;Q 0.O.0.0O0.;:V::l'r;y.";.' ..I,-.; .. v .AU ly-.,,.'-' , ., -7:. :.- . ' V- . Vx'.iV .i'? . - . 0OO0OGOQ VOLUME XX!. ''-yy NOVEMBEino,::ie2i i ,S'"i y uniouTE to u::k!:ov;;: 'M OF THE y Ah Endless ; Procession of People, Great and Small, f 5 Moved Through the Rotun- ' Ia of the Capitol Today, ) ' FLOWERS HEAPED - : ON SOLDIER'S BIER ; , : A Wreath From King George f Was Among ThemrrjHour by Hour ' Flowers on 1 Cas $ $ ket Grev; Jlpuntain High, i WaBhlnRtortTNoV. ' lft.-k-Oiat ' and -, " await: folk- moired In "r-ndlesa proces. ,y loti today (taroitfU the rotunda of (he V &anllrtl to pa tribute to, the nnknown ?' : dead Ivlng trt -state-there n only innr "' 5' tvnod Presidents - hart ,. known. , Tho f t dnv waa act aside for It. 'AU who m could apeak , for geMfps In the land, r "T ............ ri. t.xv-l.l i mm frail ift V t .ft l.i iumi" ui4n wv,.w. --- .... .v '- placevthor floral orferlngs it hla bier, i Hour by hour tup Jienplnff flowers '7 phout' hw caoketr inw. moiminm ni(jn and preart ahont h's rtiskrt. ' r'lowam that bloomed In rmnc? wew tht-re. and flowers that prow Wall , Hw'f f; ooanty lir Smith Afrloa,'. d.OtW mljra . .Tbpro waa not a mtnnta nf U10 nay S nnolalmcd by thorn who womM do hoi k to the dead.-'.Thsiif-W 110 orpiii- ixitlon of veteranir r -tt patrlot'o vri ? 'plo orer'the land jmrpprewented.- k . . -J Ainone tha. moBt formnl of tluv nil. KrimaKOMtto tliln Khrlne of purrlotlo ralor waif that planned by. the Ilrltlsh enil.assy. From tho embawiy Imlldfnn there wfl arranged a parade headed hv "Arthnr J. Bolfonr, head of the Brltinh vdeleeatton. and .Kir Aueklnnd : Goildev British . amhaaaador , Nearly a acore of automohllcfl formed tho pro. pefnlon and ,two motor tnieka enrried ,the flowers, j ., ' '1': -; :H A wreath .from ' Kin.' Oeoree , was anuinit them. Ird favon aotlnff for " the KIdk.. It bore tuo letnd , V "Aa'nnknowo' and well lcnownj'V " ".V dylnjt nnd .behoW we live," r ' There waa a wreath too from Cam , nda. Ita Inscription caytnir; r ' j '1 "But' that, Uch nnt thn. aiory of y praeo Into alt that be did waif that he I H we'-v -of W.'ve.matf That 'from lremlTXkilrd fteortw "NaineloM. vol hla ' aame ' llveth evermore . " : - c-.fy" r -I t "- And thitt from 'India n1d : ? vfe "'v "They- never, die who drs to'rmake : lltie worth living.,'- ' " .'-. ? .' There were wreath aim from Ann .' tralla ahd New Zrlahri and at of fheste except that from India -were' made of flowers grown' In' Hng)h .olV i-. From the Grand Army IVO. V. of Canada-came a wrenth pjaoed hy ggt,' ; JUrhartlHon. the oldest Ilvlnj wearer fr of j the Vicloria'- erosfi.' vTlifre , ware-l ' flowen 4 from : Now Fonmllaiul nnt .4" from . Army iand Navy ;Veffcrttna r pt the Canada rame a memorial woven of poppies that 1:ooih. In Flnnder lleldn, And beside JalU,: e Ml .dfgnitarJefc Oroat Britain aent to par homiige went Eart Beatty. admiral of the fleet,. he!r vlcV-marohftl niria and others. xhos rolwttrt-the- war-ln whloh ihU Mra-I hnowa aoldler died were great. - The ; f flowers actually were handled, by his . . comrade lnmany arms of the British service, mca who v also fought In France or on the sen In the gtt at stmg-1 : w i ociock a-sreany. stream-or poople ertdierfl, - men, '.women' ..and children, white and Idnelc h:id hegnn an unending march through the ro tunda. ;u'-. ji;i"'.s';W:-4' ' Secretary, Xyeeka," Assistant Secret- tary Walnwtlght, and-Gen. I larboard : were .oh hand, waging to receive the foreign delegations. Floral designs from every state, on each of which . wan the- state nbtiibt, complete! circled ''the rotundai n;r;i .'. 'C " iJ."!' v- ?-;,v. - All the delegations came In from the nortn entrance and atooa by the cats falnue for -the ceremony as 'the line - ' f continued toream through. 1 ; i ,i ' ' i i - j, "g-MO-N" COLLISION. ' f One Trainman Missing; and 'Several if , Passengew. Injured on T. ' P. ,- ,."fr. ; :.;y " nl4 rmw.),. Si Marshall, Texas." Nov. -10. One i" trainman (a missing and several pa -J-' sengers were sllghtlv injured as a re 'su'.t of a head-on collision' early today '4 f between-. westbound Texas 'at ' Pacific . f f passenger train and eaatfouhd freight ... U .' train, seven 'mlloa east of Longvlew, ' ., Texaa The passenger traid wa flcj A Jj', railed, the Baggage ear smashed, ana rne wreckage oorneo, aocorting to a dispatch received hero. . . f November Eeenomr Sale at .Parks- -:y- Belk Company. - J -; :'. A great - November, Kconomy , Bale i - will begin at the Parks Belk Compnny ;-.;ioraorrow, November 11. and continue 'ty through November 21f. During " the - nine day sale this compsnr will offer the greatest bargains It has offered in ' ten year and tho goods offered were V: ?Jrchagedrecently In New York by Mr; J, 0. Parks manager of the company. This company today has two pages '. of ads. telling of the many fine things. ? lo he had at the store during the sa'e, -., and It will pay yon to read the ad Clothing and shoes for the entire, fam ' ity. eilk . and Jersey petticoats, bath robes', klmonas, furs, coot suits and ' igoodj of all kmd'havfrbeen'greMly rc- flncd for this sale." and it; will pay " ou to read the ad.' and te oa hand -. when -the sale atarttCti : - - . - Eileen Percy plays' the leading role at the piedmont theotre today in that "great Fox feature, "Ihe Tomboy." -. :.v.?i POLICY PLAII IS lIOTul PUBLIC No One Knows What Ameri can Delegates Will ' Offer ; to the Conference onm ;. itation of Armaments. ",:'.' DEFINIE POUCY CHOSEN, HOWEVER But It, Is Rumored That Sug 'V gestions . Are Too Drastic .For ; Acceptance 'at , the Present Tune. (Br Aaaorlalnl prwh ..-.T- - WanhlnKton., JfoV. lfl.Ji-l'HtiioxalH to ho inadeiiy tho AhktIibii dolevateii to t lie conference' on the limitation ' of armfltiieiitK appnrn(ly oonntlliiletlie onlj qupntlon propaml In ndvnnoe an to way and.meana of erirtnllliiff naval expcnilitiirpf) without - a v cnerlHcp of nntlonal upcnrlfyj , - Grca. Britain '. Ik not Known v. to . have worked nrit any formula. ; Japaii l nwalting the Anxr lenn wiareth)tf j yrance aml Italy are more ponoprnetf lth InniV fmvp than With k fHIVf."Kt :,'j-vv?" .t.'.-fi l ;';Two da.v lifforp,tlie oonferonep oi pna the Amerlean propoFiils remain a plosely enncded aeerpt. It in doubtful If any bnt rrpKhlontUardinit. the fotir American delegate, and poswlblr tho hieheat offielala of the navy depart ment.' know what the proposal , are, Thla lnneh im known : A definite for nmln for aRreemcnt on Uie limitation of naval forppn hn been renelied by Secretary, Ilujrhea and hla polleafcneR of the Amerlmn doJerntlnn. The or. nillia la an entirely praptical one. It doe not- attempt to xtate any gpner at ruip-for etawinlilnff M)tdtnble rela tivity . of. naval, forcei between-,-the powers.- It doe not attempt to fix a common denominator by-which all the savins coma ne divided, and each pow er asHlgued hy agretment tho nunilio of units t; t-ould niAiulaM"wltb world npprovnlfV -' , The American aiiggestlon will deal with things as they are. It will he a plain proposition nf ships bnllt build ing or aidhorlxed ; of naval bases;, of the 'Vital elements .-of naval replace. monts; of the potential naval signifl- ennce of inerehnnt. marines, and. nf W htf HOMeCtr'. "wanting ;-fphuWMt wcHjxins nnii nnxinnries oi naval wny-i nnr. . rtiwi il ih rtKHniiu vy inoM? who framed the suggestion, a a bold stroVe rnis navttl rcdin'tlon ; possibly too hold jfMr. Immediate reanwllon.''.vS ;'" " . Ttevnnd this limited outline' of what li Jtlpng on Miehlnd. tmT:scene'othlng us yiT'jnis"OPPn' nvaniiine. wnsninu ton Js filled, however," wtth oonjcctnre as to what'ihe American "Helegatlon wlil ' priipbse; There areaimost -m many theories as there are' inert' to talk aboatTt, and their name-is legion. ARTHI R 4. 'BAI-FOl'R ARRIVES Acting Head of Delegation Represent , Jng British Empire at Conference, . 1 fWr a wna Him -r. , r' Washington, :iNm 10. Arthur J. BalCpnr.' acting ' head of a delegation representing the Hritlxh empire la Ihe nrniantent and' Far Eastern conference, arrived ! in Washington today With 'other members - of his party which landed? at Quebec Tuesday. ' Simultan eously the delegations from New Zeal. andnnd AnstraHa reached the city, completing, wl th ir tho exception' of lremler. I.loyd 5eorge. who has prom ised to come .later,- the British .delega tion." NO SIHRENDKR OF RIGHTS . OF I'LSTER, HAYS CRAIfl Issues Statement This Morning Af ,; . ter Meeting of I'lsler . Cabinet, y;, ';.,-. ,Or the Associate Pri,J : London. Nov. 10.-A statement Is sued after1 this ' morning's meeting of the T'istcr cabinet meeting here .con cluded as follows : ; v v .-. ."Sir Jam Craig, the premier, - on belialf of the cabiuet of Northern Jre land. wishes it clearly understood there can be no surrender ot. Ulster's rights." t f'.';:;j:' ''(.' Plans For Annual - Father and " Son '. : Banquet Complete, ,J .- ' Plans have, been completed 'fofthe annual . Father . and Son Sanquet - at the Y. M. C. A." and everyone la look' ing forma rd to this event on the eve ning of the 18th of this month. '5; a Mr. A.' F. Hartsell Is chairman' of the executive committee. Dr. Rankin, of the progfam committee, Mrs. Zob Moore,, of the d Inner' committee, and Prof. A. S. Webb of the -Invitation committee. ' Tbdse yarlous committees are now working hard to mnke the Father and .Son banquet this year the greatest 'success posslWe, ,;. Father and Bon week will be observ ed next week together with the' Week of. Prayer. - . t.y' Every Congresaioaal District In Vir - - ; ginia Demorratir. . ; ;. , IBr the AMMUtrl Prww.' '..-, 'Richmond, Nov.-10, Latest returns today from the Oth Oongress'onaC dis trict,, heretofore ogarded . the . - only stronghold of republicans in the state, give B.I,e Trlnkle, democratic candi date for governor, a - majority rang-. Ing from to 1,800 in the district over Henry W. Anderson. h!s rersibll- can opponent . All tert Congressional districts in the state have given Mr. Trlnkle a majority. .-. y: . .This is the Brut, democrntla victory in the 9th d strict since 18iS. . v 'Foot-binding.' vhlch resulted " In women having feet so small as to be practically nselees. has- l)een. discon tinued la enlightened China. . , CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR 4 . f r ., .. - - RALLV fOR CARIRRI'S W1U lie IMd In the Serend Prrsby .- terlin Chiirrh Next "hundu-y. ' Tho ChrLtlan-. Kiulonvor ; Rally1( for; Cabarrns twintv will lie hptel In the Hecohd I'reobyterlan Church' nesfUnn- day, Noveinler 1.1tb,.at.'e,c1otk p: m. The followrtur will lie the programme: - Boiig- "Onward Christian Holdier." Song': t"ItOMPiie the rerlshlng." ' , ' " Berlptura Rending Miss Martha Barringer. . -2. 'yt I'rayer. , '' " :. 'Addressirllcv. W, C. Wauchope. .. iTnlk: "WIlv Are We llereT Mrs. LV. S. Farrar. . , J". : - ; ,-Rong by, toral society. .,;. Ta in : x Vma. Hquarc limpa icn" . -3lliac.Naaj4vQw ffdtiJ .'' ItenorrS from soclpncs., - Talk: "Whv ' Should Vi He rhViti. flhn Kn(ieavorprs?"-Mr. J.' C, )mry. noun: "uwoiimg in iteumn uind." 1 Talk ; "What Can C-.K. I"-Kor. Ci f!. Myers. ' - ''.' - fThe 'Effective'.. O E.' grayer itect lngs" lir.)ewey Ittrtnnderi ' .illltllilF'ri ' K " VwHnta ' Mum' In. foresting" Miss Melissa . Montgomery. Wong. Quartet, by McKlnnoM Society. , Closing prayer, "r i . ns , , . , PROGRAM COMMITTKF. .'A. , With 0ir Advertisers.;. ,.. j ne i,-nve-it ! Btorewitt ive. one caiv of Pontine Syrup frec tojiverypne who Imys two cans, while- It Jasts.See ad. tii'i . ,',1,-v' .' , .' :. .. CHnc & Moose call "your attention to a number of real grocci-y bai-gaina In a big ad. today. , This firm tails your at tention, to the fact thnt.it not only ripi livers your gooils but will crediUyon as' well. . . . . :,' ':y:: ; Tha Music Department o( the . Bell ft 4 Harris ;C-o. enuinerntes "some new Victor records In a new ad. today. The Bnrricr-Widenhouse A Co-'far-rics a .line of salt and fresh meats.' as well -as a full line of all kinds of gro ceries and country produce. They sell heef roast at 20 cents a pounil, Jok np Ihe new ad. today. ',,'.,'";:', .Cllne's Pharmacy has your , school HUHlies galore.- Phono-33.'!.' ; ".The- BetMIarrls Furniture Ca toTlie Store That SntUlios." has the best, of everytlUng lu furniture.,:-. Go, and .bare a lmt.-' ' y .'"V. Stores WU1 Close Temerrew for Two :j-t. v.. . s-v. Hours. :;'y y : : ' - In view , of the program arranged for Armlstlc Day tomorrow, all stores and raaces of businesses are'rqnested to close from' 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.- The services at the Court House, to which every ' one is Invited, will begin at 1115 and will close, at 12. giving everyone ample t!nw to get dinner be-: fore rcrnriUng to their business. '-', zjli--Ay --v-B. .. K. HAHRIrt V-.'.!-Kecy.JIerhants Association ' ,.;v -. - Tfaree Bargain Days at EflrdX " " For Friday, Saturday and Monday Ellrd'a has many flne bargains, as vo.i can learu by reading the page ad. ; In Oils paper.. Ladles' coat enli, Jer-, sey petticoats, blankets, shoes, men's. ' and hoy'a clothing., dresses for every member of the family, and hundreds of Vother commodities will be .offered at W reduction . durlag these three day, and by reading he pas adl carefully, and calling at . the store during this -special sale, yon can save' much money. . V . - , i i i ., ii - - ' - ' "1 Six Injwrd in Train Wreck. V jj-'.- Dr.a ,Asetata Pmm.) 'r,. Mullial. OkIa Nov. 10 srx persona were seriously injured and a numher 1 bruised xr PHrt - when the . Atchison, Topeka. & Santa . Fe passenger train; No. 11, southbound,' from Kansas City i to the Gulf, threwi three sleeping cars and two day coaches over an embank- mrii a mile sduth nf here tods v.' .' ' Robbers Get $50,000 at St. Lents. -, Br tmdiW ns - .; ' Ci- Ytitc Viw ln'.TvA urmJhl fnftn 1 Edward J. Gallant In. thir down tow a H The velocity of the earth around the today entered the Jewelry store t. -surfis" calculated to be sixty-six thou section, forced three employees into a 4 sand mOea per. hour, and tbe velocity rear room and evaped with Jewelry of the moon to be two thousand two valued at from $35,000 to $30,000. 'hundred and seventy-three miles. ARMISTICE DAY IX NEW YORK. Elaborate Preparations Completed For The Great Celebration Tomorrow. , New York.-, Nov. 14 New Vork hns completed 'elaborate iM-cpa rat Ions ,'foi. Its celebration ' of AVmlatice Day ,. to morrow. The program .will lie openert with ' a. tarade- -whtflh Is expected to be the biggest demonstration of its kind ever held here In the - cause of Americanlxntion aid penoo, ' The National' Americanization ' Committee of the Veteran -of . foreign War of the Tnlted States' is in clmrge of Hie arrnhgements.' Fifty 'thousand march ers, InoliHlIngi " -representatives f of societies, of all nations are expected to be In-line.' At Forty-second Street and Fifth Avenue ntip procession will It' Ian ad; rthpjlMsk -repiKweuta- Mves of the 8la ami dtjvji-' , . tTomorrow,; evening, -ln Madlaon. Sqiwre Garden,- there is -Jo he a great mass : meeting "to- prot est against ex cessive armamente. The-sneakers, will lhciude -Bishop Wilinm T. .Manning, Bishop John Dunn, Rnhhl Stephen H. .Wise; - former Governor Alfred E. Smith, President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of - Labor. Major William Deeganof the American lyPSlom-ahd Mrs. James Lees Laldlaw. representing- the National Lea-gue of Women Voters. . .. . During the forenoon Madison Square Gardes will m given over to. the eere monies In ceiehrntion of . Armistice Day;-with the American legion' In ctiArger Twelve thousand ticket have been issued for the meeting. Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the NavyrwllI' srve chairman, and MartlBr W. LItt'eton and other speak ers will lie heard. Twelve hundred school children wil assistant In the exercises. iAU the Allied flags wli he Htsplayd. many orgnnlsatlons will he represented by law delegations in uniform and 1.000 gold star mothers will march to the tiarden. NEW YORK WOMAN a :y is HEAD or the ii. n. c. First Time a Woman IJviiig North of i the Masen - and Dixon Line Has Been Chosen. ,...-:'"-.;. y -, - , (ftr th Asso-latMi Press.) - Ht Lonln, Nov. 10.-Mrs. : Living ston Rowe Schuyler, of New York, to day was elected rieslnent-General of the rnited Donghters of the Confeder acy 4n convntlon here. . Her election waa hy acclamation. She Is the first woman-living north of the Mason and Dixon line ever elected to this office. "Out of the Night." at the Star Today. 'From the darkness of a fog-dimmed street a young and -beautiful girl emerges, slowly, alone, into the misty halo nf a curb licht. This suggests the title of 'Out of the Night," by K. Lloyd Sheldon, a Frank -A. Keeney production which is to be shown on tbe screen at tbe Star theatre today. But the title i has a more than material significance.:- It describes In a poetic way the emergence of a young onI from the .enter darkness heyon dthe pale of society Into the light of love and home. The picture stars tbe bean- tlnil Catherine Calvert, supported toy Herbert Rnwlinson. one of the most popular young luminaries, of the screen. . ' ' " " ' '- t i - Bandits Get $0,fM)a in Jewelry. ' (Of ttki AiHMlatea Prrwk) . , v Phlladelnhin. Nov. 10. Diamond rings and unset precious stones valued at between $30,0110 and vfuAOOO were stolen-from a Jewciry store at 718 Sansnm' Street today, by throe yotinf bandits.' who escaped. i - .r , r. - Blankei of Snow In New York. '. . (liy: the AssMlatca PrrM.1 " v Slalone, N. Y-Nov. 10. A blanket ofsnow one foot tb'ck fell in north ern Xmr York . rods V. Traffic on the hnmtmt v ThA rail th hMvtrrf --.Junto Mrito ii, Xorrmher in manv rears. FOI R ARRFSTS M trF. IV Til HI BASK OF TlftJMASVILLE CASE The' Are J. L Armfleld, Zeh Griffith, . R. T. Lambeth and W. E. Boone. , i - tr Ihe. Aaslatwa Ptiwa. " iicxiugton, Nov! 10. Warrants have been sworn out by Clarence ljithanr. dilof State' Bank Examiner for the arrest of J. I.. Armlleld, Zeh Griffltli; and R. T. Lnmlietli, nf Thomnsville. and ,W. 11 Boone, of Denton, I it- con nection with life failure during., the year of the Peoples Bank of Thomas vllle, the Bank of Thomnsville. ami the Bank of Denton, of which they wpm officers;. -Mr,' Griffith furnished lond In the sum of $10,000 when ar rcKieil late yesterday. :, The other war rants are expected to lie served twiny with the1x'eptSn of Arniflrld. whose wnereabovts are, salrf ibs nnknows to the ethecrs. A bond of JWKIft will he asked Of Armlleld and $VKK) from Lambeth and Boone, accordlni? to So licitor J. C. Bower, lir, Armlleld and. Mr. Griffith, president and cashier, re spectively, are charged with liability in the failure of the Bank of Thomas vllle. Mr. Iimbeih is accused in tbe failnny of tbe Peoples' Bnic artd Mr. Bonne, who was cashier. In (he Bank of Denton. . ' .. CARTER GLASS SPEAKS .The Churches Failed" 'Christianity When They Failed to Press For the League of Nations. I By ike AsMsolated rrraa.) Richmond, Nov; 10. ''Had the Chris tian churches of this country exhibited the same degree nf interest in the leu sue nf nations they are now mani festing in the disarmament of tlu. nation it would hare held its place In thoihlgb esteem of the world," I'nlted States Senator Carter Glass, of Vir ginia, declared lu a letter to John Stuart Bryan, publisher of a local newspaper, made public today. The letter added : "The churches in a large part fnil ed Christianity In the supreme test to which It has been put since the angels in Heaven sang of Christ's advent ami mission on earth. As I wrote a preach er friend of mine in Virginia the "oth er day, the church is getting religion too late. Its awakening should bare come wheu - the greatest Christian stntesman of all time summoned the nations of the earth, to, enter into a covenant which contained the very es sence of the Sermon on the Mount and was the consummation as far as the Christian nations could contrive of the sacritlc on Calvary." - , ; - WAKE FOREST FRESHMAN SHOOTS A SOPHOMORE R. R. PattersM Puts a Bullet into tbe Leg of J. S. Sanders, . . (Bjr UMt Asmrtate Pirn ) - Wake Forest.: Not.. 10 The condi tion of J. Si. Saunders sophomore at Wake Forest College, who was shot In the hip Tuesday nlghr by R. JU Patterson a Freshman, today was re ported as very satisfactory and it was said at the hospital he probably would be able to resume hfs. studies within a day or two.-, j " Pntterson claims he 6 red his '"re volver when he and several other first year men were attaokd on the campus by a party -of marked men as they were returning from a basket hall game. ' Patterson was a - victim of a basing party ahont a month ago. it is raid, having several locks of bis hair cut from his head, He resigned from the college yesterday, and ret awed to hb home in Favette'ville, It waa stated today.;.., v.--': l-V.'Vv-'" ?:v"-A''i' Garrett's Motion Laid an Tabjev ', Br tk A flsl Pntsa.) Washington, Nov; 10. F.fforts of the democrats to force- an Immediate vote on tae. aoeeptaace of the' Senate-SO per cent, amendment to tbe tax revis ion bill failed today, the House' voting after hot debate, ta lay on the table a resolution of acceptance offered . by Representative Garrett, f Tennessee, the minority, leader. i- New Orleani Is to use poison- gat tri an effort to exterminate rata. . J PART OP THE MI RCI.E v s i f v SHOALS PLANT LEASED Plant No. t Leased hy Geveraatent , te ihe AlaJuumi power Company. - . iUr fc AMMM-lalcd rremi.,. j15'- -Washington; Nov." 10. A temporary lease of the power plunt No. 2 of tbe Muscle Shoals, Alabama, project has been made to the ' Alabama . power Company, Secretary Wftefcs announced llay. k- '.-'" : -, The Cease was made fn -order that the -Alabama Company might, supply power . principally to the mills in Georgia, Alabama and the Carollnas which have been forced to close down because of the drought In those states. Although plant No. 2 Is part of the Muscle Shoe's project for which the Secretary is negotiating ' with Henry Ford for permanent disposal by, the government, it - was said the report submitted by an investigating board strongly reeommemled its Immediate leasing by Ihe Alaliama Power Cora pany. : s; ".. Under the terms of the lease the ' rto the Alabama Power Company. $10,000 a month and two cents, per kilowatt, hour. The lease can be terminated In -the discretion of Score tiry hy 30 days notice fd the holding company, t j. WOMAN LEGISLATOR v . - - ELECTED. IN MARYLAND Miss Mary Risteau Is a Parmer and a Democrats-Runs a Tractor on the Farm. " . ' " ' ;..,-:.' ,: w.. '',' I By ri AssaelMea Press. I Baltimore. 5 Nov. 10. Miss Mary F W. Ristcaiik the only one of the three women nominees for the Maryland leg, islafnrp-.elected, -last Tuesday. Is a farmer and a democrat. She has been in -charge of a 300-acre farm In Har- fodd County for some years, and when congratulated on her election said she was mora nsed to running's tractor than this legislative honor. "But I take things as they come,' shp added, "and I suppose 111 got used to this too. I have been doing a man's Joh on the farm, and I. intend to no a man's Joh-ln the legislature,' MAY BE NO BOIT OF DEMPSEY AND WILLIARD Tex Richard Impatient at VUlards v - Delay in Signing tp. Br ihe .sMeiata rrnn.) New York. Nov, 10.-,Arrangempnt for a, return of the world's heavy weight- bout, between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard, former holder of the title, regarded as practically closed a few weeks ago, now seem to lie almost dissipated. ' j : Promoter Tex Rickard... who plan ned the battle next July;- has exhibit, cd. imnatience iu Wlllard's delav lit slgi(rng,'lnp a-thT JmwW iteparril here are to the cfl'ect that Willard bain made a strike- iu his oil property." and If reports are true it Is not likely that be will devote his time' to another training for a match' with Dompsey. - LENA ML T. CLARK WHA RE v " TRIED O.N Mi KDKK t nAKGK Baxter H. Patterson Alse' Held as' an Accessory Before .tlie Act. by the Grand Jury. , -; ,, -' . .; y ' , (By the Asmw1McI tfrcM. ' Orlando, Fin., Nov. 10. An lndlcfr- ment. charging murder : in first degree was returned today hy an Orange County grand Jnry against Lena M. T. Clark, former postmistress at West Palm Bea-,-; In 'connection with the shooting to death here last August of Fred A. Miltimore. An Indictment, against. Baxter IT. Patterson, charging him with having been an accessory liefore the fact, also waa returned. Patterson, a chauffeur, i drove Miss Clark from West Palm Beach to Orland prior to the killing. f. D. ft MEETING BEING , HELD IN ST. LOOS Memorial Services Were Held Today Bah" WiU Be a Feature Tonight, my the Aart rreu.1 St. Iuls. Nov. 10. Memorial ser vices for Confederate soldiers who sncrifld their lives In the Civil War were held today at. the cemetery 'at Frset Park by the T'nited Daughters of tho Confederacy in convention hem Following the services the delegates! were taken on a sightseeing ,tonr of ! tbr cky and tonight -a ball Is to I given in honor of the- 00 pages who , eorved as messengers of the conven tion. THE COTTON MARKET First Prices Were S Peluts Higher en October, but Generally 4 to 12 Points IiOwer. , .: , Br th AwMK4aea Prrss.) .New York, Nov. illOr-Se'llug In. sdred by unexpectedly large ginning returns ot yesterday was renewed in the cotton market at the onuing to day. ' First ' prices were five points higher on October, hnt generally 4 to 12 points lower, with January selling off to 17.07 or ipto new low ground for the movement. . Cotton futures 'opened steady. December 17:40;' January 17.10 March 17.05, May. M.90; Jwly 1M5. , y . v ' - - : ..V ' Death of Mrs, Anaie Bonds;' " v Mrs! Annie Bonds died November TL aged OS years, one mouth and two duys. The deceased was the widow of tbe late Lewis Bonds. Before her marriage ehe was. Miss Annie Weaver. She leaves . to. mourn her death two sons, two daughters ; and fourteen grandchildren, thirteen, of whom 'are living, and two- great grandcblldren. The children are Sirs; Thomas' Fink, Mrs. Clifford Fink, Mr. Charlie and Mr. Jaeob Bonds. The grandchildren ares Mrs. Paul CUne. Walter. Reuben, Floy, Herman- Lyon, Billy, Gnrl?, Russell Gink, Misses Annie H., Mabel Fink, Win ta and M ehn Roads. : .' P. ' "Soldiera of ForWae,'" - a" Reaiar special production, la tetng' fehowh at tbe Pastime theatre today, with an all atar cast- v,., , -: king s daughters : 3eeti;:g ; Select Greenville as the 1922 . , '' Meeting: Place for Conven-, ' tion.- No Opposition to ' " ' .: Selection, -'.O-k':, :yyyt;; '' tV MEMORIAL SERVICE FEATURE YESTERDAY -: Bridge Presented to Training ; School and Window Dedi- 'i cated. Thirty-five Dele- 1 gates Were Present; . ' 1 ,7 -:. -,'.:.- - - - :- T ' . y -; ( , t" .-..- .. : yft', The 32nd annual convention of the '.( North Carolina luan9i V"'" Klng'a i Daughters and Sons knhi$Ad a clove S last night after selecting Xleenvllle . -s - j as the 1922 meeting place pincers i were chosen at the-mornlni; session -' .yesterday, alt old .offlci-ri tSelng re--. elected, -v. : ,. :.'.;:- i.Jtjf l-j;--.x','.l'.-i -- The afternoon session proved tbe ' most interesting of the entire nven- tion, memorial services-c being held at' t : that. time. Features ' of the - service were the dedication of the , memorial Window In . the ' Jachson Training .I i school chapel and the preseuratlon ' to the school of the bridge connecting - : the chapel with the other buildings of ; the institution. The -bape) was erwt ; i ed of stone gathered around the school property and the windows wiis pur- , chased by the Daughters. The orirtue is also constructed of tttone and forms ; an arch over the national niRnwuy, . It wag erected hy the Dnnghtera. ' ' The dedication service, was conduct- ; ed hy Rev, M A. Barber, of Raleigh. ;t The bridge -was nrt.ienieu- 10 the - school by Mrs. D Y. Cooper, of Hen - derson, and was accepted by - J. P.- ' Cook, chairman ot the board of.dli-ec-t tors of the institution. . y The session last night was oeroted ' ; almost entirely to story telling, and was most informal. Devotional exer-. !,-, . cises were conducted -hy Rev.' J. Frank A. Armstrong, and singin? br iu coys ,: of the Traiplng School proved ode of :, the features. , ' . . - , , , , Among the speakers of the even Ing were; D. B. Coltrane. Mrs, T. (V . Blckett. Mrs. Cherry. ' Mrs. , Lairsoq,. .,- -MlaShaw and MI Russen. i'lfdges ' ( ectre( fippnntod,to $G00,.. ' i A, vOne of the oleMwhtftri-lfeatwes . ',. . of ;ihlir; ronvention was ,Ahe fcarhectie serred by the boy of the-Tralnjria; -School, to the -delegatee... numbers ot . i tbe Stonewall Circle and their fnetidrf , yesterday at 1 o'clock. More than "150. persons enpoyed the "feed" which waa ' -, not only dellciously prepared, but waa also served In abundance. Sunt, Charles . EL Boger .had the boys of ' the school to prepare a- room of ... exhibits, and everyone present at the , , barbecue found much of interest in . the exhibit room.. Canned goods, took- ' -. ed, canned and labeled hy -the stu- . ; sumptuous , dinner prepared, - Jy ..- the , , - boys;-uniforms and overalls made by v : the tooys; and darning work by tha .ft : boys, were among the. exhibits..: The . '. dinner Included sweet 'potatoes,- irish.-.v potatoes, rice, baked chicken, com . i bread, mnfBn, enkes- and pies, show- . , ing plainly that among the students at , the school there are many fine cooks. " Thirty-five delegates- were present for the convention and -they were n , tertained at the Tmining school.-All of them returned to-their hemes today,-,-; . The following is Mrs. Coopsrs pre- sentation sjipecb : . . , Friends, the Klng'a Daughters, nnfl ". Sons, Bovs of the Stonewall Jackson Training School: It is a great pviv- -Uege to he here on this occasion and , to havo thei honor of presenting this : beautiful Bridge. It Is a gift of love from the N. ('.. Branch of' rhe King's , Daughters and Sons,- a lwemorlnl to our own North Carolina men who gave their lives for their rMuiWT and tin- ; manity's sake. The flvst two - v ho -were to lav down 'their Hves - from v . North Carolina were from this school. , Daniel Poplin and OeoTge' Holden, !V killed in action. '..'" i y Is it not wonderful 'to' ktiow' flint ., two of your eompanlous who walkel and talked with you were willing to ' go to foreign fields to flght-rnd there gave np their young and strong, lives for you and me? Whenever wo cross this Bridge let us remember them. . feeling thev have nasseil ever the , ' Bridge of Uumnn rdesires and aspira- --r Hons on the highway of lit;- and en- ; ' : tered we trust and believe Into -the ". beautiful fields of paradise. Do you hov know who" first suggested : the 1 King's Daughters - faking no this grand Stonewall Jackson School an: : who by Jier efforts- and- prayers made -it. possible T Mrs, Wi II. s; Iturgwvu President of the X..'v'llrneh nf The y King's Danghtera and-.-, she ha " ' -' worked and prayed over It fiw,inanv -years. The King's Daughter built -' the first cottage- then the Margnret Burgwyn Chapel ami this-" Itrlil'. which links the two. The tlrst eoudi- , Hon of human- gixsinoss is anmethiug to lovev.the second, somelliiug to, re ;., eronce, so dear boy-t, love eavh other -and yone teaer , roven-nce '.lod ami v , Hla hrtuse. " ::. . i- .. -; In presenting this Bridge Tiom th King's-Daughter and -Sons ' to Mr. .. ( 'jf k for the Stonewall Jackson Train ing Mcnooi let me add a word or prulsa and gratitude to Mr. Cook Mr. Colrrane, Mr. 'Roger and their anso-' elate for - the graqd and nosrlitsli v work they have doanapd are'do'u?. making-useful uieu 'for: tbe gooij f wntaw ana. tna. woria. ' : ; " -0od' blesslQBs'wUl surely rest rwu them for He says, "In as r 1 "'j ps ? did It, vnta ou of toe 1 f ef r"v brethren, ye; Jpave dime it i