-: .; 0 f O f; - .": V 1 1 '... fKEiJ , O.. DISPATCHES .: 8 O 0. 0 0 OOO ': . .. thru v ,.-,".. . VC'.MJ CONCORD, N: C, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 20, mM, !;7T7 ; MO. 277." 7 ; JL' " f irr -L Tcx- f ' . ...,. J . .... 1 A,;.!:-, L:;s ilia. Agtz cf CD Years. 1 i . ' FUNERAL 13 TO r5' i:::ld vtj):,.3DAy 1 t ? I.' ivcs V IZow t Ct...,,..iCn.' .' 5 "...,. Jamea W. Camirtn, - ('oneorir nmut proinlnnnt Hlifen, and pencrally r' oif nixed n the reatewt and moMt koc- rcHKfn! cotton ndll man in the mn tr.v, diel at IiIh homo berf Mouilny.nr v i. in. o'Hivk, aftpr two wcekH' ill ni'ss. , : HcQth , wan rauwNl; by - nnulna . pectoris, . ; ;; ' . '. 4 ;. , Jir. Canuou beeauio lit two weeks a it o. ninl had left his . borne but once . (ilnce that time. Lant week lie was nflllcted wltU fK Tero heart ntlncks and lib" death, hnd 'been jpxnected almost hourly nlnoe hint Hatunlay afternoon. prominent pbyviciana from thin and other -States were- I UA Into eontml. latton by' hi. family phynlclau, but be failed fo raitr in Jill merMcnl aid 'ami w only eonsclons for short perloda off - emu. dnra Sutiirrin Memliern ct his fauuiy bad been lit hlr bedMid? since Friday afternoon. , -, ' ': ; ITuneral aervlcea will he held tomor row Afternoon at 'i o'ejock at th Flrnt i Presbyterian Church, conducted by Dr. J. M. Oiler, pnator. - Interment will bo made la Oak wood . ceinetry. Son. : mna-in-law and srandaona will be pall- bearers, . '. r" '' ; i , , Hundred of tctcgraui have been re- v eclved by relatives from peraonal and bualneffa friend of Mr. Cannon -from " all part of the Vnlied . sigtes. and during the day many handsome floral .. tributes were received at th borne., ' ' Prominent men from thU nod other . 9tite will attend the funeral aervlce.., . All of tbA mill of the Cannon.' chain will .clone tomorrow Ht noon, and rc . wain cloned the remainder of tbcday; - tb paytnt respect to their ..founder.. , " Jflmcn Wllliant Cannon wai )ior la Miv i hnrar county 1 " '. and th. . ..,re wa t.U yenr o w.m ,i rob ot Joseph 'F.. lad. Eliza tsrM"", iZ'VZZTuuS tnTi Cannon.. The olt WeVs nent Huir. ! " 3 f!TtSdcJlSit ar Creek Cbnrch. wbera ttte. d(waed KM CBnrch ' cf mn W. ! llTcl ntll he n 14 year of. ae. M lw WalM Mhen h eanm to.Concord. Ili.-urrt, "HI1" n 'S?ii , bulnew connfirtion wa with the iner- r7 ;0e? .KJSSVSSiJSS antilo Arm. of Cannon it Fetzer, and ot Lt t?nvUln after holdlna; a "position as clerk itti""!,! ljr tt children at Davldscn the Arm for a number, f ream, he purchaHed the LonR Interests and be , cauie one of the owners nl mannscrn. He wa recoanised .as a gcnliw lu the' 'mercantile world and be gave up this 4 huvtnesa -connection to take on bipxer ' imereatii In tho cottoit' mJIl lnitnxtry, lJuvt betinning then In the South. ; , . 'Ill . arst mill tlan erected lit Con . cord In. J8.S2. and 1 otllt utamllng, he ir ir known' as tbo Cannon Mill.; The jnIH neciallze in, thc'nianufrteture.of "Cannon Cloth. ? So mioceeufnl . wpa - Mr. Cannon with hi; first textile Ten- rure that he aoon enlarged hia' aeM. culmlnatkng'hlH effort with the lmlld ,. lug of KnnriapolK ' Urn larget 'unln : corpora red city In the 'World. -J Tbo Cannon Milla at Kanluipoli manufae i tnre more x towel' thab cny (croup. f mill In the world.-and Kaunapoli is recocnlzed as 8 model mill city. At Mie time of bl death Mr. Cannon wan Pres- ldcut,.-CliKlnnn of the Board of 'Dl rector or actively engaged in manng . 'but the following mllls -r .- . , Caution Munnfacturlng4 Co., rwlth ' plant at Concord and Kannapoll, Ji. ,.' C. and Torkv& C. V - ; ' ' ' Ciaiarma Cotton Mill with plants at Concord and Kanuapollg. , - . - , ( wa Manufacturing Co., Concord.' I ranklin Cotton Mills.' Concord..-'-" ru-rnon Manufacturing Co., China ' Or .j, N. O. . " : .. :'. t: :y K-i r Mfg. Co., RaliKbury. , ' Am tn Cotton Mill, Themagvllte. , l'anStx-er Mfg. Ctek, Hookwrll, N. C. i 1 (il l XJg. Co., Alliemarle, S, C. Aja-ett Mills Co,, Albemarle,-N. :c. . ..." '-'. i.- Tiixearora Cotton MIlb, Mr, Pleas , ant, ' -.; - 1 ioomtleld ; Mfg. Co, Statesvllle, X. - , . - . - s . I'aoln Cotton Mill. Statewille, N. C. Koclut ; Circle Cotton Mills. Social Cli.le, C.a. . ' . ' : -. Imperial Cotton Mill, Raton ton, Ga . : Inn k Creek . Cotton Mills., filnrla, Ala. '.-. v. . ; ('anoon Mill, Inc., New lnra hcning 'with oiuees at ruuau.-f: r.iu, Cbicngo, "St. LotUa and han 1 tr I 1 i resident" of Calarri Paving f Concord, with branches at Al- -. an i . -ninapolis. . i i i- i in a number I other v anJ 1 l.'s 8"li T f .JI At 4 ii ,i t i -r -r ; ' V . : -' ' otherwiser. ' ; - ? , ." Beginning at ttmo when the textile Industry in the 8uth was thought has- ardou liy ' most people, Mr, Cannon, through sheer ability- and energy. ninasod it great fortune, planned and Miilt ilia largest towoli factory iu Uie r-1 world, mapped out and unlit an entire fit jr of iuhki population, secured con trofof IKKI.WIrt spindles and ' M.IKl'l looms and toik the aelive'nianagemonl in other business enterprise. Though centering his activities mainly In the textile hold, he proved ft great hanker, a master of marketing good "and a wonderful Judge of men. He wan Vli President of the- Ciibnrrus Knvign I'.ankof this city, with branches in KaimaDolia ami Albemarle, a director in the American ; Tnv-'t . Company. nfJ Charlotte and on ofllecr anil stockbnld er'in many (other hanking Institution. It was under -hi liroelioii that ; the Cannon office In New nrk, which sell the Catinoli product to all tin? cotton market of the. world.- were opened and by hi mastorj-of the market and ability to Dick men. the mala office Increased will! at the present tlme-f branch ofllw are located in Jtou ton. I'blladelphin. 8an rraocltw, .Chi cnco ami Ht. Ixnl. ' Chlifuro and Ht.' Lotila.'t .'' '! ThmiBha man of urent Zenith and Influence, Mr. Cnnnon , livert simpty and bin leUuie hour i rtilelly were opent with hia family, of whldi lin flf wan the renter. r.t '."' ' -v Vv. ' Jut at A -o'clock, when th(v wblstle of hi creat and . many t --tailllft.:' -.were aoundlne the clonlnrf aote for the day. Mr. Cannon died.- for more than an honr hi death hnd been expected with rach pamdint breath, but still he dune to tho thin thread of life, efuslnjr. It teemed. Jo RIvjO up the tltlit .until the clone of another day lit the plant of which' he bad been tli; founder, and jruldlurf . spirit for tunny- yoar c v Mr. Cnnnon wa married) lit 1S"0 to MIh Ella Itor. daughter of the late Ur and Mr. Martin I Bost. of this conntv.- Tho ceremony wa performed at Bost BUI by the lattf Bv. Martin V. Hhcrrlll. Mr, rnanon . and ten children mirvlrei The children are: Mr. lavld II, Biajr.. or Washington. P. C-; Mr. Jullna R, Carr, Jr of Durham; Mr. Charlie Hill, of . Wln- aion-Snlcm : Mix. Charlie Lambeth, of Charlotte: Meiwn..J. F, M. h; J. E. T. and .'A. Cannon, of tbl city, and Mr- J. Rcu-n Cannon, of York, a C . .... j. . - j - . v... - .tJ.l T""V;S.?Z.u "ZZL? -" '. iifr. Cannon wa a -pioneer In- the textile Industry of the South and was recognized 'by mill iben a the great' est jtextlle leader in the country. ' PKESIDI5NT Tf REMAIN ' C1L0SE1N WASH1M3T0N. P t H'-: ' .'- For th Next Three Mentha, Bwaiiae fy' iaf Pmur:of Bustaes. . V V. 4 Br ikm AwMW rifWhi v.; .- .Wfthlngt6n.v Dec." .t SOritblerit Harding is .disposed to remain closely la Washington fori the next- three months and a cancelling all tentative egagement which he has ' '. bad fof f)ee-bea or - triP :-,t various part of the onntryi It was Indicated at tbo white' housa toilay . tliat Unla policy would bo followed at least until March been use of pretwur of buslne. ' . . .'vTiio .rrcBldent has written a letter to Senator Simmon, Democrat. North Carolina, explaining his inability ' to attend tha celnbrntUm of the 105th an nhVersary of fC John' Masonic body la New bern In that State the latter part of January,. GRrFFITII TO HOVE Tfr - v ,- - APPROVE THE TREATY Aad De Valera WiU Mora la the bail Klreaoa ta pisapprove.lt.. i,4: Dublin, Dec. 20. ily the Assoc la twl Press) It was announced this morn ing that Artbnr.Oriffith, head of the Irbdi delegatloa which signed the Anglo Irish treaty, would move in the Dail Klrcann oday for a vote on the ques--tin of approving the treaty, and that. Kamonn do Ya;ra, republican presi dent, would more it disapproval. -. Mr. de Valcra, addressing the Dall at the outset claimed there could be no question, of ratiilcation of the treaty by the Pall, which ho declared could not ratify act In the sense of making It a legal instrument..-- . ' . ', f (TIIE COTTON MAREET. , : Klwwred rewTd f 'ead'ne Today Ta'k ef L. proved Trade Prospects.- -, ' ii h AaMdaiaa PrM. - New Tork, Dec. 20Tbe cotton market showed renewed steadiness at the opening today.- ' Liverpool wa lower than due. but census figures if anything showed reather lesa cotton t nned for the first' lfeuiber period tiian expected, and there was coutimied tii Ik of Improving trade prospects which promoted covering and soon frcxh commission bruise buying. The nmrket oened ste.i.ly at an advance of X to "'Z iHilnts, soon s l ing up to 18.70 f ir January aud r- : for March, or 31 to Z points net L !fr. Cotton futures or- rj steady. Jan. lv!-.; .Tar. 1 -"2; Muy 17:81; July IJ-Ai; Ct. 10:; J, ... , i. rrtvn r... " t .:.eii.' Li - l-ou, L'te. 2t. (i.y the Associated . Trei.4. J A decree w Ismi.- I t '"y - ' I tv :i t r " sc. t I ( 9 ( '. .- :x. r 1'ari.uuir-ot Ik IS; :cr,.: :::ted OFF; To The Sub-Cr "'tee of locf t:.3Y,V,:.r- i Con ference Tc liy I v i 2 lie-J ! of the Frtr.ch I) legation. WANT A TUVY FOR " r DZFEINSD PURPOSE French Willing: to l,t Con cc&.;:c5sj on Coital S!.'p Tonnage, But Not on Sub marines and Auxiliaries. . Washington, Dee. 20: (Rr the As soclnted I'ress.Ju-Tho. modified prosv sals of the French, govfriimcnt as 4 naval ,ratlo to be alloieed to Franre under the naval (limitation ngreineiit, were presented to jiuvui sub counnltte? of 15 of the Washington conference to day by - Albert Snrraut, head) of th( Krcaeii delegation. .. ( ' ' . .. , r .. The - French 'plan, as presented, it , was. understood proposed a neet pro. portion, in tbo several .c auses of craft so a to give Fraiiec a nary that ennld he devoted,! .largely', to -ilefenslve pur poeseafl ' ... - ,;jv;..' . -- I'm prgsentation' of M. ' Sarrnut, It was earned,, was largely one of prin ciples, much attention being given to necessity felt by France for adequate defense France' delegation .had indi cated France wlMngnc sto make con cession on capital 'y tonnage, ,bm not as to ulunerlble and otjier nn.v IlitaWt. - . ,. ? ' He recalled tfiat the agreement reach cd by the United State. Oreir Itrltnln and Jajian in, regard to naval ratio of capital ship ' wa conditioned npon !atisfnctory upplenientarj, ngreetneut. which, he suld an far ha not been had. -While no Inforiantlinv was forthcom ing. na to wberlier the request bad -or would be grnnted It wa expected the session- woulil lie held Thursday. Whether there would be a general discussion of the- submarine question by the other delegate did hot .devel op today but it was expected the other delegates would ask for jtinic to- eon aider the ltritbb position. : ;: ' . '. ''' Tho British spokesman, ,-ld 'dlncu Inir.the snbmanno -'-tonnage question. 1( clared that dnjess an agreement -was f iiaki.otte nmm come ' -:' ,:? TO COXCORD TOSTCRT locals To Opea Seasea With fbar- ltte a Oppeaent A Real tJ ime Ex pected, y ' :'. -V , The Concord High,, who haw -late ly acquired the name: of "rol devllsf on "r.coount of ' their " red nbfiorms, will open their bisketba'I sras-m to night with the strong Charlotto culnt. The game .will be played on th3 V. H, O.. A. court of Concord;- - , .is.-: Tho Charlotto High) .ara-Tbeing coached this year by Mr. Faul, former ly Physical Director of the;. i.'Jiafltffe X. SL- A.- and coach jy( tlis: Cb. lotra Y. M. ClXi 'teain.-Tiiey hae not a.wealth of old material -but buve so-'.f promising recruits whl-it i.icri Fatl- in-: w nUlp ffnunitlncr,'. irt-, 1uWaI atl I iijerAV Harvel t the.ouistandrus ata.r.4 ana it la a vent ro wau-ti-itits iiitii demon work.- The Cwmlehael" brothr eis. Brown, Norris, anJ K -rti:v r alW In the lineup. In fha-zmly. pniao they have ' played- this .-season -the Charlotto Highs lost to Charcblaoi.l High by 26-13 scorq. ? ' ' ! vr : The locals- - are vcrr confident of winning tonight,, but reljz that they have to fight., Captain .. Sappetifleld will play one mf the- forward,-while (lie other "wlHbe bandied by" either Fagffart, Cooke, or ' Biisley. i Cooke. Smart, or Waton will handle the pivot position while, the guard positions wilH he taken care of by Buinrt, Kestler. or Rldenhour. These men have developed some snap' and speed and expect to win-from the Charlotte quint tonight. Charlotte la equally determined ,io avenge their defeat at-the ban da of Cburchiand and a royal soranbv ex pected,': -V.' , ;:-:- -;'.t i i Conrad Hill -will referee and will call the game at 8:0 o'clock.-. ;.-.. ' GOT. ALLES THREATEXED. ; 10 tallaa Croup" Demaad Withdrawal of Troop U Kansas Junes. Pittsburg, Kan.. Dec.-18. dovernor Allen baa received a. threatening let ter as tha result of his ordering State troops to guard workers at the -coal mines from the Howat strikers. Oua letter" reads In part:, - ' ' - "We are tha pcked men of our Ital ian group. Inform you if you don't dis continue sending strike fcreakera to the coal fields and akab sold Icra at once we are rolng to get you and your backera." : -A - .' " "Worltera who have een assaulted by the striker were reluctant to name their assailants when they appeared here today before Attorney General Hopkins and County Attorney Burnett who are conducting an inquiry prepar atory tCN issuing more warrants for striker who have been guilty of Vio lence. The witnesses expressed fear of reprisals. ' ' '.. -".'.' c p.-eth List Increased t'Tlire. , Anui' iou, Ala.; Dec. 20. The death list lo the wreck of tbe Southern Ball way train No; 7 near Tuus station vesterdny Was lncrensed to three to ilny when Knglneer S. T. Watkins.'of Atiuiitn. died at a lis-nl h" ital. F.a-riiu-er Watklu. an on' !1 1 i' 'iL-ter. i- as known as the "prcn r t er." it v.g iid that f "ir o' m a ia- THE LATE JAMES WILLIAM CANNON - JAPANESE DRBAHNOt GHT 18 LAUNCHED TODAYJ fader the Naval Agreement She , Is Soon Be '.sTanped. ;"..; Toklo, Dee. 2a (By the Asociatd PreM.l-rThe-' dreaVmoucbt Tosa - waa latint-hctl todny to. asbipyard at Naga saw.- ijika nor sister smp, ine aga, uiiuii-Mii- u niuiim. k. ii"! , n i tJ:Mlt mMPt J aanotimd todayj running bale were ginned, co.mUng linlta ptaM atcM to h.2wh; bf . 1P,. olivet ,S, Bnketel. editor of hoT.tKlS round bales a half bales, and ingtort conferenco. An hnmenee crowd attended the Tosa '9 launching, the hist In Japan prior jfo the ''naval fioll- day'.' vr!'- ' ' " ' Tho". WJS- UiristmnaJMivIinjta ' Club at tlie Cltlienfr Bank aud Trwt Co. Is now oiien. - Bead the new-ud. In this paper for -partlPUar-eoBrtjrnliiB- the. ( -tnb.- " . :',.. ; . . ;. V i Yoit caaoiMi gins ror motaer, wire, nditi preacher In thl wnntry la gJ.-. rtr qr-' aweotheart at .thOfKpeclaltyn-jTrt.y';-. U.A f .-.isa.(j' :,vr;- iter Hat Rhop.! ':Dan't fall to rend new nd. 5 Rowell Holt,! of Charlotte.: district manager of ftho Northwestern Mutual IJfe Insurance Co.. '. headquarters in Charlotte, an ffer an insucanee proi osltlon that, will, jipiieaUto. yon.: . Read ad. ''.;.. '.y..-- ' '''' ' -.:V" - ': -'l"hn MiiBPtre Inc Ir having atFour k -I .iuL V'.,.,?-'.. l"f J Day SaUyand during thU period toany 11. bargains 111 1 ofTer.d. VT he com.; IA,L' ; S'lT i a . few of tbe good things. ,-' Read' nd. oari'fiilly. ? ' . ; , . i- r, ; Tlia ."tour' ;Prlci a)e at, Barrier Widenhbuse &. '4impany conllniics, and real' bargain are offered dnrlhg the sale." Bnd rh Company's ad. ..and .call to tho gnjMls. offi-retL'" r v- n- . , - i - Arrested en Mail Rabbery Charge. ; By the Associated rrmii. nt,l., -' JVA'-S' lift -Atmvami , Tl,,rnr j i 9- uii.vli."hu ..i.- uniitM. tn i . one 'of the-men-whn participated In am 'of"h.-Bion nntU.innwl tall? Uio 100,000 mail rolHtrt. Toledo several weeks; ago, was arrested today, x - . -r Removal of British Troops from Ire- -v., ; land Suspended. .-', - Queenstown, Dec. a-By tbo As sociated. Pre) Removal of . British troop from. .' Irelnndy . which wa to baV beed suspended and will . not be re timed unless the treaty la ratified.. JOIN TODAY --.-- :.' and you will Jiave MONEY NEXT ; CIHtlSTMAS -''- s.. . i jil:92 3 'ft ihJlNCIREASE W MEMBERSHIP : IN WftT ttttrrrili'arilijrYV VOtUaT'sTrnDA at'tlf Df KI Over SO 00ft Members Were Added In 1921. McnnVrsblp New 388,6 W, v. S tut ae 'Auoelatml Preaa.1 ; Cbienso, Deo," 2(1. Minilierslilp , in the Methodist K Episcopal ; Church in creased JHM04 during the, year ending j teeember J, ' V'ri . according to sta jth(, Methodist A'ear Book New Vork. This Increase wa In communicants in the cbnrch, jiot adherent. , ! -v The neViilrh f the M. K. Cluireh 1 11-lkTr!-. 1m fl.oi i'Mln.1 UStttnu tnA enterprise or ,t,he ehnrch duriug the year received glMT-.JiJI'-Tlierp are 40,11) Schwrciies'.' hno parsonage; X4Xs'!0 mlulsteisfand-. local --preacher. TIm areraire v4irlr sntarv Afihe Metlt. Rirbxrd Croker'g Condition Improved, ' DublluVDee., 20.' ' (Jly the- Associated-Press.) Itli-hard Croker, ..foraiei Tammany chieftnn . who has been- ill at hi liome neiir here, was reported tih !'my su"nln coiiuuucti improve I inenr. He baa been suffering from d YVml ctedhile ri L,7f roln ,M',i He.1 " ccawHT him to hi be,l..T, returning to State which 'oday hp was sitting up in hi room. ; Pilot Icaned m Uboiit lnJuov . '., Dy.4h. AhmpIsM . ; , Nmvjxirt : New, Va., Jin-, 2tt The ntrplune which fell1 yesterday-near tills city was a -naval craft from. Hampton Jload naval base.' Tlie pilot, a l.Uat enaunt. .eacaned without - lutfiiirv. '; de spite Hie fact (hat the machine emsh-' W ...I In.A n.ll.A .. I t I. ,.. M .k., . . l lHo several trees in making a fore. laUdillg., i H.r.i Form of Shop Men" to lie Reduced, ?,', ittf Aimmirt lesn,!.; -V. Lkciand, Fta.; Dw-. 20,-The fori-a' of employes at the local shoos of the At- lntlc Coast -Line railway -wll! bore-'j aucea approximately no , per cht.,1.'cr feetlve Ih-ccmlier 24,raecordipg to no tices posted 'yesterday 'nut ino wen will be involved. : -,; .--V; , ;i; j- v Now Qpeii CjjC.OO .CLASS Requires a deposit. of $5.00 each ueek r ..'SS-t' fW'.Jhe "wjxt 50 weeks.;.. On December IB, I'ti s 'iym will receive a xheck for $250 :;:r. 'or lie next fit) vteks. f Or Decrrnber 11322, -you will, receiye a check for $t0fl.00r r;;:;: .;""''y;l-i;;f'X ; A 4 05 CLSS Requires a deport of $1.00 each ' week i(; ifl ij) 1 for.'the'next 50 Weks. ts Qn Decemher 1 1922, ' you will receive' af check for $50.00; V-;rJ:' : v 1 !f CMSJy-i- Requires 'a deposit ; of 50. cents each pUC ; week for the next ;S0 .wceksV?Ori' December 16, ? j ' " 102?; you will receiy(e"a check for $5.00l 't, i; ; '' V4 v f - ej r- rCLASSRequires a deposit : of S5 cents5 itach r : muC week for the next 56 weeks. On December 16, ' : 1922. you will receive a check for $12.50. ' : i' '1 A" ' CLASS Requires a deposit of 10 cents ea9h ; 1 UC i veek for tbe-next-50 weeksV Oii Becemper 16. ' 19??. you will receive a check for $3.00. s ' ' , -;': , ' ' , ; . STORES TO BR CLOSED 'i ' - 1I RIN THE Fl'NERAL y T OF MR. A. AV. CANNON. - "' ..'i'-.i-V- 'sU -r"" 'M '.," -r',! ") A a maTk of utpeet to our dl- K tlugulsheti citizen, Mr. J. .VI, Can- Jion,. who for -many years war Ir Identified with the mercantile and Industrial life of the community, he director of tha tVmtJord Mer- V chant'v Association, suggest 'that r all More and bank and places. of business, close ' from' 1 tin ' to 3fe SKH) p. in. tomorrow.. (Wedues- davl during hi funeral, v - . Jfc s - B. K. HARRIS. jK Sec. Merehimt' Association. " . ' iionn evpiosion in - ' . . ...NEW VORK CITV TODAY ". f . Building Just One Block From Pollee - Hradqiuirters' Wrecked by Inrernal Marhlnc . 1 ' . ' (By hr luMcialra Ytrum.t , New York, Dee. L'n. Damage" cfelt iimtiiV ict ."i.ilflO wO flone' b an ex plosion early.. today- of a- lionib which bad lieen thrown or placed In tho hall way of a building on Grand street. The scene of the 'explosion as1 onV one blK-lr from police heuriquartcrH. and the coiieussttvi there: guve-the offlcers a rnre a snmp of tbem (n-lleved for a few minutes' that tie- threat to Vlsunli Wall Street" lilid lMseti carrieil out, Heavy guard bad been thrown Ulmnt Wall Krriet: yeste'iilay aa a re sult, of 'tip' , that a wholesale, bomb, big' of that part of the 'city wn eon teinptnledi I'.'xuinlnatlon of the build ing in which the Isimb wins set off fail ed to- reveal the nature of the infernal machine. r , . ' 1 VOnOS GINNED'. Number of Sales' to December 13 Waa 7,:ft9,458 North Carolina, 767,072. '. Washington, lMN?.'!20.4-Cotton glu- anert i6- lieeemenr .13 amounts to 7,- 7IM),4oS running bales, .counting 122, K4t round bales as. half bales, and in cluding CS.fttS hnleti of Amcrlean-Egyp-tlnn. and 3,064 liale of Sea.Ii:ahd, the Censn Bureau announced today ' ; OinnlngM--by State this ' year " in clude : North Carolina 167.073 ;; South Carolbia 7,W..KS6r and Virginia 15.9M2. :n. it,. .... .a oa .no Including .54.587 bales of 'American Egyptian,' and l,r,l baa of Sea ! land..,' , -'' Rocky. River. Comtmtnily Meeting. i' fVm' ar,-3rrtiv.i;iiuiitlBr tviil hold a imring at tlia chMi house ou '1'bursdnj' evening, J)eeemtier 21iud, lIKIl i llie .fullowbig program will be, rendered : .:.':rvy :. :-';.- -);;-. j:"1.. Kong: SilMit NightV . J? , Scripture Keadiug Miss Klmu Retd.; fking: -. Hark , tbe t- Ilemld -. Atignls) sing. . - --'if. -.hi,-i c't V', ; i Talk ltev.T. IL Spence. - .'Ielamatlon Iwls Bryan.. . v . ' KxerclseT"By . school. , ,Solo Mrs. Cba. Alexamter. : . Buslne! i . - . i t ; - - .PROGRAM (MMITTE I' 1 i '' i1 i -i -f (t: j Kasterlake Case to Jury Tonight. ;; tar a jiiite yn,.-v '.i : Mntroei,ra:;'1!C.,2t: Roger' I.s VistUike, 'former naval petty offleer, out trial here' for .the murder of hi wlfeii at Colonial Roach last KeptenuVr may; knoW'tbe verdict; of the jury before jj no retires ronigiir. instruction io rno Jury and final argument by the defense ji and state remained to be., concluded J today' and the case wa eonslderexl j certain to go the iarv the latter part' .f the-day-''- ' iV".,;.v.r:;,,' :, I . j lyiT-iuriivu lur usiMinm wthiht, . tar imc: AimmatN rmx. - Waslilngton, Dee. ' 20. Christmas' througboat the eastern halt of the' country-wilt be preceded by abnormally old weather, the W'eather '. Itureuti predicted, today.' .-s' ''.! i,-V.v.-'.7''C'-'.'', " Tbe area In extremely low ' tempera-, tures, which ha covered the northwest ,tlie report said,, continued to advance southenst an much lower tempera tures would be experienced along the Atlantic: coast by Thursday 'n.-V.,-';, v,- TAVL0nSA7I2r:EII lAKGEDilE TESTIFIES But He Was Unable to Say , Whether or Not Any of Them Had Been Convicted -by Court Martial. -i TESTIMONY BEFORE ; : SENATE COMMITTEE One of the Soldiers He Says Was Tried for Attacking a ; French Girl. One Ameri can Official at Trial. - --; ..:- By a AMeclatmi 1-rM.t ' ' Avasblngton,'De:. 20! Oea II. Tari '!'" lor, of rhlladelphia, who served as'iuit- . ionai army man overseas, told tbe Seny. . ate' committee today that he saw 1- ' American soldier hangwi' around Is- . sur-Tille. France from April to June1 . J!10.' but ' wa tumble to say whether -any of them bad -Issen convicted by .; . ; . court mnrtiat. -' One of the aiddiers' banged, lie do- ' clared. was tried , for attacking a : , French girl, by. a French court mar-. -. tlal at which one American ollicer wast pi-esent.. Taylor gave the name of the soldier and said he wa a Bergeaiit . from Detroit, Mb4i; but the committee ? later decided to ,omit the name, from ' It records. 'i':';i ;'-,;--;':'! j Roliert A. Urrlsou,!of Wilmington. ' . X . ,!...! . t , 1 .. 1. .; , ....... ., trTilicii -Mini iu jirxi hi- wiiinTv- . ..- f d the IVncbUig In Frimee of a wrtdler.' : ' ; Tho -victim was ;a .Mexican from-. Kl 1'awo or Kngle, Basa, . Texa, who wan , charged with a crime agatust a worn- . t an .and was trledl;' VI was told that . -r- tbe man had to he banged to save oim .' - .-. officer from being cashiered.'' Ilnrrl-. HAn ilitf.liiFwt '' .; I t , f . ' . Through a puir of Held glasses lln'r- . rison aid '' ho saw' -the 1 lynching iu which thirty nien took rirt. . - . ': Harrison told of, another lynchlug . I after the armistice whlcbt 1h- ihi-lnretl.. wa dliwted by' "Hardbound: Kmtlli. f "T1U wrist of tuine,' said Ibinisoit ' lifting his ' h'ft ' arm, .w.n broken while trying to save myself "from .- HardliollPd Smith and ak-ouple of. his . sergeaiits.'' , f- '. ' Tho witness said m saw men .ukfu; W'tlii'liipng line' without giis mask or , . - guns asfa form oC pnBiMunent. ' - Jt'wsffTTtteanse e thifnynrT ing'Ilarrlson, ahl the vU'tlnr had been- ? orderNI'liy Fnillb to sweep tbe stock A . ynrd with a toothbrush "andf hey bad. v.. ' a little iwrty when, he refned" ' 1 , , "Were, yon courtinartialed?" tseiui- torvh'erman, democrat, of Norrh C.iv- , olinn, Impiired.' i'',1 ' "Ye. Tlie Coiouel wirsed' me aud I cursed him liack, and he had me sent- . . ' to. the. firing, line after ,-' trial. His naine? Colonel Holditrook. If I ever get him. I'll make him remember m1.. . ,. ,TThey wouuin t give ne a gas mas. .-. i , and niy trouble today Is due to gas,- the medical record show." ' . Clifford D; iNear, a newsiwiper re porter of Atlanta, 4 "cnUcd by Henu-' i tor Watson,' mid be knew of no. .illegal , : esecntlims In France.,; A guard wboe name he did not know . told him -, ar tiievrc, h MaM. that 21 unldlor bad ' V i lieen banged ttterc.: ' . 1 -r- - Application for1 Injunction Dismissed.. ' Vi;,; ur tt juMrtiiwi pwi. V, Chicago, .DecJ . Kffort of Hvi. . stock traders at the ! Chicago, stock ' V yard to prevent' enforcement tif live. , stock, trading -jii tailed todny wheu ' : v Judge .Landis, Evan. and Fitzpatrb-k . " lUsmbwcd their applbict Jon for an in- , Junction restraining fecrtnry of AgrU culture Wallace and District Attorney Cha. Clyne from enforcing tho law.. . - , An a result of the decision the live-' stock trader will be .required to tile -the commission' schedules With . tlm . . government t immediately and operate . under he rule to bt;laid down by the Department of Agriculture or tmtf ' V fiitcs provided by the act,- ' British Delegation Asks Plenary Hcs- ' ' '' ..- aion, " ': , Washington,' Itec. 20, (By tbe Asso ciated Press). The Rritish delegutbm ha formally asked a. plenary session - of the Washington conference be held .- tomorrow or Thursday In order that . " Great Itritaiu may present it caso fur ' ' ' -the abolition of the submarine. . . ' i i vv '". .Three Killed in Auto 'Accident, ? -.' ;' '";', (Bj the As clwlea Trnm.) ' Atlanta, Dec. ,20t-Two! person tcn-' - . wife, hf . Flrsgerald, Oa,' were- kl.led . v early today when their automobile- ran i off a bridge over the Houhern Railway tracks at Bolton near bore,- and wa -struck: by the engine. of, a fasnengcr trald. . . s. . ' . K . '-,v .': Tv ' -JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIiilflllUllllllillllllllUlllHt- f Do You Believe I ; in America? f g ' '' -.' -. v.. ' -. ." i U Then Read the Series of B 5 Articles Now Appearing S 1 in The Tribune. . every -: l week by r the ! Nation's ; I::d2rs. - ' " Tci2y-sn srt'-'-' .-!' . V. C. .1. m-1 fun . rT 8 tii the dale for 1 5 ! : u . i n. .... . i 1 i i the wmk wia P ' re- i-.