o o o o o o r ' O TODAY'S u V NLw'S O, U : TODAY. O OOOO'OOOOi o 6 6 o 6 o ) O ASSOCIATED o 6 PRESS ' O O DISPATCHES O & O & $ OOO " i' VOLUME XXI. rV CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1921 i .255. -Z3:,Gci7 V ftfiEE!.;EIITO;if.LL: BUT DETAILS tIEAR Conference But 10 Days Old , But Diplomats Think They . See What It Will and Will . Not Accomplish , - - REFUSE DICTUM OFTALLYRAND . ' That Language Given Diplo ; mats "to Conceal .Their .Thoughts." Land Arma ments Question Settled. . , . Washington; Nov.' 22. (By the Aa ,,Koclated , press.) Opinions have kfn exchanged among the arm, delegates . -with micti unprecedented -r directness Hint with tho conference only 10 day t'AOld some fit -the experienced diplomats - - hero bellow they can see almost, with precision "What it will and. will not 1ms s. fwiHwihlA to BCcnmnllsli.---- v ' -.---v c . ' S i ,' Following the example of thft:Ame4 . loan delegation in . invmg nown a -, , sweeping naval' reduction preputial at ,: the opening session, -: the representa-i..- -live of other-power have put. aside, v almost without exception, the dlnlo. - malic indirection that usually befog auch negotiation- and havo reversed -(tie dictum of Tallyranrt that language U given to diplomat "tor conceal their thought." : ' With the respective heads of f the American, British and- Japanese, dele gntinn working In : direct personal ..;-.. conference, almost, daily, on the naval j-.- reductions plan, there are Indication J that- nn; agreement, .on all hut the, de , tails la near at hand. ' In the name - - way the readiness of all the nations to commit themselves to general pfln elplce relating to the Far East . and the outspoken objection of the Jap anese to discussing details of that sir nation seemed to , have- crygtalixed' qnlrti.lv a conviction that adoption of ' a set. of principle like the four agreed noon yesterday Vlll be the outcome, of the Far Eastern end of the negotla . . tions. . - " : "-i- J ' . '. In addithm, the whole qrtestlon (if land armaments appears to have been pretty well setrled by 4he frank pre sentatinn or tne ease pi r re nee. deiir. ered In yesterday' rionsrysesslKn Uy wurwade it at once apparenrtnat a . definite readjiistment of lant 'fotcWr will -be, inipossiMo in tlm ?vow of France, heennse of exiting condition which sho believes threatened her and : the whole world. ' i There remains the Important; qnes . " lion of. fortifications on which there have, been no expressions, hnt -which may come to the force whetl the delin eation of principles rclatlnt to the Far ' Fast have gone as far as seems possln wo. f?-Vi- vv :-i;-s.-r V'Vi; . (msidcrntlon of the Far East prob- lems was Tonewed today by tho dele " iralea of the nine natlonf) slttinu again ' ., as a committee of the whole with the s hope . thnt fnrther - general principles eonltl be -incorporated "in the.ftgree ment reached yesterday!' In the main , tho principle of following the line of v , tho "ten points; submitted bv, China. whose dclegntea are confident that In the end most At these points will have : been translated' into actual agreement ").. on policy. ... ", ' BREWERS MAKING BEER r - BEYOND THE LEGAL CONTROL v And Have Been Disposluc ef It aa . Non-Intoxicating Bererage. , . j t ntnr fuss. v '; 1 Washington,' Not. 22.--Bevocatton of scores of brewers permits for the .. mannfactnre of near . beer was said .. by oftlclals to be tinder consideration - by the prohibition' unit... a . : ' t . Investigation; has disclosed, offlclnls said, that many brewers In many to , - calltles holding licenses to manufac--: ture near beer have been making beer with alcoholic content well beyond the .... legal limit and disposing 'of it as a . . non-intoxicating beverage. ' V." -i - ; A study of the near beer situation, ' ' offldals- said, had been' going on some time, and need for drastic action was : ; found to be apparent from the volume 1. . of alcohol, cotained In the near beer distributed by many brewers.. -.. - PREknENT HARDING ' ! y, KEEPS IX CLOSEST TOUCH Wth the Prsgresa ef , the : Amamit ( " CvnferaiM. It Is Asnounced - Br the Amametutt Piu. ' Wa'shington, Notr. 22. (By the As- twlated Profs.) President Harding 1s being kept in the closest touch with v the progress of, the armament confer-v- .- ence. , - v' ' '' :'-' . ' ; Senator Lodge of the American dn:e r - gatiotk, Is seeing the President as often . - as twioe a day, prior to the executive sessions . and following . them. ' The . v. President is gratified with the' pro "t gresa-'ao far. the tHenator said on leav- - Ing the white house today.; after an -.' hours conference. - ' 't V" : DUI to Make November 11 Permanent i f.v' ' Legal Iloliday. . t ' . iBy.lhr AHjt4 Prm.) . ' Washington. Nov.' i 22. Armistice i ' Day would be a permanent legal holi- day under a bill, reported - favorable i - today by the Honoe Judiciary (Vnnmlt '. . teee. . ' -,' - ;.' -, '..f I . A woman of forty has seventy-eight chances to one against dying within the year, while the chances of a man 1 are only forty-nine to one.' . Z-'.- Macaulcy read all hit article to hlk r sister before sending them to the pub I f Usher, and placed great; reliance on 'w . ber jiMlgiuent.- - ' ' ' v ' HEFLIN AND PENROSE - - ,-- CLASH IN SEN TE Clafh Came During Consideration sf . t'onrcrenee Keport en. Tax Bill. tlNr Ik A llsw4 I'lMi-' ; Washington, Xor. 22.-?rDlsorder marked the liejtinning fnlay of rlennte conslderatlou of tlw conference report on the tax UH1, , the . climax lieing reached tji the nnnsual proceedure of expnuging - senatorial -remarks ? , from the i.'migressionai Jtecord. v The. words stricken -out were con tained in a verbal danh between' Hen ators Penrose,.- rcpnldlran, 'Tennsyl vanin. and Hcflln, democrat, Alabama In whh-h Mr'., renrose. -referred to -the "blnrk darkness of the state"'' renre- sented by Mr. Hetlln.. and the, Ala uamn Senator characterised Mr. Pen rose's state as "tnanipnlatetl 1y predn tory Interests. . The clash was preclniraten uirectiy by conversation among senators which Mr, Hcflln claimed distarneA htm1 In a speech on the Ford-Newberry jenn- test. He asked for order. Senator Penrose, who earlier i In , the session had dcllned ito. permit. Mr. Heflln to have the floor to continue hit speccfi from yesterday, interjected he. was not. ."surprised that the senators did not care to listen to the speech. : The presiding offcer called for order "And I am not- surprised: Mr. Heflln resumed, "at the remark of the Sena lor from Pnnny;vanla. Ho is known as the big boss of the state of Penny TOnla nml n(r "on'lh'' here from that state unless'O. K'd. byblm." ; Again there was a " demand thai business proceed in order ' i -Mr. Penrose then said he had no de sire; to lutermpt Mr. Heflln, ''knowing tho black darkness he represents In his tnte."1 - More" senate rules thereupon were broken, i- Henator f'timmins- pre- sidlpg, ordered Mr. Heflln to snspend, hut Mr. Heflln donbted -that jio state In the-union was "so manipulated by predatory Interests, as . Peensylvanla." ,When' order was ' restored Henator Inroor, republican, of " Wlsconln, made the motion ' to expnhge the : re- niarktf. Senator -' Poindcxtecrenubll- can. Wasblngtn, argued It was useless to expnnw the rejiiarka since every- n in ine iwnnie snew tney nan neen said,' and that theywould.be printed in the newspapers.. :. WARRANT SWORN 01 T FOR NOBLE BERRIEN, JR. Charged With Embetxllng 4 School Jh untls frem the Htate of Ueorgia. ' Dr th Aaaa:a4' Praaa.) Atlanta,-' Cav Nor.'1 22. A warrant was in the bands of the sheriff of Ful ton comity today for the arresr of R. NnMe - Berrien, Jr, ' president of -, an Atlanta brokerage ilrm benriug his uniu .'Vanms, mi junhwUng-JcAeol funds, preferred by M, L. ltrlttain, the Htnt Hnpertareqdnnt. of-Schools. 1 : -.The warrant u sworn out late yes terday after ISerrlen had failed to ap pear at th rapltol to make good the proceeds ot; about .$37,500 worth of school warrants which had been turn ed over' to him for. discounting and distribution among the counties for which the money, was Intended. SALVAGE OPERATORS AT 'f WORK ON SHIP TANAMO WU1 Raise Partially. Submerged Ship to Put Out Fire in her Forward Hold '"-J (By Assselate Prcsa.) ' New, Tork,' Nov. 22. Salvage oper ators today ptarted to ralne the Steam ship Tanaino, which' whs partinlly sunk j-estcrday at. her pier, to extin guish the lire ' in ner forwanl hold. The Are, " According "to associate of Governor. R. Mont Kelly, . of Porto Rim, who. was a, passenger, was started by Porto Ricah secessionists in a. plot against his life. '. Tlie - Are, which -was discovered last Tnnrsuay night fifty hours- out from San Juan, was believed to be under the control when the- ship arrived Sunday. Beautiful Reception Given ' at Ed ward Home. Rocky. Mount Telegram. Mrs. George F. Kdwards and (laugh ter. Mrs. I. Woodnll Rose, were hot-J esses at a behutifut reception, given at the ' home of Mrs. Edwards yesterday afternoon from 3:30 to BUM) o'clock In honor of their daughter and : sister, Mrs. ""George. R.'.Kdwards, 7 formerly MIms Nancy Ie Patterson, Vof Mm- eord, ' N. whose wedding to :Mr. Edwards took place several weeks-ago. Mrs. Henry Kdwards and Mrs. make Willeford ' graciously welcomed . the guesta at tho door,- ushering them to the receiving line composed of Mrs. Edwards, In black embossed chiffon; MrS. Rose, most becomingly gowned in brown lace and the honoree, in an exquisite frock of pink chiffon, with trimmings of ermine. 'v- - -: , a Presiding in tbo punch room were Misses Nannie Daughtridge and Julia Edwards. ' At the entrance to the din ing room were, Mesdames T. Ward, of Wilson, smTMrs, W, S. .WUklnson, Jr. -,- Receiving In the .dining room wcrej' Mesdames Will Jeffrys, J. K. ljimbe'rt,i of Golds bo ro and 'Misses Catherine Phillips, . Lucille Cuthrell and Louise Wilkinson.; . '- .' The house throughout was elabor ately decorated with tall vases of handsome chrysanthemums. Ices 1 in moulds of heart and brides' slippers. cakes, mints, and' sailed nuts were served from the dining table. In the center, was a basket of white chrysan themums and ferns' and In each corner were silver candlesticks holding pink candles; . r.-. -'is ' v An orchestra furnished- music and several hundred guests called to wel come Mrs. Edwards to Rocky Mount and accept the hospitality of the af ternoon. (.. .tJ ..vM';: ' ",- -, ' - Mrs. H. T. Ashurst, before her mar riage to the V'nited States: senator from Arizona, was chief of the weath er station at Flagstaff, and the first woman in the United Statetf to whom such responsibility was entrusted. .' . - Bachelors were taxed In England In the early years of the 18th century... , ..-fHf: KID -yOU SUSPECTED OF lAK'NOl I ' ' V V, ".r u.. ' '- : ' lT MISS ELEANOR WATSON Hl'RT J IN RICHMOND Al TO WRECK Waa Isjured About '.'. Head ; When Machine Turns Turtle,. After . Being Hit By Another. Itlchiuond. Va., - Nor. 21. Miss Gleanor Watson, of Hallshury, N. t. was severely injured here today when a jitney. In, which she was a passenger, was t knocked completely - over . at Madl-on and Broad street by a prlvat automobile which struck the Jitney broadsides. he suffered .lacerations about' the head, face and hand. It was feared that she also suffered tlie fracture of a rib or two. ' MM. Walter H Lindsay. - of 1010 Grove avenue, whom Miss Watson has heen visiting, waa also In the- Jltuey. She was hurt princlpalljtr1 about, the fKi?V''!5?.?U4 .'wwawmoviMV. to"fto;TtttHwT".for "treat- ment ;-'Vn? -r Drivers of both lie automobiles were? arrested. - -.., cvt j (Miss Watson Is a sister' of Vfra-3 K. Smoot, . and has a areat manv frlehds In Concord who wlK regret to hear, of the accident to her. and who will hone that 'Inter news 'from her will lie more encouraging. Editor,) . " AMERICANS CAPTI'RED -; ? .''":' A. ,' AND THEN RELEASED Were Held Four Hours bv Mexican Bandits, Who Wanted Ransom. , , . s (Br be AasM-latea Press.) ; v Washington, Xov. 22. Four Ameri cans were enptured late yesterday by an-AH-nn panuna-xa miles rrom I'hi hnahna, the state department was ad. vised today. After being held for ran som the party was released at the end of a four hour period when no ransom waa fort nooning. - . Ediiratnrs to Confer. Frbniia, 111. Nov; 22. The relatinn t the Federal Government to ethu-a. tlon; especially as it annlles to hliFh- e education, will Ih the. general sub.. jeci or an important conference to lie neid at the -I niverslty of llllnoj,tho ' nrst or next month. . y I'nlted States Senator Thnmaa atari.' ing or south . Dakota. f Congressman fronn-m was-, wintliiuctl today nt,t Horace M. Yokner.- of Iowa, nml .'.heefing of the .Washington conferen eral of America's leadlns- nnthorltlo- on educational ,4 matters 1 will ioieakL;''lnof't',''m nds it was decided to np- fll. . 1 ... . ' . " ..t ... ,.K . - ..... .1 . ,L , . imp nuummv Will lie. flrrenoeil hv presidents of practically 'llth.iroi - versifies of the Middle' West.' , wu a ar largo representation of schools and colleges in other sections of the eouiitrj-.. Many State ottlcials nrf ex- pecren. r. i r'U :K Theconfereiice lias hiwi mtiwi 1 1 .. . . . ... . . t.-,iTiiuK tue omcint aunotuicemeut. t iN,- in,ci? in- Ht-m..,--. --,1- beeauso of the increasing public dts-j ' Tlie conference conniUttee coiuprls cussion of-such subjects as a Kmleinl '"K the five principal 1 lowers will meet department of education. Federal sld to otncatlnn, etc. . - -, ,v-4 j " Spend v WITH REV. J. F. BLACK McGill Street Baptist Church ina - 1 1 P , :CONSECRATlONtSERVICE - WEDNESDAY NIGHT Service Begins 7:30 , "M, ,And will Continue' Each Night Throughout . the Week?. - "You Are Always Welcome At Our Church" . . v-f 1 1 ! I 11 DAILY NEWSPAPER MEN - ' - " '" ; !j i OF STATIC IN MEETING Association Derides lo Hold Semi Annual Instead ef Quarterly Meet-,- lags.. . v . ' V . -.;;. Wlnsfon-Snleni, - Nov. 21. Twelve members of the Xortlj Carolina Asso ciation of Dally New-Ann iktb attended the nnnrterir meeting at the new Robert E. Lee hotel here today, tlm visitors being entertained at luncheon by the Sentinel and Journal. It was (it elded to hereafter: hold the: meetings semi-annually instead of - quarterly some Saturday afterneon and night In Majr ami ' November.', The secretary's report showed that 31 nut of he 33 dally newspaper.' In;-, the state are members of the .association. Various problems, relating TA' advertising and othee aXtarafrni Jiafcnaaeil ni an 1 agreeiawnt was readied -providing for I more loyak enumeration In the future.! A reso!ution was adopted-suggesting certain publicity bo presented to the Southern-Newspaper Association The former officers were roelectedr these belhg E. B. Jeffress, of Greensboro News, president: A. W. Burch, Char lotte Observer, vice president .1. I Horne(- Rocky Monnt Telegram, 'secre tary' and treasurer. . , ' t Following a brief hnsiness session this afternoon, the visitor were shown through one of. the large plants of the It. J. Reynolds Tolineco. company . Those present at the "meetinas to day, were;, E. B. Jeffress, of Greens, boro :. J. l.Horue, Jr., Rocky Mount: H. Gait Braxton, of Kinston ; J B Sherrill, president of tin'. North Caro lina Press Association, of Concord : J. P, Rawley, of High Point; Joseplmx name s, jn, KaleliiU; A. W. Bun h. o, Charlotte,-; M. K. Murray, of Iaka-vllle-Spray: J. Tj. Khaugh, R: A. Shore and H H. Dwlre. of Wlnston-Kalcm Sentinel. , . CHINESE ASPECTS OF ' ',, tf ;; FAR EASTERN PROBLEM Consideration of Tliera Continued at . the.-Washington Cniifereiiee Tndnr - i Washington, Nov. J2 Miy the Asso era ted J'ressKConsideration of ' the Chinese aspects of the Kar Eastern .committee, on pacific and Far Eastern ii,-m,hiiiiiih.c 11, ?iii,i,r, l lllllll s i,,,'L"'"''"' - - ''' - ' v :-Mt- I Npaddltlonal resolutions reeardlnc : P01"" affecting China were, adopted today by the coiuinittee, and further ronslderatlou of thf Chinese problems was postpone until .1 p. m, tomorrow i-.'.when another meeting f the delesates it ,h. .u.w.M.. .. Mr 1 . , . . 1 . '1" 11. o'clock' tomorrow . In executive wssion ron nirtner ennsiueratlon of navat reductions. obiliir GIRL SAW HER FATHER " : . KILL HER MOTHER. The Child Was Ton Terror Stricken Even to Scream Man Later Killed HimsHf. -, ' 'fSr. ! AaMctate Pms.1 ' i Baltimore, Nov. 22. Too terror stricken even to scream. 12-yesr old Helen Counselmnn, last night saw her father kill her mother. Howard II. Cfitinseinian, a veterinarian, years old. pressed a pistol against the breast of his wife and shot her to death In the kitchen of their home here Then he ran to the' hath room and killed himself by shooting through his own breast . v . ' ANTI-BEER BILL IN ; f-v''X- PES4ENT'S -RANDS Was Sent far Ttr.yiViiaMyi ., Keconunrnatttien ; Before ITesfrient Art . ' (Iry tk AMkiM Prew.) . Wasbincton. Nov. 22 The ant! medical 'beer bill, passed by Congress last, week, came into the hands of President Harding today for executive consideration and was at once referred to the Treasury Department for recom mendation as- to Its approval or dis approval ' The - President has - the nsnal 10 days, commencing' today,- in which to act npon the bli, and there was. a -suggestion that" the Depart ment, of Justice might be called upon also for an opinion as to Its const it j tlnnal merits before final action. AMERICAN KILLED BY THE BOMBAY RIOTERS Dratb Caused bv Sticks Thrown Ifcir ing Riot, Corner Verdict States. (Hr .tfcv Aaaoelatetl rrraa.), London, Nov. 22. A dispatch to the Morning rost today rrom iiomliay, stated that Win. Francis Dogliorty. ah American engineer, was killed during last week-rioting In that city.. Thu coroher's verdict after an Inquest, says JJtet dispatch, was that lie died of In juries from sticks thrown hy the rioters. , ' Lutheran Synod Plans For Thanks giving Week. - MooresvlU?. Not, -21. Thanksgiving week has been designated as Steward ship and Benevolence week In the Cntted Lutheran synod of North Cnro Una During this week the every mem ber canvass will be conducted in the 211 congregation of the symxL This canvass will he for the' purpose of securing weekly pledge for the local supisrf of the Individual congrega tions, also for the apportionments of the North Carolina synod a,nd the United : Lutheran -Church of America. Tlie amount for the local exiienses of the congregations will be XJMKl.iKVi. This Will notjuchule any special work that may -, be" nndcrtiiken locally nor improvement of property.'' The amount asked for benevolence ia.fd3.noo. This includes the gimeral benevolent: work of the synod, such as home and foreign missions, educational, ministerial relief, and similar causes. It does retake In tlie ennse of the main tenance of the orphans 'home, special call for relief work and other forms of benevolent and social work. Jlay Alter Federal "spending Sched- -' -, nles. ,. Washington. ' No. Jl. "resident Harding wag oucted by member of the house Immigration committee who called on him today as saving that should an agreement 4 tor limitation of armmenbe, reached at the pres ent ' Washington conference It might be Dossibte to increase vovernment expeditures for 'reclamation and sim ilar works.' --,; -j a:v The President .declared 4 commit tee member that an agreement . by the conference would make it pos sible - to KN-ast givernment- Income and expenditures at an early date. ' Renuest was msie by the. touimit tee that tb President recomroenl. sneclflc federal action for reclama tion extension In his message next month to, Congress. ;., v. j, .. Of 487 defendants arraltmed iu San ,Franclsco police-courts in on month more tnan nan were women' v . "V - VHtGINIA WANTS TO - , KI LE JOHNSTON OFF Says He Is Not FJirlbU. to PUr In Thanksgiving Game With I iriversity .-; rieven .- ...--. .-,.',. '; ;-v.'T ,'; ;' ". (r' the AasM4ateti Presfci. Chapel Hlll.'Nor. 22. Several mem here of the Cnlverslty . of Virginia rscnuy eomminee on athletics am con ferring here today with the faculty committee ' of athletics of the Cnl verslty of North Carolina regarding the eligibility -of Minlfred (Redf Johnston, Carolina's star halfback to play In - the' 'Thanksgiving football game nerween the two unlversties. - The Irelnfails contend thst It wnnln be a violation of the eligibility rule of the South At wtic Conference of state universities to permit Johnston to play against Virginia because .. he c nla veil football last year as a member of the North farctlna State eleven. ' Stories printed here today from Charlottes, vllle-sald an insistence bv North Cam. una to play Jojhnston would nrobablv cause the game to be called off. . t lias., T.vVoolen. graduate manager or atheletics at the University .... of North Carolina, was quoted as having stated last ' night that "every thing North Carolina had acreed to as we understand It, is embodied lu the eli gibility rules printed in our catalrar. and Johnston has met all requirements oi. rnnse rotes. . ! 4,. .. THE COTTON MARKET Showed Renewed Flrmnes During Te- na- Kany Trading, with an Open Ing Advance. -:' r-:- ' iWr the Aasvelatetl Pw .1 . ivew york, Nor. ' 22. The cotton market showed renewed firmness dur ing today's early tradinu-. After onen. Ing at. an advance of 11 to Id points active months sold 30 to 28 points net higher, with January touching 17.73 ni Aiarcn ii.wt. - v. Cotton futures openeM stead v. Dec. 17:50: Jan. 17:-M: Mar. I7:t(: Ma 17:0S; Jnly'l:uX. With Our Athertisers. L ('line's Pharmacy has a big assort ment of dolls-for Christmas, prices; rouging rrom X-- to Sio.oo. Call at the store to see the goods, which are advertised in a new ad. in this paper. Hoover's is the place to buy men s and boys' clothes. Men's suits $20 to overcoats- 120 up. Manhattan shirts $3 to ftfl; Stetson and Schohle Hats. Read new ad. today. The prices at the Browns-Cannon Co. are fully -10 per, cent, lower than last year, and the company has a full line of men's, furnishings. " Read new ad. today and call to see the stock. . , You can find boiled bam, sliced dried beef. Kingans bacon and manv other) articles fresh at all times at the Pie- glyigrrirViorW new ail. in this paper, Rev. J. F. Black will speak at the McGIl! Street Baptist Church tomor row, Wedneday night, at 7:30 o'clock, and every night during the- remainder of this week. See ad. in this paper for particulars. The Sotitherland-Wnkoueld Co.. of Charlotte, has. an ail. in this paper that will Interest yon if you are hav ing eye trouble. - The Dove-Boat Co. has moved to its new home, a nd is ready to serve you as usual. Tho company .carries a full line of Thanksgiving fancy "eats", as Is stilted In a new ad. in tins paper. Trinity's Football Team. Durham, N. (, Nov. 22. The Trinity college fisM bull eleven is In Monrts' practicing for the Thanksgiving game with NWifford t SiNtrtanhurg, K. (.'., The - Trinity team went from New York, where, it sprung n big surprise hy playing New York University to a 7-7 tie on Saturday, to Cbarlottti. From Charlotte the teaui went by auto to Monroe for final practice for the game which ends the season. Two of the' best . players on the Trinity team, English and Caldwell, are Monroe Ikivs. it was Caldwell's blocking of a punt and recovery that enabled Trinity to start the drive which gave ti touchdown In New York. Coach - Baldwin . will probably lend his men In scrimmage Against the husky Monroe High School team. . All the evidence now. points to the fact, that Trinity shonld have an ensyl time with Wollord on Thanksgiving. The latter college has had little suc cess with footbal during the "season, while Trinity has heen steadily ciiml Ing as was shown by the Guilford. Wake Forest, and New York game. It was Wofforrt which on last Thanksgiving held Trlnify to a score less tie atld prevented her from coin. preting her first football season In twenty-five years with an unbroken record of victories. DEBS WILL NOT BE AMONG MEN PARDONED On Thanksgiving Day", It Is Annnnnr- en rrom Washington Today. - V (Rf the A'aMClatrd Prm.) . t Washington, ' S'ov. 22. While n number of Thanksgiving ardnns will lie Issued by President' Harding to persons confined In the Federal peni tentiaries in accordance with the us ual, customs. It Is nnderstood Kngene v. Debs, socialist ,leader. now In At lanta, wifl not he among the number. President Harding Considering Par- ," . ; ; " dona. '-. - . , -- Washington. . Nov. 22. President Harding soon will .begin tlie study of the records of all persons convkHed of wartime offenses with a view to the extension of pardons, - tr . Twelve" Injured by Burning Wblske. :vr.r. T tke AMMatet Pwu) Athens .Gn Nov. 22. Twelve per-. sons were painfully burned at Craw- fordsville today when sixteen gallons of, contlscated whiskey were ignited by a match and exploded. . . .. , f - .1. '! 1- Noted Sopfane hirer Dead. -CoDenharen. Nor. 22. IB v. the As- sotitted Presa.) Christ Jne Nilsson. the noted operatic soprano, died here tnta morning. - . JAPAN S PROPOSALS ; INTEREST GEOS Though Japan Was ah Ene my in War, Germans Still Feel a Measure of Sympa thy and Interest in Her. . NEW ENTENTE IS GERMAN VISION A "Community of Interest" Comprising: Teutons, Slavs and Yellow Races Suggest . ed as Result of Conference . (Br tit Assnelatxl Pres.' J - ."-!"..' Berlin, Nov. ,22. JaiMn, although , one of Germany's foes In the .world war, enntinuea to command an In... . creasing measnre of sympathy and in. terest from the newspaper commenta tor writing on the Washington confer ence. Much of the comment Is given over to speculation as to whether Ja- pan can avoid being left at the post ' :' In what is termed the Jockeying for position in the race for prestige in ; .... the Pacific. It is also asked whether she will he able to escape tlie "policy of encirclement to which Germany I 'i representel- as baring fallen victim, i nbimld Jnpan emerge from tlie con ference as an bated power, the edj'i ' torlal writer believe she will Is forc ed to see ecnuomk aud isilltical orien- -1 tatkn In- the direction ., of Russia. ' with "terminal facilities" in 'German). The "community of interest.'' oniprls- iug Teutons, Slavs,-ami , tlie - yellow 7 raiMi Is ftii4wtt-el My mim. lit .tltc rutuul. bilnies to be reckoniHl with In making' over the post-war world. - Thnx Gcr- ., many conceives a new constellation In . which the Fatherlaiut Is. destined to shine brightly. - i - : -;,v i . -. Such speculation is. not iimtined to. the lay mind, hnt Is prescntiMt in all solemnity in higher quarters, while it ' s believed that absence from tlie con ference of Germany and Russia will y, mean the eventual curtailment of Ja- pan's sphere of intfuence. . " -J ' , Aside from these conjectures both " public and oRV-ial .(Jerniuny oontinna -to evince only itasxlng interest- in the,' ; progress of the conference. , . ' BBm&lf ENDORSE FI LLY kAWTWl; And flue. Jap nanete Abm Pretnct Aeeard Feints Are Cleared. , , Washington; Xov. 20. 41rent Brit ain has endorsed wlthont reservntUm the "iVS-3" ratio proposed in the m- " erica u naval , limitation plan, it wan learned tonlgiit on the -highest author; ity. , ;.: ' '.--.- ' While" accepting thiplan as a whole . only in. ir(mlple. Iwu( of the de side t put "forwa rd proposed . modlfl-.. catkin of the submarine and replace- ment features, tbe British ilelcgatiou is said to have approved the suggested :. relative capital ship strength for Great Britain, tun 1'lilted States and Japan, without equivocation. : - .The mlhSrence of the Britl.h repre sentatives toTho capital slilp ratio Isv came known tonight as an aftermath of the confereiMi' yesterday Is-tween Secretary Hughes, Mr. . Balfour . and . Admiral Kato, at. ; which' the naval -finest lou was canvassed thoroughly In the light of Jaisincse reservations.. As a result of the conference, the -greatest confidence was i expressetl in . nittliorifative Japanese circles tonight that mi jMiord eventually would lie reached. The onfereuee. It was said, effectually ''cleared the air"-of ninny mNuuderstood points. '' While no odlclHl stateiueut wns forth- - coming ns to the line followed hy the tripartite discussion yesterday, it. was believed that a partial explanation, at: least, lay in the statement -obtained.. at the headquarters of one delegation - that the three great . naval powers v. "mleht have var.vina estimates of the actual existing strength of their nav ies whicjj. being ha rmonissed, '. might -suggrst a way to a sctttcmetit of ra tios." . - - The! position of Jiimiii was set forth tonight, as flint of determination to ntlnln a favorable agreement. . Japan- , ese experts were eniimatlc lu 'declariug -that tonnage ami not cosiilera tlon of stsed and nriiiHinent was the ioeu-al ; basis of. ratio' dls(lii)emctns. ': Thev , pointed out that a battle cruiser might . possess greater, speed, rsit that sho was Inferior to a dreadnought in the strength of. armor and number of guns, and In a naval engagement ar close quarters wonld certainly is at a disadvantage..,. Therefore the fact that British and Japanese capital ships In- -eluded battle cruisers was not to them , an Indication of superiority and should not be counted as such, they insisted. - ' Trinity's PUy Waa Surprising t AIL Atlanta, Gn Nov 2L A , e-ontesi that attracted wide attention was the ,'v flgh put np by Trinity y, college, ; of Durham North Carolina, against the .- heavy New York university ' team on the latter', home ground, the North : - Carollnnn holding their opponents to t I tut Ue. Trinity had won all It : 1 previous - games this r year played ! against Institutions of similar size ex- 'I ' ceit'for;'a II to 0 loss to William and ' Mary. ''.''"'' ' ?,'v':-'y V l'.'.;:" Mrs. janws I, HIU Dead at KLPanL iBr th A rillH Prt mm.t ' St Pauli Nov. 22 Mrs. Hill, widow of James J. Hill. President of , the Northers Pacific, railway, died tit her boaie here this .morning., fo'lowiiig a long illnvsK. Mr. Harvey K. ('line las oiwned a pharmacy at Hlfru Point In the l.jind some new Sheraton lintel bm.

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