r-. fr " 1 ,.- O ASSOCIATED O O . PRESS ' O DISPATCHES O o o o o o NE7S O O TODAY. O oo o ooooo VOLUME XXI. CONCORD, N.C.,WEDNESpAYN6VEMBER23 192 NO. 256. LINE Ul .. iJIlilI I IIIIUllllll . OT0IOTE0 AS FIRST SCHEDULEO ;! Athletic Committee 'of the University" of Virginia De . cided This Afternoon That . Virginia Will Play. JOHNSTON WILL -W-M&J: BE IN LINEUP The Virginia Students Voted Unanimously to Play, the Game Despite Misunder- ? standing J vej Johnston, ttrtaWntV.'Va; Not! 23.-The ' V North Carolina-Virginia footlmll game will ho played-tomiirrow vrltb Wlnl - f red I,t Red I; Johnson, the. disputed ; ?f North' Carolina player. In the lineup, Athletle Manager RoImmI .Ev Harrison declared this oftenioon. ' ' ' The team , will awvi fnrXhattl Illlt at 0:55 to. " llighfc'- . V .'. ' . .'.'..' -. .V'v.-.-leHiHN''o)F - what 'agreemontilf any '.-.V- ha la-en rwchotl hot ween Hic.two in ? ''vt4itntlona,haii not'hwn illsriowl. - The V . Virginia nidont, it in nald, have km . dWiifcwl with telegrams from rhapel ' . J-.IIlll, withe of thtn which .wr In fnf .'''it natitro of tannts. 4 ,v.- 5 ;.'.., ; StudMitu of tha I'nlvcnatj' of Vlr- . glnla held a maxa mootin last nisht ' j. and votwl ananlmouHly in favor of ro- i iiPHtlnjf th antliorltlcf to jM-rmit the came, notwIthxtandlnR the prewnpw in th North Carolina lineup of Winifred ; Johnston, claimed bjr" Virginia, to .be ' ' inllRlhle' tinder, the ohP-yeir rule. ? ; 'fhe Virginia athletic - authorities . declare that a titling adopted by the , Honthoru roUegea In 1017 provides that no vtudenta participating in lnter-col-; legiate football or baaelmtl should lc fliglhle In the aroe branch-ot fporta hi flint succeeding senwn ot another tollcge. John.wn, they declare, 'was a member f,the N, Slate follege team in 120, .'and U therefore Inellgl Me to play on the N.-C fhivernity 'football team this , yeah V . i " 'c t. ?Tna ' Virginia anthoriUex aid .they nniltled the North Carolina .athletic 117 j ... .... . , , t r;ri mb 'V '-"! .", ' MMMitMna. rather eavr renUzing aales seem. Careiliia Student Wait T i.lii t readUy alMwrbed, with activ napei Illil. ftov, ,z.w .npiaiu Rhinehart. of the, Iiniverslty of. Vir- giuia football team, lnte'lnst night tel , cphoned Captain Iiwe. of the univer- : Kity of North Carolina eleven, saying tho student of the University ot Vlr glnla held a -mass meeting last, night and urged that the game scheduled be tween the two I'niversltiea at Chapel Illil tomorrow, called off last night on necount of a disagreement over the uimlltlration ot W. I, Johnson, Caro lina's star halfback, lie played, regard leys of whether he participate In the game or not . Nothing had been heard ' from Charlottesville at 11 o'clock this 'morning- regarding . tiie student re nnest. '. ,: -., y ? - f-;V,v.: .!' OoL Cos I'rgea Tliat the : Game : Be . ': .;'.' j.; '..-. Played.,; - ,i . . 'ii: Raleigh, Nov. "23. Col. Alliert Cox, - president of the alumni assocliitlou of . the rnlversity of North' Carolina,, to- dav telegraphed the athletic officials of the I'nlverslty of Virginia nrging that the game between the two I'ni- - vereit'iea he played as originally plan . ncd. at Chapel HHI tomorrow, with Johnson in the liiieup, and to leave the . question of hla nuallllcalrtns to va' ' ls)nrl of arbitration to meet later;i. Sy Vlrrlnia-raraUna Game ,W ill Be . --- .v -J---. Hayed. Mr, M. E.' Woody, Hocal ticket agent for' the Southern Railway Company, received a message from Charlotte this afternoon at 1 :45 o'clock from Mr, R. H. Graham, District raseenger Agent ' for the Southern, announcing that the .football game hetwien the rnlveralttcf of North Carolina and Virginia would be played at Chapel JI1H tomorrow ns originally scheduled. '; - ';l- rr Mr, Oraham statetl lu tils message to Mr. Koody that the Virginia team would leave' Charlottesvllls. m train No.- 20 thin - afternoon, arriving r at ' Chapel Hill early tomorrow tioriilng. t T The advertisement of the floutbern, : anhonnclng special trains and reduced "rate for the game, which was erdernj ' sfopped with the announcement, from ; ( 'harlot tesvile and Chapel Hill that the game had been cancelled, wan ordered inserted again today by Mr. Oraham. Quite a large ' number of Confiord. i people have chartered a special ear to . take rhera to the Hill for the gam.?, and they watched with interest flevlop- ments in the controversy during the day. ',' '. - .. ;, : '- " ' r , ' The report received from Mr. Woody were authenticated br the Associated - Press dispatches at 2 o'clock this i" afternoon., . ." '' : -" , Xhs Wat ion Kot Badly Hart In Aato .. .- AecMeat.' ..... : , fialisbury, Nov. 12. Nes from - Richmond is that there le lib need , for alarm over the Injuries received by Mixa Eleanore Watsoa who was hurt in an antomoblle accident In . Richmond Monday. Mr. Lindsay, ; at - whose home Miw Watson was yisitinc. In a telephone conversation today ln : formed CoL A. H. Boyden. that trere , were no bones broken and that Miss Watson would leave the hospital to ' day and would be In Salisbury in. a few days." - -' " ' t ... When an egotist says "I kip with you,"' be considers tt tie greatest , compliment he can confeir. " - )K 5K Jfc JK 3K JK 3Jt Jfc )lf - . . NO TRmi NB TOMORROW.." " ; Following our iixual custom, we will omit -tomorrow's edition of M The: Tribune, In-order to (rive Sfc :R the uicuiIhm-s of our force 8 full !fc holiday. VlJ'i'i," , ' i? JK 3K jk 5k flr sk flf 3R 5k Jk SENATE AGAIN EXPrNGES ? - ? SENATORIAL KKLRKS RmaHi Strirken Out Thli Time Were Made by Kcnator Reed Afainrit Mr. VolNtead. a','. '.'.- ;.,, .,.,.- ittr (ka'aaoeiatea: fmtm .) V i': Waohluirton, ; Nov. '23, The , Senate today for the second time In as many dnya expunged . senatorial remark froiuHie-reird,iThU time, however, the remarks were stricken out at the renncxt of the man who made tnero Hour tor Heed, ; democrat, of Missouri, who by telegrnpb from -hw home In Kanaaa City, asked that his statement)) of Angnst 18, in which he denounced Representative Volstead, republican,' of Minnessota, be expunged ii - The paragraph to which MM Reed referred rteecrlbed Mr. .Volstead . as a man "who thinks more of 'getting a liootttiggcr than he doe of preeervlnh the palladium of human litierty and contained other remarks coirernIng the Miunessotlt representative, '.. POLITICAL PRISONERS IN -- .IRISH PRISON REVOLTS Rushed Wardens and Start Fight, in Which Ten Persons Received In 'jtirlea. -. . .- .-,.-? .; ;.: . 4 Br tha AaaMfataa run,! ; Onlwny, Ireland, Nov.. Forty political prisoners conlined in the pris on here, rushed wardens today while Are of undetermined origin was blazing in two sections of the structure. The oners :and custodians - in which live men . seised the. keys and barricaded themselves with six wardens in another part or the prison. '.; : The fire was brought under control bnt ' later a desperate struggle oc curred Itetween the rehe'.llons pris. onrs and. custodians dn o'hlch Ave policemen and live prisoners wtre In jnred. y -. r - - . ; .. THEi COTTON MARKET. ' . Showed Renewed Firmness With the Opening at Advance of S t !1 Points ITBcrrulft&i etaoinetnoin eta oinrrdu . . i.' tr sb AMelaa rr.l v. .. New York, Nov. 2.T The " cotton market showed renewed firmness dur ing today's early trading owing to continued strength'' of - Liverpool ad reiterated reports of firmer pot.sltiuv tlon in the .8pttth,XhftJwnin,waa tealy at aa ausm- of 8 to 21 points months soon showing net advances of 35 to 40 points. - - , ; ' Cotton future .pm'il stoudy, Tkf. lS:l(!;-Jati. Mar. 17 ti ; May lT;70i July .:K v : ".-; . - ; , FORD-NEWBERRY CASE The Senate Today Agree te Dispose . ef It Early la January. '.. ' (By. tkr AmMarlmlt Pma.) Washington, Nov. 23. The Senate agreed today .to- dispose of the Ford Newberry . senatorial election contest In January. The agreement which was hv unanimous consent, provided that the, election case, shall lie consid ered to-the exclusion of 'all' else on the fourth calendar day In which the Senate is in session after January 1st and to limit the dLscussbm to two days. ' - -' : ' KeerpUon at the Home 'of Mrs, A G. ", '.. ; Pakra.- . x Tuesday afternoon from 3 :30 to 5 :.H0 o'clock, Mrs. J. O. Parks gave a dtv linhtful reception :. at her home on South Union street, complimentary to Mrs. C E. Park,:-who has recently moved to Concord froih Alliemarle. ',. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. I 8.- Williams and Miss Morrte Brown, who presented them toj the receiving Jlne, composed or the tiostess, the bofior guest, and Mrs. J. r. ueid, wrs,- w. a. juojie, oi Monroe and Mrs. J. ' J. ' Bernhardt, of Char lotte. ',.'. - -,:'-....;, : RaceWlng at - the dining room ' door were Miss Rosa Mund -and Mrs. E. C. Bernhardt, Jr. ''Just inside the dining room' Mrs. A. fX ."Wolfe greeted - Uie callers. ; Tliere a tempting Ice-course was served by Mrs. J. V. Pavts and Miss Addle White. . From the dining room Mrs. 'J. EY Dnyvault and Mrs. H. U. Craven directed the guests to the hall, where 'Bliss Mary Grady Parloi entertained with Edisonian numltcrs. There Mrs, P. R.. McFadyen polntwl tha way Into the music room, presided over by Misses Laura Oillon and Ruth Dry ; here also Mrs. W. M. Linker, as sisted by MIksos' Elisabeth Dayvanlt and Margaret : Flirt sell . served de licious fruit punch. i ' i The Parka home" was profusely dee- orated with ferns. Ivy and chrysanthe mums, the predominating color note being, yellow and white. About one hundred and seventy-live ladles called during the afternoon. ! ' . v ' 1 . . 1 1 v .-. ' With Our Advertisers. - ; The Cabarrus Cosh Grocery Co. has a new. ad. today, enumerating a few of the many bargains to be found at this store. It will pay you to rend the ad. carefully. - Barrier-Wldenhnuse Co. in a new ad. -today tell you of some bargains to he. fimnd at the store on Frldny and Saturday of this week. The hargalu will mean a real saving; so rend caroM iioiy i uk au. . . Ion't Tall to see the Domino man at the Richmond Flowe Co. on Saturday, November 2(ltb. . With each purchase of Itomiqo syrup on that date you will get a 2-pound can free. Read ad. in this paper for further particulars. f i " : The tea tree la aa evergreen -plant. Saturday was named after the plan et Saturn. '::" 1 .". . . 1 ''i4f W5$ -i HOW TO I'SE THE POSTOFFICK Instfurtlon to Be Given hi. the Grad ed tichools of Minneapolis. . , (Bjr IW AinrliM lrui.t . MlnneepollH,' Xov.v. 2JI A , inn mini textbook, dealing with the operation of the entire. pnstoHlce deiwrtment and methods of iillllwrflng the glgantu pos tal system... Is being ' prepared by a committee here, for Introduction In the graded schools of this state with the hope 'of ultimately establishing this bonk in every public educational- insti tution In the I'nited States-.-: It is hoped to' instruct children while they are young how to nse- the postoflice, in, an effort t lessen the mistakes which are costing the government millions of dqllars,4 ; ,'' f?f'.:&?: ririlllp BJCailson. of this elty, pres- . . . I t,jM. , I Asoclnrion(-lK ltead-nt' Wie committee which is drawing up the textbook. Ap proval -of the undertaking .has ,-been given by Poslmastc'r General Hays. who -after the manual is completed. will give ht and the department'. - thorization1 to nse the-book in the pul lie schools, according to Postmaster E. A, l'urdy, of Minneapolis, rfesident of the Nntioniil Association of Post masters. ' i " The National- ' Assoi'lation of Post masters is pledged to the move, the head, of the organization announced, Mr. Carlson declared - that ' not enough attention 'was given to the post al subject at educational meetings, nud he announced that, at the next an nual convention of the organisation,' till subject would hold an Important place. ; ' .- - ;.-.'; ' : "Lack of knowledge of bow to nse the postotllce properly M' -costing the government' nillltous of dollars," stild Mr. Pnrdy. , "Tlie inatructlon tvhtch this Iswk proposes to give, will obvi ate, to a great degree, many of the' Improperly addressed letters and pack ages, destruction of -meschandlse -. by faulty packing, and the like." ' Completion of the text book prob ably lie after the lirsf of the year. Mail Car Guard Shoots at Robbers. ' mr. ?" v- -oTL. . Plttshurgh, Pn., Nov. 2.I. Private Wasserman, -of the I'nited States Ma- rlne Corps, guarding Baltimore & Ohio superintendent of the Jackson Train Mall train No. !, Washington to Pjtts- lng school, and Dr. Ilollnnd Thompson, burgh, early todny near Washington of. New york nlW( flmerly of Concord. Junction, Md.. discovered two men at Kditor ) ' V the dmir of the mallear. He fired at' , ..';."' ' w' them with a shot gun. One man drop.) V ta w,me nhrts of China horses are ped from the train and the other hung ont nn the hand rail of the car. He. later was captured and brought to jail here. . , ,; ' j : " , . ( Treat 'em rough. Even a postage stamp lias ,to be licked before it will tres in the world, costing several mil do its duty. -.'.' ; . ...f. ' lion dollars. ., . REV. J. F. BLACK -, McGUl Street ' Baptist l Church f - : IN A - VV . CONSECRATION RWCE 1 WEDNESDAY 1..JIIT .."' , . r Service fiefing 70;;'-- And will Continue Each Night Throughout ' , . the Week. . : ' - ' js ; "You Are Always Welcome At Our Church" : The Horn pf: Plenty . v ! r ROTARIANS TO ERECT ; t i , , -j. j. H AXDHOME SIGN BOARD At Extreme Northern Edge of. (Ity to Welcome Teurishi and to Mark the Tourists t'antu. i . The regular jrecklj! niectlng of the Concord Rotiirlaii' wa held at the V Inst, night at (1:31 o'cl(Kk, and instead of begin in session tvt one hour, only, the, members of the ir-lnb disregarded all lime limits, and held 'a two hour session. ; The iual "V4lin. "feed" wns provided ttj nieiuW of the King's Dnngliters.-' - j C ' '. A ta:k by Ira Triplet, of the Chai' lotte;' ('.lull, u "Boy's; Work" was ono of the features of , the meeting. Mr. Trlplett is chairman of ilie Boy's Work Committee In Charlotte, and ho'gave to the kVmeord' clnlv members some vnliiflhtn wi1ntAt. Mlltii,l eilL.lt(tf' T- -j. .--.. The Rotnrlawr-bave (lc(litl to erect a handsome sign hiuu-d just north of tlui.IxH-ke Mills' on the Kannapolis road, to' welcome tourists and to des ignate a lot- which will Is lailixed hy tourists ns a acamp. The lot Is the pnperty of Rotariun Archie Cannon, and will isgiven for this use free, it I planned to get :i wutei line on the lot lu the near future,, for tho use of the tourlnts. The need of this "ramp has been . felt here for several weoks. and police officers state that almost daily tourists stop to inquire the name of the city, and to nsk 4f there is a camp here for -persons driving through. The Rotnriails hope to have the hoard completed within n wick. DEATH OF MRS. I). '- ' , -:t ' ' MATT THOMPSON WeU Known Woman of StateeviUe Died at Her Home There Tuesday. v 4By i-lli AawM-lnta "reus.) . StHtesVllle, ' Nov. 23. Mrs. . Mary Elixabetb Wright Thompsou. wife of Prof. D. Matt Thompson, died '- Inst J night at her home here, her death re sulting fronr heart disease. She was born In Ashelmro. March 20, 1842, anil was educated at (in-enshoro Female , College.. She wns married to Prof. 5'n'lll,11 - 0?'J". vnm vlces (will be held nt the home tomorfo afternoon at 8:45 o'clock. iin'Th.mn ... m. ,.r ,, Mr Wnif.., i hrmtns.in fnrmer hnd with itmv w .nt hundredR of rhlnosn ittiteln a. livinir bv 'collect- iir th.J.nff hnes on th niifi.aiavs. . ' ... Sao Paulo, the second elty ar Brazil. has one of the finest municipal then- Houir TWO MIDNIGHT BELL , RINGERS GO TO JAIL Were Hired t "Tap" a Belt and They "Tapped" Enough to Alarm Entire ' t'by of Htatesvile. (HUI te Thr Trlkaar.) , . Statesvile, Nov. ; 23. Two youths giving their names as "(.'ruck", Smitii ami "Red" Wllsn, sHut several hours in the local jail In the early morning hours, ns a result of an escapede In which they engaged last midnight. . The Crescent. Theatre hud billed for, today on their program "Midnight Bolls", and In order to attract atten tion to tlie picture today,- the two buys were-asked to go to t lie top of the theatre ami ring a bell at midnight. This they proceeded to do; with so miicw, energy and jetahusuuim that. the noise ia'ike--thA nnvar-tahd eltv ntH Tial,-wfs -hud-the tro- fruit- mea-aiv rested. "They were 'he-. d In Jail for several hours, but were then releasd, and will lie given a hearing in lorn I loli. court today. PRESIDENT HARDING SIGNS ANTI-BEER BILL Hie Rill Includes Resumption of Beer as a Medicine In the I'nited Stales. '(By the Amavlatcil II .,' nasbington. Nov. 2.1. The antl meillcal beer bill was signed lodny by President Harding. -Signing of the bill on which t'on givssinnnl action was completed last Friday, nntoiuatbally Hosed the gnp In the mi lion's prohibition laws, re vealed Inst March by Attorney Pnlmor in au opinion Unit (here wns nothing in tbo Volstead act to pre-luilt pre scription of beer as a tacdicine. l'lobibitioii advocates lu Cnngress siMiu after publication iftf Mr.' Palmer's ruling evolved tlie bill, which in n somewhat changed form whs inixlc the law of the land. ' VIOLATORS OF ANTI-TRl'ST LAW SENT .TO PRISON Three . Given Four Months and $1,000 . Fine and One Given Two Months and $3,000 Fine. ; i Mr Ik AaMcistea lu. New Vork, Nov. 23. Four active niemlKTs of the Tile Grate and Mantle Manufacturers & Dealers' Association, who were, aihoiig those, who pleaded guilty litst week of violating the Sber ninii anti-trust law, tslay were given jail sentenws by Federal Jmhte Van Fleet. . F. It. . Nohlie, Arthur Sbiltz stone. mid AllH'rt Cclniile were sen tenced to four months in the Kssex County, N, J.. jail, and lined $4,(XH). Herman Petrle wns sentenced to two months in the Mime jail and tlncd $3, IHIO. Thanksgiving Services at Central Methodist Church. Tliuiiksglring services will Is- held in Central. 'Method let Church nt 10 o'clock Thnrsilay, Xovember 24th. 'A free Will offering will lie taken for the Iswllt of the Children's Home nt Wln-ston-Snlcin, N. C. ' A cordial invitatiun Is expended to everyone to worship with us in these special Thanksgiving services. . ' . , W. A.' JENKINS. Pastor.. Reeeirra Medal Far Record Atteadanee Italeigh, Nov. 22. Belleveil to he the holder -of the worlds record for Sunday school attendance, Kl F. IwI.h. of -the ' statev library force. Kaleigh, baa recelvM a niedwl for hav ing nttendcl 12 years' without missing a Sunday. Mr. Iewls Is a, niemlcr ot the -TalsrnnHe .'Baptist : church of liulelgh. ,s - i . ' . Probably Rain Tomorrow. - ', iRy r ASMTtmra lvMbt v ' Washngton,'. ' Nor.-i ; 2,'l. Cnsettled, with a stron i probubillty of rain over the eastern Vilf of tb cuntry. was the weather forecast eodav for Thanks Saving by the Viiil'ter Jl(i.i:; .,- Notblug seen on the streets of New Tork in a loug time bas a 'traded more attention than a young' woman who re cently promenaded on Broadway wear ing a long skirt, jr.j,.,,. ; IIFKWCUTI Delegations of Five Powers : Go Into Executive Session f on ! the i Land Armament V Question Today. . A k FRENCH ANXIOUS r ; FOR A DECLARATION Premier Briand Would Like to Take Home With Him a Definite. Declaration of the Powers. -.., ; IViishlngtou, Nov. 23. (By the As sociated Press. t The delegations if the live powers discussed hind arma ment fislay iKit no dcllnite declaration of policy resulted. A one of. the powers. It. was under stood, presented any proposal looking toward concrete pronouncement sup porting the French attitude as outlin ed to tlie full conference on (Monday by. Premier' Briand Premier Briand. attending his last meeting of the armament group before his departure for Frnn-e made a brief presentation of the exact posltlou of bis government,--and' it was said a general discussion followed along the Hues of that in which the powers ex pressed . general ' uimrecintlon of the French position at Monday's session. After the two hour-mid a half ses sion was over the French Premier, despite .the failure to make a Joint" decmriitlou or policy, expresswl gener al satlffactb.il with the ilireHlMii the discussions bad taken. Tlfe debate led the' delegation into a consideration of the specific prob lems or land armament, and it was decided mi uppoint sitlwomiiiiUees to deal with such project ns airplanes, poisonous gnsHex. and other auxiliary means of warfare. It was also Indicated by the French ilelegntes that Mr. Briand would re turn to France confident that his na tion's attitude bad the sympathetic un derstanding of tlie other national groups, and that France bud nothing to ftwr from subsequent .negotiations on hi ml armaments. Washington, Nov. 23.(By the As sociated Press.) The delegations. , of, cutive ,atkQM tnM , lu&, SMiisaigit today a-tth fhe French grrmp faoptng that the negotiations would he stressed to the point of a formal expression of some character liefone the departure of Premier Briand for France. Just what direction such all ex pression could InkS at the present stage of the 'conference was uncertain even In the minds of the French themselves, unit thev t,Mit their iiImcam nt tlie table prepared to shaiie details of j their program in the Jigbt of suggtw tlon sfrom otbia- delegates. The Premier would like to take home with him u definite iIih laratjon of powers support ing France in her determination not to weaken materially her army, but has realized serious obstacles might lie In the way. .Before meeting the French dele. gates let It le known that they would iiuiKe no direct -request Tor a pnicise ilecla ration from ttle conference but they evinced an expectancy that tlie other isiwrs might, on their own no tion, express in colli'Otlve written expression, their views nt tlie cession on Monday. Mr. Williniu I.. .Morris. Jr., who L attending schisil at the X. ('. State College nt It'ilclgh. has boon elected .a delegate to the district convention of the Signia Phi Kpsilom fraternity which will lie held in Washington. D. C.. 'rhanksgiving Day. Mrs. Cornelia Stevenson, who died recently at her home in I'linuociptita. was the first woman to receive an honarary degree from the University of Pennsylvania and the first woman lecturer to be placed on the ealend..r of Harvard University. GAME WILL BE PLAYED TOMORROW AS SCHEDULED : ..'' ; .; :;- -- '.; -'-.. .f Ai:. "-;?'-1' ,' Southern Railway System Announces Round Trip Reilured Fares from all Slaliens to Chapel HilL N. C, and Retium i ;: r - ' ' ' '. . ACC(CT ; i Carolina-Virginia FootballGame, ? Chapel HiU, N. vC, ; ' Thanksgiving Day, Nov 24th, 1921 7 Round trip tickets on sale Novcmlicr ,23rd and for trains whed- ;: . tiled to arrive in Clinpeb Hill before ,1 p. w.' Sovenilwr 24th,'. fliml , limit November 'M, 102). : - ;. ;' v - ,. ' - '' S' SPECIAL TRAIN: From Hreonsboro, to -Cliapel Hill and tv turn. November 2th. leaving Greensboro a. m. and arrive Cbaiml Hill 11:15 a! m. Returning lve . Chapel Hili r.:10p. m 'and arrive Greensboro T :."H p. m. v V ' - V .:': Train 44 Cliarbrtte to liembor,.rilt 'cnunM: . with" thla spe- -; ctal train. Returning the wpeciul tralii will - -onne-t wltln4M at' -: (i-eensboro.. ' -,... '. - -,-;;.' --! '-V -V - ''V-- '' " ' ?" . ' ' 5 Special sleeping ears arranged from Clmrlotte" nud Aslieville, leaving Charlotte train 32 at 75 p. m. November 23rd. and leav ilig A slier I lie train 1 tt 4:40 p,.m. to (ireeusboro. tbeiu special , train arriving Chapd Hill tU) a. m. November 24th. Returning leaving Chapel Hill iltO p. ju., November 24tb.- - Special train to Oreeasboro thence regalar trains to Charlotte uud AHbevtUe. " Passengers at . Intel-mediate statlona can make rexervstlous in ', thesa cars and a Urn get other detail Information hy applying to tl nearest ticket agent or address: '-'"i --.' - -.. ' B. H. GRAHAM, v ''-.''.- ', ' IMvfrloa Hssrtiger Agent v '. .-: (liarlotU N. C. FOCH . .. - . . i . aa,y . -.is" " :;o;;o The Commander of the Al lied Armies in World War Ready to Begin Whirlwind Tour of United States. RICHMOND HONORS 3 NOTED FRENCHMAN Salute of )17 Guns Fired by ' Richmond Howitzers. ; Ideal Weather . in Former Confederate Capital. , (Br tk AniUM-lKlra Prm.) - Richmond, Xov, 23. Marshal Fish, commander of' a:iied ' armies in the. world war. arrived here this morning-1 on the beginning of a whirlwind tour of tlie country, and Richmond, capital of Confederacy, immediately capitulat- ed to the noted Frenchman, according him one of the greatest orations ever received by a distinguished visitor in this city. Ideal weather prevailed. A salute of 17 guns was tired by the Richmond Howitaers.. as the leader ot tlio allied fori-ew emerged frovu Brunei., street, station after lieing greeted b (ioreruoi- Davis. .Mayor Alnnlie and a rtHK'ptlon commltte.. . . . : CONGRESS WILL ADJOl'RV SINE DIE TONIGHT Bringing to an End the Extra' Session failed by President I larding April Twelfth. , (r the AtMctoM fKM.1 . . Washington, Nov. 2.'l. Nine die ad- . Joiirimicnt of Congress Was expected to bo taken tonight, bringing to an end the extra session called by Presi dent liiirdiug April 12. The Senate bad a creed to a vote late todnV ihi the tax' bill and with this out of the way . was prepared to adjourn, wliilo Hmv House was marking time 'waiting for the Senate to 'declare its business fin ished. ' . 1 The regular session will begin in Di-ciiiIm when the Ford-Newberry contest ud other mutters which bad. been under consideration), in the clos- lng days of the extra session will; again lie taken up. , , . :. IHnflM-vTICJlELATIONS WITH Attlbasrador Hcrrirk f Makes- Formal , Call on German Ambassador. ..' (H the AMarlata Pras. . Paris. Xov. '1 IMplomutlc rein- tioiM between America and - (lermnn " cmbasxies Iiere which were broken off In 1017 were, reestablished yesterday afternism when . Ambassador- Ilerrick made a furiunl call on Willwlnt Meyer von Hatiflieuren, former Ucrman am- Imssador. The latter will proliabl.v re--turn the visit liefore the end of the week. '. " ' , ' Ainliassador Herrick took tlie'i lnltla- -live in view of Herr von Kauflieuren's dploiuatie seniority In Paris. .- Mbs Mao E. Hlarkwelder Weds Mr. Ralph Helms, . , , ' A niHrriiige Hint clinic as a surprise to the friends of the cont noting par ties was solemnised this moriiiiig at I o'chH'k at the home of Mr. K. I. Blackwelder. when his daughter; Mary Lillian, liccniuc the bride of Mr. Ralph Helms. The -orcinoii,v wns performed lu the presence of only lueinlsirs of the two families, and was iicrformcd by Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, pnstor o'f Forest Hill Methodist Church. Im mediately alter the ceremony Mr. anil Mrs. Helms left for Italeigh, where they will sis'iid several days. They wili make their home in Concord. . The bride is Hpnlnr with a wide circle of friends in Concord, and him been a nieiiilier of the clerical force nt the Pnrks-Belk Company for several weeks. Mr. . Helms holds a jsisitHju wilb Mr, Jis Cnskel. The br?st oysters for eighteen months old.. - eating are

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