4 !1:' 0 00 O O 0 0 O r r o - TODAY'S .Q ' -"..Oy. KEVS., .vv :'0-.:'V I '--:. -y 'iK. '',--'',-.-','J"1 .-1 :? A. 'Jt J 'A A A " --"I V V Vf ' w W . M s nCTTr ' ;o ASSOCIATED o h I " . A X fV O PRESS O :': O: TODAY, : po o o o o o 9 s r!; M' 2' V.'-i-f Jflt jftt jft j& jft iH .V--..- VOLUME XXI. .CONCORD; NJ C. MON ' NO. 244. .r.iSTiDE c:;:::q is r.:Ai:i speakeb today lie Held Arms Conference in ? y Attention While He Told :'Mi or France's rNeedsj iFr.Cii -vv Larger Array. ; . . ' :, ; J: ;BIG GATIIEniNG ' si i HEARD ADDRESS s One of the Rfost Distinguish ed Gatherings In History Jlead the Plea of Prime .Minister, ofFrance, $ Wahlncton. NoT,'21.jfBy the Afwo w4HMHl rrpsi! -Arlfitlrte BHflii, irti tlmm Prime SlinlxtPr at Kram. hefrt r.?th armN ooufwuiw in a raphonr to-,-- y with Abo world for hU bikIIobcp, t-: hil he told of the nedn of Vtnnce ' for )nrcrmy.r.Tbe plrturwijun :t ntron( man" of Frnnt. ncknowlwlBod 4 i - i l.nla.tkn 4tn.M phriinmentary toiod In Europe," ' . ilr. 4,i,.h MnkA.1 rm.1 , , otinl Hall of the Dft)Bhter4 of thef thlS BrI Tvwlayttfter. I ' a.nM4M.?nMrintlm.. with-- mu rmnooiKlMifft-befo to arrive. Forty-two American Hiroliitlrtft with anch :. a an I her I n of dlxtliiKiitHhcd notable at aoldoin la found under the roof of one biiildinK. v. ; . v ' 'Hie I'remler'a voice, -Ordinarily rt brnt and .penetratlnjr. and particularly rich in overtones, modulated to PU the hal and. no more.', ?' -'..- . .' , - , . : --ti ;s Brian ,:Glv Flrttrea. V y;? . Wa?bleton, Xo: 21. (By the Aano-elatPiL-aaOr-!'nJr while an- parentlyi diKarmcdr iTremler Brlnnd i MKi tne conference on nnmuina i- 'riik w . winlH irlt.lt her tiresent nisrnlnerr ; raiw an army oi ,wvw w At least 2-TO,O0O Germasre recelr Intf dally military instruction, be add; Althoiuth av part - of Ocrmnnr erj- dciitly wants peace and is ready to get back to peaceful pursuits, the French "premier continued, another ' portion, - headed by the Ludcndorff and ethers ' of the military caste. Is eoirtlunlng to nreach the iotd PrusHiah doctrines v. , la a "dramatic speech of n hour the , French Premier outlined "wnat is be ing said at the door of FraiK."r which .Jllow can anyone ask J raace; w rtis- armyvwHtax stH mijiuio Jtfva-- ed. -. c. 1 's.s tiwt t , ' Prettier: ftrland, rising to privtnl ihe views of FraneA bojran hy iarln ills Kovernment was anxioun.to iakp all . measure; possible to;.snr$ ii lasting peace. . . .... ; Prance eould hot put .down hex arm" ' tinder, .present'jflrcumatances. declared ' Premier' Briand because of conditions v - fiostly roiK-hlni her national lutegr- tyt 'lie said . that because f ondl- f tlona of Instability , that Franc must menstire them- with -refcreuco to the I conscquenceH of her own security. ;- ; America,' said . M.j Brland,-must see -. Vrance through unclouded glories be i ' fore it could appraise the situation, in ' its true, lUht.VThe picture, ptesented f by Europe after the. .victory waa hard " to visualhM, he added.' V 'U Critics bad saW that France eonght . military ascendency in Europe, he wild, asfertlug that the imputation war on ly a cruel reproach- especially .coming : after 'her record In the war. . ,.' . Everyone whq , know.s France,' he continued, knows the uh truth of the 'accusation. , He asserted that if ever there wafr a icountry 'v'conimllted to peace it was. france, ut he added - ihnt .since ... the, war his country .has gone through many, deceptions, and v bad seen Germany" refuse her obllga-' v. . tlona... 'V ,.y-w yK ' -' " :i 1 Asertug with aU his power tnl France was the foe of ho nation. Mr. Brland said his government wanted . a continued, and real peace with Oer many. ' In Germany, .he said, there ere numerous people who- want' sin-. ' cerely a peace.'. founded on democratic, institutions, and he declared it was' that sort of Germane to which the 1 world must look for hope But hfel ' asked how could France ignore "the, ' other Germany of the Hohenaollcrns." .': The old imperial party, he added,. has " tried repeatedly, to regain tjontrol of the government. -. .- e . '.' ; . -t ' : . " As an example, if. Brland read aev- eral passage from memoirs of iAidcn i dorff regarding Germany'a aspirations f , for world conquest Among these cl tntions was LunendorfTs . declaration .- that the institution, of war was a creo t lion of God.- -- - - -,.-V;f -'." ?"''.'' I Throwing the Ludeudor : manu - sorlpt dramatically upon the- table, M. ' Briand declared it should convince the t world, what was , being said at the ." door of France. : a ,, r- ' , The Premier remarked onemiuit feel great responsibility t'when rising :Ao speak from thia platform, from whence -. every word goea to anxious and -atten-i tlve eara of the worlds " ' - . v t "I shall endeavor to present the sit- nation with its true genuine face,' he f dectared, "to show that France is more -J ready than any other country to direct her steps In the ; paths for higher j peace. Nothing could bo more pleas ' aut than to tell you this. We bring hero sacrifices.. , We , have sufTcred ; much la the war ; we have fought ' a i great battle, but w must regard now " our own permanent securlt. ' ' - "Jjet me explain for France that If '- you want to make peace, it must . be ' made by two people, you. and yout J nelghtwr. I am. speaking particularly J" of land armaments,' because there is a ' situation you have no right to neg- lect It i necessary that beside phys- I I ical dlwirnuiment there, should be a I I general atmOsj)here of peacst-j-lnother i words, moral ditarn)ameu(. ) -"In Europe today some conditions TEACilFRS' ASSEMBLY tostjitto;;i Oncers (Predict the Largest ! Gathering in History of jlMeetingsrrOpening :y Se : ; eions Tomorrow. "-, , . spelunFcontest : ONE BIG FEATURE County Superintendents Will upen meirsi 01 ruieen Groups, and Many ? Have Already Arrived. J V ," (fcy JUmUltl fM.) Balelelw 'No. 2t-Elpht tbounand one-hunilrnl aiid thirty rpjjltttrnatlnnx ill in irntn Tenrner awteraiuy mem bemhin havlne been reached today and the aiunber exceeded safely all nrol fnna jreonrda.' the otfioern . today prophesied that, the convention in I neiu tie re tnm weeic wonia nrenK ac tendance inarku of fomor a.wmblieil tVMinty annerlntendenta to open the noo n- harft began to arrive. Forty-two counties to date have ahnonnced their phrnoRe ,to -enter, two pupils for' the Htatewide apeiling context to take place Tnendny afternoon Prof. B. O. KIhct, of Rowan the oldest superintendent in the state, is "to bring; a 7th-. . trade speller, who has mastered every word in' the hook, -It is said, from which the 100 words will be taken, ' The assembly proper opens tfednes. da afternoon with rresidnt: K. ..u. iAtham of the Wlnston-Snlcin schools presiding.;; The chamber of commerce i.. -i -v.i n ..... .t .tnr their enrertaiumut at- hotels, Itoarding houses and private rest dences.- Dr. A E. Wlnshlp, editor of New England journal of Education, and one of the assembly apeakers, arvfef '1in6Ml Water and Ught company .Thanksgiving Sale at Eflrd'a. '.-Kurd's has a big two-page ad. in this paper, today enumerating some of the many fine bargains, you can And at the store during the big Pre-Thnnka tiring Hale. The ad, lit full of attractive bargains,' and yon can And still more at the store. Dent fail to read the ad and call ht the store to see the IteedjiiWy ' .WT h' lialr W the Made of roost of tne thousanda of doile -exhibited in shop windows Is obtained from the Angora gantry --'ff, t,; ;v still .are- prevalent, .and - France ,ia' ol figwl to state them.-- Many of yen peo ple know Frsndvri,(su-aien came to us at a 'most critical time oKoe war. They have seen -France ami they know her. j They have seen&usope and they (inow. It.. -,OertalnlyTti men liave come Itack .to. enlighten your -country. and they bare come bark to help wipe away -some of the noxious sa.es which prevailed, spread by the' common eno my," " ' ' .5 i ' j . . u v. . ; i "Here. in. this conntry,,fi the Premier continued,. oU.bare your state and do not know, the tangible bnrrlers of Kn ropc. If, muHt I difAcult fnr.aoinc af you to realise wnat conditions are pre vailing .in Europe.- 'Germany has re duced her army. Most of her war ma terial ti deslnyei.: Why is- it France Keeps sucn a cnnsuicmiiio army: "Homo .people think, that France must have some hidden tbopght. ; It has been said that France wanted- to. establish In Europe a sort of military supremacy. Probably this' is the most 1 painful and cruel thing a. Frenchman could be told, to-tell the world that we uave pernnious lmennons ana mili tary designs ta sad and most disheart ening. ' - ; 4 '.: .;:' ' "Not one word of it Is true." ex claimed M. Briand, pounding the tabio With both flsts. "if there is a coun try that wants peace with all our heart, believing in it will -all faith, that country Is France.". ' Since the, armistice France has had to wait for the realization of certain things' v . ,1-,. , .-. ... r i:. ' France Win Reduce Army. V't- .'. Washington," Nov. 21. ( By the Asso ciated Press. France, Premier ' Brig and told the armament conference to day, proposed a further reduction' In Ita army which would bring it to half its former strength, but still leave of coarse .the force which be contended was necessary to assure her security. ; ; v'r IlaljT Will Reduce Army; ... s,-. -Washington. Nov: 21. By the Asso ciated -Press) -Senator Rchanaer. head ing the Italian, delegation, told the arms conference today that although Italy thought 200,000 men a Just quo ta for? ner. army, plans were being mA6 for a further reduction. ; . ' , r Janan'altHtiMle, - 'r Washington, Nov. 2t. 1 By the Asso ciated Press). Jnpan wants only such an array, Baron Kato, of the Japanese delegation; told ' the arms conference, as waa "absolutely necessary tor pure ly defensive purposes necessitated by the Far Eastern situation." 4 -, ' Great Britain Will Help Fraaea, Washington, Nov. 21. (By theAs-aqclated- Press), 8(lenklng for Great! Rritaln'and in reply to I'remUr Briand of France at the arms conference today Arthur J Balfour heading the British delegate practically pledgd the sup- port of Great Britain to France "in the face of lust for domination." ; . Conference Called at 11.01. Washlngfon, Nov. ' 21. The third plenary eesaion of the armament con ferenee waa called to orded by Secre e - tary Hughes at 11.01 o'clock. llHiMittiil! I ' II .1; TEAMS REPRB6NTIIV6 A J-HW '' ;i 'FRANCE j) jT.'y - Li ' : nun ill i ;umitiAVvr fc a " sun mmmm mm wmmmm JAMF.8 GARVEY DIED AT"' - '' THE CONCORD HOSPITAL Waa Injured Several Weeks Ag When t- He came in Contact With Live Wire. ' James Gnrrey, young white man of jew low I'lty, who was injured on OctobeV 21st, at the jKerr street plant when his, body "came in contact with a live' wire, died this morning at seven oVIock at the Concord Hospital where he- lied- been undergoing .: treatment since his injury. , . . Little l known of unrvey here. He had: lieen'in the employ of the local rontpany btrt a week When lie was in- li)Md A brother.- from vXew? Tork City.-iW-a here last -wect to see him.l and a. sister, -also a resident of 'New Xprli yRjyj-A been JHDltWd . of -4,lM ileuth. " It Is nor know -whether .IBe body will be shipped! hoatt fer'buntal, or M interred here. sv- v-- ;Krom . tnfonsntlon friends' here could' gather, Harvey .had iteen livlns In.vArkms parts bf the 1'nlied -States for-the past 2.1 years;', picking up wtd Jobs in each town. vHI age- is not knnwn;' ft! i , -''..' ' ..,,f-iy-:.x: -,- if--. .i ii In jiiiii i '; .:-.'-.si: i .) r :'- 'f-i Foy-Toung. . . ! , Ori Saturday trlght at- 7 rilO o'clork lltss Laurel Frances Young, the bean tlful and attractive daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. John U. Young, became' -the brlde'of lir. W. U'.'Foy. of High Point. Mr. Foy s the son' of Sir: and Mrs. W. A. Foy. of Beldsvllle,' and Is- an hp right young' mart of excellent Vharnc- ter. - ': '",.-. ' : '- ' . ' ' ' '7 ' The wedding was a very pretty but quiet affair, with only a-few friends and relatives present. -- .'f - . Messrs. ' Neal, Dr.' Teagn- Pete, Tnung; and Johnston, or ueidsvllle.' C'Mr. and Mrs.' 3, Q Boger. of Kan nations. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Talbnrt. of this dty and Misft-Blanche ;Tceter. of . nnrrbpurg were- present. Miss Blanche Teeter, of Ilarrisburg; ; acted as bridesmaid nnd - DiH-Tengue- as best man. Mis Yeonir wa.)'marrlod . In a brown coat, suit -with accessories to match.. ' '?-'- -'"'y-y '-v. 'i,v The ring' cercmotiy was nscti. in'.'j. M., Grler. pastor of the First Presbyf terian Church, of which itlss Yung is a member, officiated. -. : . Immediately after the ceremony the couple- left for their home, in High Point, where Mr. Foy-holds a .responsible- iiositlon as secretary- and treas urer of the Reidsville Box and Paper factory. Mr. and Mrs.- Foy liave a host of friends In Concord and High Point, as well as throughout the state who will wish them aMong ana nappy life. . . . ',:: . ; ( LOI'DBI RSTH WROUGHT :;. havoc i. Misiiy Entire VUlagea Were Swept Away and Several Person Are Kepeneoi yeao. Messina, Sicily,, Nov. 21. fcloud4. bursts have devastated the whole countryside in the region of this city, entire villages being swept ,by floods and linen of communication broken. Hundreds of persons are homeless and several are reported dead, 4 ' ( - .;' t T , Supper at St. JWin'a i Thank sgivlnj - - f Evenlnf and Night. , The Farmers' Cnlon of 8tv John's will give a supper consisting of oys ters meats, cakes, etc, also refresh ments, at- the schooihouse on Thanks giving evening and nlafat from 3 :30 till 10 p. m. The. proceeds will go for the benefit of the union. r The puW In is lnvltedT Come and enjoy yourself. ; ;s- ;kv.-.t 'X. 't. '' ' ' At Tne Tlieafrea, ' v ; "Midsummer Maiuiess" a big Part' mount 8peclal pUture, with l-ol Wil eon and Lila Lee in the leading rolw, Is the attraction at the 8tar t ben (re. v "Winners of the West" the Wg ae rial, and a I.ee Moran comedy. "Boo lnson's Trousseau," make up the at tractive program at the Tastlme trfday. : The Piedmont today la offering Wil liam Farnum, one of the most talent ied of the. screen stars. In that great 'feature, "Rough and Ready.' . - v. t iAuS'OTEs.: V; Busy Week ef Artivltlcs V the Y. i.'-v:vVV'.y.L;C,A.;... ' y; -. ' Another busy -week is scheduled at the Y. M. C. A.-' waiting today. Itelow is a schedule of activirles as already prepared for the week: x. Monday Younger hoys on the, 8opr from tt::H) to 4:80.' f Employed girls'- clans in liasketlwll ami other athletics, .;?.H. Olrls 1 HI Y club gym class from fki. Boys'Y team practice from 040. v ? - Tnesilny Junior : girls hour' frwn 3:30-4:30 with Mary Donnel Smoot. Botary. dub has night, session in the gymnasium from to l:30. . . i Weilnesflny Grade lioys on the floor. froui.,'!'!(H:3t, Harry Watson leader. V C C Xr teas toloya Erlanger x tllC'i:WV-"-.V'v MvThrirsday-iThnnhsBl vtng r Day. Y. closed all day; Frldny First-; Y basket ball prac tice . Junior T boy on the floor from :: to4:.'U). . KariirdnyM-lasi'es lu the- forenoon and afternoon as usual.' Movies at night at.- 7:4.i. rathe Weekly and Aesop's Fables, Hunday-i-Paiil'. "Suushine" Dietrich will f pent at the Y. M. C. A. to men and women at 8 o'clock. . This Is the second number on the' lecture..conrse. Mr. Dietrich will nl.io speak at the Y Monday night, November 28, on the following 'Monday. The address , on Bnnday aftcrhoon is free. Regtilar ad mission charged Monday night. COTTON GINNED 7,!7,55 Running Bales Glnne This Yea Prior to November 14th, ' the i 'CeuMis Bureau Ktatea.' . ' v y .JMMWlte4 Vrrum.) . , .Washington.-Nov. Sl.r-Cotton gin ned prior to November 14th amounted to 7.270,575 running bales, including llWW round bales. 10,047 Imles of American-Egyptian, nnd 2,tC3 bales of Sea Island, the Census - Bureau an nounced today. To that date last year ,R,Slt4.42 running bales were ginned. Including tl7ft2M round bales, 31,514 hales of American-Kgyptian, and 848 bales of Wea Island. . GInnings by states included : North Carolina -70,OR1 bales; South Carolina 085,021.; Virginia IK.283. , '--. William Fanram Here In BemnriiaWe '., Drama.--:! ( , -. . if tlu amount of strong" a:l swift action 1ft a photop'.nv ia any meas ure tf the-popularity it Is to enjoy, the W,illiamJ Fox productlou of the East and West, "Bough and Beady." starring William Farnum, la certain to be hailed as a remarkable drama. This picture will be at the Piedmont theatre today and for two day -Next to the brilliant action, which Mr. Farnum dominates In hi nlwyiya forceful style, -be keynote of 'Rough and Beady" la probably nntisnalness. The film .treats of the "eternal triangle".. In a- masterful anil unusual way. Just where the- plctursgoer ex pects that tbe glory will follow a time honored course; U turns suddenly and goes forward In a different manner. It Introduces new complications and dramatic situations of powerful In terest ,v. - , In every other essential detail, the production la said to be equally un usual lu the quality.. of the photo graphy. In the: novelty of the double and . triple explosurey and In tbe beautiful settings. ; ; '-':. ', .' t , '!'' SU John't Cemmnnlty Clun. The following will be tho program for St. John's Community Club meet ing to lie held NoremlMT 2-ith at 3 o'clock : , '," :- t ,t . -, Song. ' Prayer. ' ' Short exercises by leobool ebtldren.' ' Address : "What tbe Community Club Is Worth to the Community." Bcv. T. N. Lawrence. 'v ' ' -Music by Community String Band. Short Talks- by Rev. R. T. Trout nan and others. , "What the Community Clubs have (done for the Community,'' I Business.- ' ' , WIELDS WICKED WEAPON Head of Sim Nelson Almost Severed From Body by Knife In Hands ef -.'Carl rttepleteiu - ..That Carl Steplcton, negro, wields a wicked weapon - when occasion de mands, is evidenced by tbe wounds he inflicted on the'rieck of Him Nelson, another negro. In East Kannapolis Saturday night.. Nelson's neck was cut from ear to ear, tbe blade of the knife Slepleton Used. stopping Its mad career into the body of the victim on ly when the bone In bis neck was reached. The negro lived 'about nu hour, during which time. Htepleton de parted for other regions. f--.The . killing occurred lu a, "restau- ranfV nnerated by. Hid Allison, and followefi.i. minnndrxtsndlnc , between the-twi negroes, f Lovatjtaiefrw'hsvel been" nnnMe far, to determine' just what diit stnot tnght, the other oth er negroes present showing a marked degree of hesitancy In discussing the affair... rememlering, otllcers believe, the accuracy and speed with which Steplcton. used his- knife. No inquest, over tbe hotly was hold, and the officers have devoted their ttme since the killing- to -efforts to catch Steplcton. who left the. "festival" In' Allison's houses Immediately after the fatal strokes , ,- ., -. 7 AWAITING ACTION BY . .MINK WORKERS NOW A 80 Per Cent. Reduction in Wages Made in Ten Companies' .Mines. (Br tke AS finta rrtmm. i Walsenberg," Colo.', 'Nov, 2l.-r-The Colorado Fuel k Iron Company, aud district officials of the i'nited Mine Workers, looked forwnrd today for def inite information concerning the real extent of the. strike of the coul intiir ers In Southern Colorado as a result of a .10 per cent, wage reduction In augurated in ten. companies' mines on Inst Wednesday. THE COTTON MARKET. Opened Firm at an Advance ef 27 to 49 Points, with Janusu-v Selling at - 17.81. " ' I Br tbe Aaaaelafra rwo.1 New York,- Nov. '-21.rThe cotton market opened Arm at an advance of 27. to 45 points, with January selling at 17-11 on relatively Arm Liverpool cables and slightly lighter ginning re turns than anticipated. Cotton f ntnres opened - strong : De cember 17.20 to 17.40; January 1755; March 17.35 : May . 17.00 ; July ' With Our Advertisers. Toil will find a , well . bred atmos phere In the-dining room of the Kt Cloud Hotel,' says a " hew ait In this paper. Be certalu to read the ad. carefully. '.. ' You can find some of the best rec ords made In the latest Victor Red Seal records at the Bell-Harris Furniture Co. ' Be certain to rend the ad.-care-ftilly. 'v:.. '- . ''- v " Good furniture ? adds ehecr to the holiday' spirit, saya the Bell-Harris Furniture Co.. In a new ad. today. This Company Is ready to sell yon the best, as yau can determine by. rending the new ad. today. : - , I '- v i Ton can find such prices at the Barrier-Widcnhouse'. Co. that yon will bo tbaukful.i The company sells for rashv but at a saving to you. It' states in . new ad. today that. will interest yon. . . '':' ' s '- ', ' In a ne wad. today nine's Pharmacy mentions cough syrup' for your first 'cough. Bead .the. ad. carefully. : . . - ,"At Heme" Temerrow Afterneon. Mrs. J. 41. -Parks . .. . At Himie I y Tuesday afternoon. . November tbe twenty-eei-ond- -Nineteen hundred aud twenty-one ' ,. Three-thirty to Bve - Mra. C. E. Parka. .. . . . ,, hi . i. J The most aDnelllng accident in bla- itory waa the falling of in : amphi theatre in j Borne in tne 4 time or Tlberlns. Fifty thousand people were crushed. .- - . '.. MBS. W, f. MOVTCfJi Aged, and Much etrweman af J Much vl This iity Pwwes. Funeral Held en . Rnnaay'AnernaaC.'---''-;-.-'-1-''.?'-.-; : Mrs. Lucy ' Richmond Montgomery, wife of the late Judge.W. J.' Mont gomery, died at ber home here Satur day afternoon at 4:10 o'clock, after a serious Illness of ten- days. C;'v Mm. Montgomery bad .been In 'de clining health for the past year nd had been unable to leave her home for the past several months. '- Last Satur day a week ago her condition became critical, and no hope had been enter tained for her recovery from that date. . ' !v,(-"--'Vr:;: Mrs Montgomery was in" her 74th year, and had she lived until Decem ber 2 she would have, celebrated her 73tji birthday. She 1 was born rat Woddvllle. near Milton, the colonial home of her parents, the late Caleb ami Mary IVxon Richmond, and she moved to Concord immediately after her marriage-to Judge Montgomery on April 20,. 1K7L Her husband died J nne . 28, 1012. To thes union eight children . Irero r born, four surviving. She Is also survived by two brother, three step, children and eight grand children. . -. .' '' j;;:Mi,;: y The children' are; ij.y .'-y -T C. R. and W; J. Montgomery.-, of this clty rMrsv Hanoi Wlthersponn. of Lancaster . and Mrs. Frwl C. Correll, of Oreenxlioro. . 1 . -. The step children ai-e: ' " . j. ; , Mrs. E. V. Register, of Charlotte ; Dr. John C. Montsomery. of Charlotte; Mrs. J.-B Sherrill. of this city. , , -.-Caleb Richmond, of Cunnlngliam. and George Richmond, of Bedford.' Ta are the brothers. - --. .- ') . : : . i Mrs. J. D. Intx, George, Betty, Lil He and Ellen Mnntsomerv ' arc the ehildren who nreeeiled their mnthor tn: the grave., v During her life in Com-ord Mrs. Montgomery was a member of n trnl Methodist church, and so long, as she -was pbyelcally able she was pe- cnliarly interested in all church work, Sho was also an active member of tbe I'nited Daughters of the Confederacy until her health failed several years ago. . Hundreds of friends and relatives of Ms. Montgomery gathered at her late home on North Chnri'h street yester day afternoon for the funeral services, which were conducted by Rev.' T, W. Smith, at S o'clock," Mr. Smith was assisted by Dr. J. M. Grler,-pastor of the First Presbyterian Chnrdi, and Rev. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of Central Methodist Church, i , i ri . - Three selections, "Jesus Lover of "My "Ak-eep In were licesalvrt4v Jtin ' M.iir. MiHillfui Otti mi .Inutiftib altasted the love"nf esteem lit vln. B Mjf. Montgomery' was held 1g a -very large nnmben of friends, Crhe-. nbmc aud yard having -bee fllle. o-nver- flowln'iffor-tlwrinwT y--'-:'.' Th. mi t At, The quartet waa composed 'of .Mrs. It- A. Bro wer. Jlrtja, R.. JYagouer,. Mi Ben Craven and Mr. Ed. Sherrill. . The pnll -benrers,.tlt relatives of Mrs. Montgomery, were t -iV -".'i -'; M. I. and i. II. ttlohmond. John M. Osflcshy, NvAl-ArchlbaliL-William M. ljcnta anil ;W. M. Sherrill. -' A large number of- out-of-town rela tives nnd friends were present for the service, including Mrs.'- E. C Register. Dr. aud Mrs. J. C Montgomery, Mrs. Charles Montgomery,' Mrs. John Craw ford. Mr. and Mrs. F. W Russell, Mrs. Mnble Steele. Mr and Mrs. .h 1'. Stowe. Herman 'Dowd. Of .Charlotte. .AUcnilanis ' from other ' places ln- clmleil ,Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Harding and Mrs.-Nan Whltaker, of DnvldBon; J. Iy Carpenter, of Greenville, S. C. ; Mrs. J. U-Selgle, of Inoir; Miss Cora Lee Montgomery, of Monroe ; Miss Mary Rnmsenr,, of fVmverse t olleae; Mr,- Fred Correll. of Greensboro ; Mrs. Haze! Wltherspoon. of Lancaster, S. C No person In Concord, was bet ter; known than Mrs. .Montgomery. She had played n prominent part in the civic, social nnd religious life of the city for more than years, and had been the friend to everyone who. knew. her. Though her death was not un expected, it caused great sorrow in this city, where the deceased was greatly beloved by a wide family circle, and hundreds of friends. : Death of R M Blarkwolder. nielmrd M. Blackwe'nier.. Htfcil 851-2 years, died at bin' homo t.-n Trilmne Street at midnight on Siturdny night, death resulting from pntn lysis. Mr. Itlackweliler sufferel a first stroke of paralysis on Thursday mornlns,' and this was followed by a second one about ten o'clock Friday night. ; Mr. Rlackweller Is .survived by his third wife, .-who before marring waa the widow of the bite Davidson Bar ringer; and by three ons; Messrs A. P. Blackwe:der and Asa Block welder, of this county; and by Mr. Alonao Blnckwelden of Columbia, . Eight grandchildren and m gruat . grand child also aurvive. - y, . ' . -- Funeral services were held at noon today from Mount Herman Lntlieran Church, of which the deceased was one of tbe charter members, -conducted by tue pastor, .ko. i. t. Moose, j t. Every Jfeaaher Canvass la'Latberaa - - tvao4 This Wee. -I Oloorsevllle. Nov. 20.-HThanksglving week haa been Besignated as steward ship and benevolence week lu the Uni ted Lutheran aynodd of North Caro lina, During this week the every mem ber canvas will e conducted in the 211 congregations of the synod. Thia canvasa will be for the purp?s? of se curing weekly pledges for the local aupport-' of1 the Individual congrega tlona, also for the apportionments of the North Carolina synod and tbe Uni ted Lutheran x-burch of America, v Tbe amount tor the local expenses of the congregations will be $300,000. This will not Include, any gpeoUl work that may be onderta'ken locally nor Improvement of property. -. The amount asked for benevo'.ance is l63,ooo. ,., '. ; -. DIELO PAYS VITH HIS LIFE For the';; Murder!, of J. ." II. Nantz, a Public Chauffeur, Who Was Killed October! ';;20th,l2(L-..;4i PRISONER SHOWED . v - NO NERVOUSNESS And He Marched Into the Death Cell With a Steady " Step. Made No Statement About the Crime. . . ' .; ifr ba Aiwrtattt rimw.) ,'. '. . , Raleigh. Nov. 21. Will Y: , Wet-; morelnn(l, of Iredell rounty, convlcteil, of the murder of J.. H. Nanta. a puM .;' lie chauffeur ' noa r . Statesville on tho -" night of October. 20. 1020. was electro-. cuted at tbe state prison here at 10 JO this morning. ; - ,.- !: , A- , - -. iv nestmorelnnd walked from his cell : to the death'chair, a distance, of Hi feet, without a faltering step. When '; the deputy - warden opened the con- drmned man's cell door to lead bini to nis deatli westmoreianrt walkea brisk-. , ly out and down the aisleway to the, death room. Only two shocks of short V duration were- -. reaulred to produce death. He snowed uo emotion as he( was Being H trapped to tile .electric chair;. 1 (' Westmoreland sis-iit the last few hours of bis- life in prayer -will rilh his j .' Jicc '.;,". lurch of - .. spiritual, advisers. Rev. Vf: White, of .the Presbyterian church of Raleigh, aud Rev. I). U Tliomns, local negro minister. '-Cp- to this morn- '-' tug Westmoreland .whs said to huveY '; f,.;''V ; been .indifferent as to his spiritual lie- iv jTV.' '' ingv but . today he asked ' tho ; negro -' f'y :j nl ulster to . read to him tbe - 14ttt - ; T -' V Chapter of St. Jobrt. f Wesrmorelund . ' .. also sang with Hev.'Thoma "Jesus . . ' IiOver" of MyxSouI," audNeorer My . - - God to Thee, a few minutes before be " : , was led to the death chamber where " ' . the deadly: current was shot through ; . his Iwdyi -M . - : i - .vi ;,'. -V. ;Vt Thomas is a regular visitor' to eon ''.' demncd mtn Ip deatnirow at the state ,.; , ppriHon, and "hf anW 4 Westmoreland! - t'-i tind liei-orsiC fast friendX . Westmoc- . ' -;..-JJitudlie nearO minister were alone'5:'.'"'': .. - - ; JJro minister were alone tK the W13 minutes ef W fa iiC rmwirir'ajii-' -b- i;iw wm-w stun, -mm not n .sdeaih in mlnlHr nptpr rt, l V lu,i ' ' ' t.- n' regatdlnj; hlsguUt, W-- ,' moreland made no mention 'of it to him. Rev. MC. White also said that 'Westmoreland made no statement to ' blm regarding the killing or Nance. " ' ' " Westmoreland Is said to have vested -fairly';. well last, night.-; He' -ate only half an a pple for breakfast this morn ing although a tempting " meal, was Prepared for him at the prison. ' - It in understood that his 'body will be carl red to the old home in Iredell coimty by bis brother, who spent soirie ' time with him yesterday afternoou. Barha Mayor Held I'ader $10,mM3 ' . Bend.-:.". ' Durham, Nov. 19. -Dr". Johh M: Man-' j ning, mayor of this city, and brother of Attorney General J. S. Manning, of Raleigh, was arrested here. todu by. department of justice agent on a charge of violating the' Harrison nar cotic la w. The mayor waived u pre- : llmlnary hearing and was released In 1 10,000 bond for his presence at ted- ' eral court Ini Raleigh, which convene Tuesday.. ' ' , ' Department of justice agents have been working on the caBe tor ino past t eight months. Dr. Manning was iec.t-; 'k ed mayor hist May, He has been prom-' inently Identified.: with the affairs of v the city for many, years.- y . - ' , " 1 '.'i--' f i , r Iowa CTnunpion Eleven In Western. ,'' CenferenreJ -: Ctiicago' Nov. 10,-The western con-fenenct- fisthll season. closel totlajr-.': with tlie Cnlverslty .of Iowa tle nn dtifputed champion for. the first time . i in 20 years. The npeet through which -Illinois beat Ohio State ? to 0 com bined with Iowa's victory over North western left the Howkeyes at the top ' " of the percentage table and avoided ; what has appeared to be a certain tie .. between Ohio State and Iowa for the tiUe. Ohio State and Chicago tied for ' second and third,, and Wisconsin wan fourth. - . ' . Florida and the Mexican rrortler Claim Attention.' . .'-.' -' ., . Washington, Nov. 20. Florida awl 4 the Mexican bonier probably will te the next area for concent rateo nctlvl- . ty by Commiasloner Haynea.- it waa . i indicated tonight y prohibition offi--ciais. Success of th prohibition en- , forcement unit's efforts ,n ue three, . corners of th triangle of New York: the ' Canadian border 1 and the Ken tucky distillery districts, officials 'as rested, would enable the' prohibition ' chief to turir1 his attention to tbe :. . south. ' - .':'. - Kconomy Sale ait Parks-Be Ik Company. . The big sale at the Pnrks-Belk Com pany In now In progress, and yon can And hargallis there. .'The company has two page ads. in this paper today, aud la tho ads. you can ,find bargains that will save you much. " The stock in the store has been especially marked for tbe sa'e, and it will be to your advan. tage to read the ad, and call at the store' to see the things offej-ed. The people of IcelQtia are nuus"Tlly lne-Uved, ' living' to on avV8?a i t tl year?. Jn Ceylon are to be found which attain a length of from i i- t five ineTies.

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