t . .-'V. J OOOO -f TODAY'S ASSOCIATED "PRESS . 0 DISPATCHES -$ 0 $ & -$.8 -9.-0: - NEWS , . TODAY v VOLUME XXl. CONCORD, N. G, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1921. NO. 266. TM 4 AH AGREEHEflT IS ISSoN Sensational and Wholly Un expected ;. Agreement Is Made Between the English . and Irish Conferees. CONSENT OP ULSTER IS NOT REQUIRED A Provisional Government WiU Be Formed in South Ireland , While Parliament -l" Considers the Agreement. " Birmingham,1 Kugland. Pee. (By the Associated Press)' Ireland here after will he known oflWlnlly as "The Irish Free State,'' under the agree ment reached' last night's Inmlnn con ference, it wns annoniieed by l.on Chnnc-llor Birkenhead In nn iddrew Iiero Ulny. In outlliiine (he general lenim of the flRreemont tho Ird Chanwllnr wild: "We propoMod In the 0rt place thnt, wllliln the ant of wMilhern Ireland,. wo shnll make tho.o who beyond all Question wilbln that area at thin mo- thin mo- inent arc entitled to apeak forHhe ov- rrwhelmlng majority of the popnla- Hon, masters in their own house." The agreement reached by the Brit- ish nml Sinn Fein delemles binds both sides to recommend It to their parliamenls. It Is a forraol detailed nud conclusive document, and Its terms and will lw heard Hiursdny after-pi-event the noeessity of further nego-1 noon. tlations. I The Senate would not today decide Hhoald the Pall Klrcann nsree to! on n dnte for adjournment or the last the document ami a disagreement Is dale on which roll call hills would he not looked for. as ,it meets satisfae- Int rxliiiTK. Mendenhall. of High lorily the points raised by the Sinn Point, wanted the last date for roll ca'l relit It will 'be embodied in a .hill, UUU VUUUlltlCtl W llie ItlKIl I liruu- tiient which la expected to be railed in special aenHfott to connider 1. The conaent of Ulster is, not requir cd to make the new Irish , settlement , effective. She is Riven the option of withdrawal within a montir, reverHng ;. the!) Jo her present stntiis wlthla the . iMTiuuT - Pet iatw!tt vf -nitviimtnn; ary commission, ,, , Wbllc the agreement tut ; been sent to Sir James Craig, tht Ulster hre tnler, . an tlnfarofab W ' deelHItm from him will not prevent the schemo from maturing.- V ' " 1 ' ' A provisional government will be formed In South Ireland while the Xritlsh rarliamenj: la considering the vs agreement,; ' , , " . " ' On.the qtiestloh of allegiance a form ; of words was found wlileh satisfied ; Iwth tie .jcovernm(:nt and. , the1 Sinn Fein.:- TUo recognition of Ireland as nn Independent stale Is .ld to be clear. The prlnolple atlat adopted' by tl.l k govcrnment-iH said. to have been that or trusting Ireland 'fully and giving 1 her full power of decision without ' hampering her by conditions. It is also understood rtlitit. An nr rangcuicnt satlsfnotoryto Sinn Fein " ,vss agreed to regarding control of the Irish porta by the Navy. The ' condition previously insisted , . upon, waa that there must '. I fnf trade between Knglnnd ' and Ireland and it Ls suid to have leen dropped by tlie government, and. Ireland is given freedom regarding tariffs.. The dele gate of the Dall Klrennn, however, ex plained that It would be to Ireland's advantage to have free trade between the two islands anil she would adopt thin votontarlly. : London, Pec. 6. (By the Associated Press.) England and Ireland awoke today from a troubfeU sleep of despon dency, over tho Irish sltuntion to learn the joyous news of a sensational and wholly unexpected agreement reached between, the English and Irish confer ees In today'a small hours. 1 - The negotiations for a settlement .were considered yesterday to have de finitely collapsed and the compromise achieved in Premier Lloyd , George's JiMle home in Downing Street, after n night-long straggle,' seems lifcolv to be chronicled as the moat momentona event in the history of Anglo-Irish relations '. ; . "While the i agreement must still bo snlVmitted to the Pntl Elreann and the i British 'Parliament for ratification, , .there was disposition In all quarters today to regard the out-'ook as of the brightest - i. .', ' ' . ' Officiate at Belfast Resrve Comment ,; Belfast. Ireland, Pee A (Bit the., i Associated Press. Official circles to. j BUILDING Do you want a good, safe tax-free investment for your weekly or monthly savings? Here Is your y OPPORTUNITY 1 . . ' , Take Stock 'in the 67th Series . Gncord Perpetual BuOding and Loan Association ;v , Now Oprt for Subscriptions at the : Cabarrus Savings Bank . ? : Concord or Kaniftpolis, N. C C. W -8 WINK, President H. I. WOODHOl'fiE. c and Treas. . - P. B. SPECIALSESSIONO LEGISLATURE OPENS Both Houses Invite' Marshal Foch to Visit Raleigh. A Brief : Message From the Governor. . TWENTY-SIX BILLS ARE INTRODUCED Bill . Presented to Abolish Capital Punishment. A Joint Resolution Present cd to Adjourn December 16 (By Max Abentethy. (,tttrliil 111 TMhMf.) ltnlelsh. Pep. rt. At the openlug ue olon of the l-eelxlnlnre todHy lih lionm! pnswed reMolutions invltinx Mai shnl Koch to vioit Ituleleh. heard n brief mexKnue from Governor Jlorrinon reiterntliiB mntter wet fixrlh In the exeeollve's proelnnmtioh enllln Hit Pltrt-lnl ewiii, and Introdueed aevtMi-ly-Kix hills for pflnaBO IfAnKMnntnllfA Uimiua int rivlilel fl I to altuliHh eapitnl punishment In tills slnte, and Representative IVniple ton ealled upou the Hlate to get into the flprht to ftamp out the boll weevil invasion. The Inevitable stock law fttntrovcrny rame liefore the Senate In the form of a bill by Hwaln, of Xyrell, asking that jllyde and a part of Tyrrell county be exemptwl froirf operation of the stnle- whir tock law wmch is erreeuve .ion nary 1st. The bill went to me coin- mlttee on propositions and erievnnces mum sei lor neceinoor v- aim r.imcr Ijonx wanted to insert nn amendment fixing thendjourniueiit date as Peeera ber It'ith. Senator Mendenhall want ed tmmcdinte considnrfltion of the resolution but there was objection and thj! matter went over until Wed nesday. The nronosltlon of l lowering, -the thnit. at pfBpeft enptivis frm fWMr to S.10 was again thrown into tn? seiute hopper by Sumner Bttrgwyn Wlio could not get consent' for lt Im mediate consideration. The Senate passcI this bill last year and the House killed it. Peslpto the Immense number of new bills, the general sentiment Is that ad journment can be secured lu 10 days or two weeks. Committees of both house ami senate wero o.iJcd to meet Tneaday nftenioon to consider bills and framn tlcislatiom naxaar In ML Pleaxant. Alt. Pleasant.- Iec. 5. The Clvie Club of Mt. Pleasant will hold Its an nual Bazaar Friday and Saturday, Pe ci'mlier Oth and loth, in the new Cook and Foil store building. The ha sum r will be open on Friday afternoon from 4 To 10 and on Saturday from 2:00 to 10. Xnmerous fancy articles will lie on sale, aixt there will be in wide vti rlety and abundance of good things to eat. at most reasonable prices. The members of the fivlc t'lub are determined to make this Hie most suc cessful bazanr ever held by the organ ization. The proceeds .will go to pay for Improvements on the graded school building. - Foeh Invited to Address Legislature. ' (Br. the noelal4 lrrB.t Raleigh. 'Pee. 0. Marsha: Foch to day was invited in a joint resolutinn passed by both houses to speak beforo the North Carolina Legislature on December 10. (lay showed a disposition to resorva comment on 4be rejiorted Irish agree ment untU the terms become known. Political laders, however, are said to regard any compromise between the British and Sinn Fein delegates as a defeat for Ulster. "The views of the parties to. the peace negotiations, they said, are so. Irreconcilable that It is difficult to imagine that wnat win un real to the Sinn Fein will be regarded as satisfactory to Ulster . The question asked in Belfast this morning Is: , ', "Where to we come in?" . Particular slguiflcauce Is attached to the statement that the agreement is to be embodied In bills to be submitted to the British Parliament and the Poll Eireann. , .- . v. AND LOAN . 3 f At 6eo. Treae. , . ,... j v Chrtetmak wonders if '' C WONDER, , iwtK,' jTpS. I ELKS' CHARITY BAZAAR HAS Sl'CTESSKl'L HKtJINNIXG Large Crowd Present For Opening Mglit. ContiiHies All Week. The Klks t'iiurlry liiiznnr begun lal night a we'k's stiiy in Concord, under the big tent tit the corner of Bar- brick and South Spring Streets, in the rear of the City Hall. A crowd of pii- trons iluit. almost tilled 1he tent was present on the opening night, and the whole nwmlily apparently was h.k Ihic at) eujoynlile time. Purnig the evening a iuuilcr or free cntertiilnments, were staged on tho platform in ihe middle of the teni. among the attractions iteing jugglers. boon -rollers, high diver; contortion ni-ts beln well performed.-- ' The entire circumference of the tent wns tilled with booths of various kinds, handling tirticles of merchnn- a.. Iinanl l.,l Until . i IfnnJ era 'silverware. I why dolls. Hoi. jiil-1 lows nnd the like. The lorn! l:lks con-; dnet a candy booth, while the KIHg's Puughters have n booth from which they dispense nil kinds of refresh ments. A novel feature of the show is the guessing contest in which the closest guesses will receive a huge truck load of coal which wn donated to the Ba zaar by Mr. A. B. Pounds. The two persons m.'iklmt the next closest guos cs will each ns-eive a half ton of this best lump coal as a reward? The guess ing is open t all. amj any person may have as ninny guesses as he wishes to pay for. Kncii night the Bazaar Company will give a way a handnomo door prize to the holder of the lucky number. Kv ery jierson who enters the teut will Is1 given free a numbered ticket, which Is to lie kept until 10 o'clock, when the door prizes are drawn. The only condition to receiving this free prize is that the person holding the lucky nunilwi' be. present when the drawing takes place at 10 o'clock. The holder of the lucky number last night was l Mr. J. P. Boyd, of this city, who re- j Wived a hnndsome 4imntoI dock. The doors of the big tent will open each afternoon nt :t o'clock nnd every evening at 7 o'clock. MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTIM N SPLIT Between the Northern and. Southern . Presbyterian Churches, Declares Dr. Clark. I Br thr Am(hIiI4 Press.) New York, Pee. 0. Ministers "of a certain typs" hove been primarily re sponsible for perpetuating the splii between the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Churches throughout the country a rift which an attempt will be made to heal in Pes Moines, Iowa, In May Dr. James K. Clark, of Nash ville, -Trim., declared today. Pr. Clark, who is field secretary of the general board of education of the Northern Presbyterian Church, indicat ed that the coming General Assembly might follow the example of Presby terian laymen of both factions in Ken tucky, who have thrown down many harriers in their attempt to close u breach which ha1 Its origin in the Civil War and has existed ever since. GUARDSMEN SENT TO PROTECT , THE KNOX ClRCl IT COIRT Third Time Militia Has Been railed Out in Connection With Bally-White Fnk : - " v- ' v . , (BrOth Aaaadatnl Prem.! Frankfort. Kru ! Pec. : . Thirty Kentucky guardsmen and three com missioned officers armed with pistols. rifles and two machine guns today went on duty at Barhourvllle to guard the Knox circnlt court during the trial of members of the Bailey family on a charge of conspiring to murder Bev erly P. White, of Versailles. White was killed by John Bailey, who now Is In jail at Pauville, Ky., -awaiting disposition of his life sentence by, the court of appeals. This is the third time the -miUtla ha been called oat in connection with the BaUey-Whlte fend. ' - SAYS IANDIS' RI UXG "WILI NOT STICK." Dob MetiHCl Says the Money Cannot Be Taken Away from the Ball Players iHy thr Ac.ilc 1'rras.) l.os Angeles. , Doc id Hoi) Meusel, New Vork American nutllelder declar ed the lines Imposed on himself Babe Uuth and Wml Plercy for In fraction of the majorf line rule pro hibiting "liiirnslormlng," tours for play ers who participatede in world series of that year, could ot lie made i. stick." I "I have talked with attorneys and they tell me that man's wages can not be taken away, from him," ileusei said. "Aearned- my, world series moneys nnd Judgrhfcairfchsss no right to -take If nway fnmi ma Whether I will take the matter into courts will bo decided after I get. in touch with Mercy nnd Unth. I earned the world series money. It is mine hv evcrv right and I intend have it." Yacht fat Blown I n Near PensacoJa. Florida. Pensnco'a, Fin.. Pec. 4. One man is dead, one missing, two badly burned and the yacht' Olcmtover, of Now Or leans, lies in 14 feet of water three miles from St. Andrews. Rnrly Saturday morning one of the crew of the yacht went lu the gallery for something to eat. and In the search for food lighted a match the act be ing followed by an explosion of gaso line which had leakid from the tank. The vessel caught lire and burned to the water's edge, sinking in 14 feet of water nt Beacon Heights, ip)Misite the pilot station. As a result of the i nlosiun one man wns killed ontrtghl :i ii'l two arc badly burned, while another of the crew hns not been accounted for. The burned men were takin to Pana ma City where their wounds were dressed. Names of the captain or crew could not ho learned here. Before Christmas Sale al Parks-Kelk Company The big Before riirisfiiins sale al the Parks-Bclk Company will liegin Thursday, Iteecuihrr Sib. when (he store opens nt 7 :.'!! a. in. For this sale the company Is ready to offer many at tractive bargains, nml it will be worth while for you to read the double pace ad. in this paper, and Is- on hand when the sale liegin. All goods in the store have been remarked cheaper for the sale, nnd careful reading of the ad. in this paper will convluce you of the many bargains (a be offered. Itead the ad. and he ready for the Report of Kaiser's Betrothal is Denied. London, Dec. Ii. Denial was given today"at the home of Former Emperor Wllinm nt Doom. Ilolhind, of the re lMirt of his betrothal, says a dispatch to The Daily Mali from Poorn. AN OPEN IJETTER TO James B. Womhle. Mayor of Concord : Pear Mr. Mayor -Since Sunday 1 have been in Concord. Pnring my vis it one thing that has Impressed me Is the extent to which this. beautiful city of the South expresses Its progressive municipal spirit in caring for the youngsters. ' Concord children nro happy. And I am told that you take a personal, as Well as an official interest not only ip the schools, but. in the con struction nnd 'maintenance of playgrounds where the youngsters siend so many healthful ami happy hours. The mothers of Concord, ns well as its citizens generally, appreciate that you are lending your official ability and personal humanity to the welfare of the very foundation of any lasting prosperity and happiness, the siibstnu Hahillty of "the home." ' ; Recently while in New York, on, several occasions I viewed a really great picture, Kach time 1 was compelled to awnlt my turn in line before gaining admittance to the Astor Theatre.' . . ' ' This picture breathes ,lhe song of mother love, a thing greater than sect or creed. Yon will Hnd yourself strangely moved when you see It. You will find yourself smiling, and that the wet tin your cheek is a tear. You will want to do even greater things for the home than yon have ever accomplished as the mayor of Concord, in the name of mother, whose limit less faith and enduring love have been every great man's Inspiration!. . : When Goldwyo created this picture of Rupert Hughes' masterpiece, tbey gavei to the world of mother, a monument that . time can never efrace. . - - This picture I to be thownJn .Concord, starting Monday, ' at the Star itieatre. . To see it is to make an Invest ing that it la your duty, not only as Concord's mayor, hat as a mva, to Ne it. Will yont , , . . I . It is called "The Old Nest." - ' - JriTI W. FBI END, ,(. - ' ; ' '-. ' r Goidwytt Spoelal Representative. : MAY ESTABLISH .VLIJFP ' CONTROL COMMISSION In Berlin, Willi Power to Uring About Financial Changes. Paris, Dec. (I (By the Associated Press I . - The establishment in Berlin of on allied control commission to sup ervise the Inidgetry reforms and arm ed with powers to bring about other financial changes during the throe year cessation in tiernmny's cash reparti tions payments, is provided ill n plan under consideration by Die reparations ollleials of France ami (irent Britain. The conversations now procwding are uiiderstotsl to have moved awav the dltlimilUes , between France and Great Britain in .regard to repnra tknia and (UiJuvp. fWjlldtlicd the. .opin ion that (lermnny Mint lie given n breathing spell in which partially to recover her finanrinl and economic strength. (Jerinnny, ii is understood, cannot under present conditions meet the scheduled payments beyond those due in January and February, hut It is pointed out that at the end of .the three year holiday she will have no excuse for refusing to meet her olilipa. lions. TRINITY MI SICIANS TO TOl'ft THE STATU W ill Make Several Towns In the West. Including Charlotte, During Present Week. Durham,. Pi-c. 4. The Trinity col lege musical club, composed of mem bers and -divided ns a glee nli, orchestra, and mandolin eluli, will leave tomorrow morning for n tour in the western part of the slate. Fight tellies in the western part of the state will be visited. Professor Patterson, Professor ISIoimiuist. and Pirootrr Twaddel will accompany the club. The club has been undergoing daily practice for the past two months and has nn up-to-the-minute selection of songs, melodies anil features suited for the three group-. In the two pre vious concerts, one at Trinity and out i nt Cnry, the numbers were loudly ar- cln imod. Two wctks tour had been planned for the club, but it was derided to sp It Iho tour making the western trip over a week and rheu to take a spring tour in the eastern part of Uie slate. The dates arranged for the clubs this week are as follows: Ie.xington, December r; Queens College, Char lotte, December (1; Ca.stonia, Peeem her 7 ; Shelby, December S : Ilender SQiiville, December ft; Asheville, De cember 10; Hickory, December li and Oreenslmro eo.lege, Greensboro De cember 13. Pr. ,lnuie ('. Murphy, of Yankton, S. Pak., is believed to be the only woman street commissioner in the wo rb I. THE MAYOR Concord. N. ('., Septeinlsr s. 1IC1. itent !o inspiration, and I tro sujrgcst- rH V H4 JK -i- H! M.OVP tiKOKtiK WILL NOT COMB TO WASHINGTON. liOnilmi. Pee. (I illy the Assort it: nted 1'resf !. Prime liinisfer Lloj'd (ieorge Iiiim abandoned his Intention to visit Washington, ow- W. ing to the eiirl.v meeting of Par- Hi lifiment to art on the Irish set- jJ: tleinen. ii ns tnleil rjiis after- noon. rH H? nVKXTY-THRKK VICTIMS OK W'KLCK ACt'Ol'NTtD FOB Nearly All Were Taken From the Wreckage of the Two Wooden Coaches. 4 Br he .iNNoWnird Prcs.) Philadelphia. I'ii., Dec. !. -Twenty- three victims of the head-on collision yesterday lietween Philadelphia and landing passenger trains near Bryn Athyn. Pn had been accounted for early today. With one or two excep tions, however, definite identification I wns impossible liecause of the charred I condition of the bodies. Nearlv all were taken from the wreckage of the I' ino ntrnt en Linn i r ni rii niiiirill. lirei and were dostroved. A canvass of the residents of New - Ton and Southampton, the two utile almost imniedialely after Ihe accident'1" "rms conference pton. Ihe two litlle11 icsniein in pt-rsun ill uie i-uauiiH-r m of ihe viciiniK lived. rl"' House and in the presence of the nl (HTsons known to i delegates to the conference and most towns where most showed Hint several im have lieen imssengers on the ill-fated train .nere still missing early todnv and it was feared that other Isnlies were buriiHl under the mass of ashes and twisted steel or were hi lined to ashes. Wrecking crews and rescue workers continued their search hroughoiit the night, but found only one additional hotly. Three investigations lo determine the responsibility for the wreck were underway today. OTHER CHARGES FILED AGAINST AGENT HENS0N Prohibit ion Officer. Who v Was Exon erated on First Charge, to .Meet Ano ther. , l Hy thr Am1iiI?4 l'rrftn. Washington. December !. 'Further charges of Irregularity in conduct of liquor raids In Savannah filed by Sena tor Watson, of Georgia against genera- prohibition agent Henson nre to be investigated by the Internal Itoveue Iliirenii. Commissioner Blair said ti da y. Agent HeiiHoii who conducted raliLs wiik , exniicra ted by prohibition coni- AdsH4ortrr-i'tIayw,tt wnweharpfit searching the house of Miss" Bessie Gerden without, a warrant. According to Mr. Blair Senator Wat son hns tiled charges of three other instances of Irregularity on the party of ngent Henson and protests against exoneration of Henson in the Garden case. Before linn I action is taken 'by the Hurt an, Mr. P.lnir said. Ith sides will be beard upon all charges against the prohibition agent, nnd indicated that possibly ugent Henson would be summoned to Washington for the in vestigaflon. WILL MAKE IMH'GirrON TAKK LKISL,TIVK SEAT Over 100 Members Will Not Grand Old Man to Walk Out Allow Mor- risen I'rges Him. Uuleisli, Pec. Ii. flrand lt Man ltufe Poughton is going to sit in Al legheny's reservation, in the general assfcinlily for every man on the gro.ind tonight has sworn ihat he shall not rol i re. iivernr Morrison walked the bote! floor with him tonight and urged him In stay in his place. BepublieHiis were as anxious that be sit with the house us were the Democrats. Should he walk out tomorrow there would be more than lis! members who will not stand for it. So the session will have Poughton us leader. The lower house is not wil ling to mien without him. And he will be the head of the Mwerl'ul finance commute e as usual, lie" will bold the boys down. The first bill for which ihe session has been called is read v. Il calls for IJIO.mm for (be schools. Whether it goes in tomorrow or not. nohotlr can say. hut it is in shape for introduce Hon. Three Years' Delav For Germany to Pay. Paris, Pec. fi. tJermauy will probably lie granted a three years' de my lu her Cash indemnity payments, the Asscs-lateil Press is informed from the most reliable source. Negotiations are now going on between the reparn Ions ritliclals of France and Crent Britain, and the responsible officials of both countries virtually agree that lermnny must be given a breathing spell. All that remains to he done is to work out n scheme acceptable to lioth ciuntries. The suggestions of a .three-year moratorium has heeu abandoned at the earnest solicitation of France. The French representatives explained thai the word moratorium was especlall offensive to the French people in con nection with the Indemnity inasmuch as it was understood as meaning com plete suspension of payments of all kinds. v The greatest progress has haen mad a in the last few days In bringing the J rrench ami British - viewpoints to gether: the result of tho progress has been' the decision to give Germany a chance to regain a normal ntatux. . ' The reparations holiday cannot h? nsed by Germany as a means of evad ing all future payment of Indemnity, French officials explain, but it is bctnu considered so tiiat GerttanMvlll better be able at the and 6f two of three years to fulfil net reparations obliiratloDk, and she than a&iisi ! prepared to pay full - a "reasonable Uuemnity." Cotton futures opened arm. Pea 17:H: Jan. 11AH Mar. 17:40: May 17:0;.J,iiIy 1;60. , . : - PRESIDENT HARDING'S Tells the Solon "A Most Gratifying; World Accomp lishment by 'Anns Confer ence" Is Not Improbable. HE DELIVERS THE MESSAGE IN PERSON The Delegates to the Confer ence and Most of Diplomats in Washington Were Pres ent to Hear Message Read. (ty tltr wwlsla PrrM.) AVnshington, Pee, (i. President Harding informed Congress today in his first annual menage that "a most -alifying world accomplishment"' by- - "' is not im)rol- able. 1 Tll message " ileliventl by I lie President in person in the chamber of of tho diplomats regularly stationed In pasiungfon. " The President urgently recommejid- I'd the early enactment of a perma- nent m r ill' anil foreign debt refhnding bills. He also suggested considera tion by Congress of an amendment to the coiistituliou to end the issue of non-tiixiible bonds. With regard to the merchant marine Mr. Harding said it was his purpose to present a plan "which contemplate no greater draft on the public treas ury, and which though yet too crude to offer it today, given such promise of expanding our merchant marine that it will' argue its own approval." "Proper encouragement" for the co operative marketing programs as a miMiiis ol iisistinir in relief of in-csent rconditioiis lu agriculture was suggest ed by the Kxecutife!. He also (old the Congress it should give its "earn est attention" to a general poller nt transport at ion, of distributed luuu-. try, and highway construction ti en courage the spread of population and restore proper Imlnucw between city anrt- Hiutry. . He also recommcndc4 plan -tiif -onference, of, common coun sel, of intatioittiiAitiaiajtd Judl: ,, cint determination -jiv winfroverstes lie... tween capital.. and labor." CONGRESS STARTS IN FOR ANOTHER SESSION Chief Interest Centers on Pretsideat's Message to Be Made Today. Washington. Pec. 5 Congress rr nssembled today with the usual, for mal ceremonies of a new session and with its legislative course fairly well routine,, however, and was viewed by smaller crowds than customary. In l frost in general was subordinated to President Harding's address which will be delivered at a joint session at. 12:110 o'clock tomorrow. His , reeom. meutlations were expected to deal principally with tariff revisions, gov eminent" economy and development of the federal budget system. I'linsiial interest in the President's aiipcarinifc was mantfested in view of the assured attendance it speetn tars of delegates nnd attaches lo the nrmament. limitation conference. AiV mission lo the House chamber is to b by SSfial cant. The President to day devoted bi.nsclf to work on the message, denving himself lo visitors and working gPt his address to I he printer tonight. A large majority of Senators anil House mt inbers answered the npeu ing nllv calls) today nftfr their teu day recess since the adjournment of the extra session. The tqieniiig gavels sounded the beginning of the first, regular session of the Sixty-seventh Congress which has before it many months' work, leaders expressed I Im hope tonight ef competing work by mid summer but faved the possibility of the session continuing until fall. With the bi-cnninl congressonal elections, next November, much politics wa re garded ns assured for this session- With Our Advertisers. While yon hnve the Christmas spir it why not make your inr a present of new lumps, n uew clock and other oc cossorios? You can find these nt the fori Motor Com. Sec new ad. A porcelain bath tub. stand and 'other bath room fixtures would mako an ideal Christmas present. Head carefully the new ad. of E. B. Grady today. The Browns-Cannon Co. offers Vir gin wool garments for $.'10 and $3i!.W. Before buying try on the gooria from, this store. Sec new ad. for particulars. In a new nd. today the Concord Fur niture Co. reminds you that you can get a Napnnee Putch Kitchenet on easy installments. Vive dollars down delivers the .kitchenet. Rend carefuj. ly the company's ad. in this paper to day. , i .- . - . Army and Navy Bills Postponed. . I (By tke Axiwclar4 fnmt ' - ' 1 Washington, Pec. ' tt. Preparation ' of both the Army and Navy bills pro viding funds for the 'fiscal year begin- , nlng nest January itrat. will be. post poned until the arms conference ha -threshed out the armament queation. Chairman Mmlden of tho House ap propriations committer announced to' day. , i - - Our Mary Sails After 6llli niiMBHl. Farta, tec, 5. Mary Plckfbrd, wa (liii tet VUf bt) ladisposad, ia tww r ported to he iiutticlejiOy reeorerM o sail for America aboard the Tarns, wil a. . btr haiiband, Iouclas Fairbanks. :. Although-weak, she sat for the art-. 1st, Paul Mnnshlp, ; i