e. (iUt - -A., K . . - 1 - , - - . ' ' . . ; . 1 . .. t' "'" "rv . H ) 1 il J;-".. w , u T .J. O ; TCI)AY. ' 0 -- ...vl7 -s D O o;o O O O O i '. . ..T ..- v.-:.- 'volume NO. 276. X't ... j. Li:iiifao v;or,: OF THE STATE io;i, u v ti:eo:j:::al ratio UGiSLATUnE TODAY ToICiDE ,vr- ' " ''" ' ' '' ' - mrnMmmm Of Naval Equipment ft, Laid Down by Secretary; 1 tushes at Washington Conference Announcement ..Today.. .PREMIER RlilAND V INFORMS itAliVEY Accepts Only aa . to; Catital Ships, and Does Not Alter Demand . for Submarines . an Cruisers. .'; 7 . V londoo. Doc. 19 (By the Associated ! Press) .wFrance will. Accent, the orlgl nn.1 ratio,.. . lal down . by ; Secretary Husthea at the Washington conference. 1'remier Brland Informed George Hor- vey; the'-American' ambassador at - "- their meeting, last night. He authorix- ' i'1 the ambnwadof to ootirj tho Amr,rl. n KovernmPht to that olfrot, : r' ."' , - Although lr(mler Jtrland'8 nnthorl " xntlon which baa alidad boen fOfiTey. .- crt to tho Fronch dplreatlon wash' Ineioa nnd tbo American atafe depart meirt. wnkpn no mention .or uuma. - rlneo. there la reason to befiei the , rYencn. propoiialg ; regarding nuderaea craft were dlscwaed by M. Drland and Ambaaaailor Ilarrejr-. lt la hinted that v the French majr hare more to wy on thin- aubjeec -:;;'. :,:--f-'v :-f-j -'t ;. l'arls, Dee.- dlHpateh from ' Tendon taihe semi-official ITataa Ag s' - ency today ald. that. I'remler 3rtatad acceptel , Seeefary . Ilnirhea' . ptopoaal cnnoernlu'c capital ihlp tonoaue as fol Wa; - 1 Vnlted .States 5; Enjtlantl 5; Japan . .1 : France l.TO Italy 1AK ; . r - , ; The Interpretation put upon rre tnler Briand Interrloir with Ainbaa. ondor Hawey In pfflclnl clrclea here - - thlx mornlau was that Itnnce's accept- anee-of the Amcrlcau -point of rlew ai ... ' to naral tonnage Wa an acceptance "in principle" only ao far npIUt ahlpa were concerued fad -that It did hot ! , ' tor tbe i Preach , lDnlatenco upo ade , juafe alMaflceA of -anbmatlBea and crulAcra. .. : i v ' '": . It waa'alao droiared that W far aa nflclal advices recc trlhere. show, no - ' drflolte ratio had retfr tt.ftllfnl tT - WMblneton. Dec. in?-rBj--the. -A eodated .Press.) Seeretarjrv Hurhea was 'understood to. have, recelred a Tubleffram todar lron tendon atatlnir that aa a fesuit fit . Yonferencea be ', (he American anUKador, France waa tb American amlAawtdor. trance wail ' expected-to aiwpt America' proposal , for limitation, of capita) ships. Tbo advices to Socretftry Hlfthea - . were 'aald to bear out the . bttotBcial OreporM from' Ijondonthat i Premier Driand had advised tfce Frenctt dele ration htro to accept America 'a prffi poa.ll for 17i5,000 tons of capital ahlps ' for -France and Jlaly."" Fretieh- aocep--. tance, it na,sald, waa on H tonnage, . ' and not a wpttal elifpa basis, f; ; t ' Washington. Warns Anlnst .Oveir Op. t;tl..'ihl:J;vsK:x'; ' -' WaBHInjton,:'pec. l0.i-'Biy th' Aa-! fsociated Pree.)A flve-iK)wered treaty to. limit naval armauienta'. apparently ' ' hu been brought mnch nearer by a n. iew move on tlie part of tbo .French. Cabled Instrnctiona for .tfl French flelegatlon, said nnpffidaly to, include. , s Premier Brand's acceptaiK -of , tU , f American proposal for . French vara) Hrenpth, reached Washington today, und Impelled tho French delegation to; -. sk for 24-hour recess .in. tbe. naval: negotlatlona, while they decoded the . , tnessagca and pondered Its contents. . , Meantlmo, despite unofficial, advlcs . from abroad saying there had .i been! v positive acceptance by tbe French gov . ernmcnt, eonferem'e leaders are1 sound- - Jos note of warning against over.oif Tbe. : French , themselves . tnabifest . fcroat surprise at newspapef tnte - menta repOrtl&g .an acceptance, They v bad presented proposal for twice as . & great a French capital ship fleet aa . that provided under the . American ; flguren, and they are not ready to be lleve their , homo government bait ro qtlckly accepted the lesafir proposition ' unless Important conditions are rt tached. .-a-., . In eoroe quarters It Is regarded as '. - probable-, tbat the message' from- M. Brtand, which ia of : considerable length, makes tbe capital ship afrange C. meat contingent on d settement re gnrdlng auxllltary craft . wblcb will . give France what " she wants bv sub ynarlnea and 'icrulsera. . Bedwrdota ef Interest Ea( In Sixth . District. :.j . (Br Ik AMriatr Ftw.t ' ' ' Atlanta,' Dee, 10.A reduction of tbe Interest rate on all classes of paper from S 1-2 to It per cent was announce ed today by M. B. Wellborn, governor of the 6th Federal Beserve: Baak. . CAR OF A 0HANGE3 AND , cnArzn:irT; : At S5uthtrn- Smi6. X'Hi 'till h Edk'Uin r.:U Q r By Vote of 43 to 40 the House Voted Down Motion a by , ; Crisp to Reconsider Its Ac tibn oi'Dunlap Bill. SPEED UMIT BILL PASSED 3rd READING Bl Would Change : Speed : Limit to 3. Miles an Hour in County and to 25 Miles an Hour in Cities. - - , (By Mas Aberueiby. (Srlst ! Tfce Trle.' Raleigh. Jlec ,10By a vote of. to 40 the Jlone today voted down tho motion made by Crisp, of Pare coualy. to reconsider its action or rsaturdAy in sending' the Punlan bill, providing for an extension; or W da m wnicn to pay tms year s taxes wirnont .assesfr- ment or" penalties. This bin is, still in tho finance committee. , . "" The- Senate' bill changing the speed limit . of antomoblles - from 2T to 3." miles In the country and from 1ft to 25 miles In -cities, was passed ou three Readings, alter considerable debate. The proponl to bond all "For Hire automobiles'-- operating - In the slatK passed two readings, but went over an objection: of Graham, of Orsogo coun ty. i V i. r- '; ;; ' The '. Renat named ' on the si-coni) readlnr tho municipal .tinanco act and school deficit bill, both hooser adjonrn Ing'thls afternoon 4tnd will complete thelr.'work at tbo night sosslon.'. ;.. .Italelgh. Pec. IftF-lerenth hour at tempts will be made by rash and- ro. mantle members of tbn Houe to re cuflcltnto tbe Glover bill empowering the governor of the State to remove his appointees and 'the Dunlnp mens nre which seeks to repeal the penalties In tbe payment of taxes, , i-.J. i " : Tho first hll is yet In tbe bandt of the com tn(tteo; where ,l( has- been for nigh on' to sevetli days.- At today'd ses sion' wblcb is expected to ran Into-the midnight hours perore .djonrnment is taken, proponent of the measure bare indicated' their Intention of wringing some- sort' of report from this stubborn twetmiltM'' Wim thrt pnottlorncJr be rare, the Honse- where it can oeifa cussed, they believe enough strength rah ho mustered to put tbo bill, across neror. unal adjournment. - - ' Qoverootv Morrison, who is crodlted with having Inspired the measure, will not bo berc- ton- tbe Unlsh no matter what notion Js taken upon It: he, with bis little daagbtcr. Angeiia, bfl gone to Washington City.- for 'a two days viHit But-the governor 1 stilt favor-. Ing the measure and 'bis. supporters say. they 'barn: canvassed the House and Ibat there -k . enough .strength to make or the bin a law. it win, or course; . tequlre- fst - work on the part or ootn nonscs or rnc niu win qte in traiMtt.-r'Si- ?t;fiii?.:i ,: For, the-Punlap ,blll . to; repeal the penaltlos In till cases whore' tho-taxes nt. sot paid . in. full' by. February, 1, (hero .exists consirternDie support. House' mombeM who .favor this'' meas ure were busy. Sunday' conducting a systematic- lobby amongst their ;eol leagues' and .unless their' report x' Is valueless Grabd Old Moo Iliifo Ooucli- ton b goinglo be bard pressed In the IIoise to beep hl; followers in 'line. Snturdsv this measure occuuiod the stage center wtien Tarn Bowie of A'she, rough t to have the bill placed on the calendar., over 4be protests of Mr. Dougbtoh, but the Grand Old Man won. the bill going to . the committee ' on 8 nance Of which be Is chairman. And the Grand Old Man Is eternally oppos ed to repealing the penalties clause of what Mr. Bowie and ins colleagues hope to do today to to override-the ac tion or the House Saturday and bring the bill back up for discussioa."'. If they can do this, it is claimed, enough strength can be mustered to secure far orable action on the measure since a large number of . representatives will not be here today -who voted for' the Dough ton proposal at Saturday's ses sion. . ;-,;-..M'v'i,!',; Representative Crisp of Dare coun ty also hopes to force the Issue, on his Rtate-wide bill, the only other measure over-which there Is a division of opin ion, which provides for change-in the time of dosing the polls at '- all elections. v .' 'i r '".-, Tbe Crlsn bill would run the time up to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There are many advantages to doing this, be ays. It wtu not enty expedite tne tab ulation of the returns out wiu permit tbe newly, enfranchised women voters to know how badly, they have been beaten; or won, early , so they can go to, their homes In time to prepare, the evening meal. . ' v.. lie. hopes the bill wiu pass ana nas won over. Speaker Grier ott almost In toto. Speaker Grier thinks that a provision should be made for working folks who cannot get to tbe polls be fore four o'clock, but he would, bave them satisfy the election officers that such ta the case. . - ' Thoee somewhat sMo x Issues ; will take their turn when the House and tteoate are not busy with passing prop erly the school - oeocit nut and ta hjiHilc!fl finance, act- There can be E9 doubt but that both nseaeum wlU ;b4 cp tn court by tbe tiasa adiotim- t.i.t l tHkta rm U3 tonixst. t-T-ery p?ti!e prrcutI6a bss bea Uken to 64i' jwr4 both Bjeaaurs. . . C'tAu tax the local market i quoted st it c b?s fr poijod ; .cotton aeed at ii cccyi per biuuel, , I I '..V .rf -4W-V.. rrr W. 1 1 t , .- : V. ,'.' j.-.- LV-a ' .f I 1 i til 1 I .'."Ml i r. A,,,J-. Wkrf II I I 111 i a mmi wmii mmm- :' XmWmmZzl'tL ImTrtfmtfl1 ft.frmfe i ARIZONA ACT OF 'MlS'fV'v'TV'L t . IS ITHELD Bt COijlt uprem Court Haads Down Kulinf ' ... .. in nrsara rMswiing, .., , .. ; ; ' (By he AmmHMr Frm.).' Washington t)ec. 1 lft. Thie' Artcoaa act of 1913. prohibiting Isstmnce of In junctions restraining picketing,' was u onect apneia -dj rue - nupn-wc vouri today so far at U prevents court Inter ference with peaceful' picketing, i' f la tbe ease of Wm. Trna and others under cotwkleratioa by tbe court lit was held,- bdwayer the . methods to picketing used 'Wet ilegal.ohd should have been enjotnedv- -'p'--'.' Tros COTTOK HARKET. atmrket Shewed. Cbrtmae rUeadl.arM V . - m ( sk. - r.m- k .. I f. Nov Yorif. Dec. lO.Tbie ootitfn maf- jcot- showed continued stead tiifeM dttri ng today day's early trading. ' After oju- J Ajere arrested for alleged ownership i to 20 points btghec priV riv'ia. and operation of the-monster itll Inn1 a to acted 'albrhrlv under : realizing' '" hit' soon, steadied un again' with January'. bdvanclng to 18.42 nod March to 112 lor AT-' to 2 -points-better than ia8( ', weeks Closing.- i-T. V 7 - Cotton, tuturr-s 'opened Urm. . Jon. W:40; Mar. 18;1T;. Mar JT7q: July lf:30 Oct 16165. v i i s v With IW Advertisers. . 0 ! When ' yoti tbiiik f Christmas' gifts think ofOLove'ti. -See'Chanlro'of 'ad. irr thw paper.: ' .;.-. , -Toot -esri Und so '-abundflhoo' ' bf Christmas goodies- at ,.the tJ-HaVe-U htoro Milts.' rnisfhs. '' enrrants ' kid dthe gobilleSv'fieei -new-'Al,-tAd'ay'' ' 4 Yon can find ' gift ' suggestions "for evert- '"him". -to-T e" ' tline'd Phir. : macy 'ad "In- this -paper' today.? Don't fali:to'see-thev'ad.-vv? ; .'.; ! r tTiccs nave neen reauceq on csoqy by tho box or pound af Pat COvlngtona Prices from -2$ cents to fl read hew ad -carefuly. V 1 ' " '' .' ' 1 ; Fisher s is.pen nay aud nfcht now. and 'this' store- baa a varrletv of gift for- all. Call- and see the, stoqfc offcreil. too big jterore t'nristmas Hate at the Tarks-Belk Co.s is now on. - There are. only five more days illll. ChrbJt- mas. The . stoee. will . be' ' open . - at night till - o'clock every evening tils week in order to give, everybody -.- a chance to do Christmas shopping, -i ,?.'.'.. .;'-- '. ' ......,- Government Wli Suit Against Jlard- . wood AmocwiIok . ',..:srrv Washington. Dee, ,19-Tbe govern ment today won Its suit to compel the members of the-' American Hardwood Manufacturers' - Associat ion to termin ate co-operative: . selling methods and agreements alleged to bare-been adopt ed for the purpose of eliminating eoau petition among themselves and to main tain and Increase prices. " -' ' Menard Orator Near roint of Death. ,' (By the Asseriated " PryorOkla- Dec. .lO A" cabtegr am stating that Btchard broker, foriher Tammany chieftain of 'ew totk wa very ill, eeot by big wife Mrs. Btulao Croker, has summaned Bruce oarretr, a local citbecoL hurriedly io' Ireland, it became known today. ..Mrs. Croker'! a. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ed mondson, bf this-city.-t -V :ktv -." l ' Several Injured la Wreck m Sotf&er . ; (Br tk Aaaectatca fUM.) '" Annlston, Alih, Dec. 19. Ci B. Cole man, flreman) was killed', and several persona seriously injured when -' the Kansas City Special on the Southern Railway was wrecked at Tarusng near here at- noon today. Among the serl- busly injured are engineer 8.; T.-Wat-Jtlns, of Atlanta, and two mail derki. s !, befens Rest ia I.'nko. tatt - F A tfmti fl'ieSt . 'MAfct?o, V , Ic' X3 -T6t"d f -'oSa la tbe trial bf i , f tHT4Uiia,-f ""t rarU itly f :t, fr t t t if tig y. -f -wii t Co.'UJ-J ... a, if-- - oer rested. i case' ,;:' j fvin to4gy w i ' Mit cHU v dc(adt b tbe itao.'-.c " : CJay .results from the.crumilDj of feldspar. -y- : --:m ; t: -fas . Rvy .: u T" 1 1 '. " " 1 1 THREE rer ARRESTED ' fV i, '...,' n ; ', ;. .; py -tuyBAL AGENTS Charted With Malratetorlnr. Trans .' pert ing , ami , Keiling : Intoxlratlnj - Liquors. ,' .-' ifA ':..''l X I; : 1 Federal wrfrranrs-have- been issued here for T. . O. xiTnm'f-mlth. Ooodmnn and (Walter Patterson, all bf this county! cborgiai; .them ..-.with : the manufacture, transportation stid sale pf lutoxlcnting lidtiors. The warrants were Issued Saturday awl were served lyesterclay afternoon, and this morning. Omorrow . Vbeforo vCommi.ssiooer Td. JKestlef. ;1 -'r '.f 'h ': .-v fitnlth was arrested Vestetday after-1 noon and "leased on &000 bond. The other ; two' men,' were arrested" tbs , Jjnortihi nod" ireed ri hond for an- , prohibition Agents who have been Working in this county for the: past Wrrral months'. sUted that the men ci ofctbo Und of Patterson1. Jio one was arrested nt the tic of the rihl.' nixl the warrants were Issued after tbvj Of. ticenvhad made a thorough and search. Jog investigation. ,'.r.-i ; Tbe rtltl was-the targe'st'iv(r found in tM county, abelUgf 20ft gallon ca; pfleity andUMin in full operation nt tbe .tiilte of the. raW: Twentycvfn blincUed gallons of . beor,r.were found the still, .together with ,a'. full Wtcb. cu xMil,t, sevl', choirs; and a- bA gmLrtiOO pounds. of sugar. ..... ' r, i ;: I ITehibltion. a"gent n' declare ;tho ;at rest of the three men"Drobnbl.r. will be foljowod' byberV' or'rests. ewdtlle? (ni ?tqi is. expfJetd; to bring out develop' meptjk ;in-,pther. Ktates, wnere. it, ,js claimed snmo-'of the liquor made, from the utiiy: wardlsposcd,cof-1 .,..!..'' j F.ititRESrLT OE ROW - . . . w v. in nxwrsviiXE cafe. One Man-Is'Dead and Another b In t - ihing xonditioti. . : , r i. . By Iks Anwlatal rw,l - " . . nuntsvllle; ,;Ubv,r'Uee; ;V.19.-i-Will Rlcketfs. proprietor -of -. local cafo, is deafl ,Fred ,Mauterer, ;son -of a local merchant, ts in a dying condition ; and Ave girls are lu Jail charged, with mur der and assault with intent to murder as the result of a. flht here last night; -Rickotta and Manterer-were shot iln what was described byfthe police aa a free for-all tight -in. a. .house-In tbo suburbs and enme-cg the climax: to a fay party a which wwo a doaen par tkripantir. The police report the dis covery of evidence that whisker flow ed freely;, .V'- :-.'-'r--i - The women. underi arrest are: Jes-sle- Echols. Trixle RIner, June Dew. Nellie West- and Jewel Earle. alias Florence Bridges. They -bare declined to make a statement. T:-;. ; ; f :. r'SiOrea WIU Close December 25th . In accordance ; with : a well : estab lished custom ' here, : when ' Chrletmas cotncB on Sunday as it does tbia year. our tpercbants - and! business ; offices generally will observe .- the', next - day, Monday. December 36tb, aa tbe Cbrist-mao-'holiday. ; ' v . ,: The stores, and business places gen erally of the city will be closed nCxt Monday. -Decr-mber 26th. Mostrof the mlllii, I understand, will he closed for several-days, mcludlng Monday, tbe 20th. '-'V: :'' -i ;;'--.',. : B. E. HARRIS. Secretary. " .' ; : : ( Merchants' Aooclatton. . , Honor Roll Grade Two and Three of " Mt. Pleasaat fieheoL - ; Grade two Virginia , r McAllister, Margaret James Leroy Boger. Artlne Hctutc, Mary ' Evans .' J'nlU Miriam James. .. ' . s ' ;:- .-.'. ' ., , , Grade tbree-Frc : perrln.' Ellsa brtb -XOsm- ' 1 I' J..V.'.-. ; i - : rtrf tu. tM- 1e I .a M. t violt. W tbe local ':rt !)' tein,'.aa6oun- 04' tl.s tpAn . rlJ tha Cb-' t -'jiorrrw. 'I f fbbt bit. ws&,Votj!Ji New. tort tSief 'oi tU Csuuoo MI'ls, tie b' s at t Y bere Jarrlvcd 14 Concord this 'njontiugt-Mr. iay a c;it.t 8 bVlock. 1 twUe -cwe to ba with Mr. J. W. game rrnlw i" be a, thriller . InjCwmB. wt has been so critically in avery. way. . - ... for aevefal daya ; BUFFALO Vi SWEPT BY ' (Plato Class Windows Broken 4 and Irees Iprooted. One . Man Loses --"His life.'". V.ii : . f " Bnrfalo, N. Y, o. 18. A 03 mile an hour irale 'sw-ept tb. city today, - up. rooting trees.' tearing down chimneys. smashing plates glass windows ' ana pilling up the water In the harbor to an unprecedented stage. One man was killed in tho storm.- r ''. -y i . Tin? damage throughout the city Was great but heavies losses occurred along the waterfront where a 400 foot wire hym' tower was demollsbed, boat bouses and email docks were swept away and fercrar hundred pleasure eraft wefe . The ormerrv loss will run into bun- dreda 4 -fuuttiiuU .oMtoUacsivJ J 'A window batch: jtorn frjjmTv"' P Of a bUKiness Mock ieiirou a passiag automobile, killing 11 Kriefer: oue f the two occupants and, ,lujurng"; (Ie' bChcrT - sctloiuHly. '. The' " hatcb ,- went through the- wiadsbjetd .and pinned Friefer .to the seat - .Tbe autpmbbil, with both oceupabfs unconsclmw; ran about a block before.' It swerved aud crashed Into uY store front " V j . , - Two ' women , were caught under : u falling tree near the water front One of tbemi Misa Margaret Cochrane! sua. tained both ' legs broken. Her sister, Katharine .was Internally injured and foremen bad to cut awar'psrt of the tree, trunk before' she could be -rcleas. ed.' :-:'- ff? ... ' .J'TftBj.wInd,'. jfcowl.ie fjfom tbe soijth. west' Jiirecxiy uown yiKn r.ne, ik" up ibc water .Uutlt bird Isbiud pr aid Squaw ; Island . werev. almost .conv tcrs sbantles jVo're; carried put into the s'iaaara "rivef.;; helr . 'ocenpahts were' reaped., by,: police, flrefeien and Coast-guard icrews.-; , ; i ; Thrco .ferry boats used In the ser vice between Buffalo ,; and Fort Erie wcra piled upon rhe.rocke between the river, and the canals ; ; ' ,' . y ; ' At Tonawanda the witter rose eight feet above normal, 'flooding the large lumber yards thorn and carrying thous ands of feet of timber into the rlVer. and over. JJ I gara. Falls.. A. dredge an chored off Grand Inlands began to drift toward the falls, but managed to find anchorage by digging Its stcd dip per into mud on tho river bed.: ; ; -Seldom baa .such a volume of water poured over the brink, of the Niagara cataract as today.' The waters of Luke Erie, crowded into! the: Niagara river, caused a swirling flood where usually there are only a few scant inches. Such floods poured over the prdplce that itbe pier of the Maid of the Mist was submerged..' w -V US'-:"' - Many islands just above the falls were submerged for it he first time in years. Great property damage was done on the -upper river between La Salle and Niagara Falls to River. Side boat bouses and motor" boat One eMtlmate of tbe property loss, there is f.300,000. No loss of life-was reported, r . All the hrge ake boats herd weath-ered-the-. store. Somo dragged their lanchors. but none was bcarhed- : Three gaaoiiue. fishing boats were sunk in the hurbor.at Dunkirk. ,, ' High Winds and Heavy Rain Visljed ,' - New York Sunday. ' . New York, Dcnv I8.J-Wlnd of cy cjoaic character, acconipanied by heavy rains, visited New York today, caused slight damage In lower Manhattan, then Jumped to the Bronx and wrought destruction over a wide area in the union port section, An, unidentified man. dead from' v-xpoaure, was found on a bowery sidewalk. , ; V -"' . ' MoUwr and Six Chldren , Bwraed to i-. t -. ' ; Deatb la Home. -.f . . Windsor. N. 84 Dec 18.-Mrs ItoQbes jobuaott and. br- sit children ran(ing Sbg4 (rots 9 to Id.ytara, wew burned freatb early t64y in a fire wblct 4ttrorrd Ibeir ,bote. r . .- j- .,.. ; !.'' - Mr Jobs . llle manager ot -tttu Man Arrested In Warsaw' in Connection With the Wall : Street Explosion, Tells His "Life History. ' TELLS WHO MADE 'r . . THE FATAL BOMB ! Statement Corroborates Be . in iiiav uiv .btturc H Was Financed n Moscow, to pi J. P. Morgan. ' --, J : ' m a f Warsaw,' poo, JO .By Inc Associated Tn-s.)Wolfe, LlndenfWd, alias Wil liam I.lnde, arrested here' at the ' in stance of tbe American secret service for alleged connection with the .Wall Street bomb explosion of SeptembeY, 1020. has made three written state-2 ments to the police, one -of which in English covers hb activities for the hist sixteen years. - . ;. . - , . :r Sy I renter, .('osgrove, .the operative who. brought about Llmlenfcld a arrest yesterday cabled, tbe American . do- partment of Justice tho name of1 'a blacksmith who, according to Llpden; feld, manufactured the bomb and engi neered the - details of tbe explosion. Cosgrove - declares .that Llndenfeld's ctnifnsslon - corroborates hh previous statement that tlie plot was financed in Moscow, and that the .motive was to kill J. I.. Morgan,; strlkiug terror .into America, and showing the world that Wall Street was not beyond defiance. (At the time of the cxpUwdon Mr. Morgan was in England. . , . . H BRITISH PARLIAMENT ' PROROGIED TO DEC. S1ST. This AnnouueeMcnt Made in Hoase of .Commons by Austea ; Oiamberiaia, '. iovernment Leader.. "'.' ......-..- ,',. ' Ixndoit,.Dc..19. (By the Assoicat ed. Press Brl(lsb Parliament Will be prorogued this', afternoon until Jan uary 81. it was announcrtd by Austen Chamberlain; government - leader ia the I tonne of Commons,, The original understanding wag that the proorgua tlon would not tAke phtee-; until -the Imtl Eireann' had acted on the. Angi9 Irish treaty.' . - " - - I WWUWfVlSu WaHliingtoa. Deo. 1W. (Br the Ate socinted Press.J The meeting of eth arm conferenc aavjil sub committee vtf 15 wai postponed, bntii bmrtow. at IX o'clock by Chairman Hughes: to day on renue.'d. of -M. Sarraht,' head of ' -the French"-delegation. .'The commit- tee bad 'been called la moot today at U a. m. ;-'-4' . - The French delegation through Am bassador Jtwserand explained to Mr. Ungues by telephone-hat Mr.'- Rar. rauf had coWtd to Premier Brtand on Saturday for. further instructions, and a dispatch had been resetted' from M. ltrlnud, wheh .would taJto some . time to decoile A delay , of 21 hours was therefore, requested. -. A - ,'. '.; Smell IUs Sweetheart Over the Tele- . . - . ..'.." aiione?,-. ... - ; Paris, Dee. jfj'IScentoiirams'' may be- nextyear's correspondence fad fol lowing an invention by a Roumanian , ftcientist of a uachiue strengthening the power of perfume 10,000- per cent. The machine splits up. the perfume rays and can be attached, and operated by. an ordinary wireless outfit, . or -; a telephone. . ;. '. , . . : uThls foreshadows the day when; a swain will be able to smell his sweet heart over tho belepboue By a box con: vrivance. electricaly controlled, and containing two ounces of perfume, a Urge an - amphitheatre. ,,s ,-. Madlsou' Square Garden can be perfamed.- ; . Mother's Faith in Runaway Boy Re-,w-arded After fen Yean. Asbury Park. N. J, Dec, 18. The unwavering faith of a mother that her hoy would return after an absence of ten years, exemplified by a lighted lamp tbat she has kept-constantly in her window since bis disappearance, lias been rewarded.. v - A telegram - was speeded today to Bernard narvev.-nenr Los Angeles, California, bidding him to hasten East to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Harvey of Oakhurst, near here. Tbe telegram fol lows tho receipt of a letter, the first word received. sine the, boy ran away to sea ten years ago. . a ' Senator Reed Ajjta Pettponemrat of ;-t.,r, ;- ..- Trial v i v.. ,. . (Br tbwAMoctail frsa.f, , . r v Boston, Mass., Pee. 19. -"Complications very serious in nature that have developed in tho senate, committee con sidering xhe re-funding of our foreign loans,", were urged by ITnlted States Senator Reed ' In tbe Supremo Court today as the reason, for the postpone ment of the trial Of District Atoruey Jos. C. Pellcier on charges of malfeas ance in office.' Senator Reed is counsel for the District Attorney. lie aeked the Court to postpone 4hc proceeding? until next Thursday nt the earliest.. High School Hhtdents Out on "Strike" . ;wjr the AsMPtotcd PvewO ' . dcnla,- F.a.. Dee, ia Stndents' of tbe Onis nigh School toda went on a "strlke', tn aa fffort b enforce a de- taand tbat they be tlren .a twd weeks vaetjoa .durlh tb4 boii4sr vlnstead of one week at . ahaouaord by the (acuity. .-'. t" -.-,; Uri J. E. Msbrv bo iduijaij.rr. toy of th eirtate ef tbe ite; W. . il' br..- i.;..".:V. , ' .- -.. -: jirs. T. L- ilwr'phiU; c M4gntop. is visjnng .ner satigptcr, Mr. K. A Moss. .:;;,-.'-..'-.. ' . '.'. Well Known : Concord Citi v zen Shoots Himself in His Bathroom Some Time Be 1 fore 2 O'clock. ' TOP OF HIS HEAD WAS BLOWN OFF Was Prominent Farmer . of ; the County But lived in A the City- Worried Over Arrest for Selling Whisky Walter X. Patterson, aged SO. prom inent farmer of the county, committed suicide at bis home, here this morning ' by blowing off tbe top of bis bead with a shotgun. The body was found In the bathroom of the home shortly , after 2 o'clock by Mrs. Dun Isenhonr, who with her hushaud, . had "been . searching for him; for several hours, Worry over charges of manufactur- ." lug, transporting; and sctllng whiskey, ' which ' were made against him tbist : morning by Federal prohibition agents; ' is alleged to bare been responsible for . the rash act. . A large still was found on .Mr, Patterson's farm in October, and after Investigations lasting since that time, prohibition agents this morn-: tng served the warrants on the deceos- . ed. lie gave bond for his appearance " before Commissioner Kestlcr torn or-.. row, and is believed to have returned Immediately, to his home and shot . hlnwelf. :vv--:::' 'V:' ::5-'';':?. '",i'' ,. ;' The entire ' top of ' the bead wus blown off, and Dlcces of .fbe sknll and -twain were scattered all over tbe bath room. The gun was lying by hi side, with an empty shell in It. ; . ' Mrs. Patterson and children left this morning for the. Patterson form, locat ed near the city and Mr. Patterson bad been alone.. 7 He appeared before police ofllcers some time before 10 oVlock and ; arranged bin bond, and no one saw him alive after that - Mr. and Mrs.' . Ixnuhour began their search .for bli" about. 11:30, when they wanted to in- ; vlte hlin to their home for dinnerv and -after a search of the city and bin fanu. ; badl failed to locate 61m. Mr. Isenbour made fJecoud inpecticn, of tbe bouse; aft,er havW failed to locate- the body b.;arch ibOtlt. tUttO' TTT ' " rY Friends oS ith, dead 'man' stata that he has not been , himself during tho past several weeks. .- Hlavejbev raid on . his farm and tbo finding if monster still and 2,700 gdllouvof beer it Js said he has been grieving greatly, and bad often rfimarked i.fbnt 'tio matter -how. bn-came- out of th- trial, be-bad : ruined bis family name., u . r. --. The wife and ' four children sqrriTO, the oldest boy being -19 years of age. : DK YALEBA SI'BMTPS " .. . ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL Has Done This In an Effort to Secure ' I'aanunity in the Dail , Elreann , Duldn, poc. ,19.-i-(Br tUa Associat ed lre8) Tbe Dull '. Elreann-' which met' shortly before, noon today and be gan consideration of motions for ami against ratification' of the Anglo-Irish treaty adjourned atl.'ji nu .to S:30 p. am,,?. There, was every . Indication that. the' speech "making', xvodld 'ocootlime through tomorrow. ' ' .- ,, 'Hri' ,' ' ' ,i ;An interesting feature, of he ttretj session was the dlsclosufo thatsEamonn do Vulera. the , republican president, : bad submitted to last , week's, prlvatu' meetings . of ,the, la,ll an alternative . proposal 'to the agreement. signed in London. He explained he bad done this In an effort to secure unanimity In the -Dail Ereann. . jy s, FOnC HX'GE HANGERS : . ' J ' DESTROYED BY FIRE One Martin Bomber Acre Destroyed i Today at Newport New. - '? ' f By tN Ammm-iI press, . , Newport News, .Dec. 19. Four huge .' frame hangers, .at Langley were, dt-" : troyed by-tire this morning 'entulling loss of more than (200,00a . .The ori- . gin of the fire is unknown and investi gation -wilihe made br the board of ' inquiry - r: '. '. - One Martin bomber and most of tho ; trools at the station were, destroyed, It being impossible to get to them, so rapid did the flames spread. : j EXTRA POLICE NEEDED TO " QI IET STRIKE DISORDERS Third Week of Strike in Packing In- ' , ; rtustry in Omaha ttegaa With pisor .... ders. . ..... .. , : Vtv t jela4 rscse. , : . I 'Oniaha,' Neh.' Dec. ,19 Disorders' ia .-, which a number of persons were hurt marked tbe opening of the third week of. tbe strike In the .packing indusrr here. Extra polii'e were called out to restore ordca. . 'i.'-.-.i.j ' Tho trouble followed picketing which began early today. :i Utile (bange In Mr. Cannon's CoiMn- ";.: .'. tlon.' ;' - ' ... ' No marked change, is reported this afternoon, in tbo- condition of Mr. J. V Cannon, who . has been .so danger ously ill since Saturday. - Members of bis family .; wore more hopeful this ; morning, 'however, as. Mr.- Cannon bad suffered no. such serious heart attacks as .threatened , bis. life twice during buojy,;btft bis coiditjon this altr ooob agab wns worse." ' .;' - S tor fuil of.r' it Spacr $Ut iBPnef,' Dte. ' limine tre I J. A.1 Sieoloff .-was', a':; t tr"i-1 br robbers Saturdy v -v f I t'lti iel dollara -ortli.f . I - t ru4 w---y ia 4 t . - i' i tia aa to tue tu ... t i ..

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