O (j'C o Ci 0 0 O ; o 6 j 6 0 .0 '4, Ij,';.';. ' f'- CIATED -G S O DISPATCHES ' O 0 0 OO VOLUME XX!.- ' CONCORD, N: C.THURSIWyfDECEMBER $&fjtti& NO. 285. fu::er;.l sEnvi CEO EXGG7.T.7.BiCKETT Held Today From. (Christ's - Eoiscooal Church at llal- , Tl,A..o.nJn tn ciJfouTW supper -was served. wuaaiiu -a aj lent Tribune to Memory. CHURCH CROWDED ; ; ; tonoverflovvIng Interment at Louisburir, Mr. Bickett's Old Home, This i . Afternoon. Thousands View Body at Capitol. ,, (Bj- the AjuMra4 Piwu.) Kaleleh, VQi 20.-Thousanda of h . fllow cltlneii Jnwpectlve of race or !i political aflUlations, paid -llent re : left to the memory of Thomas IfaMcr V ItU kett, former Oovernor ? of North - Carolina, who died at his home liere je-ttenlav after a brief Hlupaa'ha they vlered hta body whk-h lay la state In tho rotunda of the capltol hoc for two : ' honra thla morning. ; v ' The flrtwor-ladon 'conkot hrarinjr the - - body of thft former Oovernor. aa ro ' -.i ' moted from ,b.l homo h tho- capltol . 1'irly today and at 0 o'clock the fonr . 1 oiitrance to the building vera thrown open, the crowds IIIIiik past the' bier to (tet a lat elimpno of the State's for , jner Chief Kseciitivei Tear were olv r : rved In the eyea of many person fi an i thc paNwi oot of the building. V- j I'nder eommand of Lieut. Andrew ' flreen.. member of the local military i-ompany all reterana - of the world '! war cteil as a gnard of honor, a i wildlor atandihpr at attention at , the t; head and foot of the. rnaket, and two , at each entrance fo the rotnnda. - The casket retried on a bier directly 4nitcath the dome of the. capital and waa draped In the" American aud State w Jlnca. ' Klowers banked either aide of - - the coffl 11 whllo other denlpia rested uiioo It.-- ' . - - . - y At 11 o'-lock the doora of the capl , . tol building were closed adi) the body wna removed Just ' acrosa the alreet to Ohrlst'a Episcopal Cbjtrch, 5 of which ..air. Bickett wiia a member. ; Her fun v.cral aervkra were held at lltflO con- ducted tjy Bt. Ker. J. C. Cheablre, the biahop of -the diocese of North Cro Una, and Rev. Milton A.'BUrbHr,.rriJui hoopla would hare to die while dIr the rder of the fnnctal eriva laid (lows In the Epiacopnl ritual being 4-arrled OOfc-:, There.- wet bo apedal i:oa. but the ehttrch choir ;aanr a number of , hymns Including 'Ten Thonaaad Time nTen u Tousamr "Joaua Uvea,", "There 1 a lllensed Home": and,KBejrond the World uf lrve. T ; .'' - - ; Follow Injt the aervtcea at the church ., tlie body waa placed In a motor hearse: nnd the. funeral party left for Imia j bnrif. IB mllea from Raleich, Mr. Bldt ,'tra old home, where, burial took :. place thia afternoon. . . The honorary pall Nwrera Included ; members of the council of ittttjo.' the .'atate anpreme court, the Wake Coonty Bar Association, and former Secretary -f the Navy Joneptma Danlela, whllq - the active pall bearcxa were Intimate friends of the former Governor. , : CONTESRES TO HA1NO . t , TAHKN . UOr HIS WlrT- "Joseph FUtcraft, of Tent, ImL, RUya - IDs Wife inFUof Anew. ; , Teru. Indv. Iec, 20. Joseph 'nit craft, 40 yenra old. confessed, the po lice aald- late last ntoht, to having killed hta wife Margaret, on Sunday, and burled the body , beneath their - .home, r ,''."'. r':'. ;-" ' . Police were dtepa tolled to nitcraft's home and after digging beneath the. lunme found the podjr. The only mo tive for - the alleged crime givea by Klltcraft in hU statement, according to , omciaun waa that he. became enragtd when hla wife did not return home . Saturday night. : It waa later ascer tained Mrs. Hitcraft bad been emptoy- ed aa nurse, and had been unable to leave the pftlent that night. The couple were the parenta of four smal children.-- . ' , ... -c m ' 1 ' -i-'-" - The telephone arose out of an at? tempt "to design an apparants to aid deaf people in hearing.. :;. .. ; : j ".; ' The Best Chrblmas Present . A Pass' Dob!c in Our ' TSAVINGS DEPARTT.IENT . - s..4 Per Cent Interest Compounded Quarterly A new Savings Quarter starts January 1st. De-. posits on or before January 10th draw interest from January 1st. , , " . ; , - START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT . Safe deposit boxes for rent in our burglar-proof vault. '. ' ' " cojccorJt), c- ' "'. BtBD ftt'PPEB . ; Served U Stsdent and Aliunnl ef the , Slat Inlvcrsliy at th,Y, M. C. A. ' Last Evening. ' ? ."-.-' - A anmher of younger women" of Con cord. wlth" their ; out-of-town guests, were honor gnesta at'a bird supper nerved last evonlnff at 8 o'clock at the T.- M. C Av ' Thmnppcr wn slven by a numlier pf atmlcafs and alumni of the Rtnfo t'hlrrriiliT,,' and .proved a moAt InlcrcHtlnK : occoslon.' i A , four ; Mr. R. P. fllbson won toastniaster, and clever 'Biieechea were made by Rev oral present. Including the ladle. ' A apodal feature of the' occasion waa a toast to "Carolina," offered , y Mr. Cameron MacBae.v- -i---, --.i . .Those present were: . ; '-. " , Joe Boat and Miss Knty Norwood, of Knlfclmry ; Wm. ltltchie and MIks Mar tha llesti of Warsaw jiilcath I'cmlier ton and Miss IxiK Cmwell ; Ben Whit and Mlsa 1'at Ashcraft, - of Monroe; Itnthcrford McFadyen and ills Ade laide Harris;- Karl Brown, Jr. ; Cath erine Odmlman j 'Greenlee rtldwell ami Miss Itnf h crowell : Baxter (illtim and Ml EUahcth Smith j Far roll White, Luther Hartsell, Jr., Mr and Mrs,-Cameron MacUae, Mr. and Mrs. IMchard Gibson. Mr.. arid. Mrs, Eugene Barnhardt.Jr. , ' STARTING Bl'SSIAXS ARE 'yt 1 EATIJiO B0U1KS OP BRAIJ First OftlMal Kevert t Canalballsai. ( hlidmi Are Take. Out asd Left i Rira, DecJ S8. The Ural official re port of cannibalism 'In the . famine diafflota of Russia, has been made 1o the all-Russian soviet congt es .by Uc'sgate ovsienko. of samara, accord' inft to a dispatch to. the otUcinl Jtosta News neencv dated Moscow., "At Ramikovekay the' parish people are eating the bodies of their "lead, uvsetnko tow the congress.- "it n dangerous to bury, the famine vic tims. In. the oresence of the 'people, and guards must be kept over them until, they are In state.-that makes eating impooaioie. ..,!.,' Ovaeinko jtaid thit Dr. FVcdtJof Nausea hiph commissioner of the in ternational committee of Russlon' re lief, even though a hardened explor er, returned, to iMoscow sicKnu oy the scenes he wttnesaed In the strick eneil districts. The speaker said' that children are being taken to. steppes and left there to die; that mowers, maddened . by - their experiences,; cut the throats of their babies. -' - (At the .ibealnlng of January, con tinued Ovelnko, the Soviets, wltk all' their outside, aid, will be able to feed onlv half the starvlne children and ohly l-jo of the ndulls, Tne rest 01 11 2 il ....4 k a..-u. JU H.LII. , YOttK ROBBr:RIES '.", ? , , WUbtn the Past'. Five Dajs. Four Other Seriously Wounded. -C"r the Aw pmm.),, "-New Tork. Dec. 2t. Flw klied and fonr aerloasly wounded are the re sults o fthe last fire days robberies in New Tork City, which todny set police and Diatrlct Attorney's office bard at ,Work- to prove their oft-rcpeatctl ay aertlon thst-there has been no crim; wave thia year. . . . - ' Of the dead, two were holdup men. Great Decrease in (too Values, v Washington. Dec. 28.--The country's Important .arm .crops - were valued thia year at $S,6"r, MT.flOO based On prices paid to. farmers on December. 1, thp department; of ata'lcnltnra, an, nounced today. In it final estimates. The same crops, which comprise about 00- per ..cent of the value of all farm crop were valued, last year at $t,075,. 388,000.. V.v ,.-.:;v.. -y. i 1 The area, devoted to , Important crops this year was 38.S30,Ofl0, acres, compared with S40.0fl7.000 acres last year. , ' . ' ..:-; ': , ... Over 900 DoMirhbovs Sail from Eumpe -.-. to America.- -Coblenz, Dec 27. -Nine Hundred and seventy-one American soldiers, 22 omcers and an overseas casual de tachment of 38 men and 16 destitute former soldiers . left - here today for Antwerp, t They will sail for the Unit ed . State on board ' the.- transport Crook tomorrow. All the men- are from the second brigade. They ex pressed regret at having to leave tit- asmuciwaa the exchange- situation1 is favorable and the holidays are on. : Rev. Oscar Black welder will return to Roanoke tonight after spending the holndnvH. here: with hla parents, Mr. unit f ra' - Tnhn - A '' ttlflpb welrier. : . On 'North Spring street A .-.:;-.:.;:; iNNt'Al CAROLINA BALtv r - :.r WAS BRILLIANT SUCCESS '--vl-, v Dance' Given Latf Evcnlne in the Elks Club Nundier ef Visitors Present, Hie flnnnnt Carolina Ball, given by the student and alnmnl of the State t'nlverslty waa. held last evening In the Rlks Home; and proved the most tpterosting and brilliant aoelat event of the Christ mas season. ' 'llie ' dance hall waa elaborately decorated with Carolina' coiora, arid the blue and white color .''scheme.- was minutely .carried out. ' : '--':,,; i. -.""- :- . Dancing began at 10 o'clock and con tinued until Z, and several unique fen tnros'were ortered. 1 Hats, liorns and streamers .were given as fnvors. The club..figure was'' led by Ben White and Miss-; Vat Asbchraft, - if Monroe, and the Grand March by T, Hartsell, Jr and Miss Mary Heath Jonc,,'of Ijincaster. Tbee dances proved the most interesting , of the evening. .-;'.. ', .!.;.:-, Among' those dancing wcret Robert Bell with Miss Curtis Hen derson, of (Impel Hill ; Joe Boat with Mlm Knrv .orwoot. - or. siuMmrv : Earl Brown, Jri; with Miss Alh-e Browu; Greenlee" Caldwell' with Mls Ruth Crowcllt Baxter ; CUlonwIlh Miss Elisabeth Smith; l.uther Jlnrt soll Jr.. with Mba Mary Heath Jones, of Lancaster; - Rutherford MeFndyen with Mi.a-. Adelaide, Ihirris; Heath Pemberloiv, wlthi Miss, Lois Ctoweli ; William Ritchio Vtth - MIks Martha Itcst, of Warsaw; Wl Swink Jr. a-Ith'.Mis. McDowell,, of. Seaitle, Wash.; Bea White with Mlsa Pat Ash craft, of . Monroe; Ray 'Morrla .with Miss Helen. 'Carmnck, "of Charlotte; William Morris with Mlsa Kllziibotli, Harris ; Martin FoilwltH Miss Cather ine Goodman ; Ds. J. A. iSJiauem with Miss Ruth Cannon : ' Jonh Goodman wlHi Miss Bertie Willeford ;: Mr. and Mrs, S. I. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Rarnhnrdt, Jr. . Stags Marvin Iong, Garnh Propst, KarreU White, Miles Wolfe. John Webb, Jonea Vorke, Wm.Jnt, Zeh Morris,. Archie Foil, uarry t'auiweu Sam . -Smith, Robert , : Wearn, Fred Pharr,; Lauren- Chorlney and Frank Yorka, of Charlotte;, Lnke' Blackmer. Franklin Smith, of Salisbury. : , GOVERNOR SMALL FORMIIXV; CIIAKGED WITH ICMBEZZLEMEN'T Court Orders trial en 300,00 Embet alement Charge to Begin January 9., , Waukegon, IllvDec. aft By the As sociated Press). Judge-t;laire O. F.d wttrds -of -tho: circuit court of Lake County, today upheld the intiictment charging Governor Len Small with em bezzlement, of ".00,000 of state fumui anil nine of the thirteen counts .of an Indictment harglng, the ( jBovernots I.li-nt. Gorernot- Fred F.. StArlinin. and WipawHlit li WhWjUfatoa. I'urk. HU-with eormpinwyl wad oper atlng a vonddenca game Involving f2 00rt,OO0 tu Stuto money. ,';.. Thei court ordered the Oovernor1 to trial -on Jannnrjv 0th on the f.00,0ia) cmwjizlemeirt charge, The i charges against the -Governor and Lieutenant Oovernor and Mr. Cur tis centered around the alleged-Illegal practices during tho term of Governor Small, as-state Treasurer, ii7-iui!; and the term, of Lieut. .Governor Sterl ing N State Treasurer. 1010-102L;, TI1E COTTOX MARKET. , I s .Opened Steady' at a '.Decline of S roint to an Aovanre oi rqims. - .' .''i.tBy tfc :Artt Press.), '.' -. New York. Dec."20.-rThe cotton,miir ket waa rather .irregular and : nnM tied 'during ; today's, early. tnWig. Liverpool made fairly steady showing and there were reiterated report of favorable trade outlllk in-the cotton good market. After opening( steady at a decline of A points to no advance of ' 0 points, prices eased off .nndcr scattered realising' which came chiefly from Wall Stret and western sources. Cotton futures opened steady, Jan. 18:73; Mar. 18:80 May 18:32: July MUM; Oct l:a. ' $ll,eo FOB Pl'RCHASE OF " ( K.HETEK1KS Hi rJI KOI K i:rged by Secretary Weeks, $750,000 ,. E- . I.. 4.,W.1 ... - BJr the AsMHtiaiw Ptea '". Wasbinston.'t Dec, 20. The purr chase at an estimated cost Of $111, 000 of -seven tracts of land in Europe for permanent American cemeteries waa recommended' today by Secretary Weeks, who In a letter to Speaker Gil letr, asked also that Congrcs amake an additional 745,0t)0 available for Im provement of the cemeteries o tney will compare favorably with those es tablished by the allies for their way dead. ' r---" '-':s-..:vy: Vanltr RotUes 2.W0 Years Old. (Correspondence of Associated Press) , London. Dec, 12. A consignment of eastern vanity bottles 2,000 years old ha Just reached London. Some were found with mumies or j-;gypuan wn. men of fashion ; otbeM canio from a Roman tomb In Nazareth. The are atlbyium pot, from the toilet tables of vanished leauty. . stibium 1s a preparation of finely powdered antimony with which the Egyptian woman darkened their eyelids and pencilled their eyebrows Time has made these little vanity bottles very thin and irrldescent. They shine with toautlfnl prlsnmtic tint of rich gold, green, blue, purple and red. (When tney arrived, they were full of desert sand. Held against the light, thev" show that a" dark de posit has. eaten Its way into the giaftf ; it is 2tMntnrie old eye paint. . Two Killed in Bomb Explosion. ' Llabon. Dec. 2ft (By tho Assot-iatfcd Press.) Two persons were killed a4 Ave others wounded today through tho explosion of bombs, which tt i iicgeo, were tteing muuractorto u a bulldlag bclobgiog to tie Lisboa General Fedora Uou of Labor. .. borne arrest followed. The fomnmeat U maineawicc order aaa tea cu-tn-tn from which violence waa feared by the authorities are under anmlliaacN co;:ferei:ce ilmted t sul;,!,:'! issue Arms Delegates f Today E En. lered Negotiations Which Will Determine Suceess of the Conference.- , ROOT PROPOSES ' ' ANOTHER PLAN Would Giv6 France Subma rine Tonnage Desired. But Limit :' the Operations ' of ( tne uraits. . j . (lly ih AaMelarnl-flw.) .. Washingtonr. Dec."-2j. A direct Is sue as to whether fnUw? warfare shall bo conducted .uiulervthji' civilized rules was raised today by .ti)o American del egates before tliwarmsjconfcrcnce, nav al committee..., Tho Anterictfus all urg ed' the adoption of the- ltoot aesolntion and won the support of Groat Britain, But the French, Japanese. and Italian delegations, '' urged rensrence of ..the. matter to a commissi oh of experts. ' Root's resolution wWch would regu late the- use of -;sub9arlue t agalust merchant craft, waa sahjeet of spirit ed debate at the morning session ami action, on same was- iiostponed until further discussion could le had at an atfernoon session. t ; 5 TJnlimlted construct km of aircraft, but sharp delimitation!! of their uje in War times are understood to be. em bodied In ' recommendiationa . decidco upon, by the 'aab-committee on avia tion of the armament i conference.. Re port bf sub-commlitteewas said to be ready for presentjition; to the meeting of- the . land armaments committee, called for 8 p.. m. today. . '.' t ' , rWauhlngton,; Dec. art ( By tho. Asso ciated Itesst. It's hdVlon beclouded by mnny-elemcuts of tincertainty, the arras conference today entered a rilisse of Itw negotiations which will determ ine whether, it will he successful bi imposing 11 mltiHIous qn ' any ' Class of war craft except .capital ships; , - The immediate proposal Is-fore the naval committee wheni, it resumed -its session, was a plan ' of the American government to limit Ui. tonnage of air plane. Barriers to be maintained in fu ture; nnvlea of tlio powers. It-la rn thlo proposition and on the proposals to jnarrhffl taa Msaawhwajtnna aad the also of the Individual warships of tho auxiliary ..dasM' that the Ameri can-delegation now- piaa Its hopes of amplifying the - capital .' ship ngrcer ment already reached, but ' to which jFrance yesterdny attached a reserva tion a to replacements. - ' r -,; , Much attention centered about the proposal of Klihu Root, of tho Ameri can delegation; for a limitation of rub marine operations, although it was in dicated that so agreement on that fea ture was in alght. The delegations all haver indicated that they ileslre fur ther "instructions from their govern ment on the point, especially in view of Mri Root's suggestion that tho use of .undersea ra ft against tlie mer chant vessels i. be prohibited entivcly. and" thab anbmarlue mmmnqito who violate the laws he liable to trial as pirates. - - , . It was 'privately conceded in -all qnnrters that1 tho -negotiations on the remaining issue of the ' conrercncc had not been made, easier by yestcr day'8 pointed exchangea' in tho ituu niiltee session Which heard France's final refusal to lay aside her submarine program. The open dectllratlon of Ar thur J. Balfour of the Brinsn group. and Alhort flarraut of the FrUhch, re-' gawllng the future Anglo-French rela tions were talked of as forming an un usual chanter bf diplomatic history,,. lv.,. ana . oruwiuB ,n ins muM) conferenco at last the embarrassments that have complicated relations hc tween London and l'aris ever since the armistice, ; . ', '' t rre Import Duty ef $1 Barrel on ' 8r Ikr iiMdiM Pr. Waahlngtom Dec. 20. Aa import duty of 1 per barrel on crude oil wa.s urged herore the senate nnnnee com mittee today by Harry H. Smiith, of Tulsa, Okla., for tho Mid-Continent Oil. and Gas ; Association and the S'atlonnl " Association of Independent (Ml Producers. - - ; , . - : BEGIN NOW Hundreds people who have started SAVINGS ACCOUNTS with small amounts have lived to see their accounts GROW from $1.00 to $100.00, then to $1,000.00 and on up. - n 1 ' : - " v : v :' ;'v. ; 5 To begin your SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us - now is what COUNTS-afrer that saving becomes .'.a habit. '.:h'!yr r'Y'My's'. 4 Per Cent INTEREST COMPOUNDED JUAR. t ' - TERLY. ::i-':'0 :'y :t , JOIN OUR. CHRISTMAS, CLUB which is NOW open and have money ready: " for next Christmas. . - .-; Citizens Dahlr ahd trust Cbmpimy. Oias. B, AVarooor , X T. GooduMp- , . ' C f. I- Trowst rrslaoot ". ',''..''."' , Cashier Ast. tat-bier LONNIE WILSON PACES i ' - ! .,:. f. , SEVERALr SERIOI S FACTS Already In Jail I'nder Two fliorgrs . ami retire Are Ready With More ". .Warrants When He 1 Released, i " Ixinnie Wilson, young white man of this iClty.'l very- mts-li in demand by the police now. In recordor'a court J yesterday Wilson drew chain gang son tencca totalling lfSd-dny for carrying a concenliHl w4apon ami selling Ucmer, and when .Iheao'CflKea are Anally dis posed of. he having appealed, several oilier warrants will be awaiting him. - Police ."otBcer ; yesterday,- a f ternoon discovered fltt.OOO Piedmont cigarettes and 100 pounds of chewing t0hacco,'uo- ler his house on Powder street, 4The gissls, . the ;ofllcer's state, were stolen from a freight car. ; , 'V i . While oltkrs lmro were lis-allng this stolen property -Patrolman Henry.Fnrr was in ' Moorewllle Identifying sonic good Wilson had sold and, '..girrn away there, . and which the oHffcrs cdlnim, were. jtlca from a . store at ( taklsiro seiral weeks agd A silk val'st. and a piece of silk cloth, given to a friend In .Moorcsvllle by Wilson, were identified by the otllcer and tliei owner of the" Oakboro store, and last night the; Moorcsvllle orBcers" 'phoned ! hero that a suit of clothes Wilson old; In Moorcsvllle also had. been found. , ,-!-.: ! EFFORTS TO Rl'N DOWN ' MEMBERS OF MASKED MOB That Beat t'p Birmingham Attorney ; ituwt with but Little (Success. ,, (Br AsMctae4 Vtm.) - Ilirmingham, Dec. 29. ?lty' and County nnthorltlea had made little headway, they reported today, in tin effort to run down members of th? 'masked mob Who lured W. K Tnmlin, well known Birmingham attorney, to Red Mountain Tuesday night and bent him until) Mood streamed from scorea Of wounds on bis body. Tomlin was enticed from Ills home by a youth who pretended the lawyer was wanted by a patient In Red Moun tain sanatorium to draw up a will, When he had reached a lonely spot lu the hills. Tumlln told the solicitor, Tnmlin was sciaed by masked men who bound and beat him. The lawyer reported to Solicitor Tate that he was told he trust promise to remarry tils divorced wife, or death would be Im mediately, Inflicted.' v DRl'NKNESS INCREASED - IN CHICAGO LAST YEAR Report of City fCoSirts Show 51.000 Arrest This Year for Intoxication Agaiast 320S la U20, i'- - tttr Aaselate Vmm. Chicaogy Dec. - 20. The annual re- port "of tho municipal courts of Chicago submitted -today-' byi .Clerk 1'Jaa. ;A. hcrfct ing arraigned for intoxication in lt2l, On against :t2,v' in 1020. The report followed tho action by the City tJouncil yesterday. In voting 52 to (i for a resolution, demanding that Congress and the . state legisla ture authorise the manufacture, sale and distribution of "wholesome beers and light w lues." ' . BRITISH SCHOONER FTCX , ; - OF LIQl'OR IS SEIZED Golden West With a Cwrgo of Alcohol and Liquor Aboard, 8eiied by Coast Guard (Hitter. , . v iBr ! AawM!laa "rvu.i Boston, . lec. J 2iX-r-The . British schooner Golden West, jrith a cargo of .alcohol aud se liquor aboard was seiaetl by the- coast guard cutter Acu shnrt -while at anchor outside this port, it waa announced 'today. Sue was towed here by the eutter this morning and turned over to customs officers. Tlie.latter ald they had received word that the liquor' laden vessolj flying the Union Jack said to be owned by for mer Boston '"liar tender, was Isinnd here from Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1 The Reds Give Deb a Big Greeting. (Br the .tiMorlatca ITn. Terre Haute, Iud.j Dec. 20 fiagene socialist leader, paroled several day ago from the Federal Prison was restlug at his home' here today following a routing home com ing celebration tendeml hlui liisf night liy thousands of followers and fellow Itownspeopel. Relatives- nnnonncd that for the next few days Mr. Iens probably would remain in the seclusion of his home. Persons in the big crowd which formed about Deb's home were decked in red hats, carrying red tire and with large red flowers. ) A philosopher is too often a mAn who Is pondering over the mysteries of life when he ouaht to be making a ll Ing. PRESIDENT HARDING AND i MRS- HARDING MTO a RECEIVE Gathering at the White House Monday to Extend Wishes Foa a Happy "'New Year. v". Washington, J). Dec. 20. Seldom has there been a gathering - at the WWJe House sd fraught with elements of interest as that Which will essemble on Monday to extend to the Prcsideiit and Mrs. Harding wishes for a happy new year.. It will mark the resumption of a.- time-honored and popular custom after a lapse Of .nearly a decade, and it will also afford to a large part of the public in , "Washington their first onoortunitr to meet the nresent Clilnf 1XIZ T; ",iHt.mw ,? Tbe custom of holdlns it nubile re ception at the -.White- House on New i'ear's Day la more than a century old, beginning with ,the levee held by Mrs. Washington at which all tho guests Were seated and served with tea. cof fee, and "plain i-ante and plum." Through each successive administra tion, with few interruptions,, the cus torn -waa -continued until the begin ning of President Wilson's admliilstra. tion. Now such a long time has elapsed since tho- last function of the kind and there have been so 4 many change among the personnel -of the staff at the executive mansion that those In charge 1 have been obliged to look up the past records in order to' arrange-Hm pro gram an. that' the guests will be re- entVAfl 111 ItprairftiilliXk n-IIH' im.aim1oimw and that all of the oilier elaborate de. tails will be given proper' attention. Official business of all kinds will be shelved in Wnshlngtou during the day. The social festivities probably will begin -with a hreakfast at tho home of the Secretary of Htale and Mrs. Hughes.-' for ambassadors and ministers and I liclr- wives, together aith those delegates to the arms con ference still remaining in the capital. Tlien comes the White House recep tion, to fx4 followed in tho inte after niton - with receptions at the homes of the several cabinet omcers, and at the homes of many Senators aud "many Representatives. Jinny diplomats will also keep open house. ,1 , . -, Tho White House reception will ls dlstlngulshett by tho attendance of diplomatic representatives of nearly all the nations of the world, of of ficials from every branch of the gov ernment and of citizens In every walk of life. The first greeting of the day will fie extended to tho President and Mrs, .Harding by tho Vice President, mem ber of the cabinet and their ladies. These feUeltntioiis probably : will be exclianged In the private rooms on (he second floor of the mansion. While, the presidential party Is gathering above .there will be another assemblage the state dinlua-room on. the-' first of their respective courts, will be the diplomatic representatives accredited to ihe 1'uite.l states. The line will be tended, by M. Jussemnd, the French ambassador and denn of the foreign diplomatic corps. Tho dt'seeut of the president I111 party 'from the private rooms to the JSluo Room will lie one of the iiiowt picturesque features of -the day. As the President and Mrs. Harding .start down the staircase, followed by others of the receiving party, a flare of trumpets will resounded through the historic mansion. The Marine Band, lu brilliant scarlet Uniforms, will Ikv stationed in the stately halt '. Chief Justice Taft and the associate justices of the Sunreme Court of the United States will lead , the entire Jmliclary present, after which will come the senators and reprcsenta fives, the military and naval contingents wtll follow, together with the nfliciuls of the Government, representing the various departments and nil important bureaus. ReprcsentatlvcK of the vil lous patriotic societies will have honored places in the line. The func tion will end with tho reception of the general public, thousands of whom pnVbahly will be on band to extend their felicitations to the President and his wife. ; Sliriiirrs Meet at New Bern. New Bern, Dec. 20. The mid winter 'ceremonial of Sudan Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine Is In session here today with about 1200 Shrincrs ami N) candidates in attendance. - The bus iness session liegun nt 10.30 a. in. in tbe Masonic Tc.mple' " John II. An derson, of Fayettcvillc. -was eiicted Potentate, succeeding Wm. R. Smith. KlUf-ton was selected as the city for the summer ceremonial of 1!C2. The Lord Chief Justice, the highest salaried judge in Knglnnd, receives $10,0i0 a year. , Put Your Money to Work IN OUR . 7 v Savings Department' ; ' " . . ' :. . - - Where It Will Earn For You 4 Per Cent Interest ' s , Compounded Quarterly ; . New Interest Quarter ; ; : START NOW- , Bring Y6uf Pass Bo6k in Every Quarter for Inter- - v . est Credit and Watch Your Money Grow -. v - - cADAnnus savings DAr;:c , , CONCORD, N. C. , EKGLAflD'S VIEW OF Newspapers of Great Britain ii Express Much Regret That ' French Will Not Change 'Naval Proposals. I ENGLAND ALSO TO HAVE MORE SHIPS The Liberal Newspapers Con demn France, Accusing" Her of Haying v Adopted Imperialistic Aims. ' " : lmlon, I ee. 2i) tBy the Assoclatiil Press). Xows of-France's action 1s?-foi-e the Washington nrinnnieiit confer. chop In "refusing -to accept aji ollot-' ment of submarines of less than 00,00) , tonal was printed' In London newspa- jiers tolny- under-(iiptiiins' indlcatlug llsnppolntment. r A-. . The Time.-, while avoiding any re crimination against France.- deplores her decision, which it . thinks 'may have a regrettable effect usn tho iur tltude of. the American s-oplo toward ;, many lni)0!'tniit pi-olilcms." aml claims . that Orear. Britain.: will lie obliged, hiiwiwer rclnctunlly, to build 1 lstli submarines and light cruisers to an amount coriiiiiensiirntc with the French figures. . Fnmce's attitude Is strongly .'con- . (lenineil by', the lllwral uewspnlpers. which regurd her as liiiring .adopted i imperialistic aims, such us she attrllH uted to ticruiaiiy. Naval Poliry for Spain. Madrid, IH'C 20. Adoption' of a naval policy for Spain must be under itaken 'Imtnediately, declares the Kl Debnte today In discimsing the Wash ington confeit-nce. It argues that, a (further conference must, be be d t'if? coming year hi Europe in order to decide on the strength of the tiav.il forces in the Mediterranean and that Spain must Is? prepared for such a conference since she cannot lie exclud ed from delmorations as in the cast; r.f the WnshiuKton sail viiig Willi Our Adiertlscrs. - ' llo.w about a box of Wiley's for - a New Year gift? This cnudy is sold by ln&niajriPbffrmslcy. See new d. lMiii,v. .'lou cahiret a or kind 'of iiisuraucei toaa . Aok KCggpaj'reTw in tin t ti. trt ". sad lk to -tliein -about llio Various forms they offer aft w- reading enrev fully new ad. In this paper. v w Before." real winter sets la you hud better have your plumbing exaininiil by an expert. Call E. B. Grady, us ad vised In" a new ail, .today. ; - The II. B. Wi'lkinsiui Furniture Store has au ml. today that will please llief' IMitron--. Don't full to read It.- . .,-,. ' The Lyceum attraction, the Princess Xadonis Indians,"at the Central GruK" ed school tonarlit, will Isvone of the most Interesting nunilicrs of the se ries. The Ihive-BoNt Co. nro the exclusive iknlcrs here for sevcrnl splendid lines. See new ad. Y Lizzie' Harris, colored, died" at her home hotv last . night, licr denth fol lowing a strofco of pnrulvsis. In Florida Waters are to be found six hundred and fifty species of lish. LYCEUM TONIGHT CENTRAL GRADED SCHOOL . 8:00 P. M. Admission 50c and 75c Starts' January 1st - ;. i