9 9d'd 0 49 19 ASSOCIATED PRESS 0 DISPATCHES $ 9 '9 9 9 9 9 ruesdayDecemWe! Jo pliorf.!- Ham!, CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 192! NO. 267. tad F REPLACE THE ANGLO 1UUUNTRY CLUB PLAN cry bis, ( at Tr te. a ft CONGORB Daily E BUSINESS I OCTOBER ni n ! Rainbfyv , j rAKLIAMbNI LtKlAIN UUN I iNULU VtKr UuuU ask a NM III A A I I mt ft I I i IPM I 41 4 fa King George Will Call the Session so the Government Can Take Action on the Agreement With Ireland. AGREEMENT IS ALMOST CERTAIN And a Bill Embodying Agree ment Will Be Acted Upon at Regular Session of Par liament in February. London, Dec rt. (H.v Iho Associaieel Press: i Kin; George came t Lc.it (Inn from Snnihinghiim today to pre side ni a meeting if ihe privy council anil sign n proclamation calling n special session of parliament for Wed nesday next, township" Hit iiioincntnii agreement reached yesterday between Great 1'rltain nml Imam! for cslah jlshnit lit of fln Irish Free Slate. Shonlil Ihe agreement he approved, of which lilt lo iloiihl Is entertained, the. . session will lnsl only n few days and Parliament w ill adjourn imlil I ho rc gulnr session in February when a hill cmliodylng the agreement will Im dealt Willi. 'rhi1 King is expected lo upon the special sr-ssiou in ierson. in which use tho icreinoiiy wil assume Ihe dignity and mngniilcence of a regular opening of Parliament. The King's .'HN'h will deal entirely with Hie Irish miPMtion mid the debate which ordi narily on such an occasion touches on every subject with which (lie Parlia went lias to do w ill likewise lie limited to Irish affairs. Paper Enthusiastic Over Terms. lnhlih. Dec. 7. -The Irish IihIp Ti. ndcnl Is ciithusHsHc over the peace agreement. It says when tile term- are ratilicd. as lliey doubtless will he. all (iirangi mom and bitterness between England and Ireland will he forgotten !inl they will prosper side by side. "Reason triumplird fiver force," Kays the Cork Kxamlner. "Might held the knee to right, and justice founded on , iintMl will, seems destined to come into its' ow n. The sm rii ices and determina tion of Irishmen w ho loved their conn-, try and fought for liberty taff- lo rur i nuf .iiaKCR .'no isiaiemeni. llidfast Irelaiiit, Dec. 7. I Ry the Associated Ireta. Sir .Inuics t'raig, iht. l ister premier, told the I'lster pail in me nt todav he did not think it eiedieiit to make any slntemenl will) i-eyarr to Die details of the new Irish proposals as there are ambiguities here nml there in the document. THE COTTON MAWUCT. Opening W'ut Steady at a Derline of I I'oint mi IHTPinher but Generally Higher. (Ily I he AuMelutmi l'r.( New York, Me!. 7. The cotton mar ket was lower d.iring today's early t in . lint; owing lo relatively easy show ing. Liverpool riisappolnlmcut ovt r tho failure of the Irish agreement to Rtimiilalc trade lu that quarter, and u tendency toward iucroastal esliiuulcs of I he crop. The oening watt steady nt a decline of 1 is.int en Deieinber hut generally :t to il points higher on a little overnight buying encouraged by reports of little more business in tin domestic good trudej. Cotton futures opened wfendy. Dee. 17.-10; Jnnuarv 17.2.1 : March 17.1'."; .May 17.02; July liUS. Torso of Woman Given up by River. I.awrenexburg, Ind., IHv. 7. Tho unclothed torso of a woman was cast ashore by the high waters of the Ohhr river nt this city today. Whether the head, arms and legs had been gashed from thetrunk or severed by the net ion of the water is the subject of medical Investigation. Farmer Sliot by Ex-Convicl. (Rjr the AaaocliH! Irem.) Thomson, Oa., THx: 7. August IIoo.k 60. a farmer was shot and killed in stnntly at his home seven miles north east of this place lato yesterday afrf r noon by Clnnde Dunn, negro ex-convict who escaped nlfer the shooting. London claims to be the only city where tytiliolil fever ha been abol ished. The world's coal has been tons. daily consumption of reckoned at 1,200,oki BUILDING Do you wont, a jcood, nafe tax - or monthly Mivlngs? Here is your OPPORTUNITY Take Stock in the 67th Series Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association Now Open for Subscriptions at the Cabarrus Savings Bank Concord or Kannapolis, N. C. C. V. SYVIXK, Prealdent U. I. WOODHOC8E, Sec and Treat. P. 9. TTCTE ER, Asst. Seo. and Trrag. Increased Output of Iron, Steel and Textile Products, With Stabilization in the Building Trade. PRICES SHOWED SOME DECLINE But the Relative Stability of Prices as Compared With Preceding Months Cited as a Good Sign. r lb AnnelaleO Prr.l Washington, 1r;'. 7. Continued im rrovement In business eondlt ions in ilerohor, reflected notably in increased nl pur of Iron nml steel. uiiiI icnIuV products, nml also a widespread sta bilization in building and ils related industries, was reported by ilii' Depart in. 'in of t'liinincrce today in its "sur vcy of in rolll business." While prii's . . f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I lo ilo liiic slightly in Oclo lier. (be relative slaliilily of prices as compared with ihe preceding months :iul the linprovcd banking situation sis evidenced by smaller loans and lower iiilerest rales, were cited as condi tions favorable I' iitinncd bniri?.s illlpt'lO ciiicnt. With the cNcepiion of nielals. Hie iuanlllive production in the important industries were shown by Hie survey, to he iKpnil or greater than the hefore-th'-war average of 101;!. many lines including pig iron and cotton and to bacco manufactures showing an In crease of about one-third over the minimum production of the cur rein year. THE GOVERNMENT OK IIEKKER V lESTKOKI Overthrow Occurred Tuesilay Nigh I a Midnight After Eight ing in Whlrli Three IVrsons Were Killed. ilnalemula t'ily. fiiialcmala. Iec. 7. ( ll.v the jVssoeiafed Tresi. The gov ernment of "President t'-irlos llerrern was overthrown at midnlghl last night after llghing in which three iwrsons were killed nml several wounded. The President surrendered his imwers lo )(he provisional government headed by Gen. Jose. JL-uiA Jyiintui-wnntiil rei- lnnn, ,tnd Miguel Larrave. former uu-del- HevrPlarv of war. The l asualii. s ranie us the result of resistance to the revolutionists by the elly police. Tin- loiimry was quiel to day.. t'arlos Ilerrera become provisional president of (iauteimilil after the icv ohirion In April. I'.CO. in which the govi rnnienl of Ktrada I'alircra was overthrown. Ilerrera a ITisoner. Washington, Pec. 7. -Carlos Iler rera, whose government was over thrown in tlautemnla in a revolution which began .Monday midnight, was rc jHirted in advices to American officials ioilay lo bo a prisoner in bis resi dence. Members of Ihe Ilerrera cabi net, the advices aid. were being held ill Hie military prison. IIODIES OK THIRTEEN U'lriYii ivy VAI'Vii I Feared . . n.l . I Many uiiirrs it ere itnirn in Kvptosimi in a (Jcrmnn llyimmite Plant. 'Br m .HMiiurlainl rrem." lhrlin, lice. 7.--tl!y the Associatv Press.) -The liodies of only l.'l of the more thnn KMi iwrsons killed In the explosion yesterday at the Nehel Dyna mite Works at Siiar.ouis. Klicnish Prussia, have been recovered, accord ing to latest reports received here. The number of injured has not been ascertained. Three Hig Days at Ellnrs. Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be three big days at Ktird's. and the company has a double page ad. in this paper today telling you of the many tine things to lie offered for these three days. Careful reading of the ad. will convince you that it will be worth while to visit the store dur ing these three days, and you are cer tain to find there many things lo in terest and benefit yon. Ite certain to read the ad. carefully. AU Prisoners Freed. London, Doc. 7. (By the Associated Press ) King tieorgc today Issued a proclamation releasing all political prisoners interned In Ireland. AND LOAN free Investment for your weekly i Aft O: it .rs " WESTERN COfPl.K HELD HERE FOR SEELING .MINING STOCK Mr. and Mrs. Fred James Charged Willi Violating the State Ijiws (iov erning the' Sale of Stoeli. 1'ii'd James, who a Metres to be a ss--ond cousin of tlie famous ,les-e anil I'rank .lames, was arrested by the pi lice of Knnnapolis Tuesday al'tcriion.i U(ofi niiupsl of liisnraiKc I'omnii ioiied Stacy Wade, on a charge of si lling milling sloe!; in this Stale with out license, .lames was bulged in Jail, awaiting further action by a rep resentative from Mr. Wade's ollice. who is pvpected to reach Concord this nf terniuiii. .lames hails from Urolino. Idaho, and lie and his wife have been vi-iting friends in tins county for some I line. ' ' 1 According to the complaint lodge?! against James be old several hatches of -lock in The rofiiio Mining Com pany to . Iiiyens of tills county. ' iVno purchaser of tin- stock Haniel Jung, a Cliinatiian of Kaniiaudis.' is said to have become suspicions of the sloe!, ami Ihe man. and "oniiiiiiniialcil with : the ollice of the Insurance Coinmis-i sioaer.. The mini's tirrest followed.! He is alleged to have sold about S3.000 j worth of the Mock III this county, the Chinaman having purchased $l.r(n worth. Attorneys lor ,lnng scented ntlacli ment papers Tuesday with which they i were to hold .the trunk hclouging to James, but when they went to the sta-; Hon to attach Ihe trunk, they were advised that it left Concord on train' No. I."i Tuesday iifleniooii for Palm Itcnch, Ha. .lames loid -cvcral pec. pie here that he and his wife wen going to Cuba from Concord. Mrs. James, when seen this morning siaieo nun sue ami iter iiu-sniiiiii werc luted that she and her husband I not familiar w ith the North Carolina laws, and did not know they were tin-' laiing Ihe law when they sold thei stock. "We did not come to North ! Carolina to sell stin k," she said, "aud i we sold the tew snares only In can c: we were asked to do so. We sold .Mr. H. K. Wioeoofi', whom we have been! visiting, soni; ot i la slock, and al-o , soid -t-vontl of Mr. Wiiiecc.fi's neigh-. Iiors. The Chinaman asked fir the. slock. The allegations that the stocl. i Is not worth anything have not been proved. Some of the best husinc-; men in Idaho are sioel-holders in Ihej company, ami if the sloc!v is worthless; it seems peculiar Ihal men on the scene would invest their money in it.' j They are old friends of the Wine-; cuffs, Mrs. .lames said, and they stop- j ped here to try lo get some of the young men in the county to go to Ida ho, where she believes, there is a great future in Ihe mining business. They intended to leave Concord several days ago. but had remained over at the In vitation of Mr. and Mrs. Winecnff and several of tiieir friends. James represented himself as Presi dent of Ihe mining company which stock he sold. I Local authorities arrested Mrs. James shortly Is-forc noou, and she I will also lie hold pending Ihe nrrlval of the representative of the Insurance Commissioner. Here's Scliediale of Foch's Train Fii. day. Atlnnta. Ga.. Dec. 6. Marshal Foch's schedule between Atlanta and Washington, leaving here Friday. De cember !'., made public Prfduytashrd eember " made public here today,! ahows that the special train will be ', operated on the Sentxiard Air Line and the following stops will he made. Athens, Ga. i:4.' to I:fi0 p. m. : nm. Benhonr.t chiina iier ! Abbeville. S. ".:.10 to 3::!5; Green wood, 4:15 to 4:45; Chester 6:50 to 6:55; ronroe. N. C 8:15 to 9 p. m.. arriving Washington' 8:55 a. m. Satur day. Two price errors were eniboelioel in tho double page ad. of the Pnrks-Belk Co. Tuesday. Stockings marked one cent in the ad. should have been 19 cents, and under the heading "spe daltr In hosiery," stockings marked 08 cents should have been- $1.08. WORK OF THE STATE Resolution Introduced Ask ing for Names of Counties Which Made Reductions in Property Valuation. FIRST MOVE INTHE TAX CONTROVERSY Senate Confirms the Nomi nation of Col. A. I). Watts As Commissioner of Inter- nnl ttitVMtn hv Parfv Vntc (SpreUI to Thr Trllmnr.) lty Max Alicrm thy.) Kaleigh, lec. 7. Ibpiescntalive K. ft. Kverett of Ourhani county, today introduced a resolution in the House i calling upon Commissioner of Kevenne ; XVnllK ... f,lrui, mciiiliers of the siw in! session of the Legislature the coun ties which have made hoi i.onlal ro dnetions in properly valuation; ami , upon .Mr. Iv C. Itrooks. State Superin :ieiulent of Instruction lo stipi'ly Hie names of i-ouiiiic- of the stale which I have levied the :',( cent ehoul ia ami which had been found iiiadci.iiiiie to ! operate the puhlic hooU for i j months. ' This is ihe lirst move on the part of the legislators to untangle the l:i ' cr.nlrovci -y whi-h aio.- recenlly l'ol- lowing the reilueilon made ihe ibii iluiin county tohaci-o coiiipanics by the ! state hoard of ctpinliai ion. The Senate today conliinied the nomination of I'ol. A ). Watts Coninii-sioin r of Kevenne by a strict parry vote, all seven . the repuhli i it iix in the chninber loling ngainst Mr. Warts and nil the D. mocriits voting for him. After much debute Hie Sen ate turned down the bill of Sumner Uiirgwy ti lo reduce the evr inpt ion of properly tax from S.'Iiki to $Iimi. I'.ur gwvii lodged a motion to reconsider and will again bring the matter up at an oppc.ruine time. Alioiuer noou oi inns uaiiie in i senate air iiiis scm-hhi. ji h. cided to adjourn on Iiecember lit if lossihlo. ami Deceniber 0 was set as Until dal on which roll .all bills may be introduced. I'NTERMEYR CONTINUES HOl SINti IXYESTHJATIOX Has Asked Social (irand Jury to Con- J; : "Vfrp ,, '"''"ilS! i' "'""' Pr-ssi.-Helief that the arma sider Evldcire .Wirt. Eleelrlral ' 1,0 1,1 ,,,, f 11,10 u " mor", ' ment conference will demonstrate I n ion No. ,H. (Ilr the Amtorlatnl l"rtM.) New York, Dc. 7."Samuel I'nter meyr, counsel to the Loekwood Legisla. five Committee investigating Housing, announced today he had asked the con vening of an extraordinary grand J.iry to consider evidence against ollieials of electrical workers union No. in dicating commission of grand larceny from !,na ""imo.y io n ....... ' llUll-IUlM'll WlfriM'13. .,,,.., ," . , N"' Ladies Aid Society ot the Methodist Protestant church will give ''' "IIt at the home of Mr. M''"- I- fides on Kerr street Saturdny night, beginning a t tl o dock. All persons under thirty years of age will lie served supper for two cents for ! each year of their age. and those- above ' thirty will he charged one cent. j Former Tarilnh Grand YUlcr la Rome. Rome, D:c. 6. Former Turkish t Watts Confirmed. Grand Vizier Said All Pasha wai fu- j Kaleigh, Dee. 7. (IJy the Assoclat tally shot today while ho ra taking i ed l'ressi. With seven republicans a walk, through the city. He was tusb-rotiug against him, CM. A. P, Watts, d to ' hospital, but -s dead when j of Btatesville. today was confirmed by the ambulance arrived. His assailant i the Senate as Commissioner of Inter baa not been apprehended. nal revenue. The veto was 3d to 7. I (.1 ;t-to(etiikr meeting iW LEU ION POST 1 1 El I) .Most Enthusiast ir Meeting of Year Held :il Elks' Home Tuesday Niglt!. New Olliccrs Elected. Tho most eiilhusiasri eeiing of Ihe yeiir of the Pled V. Mei 'oniiell I t n.. ipiesiions relating lo the Island of I'ost of ihe American Legion wasy;lp. Neirhcr would il deal with any held at the Kli.s Home Tuesday nigh!, j matter affecting China, but only to tiie meeting being feat it red by c le'-iem j those relating n (lie Islands of the of otlicers for Ihe coining year, and a I'm itie. siitnpt non- "feast served utter the , business session was completed. Short lalk were made at Ihe meet - lug by various members of the posi, one of the most interesting of these being made by Kev. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of Central Methodist church. who was chosen chaplain of the post. Chaplain Jenkins was hrard with ketm interest. " The "feasf" was serid in iihtindain c and was feiituied by the varo'ly of uooil things ottered. : h was decided lo increase the I for iicm year to v-'l.'M, to raise due moi due ' mne.v lor the post's needs. Tin during the past year were s'J.liu. The following olliccrs were elect.-, for 1!VJ-.': Kenneth Caldwell, ( 'oiiiiuander. John M. Ogleshy. Vice Commander Charlie Cook, Adjutant. Clyde Prop-1. Finance (illi"er. Leo Croueli, ,r.. War itisk t Uliivi Itev. W. A. Jenkins, Chaplain. Dr. .1. A. Ilaitsoll and W. II. Musi Jr.. iiieinbers of Pxe.-uiiie Coniinitle. .. . hail taken ilclir.ite form was giv- OF I..WDIS. jin i iilav bv the Uritish. Iictails were ,.TE TIESDAY XI(illTt revealed, hut an autborizeil P.rit- ( . J. m:ti, IMKll Had Keen III For Ten Days and Death Was Due lu Heart Trouble. Funer al Tliis Afternoon. j prominent C. .1. Deal. Ijiudis most citizen died nl his home there Tues day night at 1(1 o'clock, following an illness of tea days. Death was ii'.t unexpected, and was caused by heart t rouble. Calvin J. Heal was i;7 years of age. and was iroiiiiuenrly couueeled with every phase of life in Laudis. He was president of the Coirihcr Mills Co.. Secretary anil Treasurer of the Linn Mills I'n., and until a few years ago was ideni iiieil with a big lumber cion- naiiv in Lainli-. In chur.-h and social!1'".'"' it flairs he also was iroininent. and was! a life long member of the Lutheran; Church, lb is survived by his wife and the following children, all married: Kev. j J. S. Ileal, of Chiirlone: A. L. Deal.: of Mooresvillc. Mrs. W. I!. Anil, ofl 'alliall- C.. C. It. Deal, of De l troil. S. A. Deal, of Laudis: C. F. Deal, of Charlotte. Nineteen grand-1 posed ariangi tiK nt. American spokes children also survive. Mrs. Deal be-J men hold lo their insistence that the fore marriage was Miss Carrie Jane (pieslion is not at a stage where atiy Coleman. j thing can he said about il to the pub- Funeral services will be held this. lie. I afternoon at -I o'clock at Mt. Moriah 10. L. Church, and will lie conducted by j ! - " ; FAVOR RECIPROCITY WITH I'NITEI) STATES Candidates Following This Policy Run ning Far Ahead In the Canadian Election. elly Hie .MHlt-l Iren.) Ottawa, Onr. Dec. 7. Although re turns from yesterday's general elee it ion were sill' incomplete this niovn- ing it was apparent that, for Hie tirst I time in 10 years Canada had elected a paiilnuieut wl'h a majority favoring . reciprocity with the I'niicd States. In the mw House of Commons W. I.. MaekemJe King, lilieral leader, will have a clear majority over all iir ttes. He will thus become prime min ister of th Dominion. The progres sives nlso favoring reciprocity and low tariff will ronk second, and the hleh l tariff party headed by Premier Mcigh 1 en third. Mr. Meighen himself was de wln i (ejUd Ui his homo district. Agreement Between United States and Other Powers Would Eliminate the Pres ent Compact. CONFIDENT NOW ON SETTLEMENT I British Delegates Admit That They Believe New Agree ment Will Find Accept ance Everywhere. Washington. Iec. 7. i l!v thr As sociated l'icss) ---The fonr-iHiu r agree- ; on n1 ttoing considered by the Tnited ! Simps. ' ; i-i-n i llriiain. Japnn ami 1'niiice. it was luirned iixhi.v from odl-i-ial iiioi iciin soun es. won d lie agree, nieiil lor joint consultation on nuy iiiiiiii -r alTecting interests of ihose na tions on racilic isliind. and not an :i 1 1 i:i in- - or techniial ciileiiri. The .igrccMK nl is in process of being re duced ro lieniv form, it was said, and if :ii'ccpK"l is lo be Kiil.mil r I lo the si naie. Hie propusiii iiauertaKing i nnsign - . I in ib ovvnv with the Anglo-.laanese r,i (I,, ..ti-.il- w-1 Mi ton icl.w .1 :i oil nnsi. alliance and proposals have gone lo .la pan for renunciation of lliar alliance if Hie new agr enienl is eensiiniinated. As now under consideration the agreement is ro be limited to the l'u r iiie islands. Tinier the tentative pro posals each of the powers would agree to coiiMilt each other before going to war on any difference thai might (arise relating to those islands. i The proposed agreement, the Anieri- ,cun officials said, would not deal with I fnrritiealimis in the I'aeilie. nor wifhi '1 he uiiostioiis at issue between ihe I'niicd Stales and .tajnm relating to liable facilities and other mattrrs affect ing the Is. and of Yap are to bo dealt with tn a separate treaty which j is said to lie near comploi ion. Tho pr.ipns.ed four-power agreement, in dual vvilh the I'aeilie Islands is said i to have been already given approval j ill principle by the rllitish reprcsenta- j five at rhf Wnshfngfei'n 1 rorifrtvrtce. The s,ihr:ince of the proposed treaty also. il vui sain, nan oeen ciuiieii io nihin and Pari:'. Formal response of Hie Ilrilisli, Jap.inc-ir. and French jrovern aift'ts still reniaiii to he received, how ever Washington. Iee. 7. 1 1 v the Asso ciated Press i .--A tentative proposal for an agreement between the I'liifed i Stales and other powers to replace the Anglo .lai.aiic-.. alliance has been a . bled to London as well as to Tokio as la rcsiili of the last meeting of the 'arms conference "big three." I iillici.H contlniiati.ui that the siig ijesiiou for a new international con- li-h ()ol,esin:iii saiii that "certain sug jgestions were formulated and telc iLiaiilnil to Loniloii-' alter the confer- cik-c las week between Secretary ilu,,s Arthur .1. P.alfonr and Admir al I'.aroii Kato. The I'.litish spokesman added that il might fairly those proposals ,. -. la. n.v lliey w te i niinating 1 1 be inferred that if should tlild general ae ould have the efl'ect of Anglo-Japane-e alii anee for which there would be m fur ther use Although no similar ollicial state ment had been made by ihe Japanese, il is known that the tentathe agree- u a s cabled also to Tokio and the receiving a more ilelinile of position from the Japan- di lay in sluletliellt esc capital is attributed generally to pic-tioiis raised by this new phase of the negotiations nil her than to Inde cision over the naval ratio. In .lie meantime the American dele gation is revealing nothing whatever 'recti riling its altitude toward ihe pro- Harding Optimistic -Washington Dec. 7. ( P.v the Asso- I ihe wisdom of internationally e'oining jti.gethcr - - nations fa-uig each other land settling problems without resort to anus," was expiest-ed today by rres- ident Harding in receiving a largo del egation represent ing the national hoard of farm organiiMtious. The President told the- delegates he did not claim any special merit for culling the conference, but that "my enly thought was to do my duty." The delegation which was accom panied by a number of members of Congress, ongratulatod Mr. linreling upon Hie progress ot Hie coniereuce, and pledged its complete support to the policies of the American govern ment as cuuiiciiifed in the snfereii-e. Neutrality for China. Washington, Dec. 7. (P.y the As sociated Press.) The Far Eastern commit tea of the Washington confer ence, resuming its session today after a tbreo day recess s4ofte4 rcsoju tionj)'pravl(Jintf for aeutrajlty of China, lo cisc of war, in which China is obt a party. ' This resolution, it Was laid, eovered point No. 8 of CUu'y "bU of tijphfs.? The committee u 4optcd the- iWot rcsolntion drafted in' the sub colu- miftee concerning wireless Installation 'If Hickory, Wadesboro and Rockingham Have Clubs Concord Should Support One Also," Says Citizen. CONCORD ROTARIANS BOOST PROPOSITION Citizens Who Buy the Stock Are the Citizens Who Will Enjoy the Benefits of the Country Club. "'Hickory is building a new country club and the citizens there are sup porting and boosting it loyally." said .1 piegri's-h e ci'izeu yesterday. "If : (owns the size of Hickory. Koeklng Mi.nn and Wadesboro can boast of Country clubs il certainly looks as if I Cen. .. nl . an start and maintain one. Ill is j n s r a ipiesiion of civic pride and In wiliingncss to make an investment for the community. And it will be an . in cstuienc thai not only w ill prove j beneiicial lo the community but will bring hig dividends to the Individual. 1 rneat, it i.ockinghain, adesboro can maintain country .... i. lino lllcKorv clubs it looks as if Concord could main- tain one." The Concord Kotary Club gave the the country club proposition a boost at its weekly luncheon Tuesday by en thusiastically indorsing the following resolution ; "lie it resolved that a country clut is an asset to the community unci county and the Concord Kolary Club iudor-cs the effort to establish ami maintain a club hen'." The Ilot.itians not only indorsed Ihe proposition to build a Hub bill a majority of the iii'inbcrs. as individ uals, showed their interest in the coiinnnniry and their live wire spirit as citizens by snbseiibing to the hold ing company . line of the chief obstacles lo citi zens buying stoek is the idea that a person may decline to buy slock hive later, when tho club is started, join and enjoy the benefits, those behind the proposition state. "This is au er roumuix idin," one of the biggest boost ers "f (he-dub aud largest subscriber j-o . trick dee-lirecV,."JijK'c-Ple think ''. are going to build the club for some one else, ftt enjoy they nre misttiken " be added. 'Tlif greatest dilfleiUty in starting a club is to get pole to make the initial subscription to stock. The citizens who r.'silly make the club possible arc the people- who are jrotiijr to enjoy its benefits." DB MIKENZ TO DISf ONTIM E FREE CMMCS IX NEW TOHK Says Medical Profession Has Raised Objection to His Professional Ac tivities. lllv (tl Aaelar.il Prra.r New York, Dec. 7.--Dr. Adolrdi I.orciv., famous Austrian surgeon, an nounced today that in view of the op position to his professional activities in (his coiinli-y from Ihe medical pro fession he would discontinue further free clinics and return to VUnnii a .-eon as possible. He made the announcement at th office of Health Commissioner's Cope land, where be went to txaaiine 7 crippled children. Lloyd fieonre's Anniversary. London, Die. 7. David Lloyd (leorge i. rflu v ce.ibrates the fifth anniversary of his premiership. Sir Uobcrt Walpole was England's fir-l prime mitiistor, and be -erved mm h the longest of alJ - twenty-one years witheut a break. There have been more than fifty premiers since Wnlpole. who t(sk of fice J(KI years ago. F.leven men have been prime minister more than one. William K. Clndstone holds the record with four terms. His total service e- j tended for about fourteen years. Iyird Salisbury was premier three ittlcreui. times, and. like (Hailstone, for a total of fourteen years. Ascpiith was premier for nearly nine years'. Itesldes Walpole and the younger Pitt, who was premier for cighteren years at a slreich. onl two others have held continuous of fice for longer periods than Asquilh. Lord North was premier for twelve years, covering the period of th American Revolution, and the Karl of Liverpool ' for fifteen years. Glad stone's regimes covered a longer spues of time than those of any other primier. His first term began In 1KV and his fourth ended In ISfM. llenbow Gets Winston-Salem Postofllc Br Ike AMMMUtit Piwm.) Washington, Dec. 7. Pnstmaslvrs nominated today bv President. Hard ing included John T. Benbow, Winston Hnleni. N. C. A lively tox chase was had iu No. .1 township, beginning hi four o'tiodf this morning, and the fojt wnn caught c eight. Last Saturday night a fox entered the hennery of Mr. Price Garner, and killed four of ills tine hens, hene-e the fos chase. The dogi in the (hate were owned by Messrs. Will Potls and ('has. Knox, of David, son, and II. X. Johnson of No. 3. If any other neighborbootl has been botJi rred with foxes If either of tb abffre gentlemen will be advised the t" will 1 be qufeUTy dl-fatcbed. ' ..' of foreigners ou futoa mQ. ; ' The oucvrtop'of Jupgjjepe troooy in Mitecburia cjmo up fr duUiluJ tut? it was understood Japanese Bomber mado statements to the "committee om the subject. . . v , N , ;. i