CON'CCPvD, N. C, FRIT . ; DECEMBER 9, 1C21. ZOFTtESTATE iu W I . I . LEGiSLATUHE E y.ii r ' Loudon. Tft ! ( r.v iho Associated Pr,- .!. V, .hi tn ?; . . - nf tl ,( I t Tli rv ma of t!u' n f 1 i c I,,.' t , i mi t-v Fanning iii ik-.n'iii'il H.l I '1 lll'l'- nil t.( I. .p. 1 ff-lJ " iiii'l lno rcni'mnt split in 1 i .-nun ciiluuft ovcrslniilowed U'i iiMit til ill IriwU situation today. lli'ifpit of this news immediately raised two questions: ' Wlmt will ho the outcome of tho ilhisio amouff the Iri-ii leaders ns ctn-eiing the Kail Elrctiuu upon Ihe njfcenient? ' '"; .'.'Wlmt effect will the s I it tn I ion in South Xrclpfirt have .upon llin British government's attitude ami Ilia opening of the Imperial Parliament for con sideration of the agreemcntl " The best oninlnn It Unit, the split nrftonr tho Doll lenders will jiot affect Hie plan for tho opening of Psr'ia, incut - . Dublin. Doc. 0 (By tho Associated Press). The ratification of the troa t.v between IrHnnd and Oreat Uritnln will lie moved nt the Poll EIroann meeting next Wednesday by .Arthur Griiilth as chairman of the plenipoten tiaries. Jjt was niiounced today y Pres ident do Valora In a statement Issued by the Dnll publicity department. ' It would not be moved as 4 cabinet decision, added the statement, because the vlow of the delegates differ from thaw of certain nicjuliers of the raid . lint. ;'"' '- '-". '''.-.V i ' .;' D v ' ' ; r '. v-"T I..... i . ...;.VTV treaty . n (.rent L.iuuii la tiie iutl Elr- -hi r to tho eoun'-y, and ttiat In t. alfititda he Is i ,,orte 1 by the. ministerg of defense and Of 'home of fairs. I , . ' .: .-; , '. . ' ' i A public meeting of the Dnll Eife . nnn hag been fixed for Wednesday. " ' 4 i, ''.'' -.,. fc. -.nuts Tim. ' Arthur tin nil, head of the Irish dolecatlon,. which- negotiated the aet tlement at. I-oudoa, Isemed the fo'.low biK Btntement touipht: . t - a ':" , "V have i(niel tha treaty , between Treland and .Great Britain. I believe thM trenty will lay the foundntiona . of peace and frlendnhiiv between the two jiatinna , Whut I have aicned I ahnll stand by in the belief that the end of the eonflk-t of centiirlea la. at iinnd" ; i., '.' a- : ' '; ' . , 3he third neufdnn of the Dnll Eire mm cabinet tnded' tonight af tor . .8 . o'eloolc. It la ,' understood - tbnt the. ' opinion of the-roenibera of the .cnbi- ' net regarding the pence .' agreement were divided, 'and -that the- oueutlon will be left to the: decision of the Pail . Eirennn. ' ' ' . ; ' . . v - Rev. AL A. Kml'h Purled ai Old Home ' la Cary. - ' - Rli'l)th Xewa and (lerver. , ' Knnernl nervioos for- Bev, it.'.- A. Fmlth, a well knows and . popular Mi'thodiHt cbuieU poster, were held. In Cary Wednesday. This wna hla old hoiue, but he luid not lived there for many years, having been a member of the Western North t Hroliua eonlt'rcuoe of his ehmvh. lie had been pHftor In (in enhlmi - nod other eltiea of tho K to but. had not been la tbe.activo nil i-'ry in recent year. ' ' (Jr. f':!'ii' was pnstot of Imret Lit! M.-.'.iKlist Church hnri and the i us of li is dfiith wlil he heard here bv 1 ,iny fiieiuls with great re. pet. 1 ..inr) - .- k i " i & c v r !" -i '.' . Fallsbu v. i . K . :. I. i rty whKe bunting T-... i t-vo lini.'S t.iim Calla biirv. i.!..-t an fn 1 tv i ' Lis. em's we. r".r.Sc? ti.i ; It v- ur' bir. In .i t i out iii a VI .. iu cri It" fox, v ! ii-h t l 1 S'i.'!i a i i ' t v ' 't i o ii -I" i t a " till to I t ' a in I , It. "I ': H I"' . . il!l''t ! ' '. I or is or 1 , the tneir fttm.t ' Wnshliitun, IHh'. !. Ttn uK'etlnB of the Semite 'committee Invest' 'itlti the riiiii ' "f Senator Watson, iletuo- nit. oi' i.nnKin. Ilirft soldiers tieen illoKally ImiiKed iu France, nlinosl brnke tip In a row today after Sena tor Wnison had threatened to slap the face of an army otlicer Kittinjf In the audience. Chairman r.randeKee.' of the commit 'lee, taking bold of Ihe awkward Httiia linn, declared that no person la the room tihiHiH be Insulted. This state ment wns made Just after, Senator Walsoii walked up , close to Major t-. Cocheu and shaking his flnKcr In his fnee exclimed : "Kor two peunieM 1 wouUI stnp your v "If he hskH at -me imnin . v I will slap his Jaws," the ntor declared, adding tl ..uid not 'remain -with the eoim .nice to be "bulldozed" by this 'bull Jawed brute." -'i'.'"'.'1"-- . ' .-.'' ,; ' - " ' 'Take your, seat Senator Watson." Seuntor Ilrandegce demanded. . , ' . "Vlt retire first." he replied.? "Take yonr neat or : retire," ; the chairman said. ' - t " "?'' Chairman Brandeee called for the SerReo,nt-nt-Arm and Senator Wntim sat down. Then turning to the ticor gla Senator the chairman asked If he wanted the army olilcor 'present. In eluding Waller E. Iletbel. General Pershing" Jjidge advocate, general tn France, to retire, f . . . ' ; ,.t Ves." said Senator Watson. ' ''Well, get out," said tho chairman, find the otllcers retired. - J i , ir Cis heu had not been called as i w i . .ess and snt silent whllfi Senator i4 'Vi,.n him.' The Senator told the i niitico that be had been Insulted by the manner In which the officer had looked at tolm;' '' ; ' . Senator 'Bhlelds, democrat.' of 'Tenr nesseo. objected to the attack, utatlng that the committee had every Ho-tr tQ give Senator Watson a full i. r lng,.that It liaU not pre'-Judged i ease, and that the Senator'1 atatenu ..t tothnt effect wad without foundation. ' Senator Watson "liegau a ' dlsensston of the case with respect to certain ldi'nce1' he expected io produce after the officers had retired, but the com mittee soon after adjourned Mnttt,2 p. m. tomorrow. I ; '- '! .. 1 Senator Shield presided, at the opening of M - - in-iwlon but. r tired lnler Mr. Brandegee nr rled and look tlie--chalr. Soon after ward there was nn exdmnge between Mr. Braiiilagee and Mr. Watson relat ing to- questions of proreedlrtg 1 am presence, of rmy otTlcr' while the Oeorgia senator was presenting hla wltneseea. The exchange become, very heated and Mr. Watson slionted i"l am not afraid of you," ""Xorl of you.' Mr. Brandngee replied.. hanging on the table. . ' -, ; - - :', - '. The chairman went on to say that there had been no disposition In th minds of tho committee to be nfalr to Sir. Vtson. amt-lt was not right Mr hm t Impugn , the committee' motives. '' . ; '; ,' - "--". As the officer retired Chairman Brandejree asked Mr. Watson. If he wanted the audience driven out. VXo Indeed," he replied. "The officers sat there and eyed me with an Insolence that aroused my -Southern blood-- I beg tho pardon of thla commlttcei" r; - Senator Watson said be had a num ber of witnesses he. wanted called, but hnd no nionev or power to bring them to Washlnpton. "We wl.l bring nil the witnesses ym want," Chairman' Bran degeo replied. ' " J ''."-: J.- Wm, S. Kart J'Tried In Iloltyweod ;.'; ' t i.urch. -. . Is Aiijreles. Cnl., Dee. 8. William ft. Hart, motion- pietnre actor, -was married here tonight to SiiKs Winifred Westover, who lias been included In t is sie, lorting cuiiip' y for smno time, i - c n. n li-o wn reu l at an Episcopal i i nreh in Hollywood. ' - 'i::M.r ; -- iU f -e li.v. i t for yonr weekly . I'sTAR PO'.'JlER OPi ' :, i ' ? f;i-re.':M-aE!:Ki V:-,; , 5 : , store as A . ' . ., r, . . . I v. :- ' COinil-NmSLNT. sono " . .. AT U1GII SCHOOL TONIGHT remmuiiity Song Written by Concord , ' Talent le JJe Hung. . iTbo third sing song will be put on nt the High1 School tou'Kht at t:m o'clock. Features of tlioi program will Ik a violin nolo,' duet, recitations; a clunla sforyi Jokes, potato race, A rend ing and plenty of inasit singing. -The following song, composed- by Concord tnlenf.--wfll be ming:. , , , Tune: There's a Ing Ing Tfall Winding." , . --.-.-vi Nl'jhis us more are growing lonely. i' Ihiys 110 more are long,.' . , ' i i ThetVa n reason written only;' ,V-V;-In tills littlf song. ,-.r-, ". We, have" made a new : dLseoror.T,.,tf ' V Thl i-' -what- we found, . . : ..ifr.i siiimtrf t'nf't'tiioiiMsiif'Binny' Ami for that xi-f're'onttard bounrf."" Chomsv j ' ; ;.w-"4my;.'o , There's a. dear old town called Cjohcoril Oh'l How we all lhve the iinnle,- ' We-nre going: to pull together. '; 'V ' For Concord fame. 1 ' ""''W Wo are going to mftko It lively, -'-v For It's a good town yon see, We are going to Join. In one big song,! For tha whole eoinmnnlty. . ..f . , ;. Second verse. ... ; .'. '-'''.! ft i.. If you ever leave old Concord.";. Boost her Just the same ' H"hc wllj always be you.r home own, You'll-not booet In. vain.' Jr. If - row- travel "every country, .. Korllu- South, Kast-or West.." f ?:, Yon will llnrt a secret longing v -v For the. town yon Jovo the best. ; Chorus,-.- . , - 'tC.:' ' '''''U- M;KK BOD ATTEMPT v'-" i v , '.. TO -HOB MAIL TR.UN Marine' Guard Wounds Tww 'Neirroes Who Are Takea to Jail at Savannab, Ci ! . '-.' '-.: V' 1 ; Charleston, 4JC..; Dec. 8 Sergeont X. a Bethers, U; 8. M 0, ft guard on a mail car attached to Atlantic Coast t.ine train No 80, Jacksonville to New York, fired hla suwedolT shotgun ri.flve times at three men. two of whom at least are negroes, it i believed, who were throwing packages from a sealed express car ahead at an early htwr this morning, about for mllA thla sble. of Savannah, Ga.,Two of the men were woumlel, aocordinjr to unofficial Information, and the third lw at tnrge. Some of the stuff stolen was recovered before the train proceeded after the shooting, also a bat with buctshot pcics In it. : The express car ig being lirl.l here . pending . - investigation.: - Tlio wounded men were taken to Savannah. HIE COTTON MARKKT- Opened Weaily at an Advance on , December, But Later Months Sold ' Lower. . "'..''. v - - -: ' . '.- ' uy kr AhmIiM Pnm.) ' ' New York.1. Dec. a The potion market was rather unsettled nt the start today owing to 'HspoxUion to tako'prolits after tho sharp advance of yesterday. ind apptionBlons of. hitch in tho Irish settlement Livei; pool was fully up to expectations and the market opened, steady nt ttn ad vance of 5 points on Heeemher- hut later months sold 8 to Vi pol:ira lower rlpht after the call ' ' ' - ' Cotton futures opened steady: ffe ceinlier 17.88: January 17.RS ; March lT.tiJ; May 17.38: July 1G.8.S. ' ' . ., DKST..3VLD IN flllCAGO 1' " v Cl 'nese Vers Arrested and 'i , i -! s of l.i.u.r 'Worth of I r s t it! "fitted. ' ( :jr tui A-ln(d Prrs. Cliiea -o. - Pec. ft. Thirty Chirnsft ivni arreted, thni''i nils of dollnrs i hi :)i ef rtre c mil -' ii'i' l. and one of f (. r-i T o- " ..; ever ( hr In i j mi i ' i I br in -t .r ; : ! r i i - h.o : i K'iMiUiiiir i ia U'. Wil- 'fi. iVf. r N0T0!I0CS I rrVNDKR ; NCR ESCAPES. 4 -; ' : es from the Pra- Keek, Ark,; ; , 1K.VTII h... Tern Slaocbiei' I :, .llentiuiy nt t - , 4 By 'the Prru.) .- ; ; , 'Little Uocfc A'., tec. 0. Toni, notoi-lnis baJnllt, under dentn sentenc fur (he 'killing of a trusty guard at the Htnto prison farm at Tucker, escape" t from the' peniten tiary ner nt 2:.'t' this ,morniiiK; tak ing six other convict 'jN'ith btna. Fot flo hours nrior to bi escape Slaught er wn in comtileti coiitrol of the :pen ltentlary jrlH and offered liberty ti all convlsts bo wanted ilt. J , i Fonr negroes wtiofled were, tindor di'atU- sentenci. The rix Philippe coun ty negroes under death sentence' fot pnrticipii. (Ion iu n r ce tlot' tn .IfttS mused to .leave- i'ue-eiiity. ''T-r-, , Someone - smiigfrlod a . revolver to Slaughter in his death cklt, and 'bus armed lie' outwit tel he guards assign ed to watch hlmp and took complete charter of the penitentiary. . Warden Pempoey and Mn:I)empsey and their sons and two- danghters 'were: locked In a death ee l tvr tlra bandit 1 r Slaughter escaped in an utomohllt. belonging to Mrs l)ew)sey which wait standing In th prisonyard.; - . NiAt 8 o'eloek hls momlug Slaugh ter pa ssed h rongh - Benton . aliout 2-"i miles -sonth of - Little Bock and. en gaged in a gun battle with-the city jnariAial, who "and , been .notlaeLiof the escape- and yras on Uxo lookout... ftPe" BANDITS HOLD IT" ' "' . : , A PAV1LSTER IN ACGt'STA. Got8,000 and ITed.aptW Attw, : . '. - vaa ExcUUig tinute. -.; ., . ... v- (By (be Amela4 Pre. '- f', -''Angnata,' Ga., Dec. O.-r-Two' bandits entered, tho otlk of th Sibley Mattu facturing Cominy -here thin - morn ing. Tield -up tho paymaster and the ml: I secretary, ' gathered together .hi a -cack the payroll of S,000 arid fled They r-were cnptnred a . few minuten later after an sxclttiig chase and an exchange of hhots between the handiu and their tmrsner.. " ; v.. The handlta gave their namr as j Sam Rumbly, of Augusta, and Jack. Herrlngton, of Oregon. Rumbly In 24 years old and. Herrlngton 32. All of the money wan recovered. . . j The Real Thief jGot kmv.. V ..'..'' Br tk Aaaadatrd rim) Chicago, Dee. 0. NTillo Policeman Jamrs Amranns and Watchmab Eugene Marcus were exchanging shots early today, each believing the other a bur glr, the real thief . Wm. Kelly, was making his escape, i Kelly,-however, fell down and fractured bis skull ami was -caught.. Amnions and Marcus each had a bullet wound In I lie right arm. ''.'.- ' ': " '',..'-'. . '-.- An English' centenarian is recorded ns having lost his first tooth at the nee of 102. ; .; ;, ';.,' 't-LL L'"m, '! ', . ""-g rTO EVERY MAN,' WOMAN AND CHILD IX COXCOBD: ' -f;-; ;:' .' TKE CM NEST, a motion picture made by Goldwyn from the story by Rupert ltn lies, will bo the attraction t the Star Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.-. v .;''; ;; , ?fyr-' 'v '- -.'-, v'fr",v Everr renwnnable effort has been made to tell each and every citizen fc Concord, Including the children, that jthis pietnre Is to be shown here foe first three days of next week. .' . - -'S r " : -V These eforts- havd been bu'sed nnon the. nnqnestlonahle fact that TTTK OLD NEST Is one of the two greatest motion pictures ever shown in this City. .,, ' .- ' V ,, v ,.;'.- .- 's .' - '..i :" ' 1 r 7 ' ,' It In the part of good business for a theatre to'explolt any picture it may; I have for presentation. But there are I . . . . . .. .... . , lanes niio lnsignincasec.. iius is on i iuc pxinniriinini,i iiiiin.. ami Star Management says to you in slneerest good faith, that It would bo do ing you an ii nice not to beseech you to ee this masterpiece of the motion picture art ' , ..K OLD NEST." ' 1 f " ' Whatever your life may have been, this picture will wrap itself Arojind your heart, it won't simply appeal to you. It will grab yon up. as If it had arms: It ill niunse and tiekle you and It will make you cry. Aud. when at last it !.;.' yon hteMy etfiU attic ileaucit, id know. It 1 ;i't ' 'y a r : vi t -.- r t tbotiiilm'ul filing tho v. ' It I'n't big. -U-'-.r- ky. It i fiery DR. IIADLEV ELRCTROCITKD FOB ,MI'KDKB OK MIS WIFE, Miule No Stalmeut-Went te II Death- Calmly and Stoically, , i.. (By the AaMelate Press.) ',' '.V ' : Richmond, V.a., Dee. o; Dr.' Wllmar Amos Hniiley, former oriuy ' surgeon Hnd ranchman, at 8 o'clock thin morn ing was put 1 to death in the electric clinlr nt the atnto penitentiary for the murder of his wife, l in. Sue Tinsley Hadley. In Xbvember 1H18. The prison attendants declare Hadley' weut to his death calmly and stoically. '.- . . vjr.- lindlcy w taken from the death cell In the state nrlson' and es corted o the cHamber containing the electric rhnlr at . o'clock. The cur rent. wn turned on at 8:0S and the prlon plyKleian'prtnonnced hint dead f ' 8 Vl'b;-"''la uitert.-tht4 JrV Haeyishoweif no nervousness. J)r. Hadh-yv nado no statement le fore hing.led to tho chair. : ; ' ; ' Mrs.Jladiey's body was found W tbe' .James River near Richmond on Dr fembor 30, join, by a negro trapper and waa ldeuytled by the woman's sifter sevepl weeks latef. ij ty:'-, iFBANCrTS ACCEPTANCE IS c . 4 .1 '; CONSIDERED CERTAlSl Is Expected, Ratify the Qimdniple - .' - - Agrrment Shertly. - j Paris 'Dec. 7 fl ( By the" Associated Press). France's .aoceptance of the quadruple agreement for the Pacific is considered certain . iu otlieial circles, although the draft received from M. Vlvionl of the French delegation ht Wasaincton' today i regarded as 'a not a perfeited "Action ' here upon ihe agreement is expected shortly, j -: 7 -' ,','r " OiIl lal clrclen oh well as the press hive received with the greatest satis faction tho Idea of France' partici pation in this accord. '. . . f Arrested In Cooneetlon With the Wall ;4. ? --, Wreet Explosion. -.;". . (Br h Jkmvtmf I"r, ' .' iOniaha, Xeb. Dee. 9. The poilce Inst, hlght arrested a nmn whose iwrne wi''g,Tm B8 sUk stine; as a suspect In connection with tho Wall Strwt ex plosion September 13. VJW, when a large number of persons were killed, An. unsigned 5omniuiilitlon lek to the arrest.' Stlne's wife appeared Int er and' said that be had not been' In New York slnce their marriage lx years 'ago. t'k ': , " ' ' rs ';'.) ..i . . 'iii. ' ' " .,(- i , Coafh Offered (35,000 Ter Fire Years m'V. ''';: ;-',.'.-, nervwe. - - . X By b AMCtae rr ' Dallas, Texa Dec,- D.-What in le- lleved to be the highext price ever.oi- fered for an athletic conch is now on the way to Bo McMillin, Cntre Col lege foothaU star, at Danville, Ky, from the athletic council of the Tnl versltv of Dallas. The contract offera McMlilln $3.r.0 for Ave years service as head coach of the University. . times when the spirit or sntcvtunnshlp . . ... . . ,i. ....... :.... lit. a. It will leave with yen t be Awectest, . huuiou heart bd1 mind can ever Isn't churchy, and It i n't t of the V:e t' t every I After, an Ilour of Acrincn icusi Debate the Tims cf Adjournment Was Tct 0,7 Still Further by House. FIGHT ON SCHOOL BILL LED BY BOWIE The Senate Passes the Bill to ' Decrease Exemption for Property Tax From $ to Only $100. ': ' mVIi, ,,.' . V':W' f:; i-'V-.s (By Sfax Abernethy.) ,' , ", 4 Special a The Tribune r VRalelgh, Dee. ' 0. After an hour's deliate.' at ' tiroes : acrimoniom', the House today put adjotirnment stilll further oft by voting . to carry over the school deficit- bill till Saturday.; The Unlit on the bill was led by Tarn ISowIe, who obJe-ted to the appropria tion of S7r,0K for the . Indian schools. claiming it shmild come from- the ap- uronriotlon made- at the regular ses- flon. i ' .: ., ,.' ,i' :.... ;,; '-'.:: .. M'ilb S4 Senators voting Ihe Senate passed a bill rieercaHing the exemption for properly lax front lu'Blft to 1(K), fcthorchy making the people next year pay taxes OU-&MKI worth of property they did not bare to pity on this year. RoU flnilerr charged that the Eastern people were . ' willing : to : burden the poor white people In the effort . to catch a few votes Worn the negro ten ants. ,- '.- v ;'?-.'..--;' '', After considerable debate the Senate passed a hill exempting from taxation that portion, of surplus funds in Liberty llonds. -state bonds, stock in Federal land hanks, and Joint stock land hanks, after voting for an amend ment which provides these exemptions shall he made on basis of purchase prlM;.' rather than par value of snob mind A- ." :- ' ' ,. . ' V ENCOrRAGINO SITUATION " ,. IN ARMS NEGOTIATIONS It Is Probable That an Open Segdoa t Will Be Held Nft Week. Washington, Dec. tl (By. the Associ ated Press hr So encouraging a It nation has developed In. the arms nevi tlatJiB4bat. awu of ,the. '(Jcl.enajes' iv llert -mi iiiicu m iwioii t tlw, -oiito-' ence will belbKl early next week tfl; announce agreement on the 0-fH uav aV ratio and the quadruple; arrange ment proposed as a- jmlwtif tto ,for the AnguvJapanere alliaint. it ";, -,.. ? ' There irt intltnatlons that the nego tiations' are , so close-to a settlement that somei conference officials bad ex pected! -an open- session tobiy or .to morowi- While the exact, nature of the forthcoming: announcement .cannot be forecast. It seems possible that In ad dition to the naval ratio aBd the four power plan, it may embmly some for mal pronouncement of the '.principles on w-hlch the eoufereuee expects to limit fortlfii-ations ami naval bases in the Pacific.- ' -' ?- t .?''-.i ,' Detinite decision ou' the-' naval ratio qnestton is now believed to.behingcd oa the '; sut'isfnetory solution of the problem of naval Msc and island for tifications.. Tbe matter of land arma ment n Amerleon.' and , British ? por sessions lylilg near the Japanese em pire ha -long c been linked.: In- the minds of Japanese wlrh a possibility of reducing the Japanese navy.. .. ; SPINDLES IN NEW ENGLAND , TEXTU.E MILLS UCILNG The General Keeling Is Optimistic for j , Imprsvement In All Lines. Boston, Dec. a ( By the 'Associated PiWHjHplndles bt New England tex tile nilllH are humming this pro Christmas session as they never burn mil ed since the tinaluess Slump wmcu fVlowed, the war. While; returns .'from -.: other ew England industries do not reflect the holiday conditions eqnaily bright,- the Federal Employment Survey Is author ity for the statement, "the . general feeling is optimistic for marked' Im provement In all linos of Industry after the beginning of the new year," Armed Bandits Make $8,0M Whiskey . ,;v-.' Haul - ir-.; .y-.-'-y Tyron,N Ky-- Dr. J Whiskey valued at more than RO,000 was re moved from the T. B. jBipy distillery,. near here, tonight by a band or m armed men. who held up, the superin tendent and three guards. . Ten barrels and 101 cases of liottled-ln-bond whiskey were removed by the bandits who used three touring cars and three truck to haul the lUpiot a war.' Police of all central Kentucky towns hava been notified to be -on the lookout for theparty. ' :"'v'v'. ''.' A the Theatm.. s Tom Mix Is the star at the Piedmont theatre todav in that greatest wesern feauro. 'The Prairie Trails." The featnrt' will he shown for two days. - The Pastime again today is offering J. P. McGowan . in that I mversal special western drama. ."The Kus of the Uattler." Ha rod Lloyd also in a b.'c comedy.' ' . The Slur today is offorimr anolhtr big Paramount sppi inl attract tou. . Bro!.cr and I (Wr tie . 't. Loui.-. r r fj i.v1, taekri;, t I i r, r ' t . v i. . V. ' Is Labcrcr, J)ics Situation to DAY; MUCH LIUGIITEil' ';;;;:f;"v ' w-..--., - Plant Owners Cay nts P KunnWWith AI .r.ozt Full j Force, and No AJJIticnal' 'Disorders Occur ic J.- ' f ' !! ihr ASMH-lac4 - ' Chicago, Dec. ft Tlio first death from Violence In the Stock 'iurils sit ill was reported today. tJeorge Pile. il.". S laborer, died in the count hospital , from wounds received ' Wemlne-uiay ... (right when, police nay, he was shor by 1 a motorcycle policeman after, he had thrown bricks at the ottl"er. ' ' .; The sltuntlon a6sunied n brighter,',, aspect tolay with optimistic stnte- tnents from packers and no reports r yiolenee. According to pnekins hnusn officials the strikers are returning to work, and these, with new employees have placed; the, plant on nearly n horutal working basis. ;' :' ' ( ; Dennis Lane, secret a vy of the Butch er's Workmen's union, gafcl, however, that 15.000 men are out In. various pack- ing centers, and the strike Is 100 per , cent, effective. ' ' ' ' . EXPBESS EMPIXIVEES APB'''"-: : DLSSATISEJLD WITH WAGES Plain the Smitlteatfern Coinpi-i.y Is Net - faying nage as tiign as ine Anien- i' an Paid...- ' . .' (Br ia Acini lr . v I Chicago. Dee. ft Protons over WURC hnd working conditions of-rxpress em ployees of. the Southeastern Exprosx ,. Company, operdting .over the .; Sjiith-, em. Uallway. were brtieght : ' bet ore , the United States llnilroml , liahor board in hearings before thetwiard to--jlay. The Urst dispute, today - was broiigbt by the Brotherhood of Ilinl way and ' Jtteamship r Clerk. Tireigbt. hand era, express and-. Ration ompmy- -fcB, over alleged tnnviper) action, of 4hsComnany In - establishing rates cf . pay lowef than. those, f.irmcily i in efToet-ftni' rhev-S"t'trh.nt-ftaitwy-Tvh- Die express hiiKiiiesv was .litinilled bv the American Railway 'Exprcs.i t 'om-. paiy. ,,: . - '. );,, '"JJ,:.j'j ? ' i-- K, Wtth Our A'ertiserti lit a new sd. todny The i;Save-lt ' -Sttwe tells yrtu of some of the specials '--it will offer for Friday and atiird.i. ' He certain to read the ad, carefully. ' . The Bell Harris-Furnltnre Co. Is "ondnctIng -it mammoth sale of Sel- lew Kitchen Cabinets and 1 will de liver one of theiri to you'; lSte new ud. for further, particulars.' v . The VictrolA is sold Iu Concord by' .the Bell It Harris Furniture Co.; and the company has a tine lot for your Christmas selection,; '. Bend ad. in thl . pnier aud rail to se the line offered. . 1 ; The St. CloiMl ItoteJ is n pleasant, ' itlace to dine. The meals are good, the 4 r ervlce fine. . poii't fall to see new nd. in: this pHr.. !''"! 'J-.''-",' "V." :.. , .Ton will get- lifetime utility fi-om the Nominee . Dutch . Kitchener, -sold here bv the Concord Furniture Co. The prices nre right, and the terms easy...' It will pay yon to rend the ad. in .tins' paiier. ' 1 . ' ! ;--:-:.';V -'' ' .' ": :. ; - Ladles Hurt when Horse; Kan Away. .Miss Laura. Tucker and Mrs." J. It. . Jliggers, of No.. t township, this coun ty, each -suffered ;a broken., leg Tnnrs- ; day afternoon when a h'Wse they were - drlvliigi ran away and threw them -: from the buggy, i The accldnt oct,-ur-. " red near St Martin's Church, nnl tho horse begau' his wild dash after tho glrthbahd broke, Mrs. Blggers wns -thrown from the buggy after the horsw had run but a few feet, hut Miss Tuck- . er remained In the vehicle nntll the horse Jnmpwl wide ditch. -when she was thrown, , Both suffered nuti irae- . tnres, and -Mrs. digger's wound wn , so serious that her leg wa:placetl in a -east. Negro-; children ' returning from school found the two lndle and ; summoned nld. -. - ?. ! .' . ; . -v Death ! Mr. Clarence Host, ' Mr. Clarence Best aged nhon; . -4il . years, of New London, died Thursday night at his home, after a serious ill ness of several veeks. Mr. llost .wit Injure in an- antoiuohlle accident, several weeks ago, and his comlltio was so-serious tbai'he failed to. re spond to al; medical treatment', and his death had lieen exK'i-tel fur several days. He was paralyzed from his waU-r to his feet as a result of the accident, and' was never fully conscious alter- want (.'.. :', . '' '' ' -' The ylecaed Is survived by ' lii wife and six children several brothers and sisters including Mrs. .Colon Al -red. of tills city. ... j Funeral sfrvicts ,were held this afternoon at 2::i0 nt New Imtnn and the interment made there. Death of i " of Mrs. It '-.Mrs. t'i .1 iery t I'rii m to, ,y t . ci t I v, t., k':I in r !' I a 1.. ( '. .. .1. ii. 'iii;.:. -No- - ii , e tel.- m. ?y. It's ,a being (. Tt v ! . tbl'Y ' pr motii - to is ' i' pie- al fa' ' r-:'-;i ry i r : it 1 --i - 1

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