDAY Will Ue In State in Kotunrta r fapt- . tol in- Washington , I ntll rriilay, I Vlien It WiU lie Interred. . , ; . i-fy rte;AnHlaMI Prtwi.) r 'Washlngt, Xov. 7.--Tho body of America's unkttmvn hero wll arrive oi Wasliliigton Wednesday afternoon A- evening and will lie in state In tho ro tunda -in the capital until Friday, it was announced, today. ' '' " The. nubiic-amr wose omciai aniccn- tious and sorletle which bave boon given permlssioa to place wreaths on the--bier will be admitted to the ro' tunda from 8 a. m. until 10. p. m. Tfcursday' Jt ns-stated, but no one WiH bo admitted after that now flwr. ing tho solemn .night preceding inter nont at Arlington.. , . .''""' s . ,;- v PROCLAMATIOli FOK EXTRA : SESSION TO DE ISSl ED TODAY To ftleet December io Pass Municipal , ' 1 finance Bill .;; I Br irie a nia Prww.. ' Raleigh, Kov. .7. Oovernor Camer. on Morrison Jate .today ,wHl Issue, a proclamation enlling tho North Caro lina '-Legislature-into Kesslon Decem ber Gth to pass the municipal finance biH, which failed of pasage, last ses sion because of du error of a clerk, It was announced at the Governor's office this morning.-;'--,, :': -' , 4 " - :; 3 German Mark Down to .3d 13. ' r. .' imi tho tHncmt tT . . XcwTork. f Nov. T.i-Tha Gorman marks- tor the fourth consecutive day, today opened at ft new lew record, Well ing t .30 1-2. Thiir' decline was 2 3-4 poinw frem .Saturday's low.v - The Uelcnuunt stood tip, nxea ncr eye upon the bench and received the sentence without a tremor. V Notice of appeal was filed by her at torneys but a atay of execution of the sentence was not asked. ' ' ' ' Under the ldsho Jaws the duration of indetermlnnte sentences is largely in the hands of the state pardon boanl. Further Pisnwston of Irish Question. '."'.' (Wy the AssseliUI Pmaa.) Ijondou, Nov. 7. Further discussion of the plans devised by the government and tho Kiln Fein for settlement of the Irish Question was on the program of Prim Minister Lloyd Gejorgo and Sir James Craig was on program today, no decision having been .reached. Sat urday.. - .x.:'' :', The nlans under consideration nave to do with the questions of flsonl au tonomy for the two legislaturca of Ire- la ml. , , . t' . ' - , ' . Standard Oil Dividend. ' V .' (Hy ke rtmxr rmn.) Chicago,' Nov. 7. The Standard Oil Company of Indiana auuounced today that tU board of directors had voted the regular quarterly dividend or f 1 per share, payable Docember 15, on' the. outstanding stock. i. v: . T Eaeert Body of Inhnown Ameri- , -t - ; , eao warrior. - v ; , I . CUT Ik APTta PveM' ': w Vnt-lr Vrtt. T-Plve rieatrnTi.r4 left here, tpday to' escort , fo Washtng- ihn ..mitt.. Olvmnli henrlnr to the homeland the body of the American unknown warrior. : - " -; . Uovaexilnated! persons- are not ' al lowed to vote" In Norway, : NEW EPWORTH fASTOU UEAKD WITH INTEREST Congregation That-Taxed Capacity of i Chnrrh Heard First Sermon by Rev. M. -A. Osborne. -,'yU.- '.') ' Rev;' M.' A.i: (Isborne, new pastor of Epwortb- Methodist Church, tilled tue pulpit of tho t'hurt h for the first time yesterday morning, and he was heard with iuurlt Interest hy a congregation that taxed the capacity of fh&huildiug. Another large congregation heard Mr.- tMiorne at the evening service, and the members of the church n re delight ed with him. ' ' . - t Mr. tMiornf moved liM family ' to Com-onl Inst week from Tnylnrsvllle, ami tbev lire now llvlns In the church I pnrsnunge on Kerf xtreot, ..-n-MI,!T2-:iV'.:it as: "The BtuoBeawt of Gam- Two Explosions In the Smal tlne ot i Burgess Coal at WiUnerry, Ka" . . aas. , . (Br. the. Asaaeliitca phu.1 ' , "Pittsburgh, Kama,""; Nov.-'' T. The small mine of the Hurgoan Coal 'Com jwny, one mile smith of Mulberry, was wrecked . by two explosions, early, to? dy. '"Tbe tipple was destroy;!,. th,v mouth of the slope .caved In, and mo tor and otihef electrical machinery were rubied by the.jxplosjon. .-. - ,The mine has - been operated , f. several weeks in spite of the strike of miners. Eight mea ' comprise the company, all of tbem" miners, 'ami they have done alt of the work. nt th,e mine.-Si of the men had been work ing regularly at the mine. It wn- snld . toilay ....', v ..- :. 4 , "T Election in Ohio. v Colnmlbus, O. Nov. 1. While the municipal .elections' a Ohio tomorT row are. for local' offices, they : have strong hearings on State and national politics and also -on factional Inter ests In both parties.- The , municipal machinery will have great influence In the owning contest, for United 'States.! senator and for governor and utber States officers end the-tfriends of the , various aspirants. ir s the' lomlna- j thins nave been active-in connection, with municipal elections. Mayors or ; other leading municipal officials are to 1 bo eleoted tomorrow in Cincinnati, Cleveland. Columbus, Toledo, uuu oth er cities throughout Ohio. " ;'.!';,;- Gets Death Sentence For. Assault on ; - 12-Year-old School Girl, A 3 Greenville, Ndv. 5. Bonnie Andrews, yf iing white mun of Pitt coanty. will die tu the eh-ctrlo 'chair In tho state penitentiary on Friday, DeoembCr , between 10 a. m. for criminally- as-: sauirtlng Esteilo Briley, 12 year-old school girl of the Stokes section of the connty. The1 assault of which Andrews was convicted in Superior court: tiete this afternoon nt 4 o'clock took "place in a body of woods near Washington, X..C.,'last Monday,' . ; - 1 '; ; :, ' ''With Our Advertisers. -'. E. B. Gradyv declares in a new ad. todny that he' carries the best In the plumbing line. , Head the ad. careful ly. -"" ' (;' '-' '. The Musette, luc can get engraved Christmas cards for .voir at prices that are right. .The new nd, of this Co. today will interest yon., ..'.-. ' .v- - l"r'scrlptlons ' are carefully f com podnded at ("line's Pharmacy, a new ad. today states. This company also carries a full line of Christmas goods. ' Temporary Injunction Dismissed nr AsMctated Pma., " ' Ctrloago, Nov. T. The temporary in Junction seeking to prevent the Copper. Tiucher grain exchange regulation bill from going into effect was dismissed in the Federal Court today' by Judgo Ln mils. John Hill. Jr., who tiled the bill questioning the constitutionality of the act was granted two weeka to carry the case to the Supreme Court Judge Orders Inquiry Into the Ku . -. .- - Khix Klan. :',-'.n-(By (he Asaaciatra' Pivwi. " . Houston, Nov. 7. Inquiry into the' Ku Klux Klan was ordered by Judge P. W. Robertson in his charge to the new nrrand. Jury twlay. hv criminal court. - ' v ' , ' THE TRIAL orMBLlti ; v BEARD 0F CiAMBRAIS" Is Cliarged WlthTlcvei Murders, Ten Virthna- Being .. Wenien. . r ' ' f Br ihe AasorlatHI Pmw.) Versailles, Nov. .'TT-Port ofllclals gatlfrred here tolay forwhe opening of the trial of Henri Itesite Ijindrn, the 'Blue Beard , of - tiainbrnbV' who is charged with elevep' jaurders. Ten of his. alleged victims -were women to whom he Is said to hRvepromlted mar riage nnrt the eleventh the son of one of Iheio. lie Is Blloged o have burned, the victims' bodies.-' i The se hft attracted more art op tion than any other Initbe ninnls of the French courts. ' . 14 '.--v V .The triaVof HenH-rvJr LendrH. hais on eleven coLintx of murder i .mw inrprHm. ..1 -I h'msam tM. inhnm liA haft tMMnlaWl marriage1 bids fair to rank among the celebrated criminal caes of rPance. l4indru was arrested in April,' 1010. and has spent his time for the nasi two and half years in answering or evading questions of tho police, the in vestigating magistrate, and other conrr. officials as to the fate of his )(f flnsn-ceea.'-'-Ho has'proved u most 8tuhborh as -wet' as a .very ctoer prisoner and the police admit that their case qgalnst him ia not as strong its they should like It to be. ' , The so-called Rlue-lteard rented a small villa at Gamhuis, a few miles from Paris ami II Is there 'that, the police charge ho dirl way with 4ne 10 women, a.t trace of whom baa been absolutely lost It is ullcged that be advertlsed; . in various ; matrimonial agency poners and chose from the let ters received those signed by women with n Uttlo property nnd no near rel atives. .A .short courtehip would follow, then n journey to the Gamhais vl'la In the company -of tho fiancee. The accusation ears that. Ijindru always returned alone. ' Too police, claim to have proof that women were seen to entPr the villa but.. none was heard of afterward. A few weeka later,- what ever bonds,' stocks, f nnlture, jewelry, the women possessed would ho old. ; The yllla at' Gninhais , hna. i been sea relied, ransacked, practically demol. ished by .the police In an elTorti.ito And the Yetnaiqs of tho missings wo; men., A . low. bones were fotwd.iaome hair, hut not enough to form a J'sorpu. delicti." "Rabbit mnd muttou bones," snys lAndrn "Why don't you' bring your ' flnancees forward.7 . vasks vthc JUdge. ' .1- ". ". "Howean.I when yon keep me in jnil for years?" counters Ijindru, "if you and your hnndrcd of detectives cannot locate them how ran I." , j v A dark visaged man, with shinning bald head -and long black whiskers, Landru has become a familiar figure by. Impersonations On the stage. He is al-1 ready nnder sentence of Ave years' im- j prlsonmeht for forgery growing, out of ' one of the cases where murder I also i charged. ..; ' .. " '''" .... ' ' - ' - ' - - " - I I Man Robbed of 3.0tM) In Jewels and .!..-.! :,.vjiir. Cash. :':, y i , . (Br the AaMrinted wmw. ',- j J Toledo; Ohio.. Nov. 7 Sidney Bay-i man, manager . of tho Rational Loan Company. in the ..downtown distriot.; was fojind gagged aud robbed of $3,000 in, .diamonds, jewels and cash . this morning. ' Scores of icdestrians were passing the shop when two bandits at tacked dayman. .. They -.escaped in. an automobile. . . ... . .' . v . .. ? .Advance In Oil Prices Announced. .' (Br the' aMta4a 1aa.k Tulsa,' Okln., Nov. 7.-rThc Prairie Oil A Gas ConjpHuy today aunounced an increase la the-price of Oklahoma. Kansas and Texas oil. . Oklahoma and Kansas oil iru advanced to $2 a bar rel, while North i Central-, Teiai oil went to 1223. ' ' -Cats, owls, and tigers see la the dark because they bava the power of enlarging lat wUl the pirpili of their eyes, and'thu -collect all the scatter ed rya of light there are; which are present even id .tlarkness,'? .. . . TAX BILL HEARING IS ,i ., AGAIN BEFORE SENATORS RemiMlrsa Leaders Hope This Week Will See Passage ef the Measure f -" (Br Aaaselalea, Prraa.) - Washington, Nov.-7. Refreshed by the over-Sunday rest the Senate re turned . today to what had developed laMiweek Into .an endurance light over the tax MIL Republicnn leaders fondly hoped, however, that the fa' I of the gsvel at 10 a. m. tobiy had nmrkcl the beginning of the final ronnd in the gruelling contest. .Soldiers bonus amendments still had the right of way, only one ot these amendments. . that by Senator Heed, of Missouri, 'having beeij disposed ef Sntutdsvn nicht. , It - was rejected pi iO-28rf;ya.anK.'adnwnia atiU V ite acxeii npen werr Tno"ojpwiirmr Simmons, democrat; North Carolina and McKelinr, Tennessee, proposing to use interest on the foreign debt to finance the bonus. In urging his amendment Senator Simmons said he be'ieved it was the Intention of President Harding to pay the soldiers bonus nut of tho Interent ou the foreign debt. Thin-view was nlso taken by Sena tor McCmnber, of North Dakota. 0110 of those iu charge of ther tax bill. ' Senator Ixtdge, of Massachusetts, the Republican lender, took the ponl rlou that the Imiins should mt Im- con tingent, upon w uncertain a proposi tion. ' . '.-Whenever we. pay the bonus as we undoubtedly shall, .said Stnntu Lodge, "I want the payment to lie n real payment. . This prnfsisltion of IDiylug a Ikmiuh gives only a certainty. No .one can tell when we wll'. begin getting the interest on credit given to foreign countries. The promise we wlll .provtdo the bonus from this in terest Is praeatlcttlly giving the sol diers nothing.". Senator Simmon (old the' Senate that ho regarded an absurd the pro posal of pitying tbc. bonus by meaus of a sales tax. He declared the busi ness of the country would not endorse that, proposition and that the ropnbll. cans would not willingly enact legis lation that tbc big business Interest did not want. . , Senntor llediu. democrat, of Ala bama, offered an amendment to the Simmons amendment directing tbc Secretary of the Treasury "to proceed as speedily as possible with the col lection of Interest on tile foreign debt." Senator Watson democrat, of Geor ga, said the statement by Senator Lodge, about the colection of the in terest on the foreign debt would ibe construed abroad as evidence that die debt might be cacelled. He added that tho Lodge statement was all the more Important .because the Massachusetts Senator was one of the Cnlted States delegate to the armament convention. V, TIIECOTTON MARKET Opened Steady at a Decline ef 13 ta ' 21 Points, With December Selling off to 18J23 ' -''..:.'' . . ' ' '- (Br th Assedatcd . Preaa. .' . 'New York, NoV.- 7. Uncertainty 'ov er the export outlet because of various unsettling features in the foreign sit uation amieared to he-gnlnlne around as an Influence in the cohon market here, today. Liverpool was tower than due and the market here opened sternly at a decline of 18 to 24 points, selling off to 1853 for December and 18.03 lor March ou the opening. 1 , . Cotton futures opened steady.'- Dec. 1838. Jan. 18:0fi; Mor.. 18:03; May 17:75 July 17:30.'. , ; , ;. 0 , Arhuckle Trial CardliHied to' Navem- -: : ; . ,' her 1 lib. . . ' i .. 'V '(By tt tmmlH tif . J ' San' Francisco. Nor. 7v Tha trial of Boscoe C. Arbuokle, for manslaughter. growing ont or tho death 01 um vir glnla. Rappc. wa cootlnued today tUl November 11th by coolant of . both sides.. The court announced that tbc trial positively would begin on j, the n. . . ... ",- .n .'- . "A conference fi toon to be beld in Seattle for the discussion of fores try prohlcms or all kinds. . Which They Will Submit to Armament Conference For f'; Adoption. Meeting of. the Delegates Today, t ; T NOTHING PUBLIC BEFORE MEETING No Naval Experts Met With I i American Delegates To- day, and Their policy Ap pears Already Decided. (Br Asaoelat4 Pieaa. : , Washington Nov, -The Amcriian delegation to the conference on the flnilffltlnn nf flrniniuent aind PSeiflc and Far Easlern questions was today in session In Secretary Hugos' oflleo. Sena tor fridge : was detained at the cnpltol by the Senate consideration of the lax bill, Imt was expected to Join his fellow, delegates later in the day. The delegates-met alone today,' Sec-, retary Denhy and navy ofllclals who bave participated In the deliberations so frequently In the last, ten days not being present. There Is reason to e lieve that the (lelegatimi has now ar rived at a formula, for the limitation of naval armament, which it 'will pre sent to the conference as the American iigaestlons.' The absence of navy ex perts from today's- session with only live days intervcnln? before thp inter national body ' assemble, tended to strengthen this view, ; It may be stated anihoritntlvely that no advance outline of tho American suggestions as to the ways and means for limitation 'of naval armaments will be given formally or Informally to the other dWcgation prior to the assem bly. .; . , . France Anxious la Avert Further Wars. New York. Nov. 7. - ranee ts ready to Join In every endeavor to avert new. wars "provided she has nothing to fear for ber -own security 'Which remains one t the most solid guar autre of the oeao of the world," said Premier Aristlde Brland In a mes sage to the American' people tipon bis arrival today, to attend the armament cferertr-Bt'nWk "Just neeattse ne inaa , w siiirer from the war more than any othbr na tion," he added, "she is ready, to ap prnac!) the problem of the conference in a most favorable splr't for the maintenance of peace. "Between France ami - the l ulled States of America there is no room fr any difference, however slight. Both onr countries on'.y endeavor to lead (be men and peoples of good will to peaceful and fruitful work nnd to reduce more and more the risks of wnr. "Tislay the" world, which is !n auch uimkI of Ktifety and rest, wants not i nly siMithlng words, but renllt.i,s." A crowd gave the Premier and his party a rousing welcome as they stei ped nbore from tlm steamship I-i'.f-iivette. Otlicial welcoming -cremoules which marked the arrival of other delegations to the conference, weiv curtailed to allow M. Ilrhilid to go to Washington nt once. Mrs. .Southard (iris. Jail Sentence. (Br tho AaaaHainl Preaa.) Twin Falls. Ioaho, Nov. 7. Mrs. I.ydla Meyer Southard, vonvlriwl here Inst week of the murder of Edward F. Meyer, her fourth husband, wns sen-: fenced today in the Dtst rictCourt to from ten year to life imprisonment. 1 ! - . Killed Playing foot ball (llr la Aaaarlatrd Preaa.1 Toledo, fihio, Xov. 7. Cnrlctun .Mnnunlwk. aged 17. full back on a IikmJ amateur footbsll tvam, was kill ed almost instantly during a game here yesterday. His neck wns broken when he tneklcd an opposlug player. Mr. mid Mrs. T. II. RKlcnhour Sat unlay night received a telephone message from SMirtiinburg. S. C, sta ting that their son. Mr. (ieorge Riden honr, was 111 there with dlpfherla. Mrs. Ridonhour Ceft Saturday night to bb with her son, nnd a message receivc-n from his bedside todny ststes Hint his condition Is some better. uiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiue INVITATION We Invite you and your friends to bei come stockholders in our 32nd Series of Building and Loan which opened NO- i vember ist. ; i;, ; :. r Be fair to yourself and family by be-, ginning this splendid way of saving 'f in subscribing to stock NOWi , There is( danger ahead if you are not saving, a part of what you earn.V- V ; i' x (Office in Citizens Bank) ;V niiiimiiiiimii!iiii!::!!!:i::: League of German ' Indus- r trialists Vote to Place at the Government's Disposal the Foreign Credit of Members ESTIMATED TO YIELD - 1,000,000,000 MARKS .-;v; - : ' ;'yC:f: Conditions "Named on Which Aid Will Be Given-U00 Business Men Attended the Meeting, v - k J .';,: ; r i : " 1 (Br the hntutrtmift Proas.) Berlin,' Nov." T'he league of Ger man Industrialist has voted to como to the financial aid of tlie government ty placing at Its1 disfiosul' the forel-'u erciltt of the league's members, whii-h It is esUmated- will yield. 1.000,000100 marks: "A resolution to this effect was adopted R after seven hours of- stormy debate, which was participated in by Hugo Sfiniies, thefinancier, and Dr. Alfred Hngenlierg. , director of, the Krupp works. ,' The rrsolHtlon set forth the follow Ing condition : ; ' , : -! . , Adoption by -the government of a rigid program of economy and consul-' tntinn with private enterprises for for-' : mutating the economic and, tax pro grams, ' - u' ... . , Declaration ' of ' the J vernmentVv willingness to call upon foreign flnan- . rial eKperts for advhe-in regard to the amount of credit to lie floated, and lis relation to the prevailing fluctuations of foreign exchange. , -; ' - Enterprise in the hands 4f the : state and public bodies to tie managed in such a manner that they cease to ' lie a drain npo the public treasury. ,,. Freedom of the country's economic life from every restriction that bind ers its development. . In this- category the league places the eight-hour day. ' f The meeting wns attended by lUiOO representatives' of big business. con- To Vte oa Veteraas Piefereara Law. Alt'iny, N. Y., No. 7. At tomor- WCii-:Vt'Snr'n he voters in New York . IState wl state wilt, pus upon seveu pray osea ctpal one tbeing the Veterins Prefer- , ence Lair, over which a vigorous fight. "?. has. been waged. The ofhera are-nn-, .;. ; creasing the salaries of. Assembly- . men from 1,500 to 2,O0l, which wa i defeated two years ago, the ellmlna- tlon of county supervisors and pro v id- , ing in their stead, eoun-y ccnuaission' . era; the literacy test requiring voters, excepting those physically, disabled, , to lie able to read and write; the aban- : domnent of a portion of the Erie Canal ami the establishment by the legiala- ture of children's courts and domesr tic relations courts throughout the State. .,. Host kern Woven to Meet. St. Louis, IMo., Nov. 7. Six Hundred driegaies from-thirty-two States are expected to attend the annual nation- -al reunion of the ITnited Daagiitera if the Confederacy, which will hohl a four-day, meeting here this week. The, gathering will be formally opened to- , morrow evening 'with' public, exercises which will Include an invocation by . blshon Tuttle and an address 'by David R. Francis, former ambassador to : Russia. The business sessions,: beaiu 1ns Wedneday morning and continu ing until Saturday, will be liberally interspersed with feature of. social entertainment prepared for the visit- ,' ing delegates uy the St. LoHiis chapter of the society and various other local organizations of women. v 1 Mankind 4o Choose Legislature. . - 'nnltimore. Md, Nov.' 7. Local Is- , sues will dominate the elections in .. Maryland tomorrow, when members of both houses of the legislature are to ba chosen In addition to aiany city . and county officers, The onlv Btate -: office to be filled is that ot comptrol- ler, for ,which the candidate are Wil liam W. Oordy, Democrat,- and Oliver . S. Metzerott, Republican. . The famous . clock of Dewuvam fa- ' thcdral Is said to b composed of ninety-two thousand separate pieces. - a s

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