6 f? OOO O 0 0 ASSOCIATED O PRESS 1 ' 'DISPATCHES 0 O o a V TC.UY. 'O - - 1 -S-J r '. - j , ' f O 0 0 o -'A vcLur.2 xxi. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY; DECEMBER 23, 1921. f.y t.Vr,'.i.3. i. ;ys : ,. ;,tf' .-. 2 . ' )'NO. 280. ; LI clLUi t.L LiiUiiU F:.c$fii'iFhOiE;.i Thrc h Steady ; Decrease inJiii-ler of Jlccruits For . the ll'Si-try, Invcstir&ting Ccn.n;ijoioti Reports Tc-ay REPORT JUST MADE PUBLIC Condition , Worse Than in Other Denominations. One Minister for Every 2, 523 Communicants. A ; i, (Bf ke Asmelat4 PresV ' 4 " Xetr ork, Iec. !!!. The Kntsonpai . Church In tho t'nlted States faces a V Teal . problem through!, tlw - steady de. crease in the iiniter of recruits for - the ministry, a commimlon nppolnted , to lnvesllialCf the sutyeet declared In n report made public tslay. This sltr iintion, the cjniimls.slon 81010(118 more grave thai seenys to be the caso with . wher religions DOfllcs.' lit (1m HloeCM of JCew. orij, where in the .VH tliere via one minister for. rery 401 communicants, tho wminls- mod .mum .inat' uKwjrr " "u,:'t the 'Immediate family present, v. ami , one minister, to -every SfilS eoromunl- v,th rtip too,ir of the wn lce nnan-1 miits, s ' , . , -nonnwd, tho body of tho venerable Tli report covered an Investigation Ke)ltu,.kv , jnrnnllst who died here , ft "nny months.. It allowed that on yesterday, was plaeed In a vault' ' a generor average- tlnjougliwit Jlie ntl spring, when It will U lplseopal Church tho ratio of mlulsler. kcn home. to j tpb t fllMa rent f i.il recruits to eoiuinunlcauts annual- , ,BW. ln tftVP. jim .meter ftt , I, ly was one to 2.251. It was shown , that , m ns faihn and nvth- toda there wae an excesa m 1,271 v .Vl j.''--' v a utaUons over the net number o! Clergy . Z ' ' ," . " ' vf-,.,-vyVi; available to (111 them, and attention .lT.lLI.l!rS WAST ANOTHER ! ' ' i drawn to the fact that approximately i , , , , , , . . ('OKFEKEXl'E CALLER " " 40 per cent of the new mlnlstata or , v . r' dalned In the Episcopal churctt in tne ' M last, ten. ?ear hava come from, Jtetlio- - dlst, Presbyterian and Baptist ,-ieoomi- nations and not t from episcopal i cCrtZ r tCHtFlt IN RANK VALTT. J?4?!'EK.ihfiV- - l AHe im.ifwj yp. "h;rV briader acoo. b. called Uanaus i-ns Time nura " Heal All la Sigh. r ' . s ; V ' Clearfield, Pa, Dee it Ioek'ng m.hier a L Rhone ln th vault of the Eh hert'''V , two -bandits. rbied the itar o pno -"V Nix oi jtuuttt AiOJH""i V , t drove" awny in an antomobiie. No saw them ent. r leave, and lfwaa iMtfvntU a customer entered we oang ioeicmnr ipm. " , halt a .honp later, that tha robberf aembled jn tne large l'n'Bl wu discovered and the cashier .tl e main effloe antTMessrs. W'. R. Ode. ieaaed- 7? v w - A. Q, Odell and Superintendent J."F. " be baDk is aman In'atltution.. Thcf Yatet wort called for- Thereupon Rev. irlerks had gone toJnnch and Cashl(AJ Prank. Armstrong hn iipenklug. Shope wae nlona when be noticed, ut aew, moments reached Jh motor car atop la front of the back. A heart 1 hi, subject,' nr he presented minnte later two men entere4 andthe OdeUs iand Mr. Yates somt very without prollmtnarles, pointed pistols valuable and nseful presents. Mr. W. nnd toroad him bock Into thf vault !H. tWell; whose father at the time, of ' They then turned the took, and, after his death was the, oldest-textile mann lotsnrely gathering on all the money , faeturer , In. tho entire Sooth, made " in ght. be heard .them drivoi away, one of the most apt ami felicitons rs Half an hour later WU Jam! Potter, a isponses heard for a long. tiim Jle jt customer.' went to tbe bank ami, find- ferred to the good feeling and excep ting the dooni open but no one in sight.., tionaUy .lino teamwork that ad been called for assistance. . Investigation done by -tbe operative daring the year cn dladosed the plight of Cashier and prophesied still larger things. and Shone and ho. was celcascd.v, " : . ; V 1 gave a his reason that "the mill own- Sheriff Gorman sent oat an alarm tbroughont tne country ana wunm n - v liour received . word from Kytertown . v that two men answering the deseripo tim of tbe robbers has pascd through that place driving toward Tyrone A posse at once was organised and sot , jour in pursnlt.t t:. '".j'-i-K-.'i-x h-' fhnrrk Fornad Guilty an Seatenreal to' Death;, . - ' fBr th Amm srtsted Preaa.) . f Chicago, Dec; 23.-Harvey Churclj, 1 v charged, -with the murder of two auto mobile talesman, was found guilty this , morning and sentenced to death, -v -Chnrch killed Cary Asmua auu Ber nard Daughter when the aeltvered , a cej- which he had. arranged to huy; ratpons Restaurant t Be Closed, ravsk iMwdit4 rMM) ., ' Xew York. . Dec. 2 neaU's tor - year one of, the best known reotau rants in New- York, soon la to bo dos ed. Victim of prohibition. Tho. J. , Healy, the proprietor, has sold the ea- tate, to several Chinese, who wll m- vest it into a chop seuy emporlilin, it i reported., : '. t "','C ' '-'';:7: The Uzzl Chri:tmas , Present 1 A Pr.:3 CccI: in Our SAVLTG3 bEPARTT.IEOT p 4 Percent Interest Compounded Qnarteriy.. 1 A new Savings Quarter starts January 1st. De posits on or before January 10th draw Interest from January 1st, - ' , - TART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT ' ' ; Safe deposit boxes for rent in our burglar-proof vault. , ' r ' His Ccr.cc: d Tticnai . Ezrli , ' CCCC..Df N. C. PREMIER TAKAASHI : J ' ; PRAISES F.W EXTF.XTE Say Qnadrnp! Agreement; Will Be a -- C.reat thing tor Entire World, i . PnriH, Dec. 23. (By the associated Press) Premier Baron' Takanashi of Japan I quoted by the Toklo corres pondent of the newspaper Exeeisior, as declaring: "The 'quadruple entente which tor Japan replaces Hie Anglo Japahae alllanoe. Is much wider In bearing and removes all changes '-of war." y-.y r,. ..: "I venture to say", -he continued, ''that tho. Washington conference lias opened a new epoch In the- Pacific and the world. I not only believe that the entente -will result in making Jaoancse people bapplsr,. toevanse it twill lighten their burdens, but further loll, ujf reason ui tuv guni umcn. . w are paying,' tho posit ioa or Japun Is strengthened in the Far Kast. " In resard to China, th Jyiit etnier was quoted as saying: : h ' " h '; .- "China is in an advanced atage of decomposition. It Mil be an unpleas ant situation for Japan and a mlsfo- fortune-for China If, as the resu.lt of her anarchy, she does- noi cooperai with the: friendly powers seeking to bring about her unification." y WATTERSON'S BOflY WAS ' i2 , . : PLACED IN V.ULT TODAY Next Spring ' It Will Be Taken la , luUvllle. Kyi Be Given Final Besting Place.,-';.,- I'.frP-uy. V .lai.lrimMvllln' Fin TVn "t "Mnitl( Tenrv.. Waf torson.' content with the y,,,,,, uf. restl today from W( !nbora Wth only the members o.f Kuggesie lemereBre nia unurw- tlenlarly With .Sabuariae and Alixl. llary Vruu - Washington, ; Dec. 23. (By the As aoclated Press)--Suggestlons hav have' been made by the Italian arms dele- ' Ration to the naval committee of the nforonr. tAftl another Internationa wr Ui. .Ufu.... with submarines and aunhnilary t-raft. ! Ut m.jj. ssju . tk. i A pwtitlful CrisbiiM Episode at the I i .r Kerr uieacnen'. I lst mgnr.jUK as toe ajwrowjoir x , f ----- . 1 . ... ., J ArreM'Miiii i04-IoTB4s'1 work Mr the Christmas.. holidays,, in- r w Wru7is in Pronress, ;- - atead of .itoing tUrtly tor their homes i . rs know iney cunnoi ij iiiwiH-niun. . ars know they wunour - you. t nor can ioa without them. : we. are dopenilpnt one npon an-. oiner. ' r -.- -, , . He closed by exhorting . the..- whole force to exalt character and be Chris tiana; above everything.' ;.Me A. J. Odeil and. Mft Yates also spoke lu mnch tbe same way. Where there Is such a fcellne between mlllowners and operatives there can be no labor' prob llem nor any other aerlous problem.-., . i v '. . - - i. ' " ' Deeply AppreeUteA ' ; " The owner of The Tribune acknowl edges with grateful 'appreciation the receipt of a most beautiful gold foun tain pen. and n gold pencil, a Christ mas gift from the employes of the pa per. , No gift ! wore appreelt.l than one that cornea from the-men lie Is associated with "day In and dny ont? In giving -Tho Tribune lo the- public. Threi Xefm Bamed l HeteL i TVaycroas, Oa, ' Deo. . 231'hree negroes' were burned to death ln a fire which destroyed a negro hotat nero mh day The .origin of the . blaxe is nn known.. .rvs,f:v;.,y;..-s v'.f-'j PSEMIEK BRIATD 8EXPS j ACt'EPTASCE OF RATIO. Fruee. However, Maintains ller Pe i , ultion Regarding Sabmuine. 4 .' Paris. Dec. 23. Bv tho Asiwiulated 'Press.) Premier &rand has sent Am- ! oaasaaor yusserana ,in wasmneton t Anal and definite acceptance u; the ennltnl shtt ratio. ? Prance, however. I 11 xlatcd- maintaids her position ro- garaing sitmnuriiies finu cviuu ueieuto ships, although she fs willing, it uegi tlate.5 ?-v,v ''.; vv. '- 'J.:' . Prance insists that her doBitiudS ard vitally necessary to htr .' aacnnty, it in . lnjMtn(t ,hut , rfi.nosed to Kux.e'ivti with the United States as tar, us pos .slble. ' i '., :'r ;r- ... :: -r.-y ;")'' tV i :i t:: Twenty arkerteo for DISORDER. IN OMAIIA 0imhii3'.enwtVSrv4ln vitni w;ere arretited today- in the1'lMtlmt house ,dlstrlct,i whw a strike Ik.. In, progress, aftyr..ttie poltca- charged Into a 'crowd aroimd a street ear, the trol ley of, which had been pulled from its eahle. ; . ' .'....' i. ' ";-"'. ; . iTho police reported today; that thoy had been ubable to.-idontlf the body of a man shot near one-of tbo packlug offices last "'gbf- f f x ? , it$4 415 will 8.vrA - - ' - "t- ),, .;:v; LIFE THii IIARVKkT Baptisi Sunday Schools Asked te Take , Special Offering Sunday for Starv ing People. . 5. 'vi-;' J ' ..! fy - AMriate4'. ly: NiislivHle,' Tenn Dee. 2.i-Deeta'r-ing that 1S in gold Will save a life un til harvest, Dr- Everett. OiH, the Eu ropean representative .of the Sontuoni Baptists, now lu Rnasla, tins cablml Baptist lalqunrters liere nrgtug tbs t the - 'Baptist Sunday, m-hools ami Churches tbronghontr the South take special Chrlstinaa offerings Huuday for tho starving people of that country,1-;' iprealdent Signs Russian Relief Bill , ' Ur the Aetted P.l -'',. .; Washington;' ; Dec.. - 23. President Harding has signed tba Ituwlnn relief bill which carries appropriations of $20,000,000 t 1x5 expended muler tlie supervision of the American Relief 'Ad miiiiHlrntitiu. - The funds became Ini. mediately avallnblc. : ? ?,. ;v-.. i 1922 Christmas Savings Club ' ,. ' Nov Open ; ', ' JOIN TODAY and you will have- MONEV NEXT CHRISTMAS Citiz:fii5 50T0R10t'9 BATOIT IH " V r? if ? C'Al OH'r IX CHICAGO Confesses That He ad a empanloa :: Were Rexpoattlbl for Several Hold- flit tfce AMtMtr Picas. ;. Chicago, Dec., i3.-f-Cryde 'Uutmons, whoie ccHnpaaioa E4rt Tlmmons, wa ahot' and killed, last nlant arthcy they had kidnapped and robbed Mrs. Jan. J. tuaiifuian, ner aBugrtier bno utoipti, confessed to the police today that he- and his partner -hal participated in several holdups including a 13 tan train robber last August. " ' - , v V The captured.robber ftlo was known as Claude Thomas; avid his oa com panion .was sometlnfe, known as (:arl OUbert, acceMIng t(i th police. Foli lowing the confess(ol. .the police took ! into crmtodr Mlsa ulary , Roberts. 23, ' wtu.i4Miid-lo jiave oeTi 'n tarrmJiU arqnainiance oi ine omn nroucr. . 1 ''IIIIIIb? WawHorlVeatber Wltlr Rain.. Predirt- I. ' fytaw' a rtw nw.r 'Wawhington,;'. Dm ,f 23.-Vauuior 'weather, -with rain, was promised to day,' to destroy holies of snow. - for Christmas over all of the easrern half of. the country, eVcept iu the extrcni? northern states. " ' V 1 - The weather will be colder generally throughout Uho eastern half jof the ouuntry tm t'hristnms' I)ay. the- woat er Bureau said. . ' j . , iVi- , S S. .-, . t ...... . J. ' , BRITISli WARHIUPS , f : ,- , -ORiBEp TO EGYPT Twelve l'Ue"ef Mediterranean Fleet y- Also, liider Orders to Leave.' ; t Malta Dee. 23 (lty the Associated Press ).-Two British warships have received ' orders to proceed to Egypt immediately;; Further' nnltri of . the British M"dlterriinonn fleet- are Tinder orders, to leaveVpn the shortest notice, Miss; Rose,W'llleforl will leave this afternoon for Charlotte, where she wllj spend tbe night with, her slater,. Mrs. W. D. Shoemaker. , Tomorrow Mis Wllloford and Mrs. Shoemaker will go to AslHvIUe to attend the holidaya with their sisters, Mrs. R. I. Whitehead and Mrs. Mollle Elliott , , Miss Klcanor Watson, of Sallshur)', is vbtitlng her sister, Mrs. J. ;: K. Hmmit, :v..-r-.:'' '. '.ifjC.CO "CMSS-rRequires a deposit of $5.00 each week Os5 for the next 60 weeks. : On December 18 1022. you will receive 4 check; for $250. , ;. - ?. . ' C'O.CD CLASSr-Requtres a deposit of $2.00 each wck apdUss - for the next 50 weeks.;- On Icemher 1, i9Ji2, you will receive a check for $100.00. T . : . iH 4 (J J ; CLASS Requires a deposit of $1.00 each week' ip 1 s -r for the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1022, you wilr receive a clieck for $50.00. y: Cf ' 11 CLASS Requires a deposit OUC week for the next 80 weeks. ., 1922, you will receive a check irja CLASS Requires XSt3C week for the next 3922, vou,will receive a check 10c CLASS Requires week for th sxt J92rvou will receive a check nil and True! j poxfessioji of sosr , f ; FREES FATHER IX JAIL Man Convicted f Operating it ' Mil) Fre4 When Son Assuns Respunsi. muiy lor ise aim. .. , ... j I Br tM AMMre!a.e4 Vwmm. , Wlns'on-Salem, Dee.' 23. tiUring i special term of Forsyth superior court last June, 8. W. Crouse, 60 years old. farmer of Kernersvllle, was convicted sad riven 12 months on the LiMintrv roads . charged with manufacturing llauor. a nlant having been found on his place. -The defendant' appealed te tbe, supreme ecurt, which confirmed the tleclston of the lower couru 1 j. Today Coy N. Crouse, a aon, appear; ed before Judge : Long In Huixrior Court aUting that his father had no connection1 whatever-with the tnooni shine tdakf. h alone being gutuy. Hj oiutteUtePliUtP&'jCvtihatuT tence ot )u montna was tven ne soa the fatherbelngv. dlecharged ;n.. pay meat of the. court costs. ; ... , .,, : DEATH OP THE DEAW ! -. OF MEREDITH COLLEtJI) Visa Evelyn M. Campbell Dlec, This .;, ..-v:.- Morning of Pnewmnnia. . . I -(Bjr -she. AMsctat ITi w) , '-.') . Raleigh Decui?; Misa elyn It Campbell. 42. formerly of Moftae, Oeor dia. dean of Meredith College for Wo men here, died this morning following: an Illness ofrtwo.: weeks. with, pneiif irtoialit. ..OtisSi Campbell bM at verious times', been lady principal of Bessif Tift College, at. Forsythi Georgia, and Baylor College, at BeltOn. Texas, au4 for-a-number of years was Secretary Treasury of LMlsslonnry Cnlon of Georr gla. .The boiy- wll be shipped to Mrf Rae for burial. r; ' ' i . V ' T' m-'i r i '' i i 1 TH E COTTOy MARKET. Opened -Firm Today at an Advance of -.: , i to 11 Points. ::, " ... (Br the Aaawtatee'Presa.) New York.'Dec. 23. The cotton mar ket opened firm today at an advance of i,' to 17 points. ,. January notices were reported but, but that monin waa relatively firm on covering by suortn. January sold at 18.33, or 25 points net higher, and later months showed net advances of 12 to 17 points shortly after tho call. ' ' . i Cotton futurea opened firm. - Jan. i 18:19; Mar. 18:15; May 17:7a; July 17:26; tot 16:55. Of 'SO cents each On December 16, for $25.00. ..-..v .t a deposiU of, 25 cents each 50 vt-eeks. On December 1, for $12.50. '.. a deposit of 10 cents ach SO weeks. On Decefnbef 1. for. $5.00, Ccrrnny METROPOLITAN OPERA IS EX JO VI. NO GREATEST YEAR DenHii ef Caruso Not Interfering With V the Opera's Mopes and Ambitions. 4 Br the Aimlittl Prefcl S".; " , New York, Dec 23 its light undlm med by the passing' of its greatest luminary of recent years Enrico Ca ruso the .Metropolitan 'Opera has reached the height of 'What its social and professional sponsors acclaim as the most successful season since the world's eyes were focused on : New York as tbeJiub of the operatic uni verse." . - 't y'f ' y ' Not, officials of the opera said to day, that a great gap has not been left. In the' ranks of the artists -who have- made it so famous. " Caruso's place, they declared, cannot be filled In. a few months, or even In a few years. But bis death has served: to deflect "the. interest of opera ' goers from the brilliancy of the individual singer and to widen it to embrace the opera Itself" and the great, though less well known stars, who nightly are drawing; multitudes to the his toric Broadway auditorium. ' ; ; Great changes have taken place, in the opera as a social Institution, they declare. Tbe social side of the gath erings there season by season,, has again taken on the aspect it wore a generation ago. Once more it is the brilliant show. place it was in the 80' and 0,8.-Nightly, regardless of tho name of the tenor or the soprano w ho ii to slng, boxes, 'stalls, and chairs, from orchestra pit to peanut galler'f are at premium, and every foot of standing room in the shadowy horse shoe about the walbt is solid with the mass Of music lovers who would rath er stand three and a half hours than Oilss the performance. .' , . t ' In a widespread reaction from : tha fashions of years before and during the war, the gentleman opera goers appears In evening dress, whether he sits in a box or any other, part of the house below the gallery. And many who stand through tbe succession , of acts parade the lobbies and doff the shiniest of silk hats to aciuinianccs or when they go to exchange visit among the boxes filled with riehly4 gowned, and jewelled women. - . . :.v Apace -with the changing custom in dress and the etiquette -of the en tr'acte;', the . public has mastered its post helium - aversion from German opera, manifested In 1919 by threats ot violence that would ensue on . their presentation. -,' ' 'i-..-. ; Twice this season the stately nieas. urea . of Wagnerian ' opera, have, re sounded In the ears of. audiences that have taxed the capacity of the hou?e, and "Die 3"ote Stadt" Jiew., to Amer. lean devotees of the art, was the vet hide upon which Mme. Marie Jerltia, a Viennese., took a cosmopolitan audi. A few nights later ' the same luu posing daughter of tha former enemy country tore and shook- into disberelr meat her-coronet of sbinnina goldoi hair through the pbsKianate scenes Ot "La Tosca"-;- role loftg regarded a the exclustva property of- the Ameri can idol, Geraldlne Farrar while an American audience dissolved Into tears and interrupted the scene with an out burst or. applause' and "bra vos" such as seldom .mars the serenity of New York's bias first nightera, i ; ' : 1 As to the much heralded successor of" Caruso -the operatic maestros de clare they aro aeeklng none and hopf to find none, After, touring Europe most ot last summer. General 'Mana ger Giulio Gaiti-Casazza returned with many new signers added to hut- com pany and several new operas, for his renertolra -But. he' announced tlrnt. while Caruso's place in the hearts of his adimirers must -remain unrilerti the roles he made famous Wou!d be sung by the great tenor's former cob leagues; Aodlsto Rada, ' Crlni!. Mai tlnelli ami a half dozen others, with Pertlllo, a new comer from overseas., "Time only" he declared "and' th Judgment of a fickle public can deter mine who the oventuai Idol -'of the American opera will be." Titta Ritffo and Amellta Galll-Cnrcl. who, as visitors .with , the . Chicago Opera Company, have' had New York triumphs in past years, are among the new comers of the Mentropolltnn com- Pany. Trinity Coach Goes t M-bteh. (Br he Anaclated pr.) Bethlehem, 1Pn.. ; Dec. 2.-F-Jams Baldwin baa been selected as resident coach of football and baseball at Le high Uatversi'ty for a period of three years, according to announcement made at the University today. He is now Professor of Physical Education aod coach at Trinity College. Durham, N. C. -y . y, , Put Your Money to -Worlt 1 IN x Sayings . 1 1 i : 1 i t -i I ,i i' :r '. -. ; i k r i i 1 i. u . ! Where It WiU Earn For You 4 Per Cent Interest ; ' " Compounded Quarterly . f W New Interest Quarter Starts January 1st v START NOW Brin YoufPass Book in Every Quarter for Inter : . - est Credit and Watih Your Money Grow " concc:.d, N.C. NO ACTION Oil IRISH TREATY THIS MOUTH Dail Eireann Votes; 6:V -f: . i continue AD Discus ' f f . Anglo-Irish Treaty. Ui.ul V January 3rd. TREATY ADVOCATES , 1 STILL HOPEFUL Believe That Irish People -Will Hold: Meetings to Arouse Enthusiasm for the Proposed Treaty. ' " ; Lomjipn, Dec..23. (By the Associated. Press). The DaJi Kireann's adjourli-; . meut of further debate on the lndi peace treaty ,,: until January 3rd, al thoiuth coming as a -surprise here, was -considered as favorable to the chances for ratlflcation. By agreement betwetu; the contending factions, the Pall mem-., hers will deliver no speeches touching on the trentv durinc the ncrlod of ad- . iournraent nor participate In puhlib.. ineelings at which the treaty la di- vV . enssed, but It is believed the Irish peo -, , pie will get together and agitate fory s. ratlflcation, c ' ' C Varlons agrlcultnral and business as- ; ; sociatlons and elvk: bodies in Ireland .- . . , . are said to lie planning meetings, to , pass resolutions fnvorlng trcnty. and4-' althongh. U 1 recogmzmi mat; mere: ,, will be some declarations- against ac , , , certnaee, it is believed the large ma-. -Jority fill shmiort the stand of Ar- .., , . thnr Grimtli, JXUhaci louins, iiiki y their trentv advocates. The adjonrn- v ment period will thus lie nearly equlv- ; . : alont to; a popular rcfen'ndiun. ' FRENCH DEI.EflATES DO ( NOT OET INFORMATION , ' '' i l - - --J - .' " '"" And Amis Conference Devoted After- , noon Session to Further Uiscosslon ( . f Submarines. , ' -, Washineton. Dec.: SI (By the Asso- elated Preu Failure of the French delegates to receive expected addition Hi instmirtlous Tut to anxIUary uaval craft from Its home governpient prom- ( ; laed to. load to further dlscosslon to day of the submarine question by the, Washington conference- in the single.; kmeeting flikely to break a, pre-Christ r ; mas nut V ' - . l.wAj. tfie French (Meirates. hnd not been r, ' eelve up to noort nnd U appenre hn-'r. probe We to delegation members that i ther would come through in' time to tie ; of use at the meeting t the full navn - , ; committee eet'for 8 oVlwk. ; ITndet a . , tentative understanding the snbmarlnw . ; disenssinns openea yesiemay who. .a . nlea from the Brlttsn iteregation roc , ... the nbolitinn of auhmerstoiea auromaTv eally a ttt resumed in tlie evrit f nn. nouncement by the rrem -tnnt Tney, had nothing to present. -' .' t Oxford Tobarm Market Has Sold . , " 5n.097 Pomds. v . txforl."Deci iH--The official figures. of the Oxford tobacco market- show that' for" the' present season wlildi 1 eioscd "on1 Friday, December 1,' .-.- B47,0ir7 itonnds had -been d at 20,44S:, the general avernge being $24.75.' It Is the concensus of opinion, that there remahis 11.000,01)0 pounds of tol)aceo in Granville t-ountv" yet to ls' sold nnd that there U at least 2,00t. ; 000 pounds outside of thc cminty thnt s wll Hie sold on The (ixtorrt marset.' v Man Shot la Packing Honse nisincu I Br the AwMrtatc nss. ., v a Omaha. Neb..: Dec. 23. An nnlden tl fled man was shot anil killed last night in the packing house- dlst-lct. -It waa believed by the police that be . was employed in one of the picking . plants where a strike has been ln er- feet No trace of his assailant has r been found. - ... - t .j'. Women clerks are more --con-. -scfintious than their male colleagues,, is the verdict of the head ef one larg -New York firm . 'Messrs. Edwood Joynef ana Honor - Culcleasure are spenling the holiday : ' with friends at St. (Matthews, 8. C. 'v ' . 1 . . '.. :,riiK Dr. C. L. Lang and family left to-; day for Gates, N.. C.i where they !!! spend the holidays, r-.i()KVKy.H;.jiy4 il OUR Department DA x