I'ij . 0 vOU.iD:,' j 't O ; PRU3 U . 0 , DISPATCHES O S;V6'0 0,0 0 O O 0 Jl ;;-ti;-;t-:'XpNCORD-N;-C.. THURSDAY; DECEMBEft vclu: ' v '' '-''-' y iulfi Ii I,Tc :.i Pa i Frcn First - V ? L. ', j to t'..2 Aux: ' :ry C'r:.rt, A? a Rcr.u'.t cf the French. lYc7Cal,v.:r CCliEVE CUEGTION- 1 ! WILL E3 SETTLED Wit! cat Jecsardlzter.'' the tf ::ccr3 cf C r.f rrcr.ee. j 1. a Full Ccrlice K;cts Villi Naval Lrcrts. 'Vyv Washington. Doc 22. (By tbe As sociated Press) Statement ia bo. half of France and Italy accepting formally ' the (American proposal, for limitation of capital ship were made todnv at the meeting of the delegate of tbq. five major rowers of the Wash- , smiuarung over the border pro ington conference .r- -s ' - h.,!,,, ?" ," i., -JL.u. i . . - t 4 .v j nqiior smuggling over ine oonwr nerai expecUtlon ''fJ:1 ,Mit.,.v.ft : : mhIu j tolay in a "( bristmaa greeting' Contrary to quesuo, y "jr,"", arnir of nfOrcement agentn. through marines and cruiser was not reached ,llntr 0n .hVKo,! ha at the mornlnu aession oj. th corn-1 mlttee, but went over Until another I nrer Until another I over until , nnptner i meting at 8 p. tn.' The French delegation, was not; radr at the morning session fo proceed tvlth dlcusslon of anxlli. -ary tonnage as they had not received : instruction from theirs, government . The delegates said If hopctf to have the Instructions for-, the nfternooo meeting. ..:? The British delegation 'which bnd 7 planned, to state its case in opposition to snbrnarluen a a naval-arm. fltso withheld Hs statement at the- morning sosston, which was .snkl to bceu con fined largely' to preliminary general discussion and the -clearing np pf the capital ship ratio question v i v?Vh ' Wachlneton, JPec, 2 2(By the Asso ciated Press J.- The . negotlatloha for the limitation vof naval aruiauienu - passed on from first line ships to an illary craft today when the full naval .inuimlttee assetnlded. wltli. experts, to begin consideration of the French re quest for- tm reese la suhmArlues and cruisers. ' , X . i'. A b,COsiiMwMd.leV. Ptt .wrtnM f le a. I f-eli.t -hut iio- aus7iiaiy Ta-lrk j,riM,.vm . j not be BUiaelently dliBeult to Jeopard ise tb success of the conferencoi V Tb French . estimated were closely guarded np to the hour of the presen - latins tot th;r committee,, but H was generally;' known they proposed large submarine strength ami Increase in the cruiser tonnage. Although fmrae oppo sition was expressed to the French re quest there seemed: no disposition to attempt to--en force through the auxil iary classes the ratio already agreed upon or to oapltar ship, -v v vv .'. . t M. Sarraut, . Ambassador Jusserand and Vice Admiral de Don entered the committee meeting determined to pre sent, Ormly tleir,7 government's rcon ccpliun of Uke vessel allotment so far as Tano. Is 'concerned Tley had ca bled, the substapce of what they had .prepared to lay before the vonunlttee to, Premier Brland and' had. received full approval. v:r ; ,.' '."'" ; While negotiations were continuing fbe now fonr-power treaty to preserve peace in the Pacioe was tiecomlng , a matter of . Interest, beoauee of the sit ' nation that ha developed, since . it became known there is difference of In terpretation of the -treaty's terms be tween President Harding and members of the -American delegation. The eyes ' of th .-representatives' .of the powers were turned toward tho .Heate, which must ratify the agreement before it liecomes effective and- some of whose members have' announced they would endeavor to defeat a vote of approval. Kepublican leaders msist that " the movement against the. treaty shows' no promise of success, but tbey are match ing closely the efforts-of the anti-rat- ideation forces t effect ft closely-knit rdy June Butler, twenty years old, Who has just published : a book of ptif ms In England, inherits her literary laUnt from her mother Ltdy Carrlck, who has ' Jong been a ' recognised outbority on the literature of Ireland. Tho C::V piiitaas" Present 1 jj'r A Pr"i Tee!: in Our, 4 Per Cer.t.'Ir.tcrcct Ccr-oundcd Quarterly. " A new Savings Quarter starts January 1st. De posits pn or before January 10th draw interest from January 1st. . ;:; :r i; ' START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT . Safe deposit tcxes for vault, II: o Ccnerrd T ' - CC. CG SCHEM2 m r-'HHI! fTATfOV u cp iu..u-E a.so.m-s.si.1 .V"fd genrcnie Coim. U to Be Askr.l to '' 1 sr t tini-Hslon Appointed Tor : Plli. - . London, Dec. 22 (By the Associated Press.) The. allied supreme council at Its coming meet Inn In Cannes, will be asked to Invite" the Interested pow ers to appoint a commission to elnb ornte a comprehensive scheme for the rehabilitation . of central Europe and lluswia.- This 'conclusion was arrived at In the conference of the French and British premiers 'Just ended here. The 1'nlted- State would bo Invited to have a membership In thin commis sion Germany also would -be repro seated. The question of Itusslan rep fesentaHon Is in abeyance. : . (iforcs Harvey Oels an Invitation. - ;' Paris, JKv. 22 By the Associated Press). An Invitation to. attend the meeting of the supreme council next month has been extended , to George llarvejv v Amerrloan : ambassador nt London, ;'The meeting Is scheduled to open In Canuc. on Wednesday." Jan uary 4th y ."THINGS ARB GOlXq WELL," . "lays Commissioner Hayneti in the fin . foreairent ef the Prohibition Lawa. V -.' (Bf Ike AMrtarH Vtmm.) . , Washington, Dee. 22. -Safeguards on wUhdrawalH of liquor from Dona nave reduced the domeatic anppty rt illicit Jlqtior 60 pet cent And the gentlemen's agreements have materially cnecKeu asserted to his ,n,"K" Brp V". tbR)Bmew t)umfn M)onft ti, path by happy Tuletide season," he gilded., "that most gratifying NsultH . are j . being . se cured In constructive enforccmont of t,h 18th amendment"-'? ; C: . . KOBQDY WANTS THE " : ' t -.-v ,f i fv - ANORO-IKISH TREATY But There Is No Alternative U Its Ac c eptanee, Kays Klrtiard Mulcahy. . inililln, lec 22 (By the Associated Pres) IUchnrd , Mulcahy. chief of staff f the Irish republican army, created "a stir Vhen - he began: his speech OB th Anglo-trlali treaty In the Pall Eirennn tottay by saying tnap oo5 body wanted the treaty buts wa- no r.lternatlv' to Its ncceplance.r -' s : L Preceding him, Deputy D'KelleyMhe minister of education, speaking against tlur treaty, said there would be a eon tiimfctlon of the war in Ireland, wheth er the treaty waa ratified or rejected. : h- ' " " ',.''"?; ' v. ' "'-.' --WUh nr Advetiaer o.i e.M Inaf l-li-it wear yon shouki and will want at the 1 , As CtSl Tlnii.I hw a In tndnV'l. paper '. .- - J Mt'twtot;f14mn' iinit nrrfvert in f?oicord A ?ne''ptfes ''' at Mk ' Concord National Bank will begin, January 1st. Poor per ' cent;; Interest, compmirided quarterly. ' See ' new a In "today's paper. --.' .V'3 ' i..-.r -1 i'ou can get a Path phonograph at half price at th Kldd-Frlx Music and Statonery Co, The sale will onntlnue for 10 day's, and If yon ever wanted a phonograph and didn't fed Ilk yon coulUafford torbur one, now is the chance to g-t your wish gratlnetl.' Read new ad. in this paper lor price parti-. cniars, , . .''i-4; . -, 'i i ii i i -ii- i .;. ' ' WetuM Killed and Man Hint Wmq s :. V. Train Strikes Auto., -f V llanilet, Dec. 21-rEdward Kfng.'who runs a store near Chernw, was brought" to Hamlet Tuesday morning on a ape clal train after being badly injured by train No. 4 running Into and' demolish ing his automobile which .he. waa drv lag across the ralroad tracks , , Just south of Cheraw. After ani examina tion by local physicians his injuries were' declared not to be ft serlo.w as they appeared. . .- ".-'-'y--r.-v;:.. Twin city Negro Hies t Age ef 104 "--v'.:-?: -vYears. ..." Winston-Salem, ; Dec.' 7 21.r-Martin Hairston. colored, died at the Forsyth" County Home today, his age being au thoritatively given at 10A years., He entered' the institution 18 month ago and spent most of his time at the homo making baskets aUd bottoming chairs. Paralysis was the direct wnw Of. .ft dearh.v-. . a -.. -- v ' 'Ct I ''Miss Shelby - Herrln, , who Is how teaching school at Jacksonville,- N. C, is at home In Mount Pleasant, for tre holidays.";; vV: -:.t V Edison is trjing to makd gold ont of other, metals.- Lots of people make gold out of brass. (t :r .:.,v.-v?v)? rent in our burglar-proof . , htienil OirJs: lit C .' DE.VTII OF M" IT'VV F'tTIt - : E.tU.V 1II1.S S.a...ING ISiid Been 111 For More Tlmn a Ver With t'.tneer lineral Services lb it 1MJ Katurilajr. Mrs. ilenry Furr, wife of Patrolman Furr.' of the local , police, department, died this morning, at fi:2.". o'clock at her home on : Phoenix street after'' a year' serious Illness of cancer of the stomach. - Plie had been critically-HI for the past several weeks, hd ber death was not unexpected. '. . ' : ,. : ' The deceased was 341 years' of age. and was twice married. Her first Bus band was the late t T. Price, who alicHj about ; twelve. jyeara 'ago.. v'9hP was married .ten years ago tQ Mr. Furr. Who Is survived by her husband, father, several : sisters, two brothers and four children by her first mar riage.1 Her father is .J. W. Utowe, of Hlllsboro ' and hev chUtlfen nro Airs'. Elhe - BarnhardU. ,1 Misses , Beatrice, M'llma and Flonnle Price, all of this eitj".-' Ht lsterH are Vrs. Fannie Itll ey, of Hlllsboro. Mrs;-Mrnly,-of Kiaa napolliv Mrs, Wly-Walters, of Kan nnpolls. Mrs.vI)el Walters, of KamiAp oli.t and Mrs. J. 11. Monroe,, of lUlls lioro."; Her brothers aro John and'Tom stowe. " -.-:r 'r ,;;'."' ,v, r tincral services will be" field at the home Saturday, afternoon ftr s o clock, by Rev. 0. W. Rollins, assisted by Rev. ,o, y' Jtomns, assisted by iter. v. u. AVhtlley, of ' Greensboro. ; Intnrment wlll.be made In Oukwood cemetery. ' The deceased was a a. active member of the McUill Street Baptbt Church until her health failed, and was popu lar with a -wldo -circle of- .friend. In thl and other cities In, Ihe Urate. v TWO CONCORD HOMES .v'VVvV nv v , tXTEKEU'ItY THIEVES Clothing Carried Front Homes sf V. F. (Joodman and E. F White 8me . Time During KlgmV . -, Thieves lust night ', entered ' the home -of -Mr.' W. V. Goodman,, on Hprlng street, and Mr. K F. White, on West J)epot. street, 'and carried away two. suits of clothes- and a J small amount of 'money. No Hues to . the roblMrs have been found.' - ' : The home of Mr. - Goodman was en tered through the kitchen window, ami a black serge suit; with about W-centK In change In It, was., tnkcni Some. cig arettes were also taken from a ' suit of Dr. J. A. Patterson, who makes his home'' with ' Mr. .Goodman, V bttt .. jhls clothes were not taken. . No one beard the Intruders, and tho exact hour of the robbery . is not known. '. . i '. i Mr. Whlt also lost a snltbirt the only money lie had in tlw suit was . A chack for 1 100.. No ono lh' his house heard the intruders, who 'arr believ ed t have' been the same who entered Mr. Ooodman's'howo. ".Nothing 'P- t- oTiiRR iicAtt.:; last alght from Mnrjihy t spfimV nlw Christmas holiday -wu i'is naNiir Mrs. 1;. U. Lenta. '' - '.'-' .c ' 1 A Christmas entertainment ill lw given at Kerr Street. Methodise fcburclM ' Christmas exercises, will be ijlveu t thei Flrst'i'resbyteilan Clr.mV Kridiiy at T'p.1m:..coiislttnif ttr efclses l the children.:. A pageant entltlcl 'The Days Come." -wllr'nlsO be given. : "., -. Mrs. D.vixick wood has rctuvnwl to her home in New, 'Orleans after spcjidlbc -soveraj; dHyshero jrith relo- tlves.- , -" -,-J.? ' j-v.-v"'. '.'" v Sfr-'' &fc Cllne ', ' Mr.'- J. A. Bangle are spending the day. in Char lotto. , ' i ; ' ' '- - ;. ' 4 ' r Mr. 3 1 A. - Bangle, of jChartotte; will spend tbe noltilay here. with . the family of his sou. Dr. J. A. Bangle; Mr. -BueV Bhankle, of Elon Collego hs arrived homo to.fcpond the hMday with his parents. . i ' Cotton on the local .market Is, quoted at U7 2 cents per ponnd' today ; ot ton seed at 4 cents per bushel. . i -I. '- The Christmas exercises: at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church In No. 4 township will held Saturday morn? Ing at 10:30 o'clock. Communion-set vices will bft held .en Sunday morning. At : St. Enoch's Lutheran Church the. Christmas services will be he'd at' 9 o'clock Saturday evening. K' ' .Mr. Sain Goodman, of .New York, le spending the holidays .here wltli ' hjs mother.'.- -,. ' V ' '''. T' ' ' ' HENRY FORD NOT AfcLOWEP - ; to BEDt'CK bates; ON COAL On His Railroad.' as It Would Constf- . tme a Durrlminauon Atainst uwer : '.Roaos- .. x- ;. - ' ' tBt tM A ' Prcao.' J Washington, Dec. 22. Henry Ford's attempts to reduce-, freight rates on coal 20 per cent, along the line of hfc railroad, the Detroit, Toledo and Iron ton, was disallowed today by the In terstate Commerce Commission on the ground that the reduction would con stitute a discrimination against other mining territory whose coal product is sold in Toledo, Detroit and other ctt e along the Ford Railroad. The com. mission has allowed all other, reduc tions in interstate rates- on jthe Ford railroad which he has made on other commodities, ' : . . . ' '.i kannapoUs Defeats Krlanger.' . rselt t The THkn '. KannapoUs, , Deo. 22. KannapoUs defeated the strong team from Erlang er here last night in the opening game of the season by the scoro of 85 to 20. It was a fast and clean game all the way through. ,, Flows and Koberts for Kaonupolls. were tho outstanding fea tures, Klowe getting 21 points and ttob erts 8. N'aucc at center and Gilliam at guard both played excellent ball for the html team. Ersrbart nas the mit standing star for the visiting tesrm, getting four field goals. ,Tlie sm; was wilnessed by a larye and eoauii lastio crowd.- . . - - : . . Friday night the Y. M. C. A team will gr. to gharlotte to play lb t there. 1 -. ' - A hustler has no time for bad Juct. riTfiTr till; i.' LUL llL,..n JlffluOi OistinsruL! " at Jsc!--.. ) c hhl Trc: "ter Passes , Fla After !t of Bron- KNOWN TO : -V-ASMA' IENDS : nENitr' . .ng Member ool of Jour- Was Lsri Tun I of tr-s.c:j r ;, Almost td V is Conscious j; Last-' J- -.' tttw t " Jacksonville, Fl Dec. V22.-rCol. Henry Watterson."kiIWB to the Amer ican people as the Is j"l snry lying mem ber of ttu old sen !: of journalism, and to his friends tu Marse Henry," died -nrly .today at hotel-here. v. - lTfthranie penc fiiBy.- the venera ble 4Hi It or retaining iVonifclousncss al most to the end and tonverslng during hi last half hour-vih-his wife, 'son and 1unfchter.-l i '.i:v ,-' Col. Wattersoh caioe to. Jai.kohville several weeks ago tit accordance1 with his annual' custom. f spending the winter'-in Florida. I Usually at Fort Myent '-'.He conrractejl a slight cold 'oa Tuesday antt while irated in a chair yesterday -morning inm after break fast he suffered n af uts bronchial at tack Hint was-ordervd, to; bis bed by bis physician..' Hlsi ondition-' grew worse' during the', day and night,' and the end ca mo at. i;ia this inornlngJ The immediate cause; of bis Oeaur. niK physicians sold, .was heart failure, sup erinduced by ojMigditioa of bronchial tnbes.'' .'v - - v.1r ? ...'i''; -";':"' '''" ' Thu "Marse nepry" passed tothat beautiful shqro," whPre he last Octo ber wrote his comrades of, the Confed erate Array ho. was ;snre "the bonnie blue flag will lie flying at the fore, and the bands will be playing 'Dixie' on parade, ami the pruty' girl will be distributing 'Thei Chattanooga Rebel, true newspaper published by him dur ing the wae betwecfa -the' states) to groups, of ragged, yed-noned angels who havft not rorgottirn me rcoei yeiv T .TOYS FOK C"ilNY BOYS.? MoKtPomdar Ant Hioee Possessing '.a nnnnlH'r tovs this ehristunasi appear to h those possessing a dflnl '5'''' fle i lhterest- 'Presaineno in- ran -orixt-reas display in the shops along Broad way are th' engineerlpg toys, with tha isld of which thorboy who Ms a liking for engtnoering In any,'. of .-its branches electrical, mechanical, civil, and nn-ian " acquire a teehntenl knowledge-tbat Is bound to stand him in gotxi -stead in the tuturo . -'.-. -Ono serleS'of this class r-of '.toy. In cludes a hvdraullc ,and; pneumatic, eiigineertng'fiet, a civil engineering out flU and a; tventher bureaus set by means, of which boy . , can v study meteorology. c ; '- " ? . r v To'apprecile these super-toys.lt, is not neessar?N-tbat a boy hou!d have Hurtled physics ' or engineering. He learns whUe be plars. st a cost far be low that -which would provide bhn with this branch of 'bis edncation in i tho ordinary ;way. t '. ;-;' .- .--...- s--.. Another toy that is very popular Is i tireless set. With; this a boy caw recelv messages' from his chum across the town, the only additional apparatus required being an aerial, wbictw can be rigged up quite easily, v' . -.' .i .-v . ; r Btectrlcal engineering can be studied at iiomo by-nny boy possessing one ot the- new electrical Ury sets Those sets tell him all there Is to know about the wonderful hidden power of ,electrlclt,v. With -them hot build, fits -.tip. - and uses bis own-working model .Each set lg a complete electrical laboratory, providing means by which hundreds of interesting experiments can; bo con ducted. ' ' "Twenty toys In one: Is ...the name that might be applied to another new toy onthe market. Byi means of a few pieces of varnished wood, some wheels, gears,. etc., boy can. moke a scooter, a truck,, a wheelbarrow, -a sleigh, go-cart a hobby-horsef-a' -racer,: and other' models. As soon as he tiro of. one,-lie .can take It to pioce(and .nnAie , another. . '-v,.-.-. ; .'-H'i-V ChrrmuMi:Eve Casales Will Shine la ' . White Honso WIndowiw: f Washington. Dec. 82.-The windows of the White Houso on Christmas Eve Will all be adorned wtth lighted- can dles. Mrs. Harding his decided to re new ah old New England , enstom which -calls for the display, and ar-; mngementa were completed this woek for the candles and fixtures necessary. - President-Harding. It isaid once succeeded in having the custom adopts ed io bis home city of Marion, vmo. by an 'editorial campaign in hlsnews paper. ;' ; '- ?" ' :-.-' -.v "."'-v JUfofc Threatsns Man Who Is Against . Moerwhiners. , ' ' - (Bhr Ikt tmmntmtrM fMs.t.4... v Jacksonville, Fla, Dec.. 22 v A mob believed by tbo sheriff to have been composed of moonshiners, attacked the home of James Noble, at Whitchousc. near here, early today and the rifle and pistol battle wblch resulted lasted nearly an hour, but so far as is knows was wlthont casualties- Noble has been assisting tbe sheriff's office in its campaign against moonijilnerg. ' - la olden times If a gUl were willing to marry, sod not eot- isred. It was the custom for ber to vc r a ring oil tj;a ' Lrst tD?T of ut-'l'-t kaBd. If sbe iwanted to remain sir-'a, then ' she ..wore the ring on the tuile f.ngtr :'" D EI4ZABETII C-OIXEfiR WAS - DESTROYED BY FIRE All Students Had !eft Per Homen DumdKC Estimated at mjm.: Knlem. Vo., Doe 22F.lliabcth Col lege, a. Lutheran woman's Institution here, was deslroyed by fire- early to daV' -The large;) stone building whh-h contained class rooms, 'administration rooirfs, and 'dormitory room was en tirely .vacant at the time, all-students hntlng-bift for the .Christmas holidoys. The orl'iln of the fire has not been, de termined. The damage Is estimated nt ai.T0.C00. ' . ; 'j Ubabeth College Destroyed by Fire.' 'A telegram recolvetl in Concord to. day from- Usv. Oscar Blackwelder, of Roanoke.tVa, stated that Elisabeth pollepe, loacttd at Sulem. Va' seven nines irura noanoKe, was flesiryeo eariy thls morning by fire. ,The entire equip ment and ail building were destroyed, the' message added. No fnrther parti culars were given, v jOYFS' ARBEST IM'IDEYT i,-:,:. ; v Of A LOXGv HOT FIGHT Warrants Followed Hervlce By Jones - of liemasds I'poa' Lancaster- Xer caatlle Ce, , j , t ' 'Lancaster, S. C. Dec. tl. Dispatch es carried In this morning daily news paper of tho arrest here of C. D. Jon es on . charges preferred by - Leiry Springs and hia associate John T. Stev ens, alleging violation of section 210, criminal code of South Carolina,, in connection with transactions as nn; offkr - of the Lancaster ' Mercantile company, brought wit publicity the first details of a-long and hitter series of litigations,' which had Its inception with .the. filing of certain suits, -one of which was that of the First National Bank cf Lancaster. of which t'luis. D. Jones is. nresldent, against Leroy Springs for $20,000 and interest, in volving the refusal to receive and pay for Liberty bonds In that amount pur chased by the bank for; him as his agent. f: :.('""'' '..-; V.-i.-v-; ',''. T-.v-' ' '. This action followed the breaking of. relations between- CIU.' V. Jones atid Leroy brings and John T. 6tev eas, .who had been associated and own ed. Jointly several enterprises, lnclud. ing the Lancaster -ifercanUle com pany, tbs latter concern being a con solidation of the Jones. -Mercantile com pany;. Jones-Elliott :lt Mule company, Lancaster Hardware cothpaOy and the Lancaster . -Mercantile .company.- the consolidation having- 'been .effected on February 1. . 19K, innd of which 'hr :mo reaiaept jinn geiv- Chas. D. Jones - waa ousted : as pres ident of the icoocero and action after action and rumor afters . rumor, have corttp thick 'and fast since that time. NEW YORK SETTLEMENT -'" , ". . .;; . HOI SKS NOW PACKED Cold ' Weather Drives Park' Sleepers Into Hie Various Mwdclpal Lodging 2 Baas.-ii.; .r--' i; 4-,&ii.z, I . fBv tbo AhmI Tnt.j: - j!S'ow York, f Dec.; i22-Twenry-four women and three children were among the hundreds who awoke today In' the municipal lodging house, to ..which the homeless were - driven by 'tlu hitter cold. City parks, -flrea, ways; cellars and - wagon which hnvet' served as places .of rorneo were -abandoned b1- rore the we ot a norrowest gaie wnu-o -carried the mercury to within nine de- give of sero and made even the, well I cbjd folk shh'er.' y It was reported to day that upward tef , 100 pe'W""' spent the night In the municipal lodg ing house and the Salvation Army Set tlement boue,; r ' .--tv- ; s.'wv ' Nrgro Killed in Georgia. - tBy ib AsMetatea rrr.) !'' -. T Quit man'. C.n Dec." 22. Riddled with bullets, the body of Lee. Robinson, Jr, a negro, wa found near a deserted cabin, at Buckhead farm 'yesterday. A coroner' Jury Investigating- render ed a verdict that the negro came' to hjs death from unknown causes, . :'; v JOIN TODAY and you will have MONEY NEXT ll CHRISTMAS K ' ei ffiaila-ubon"tndufB tlTl a)clsii(Mi Xaienhy in the fttUri917, '. . responsible Japanese circles. , 5. -. j, 1 .V.t, ... . With this brcaoK.:. between them,l- ( " V--"..? ." .,' ..-,,;-.:' ' 'e BISHOP R. I.1 '-::t' - Now Open ; . "' ; r-:J ?:'-y-'i- rXf, 'MC:'-1. VV:.'i' t lot Jhe ext ' you vill fe'eeh-e c WILL OF LATE 4. W. CAVSON " j : ; IS FILED FOB PRf-"1 C. A. Cannon and David ; Exectitora of thr VilU-Bulk of Fji- . tale ft to Airs, c annon. . The1 will of (he late James W, Can. non was filed for probate with - the Clerk of Superior Court this morning. The bulk of the estate is left to. Mrs. Cannon for life, to be divided among the children at her death. '. . v.-'. The estimated Value of the estatfl Is $4BOfj.0OO.r.? .'! To his two grandson-and mt me snkes, William Coltrnne Cannon, and to J. W. Cannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosa jfannon, is left $10,000 each, and the remainder of the estate. Including the homo and all furnishings and all life Insurance, la left to Mrs. -Cannon, At her death the estate will be divid ed, among the Vhildren. - The home place at the death of Mrs. Cannon.'1 will' tieebmo the property of Mr. C, A.; Canuon by lay men t of 110. 000 to tha estate, ; r ' i t C A. Cannon, and David It, Btnir are named executors, and thef togeth er 'With the Wachovia Trust Company, of : Wlnston-Haleni.. are the trustee of the estate. 4 ' 1 , ' The will was executed Octolier 7, 1021. , THK COTTOy MVRKET .nantet luincr I nHeiiir Ana irregu- ana cioimng in au parts or the conn- ; . lar Owing to Kveniiig up of Deeem-i try was ordered r today pf. Attoruey ' t her' Contracts.. . ; , , 'oobetnl Daughertr.V ?V:' .-Y--.- (By the AMlml Tms.) ' . 1 Mr. ,laughcrt.v said that In many Io-- , . - New Tork. D. 22---The cotton mar--ealltie price are too high and retail-,", ket Watt rather unsettled and Irregu-.-ers- profit were ntnamscionable'' and , lar early today owing to' final evening tfuH every effort: would be made to- up of. December ' coutrm-ts.. Notices Pl retail prhvs on the proper level . representing almnt JWft bales were re- 1 'i'. Datigherty--- Instructed IttMmtor,-.. jKirtod and there wet scattered Ie Bumv of the Kurcaq of Inrcstigaticm cember llqnidntion which sent the of rh? Department, 't. assign men as price off to 18.2B or 83 points net low- sonn ns ptslWe to vtrious parts of the er, and three or lOnr ioit below the country to collect simultaneously In- ' January ' quotation fWherwise; the" formation , upon current retail prices' ; market showed pn, special feature, and of food, fuel, shoes, aud elotsJng, . and after opening steady at a decline of t the samo time to report tho whtijo-,, S point to an advance of point. ale price of ourn, wheat, beel roeatrt January and later months held fairly "f 11 kinds, and on-the hoof In order (deady with March selling around 18.14 tt comparisons which nijgbt be made or about points net higher. ; t i- tb. .retail and wholesale prkes-of ' Cotton futures opened steady." Jan, 18.15 ;' March 18 07 May 17.03; July 17.23! October 16.S0.: - .:t ... ' ' '' ' ;'- .:,:' OPPOSED TO DISCISSION - '' . '. . - OF tl-DEMANDj TREATY v, --,.. , -v-..-' ., ' -. . ,. ; Allitutle of Japanese Delegates at Hashingten Made i Plain (. on This i Point, Washington, Dec. 22; tpy the. Asso-' lAnlnA Itnml ..TAnAH ,- I a-lll fnra, ill.' oppose any discussion of thf validity tif the 21-demand treaty of 101i5. If the - matter 1 brought p hy China a ex prcjed in toinoiTOW's Ouerting of, the - AT IhA AimimMl ROBBERS MAKE BIO -r. f UAI LAT YORK, PA. Gef Srrnriffcs Y slued at tBW.OOO Froia t o mid) i-rjMfMj, oovrs. . .' '"jr tbe Auoetated rnw.) t'A'ork'Pa.i Dm. 22.-i-;-Bnrglarii early today, broke into the Mount Wolf Bank and -stoic JKIO.IKHI in securities frnu sofptyi deposit, boxes.'. '.They jammed open a '-window and .cut through the vault, doors ' -with acetylew torches, The loeks on 80 deposit boxes M. were broken: with a hn miner. ( :i . .. . :1 ' m-. ' u tu -.tl-i ! , ."''- f"f 5- I Clearwater; ; Flav lvc. '' 22: Sheriff , Lindsay today .denied published a re - - ments 'of the -ouuty" authorities that' Carter Plerson, held for murder", would be turned overdo the Kentucky author-r lues, wnn cnarge niar ue xuieo a man i v uisncp juorrtson was a oeiegate to at -Annville, Jackson ciunty. Ky.. Iter tho general conference of -the church fore coming ' here about four months five times and three times was elected ' . ago.' '1 . - " ' ' 'on officer by that body. He -wan su- '.'. '-' 'J." JV' " " ""' '. ;' - "1 perannuatcd at the general conference Mr. T. E. Bobbltt, a 78 year old farm-' neid Jn Atlanta in 1918. At the last er In Granville.' has never bought a Florida conference held six years ao puuna m mru r jiihuv., i ue nuw quence is that the bard times eantnt affect his living in comfort .': , . ' .'j , , i - : . j. ' .'. " " v For the first timo in the history of San Francisco tf woman-Mr. Ella, beth M. Lawless has been called noon to serve as' secretary of tbe connty- grand J.irjr,..--.' i.-r; ,. .':.-'';!' ' O C.60 . etASSRequires f a- , for the next W you will receh'e a'check for $250, j' ; 2 O.C3 ' CLSS--$eqnires , v i-yo- will receive a check fort$100.O0., j V'WS l - (; i 1 sst - fot tjie nest 50 -weeks.-; On December IS, 1M2,' ; ''you will receive i f heck for $5Q!oQ' ' KCir 4 CLASS Requires a depoait"-of- 5) cents each ; OUC ireiw'tiic' nt)(t 60 weeks. On Deccmhcr 1, 3922, you will receive a check for $25j00."il'i fv:? -''?:'Vt Ofj'' 1"''-P5S-rru''e'. "4epeitr'ot 25 cent each '' 't50C'N, week for the next 50 weeks. On December 16. -.j:-lU22, you will receive, a 'check 'for $13.5C'.ft ?;rv iJ" fii -riClJS$eqiiTt$i deposit of lOcerits' eacJi Ml OF ' RETAIL PRICES IS - Retail Prices : of Food, Fuel, f Shoes and Clothiny Will Be Especially Investigated Irrimediately. ' , PRICES TOO HIGH IN MANY PLACES Attorney General Believes That "All Over the.Couiw try the Retailers Have an ' ' Understanding. . 1 A --.' (Br fbe-AiMoeiaSMl Pim. -'- Washington. Dee.- 22. Investigation 'of retail price of .ood. . fuel. shoeH"' IlliJrA 7 . in.,1""1"- I '-' -. I Duughltrty said, the retailers' have or- . . snnirations which tend to keep up the . ll' - .. ' ' ' ' ,''-'." !-,''- ' ,-- "There Isn't a doubt in the world. ! he said,-"that all over-tho country the-. ; retailers have an understanding" ; Attorney General said , that while many retailers are not charging' ; excessive price he intended to go .af- -nM hA : A,.l..,lnnd ' avuwm.'. I -. : trpry .to' the law and particularly pro-' fesidonal organiser who-' sold new. t , teme.6t beating the Jaw through v orgtuBwatious -vi-hlch i-oncealed their. hnh nil '.A. AAOt.Ml Blf nf : : tu-advanea MwuDctitioii: -. ' ; DIES .ATOJTE Or SO' Burial Friday-SapeiUBBaated ' k ill IX l ootereace. . - . : 'servhts for Bishop Henry Clay . -Mor-j; rison, who died here today at the home, of his uon Dr. Hugh K.-iMorritton. will ', .be held In .Atlanta Friday, Burial will, : :.e In West View cemetery there near, j.the old rfamily home, ; fi" A widow and two sons all reBidenta' -(of this cltv, .survive.' :.' -s ; . B'ahop Morrison was born in Monn. KomerV .1 county. Tennessee:1 Mar ..aiw-;-, ilS24:lft had a. common HChool miuca-il ' ,tion and , studied Greek; Latin and, itebrew privately under Dr. N. H. Lee.- of the AJabania state agricultural coR: lege. On June. '25. 1868. he "married. Mrs. M. E. Ray, of Nelson county. Ken- tucky. ?. ........ j'.-.;.:.,. Bishop Morrison prssidod and has otft- , dated since then at Other state confer-., enees. ... t. . n v- s , , I ..,,:. a . ' ..Ii : '.' f ' f Hn Francisco, man in s dfvorco .complaint against his wife alleged that she wa In the habit of screaming in der to make the neighbor believe ' that' tt waa beating her ' tt- nf o.OO .each week On ,Deeernbcr 1, deposit of $8 .00 each week - cemher 1, If2S, gO weaks. pn t)ecember t. J if

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