I 0 0 6 O 0 6 O - V '"" ' J ' OOdd$dd 0 ASSOCIAtED O; ' PRESS 4 O DISPATCHES e m 9 a a AILY T mm -ww vr w wr r .. . L9T I I 'i " ' i ' UNE OQ0 O O 0 3 r- VOLUMB XXI.1 concord; n. c, r ...... . - DAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1921 NO. 258. RIB :.: -t,.vi 1; COUHTRYCLUB PLAN r MEETS WITH FAVOR ':" live Wire (Boosters Includ- r; ing Both Men and Women, " ' Back the Proposition as a Li Community Asset. '-' h MEDICAL MEN ARE V; -v::' STRONG FOR IT Reports From - Kannapolis State Citizens , There Are Eagerly ' Interested : and Anxious to Do Their Part The plan of organising a country griHh im the Kannnoll highway. If ex . (M illed, will brine ninre real benefit to " the people of the business and Indus irlnl life of this community, provided Ihoy go there and llml recreatlony In the open, thnn a train load of medl vliio,". said a' well known physician yesterday nfter rending the announce ment that nlana for ItMvennnlry club lmil boon revived. "There In no excuse for n man he coming Inclllclent around SV he con tinued, "nnd why do hundreds of thorn continue to do tmt Because they de cline to InkP advantage of exorcise in hmh air. They keep burning energy but refuse to build a reserve supply. What Ik the result along pbont Bo or ' Had kidneys, high blood pressure, pwr digestionthe finish." " "If tho men find wYnnen of this community would throw off the- cares of work for a few moments a day or even n ' few days a week and really I'lai at a country club the vitalizing Influenee It would have would be felt In every sphere of the community's life." VThP Country club Is n real Institu tion ln-practlcully every town of conse quence in Hie country," said a llve wir citizen In offering his support. 'Why should Concord not have one? There Is no reason. N'ow that the op portunity la here I am In favor of Ink ing advantage of It and boosting the propoHllion along. Its an Asset to tho community and that Ik Just exactly 'what this community , need more building and boosting of thing and Institutions that ftbl to tho gorlal and lrl tir! atwt mak. up- ciminirdtj' . ..1J. t n ... fst tt- fjA IIAP 011 more enJirnWe placf to live InMinao anotherr skel n thoughtful eitlxen t, ben requested for hl tlnJ"tt nnd suirort of the plan to start a conntry club "on the Kannapolis highway. "H is hecanso one community wUU hnve )mKr places for clean, pleasant and lu-alth imlldinr amusements and an other community will haye no such piace, numcm ... -. -"'. rttivlents of sodal welrare anil mlncators hnve declnred for years one of the problems In America' life was how to get the most ottt of recrea tion and play hours. I believe the out door life of a country clnh la the best niwwcr ft the problem for n commiin Itr as a whole. Why a country clnh has not been established here long ngn la Mirprlslng to me when I con sider the resources of this section." "lt' either , a conntry club and ef ficiency from open air exercise for mc or lu a few years, gout, rheumatism, 'Hright V, high blood pressure or some thing equally as terrible?" replied a ymmjc business men who la Just strik ing his hnslnesrt stride in his early forties. -I know if I continue work and I mnst I am going to have to Imll2 a reserve physical force to main tain my efficiency. Tle medlcnl ex perts say fresh nlr and regulnr exer cise are the only way it can Im? done. That, in addition to the club being a big asset to the commnnity, la why I w.-fht to be listed as a supporter of It." Another encouraging report came from KAunanolls concerning the clnh. "Sure, we ore for It 1" was the an ' swer that came from a. hustling yonug huslnesa man there. "(Vmnt on Kau napolis t c back of the plan," he added. :." ' ; v '.. . cJmedlei Shwild.Not Be "To Car rect," drica Chaplin Saya. Clurlea Chaplin's greatest ambl--tlon in life la to follow and, satisfy bis own whims In making picture. Ho made this declaration following the connection of "The Idle Class,"- a will he shown at the Piedmont thea tre for a run of two days, starting - After finishing "The Idle ansa.? Chaplin started work u a new pro duct Ion, but aiiddenly one of those . Ideas possessed him. Immediately he . ilny for trip to Knrn. mnm wanted to visit the aceim of his birth f anil el. a ctnAta In Rflfrln flfl 111 r laaliVTT, uu iim r where he agent hia boyhood. In New ' York a feieiiTI questioned hlra regarding hU plana for the future, 1 "I'm not concerned about the fu ture he exclaimed. "I drift along. 'Tomorrow I mar take a shin to Egypt. Or I may make two pictures aignt . iater in uis isik. i nauuu unnn-i - that "films shouldn't be too perfect." : adding: . - ' ' ".. i' i "I know when a thing should not be too correct when you nmst love it . i or lis impenevumu. xvu r". vi seeing perfect photography right through the picture; saccharin light ing: balo effects. It's ilka a steady . .diet of caviar. I dont care about con alstency. What I want is feeling. . notion." , . . , : " The local cotton market was dosed .Thiirfdsy asd Triday taking a two i days' vacation for Thanksgiving. NAVAL EXPERTS MAKE FAVORABLE PROGRESS In the Examination of De : tails of the American Pro i posal for ' Reuction of the , Naval Forces. ANOTHER PLENARY v-i SESSION AWAITED At the , Session the British and Japanese Delegations Are .Expected : to , Submit Counter Proposals. Washington. Nov. 2l. (Ry the Asso dated Press.) So much progress haw lieeu innde by the naval experts exam Ihlne the detail'' of the American re duction plan, that some of the arms delegate expect flint niiotner plenary session may be held in the near ru tnre lo allow Japan nnd Great Itritnin to unbuilt counter proposals In con croied firm. ! The American and Ilrltish nnval ex liertu today were wild to have virtual ly compiled their' examination of the technical point, involved in Mecreinry Hnghes' proposal. The Japanese ex perts, however, were hi ill considering the HgnroH and facts Involved The British were said lo feel Hint highly satisfactory progress bad been made, but their spokesman "would not Indicate the trend of the expert exauil nations beyond stating it was certain the. submarine (picstion would lie one of the chief points concerned In an agreement, reached by tho conference. There Is strong belief in Creat Brlt- a In. it was said, that the conference can not he an nnqiinllded sm-cess n less some action Is tnkon to curb the slate of future undcrsens niivles." slm flu r to the ctcps pmitoscd as to the Hiirfiice fleets. A. A. Adee Nears Four-Score. Washington, 1. C., Nov. 2(k More than ha f a century In eoiiTlniious ser vice in the diplomatic branch of thf government, mostly In high station, is the record accomplished by Alvey A. Adw ,thc veteran Assistant Hecretmy of Htate. who tomorrow will enter upon bis eightieth year. Mr. Adee begun hU illnloniatlc career as sofTOlary s of Jri1ip, at Madrid, I" ikti. UPv"! came ft. l(rk"in thfrtatc' lietmnnTfelif.T a year. later wua mane cniet: m me diplomatic bureau, and. In 1SR2 was promoted to te Third Assistant ftet-i-e-tary of Htate. Thirty-five years ago he ' wan appointed Second Assistant Secretary, and almost any time might have been First Asulstnnt Secretary had he cared to fill theoat. rrnbably no other American diplomatist of to dav -Is so extensively known in his ,ioll n(..vl,le ns is Mr. Adee. and rew or ine ttintiuntii- huic from the State Department In many years have failed to receive his care ful editing and enieiidiitioii. In official and diplimatic circles Mr. Adee is famous for his remarkable memory. lie has at the tip of his tongue accurate datn on most every Incident, of interna tional law in which the I'nited States has lieen concerned and his memory for persons Is as unusual as his memory for historic facta and legal matters. ( Republican Minister 'Raps Wilsoa Critics. New tork, Nov. 24. "fpenkln? ns a Repub'lcan, ami as a strong tulmiivr of our present national leadership, and believing that, there were fan'ts ot method nnd of polier in the prevlons Administration, nevertheless I pray that Wor.drnw Wilson muy ifvo to f-ee the abntement. of the bitter reaction against him. and a return to a saner appreciation of his virtues and ideals." said Itev.-Dr. It. W. Htockmnn, presch lug at. the Madison Avcnno M. R. Church today. "Kvldence of this appreciation ure now to lie seen, Tho bitter criticisms of our national officials Is one of the weaknesses of a democracy. May our present leadership continue' to hnve the gratitude and appreciation tic served by honest and sincere men in place of national probity." Dr. Stockman came to New Tork In 1013 as s layman. At that dare he eutered Union Theological Seminary In 11)17 he waa made pastw of the church where he is now. He was liorn In Ohio. His degree of Pocor of Philosophy is from Co'uinbl;i Vrl rerslty. Want Cornell-California Game. , ,Pasa,dena, Cal., Nov. 2.V-Aunounce-ment was made today by the Tourna ment of ' Roses Association that the footbnl. Iteams of Cornell University and the University of California would be invited to play the annual New Tears Pay. enst-against-west game, at Toiirnrinient Field this season.. t Girl Burns to Death la Hot Hater - -r .' Caldron. - Dundlrk, Md.. Nor. 25. !beity, the three-year-old child of G. D. Burdette, .died of hurns received yesterday, when she- fell into a caldron or hot water while her mother was preparing the Thanksgiving dinner. The family formerly lived in Charlotte, N. C. Now Hope That Lloyd' George Will ' Come Her in December. London, Nov. 24. It Is understood that Prim Minister Llord George still hopes to be uhle to visit Washing for the Armament Conferenc. ' There is a possibility that he may go to America before - Christmas. U was said today. . , I ' lo ancient Bom no woman over t fifty was allowed to marry. r CELEBRATRS HIS HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. Capt. George Cathey Taught School for Almost Eighty Years. (Br Ike Aaioclat-4 Tmm. Rlilelgh. Nov. 2(1. Capt. George Cathey. who tnuulit school In (iwirgin and North Ciirollnn schools for tilniosi: SI) years, is relcliriit'liig his HMMli birthday nf ilie North Carolina Home for Confederate Soldiers here, todny. He is enjoying rcmarknljj.v good health. luiviug the use of nit his rsiciiliies. Cnpf.. Cathey was born near llnnvilic. a., on Novemlier 'Jtl. 1S21, and began t enchlng when he whs IS years of age. With exception of the time, he served as Captain in a Georgia regiment dur ing I lie war Itetwcen the States, be continued to' teach until two years fi-L1ls ',' -4tuo 4s in ..silicon oiihry,"-fif-the inntinm htwof 'North "( 'a r ollna. Various chanter -of the )niigh- ters of l he Confederacy todny shower ed 'npt. '"alliey nilli gifts, -incliuline handsonie rurniiitrc for his room al the home. Capt. Cnthey has thrii- daughiers living in lliliitn. anil one son In Charlotte. PRKMH M OFFER l.D FOR XORTH CAROLIW IIOXDS Ten Million Dollar Hi.l by a ew York Concern Turned Down y (iov emor. Raleigh. Nov. 25. Application for the purchase by a New York concern Of about ten million dollars or ,orU) Carolina bonds, at a premium, war turned down after a conference today with the governor and council of State. A representative was here and talked with State Treasurer U. R. Lacy. The state Is not reauy to dis pose of any more bonds at the present time, it was announced, but officials woro pleased to know of the demand existing for the bonds. The premium offered on the bonds was n sniisinntla' one. RAIJCIGH TO HAVE EIGHT CENT STREET CAR FARE Order .Made Today to This Effect b Htate Corporation Commission. I Br h Ahm!(M Prrra. Raleigh, Nov. 2rt.-On and after January 1 the local cur company will be nllowed to increase street car fnre to 8 cents for cash fares; two tickets for 15 cents and hook tickets for school children on basis of one round trip ticket for one cash fnre; an order to this effect being ordered today by the State Corporation Commission. Action of the Chamber of Commerce a few days ago In approving the applllcation caused the city commissioners to with draw opposition to the Increase. TRI E BILL RETURNED AGAINST MAYOR MANNING Mayor of Durham Charged With Vio lation of the Narcotic Art. I By th AsMcIated Presa.) Raleigh, Nov. . 2. The Federal grand Jury late yesterday returned a true bill against nr. J, M. Manning, mayor of IMirbam, for alleged viola tion of the." anti-narcotic law. Dr. Manning was arrested in Durham last Saturday by Department of Justice agents and Is held under" n bond of $1(),0I0. His case- will nohahly come tip at this term or Federal court. A GOVERNMENT SHIP WITH -4 J "CHRISTMAS LIQUORS." The Redwing is Tadr Naval Guar at Hamption Roads Submarine Base. ' fBf tbv AMorlstrS Prf ' Portsmouth, Vs., Nov- 26. The Unltwl States ship Redwing, mine sweeper, with eoinplelneiit of iO men, is niuler a nsval guard at the Hampton- Roads submarine base today fol lowing discovery and - removal last night of a large quantity of "Cbrist ni.ts liquors," including' tbe very best Canadian club whiskeys, 8ne brandies and Cuban rum. : Inquiry has been or dered br Admiral Philip Audrcws, ranking 'officer of tbls district - r Mls Catrrie Lltakcr retomcg to her borne today after visiting bcr sister, 'Mrs. Norms a Alston, for several days, FOOTBALL CLAIMED TEN VICTIMS IN PAST SEASON. The Death List Was Three 1-ess Than Last Year. -.Majority .Members of High School Teams. (lly the AsBsctalrd Press.) Chicago. Nov. 2fl.--Fontlinll c.aimcil 10 victijiis during tbc I'.rjl season, which closed wlllr Thanksgiving Day guincs. according to rejiorts to the As sociated Press". The death list was ihrce less thnn in 1020, mid three above the loll of two ycard ngo. Ten lives were lost as a result of games iu I'.HS; 12 in 1017 ; IS In l!UH; and lo lu V.nr,. As in former years, the, majority of the youthJ killed were niciiibers of high school teams. Figures apparent'- up hold the centention of fooUml exparis llmt prMec tibslgiwLiiUjTl'l Vn-. Htlon greatly- mininilzWI Hie dangers' of the game, for nulv one man killed was a memlier of a college eleven, tine whs a member of a semi-professional team, one was a member of naval team, mid the remainder were li:gh school or sand lot players who did noi receive football training and physlca. inspections given in colleges. With one exception none of the vic tims were more than '20 years old. The list of death included: ' Win. Pritchiird. Kli.abflh City. N. ('.. 1H years old, who died of injuries re ceived in a practice game Scptcnil r 20rii. YVOGDROW WILSON RECEIVES VISIT FROM ARTHUR BALFOUR He Is Silent on (lie Reported Feeling About France, However. Special to New York Times. Washington, Nov. U4. The only for eigner Woodrow Wilson ha received since the opening of the Washington conference is Arthur .Iniucs i'nl lour. Lord President of ilie lirilish Coun cil, and ranking member of I lie Itrilivli delegation to the conference in the absence of Premier I.loyd Geerge. who has been detained in Kngl.im! by press ing nffnirs of stiite. Tbe visit of Mr. f.alfour to ,be Wil son residence at l'..:ni S Street North west took place about four days nco and followed the delivery o' Mr. I;nl- murder of K. A. .Milliuiore here on ihe four's principal sm h in Ihe plenary night of August 1. when Judge (' o. session of the confi rencc. i'l which he Andrews this morning ruled Hint ihe declared Great Britain's acceptance in confession which .Miss Clarke is nlleg principle of the Hughes proposal for il to have made to chief of poliie limitation of naval armaments. i Vestal lalght be admitteil as cvidenc? Wheu Marshal Foeb lirst came to againsi the licensed. Washington a few weeks ago he call- ed, but was not received, the former THE COTTON MARKET. President being rcMrted ill at tliat time. When Marshal Koch returned First Prices Were 2 to 1J Points Iiwer to Washington a few days ngo he did YVith January Selling off to 17.75 not again call on Mr. Wilson. iBr the Assbrlnled Press.) Mr. Wilson is alleged In a newspaper New York. Nov. 'Hi. There was fin -resrt published this morning to have ther scattered liquidation in the eot sald to a friend on Tuesday that an- ton market at the opening today and other war would soon be on us, nnd first prices were 2 to V2 jsiints lower that It wnnld "be caused by the policy with January selling off to 17 7"i or of France." It was impossible tonight to learn whether Mr. Wilson had ut- tered such on expression or whether he would take notice of the attributed declaration. Tiince his departure from the White House there bus lieen no authorized statement of the views of Mr. Wilson with respect to so-called militaristic or W"np between two girl tennis at r.m- Imperiallstlc. aspects 0f French nation- denwood College, scheduled for today, al or foreign poli. v. It was recalled was called off at the last minute, when tonight that on .March 8. 1020. howev- M decided to play hockey in er, approximately a year before he),0',, r football. A recent injury t left the White House. Mr. "Wilson, In p ayer was ssi rllio as one of the ft letter to Senator Hitchcock, charg- reasou for the last-minute change. ed that a "militaristic party" bad re- gnlned control in France. The Hitch cock letter was written In expression of his unqualified opposition to any attempt by the United States to crade obligation under Article a or League covenant. V ' the ' . Jules Jusserand, Ihe French Aiubas- sador at Washington, .was at. that": time instructed to say to the Htate De partment that the French Government was aurprked at the references to tbe policies of France made by Mr. Wilson fn bis letter to Senator Hitchcock. Mr. Wilson made no disclaimer. -i' , !' ' y YXrs. Pink Thompson and ion. Bob- ert. of Chester. S. C are visiting- ret- stives here. - ' , . - . n SUITS AGAINST FIVE FORMER STATE TREASURERS Are Started at Springfield, 111. Among The Treasurers Involved is Governor Small B- Ihe AsMoWuteil Press.) Springdeld. 111.. Nov. iH. Suits for acconiitlng against live former stale trcasuerers alleging shortages of ni proxiiiialelv S.'SKMlon were slarlcd in day by Attorney General Kdwiu .1. Itrundagc. The suits cover Hie terms if ceding that of Ihe present Treasurer Kdwnrd K. Miller, and are dircctcil against all Slate Treasurers who held ollico between 1!MW and llr.'l. State Auditor Andrew K, Russell who was Treasurer twice during Ihe is-riod U a defendant 1w two, suits. . Othtr former treSsurers lnvolvisl art. Governor. I.en Saiali; Llem. Gov.' lereil Sterling; Win. Ryan. Jr.. and Edward I). Mitchell. NO TRACE FOUND OF SIX ESCAPED CONVICTS Men Made Escape From Slate, i'rison Farm NcAr Raleigli by Smashing u "YY'lndnw. (By Ihe tasfH-lateil Prevn.) Raleigh. Nov. ill. No truce of til six while prisoners who escaS-il from Ihe stare niisoii farm near here last night, when they smashed a window in one of (lie barracks, hail Imimi found by prison guards up to noon today. The convicts were serving sentences ranging from 1.1 months to I'd years. Among t lie prisoners who made their esciiic was Toiu I'lavloii, New York yoiilli. convicted at Fnyettevile early Ibis year and scnteiionl to serve Ji years in connection with flic kiling of a deputy sheriff who attempted to ar rest bini on the streets of Kayeieville. STATE SCORED FIRST BIG POINT IN CLARKE TRIAL Alleged Confession of mittiHl as Evidence lrlsoner Ad by the Trial Judge. ISt the Auwlati l'rru.l (li lando. Kin.. Nor. -. - The stale scot eil I ho tirsl big point in the trial of Miss Clarkiv who is charged with lli just ,V iminrs below ihe recent high level. Cotton futures opeued ha rely steady. December 17.!V: Janiinrv 17.S0; March 17.S0; May 17.50; July 17.01' Fool ball Too Rough. St. l.ouis, Nov. 24. Tbe foot ha 1 lue norKPT me ed m a Steal $00,000 From St. Louis Firm. (ttr the Ssaaetotea f-rn. I St. Louis, Nov. 2(1. Four armed bandits entered the office of the St. Louis Refining I'o.. In the heart of the business district today, and escaped with diamonds and jewelry said by the company officials to lie valued at- $Kl.- 000. Tbe company assays jewels, - . ... Weotber Fortsiist For Next Week, ir tk AMBte Presa.t . ti'sshinaton. Nov. 26. Weather m-e- dictions for the week beginning, Jlv- day Included: South Atlantic States: Geocrslly fair weather and normal temperatnrea.. PLEASE LOOK AT 'AITB f !- " JL K If yon get vour Tribune bv maL the date to which yonr subscrip- & tion is paid will be found on your label. Please look at it as soon iKas you read this, and if It Is about to expire, please renew promptly, so that tbe paper will not be stop- Sit pod. If your paper is delivered by M carrier, the carrier has your Ye- clpt if you cannot see him. K come to the office and pay. Thank yon. Please look at your Inlicl now Sfc K and send us check by next mail. Do not wait for us to end yon a statement. 4 WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN POSTOFFICES IN CHINA Informally Agreed Upon by Far East ern Committee of Conference. I By Ihe AMMoelnled Pres. Washington, Nov. Jil. i Ry the As sociated l'ress. I Wit liilra wal of tbe foreign postottices in China whs in formally agreed to in principle today by the Kar Eastern coiamiHee of the Wasbliiglou coufcience, nnd u resolu tion to that effect wi.l he drafted hy a siib-eouimiltee aulhorl.ed to work mil details of the plan. The ipiesion of cxna lerritoriuliiy, the gradual alsililion of wliich was agreed m insirinciple yesterday, was not considered by the nine nations represented in the ini-ellng today. The informal agreement with respect to the withdrawal by foreign powers of the postal services aiaiutiiliKsl by tin in in rhiua. it was slated, was not final, but the sub coinaiiltee dculiiig Willi Ihcni will le guided by the gen eral statement expressing favorably to that end. IRELAND TO HE PLACED IN CANADA'S POSITIOI? Thai Is What Kritain Offers, Says l,or(l Chancellor Birkenhead. Tiiiihridgo. Welts. Kngland. Nov. '2. i I'.y the Associated Press. -Lord Chu neellor liirkeuhend. sH'akiug al a muss meeting here today, said h could not confidently predict that the IrK-li question would he satisfactorily soli ed. lie said that what the ISritish gov ernment bad ofi'ereil the Sinn Fein was that with one or two reservations, Ire land should bo placed in exactly the same ssition as Canada. Whether the offer will be accepted I cannot say." said the Lord Chiuicy- -It is very easy." lie added, "to May": Why don't you raise an army anil co erce Ireland as tbe only means of ob tniiiing peine:" If such a tragic ne cessity were to arise, no ISritish gov ernment would shrink from the re sponsibility. Hut when Dial bad Ih-ch done, bow much nearer would we he to tin- atlaininciil of a coincided Ire la ml".'"" ITALIAN MOD FINDS AND RURNS FRENCH FLACi Three Hundred Troops (lad to Br Called Out al Turin to Restore Or der. (It? Ihe lHM4M-lntMl lreMN.I Turin. Nov. 'Jli. -Anti-Krciich demon -nations which were precipitated last night following ncwspnwr accounts alleging liarsli words were used by Premier llriand of Krnnce to Sen Sehair.er. head of the Italian delega tion al Washington, were continued lure today with such intensity that "(Ml troopers had to he called in to restore order. The most serious incident in connec tion Willi the demonstration occiirreu when a mob found a Krcnch Hag and Inn ll ,1 it publicly ii mill hostile airlu malions against Kin lire. II IK AltltUCM.E TRIAL Difetisc Will Close Today. Counsel Announced at Noon. I Ur flic. AM'laie4 -re.i San Kritiicl.sco, al., Nov. Jli. The defense will close iu the manslaughter trial of lioscoe '. Arhncklc in con nection with the death of Virginia ItapiH'. (iiivin MeNab. chief counsel, announced at noon in court today. Harry It. Marker, rancher, of the Stockton district, and a friend of .Miss apH took the stand at tbe op ening or court Tor completion or ins cross examination which was licgun sierday. Five Bodies Found in Lifeboat. , By tic jMclaiea Wmi' Waterlown, N'. V., Nov. Jli. Five bodies, four men and one woman, were found in a lifeboat U miles southwest of stony -Point. Ijike Ontario, last night by' tbe crew of a Lake freighter. The victims are supposed ro be from ihe crew of the City of New York, a Canadian craft which left Oswego two days ago. Steamer tioes Aground. (II the Aamrlatea Preaa.) Astoria, orognu, Nov. 2t. The steamer Springfield went aground to day nenr the north entrance to the i 'otumhlii river. A tug reported that it was standing loy. Tbe crews were dispatched, from the coast guard sta tion at Point .Vdams and Cape Disap pointment. Warrants For Four Men Connected With Brokerage Firm. i Mr the Aaaaetaraal l"e. Jacksonville, FI, : Nov 24 War rants for tbe arrest of four wcq con nected wttb the brokerage ann of Clement D. Cute 4 Company, wblcb went into voluatsrir bankruptcy yes terday, were received by , Sheriff .Me r ritt here today trom Orlando. ' .? Tbe average wtlklng pace . of , a healthy woman Is said to he seTenty five steps a minute. ; . v " ' mum m mi i m . IIUll WWS.WHI Tit Gil PIHt Nearly Half a Block in Bus iness Section Stands a Mass of Ruins, Including the Albion Hotel AUGUSTA-CHRONICLE WAS A TOTAL LOSS Fire Started at 1:45 O'clock This 'Morning in Johnson Building, Corner Jackson and Broad Streets. (By Ihe Aselate4 Prea. Augusta. Nov. 2d. Nearly one-half of the 7ik blocks of Itroad Street in the heart of Augusta's business sec tion stands a mass of ruins this morning as a result of a fire tbac started al 1 :4o o'ebs-k in tbe Josnson building, corner of Jackson and Itroad, ' and rapidly ate its way through the Harrison building and the Albion. Hotel and one section of the .1. K. White & Company department store. The loss to buildings and stock is estimated til appro.ximate'y $2,l00.00o as the buildings loss alone will run aio.ind a niilion and a half. The entire eastern side of the 2(M block of Jackson street, which is a tuirt of the Johnson building, is totally destroyed. The, fol.owing miildings were in the jmtli of the fire: Johnson building, total loss: Harrison building, total oss: Nestor Hold partly burned. The Augiisa Chronicle, a local morn ing newspaper, the quarters of which were In part of the Harrison, also is a total loss. J. It. White & I'oiupany store, which was also in Hie same building as the Albion Hotel, is partly burned and is water damaged throughout. The places of business destroyed on Itroad Street were: l.iggetts Drug Store; K. K. Ferris & Company, cloth ing store: John J. Miller & Company: Oardells lirug Store: A bion Hotel, and men's clothing department of J., R. White Ji Company. ALLEGE LIQUOR SEARCH WAS MADE WITHOUT, WARRANT; Sufrisl Agent E. It. Hinsen Will Have to Make Full Report to Prohibition - , . 40 it ApMelatea - Freu.1 -, 'Wasliington. Nov. 'M. Action by pro. blhtion bcadonarlcrs in the case of. ihe recent raid on u private home in Savannah, said to have been without warrants, awaits report of special agent K. M. Hinsoii. prohibition agents said today. Commissioner llaynes wired Mr. Hinsoii yesterday to transmit a fill account of the circumstances f the raid which led lo a protest to Presi den Harding by M:ivor Stuart, of Savaiinali. I Tbe heads of three Women's Chrl J tion Temperance I'nioiis of Savannh iclegraihcd Senator llarrismi, of tieor gia. today a defense of Mr. Hinson's action. The message said its signers as! '"Christ in n home builders" of their city, "desire to slate emphatically that we heartily approve t lie earnest and efficient efforts of K. I. Ilinson to bring to light liipmrs storeil here for use. and to secure punishment of tbe offenders." Ivoug and Mctiraw Company Has Been Liquidated. Tbe firm of Long and Miliraw. composed of J. M. Molirnw and C. II. Long, grocers, located ou West Corbin street, has been liiiiidated. and tho ! be under business in the future will hi the ownership and maiiagi mem of Mr. Mel iraw. Mr. Long stated that he lias not yet definitely decided what business Ik?' wll! engage in. He has been associated with Mr. Mciiraw in tbe grocery busi ness for several years, and lief ore that was an employe- of Ihe St. Cloud Burlier shop. Program of Bethpage Community Club. The Bethpage Community Cliih will meet on Friday night. Oecemlier 2nd. The following is tin- program: Song by nil. Exercise by school. Talk- Prof. J. B. llohcrtson. Song by girls. . Talk By 5Iiss Kathleen Wilson. Talk By Mr. II. 11. fjoodmnn. HusincsH. X. Close Flora MacDnnald I ntll After Christmas. Red Springs, Nov. 24. a 3W cases Flaro MacDonald college, t auethori ties thought it wisest to vioav the institution until after the Christmas holidays and make up for the loss nf time during the spring term. .Most of . the stdents left for their homes to nighU , . .. ; There are ninny peoph- who sre-renl- ly happy and who have a satisfied con science because they contributed lilri-r-aHy to Ihe stipjiort of the Jtrphsns at Itarluui Springs and to muke rooni, for 300 more who ore asking for nd-iiilttaiM-e in order that they inay be prepared for life's duties and respon sibilities. Are you among tlie number who arc - happy? If :ot, -see. , yoiir church treasurer or send a contrlbn-1 tion to Supt. E. McS. Hyde, BHura Springs, N. C TAUvertlscujeut-.ri-JJI c. Mm. Oip Mien-Ill, Sirs. - U" V; i'ur er. JlnT. W. 0. Waucfcape and JJr. C. II. liODE' rieul Fridjiy in .Cbsrlorte. Cotton oo tbe locul market Is quot ed t 17 1-2'cebtS". per pound today;' cottba seed at 45 cents per tushei '

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