"0 C '0 0 v . . O AL 0CIA1ED ,-1; 0 PRESS O DISPATCHES O - ' - til. .) .. ".r TODAY. O . '.IV?; CONCORD, N. Cf WEDN'nSDAY DECEMBER 14, 102; i; X :;r:y,;tNo..273.; - r -r'";V- r"i ir IK elter 1 o bam norf. . i let eft :o. 1 :t3 .SI"" L.. . J I.. J iJ L . '. tJJLulu iUtliiu, ,51, T-lh ;Nnv Ars et a Cr III" chat; :u:;n riAr;r .J L-. - 3 c: ' I i t: Vshlnrnn,..p li-riTy Uo A iwiatot) 1 it'sa) Tlir nvat ratio ouj Wtmiilins, now the two orerfhiUwini? ' foBturt of Jho mi ciafr'iicft, botli . were At crucial bihk today but with vnrrlur nrosoevt at cltlement. , Tliern was every Indication Abut thol , Tli? only fc Ultra Of the mornine M '"!vn! ratio rtlwUssioii were prooel ln of the aenat-waj pnsntf ot the ,ic tavorttbly, od omo of tne flole - KUd belU-ved final "1 nt ion would l$ reached at ' JUo conference of the Mg-r toaay.; t .. -J ":. The Hhanrunc hekotiatlonrf.' on tUp other hand, hare dwelopd a situation . pwiild In odlclaii olriHcn, as "very . delicate,' and. the Jananab dolesaten H- have referred to TokWi thp matter of . ilio Elao Chow railroad, a point which , liaa deve'oped .into, ait issue It la - hinted thai the Japoneae' plenlnoten tlaries may refer their diflweuce ill .. ritvtly 4o a "big 4" .composed of the ' heada Of ;- the American, British, ; Jaaneo and Chinese ilolcgntea. . - v jjiptin'i ilealre o retain tlio hattlis k flilp Mntnu la the Uaue abont . which . center the naval Hscugiilons. with the . Jpnefie apporeptly. ready to accept the American "5-5-3" plan If permitted , 'to keejf the Mutu ami acrap atad ,,,tii o'dcr rensel.. Similar conceHslon ' for thn British nntl American navies . w ould be 'requisite as an offset and j the task of erranf ln$ all fechnlcal do nan invoLvea la one widen requir .JtHf congldrable dlncutJon, v , - In tbe Sbantune negotiation in th matter, of the Uo Chow railroad, . - China hat tnado .nlodKC of "-payment whleh her. dcletrttea (hft'k' 'lo ( ' ftuiiaiu-.twO i..irti'u:i.. , ( ,ve meuta tber bava intde on tin road, lnt tbe jap'ueae delegntpa are nnwlll. lng to aoent tho offer and,conwK)aetitly lmve-cab'e Tokio for.fnrtbar inatrtiiv " tlon an to what form of security should lHaillr.'.S'-:!iC. r-i;'.."'Vv,. BI BGUTNN BILL DKAD - r TOB gaMSWKyy PESSION Bill Sotnlit ta Redoe Personal Prop-, v my cscflintton rroin w t twx Italolch, -Oct ? lBrr-Cyf lUWUimous honsc committee vote tonight the Bar. gvryun bill seeking to reduce the per . sonal pVoperty exemption f rom $300 to . $100 was roted ' down .-and' it . is, dead -.for the arahHi.'-".- yf'-f ' , Senator Burgwyrin, Of Xorthampton, 'pnt through the meamire t tuc last :, regiUnr aexdlon anil again vassed it In tho opoer house last ..weok..'.TIi- hill was' avowedly aimed at the eastern ne . sroi 2- It. aronsed ' all. the .Ire .At Mho - honsc. Scnntor Jturgny nn . was not here to watch his measure" die, but he : knew what would happen to It. XA il In tbe house a dreary nljjht of small tnfT ! was executed. :. Tbe Xfisp bill ' rejSea ling tae ; prjvy .examination of married women met an ignoble deafli - as. did another abolishing estates - in j entirety. Both measures were ascribed 'to Chief J notice Clark. belter . death warrant- csn bo- taken out than the Jndgo's. dadyshlp of ,any Icgldla . Uto proposal. '.! .''.,:-.'-;- " - ,. . In 'the Senate the most fnteresing ' discttsslon centered about the bil pre ' sented by'Lomr 'of Halifnx. It was I known as the mill owners' lull and con corned tho busting of tenants. Many 1 cases of this kind came up last year - during the strikes. - i The i mill owners "would order" the ?, tenant to mcare and- fliey -refused. , They would give ootid and hold ou, low the landlords to. give the homt "JJJ "Tt " ami make wimmary ejectment of thir1rJlli,,L, -'O "i renter. '.. Varser, f Robeson., led -the fight against the hill. It was lost on second reading by 18 to 20.. Senator Ung votinc .roconsideratloo by chang ing from support to opposition to1 his measure. '' :..,-.' . '. 'y.i.f '.-.,' FRANCE IS WILLING, - . .'i Ta Fort Temporarily. Cash fir? ra tion Pavment from denDnnv. Vnrl. Dec. 14. (Bv the Assmlated Press; franco 4 "willing temporarily to forceo cash reparation payments from Gormany, a hlgli "ollielnl 1n the French foreign 6fflce, today told the Associated Press, This oliicial.sa 14 there-wad generally the rencn .' ana . ltst recognition by the French otncUldon that Germany must r V 'i u ' j settling her financial house In .order, if future indemnity payments were to' tie forthcoming. Tc Jay Year L? t Opportunity CI- es Tosk Etrri To r!y Adjr: -cr.t, "'7 fi Lr t'Py " t Nc, LIs.: 1 IX ; TO DAY .iT, V: i 2 i:cf;:: :-l ta Adept nakIulii H''. H.-"ItiXb the' Itotise nol H(tialt tKik w luikhijt-4ni an rly niljimriimnt' lnlfty.' tho IloHwf pnsKina n joiHl rcsolmiou ftxliir today ns t!i!: l.'Kt dnx '.on wlilra noy billf may 1 InlnHliu'od i nnd tlio Kenufn by workiim turniiKU tup Unl raiiidar and arrfint;iMtr for a hicbt: wwiuii to ImiK- Idlo tin- mihlle lillla. .. ; ' " c 1 jno.OOfl1 deflflt bill on -the-third rend- Ing, muilnx It a law (on ratiiicallcii witUOut a dinaentitin vote and without HWusKlon. Tho lat yoor detlrft ii the nohout fuoh In now taken r of through anthoiiMtion of bohd iwuen. .. Attempt- to nnxH a Hrge number of apeciol penxion blUa failed. Jenu ct the constant objection of Mark Squlro, of Caldwell, to the third reading. These oi ls had the THTorabte report. or me ponnion cemniittee, but Squire tboughr ther general wonsion law am.piy sunt clent to cover practically all cases.. He , IU read the bill before the next ses sir.n and kc if be-wants to flulit thenv. ,Th House refuseil to adopt. the dai sy tk the slate flowery ,j .; ; ,! :!, , It took nmst.of the tnornlng session In tbo House to complete the local roll call calendar and consideration of the general ennbllng bill of tbe deportment of - education,- -validating tho present county school tax rates, and frtitig 30 cents as jne jiropir lax Tor next. year, came up at the end of the meeting awl many amendments, wore seat np.fnv yoking a fight. Tho "vote has not yet been reached. -C1 -' - Raleigh, Pee, It Whether Govern or Cameron ' Morrison 111 throw , the wdrht, Of.i's PceJnto the .jgbt.j4 o. nHit ' the hmuiM seiMMn ilf 't-Mimg for a conidittitlonAl convention In ltti-l lield chief interest at -the capital ioi day.:-'--, u-: r c' 4 , Jt i known that the Gto-ernor is opposed- to tbo provisions of tbe hill which would call the convention . in l!t!3 after a reftrendimi had leen hold on the question, but it was not thought that bo' would get Into ibe fight personally-until he told friends yesterday that It was his Impe that the bill would be defeated.'1 Uulpaa tho Governor gets; enough support' following ft conference which he will hare with some of-' tho leading' ftiemlters, of tho Senate: it Is probable ho will address a special mes sage to thr Legislature. - This, win not I -done,- heweveY, until tho- executive exhaustr his elrorts along the iconfer enco line. -' . '. Oovcrnor Morrison has mode It plain that he is opposed . to n-constitutional convention and in this position is again at loggerheads with '' Kdltnr Josephus Daniels, who has launched quite -a )oom through his paper for the Btnhbs bill and tho convention: The Governor points out . that a onstltirttonnl con vention would only; cause, dissatisfac tion -and commotion over tho'Htnte and would not be for the best Inter ests of the State, so his close friends ray. " '.; ' ':;-.'. v ; If there Is. object Ion to the. present document which has stood 'for many years, the Governor thinks tbo better plan is to submit amendments to tbe voters and thereby change tho constitution.- This method, he says, has been done on -several occasions , and there could be no objection to amending the constitution If a majority of the vot era. think it ought to be done, ; These amendments could bo submitted to the voters' at the next general election without much extra expense: If a con- ..,....! .! , J,, mIImJ ' Kn - ntiuiu. Diuuu w .rAjwi ivi , .... Btnbbs measure tomorrow, although it is not unlikely the bill will ho' discuss ed, at length either late: this after noon or at 'tonight's session If one is hold, House and Senate members are In clined to (he belief that the- Long Sen ate bill calling upon Commissioner of Revenue Watts and the State Board of Equalization to give publicity to all nppfals for reductions,, will, "die' in the committer where Jt has been te- , referred. - Rev. Cm. W. Rollins Resigns, w 'pg.jtor of McGlU Street Baptist chnn atua.t j . hi , tntu Sn1uUy nmulng tendered his resigns. :.tlon.v ITiis caaie as a surprise to the congregation, as ilr. Rollins is very popular not only sinong his own de nomination, but With peoplei of all de nominations in 'the city. He lsa tire less and active worker, a fearless and consecrated minister, and has taken part In all tbe church and civic life of the city that would tend to uplift hu manity since coming to the city, and ho and his family hare many friends here who would regret to' see- them leave. Ilawever, tbe-resignation has' 1 1. not, as yet, been wted upon, and it isTIn New York'a tenderloiu district to1 hoped that be will remain here. - ntfjnt, arresting 13 persons and nm ' ' Imonlug 10 restaurant and hotel pro A Spanish lady rarely goes Into the prictors for violation of the prohill street alone. . . - i. " tion laws. , " - 0 - HOUiS wITH no UIHt SECRET OF TUB WILD ? :y.s '. hot dog is oit. TVhea nt Dogs Bold at 30 CenU Eae the PeUremen Cot BuV Kesuli I- Pure Moonshine. ;j " Oy the AtmtfUUt m.V . ' XeV York,- pec. 14.-The "secret -pi what, makes the hot dog- . wild 1 outi - XtiW ' Vorkfis . frnjikturtcr taste' 1 at way has been strong, bnt recently pn llee on duty at Madison. Square Gar den Aura. tln six day bicycle huv were uiaiile to understand .why " cor-, tain, vendors had no tronhie In dispis ing of tlnlr entire kennels at .TO cents sj dog without even aerv Ing . the : con ventional muRUrili; . -, ' :i , The authoritiea wera 1 considering some means of taniping ottt this pro fiteering when "one blnccaat'piirchasct', . i.,,j k -j i,,.. .... "ow the coppers are casting te mean eye every; hot dog Itf fowe,;;'-, , ' I- . . -. ..J ' V I EXCROWN PRINCE PLANS TO RKTl'R.N TO GERMANY. Looks Forward, He Says, to the life ,. ; i l ouniry uentteman. - " i Doom, Holland, Pec ,14. (Byr tin- Associated Press.) The former Oor mnn Crown Prince, who since Novem ber iStu has lived at . Wiierengen, it planning to return' to Germany and expects Jo rcqnost for permission 'of mo imicu euvurnnicm mr nis nepnr tore early in the Sorine: :'; ' ; ' v. - f Frederick William looks forward t( a life as a 'country gentleman W-lth hi wife ond 'children on an estate at JV let (Oels h Prussia?). c,; - ' Several members of his staff and is few servants of the former Kaiser,' U Is said,' will go to Octet,: to -lireiwre for the coming of the 'former Crown Prince. . :sr -t, PISTOL WAS BOI'GHT IXs l '' , JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA With. Which Mrs. :Raben Shot 'Dr. GUikstcIn in New York Saturday. fj, '-- (By the AMSHatrd Pmut.) v' ;',; Jacksonvlllci "V . Fla Dec. 14. iSIrs Ohas. -8.. Raizcn. hold Jn Xow l'ork City for the killing there last Satur day, of Dr. Abraham' Ollcksteln; wrote a local hardware concern while in Pay fona last month for Information about the, cost of revolvers .''with tt noise less attachment", according to the lo cal police, who have the communica tion in their possession, '--' ,. ',, Tho letter was dated November 20 and the pistol, with, -which the physi cian wag shot, was purchased front the concern here December and. -V. ; . - - JAP ENVOY LAtDS PACT. Say a' Treaty Will Result in DtalBotlon ..v .ef-Armaments. -Ivonrion. Dec, 13---'-The neir pact Is but' enlargement and endorsement of the. old friendship "between Great Brit ain and Japan,' which will come te a welcome Christmas present ' -to - i the world." saw Banjn Hayashl,. Japan eae Ambassador, in an interview to day on toe quadruple alliance arrang ed at Waahingtoif. - ; w V "Tha spirit of the old alliance, wnien achieved uch fine work, tWiU , con tinue," he added, "and .the co-opera tion of the United- States enables us to face the future with calm assurance,'' ,.'V ;',----- ' :'- Counter Preposai of China. ' Washington, Dee. 14.-e By lbe As sociated Press) The counter proposal of China for tho purchase from Japau of the Kino Tslnanfn railroad in Shan tung Yirovince, - baa been cabled to Tokio bv the Jnpinese arms confer ence delegation which has been carry ing on direct conversations with the Chinese delegation in an effort to set t e tlj,o Shantung problem ontslde the conference.-, i ' -. .-. - v;. Wholesale Raid In New ' York . Last Nk-ht. New York. Dec. 12. Ninety federal and state prohibition agents, working together, conducted a wholesale raid Ifr;l: ''x Ix'x J -M l;fc; :XIXXWml0 I JVtiiomber W vycuu t ns, propose s e ir r usr to ' u , i : . ; STOPJvUJJ OF WHISKt Bnneonbe "Drys" iVsnt Law Passed Making Bayers cure Sanies ant. 4 Addresses at Rim. Jeawrs, t ' ""'Asheville, -..Dee. vr It. a resolution adoptod by the Bimeomttt County, Pr hibltton Law Enforeement league Sun day afterncon Is enacted Into law by the state legislature, now in session. It will be a misdnmeanor for any per son to purchase intoxicants without ob taining tl.Jn-une and address of . the person frmrr whom ,uth intoxicant fcj purchased. Also the act, 'If enacted, will provide that aiy peraeii purchas ing an Intoxicating! liquor tan be' re quired to give the hame and address 6f .the person ' , ffOm whom- it was bought, -before: -an&i duly nartthorlzed I wMirt inwrstirttnir nit-nine. the leagne. said today that copies of the resolution-Will le went to. Marcns t.rwtu. 'senator, and Mrs: xum Clem- ent Stafford and Luka Young. repre-:yotMl sbntatives' froui - Buncombe . county. with request that they introduce . thn same before the assembly. In case the legislature ioes not see fit-to pass the measure as a state-wKle law, request ui made that it be passed for Bun combe county. ". "j. ' i. - - - Judge Glenn said at present it is difficult to secure the names of per- sons selling whisky because iwbo have! made purchaia take refuge in a lapso nt memnrv nr failure to ldentifv the one-from whom they made the. pur- nsed chapel attached te tho hospital, chase. If the proposed law Is enacted, I within the camp boundaries, The -It will not be unlawful to buy whls-1 gallon mash container was connected ky. - but t aillure to obtain name and with the steam-heating -cystein to lie address will bo- a misdemeanor with pnnishmlrjt up to days. This provls-; ion Judue Glenn believes, will have a sRlntary effeet In breaking up the se curity of bootleggers. - , . . ,. . v: With Our Advertisers. - ' Cllne's Pharmacy has some lovely Christmas : stationery; Prices, range from 26 cents to I .See new ad., ..t , Do you need or want a dining roonj snitef The Bell k Harris Furniture Co. can equip ymi with a suite In the Queen Anne. Read nod ad. with. care. in a new.nd. todiiy rne uinson irn Store makes, many suggestions for Christmas presents for , ladies.: The company has a lino une ox presenrs, and you will his wise to read the ad. carefully and then call at the store. Hoover's has a grand display of gifts for the men and boys. Don't fail to rend' tho company's, new ad. today. You can find many piano bargains at.tee Kidd-Frix Music and Stationery Store, The pianos are sold , on easy terras, "and are of the best made. We call your attention to the auV. in this paper. " '-. -. . . ,: " .- . .' -- ' . The Browns-Cannon Company has but one -price-, for all. Friends and strangers are; treated alike, for the company gives every one good quality. The company- has a new ad. today that will interest yon, , y, , ' 1 k Don't forget to attend the hlg Alum inum Sale at the Yorke A Wadsworth Hardware Co. on Friday and Satur day, December 16th and 17th at 10 a. m.- Real bargains will be offered, and It win pay yon to be ready, for the sale. Read the company's pew ad. to day and call at th store during the sale. . .-:'.;. ' -' .i ,- - .' You ran. And something new at . the Dove-Boat Co. Fenideil a sorted frnitiri for salads.'" . Read new ad. .today Death of Discoverer ef Phosphate la ;. - Florida. , ' . ,.:;"' isr Om IhmIiiM w "-'--V - Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 14. Albw rus Vogt, discoverer' of phosphate In Florida, and prominent In the build ing of railroads in Mexico and the southwest, died at his home . yester. day, after a long iliness, .it was an nounced today - . , . j - v; Dr. Wm. L. TuU Found Dead ia Bed. ' 1 By Ik AMK-latr4 Fem. ; Chattanooga, Dec 14 Dr. . Wm. L. Tu r, of JsckRonvillc, Florida - and AsheviUe. N O, was found dead in 4 local hotel this morning. ; y Australia leads all countries in tbt number of her women Justices. , : : f MARSHAL FOCH IS NOW ON HIS WAY BACK HOME Sailed From New York, Carrying Many . Gifts Presented te Him on Ifls Lang Tour. . v -. .'"-: ' ' .'.(' .' ' "View. York, Dec II (Dx the Asso ciated Press). Ferdinand Foch, gray and slight, but bearing with him every honor that -America could 'bestow up on one of alien citizenship, hade fare well 'to -cheering throngs here; 'today and sailed away for France. ' I In his baggage were six great cases filled ' with gifts from the people of this 'continent.., who thronged : to - see him during his tour of the .I'nlted States and Canada. ' and ' lend - their voe in acclaim of the man who hurl cd the,(:ermRh'lcgionst back tt;om the WllVof rFranve-'jifld.- nvonr- victoric1 in hifortverttest-Qilflli't; Sinoe coirt rnig'tn'Awrtria'-Vtt :ln"0rtolHfmr slial Focll ha traveled nearly 1u,ho miles, mndetwofe than 500 speeches, .(tended hn nonets and luncheons Im- trunpntution nnd had beard' the voice of ..Vmcrlea from npwarit or 17 tKSi.isij). men,, women and children. . MOONSHINE" IN CHAPEL Cam Dix Authorities Find 30-Gallon i -i ' row iteaey i i-mMHire. .- Mr. Holly, N. J Dw. 13. The limit of "moonshine" nerve was revealed to- day when authorities at Camp Dlx on covered a still set up and filleil with mash, ready for operation in the un- kept - hot fori, us when) needed.' The equipment .is new and it-was evident that no whisky had been produced,-hnt a few hours work could have brought desired results. . ' , . : Sensational developments are threat ened as a result vf the arrest of rav. ld-Hanlce, of North C-nrOllnn. former service nian recently- discharged. He admits buying and taking the still to the. camp and declares that the money to make: the Purchase was. furnished by it soldier whose name he refuses to divulge. . JInrdee also admits Knowl edge of nioouslilnlng. : He 'has been committed to the Mercer .county Juil for further - investigation by I'nited States Commissioner Hnlnes, of Mt. nolly. It is believed that the discov ery blocks, a "' well-organized whisky making und selling "scheme for sd dlers, - ; " . i ' ,''- ' ' BOSTON IN MAYORALTY ROW Wemea Warned te Keep Off Streets Owlnr (e Virile Campaign. f - Boston, Dec. 13. Extreme bitterness rhaaeterised the clesiug hours of tbe may orally, election .campaign which ended here tonight. Tomorrow tht more than 2I7,000 registered votci of whom are women, will have a chance at. the polls to determine which of the . foor candidates, who have spent the. last few weeks belabor ing each ' other, shall ; occupy the. Mayor', phnir for the coming qnad. rennium. . ' " Notwithstanding a forecast for unse between 75 and 80 per cent-of the roe istered voters will ballot because of the intensity of the public Interest ; " The four candidates for Mayor- John R. Murphy, James M. Curley, Charles S. O'Connor and Charles fl. Baxter spent the final hours tonight in whirlwind sneaking- tours through the city, ,snd precautions were taken Co protect - them against ovcr-aealions h members of tho oirpositlon. - Special police were sworn in as a result or threats Inst night.. Women were quiet ly advised late today to remain off the streets where rallies were- in pro gress' and to absent themselves from meetings where .trouble might devolop. At The Theatre. 7 Marie Prevost is at the Pastime to day again in "Nobody's Fool.'V Alo good vaudeville. . - . . The 'Star today is offering again the famous -feature "The Old Nest."- This Is the last day the feature will be shown. - ' ' . The piedmont today U offering at tractive Bebo Daniels in the Realart feature, "Two Weeks With ray." THE NEW REVENUE LAW Act Became EfferUve November S3, 5- I idem Otherwise Prevulcd For. ; ' The following statement is issued by Collector - of 'V Internal ', Revenue CHlianr Grissom, collector, '; the dis trict of North Carolina.: ? '(;.?."'! "Enactment of new revenue legisla tion has brought to the office of Cot lectors of Internal Revenue a flood of Inquiries regarding various provisions. The Revenue Act of I'.ei became efr fective November 23, s.-iflCl. "unless otherwise provided for." : : V ',' - "To avoid error in tls preparation of their returns and later difficulties with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, taxpayers are advised, to carefully note the change .and when .tbey become ef fective. , -..-.-' !,.', i "The excess profits tax is repealed as of January 1. 1022. The rates- for 192"! are unchanged. " ' : i- "The surtax rates for the calendar year 1021 ore qncbanged, and range from 1 per cent on tho amount of not Income I Kit wet n f5,000 and $6,000 to 69 per cent, on the amount of net in. come in excess of $1.0)10,000. For the calendar year 1022 the surtaxrates rang from 1 per cent on the amount of net income between fH.000 and 110,000 to SO per tent oh the amount by which the net income tfxefods taOO.OOOj'",1 '---V "The exempt loa allowed for a de. pendent is Increased from f 200 to S)0. Married persons living with hus band or. wife and 'heads of families aro alowed a' personal exemption of $2,1,00 ( Instead of $2,010), unless the net In ome is In excess of $5,000, in which' cases the personal exemption . Is only $2,000 The act provides that in no case shai the reduction of tho ' personal exemption from $2,500 to $00O-opernte to iihTease the tax wntcn would ne peyahlc if the exemption were $2,r00 by more 'than 'the amount of the net income jn excess of $5,000. Tlrd is to overcome the disnarltv in the case of -two .taxpayers, one of whom is Just within the lower $2.0011 exemption and the other with the higher $.500 cxemp tlon 'i , S " .'. ';?.' "Single persons, and married persons not. living with husband or wife, are allowed an exemption of $1,000. Non resident aliens are allowed a single personal exemption of $1,000. Persons having gross incomes for 1021 of $5 000 or over are required to make a return, regard'ess of the amount of -. "Provision is mmle Tlor the repeat as of January 1, 1022 of the tax on stockholders of a personal service corporation as such. After that date such corporations are to he taxed In the same manner as other corporations. "The income on eornorattonR for the calendar year 1022 and thereafter; Is Increased from 10 Ia J2 1-2 per cent The $2,000 exemotioa heretofore 'a k l,c4..Snftlv euty o , trKe -wai-peratKins! whose -aef inecme Is $r, or lesa, "A ; t'"Marn-;-persons are nnder the- Im pression that the taxes on Ice cream, 'soft drinks, ete. monthly retnrns- nf which are requiretl were repealed with the enactment of the new act. Thest: taxes remain In force until the end 'of the calendar year 1921. . v .-; ' "Xo change Is made iii the tax on admissions, except that after January 1, 1022 there -wil be no tax where ad mission is 10 cents or less. Effective January 1, ,102. the -following taxes are also' abolished; on . musical in. struments, snorting goods, . chewing gum portable electric fans, thermos lsittles, fur articles, pleasure boats and pleasure canoes, unless sold for.: more than $100, toilet articles medicines, and numerous articles of apparel,. .' - -v "tin and after January 1, 1022. the tax on various works of art is reduced from 10 per cent ,to 6 per cent, the tax on randy from fl per cent to 8 per cent and the tax on carpets, rugs, trunks valises, purses, fans, otc.t from 10 per cent of sales prices in excess of specified amounts. ' ' ; i- - ' y , "The tax on parcel post packages is cliniinntcit effecfivo January 1,, 1022. "The new act provides that Bo tax payer shall he subjected to niineccssnrv examinations or investigations, and only one insnantion of his books of ac count shai; lie made for each, eaxahle year unless the - taxpayer ' requests otherwise, or tho Commissioner noti fies the taxpayer in writing that an additional inspection is necessary. . "The period for filing returns, on thn calendar year bases Is from Jan uary 1, to March 15. 1022. This yeqV. as last the tax may he paid in ful at the time of filing the' return or in four cfual installments, due on or before March 15, June lit, September IS, and December IB, ' , . "t'oplea of the revenue net Wiv he at last, the tax may be paid In full at NATIONAL Gl'ARD TO BE v , , READY TO BE ENTR.INED Five or Six Companies Will Be Sent , te the KanSM Coal Fields. ' (Sy AaaMlatee Ptmw.1 ' Topeka, Kans, Dev. ! 14 Notives were sent today to all national guard organizations In this state,- comprising about 2.000 men, tt nut themselves in readiness to entrain for Pittsbnrg coal field. Col. Miltou R. McLaln in charge of Adjatant General's office during the aosence or tne Adjatant Cieneral, said orders will go out today for a move ment of five or . fix compaules to the coal field.. .No orders for movement had yet been issued, Colons! McLaln said, at a. m. y ... ' . Damllle's Iessve Franchise' May Be j,;; v , Fuelled. .-.. fBr- kt mliKtl CrM,) i -, ' Danville Va Dei'. 14.-t:nless some action is taken w thin tee current week ia behalf of retention of Dnnvll'.e'a franchise in the piedmont '.League, the franchise wilt bo. placed- to another citv. accordimr t W. G. ftrimham. president ef the Leasue. who'bss vrrlt ten here that he-will it compelled to forfeit tho fraoehiso nulessi. heio is revival -of Intercut Ito ' . - : ' MIsB'Ratrlt tew,-'1. f lu Fpeading a few tlfijs wuh home folks nir mi. i-ieasani t Ulster umtm r,l TREATY ahtiUW'- , tt m-HiXpress- ed in, t Letter Sent Today to Premier Lloyd George by Sir James Craig. THE PARLIAMENT NOW IN SESSION King : George Spoke From ' Throne, and Expressed the ' Hope That1, the Treaty ; Would Bring Peace. London Dee. 14-(By the Associated Press) Clsrer'ji intention - to stand : aloof from the Irish free state provided for In the treaty between Great Britain ' and South Ireland, was expressed in , a letter sent to. Premier loyd George today by Sir James, Craig, the Lister premier, according to- a: Belfast : dls... patch to the Evening Standnid ; 1 r v;-;';Wng George Spealfis. " ? ; London, Deo. 14. . (By the Assoclat-" cd, Press. ) Openhig the special sea- sion of Parliament, called to consider the rish peace settlement, Kliuf George said in his speech from , the throne today : -;', , t , . It is my earnest hope that, by 0i articles of the agreement now sulnit teil to yoq, the strife of centuries may be ended,' and that Ireland: as a free partner in the commonwealth of nn ttons forming the British Empire, Will secure fulfillment of - her-- national Uleals." . . ' vrl''f-'-,'-? -j'i ;?';-s" DaJl Elreaaa to Consider the Treaty : ' ' ' ' '-- Thursday Dublin, Doc. 14. (By the Associated Press) The question of ratification or , rejection of the Anglo-Irish agreement . by Dail Eirennn has been postponed ti:i Thursday when a, public session. wii be held nnd deputies wil debate , the matter and come to, a decision,,. This was decided upon at today's meet ing of the Pail, called to consldr the agreement. .. . .; ;,';. ' .v , , ,'Meanwhrie the Dalh . wan' in .secret session thfs afternoon,' discussing the dispute between delegation to .the Lon. don conference, who were tbe signers of (he agreement,' ami . Eamonn ,d Valersiilte republican, president and . his iaWrents. oa this Issae. as--; f wuethee,4iie'4ic4cgatian liaa 4ue pq:er concindf fne ngreement , , THE BODY OF SLAf C.HTER "J A v MAY BE PISINTEREP NOW G. D. O'Brien, ef Dallas, Texas Bandits . Rrother-In-Law Will Claim Hie Bed). 'Little Bock, Ark., IHsc 14. ( B.v the , Associated Press,) The body of Toot: Slaughter, slain desperado, buried in a local cemetery , In the' presence of . . thousands of curious spctators yester day afternoon, -may be disinterred.'. Governor MfBae late last Bight an- : nonmd the receipt of a long distance , , telephone message f rom G. D. O'Brien. 7 of Dallas, Texas, brother-in-law -of rna.i . bandit, nrotcsting against, the funeral .," sen-Ice held yesterday; and denouncing - woman known here: as Mrs. ilyrtle Slaughter, supposed' tn be the bandit's, i widow, or KUlorado.'Arlcnnsas. t The Governor said that 'O'Brien do ; elared 'that the, woman posing herself as the widow was not Slaughter's, wife -'. and announced bis intention of com- -ing" to Arkanses and claiming the loil.v. .. .... 1 5 INCREASED ACTIVITY OF ' t COTTON MANUFACTURING During the Month of November, (7,. -.OIHl More Bales of Cotton Consimie,!. - Br a AMMciat4 rnii.) 'a Washington, Dee. 14. Cotton mnnii. factnring showed Increased activity W No-ember. The monthly report of the , Census ' Bureau issued today shonred 47,000 more hales of cotton were eon- . sumed In November , than In Octohet., while consumption was 194,000 bales -larger than In November a year ago. Active cotton spindles showed an in- -crease of 2,0S7jno0 overlNovemher Inst year, and 616.000 over October this . year ' , Cotton consumed during Novemlier amonnttHl to A20.610 hales of lint and. fR3M bales of linters . compared with , 3S2.712 of lint and 4,827 of linters in Novermber last year.-" . THE COTTON MARKET Opeaed Firm at aa Advance ef 10 te ' S3 Feints Owing to Stetigtii ef Liver. 'i' -i f tmr ta aMMetatee rim, -','y"f-i " New York, Dec 14. The cotton mar. ket opened firm at an advance of 16 to 33 points today owing to conttntied strength of Liverpool and large do mestic , consumption figures for : the' month of November as reported by the Census Bureau. January sold up to 17.45 and Marvb to 17.43 making a re covery of 65 to 8 points from the low level of yesterday, but these figures met scattered Southern selling as well as realizing which caused reactions .10 or 15 points shortly after call. Cotton futures opened firm. . Dec, 17:00; Jan. 17:40; Mar. 17:40: Mnr 17:19; Jnly:ifl:95. v . . - The pysicUus Of Tibet fifteen, bun dred years ago employed the B.oe means of dlasiiOiilDg the cOBdiilon, of flclc .periwu the pUysk'Saud nr tlii present day tbey filt ihe patteu'.s pule and luclccd at his t-uju . ' 'Within tbe p,st :- 5 jlury 1 Gr-jbam i r f . - " has wr,-B or t t. -- f T ell" 1 ' I i' i r.f t t. en ri-

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