7' 1 1 - 1 " ' ;' r - o dispatch:.: -,OyO 0 u p o -J 1 o Ji it,: V. u .) O ') u O O 0.0: ,'; : : ' - - ' v, : t ' .' : . (.. ,..sXi , I , --.I t' CONCORD, N. Cv SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,' 1921, NO. 270. V' rr 1 Fl " Hs I . i( . i L I i 1 L.I I J " , OTOTODAYAT l ll 1,1 l.ttlUJ , : l)r;.f t cf Tr"'y Ikiwcen U. - fi. Crc-t . '.i, France ' r-J J;r-n t " Vr.tthc ir-eAIJ-ncc,'; IS ATEN-YEAR- 7 ; v, AGREEMENT Any One cf the Parties l'zy . 1 !. raw cn aJYc:.rs No ; tiv'c. -Requires" Ccnf.rrna ' tha by the Senate. ; 7 "Washington, Pec. 10. (By the As pointed Press. ) The " Anglo-Japnn ; alliance, 'hmg regarded with apprehen sion hv American paoplo, passed Into . history today when spokesmen of, both notions at the srrag conference accept ed In it Rtoad a new , fonr-power agreement for preservation of pence In " the Pnetfle to which the United States ,ttnd France became parties. , -t ,i, - Thin action llh the fulfillment of details to follow, paves the. way to no: i flrptanco of America's proposal for re. . (diction of naval armament and in v inure measure Is expected to. lead to : settlement of Cbfnese problem.- " Announced to the conference by Pen.' '" vide briefly that the I'nltod, States.! Oroat Britain, Supan and France airrec, wrensinit speca umu tn jts-mcmmi ' araona- themselves to rcsnect their inJdb'trkta from-18 to 20 and on country , ' sulnr possessions and dominions in the ' raciflc.and to adjust by Joint eonrer-. , , .i erne among themselves tiny controvpr . ., sita not settled by the course ofjllp - lomats. ' l - r- - ' I ' They further nirroe. to tnke-stnillnr x action In tho face of tlireats of aeitres ' slon by-other powers. . " , , : ; ; The proposed treaty hai bpen lril ' 1 tinted In affirmation by thi represen tative of the ftr rrcnt powers, al ' ' though not ret actually signed, and must be eonllmie4 )y the., I'nllM ' States. It Is for ten; years, but ahy one of the lsnatorlcs nuiy withdraw after that period oh' twelve months' ' 1 noMoe, p ' H"i ki ,,n- - T' Tff( 'I'V; 1U-"X2n ;, lil ' I ,1B U ai.lOII. I'll. ( ,1,. , iif i. nalHuur .heading the British rtelega tion, and I'riuce. Tokugawa, ehiof ot the Japanese, delegates, arose and gave " their-aseeat in the-new atranjrement. They were followed by tha thief delev , 'gnteaof the other powers represented, -who also expressed eatlefacHoir-ftf the new arrangements. :-.- .' -..r, .. 1' Most Intereetuig among these; was ; . 1 the declaration of Minister Bse, -of China, who expressed "great ;satisfac' At 5i:i.thBcourereneeajo,iroeaj without having given attention to the question of naval ratio,1 f - ' -. , .- Washington, Jlec.'JlO.-Tlie draft of the proposed treaty, between tho VnltM States,. Great ; Britain.! rranee and v. Japan, which- Jr to supplant the Anglo Japanese alliance and pare the wa.v for- tboA acceptance of Ibe 'American - proposals for -naval -reduction was for- . . t "malty laid before the arms conference - v'-tyday by Renatori Lodge,-- v' ; If Is a 10 year,, agreement in which j the 'tour natlonrf bind "theiriselvea to respect the ' ex UHng rights in InaUlar poswsKlons and dominions' in. the - ' Pacific and Jn ease-of dispute-which cannot be settled by diplomacy agree " -to a--Joint conference among, tbem : 1 .selves; . ;",.( v- 'j ,l .v . 1 t Any one of the parties may . withdraw t v . 00 X't months notice, after the explra ? s ... tion of 10 years. ';' . .1 , - 1 The treaty requires eouflrmntlon by the Senate. ". ' ,v -.'. : , ' The treaty has not been signed, bnt ' v lias been initialed by representatives - of tho four powers at affirmed. '- - t Japanese. Would Be the CoinersThey .. w . Say,. . . . . v , - Tokio, Dec. JO. .By the Associated 1 Press.) The proposed abrogation - ot the Anglo-Japanese alliance in favor of ' '' an agreement among the United BtateS . Great Britain, ' Japan and France promisee to raise Japan's lutcrnation , al standing higher than ever, in the ; . opinion, of . high - Japanese officials. What Japan lost through abrogation 'of , her alliance with Great Britain - she would regain through such- nn en :. tcnte It ta believed. . . . A cabinet member Is quoted " ay , . , ing that the present alliance is valua . hie asset to both the countries con- - ccrned and docs not permit of Its dis solution simply because its objective - has disappeared. - ,. ,- . ft iK:xu:LDL;a.;Ara . loan; Do you want a good, safe tax 0 '.or monthly ; tarings Vj;rro ,s yur ' '.'vl"; l-. Take Stock in 1 ' fc'v OrT for i - c. c. w..l'.vi: z. i icr K; Tt I. - . A iijj., Jul oliilt LEG-SLATURE TODAY The IW Passes a Bill Ic ' it;? December. 13th as Ft rial Day for the Introduc tion cf MAY ADJOURN BY . " NEXT SATURDAY House Passes the Brooks Bill by a Vote cf 84 to 4, ProvK..nz For Bonding the J' $710,CD0. School Deficit -'- ; (By Max Abemeihy.), . ft', eell . Thv: frthnut.) 1 ., llalelRh, iW. 10. The Uoue tolay pn.-MHl the Joint resolution fisintr Dc (emlicr l.(th bk the Anal day for Intro duction of bills, with the hopethat adjournment w ill he possible .by 'next Km unlay.'' ' f : ' r- ;. liy a vote of M to 4 the IloUce nns ed on its third read insr the Brooks bilk provlilhiB for henrting the $710,000 school deficit and the bill goes 19 tm Si nntc. -, " , .-' ; The Ppencc' bill nft-nlnst capital punisliment mnilii np from judiciary committee with an Anfarorable report, its author tried to revive the measnro, but. the Uousn defeated the motion. Tho Senate bill ,iivlnjt-Itie and towns the right to appoint planning eowmUaloucr was pasrd after many co;intuH; nan neen exempiea irom 11. When the Henate also passed the bill rodds from 2.1 to 35 miles an hour. ; After- - considerable, disenssion the Sams, bill providing for registration f bond Issues- by all. ub-dtvlslnfl of state,, and all local taxing Authorities with the Klate. Auditor passed Its second reading. The hill will come hp Monday night and - with Munff'tt'W amendments will go through .'the senate.' It will enable cities and other taxing units to keep track of their bonded Nleht '; will force' the provision of sinking funds, and penalise officials who fAU to meet Interest and prlncipi) at maturity, . Senator Varser and other declare the hilt most progressive 'step in public finance offered in many years. ,' ytl.VJw Iss wrf yWWnKWi ...v '.' Team.'.' .--v. 1 thft looft "T team Journeyed up fo Winston-jalem-Thnrsday night' and ,lost their'- thlrtl "coni-ecntlve game against heavier and wore experienced opponents, f The final 'score stood 88 to 22,-v .jf?'---f; ,-; v :-!::,-1-1' '. . The Concbrd player started on with a rush and drew 11 rut blood. 'Wlnstori Immediately tied, the-seore. The Con cord men again rushed and began hi cage goals which placed them several - hl,. . J,,Pi quint .then got' busy and -started plav-' lug real ;iutskertair. yneyi graauaiiy overcame-the leaib'and drwvAaway from their 'opponents, the first half ending -several points in their favor. In the.secoml half the 'weight" nd reach .of the . ..Winston -men-.-Udd vlts story "aud' the Concord" boys, wejp un able to stop them. U f ' - ,v ' : Martin, playing guard for the- twin city team, was the ontstandlng star of the game, this great fellow scoring 24 points -alone. . Allen: " plailng center first half and forward the second half wns tlte next highest scorer.- ; , s ' ' For -- Oonoord. Dellinger" and Dick did most " of the' seorinir as usual. though,, llilf'shot one retty one from the center of the floor, and McCaeklll located the; banker twice. ; Smithy - a new man on the siiiail. jumped center the first part f lle, second half and showed up well. 1 - : .t , ... . , Thfr "X" team has probably played Irs hardest game with the exception of Charlottes They meet the Kannan olfs X. M. O. A. here next Friday, and take on Ciarlotte Saturday, nhjtht.- Any boys In town desiring to attend the Sunday afternoon and evening ses sions of the Older Boys' Conference In Charlotte will be given free transpor tation to and from Charlotte, if tbey will notify the local T. M. C. -A. be fore. Sunday morning. .. There will fee no registration fees attached. -, Dr. W. P. Allen Found Not Cullty. ! ; , mr t Asrtt4 P.i '- Chattanoogn, Tenn, Dec. 10. Dr. W. Allen, was .found not guilty ' thta morning at Dnyton. where he was on trial charged with the killing of Brush Gardenhlre. on May 28th. last. - Light la the- speediest tiling v that exists. It rushes onward at the . op palllng; rate of 1K6,00Q miles a second. .11 11 1 1 - free investment for your- weekly. ' ; ) i i V.t the 67th Series .2 - ubscriptitns at the T:"? 14. C::::' : y V '' ;:ot'!-.- sec" and Traaa.- - ' : a- . -s. ,' .; D About MODERN Bt RGLAR ALARM ': -;".' !. BEING INSTALLED HERE Ceneord National Bank InWalllng the , Alarm Mystem of the O. It. AlrCIin- fork Co,- af Minneapolis. ' ;' p. ' The- Concord National Bank Is now Installing the O. - B. ; McCllnrock Com pany's Imrelnr Rlarm..'said- to be one ot-the' "nvost "up-tOMinte ' systems v,in the.world; - The alarm here is the ond to lie Installed in the entire State, and one of the few in the South. The first 111 the StMe and-South was - in stalled' in a Charlotte , bank . some month ago. ! AsrU-.i t.''-f-. i The alarm is the latest thing in pro tection flgninst burglars, arid It Ainkea the vauirtif the buuk burglar proof, so far as the eohndinit of jttio alarm Is enncernea.-; ,- ne sysrem yor. ennv KiMirriit) II 1 1 ITlltlln jiiinnnnv, litwaThbilii-TWiiiiuramlinoritim atdouufiiOeVtnrifolhB the vault are lined wit h .enppe wiring And ft( no point can an .entrance- be made without, striking a wiro.' which are placed three , Incnes' apai.'-'and Which are so arranged that nhy;' at tempt .to enter the vault from- any dl reotien;iil,. Immediately;' sound' 'the gong or alarm which is contained In tha large onMde' housing.'.' This. gon; housing. Is aim- constructed so that any tampering with It 'such as turning a ' holt. lor 'nfrempting it ettt' the caliie leading to the vault from it. will sound the alnrmC-''.--vV' H ' '" .-"? '. .. .The vault :nt,: In addition to; the connections with te hnlts through' the combinations, has what is called', the thermo-Eleelrle: attaehimint which Will sound if the door Is heated to a' eertnlu " temperatnre.! Tbls will ;pre-vept-any- atrompri to burn throngn the . vnult door.'3.-; .'f,y...t.'ry-'--yf'y-Tlie '.entire system-Is controlled by an electrical" timer located t In the vault. This 1et on detlnlte hours for opening -and closing, and it .tho dial on'fho vault door is turned a fraction either way after a certain closing hour, it will' result in the sounding of -. the gong, v v'-.'r'-.v .;'? - i f-;i'y :. ', 1 "." The compaliy manufacturing' the; alarm not only guarantees the system.' hnt nlso': offers a standing' reward of f500 for the arrest and convhtlm if any poVty -attacking any bank using , the system. . '.".a . i , . ' : ! Persons Interested i are Invited ' to call and inspect tho alarm system. which will pot be completclylnstnlled for several days yet. , , FEDERAL AND STATE T .. ; AGENTS NOW WORKING In an Effort to Settle the Strike of Packing House Worker, Whleh Hart Been in Pregress a Week. . v.- (By k AMrlatr4 Press.) V . Chicago, Dec. 10 By the Associat ed Press )-rFederal and state officials were working today in nn effort to set tle the strike of packing honse work ers, which has caused a week of riot and disorders in packing centers, while Chicago packers announce they were operating at "nearly normal" and union leaders were trying to Spread the strike by appeal for sympathetic walkout by other trades in the stock yards. Re ports that 8,000 Imported workers Have been brought into the .Chicago yards were denied by, the "big 5". packers.; , Death f Adopted Daughter of Rer. . v w. La HBfeuna. .. . i (Marlon, Deo. 9. New was received In Marlon Tuesday morning of the death of little Mary Lee (Sunshine) Hutchtns, adopted uaugnter or Kev. and Mrs. W. 1 Hutching, of Lexing ton, N.-C Her. Mr. Hutchlns belujt former vaster of the M. E. church, Marion. Mary. Lee was a little girl about four years old and was . child of an extremely bright and happy dis position. The . news of her death brought a shock to the people of this coimnrunlty, whore she was a rrent favorite during her residence ip Mar ion, '- ; , '. '(;.. .':. Death af Mrs. J. C Plonk. ITIckory, Dec. 10. Mrs. Laura E P:onk. agd 04. a member of a prom!, nent. North Carolina family, wife- el J. C. Plonk, retired Cherokee Fallj Cfiiti ti manufaeturer, died at he? (kiln. try tome bear here today. 3 be full er:! wi.t be held nt Kings Mountain on Monday at noon. 336 Hc::r;s to Christmas - V II I I S X. SHOULP J CHOP 50r VI NO LIN JU00D ? INMZS flNO if TOM 8IiAIT.HTI t.Tni5 " , famoi s iiaxdit, Rilled Has Made Uls last Escape Killed by1 . ,-., Coaviet Ilf Weeate.-,?--: ;"-fr.'te.-Meiaail rmi.1 ; Wttlft Koek. Ark; Pec'ltBy th? Associated Press )--The last escape of Tom Slaughter, noted bandit, with a' record of nearly n score of breaks for freedom - from soiitnj west jails , and prisons, led to his (death in Valine county hills at the hands i)f one-of the convict' he lllierateili according to flie story: on- which sheisff J. X. Crowe's posses early' today, .ore baalug their search for Slaughter body. , ' '' The' posses were awaiting daylight early today to startt on the trial of the seven convicts, starting from a nolnt wfiere tW nb fliloned he bullet J. tV iloward, who surrendered with fbdt; othera.ol:thn sls-'who aieepted Slaiigliter-s otter of freedom told the Ofikvrs he shot Slaughter in the back and had Intended to shoot him from fhd moment; the party, . made - their esnape. ,. -.v"' ""''; J-"j " A. note. Howard said he left, in the prison hearing .the same tstatement could not be found early. today. - ..; ;..' " Beside ', ftho body of Slaughter, ac centing, to' Howard's statement, lay a dying negro wounded in a brush with the-authorities f Benton, who wero watching the fleeing prisoners.; ."'.1 FOCII PAYS THE NATIONAL i v ;i CAPITAL FAREWELL. VISIT Marshal of France in the National jtupitai Teday, t or Fifteen-Sunutes, . . I By the Associate Prvm.) j Washington, Dec.?; 10. Ferdinand r ocu. marsnai. or r ranee, mane w asn lngtnn a- flnaj- farewell today, ' hr d fleeting fifteen minutes' visit . The special train which carried the marshal to the Paetfje . const,- arrive from the south- at 8 :fi0.Vcloek and at 0V o'efoek eteumod -Out' of the sta tion with thevFrenoh military lender surrounded by members of bis tourint party, nt salute on the rear platform and a smile on his fnce. - - - - ' , Stops will lie made by the Marshal today at West Ioint and Albany. , He will visit Ottawa and MnntreaV. Sun day. Quebec -j Monday:-." and ? Niagara l"alls Tuesday., and said from New York for France on Wednesday. ' ,'. , CASE CONTTNl'ED , Suit of Benjamin H. Wilson Against W. D. Bradley and Others Continued .. to December Lltli. , : .n Br HorMM rn.' ' - ' Richmond. .Va.. Dee. 1 10.' Trlaf of the suit of Benjumtne W.'. Wilson against W. D. Bradley and others for $.ri0,ono damages growing out of -the change in the frnndilse for'thc Rich mond baseball-clnb. Has been contin ued lintil December 15th on account of the absence of Richard Evelyn Byrd, who was called to Washington by the death of his' brotlier-in-law, Congress man H. D. Flood, .v - ' ; 4 All the evidence has been taken and tho jury was adjourned till next Thurs day .morning when the argument yvlll begin. -.-''. ,V;- J- 'v'.v'i CHRISTMAS BONrSES ' ; : EXPECTED THIS TEAR i - . - - Gradual Reeovering From Eeonomle slon Expected te Brine Bark ' r Depression 7 Bonuses. : -t ,: I Br th UMW4 ril '.- -1 ' '; New York; Pee. lO.--Wall Street i gradually recovering from the general economic depression of the. past, two years and the signs point, to a liberal distribution of bonuses and gratuities "D lom rlodof t war holiday , gift by- many. - flosn- tnt (rtcf t iitina kmliarnm hkiionak Anil i very geueroua in many cises t. f even mor "-r-. '-. t: scale.- Tbe-e ranged in many rises ' s from za to ou per cent. of. the yearly salaries. ;1 i Mi , The Olrls' Missionary Society of the rirst Prebl vtorlan Cburch wUl meet ' tomorrow gfrernooa at 3:30 'dock, Election of. oiiicera will be held at the meeting. : jr. o TTTTTtTTTiiiiih. ... 6tT om;,utt THAT Bt SWfctU CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE ; i ; V ' v ; , IN SCHOOLS CLOSES A Record ' Breaking. Year-Prlrts Awarded te Twe Reams, and t the OiUd Selling the Most Seals. Friday closed the' week's canipatgn for the sale of Christmas Seals In the schools: For nine' years -consecutively the children In. the grammar school, including the fourthr fifth, sixth' and seventh grades, have eold seals. . Each year Interest has -grown. ; - ' . ' ' ybls yeaf proves a record breaking one. -The sale amounted to $187.00. Through an oversight seals were n planed in two rooms, these lieing a sec tion" each" (Of . the : fourth i and ! fifth grades., -Sntnnlny wnS' allowed ' them anil' In all pronnMlitx the wiles will m..tA 1 1 11 OO ' Th O ruf nrfv S'. liAAU. rWracA'rr-abWiiW went -to Miss" Ruth Dry's' room..' the (children having sold the greatest num ber of seaK; The second prize, also a picture "A Dutcu Flower Vender," wa awarded to the children In Miss Inenliour's room for ranking, second in the contest. Betsy, Davis, a pupil of the slsth. grade, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1. Davis, won the iuiUvld- 1 'l. V.....All. Ann.,.. nnt. iruH;, n vja ti& uuuu.v i-nuu,. , for selling more seals than any one of the other children,- Uef sales aUionut ed to- $7.00... .The splendld'efforts. of the' children are most heartily appre ciated by .the , committee. , , Their crowned ' success of course Is due to a generous public.. ;v., ,i, ',. ... 'f. ,v ;'.To the Cortcord Daily Tribune, .that gave of Its space. In -advertising,' the CnbarniH: Motor . Company, that fur nWied the Fordson tractor iu the street display. Tuesday at noon, and to Santa- Clans the driver, for untold inspiration,- to Mr.' EnstiM i Griffin for painting the signs that the tractor carried "to - speed up the sales", to the Star Theatre for its effective work, and last but by no. means least, to the teachers who -gave of their .time aud patience in hnlaitcinfr money, and seals. CHRISTMAS SEAL COMMITTER.: : ' With Our Advertlaety. "' Yon can get Ferndell mince meat and emu berry sauce at the Dove-Bost Co, Read new art. today. - . Cllno's Pharmy is ranking an attrao' tlve offer in a new ad. In-, this paper today.. .Don't' full; to read their ad. for particulars. , v . v' ? "The Old Nest" will be shown at the Star beginning Monday. , See ad. today for hours of showing.; Fishcr'gis offering- many specials for the holidays, ! and new good are coming in every- day. - In' a new ad. today; which, will ha certain to Inter est yon, there are enumerated some of the bargains Read the ad. - The Bel &A Harris Furniture Co., has some charming living room suites. The .styles are the latest and " the prices right. Read new ad. ' , Are you worried about what to buy the man for Christmas? Then read the new ad. 'of the ' Gibson , Drng Store, Which .offers many good suggestions. zr , r, . ; i - 'Mr, A: O. Cllue succeeds Mr. E. O. Cowan as agent of. tho Durham Life Insurance Company, Mr. Cowan hav ing resigned to enter the ministry. . niiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu S Oft ! YOU ; DellCVe I 5 , ' ucuc,'c e in America? 1 E Then Read the Series of I 5 .,!- ' M... A-.-.: S Articles jNow Appearing 5 ? wept Kv tk Kinrlnn . .1 . 7 leaders.- ss avv :--r . r ; y s - -'' -v'. ' ' ' ' 1 '" s Tody an article by Dr. I I! L. S. Rowe on "Trad? I mm ll'IH-iSV- .'. . .- . IllHi.i !PTT ' 'ft jff K. iiiiii.iiii!)t;!!!MiiM ,:., ' RfeHtinnshin " With : Sis- ne,t , I- t 2 rj ,ter NatlOflS. ' S s ..... ' - ' '. .. 5 r.::::::::"::::::::::::::::.i A ROl'SING WELCOME LS --"- ! v GIVEN MAKSttlL F0CTI Crest Marshal Acclaimed By Thous . amis of People. , Ferh . Speaks in -. Frenrh. . Ernest B. Hunter in Greensboro News. Monroe, Dee. 9. Ferdinand Foeh, the great commander of the allies' vie torlous armies, marched triumphantly Into North Carolina tonight at 8:18 o'clock and waa acclaimed by Hum sands of people. , ' - Ills 4.r, mlnntes' sojourn here over whelmingty endearel nim in the Heart of the state. It was a tremendous bnt sincere demonstration Monroe, rein f roced by: thonsands of vlsUlng' North Caro inians, hetded by' their governor, Cameron Morrison, gave , the dis tinguished Frechmaa. v . " ' . With the bands of the fifth and 17tb field artillery of Camp Bragg playing the ' French national -anthem.-' the Marstluiise, and a ealnte of 17 guns from a battery, of artillery, the Focli special consisting of seven heavy pull man ears, rolled into the'slation yard. No soon had the music censed than a great tumult of noise ' ensued. -;The crowd wanted Foeh. - . , J ; ;' .,'" . ' f" .Tw Rnriments Deora4ed.' "V.4'' ' ,' From tlie station- he was whirled' in a waking automobile to Vnlon county CQnrthonse, where he spoke to the peo le, in French, bnt Col. Frank Parker oi iiie raiumin. iirai uiriKiun, iuirrprni evry word, "That great spirit." said he; "which swept over America and France1 and other countries left our flogs flying on the Rhine. I ask that that great, spirit whleh 'abided with ns in the war abide with us in peace. The nnlon that bound ns together; In vrar and made ns Invincible must bind ns together in peace." . ' : It was a brief talk and closed with words that evoked prolonged cheering: "Looking forward to the . future, I greet you, I salute you, and thank you for what you have done in the past and for what yen surely will do in the future.; '. . - ,.-;,;,.'.". Following the short, address. : the great eommnnder stepped' sprlnghtly from the -improvised platform and marched hnstilv to where the colors of the fifth and .17 field artillery regi ments were placed.. : ' : '. -V . -.- - "" Reviewing brief y the heroism dls plaed by members . of these . galnnt regular army regiments the marsMl placed thf fourrage're of the croix de guerre on the flagstaff, " ': . - a, v M was -an inspiring sight, once seen In a life, time, two American regiments being (decorated for gallantry by tho marshal of France in Xorth Carolina and under artificial lights. It wag an epoch making scene. Many . of .; those men of the cession who served through oiit the war with these regiments were nresenr tAdvirnejia .im iuuia.i wi,ut green Gallic hill's from immortal. Ver t aim ro rne.sea.. .;-,....,..: , "Hit ceremony nt the courthouse was Impressively concluded when- Mrs. E. W. , Burt, ' of nllHlmry, ' president . vt, the American legion auxiliary of North Carolina, : stepped forward and pre. sented to the marshal - aa evergreen pine tree, ahoufr six feet in height, from the fields of T'nion oountv.,!. ; With the ceremoules pyer, the little French, generalissimo was hurried baek to -the station. Ue quick:y -entered his private car., The train fhoved off in about five minutes thereafter with the marshal, pulling at bis pipe, standing on the nar platform. He waved, a fond farewell to the people, to. people he may never agalu aeB.".'...!---'',; STATE FIREMEN CREATE ; i :: . INSI RANCE FI ND FEATl'RE Firemen's ' Fraternal Insurance Fund , of State Association Created at Rat- rfgh Meeting. ' , . I, , .. , . Mr. John ' U. Miller, .Secretary of the North Carolina State Fire men s Association, has just returned from Raleigh, ; where, with other, men prominent in the Association's work. Mr. Miller assisted in ' the creation of the Firemen's Fraternal -. Insurance Fund of the State Association. 'The nssociatiort is Incorporated, with the following!' James D.- McNeill. James H. Wood. R. E. Currier. A. L. Duckett. Cbaries S-hnihben, H. H. Horton. E. E. Bain. Col.' A. H. Boyden, Sherwood Broekwell. John L, Miller and J. U Smith. . , ' ..' ' : The directors, are : James U. Wood, Prenident' John L. Miller. Secretary. Charles' Schnibh, Tteasnrer. ' ' Uli Executive Committee of the Staje As sociation ' will serve in the same ca pacity, for the fund department, it was decided, and the main office of the de partment will be located in Concord.: The department was created nndcr the State law which governs all fra ternal Insurance, and was created for the special beheflt of all flrcmenx In the state.. ;.i--'i.t -'.'.".; -.:;-;.-;. Rule Adopted by tntereoller1at As- ' . aariatloiW '.. , . " . (By- the toMltM NM.) ' Blrmingham,'Ala., Dec 10. No stu dent who has participated in athletics" as a member of any team of collegiate rank shall, ever he permitted to take part In any inter-eoflegiate contest as a member of any., other ' institution nnder a rule adopted -today1 hy .the Southern Intercollegiate Association lri session here, -. ;... . ;': Nafcet Peace Prbe Airarded, ' Christlanla, Norway Dec. 10. (By the Associated Press! The Nobel peace-prise for-1021, It was officially announced today, has been divided equally between HJsftnar- Branting, premier -of Sweden, ; and . Christian Lnnge, of Norway,' secretary of Inter Parliamentary Union. . "- " - Final' Argument bt Maade Jloore Cae. ,r AssMtsied Frt". A t JfiiojtvtlJe, tenn. tee. ;10. FUjal r S"ameaf In the trial' of i4Ule Jjoore, charged wltlj tha ttiurdi f. e ieroy D. Hartb In September. j;)j9, coosuu;fa the entire. nioraiDit. aal ikt citt wir eapectea ro go to tL0 j jry at Cooo. ' Our Tit rocket Meniorandiiin T.. for 1022 are ready. Come in and g one. i cpi nunt juyxlvl; : . Of the Peace Treaty by the South Irish Parliament.--v Views Differ as to Whether Majority Will Be Large. ; no newIlFgiit ON '', .'i'; - THE SITUATION Leaders Maintaining: Secrecy .---If Agreement Is Rati fied It Is Thought That de Valera Will Resign. ' Indon. Dee. 10." (By the Aasocialwl Press.) Dispatches to. the .morning newspapers generally confirm the view published previously Uiat the split la the Dali Firearm cabinet is. not likely in 'nrwpnt mHRSB-A if the nonco tnmtv . tif the Southern Irish parliament, al- though views differ as to whether the , niajorityln its favor, will be large ,o$ spinll.' '..','.! 'y . ., .:..-. Hardly any new liglit Is thrown on the situation by these reports, -the cor- -respondents' speculations : indicating , that, the leaders are malnraing secrecy. . , If the Doll Rireann ratifies the .. agreement Karaonn de Valera "the ' new die hard," as one Belfast newspaper- describes .him wl.L; according . te some versions. , resign as head of . the Dail Eireann - government ; and : Arthur Griffith-will succeed him. -If ' thls'occnrs,. Austin Stack,, minister -of affairs; and Charles Itnrgeas, . minis- . ter of defense in the Dail cabinet, will, it la thought, follow his example as'?, tbey have supported 'his stand agaiqst . the treaty, ; . ,', In this- case Mr. :dc Valera and hi two ministers miglit seek, reelection on a repnh'.ican ticket and In the par- . llameht of the new Irish Free State, follow the precedent of the republl- ". cans in the Italian parliament regard-' . ing the onth of allegiance, absenting ,' themselves while it was tkelng taken. CtLRGE AMERICAN SHIP , ; ; i i WAS "GVS KiNNLNG" Mexican OfMato Kays Scfcaoner Mabel Was Catming Oenintband Armc ren ivess.) -ane amencan usniog . JwpeaW anthortnea.at tisenada, ws nnnnrai n a roreign t'-mee staremenc today as a carricr-of contraband arm. ( The charge also- was maile in the stato- ment that other boats flying fiip L'nlted States flag were engaged In gun-run- nlng.' :' . . . ' . The foreign office's statement is th .; first official mention of the Mabel in- . eldenr. which it is known, has been the subject within the last few : day of seveml inquiries by Geo. T. Snmmef-.-.. lln. American charge Ae nOVirs here, f i THE COTTON MtRKET. - . .. . . .v , , : . ' ' - Opened at an Advance, Price hogged , an and Then Firmed Ip Again- . (Br A of Intra Prs. ' . v . New York, Dec' 10-The cotton mar-'... ket showed influence .of continued OptU :.. . mlsm over prospects for Unprovemeut- in . trade, demand during todaVs early . t trading. . There -was considerable real. . king for over the week wmI, and after opening at an advance of 8 to 10 points active mouths sxgged baek to about Inst nlghfs ' closing fignrcs, hut soon firmed up again on ImlLsh week) end . reviews of the goods situation t 1 Cotton futures opened stead v. Dee. 17 :00 ; Jan. 17 :7."i :, Mnr. 17 s(i Ioy 17:t: July 17:04. i v CORRITTI0N CHARGED ' .. IN STIUJLVN Cask Defense Claims Agents for James A. . Still nuui Tried te Corrupt Prosper, v - tlve Wilnesses " , p ;(r' fce 'AssselnteJ iWi5''-.::Uv Poughkeepslc, N. Y'., Dec, 10 Chargee that agents for James A. Still-.' -man. New York banker, attempted to corrupt and bribe prospective witnesses; ,- in the trial of his divorce suit aprtuar : Mrs; Anne C. Stlllmau, were made toy"? day by the defense counsel in the hear- - ing before Supreme conrt jnstlce Mors- v chauser. .. . . : j ':. :'.j'fv K. af P. Elected New Officer Friday ' '.:v'rVv Night '"At the regular meeting of Concord Lodge Nov 5V K. of P.; Friday nlghtj the following officers were elected: O. A. Swarlngen, C. C. Robt E. Ridenhour, Jr. V, C. ' Rev. G. W. Rollins. Prelate. ' , S. R. Xeal. if. of W. ; R. A. K rower. K. R. S ' ' . Dr. L. A. Bikle, M. of F. ' W. A. Overpash,, M. of Ev , B. R: Ynrboro, M. at A ' ' , Dr. W: R. Fisher; Iuuer Gnard.' . . 'A. "J. Itayvault, Outer Guard. - ; R W Barnhardt, Trustee. 7 ,: Star Tlicatrc '? ' k " - t ' ' : 1st Show J 6'click 2nd Show 3 o'c!::!; 3rd Show 5 4th r1.: v 7 ' 5th Z ' r oc;;: o'c1::' f 4 0 Sv