o o 6 o o o o a O-ASSOCIATED a O PRESS a O DISPATCHES O oooooooo j JNE J i! u TCI) AY. ' o nOGOvOQO VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1921 NO. I. JL I. . IP 1 rET".I!iT LOS rrn: i n ( .LLILJI.u hi5 .,.,1 Get Together Meti:-js and l.-fcrmal Conferences Tq- , day cf I.lkslonpry Leaders of Southern Methodism. Til" FORMAL OPENING TAKES PLACE TONIGHT Bi he? Darlington Is Presid ing O.ncer for Opening Session Plans For Arous ing Greater Enthusiasm. 7 she Airtato rrrw.1 - Memphis, Twin, Jan. SI. -Oct to cher" meeting anil Informal confer -cum of missionary leaders or the Methodist Kpiwoixl -Church..-. Smith, wore in progress lirre today preliinl-nnrr-to the fnrnml opening tonight of t-tuirchwlde funfvronm of bishop, unwitting cider.- and renreneutatlvr f missionary and connect iuna I bonrils.C. W. Swlnk, ....i.. In "Ink Woe" of tbe accomplishments! A. S. Webb of tho f'-mtonary MI-lniiar.T l"mn IMlKn.' Immrontml n Wlfc bb iior-'Ifr. H. J. nankin ...r...t. tnt plao for th wnalnIor of .thn'M' Ra It. Maml -..-....4 tiTe-jr retttcnarj' inrlort. . ,- Mlaalonarr trcretarira from all the. bom conference anil rcpresrntativM of the rnnreh In aercral forelirn mls KionH are expeeted to attond tlic. oon forenee. ,- - ... Illxhop V'. V. F. rarllii(rtnn, at West Virginia, waa annonneeil aa preoldinit oilltt Utr tM oix-nlng nonloa tonight. 1'lana for . armiKlnit (rrentrr entUiH liiwo amotiat ' Uin membe.ra of tbe rhurch In the nltimnte mierea of the eamnalini ln.hUh !W.0l)a00O -wan plMl(m -for-hanu; und foroiQt mlsslmi- ary wont win uc uiniiMwa. nun n er turt laanehed to collect M.OQftono -in ontRtaudlng pledges In order that the t ontojjflry . coiniulttee mn; no before the General Confcrene In Hot iMnsta In Xtay, with the full aouMtttt due at that time In the treamrry. Consldern yon of this lnteiilro enaipalgil tot the uwtt three montiiB will bi the priuei- 'pal aubjet lifkei up nt the II1111I Oav vi the' oonferepee, hUh .tyll! eontluue , Ure Jayn. v. ... '::,.. ,v BOSTON MOB WANTKU ..''.'' ' -..TO LYNt I! NEfiKO it hun into fatrot iafcou. Ho4on, Jaa: SI. Slit.? patrolmow, , Armed wh ; riot gilnw, battled; niorittHcerNi ibrniit'lihont thv wiIihjIbs D- tnnn an now enriy oiay ailaiimt Jton - - r.r Murray, 'a negro, who barricaded himaejf In 111 home lu the StmtU End, ahot aiifl eeriothil" wonndod' two pa trolmen, a negro, and a negreaa, ,aud net tire to a bed In which nn infant lay. , Murray'lmrrtiiderad .olhirt whrah,4ptentoitleerHlirbkedow'ty'the.hotiN and forced - her to accompany door of th hmiae, ; - I them lb to t be woodii half a rallt; a wny. -. Hbonta'tif ""lynch hltnf ir?r"jhiifle;Vite ald. ITieir-.they tied her to -a by a JPToWd 'fhat ftniSlit ltf itet'at'Wifcllree. ahe. anld, and hisbetL her ; wllj He waa-ronirhlv- hnndled before '.fhe om-erxi)iit Mm' In if fuitrol wagon Tha'tronhhr began '. when; Xlnrray JeWl a negr.teniint and fired !wt-i r-ral ahots ntr i'""'t . Itryan Give $100 te WiLsou Fluid. ewr.york Tlmen. '.-,'. i mrl The Woodrow - Wilson, Foundation coinmitteea.- In: this State ' aMioiinneil . j-eaterdayv- Umt they had- eomnleted thejr orgonlwillon for Mb raising, of U!10' J,hu fn0 f" "lof her aBaallanW.., Wi did not explain S 1 .0W.00O,-wbktt la to be naed, tu. the why d M IKlt tnp-r arrwifc ,-, L, ' 71 '' T ., ''J putmc serTiee. it was annotuicca auw that word bad been received bew hat! i 1 . B,, ,7 ' mV.ii, V , fuail ta Florida- waa W'Uliuui Jenulng llryan, who waa rtecrolary of State in tho flmt part of the tlrxt term of Fraa. Ident Wilsoo. . Ilia contribution ..waa $100. . , ..."' - ' ' ' T tap Machine Ouna -on Bandits. ' (By Ik AmmImmI tr4M.i -j nttaburRb, Pb;,' Jan. 3i-Tb6 pill-1 ehe of two -machine gana and an automobile upon whleh . to - mount - them waa authorised late yexterdny by Alleghany comity coinmlBslonem. The weapons are. to be used to aid in eoiiibatllng bandits, it was said, and their purchase waa authorised -follow ing blwervation of tho eonnty court on the Crnft Bank robbery Friday when robbers -escaped after killing the as sistant cashier. Tho machine guns will cosh $-t."0 apicco and the automobile. $4,000. " " At The Theatres. Oarcth Jtughi-s is tho star at the Mtar today in that great feature niMilu r,CTm,lh " ... 'Oar- Miss llnl'oirt Is playing the lending rolo in (ho I'nlversnl feature pisture,' "False Kisses,'' at the Pastime today, j The Piedmont again today la egor- lag "Honeymoon Kanch," a wojiUTn . drama, and a big Clyde Cook comedy, I j . - , j . ' 1 ' I Fatterson-gerliter, ' 1.000 atrlking memlra of the Amal On January 28tb, 1H22, at T odoek' ganiatcd Meat Cutters and Butchers' p. m. Mr. Guy W, Patttrson and Mlas , workmen of North America at a union Mary Hechler, both of China Grove miun meeting last night voted to cull township, were married at Lutheran 0g the strike effectivo in local pack Chapel parsonage -at China Grove. U1r plants since December 0. A rese ller. C. A. Jlrown omciated. jmin tno, bride nnd groom' are vplcudid young people and have a large circle of friends, nil of whom wish for them a long, nappy aim prosperous imv - , 8;x Dead In Mine Explosion ,'. I Pinevlle, Ky., Jan. 81.-The death ' toll of the explosion last nifiit In tho Ijiyman Calloway Company's mine at Ijiymon near here today renciied six when the bodies of the two men, John Man u 1 bis S4HI. Jess aiiirtin. werr foiuel l v rt-Ni o'-is. '1 wo 0 . a in jure! I 1 t'.s c - '! are l.i coiio. . ..a lu a h' ,.nul here. rlous, woonnow wnwv poind vno Artir fmi;n Nr M to Ralte Ow N i . .! IMtara. T1i folios lug -sil,i-ilptl,MI klie twv recoiled : Tnlsine anj Tiovo , fwjao v. it. riiiMT am It. J. kU hmnot t. It. W. C. IlAatua, . in.nn J. r. Allison ipjt fx I mm Black . Burs Hianter D. A. B: -- Son Homer H. vVlarcou" . 2.00 ilrn. J. M. Oriell ln.l J. II. Wnmhle , a.OA Z. V. Tbornhurg ... -. l.Ofl Mm. Frank Armilcld son 1.00 I.iiO 1 ml I.O11 Its t . J. 11. iiiuute W. W. llolman ., J.Jt. Moose ,.. ti. F. McAllister . It. McKachem i ' Brown McAllister ,.10 .V.l IT. W. I. Femberton IjW D. II. Pitts ..,. S.Oi Jul I MngriHlej Book Club 10.0 Miss K'rra Hani 1.11 lllw Kathleen Wilson 1 t.m Tial si...-.i.;... -!.m - TUe followlnK has heea -aulwcrlbed through Ml Unaa Mund: - J. L. IlartnelJ 1.00 XI ra. W. O. Cawoll . i ' 2.0" Dr. R. XI. Kinit iJ- - . II. I. Woodhoiwt ,.. fi.tit) Uliai Untf King i. ..v..- 1I1.IKI LOO 1.00 5.00 1.IK1 W. O. CaaweU :t.oo It. E. Harrla. Jr. v- u-V '? lrof. J. n. flohextuon ' S Jim. 1). L. Rout t '- l.oO XIlsS Clara OiHon .J..'' 1.00 Mr. Ilicbmond Heed . 1.00 Mr. I. B. Boger ' 1.00 Cas 1 00 U T. Hartaell .-. , 10.(X Chan. N. Field ..J.-.- - - '.2.00 Mm. J.' U rannoB. 1.mi . VL Harris, Jr. . t. I. n. Mnmon J..w 200 - 1 01 SIrR. A Koil Total . ..tj--.".... W30O Oruml TCuW' r lft2 1 "flrthatvlntiAnii iA KliA fnHil will W elo)ied BnJ tlM! moiMr for1irded thli. wek. !A DEFIANT WOMAN WHIPTEI) fiefosal U tiave tmmunl(y Caused . Laahlnx, We Stale ' Naw 'Madrid. Xlo.. Jan. 28. SJeyen aiarrlod. inlddhHiged men. who, It Is uhargeiU recently-ctWRtlaed a . yoiiiig wournn whom they auxpeetnd of lend ing; yonthn aatray. are under bond ttwiiilin iritil i "AtuUliewn. artir iwn. ' aiielr aenwer in Mi Iiernlee-.J'hll; ll(S as yeara. oUt.- Her;sefiwinl 1 leuro "Uie eomnmnl t n 1 e fW .1 ho- f- mnlKT 15,' iu .which th aevi ;iii. niaHktd and disgiiitied, are iallKCrt to bave-narth-hMiteil.- lii'' W, i3,imu lies:. J'MIh 1'hilllpa.nild lUie was at -home with . box mother nnd -niall hrotliM- when bP'i nient' arnied, entered.!; he hoMi. '''Thty-:iraKgeAi - bar from' tho nloceR of tooR' " 1 .-i-vi yi. ; ix an A ft or i tho whipping, ohe. raid,' tho men nvarned .aior attain -.to leay!.isthi-eonraiunlty.-r ,.-. it t-f .h;f '' Tlie-mert liehl. ar Ben MoHer, Slnr lo Rogi-rx. Jemi I'hlffer, I 1C l'hlitir. Charlea Phifferf Nolan XIenott and Frank 8uf toa w All an iuiUI to bear good reputation is Xlatthewa. Kitcb n-as rclcamt on w JS00 boral, peniling t I., nCnii-U ii-i .h ---ivmii-wi ii few days ago. , , ...t. inca,n.i i)e ,n IreUlIM, who apeak and nn- idoratnnd no languaaf but irwi. Young Man Drown in 13, lathes of : Water. '-. -. KlnSton, Jan. S0-When - small roadster turned turtle oh a road near Ormondsville lata - last ' night David ("ox, 22, anto supply station employe, waa drowned m 13 inches or water, and IiU Whitener. drug clerk,- was Injured.- Cox and "Whitener were en route ta Kinston. The uiachiim land ed in a ditch with both men beneath it. Whitener. unable to help- himself. heard a "gurgling ound'-where Cox lay. 1 Two boura later Whitener- calls t( r help wera hearU lie. will probably recover,. Quake Was an West CoM of South .America, -(By tha.AaaMlatMl PrM.l , New Tork, . Jaa 31. Oeologisls' In New York seeking to locate'the earth quake which' today shattered scisrao- graphs in various parts of the United J mates estimated that tho shock ortgl- luUod along the wont coast of South Amerh-a, somewhere between the Panama Canal sone and Eeuatlor. ' i . ; 1 "'"- - Mesi Ostlers Vote to Call Off Strike, (By ta AsaaeiaM ptmh.) flmnh. Vfth Juii At ..Mam ihnn n,tlon ending the walkout was passed almost unanimously. amirdlng to lo- oil badcrs., I , Loss Only - About $10,000, 1 Danville, Va Jn. 30. Tho 'os incidental to the burning of tho Hwt:rn trnltway station yeHterday la ' not as heavy as flint estimatoB bud it. Snyder DoBntts, chief clerk of Superintendent A. D. Shclton, said this morning that $4U,000 rwould rover the damage, this sum not tak ing into consldrrntoa tlis claims hlrh will have to bo paid on burned .ba;gu6. , ' ' ( " ' U 1 TTTTT" r ---m r- 1 SM I " IRL TMPPEKS' A Flapper Iat UM WW Believe That Penwnallty ta Only Phyaira!.. - (By the Awnrlac Pre.)' ' Berkley, Cal.,' Jim 31. Annroxl- mately: 2.1)00 "rtapperrf' ; are on the UBIveriilty of Calfornla Ktuden rolii.. Ansa Mary Ido Bentlcy, -foiia''-. oe- retary of . the f an-tVancIscj Ymin? wonreni Carattan Axaociatlol, . d;. dared In an adilreaa here. t - "Klappent." Ills8 Ik'nrley said. '"nre girls who iM'llmo personality 1, ..plijn-, leal who- eoii'!(lir all advir as atrftcl, who love conttnuat change. whifonverso (11 ireiiernHtieR and who are, ,ln ( many! Jilhor. luatitutlona . lonrninK. ' v , '-'m. , "To praenf a picture bf tho nor mal glrln na,rte oKiata.iiuay U - a "i- naa -no : averace, ah,; Bas no groun-itle? 6ha to n Btranur -to ihar- actf aometimoH especially ,Wi- Mrs. or 4icr own ianjllyw-aiMt, canrvHi no, vompareo mi isn utnii or .pie""rramoa iar r- time wnon loreiHR want- VltatmgiM. fit - srtrittttar ii5?ni'l '"Wftiinreittnnntod to' thiuk dfiu hen tas llvine itnna- spirit: -of masquerade. 10' vapidly and completely, rann the aaiiume different and dlillcilt roka of accomplishment; ; ' vsw- wi -i "Shei tantalixea u; liBi-tho ulninle ' nCB of her Rrtfuluesa and yet un-! real nefC -We- nnd her light-heart- edl'which.ia tlio.pi-1. alirdlneashrdh) um.i Slw heltevea-, with Btvf asoni 'tbatvto have missed the Joy ia to Imve .mla I td tt-ulh'-i We Bnd 'heit barboriagl secrets and- Imbcddod anKtlons whtcii : are, her hidden ;treaura4n the mys- terioua discovery of : herself, as ,3 r a. J private, individual ,Jf we da 'snot understand -these .sVniptloms .we .call it temperament and try.,to dbspose of i tho Kltl ..m dimcuH.i aisQipiinet.;- . - ;.,r,stit Action on the rcsoliitlon iOIIered in "r 9 ..-" "', i7 ''' " -. ?;tj "1 the Henatn -by Wenntor Capper; .of Kim Staunshlp gmiav From Chiraira ( to rH-nvlding for inveirtlgathHi .ba- thiat Philadelphia. iCblcago,! Jan.' 31. Without . wnit- &' 7u.tZ- n. FkiV ni ivuiu vy ui 0.-fa viiu nsjv 11 1 r um - left uiai Bivaiunuiji . nvi v ivv ur. , mm ; delDhia next summer, accoraing - to I rlnlnnia tiAYt. Klimnvfr nycomtn- to otnclala of com-nany. the Clilcogo .:. -fefcamsh'.p Five ocean koine ateamers . have been .purchased to - start ine f line. All the ships come within' th, pres ent dimensions of the Wellund- canal locks, o they f'can pass, from the lakea to the St. Lawrence s "J ' ; - One of the vessels, the George Y, Clj-de, left Philadelphia from Chicago several weeks ago loaded with sugar, but after being buffeted by winter gales off the Nova Scotian coast, was ummn. ana is now nem M ng nir hmw; , ioe- o plough throiiglr six inch k lll UJJCll. utnen, pi 1 1 1 d I lu 1 v . . Clair has been , jammed . with, thicj; Two Other ships, purciiaS'Mi troul the shipping board at Seattle, are outfitting therefor the r,p tiaL .?m. irlo w "ilt ftrtW th t the wmpahy In, tl fenc. .The aume trlp.was Kiiplci, f . ,mruiiar, . : last summer oy u POwenKBi- i. ..- , . . . er Petoskey,. formerly ln the bcattle Aiasaan service. ... , ....... , u "J olemR?,I, TS.un.rr. purchased two other tramp iteamers. one of which Is, now at a cuoan port and the Other at Philadelphia.' The fir's ships will make regular porta of all Including Detroit. Sto Que."rN7w"York treat. iPhlladelnli Hosklns, general manager of ha line. , - justice nays immiunn iinprovom ; (Hy-ia AnH9isie rrrw.r. Wa8hinglon, Jan.' Rl Justice Day of the Supreme tourt. who has btH:lH lD franc, one of . which was confined to his home for several oy spcciiilly minted as n standard for the with a henvr Cold, was reported today ot tguo 0f Xntions, and af ns much tmproved, ; , ; ; -.'-ttwrwante pnnentcd to Sir Erts Dnim- J'- : '"' " '., " " iniomL the secretory of the lAfnguc, Tribune on Sale in Kannanolto Daill . Hie Ihillyi Tribune will Is? on: .sale nt Kunnapolls eoeh Hfterixsin In the fiK lure at the itand of Mr. 0. B. Hoffman,, who bss been handling the p.ipen, lliere for the past several weeks. ' r Deaf, Dwiili and Blind SCHVVA1IB OJ TARIFF f fllrea Tlewa on a letter tteai to the - Satlonal , tMiH-tla of Aaaafae. tiirerit. '; f:; , - - (By (fee.AsnwuHrd rfc) '.vi 1 Washington, Jan.t Sl.o- tariff bill 'Will -biilM the j foundation for prosperlly.l. unlesjt ;t pi-vide an American baala to VMned,' the ;holo In our present la wS-. which tne fluc tuation in foreign crt-hungy nnn torn in M,". fhaa. M. -Soiwab, of New Ypr,k, deeiared i a le'ter' read to day before the . Ttei-ifT Convention here' ot tho. National AsHoctatloii' of Manufacture, v by J.' E.. tMaerion. president of the Arnoiciation. .: 1 -Today, -we are c4nfrontcd "with a iMi-de weaknem -mtr " tariff i polley.j wnu-n i- anei-un-f -'injuriously " me ,!'- Jl'r: Nchwnb nld."!'Ehietuntioiis In- 1 foreign .,: exchange - are - plitytng iheid-'i:havoeHWith 'waga and dnifctfs.. tfe- Caiiae 1 our - present - tariff -laws 1 were teyi were "noiinals thry ar'loduyi . tiialiy inoperative aa. . far aai protecw lng- 'la-bor and .industry or yielding revenue arc concerned." ' - in ,. Hf t : 1 '. TOTAL DEVTIIS. M.ti f -vi Final 1 ami jOfleial IJw ofIMBUMFln, ;' :- KnirkerbocherIMaaNlnniiitiH ,. '-.' By -a-K-if-t rt . , Waslilngton, Jan. -Xlnety-seveu nersoiw .iM-owlIng to.the finul aad oui- urr Hat tiiwl tmlnr bv the District t .pnimhia authorities, -viost i-rtbeir m ln .thofeollaiiRe- eatnrdavfniglit under a IwrVlen of snow, nf tlie Kniek jerhoekortTheatre roof. Any additions, 1 , tho- Hat. -ir wnu said, wnnld iresult frnm tlwiatal termination of uijuries;! snatninrd: by other T:lrtlins. ii body of ihp diwster. probably will lie delayed-'-a Amy or two; The resolu tion hail JJeen reported favorably by the Senate, audits aim control com Iflsirict or coniuUMii commirtec nerore I . . ... ...... bin committee. lBxwnsstBted, desired to make a survey of tbo-inteaiplatod action by tho District tinthorities be fore supporting Jlie Clipper: inquiry, 1 Thd ronditiou ttf Edward It. Hhaugh ness.v:vof (.lilcago second Assistant postmaster? Gennml, who,; with - his wife and two daugliUinwiwere Injured In the crash, wwidcKibl , today , ns greatly Improved. J- s With Our Advertisers. ; Cllne's Pharmacy has every-klml of B.1..i.!iim. rcMi. Its, In nnmnlnfn (i lirl Tn)- goutucrland-Wakcneld Co., of cbarlothy, : has ail ad.4n this paper to- lnillly tnt'win pf mnrh lnterest to vnu. Head it caremiiv The Bell A Harris Furniture Co. has Just received- a - car load of Schultz l'lanns and Players, nml the comiwny 1 ;s making nttractlve prices on the, tn- care- this 1 iwirrr ttt itiiuwi uium" uiMin,-' . m -, r,,.,-,,, .w hats of ,distlnetlon nt iFhilier'a,'- Also charming new frocks : lor niisstw Him . women. r l""ri i. in . , . .... I. having, too.-a very special sale, of nor itlty alUj' glove hosiery at only-$1. OS a pair. Sec big ad. on page livo. The Soerialtv Hat Shop Is now dis playing the newest models In early The company guarantee being receiv ed daily at Hoover's.' Si'holile hats. Imin-. n.,H Hs.-u, n.1,1 nniit anil ninnr 1 ,hIs. IHml toil toscc newad. . Tim innllnut m.lrl iVIoc In the world . Fsmous medical specialists in Ln-i don are having to take up general practice acaln, ai the people today are neither willing nor able to paj" them high fees. 1 r :'..$. 1 EFFORT FAILS To Limit' the Author y ei tbe Pro. - posed Itrbl Kefauiling Commission. ; . , . (Uy Ike AmsrUIrA Vrm.t VI - , Washington. Jnri :tl A provision In flic allied debt refunding bill which would have, giveu tho proposed debt (iiminission Authority to "adjust and sr.ttteie all claims the I'liltcd" States has, or hereafter may hare- agninst any foreign- government.'.' was strics en eut ttslrty byrfhe !eniite- -J . 1 Washington. Jan. 31. Another ef fort to limit the authority of the pro posed debt' refunding commission to defer interest payments on the in billion foreign-debt' -failed toany 1 in senate.; ' ' Aa- 'amendment by '(senator gimmons-Wmosrsrr from"7Jorth Carl ollnu.; which 'wojilrt' V-have1"- provided thirt- inlet W -pj:io.irt s cc.il. I postponed, for mora Uian turee years without1 conenti of Coiitti ess,-. wan re, jeotisl'itl' tow. V-iOiilvXtaW ns-.. (ti Four Hemi'i)iicftti--Johnsim,i Ladii, LKoHctt and hSorris joln'd with itho solid Democrat minority: in support ing: tho amemlment. . Tho vote win fifteen untniites nf tor the senate con. v.Mied, and nd t dincuesion i prccadod It I ' ' . l I V r rimuilor Slniinoas offcrod his wHilicr bamis eniendiuent but later u with drew It i- . , 1 -)vs-i.-- n . ..) . - v SENATOR KKVl'ON HAS' - ' l '' v t ACt'EPTKD .Il-DCiESlIIP Nominated bv President as - Federal , . . Judge for the 8th Circuit.' i ,?i . I (By the AmMlatnl fnp. : 1 il.AVashlDgtoii,! Jan", 81'. Seniito KeU' yon, of lown, nnnoliuced todoy that he. would accept the nomination Fed eral Judge for the Sfh' Circuit hauilen to him by President Harding and sent lo the 8ente. " : The Semite soon after-receiving the nomination confirmed it, In ,nM'n,.,:.nii honor rarely paid, to niemliers. Senator. Kenyoa. .who entered the Kenate in 1011, is one of tho lenders of the' agricultural bloc, was: under consideration - by the President last October fisr tlic Feileral Jndgashlp for northern Iowa district. The sena tor was Informed, that ho could .have the appointment If he so deslred, but after considering tho nintfer decided he .coidd be of greater publls service by remaining In the Wennte. ' ' The eight .circuit, - to which f five judg are assigned includes tlic states of Minnissotta, Xlossouri, Iown; Arkan sas, Xelnaska, Coloniilo. Kansas, Oklii- homn, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and .North and. Mouth Dakoto. '(he salary of a circuit judge Is $t,S0O nnd that of a United States Senator $7,nt)0. ,.;7 GOVERNOR I.KN RXIAIX , ' .. IYE. SEPARATE TRIAL Win Not Tried at the Rome Tune '.Vernon Curtis Is Tried. " ' (Br lk VsaaeiateO Hrtrnrn. . - Wnukegon, III., Jani' St.- Governor ljcn Sinnll trnfay was granted a jrnna- rnto trial by Judge Claire . C. In wards' on the charges ,of conspiracy to cmhesxle Stutn funds, for which he was Indicted jwlth ..Vernon Curtis: of Grant, Pnrk.i. 111. ( Beprcsentativca of tho Attorney. General's otlice,- ami Prosecution 5 Attorney . Mottluicr, of Sunghnrn County, stroiurly miposed the separation of the trials for .the two defendants. , ; (, .' ..; Charlotte Auto She Flans Are An nounred. . s.- Churlotte Jan. ,.30.Tho uto show of the Charlotte Automotive) True Association for 1022 will tie held In, tho city Auditorium, according to a iTopnrt made at tlmwwkly luncheon of the association tmlay in the Chamber of t'onamerce nmius. The exhibits may lie limited to passenger ears. , t ' ' I" I 1 nil.., , ' ' ,, v, Brtlish Isles Clmllciige V. 8. y (By ' Asaaeiated Pre-a. ' Lpndon, ' Jan. 51. The lawn tennis association announced this afternoon that the British Isles had challenged America for the Davis Cup. ' "Petticoat coming hack," says an optimistic pessimist If It does; about two feet of It will show. - . now ron ark mvof. TW FJeetl of FesM or CoMetac B-we. Jan. 2S.-1 toe rto.ii.si Pau Itr lisi-Lir dale fl lb Middle Agra, la am-ira? tinea the rr4r af the Hoinaa eb-rgy. cast la the pcMi f I be faithful, was tbe rtxrt lie power; hut as the lapal rtigniiy lurresaed lo wealth and pk'i4"r II hr iwine aa objert of aailsllnn. la tbe yar ttymmaiHlns ens-d law whli-h drtlnllety sMIk-d tbe nnd of ekctino. hnl It was not until Wt. un dpr Nh-holaa II, that the. Iapary was coaiplKty pmnrlpaied from the tern porsl a in bi lion nf lis adlwceots. Tlic wird "t'om-lave" ram Into nar alsiut tlw Dil'hlle nf tli thirteenth ren tury and originated in the nistom of si-Jei-IIng a hall whose door eiaild" 1 seiiirely fastened behind the voting Cnnllnuls until they agreed by a two thirds majority m a candidatv. Ill oie insiance where stuiiboro do-tors briri out aa agreement was hasten ed by diminishing their qnnntity of fmsl. The ( Vim-dire wlih-h met lu 1270 at Vlterbo to elect On-gory X, lasted a year and a half before a re sult was obtained. Tbe liibnliltsnts of Vllcrlsi finally hastemsl a decision by1 reiunving the roof nf (he building where the Conclave was hold, leaving the venerable fathers a prey to the el .cmenta. Theoretically, anyone may Is? elect ed IoK. lie lids I lie. neither Cardinal, priest, nor yet an Italian. Sixtus V. was a' swineherd In his youth, while the parents of Plus X. wero peasants. On the tenth day after tbe demise of the' Pope, "unless . a postponement la agreed to, the Cardinals assemble in the forenoon, and the preparations are made for the Conclave. All tbe per son who are to remain in the Conclave a prelates, custodians, . attendant on tlic Cardinals, physicians, barbers. masons are passed In review and tnke an oath not to speak among themselves of Blatters concerning the election. Ev ery avenue leading to the Conclave, ex cept the. eight bs-phoies. Is- walled up by the masons; bin one door is lft o that It inny lie opened by the lateom- lug Cnrdiiials or lo let out any one- who may be expelled., or who for any good reason may lie obliged to go out. line who leaves cannot relurn. This only door' has a -combination lock, to lie opened by the key of the Prince Marshal outside, and of the Cardinal ChninlMr,lnin Inside. The food for the Cardinals Is Introduced by , a turn, so Well known in convents or cloistered commimltles. . 1 - . . The next day. after the Xlass of the Holy Ghost, the balloting begins; and continues until some. one. receives .- the. nis-essary, two-thirds. The ballots are cast Into fi challiw ou the altar. ; Fach-lenflea reuorted, fling Alight vibi-a-(Sicahtnt triles the name of 1I10 can. ctibn. . ' Mr the 'sinui time nn eurtti toei'Votliiar'awct. .inri!lwjnf-.K ob-liornta ' ''' loilg foriati Trrnartdiacsrdiug to bc .sSelsmocranti at lotiaasw 1 nlverslty j, illreetlons on-tlio huH of Hrwgory XV.tl In- Spohane Washingron. .recorded tha I Wien alt have voted the tellers esnni- haVi the. Iialkrts and oroclnlm tho re-fl mh. ,If iin"'ardlnal has xditntaed the! . , . . -. ----- . rcunircd nuniber of votes tlat n-snlr. (s di-clartKliTohlnud she balliwii icOIIwTr. cit together; aro hui'n I11..0 hrasicr Willi-dump ! wtrawj! tho 1 dense, smoke fi'Oui which Issues through! m.artictt lnr ejiimner1 visible from 'the- outside and proclaims t the outer warhk-that nn election has taken pbij ri'-l t- - " lrtceetllng wlth tHe'elei'tlon by bal lot,. voting is continued on the lines In dicated until eholeo ItcivBcbod; nnd this is matin kinmn to' the, jieople hy tlio iilwpuice of smoke, for although the ballets, as fat tbe unsuccessful .in-, st 11 tiiesi: arc also burned, 1 the , smoke Is notpormitted to osempat' When the, re sult is ronehcuV M ts iiHnonhccdln-. the rinsing nf a belli; all the senior iCardi lials advance to thcVplflcc.wcupleil'-by the newly chosen Pontiff hnd Inquire if he accept.-the-- chctlon." . On .receiving his aftlnnatlve answer, be Is. at once salutedby the entire college.' He then announces the name by which ho. de- sires" to he known thn)uglioutA- -the world jis the. bond of the-Chnrch. . ' Jurhrs Sent to Lunch With Bottle- of Seised Whiskey.' t New York' Titties. ' . .:. '-'- --. ilisnls-rs of n Federal 'trhd Jury in Brooklyn yestenlny turmsl- thciniKts liy direction of the; JndgCi. and. after sampling tho fontents of one Iwttlc of "Old (.oirtinentnl Kentucky Whiskey' returned a verdict of not guilty against stx; defendants charged with violating the Volstead net t When Judge Harlan B. Howe, of Vermont, prmidiug, wns told that a Government chemist, waa In court, to make an analysis of the liquor noised m connection with the case against Mrs. 'Mary - White, Anthony Casese and four other defendants, he. said: :';v-'.. "" .-'""' -.;:-'' v-V-'-v j "What's the use of (hat? . That's a waste, of time. Open-up a rase and let the Jury taste It. .. Those men can tell whether it's liquor or not. ... Any body knows good whiskey " .. -f r ' - One of tho 200 rases seised hr the prohibition agents was opened by, a court attendant and a bottle, taken out lienriug a label showing that it had been made. In 11110 ahd bottled in 1(120. The cork was drawn by the attendant, but no glasses were produced. .Begin ning with the foreman of the jury ten of the, twelve jurors, one after the oth er, turned the, bottle up and took- a drink. Two jurors-declined. " When , Judge Howe concluded his charge at. 1 o'clock he Instructed, the Jurors to have lunch and suggested that they take the, evfdenoe with them. A member, of (he Jury then picked up hi- bottle which had been previously sampled. When the Jury , returned a verdict of '"not guilty," two hours bit er the evidence had disappeared. It wiis alleged thnf .the defendants had offered to sell 2nd eases of whisky at i!5 a case. , .... Noted Krolntar Dead. - . , , (By h Assos-IXmI fress.) . ' . Stamford, Conn.. Jan. ai.i-Solou H. Bnrg-um, an' artist of nationwide re nown,, and bead of a school of sculp ture bare. Is dead. Be was born on December 22, lwS in Oflgen, Vtah, and was a brother of Gutioa Borg- him, himself a noted sculptor. ICHiricn uto jo itlW' -iMFUURf!USS!I!l ' Mrs. Marion B. Stephens An nounces Her Engagement to an Employe of the Bald win Locomotive Works. WILL LIVE IN THE FACTORY SECTION And Will Occupy . Modest Home There. Groom-to-Be Served as an Engineer in Kolchak's Army. : . (Mr 0m Aaaarlated rtww. Chicago. Jan. 31. Mrs. Marion ft. Stephens, dsnghter of tare Norman ' II. ltcam, of Chicago, heiress to a for- , tune o-tlmared as high as $40,000,000. has announced ber engagement to Aex amlrovltch Vansiutaky, aq employee of the Baldwin Locomotive,- Worka - in : Philadelphia according to,' n story lu ' the Chicago Tribune. ,-' Vi ' ' - : " , : Mra. Stephens, the rejiorf said, an- - ,; noiinixsl the wedding would take place , in the Russian Church, in New York.' Vanslatsky is said to have lnsistisl ' that he remain among working men. and Mrs. Stephen willingly consented to live In his modest borne in tlic fac tory section near tlie ji'orks. ' It. waa his stirring stories of the" war that ttrst artractisl Mrs. Stephens attention to him, friends said. lie served as an engineer In ' Kolchak s army. - 1 ' . . EABTIIQl AKK SIKH KS ' . , ; ; FELT ON THE FACIFH- rttiorks Felt bU Ih Way From Man ; . Francisco to , (anwtlan Line No ' Damage Reported. 1 ."'.i.:-.,' iKr (kr aauxHalMl "tsk.1 . San Fi'iinelstsi, Jan. 31. Earthqunko . shocks ere felt ear.v tislav along tile Pnellle const from Snn r'rancisco to -, the Canadian line- according, to re port received -here.-,' o damage,, was reported, ' ;-v. ,.-,,.--' m San Tflindsco the nsi'lllutlon Was f filnt .and continued for severe I sec onds. ' A pronouni-ed shock- wai felt at Eugene, Ore, afft o'clock.; Dlshv: es rattled and iKnuons who. were awak- shocks hegiimine nf fi;10i oclmk, amt smlinuing Until! JiOS h'docib iTlio m.h heaviest, slux'ks were fvom.o:21 to 5:34- - Volnetan It was- estliiialed,th-:shoi'4ci! ii( :4'IUaiU(ed Tn(l!,mih!S.Sfitlll"lt flf lrlll.1ff.lt: knim 1 , in ij, 1 ,( v,i EMtTHQl AKE OF t.KET ,iJ . 'INTENSITY JS UMilSTriKKD. m - , W as Registered This Monifng i the''-; licorgetcwo ,Xc1smogranbiral (pr-, 4 4 valory. 1 .1 , 1 t , , i fHy (he AmwIii1-4 . Irf ns.f .g. -..,t-v. M asbington, . Jan. 111. An earth-,. ,:. qunke of' tho giiitet intensitv. ltn))i- . ablV 2.iTi00' to 2.000 miles-, south ) of i W ashington, wns registered- arlv to? .-: dn.v nti- the Gewg'ptoWn 'yelsmiigratiht-'"; :; cal (Hwenatoiv The quake, negsn about ti If n m and lu 10 minutes . the tremors hail become art pronmmeed : as- to ritit- reglstctlng neisiles off b .. scale ' 1 V " .i ' , ' The quake aIno -nns iiegtstertd oa the seismogrnnh of 'the -weatheT bnf !.; roan, oflirinls of which describing It s a u o 'monstrous.". Both maeliinei . wcrmai 'i still Ti'gisterlng the quake at 10 a. 'M.l . Dr.. W. J. Humphries, the w.ntlsv hiircnu's curlhipiiike : sH-iiiIist. . iv-i ported -at 11 ocluck tbal the tremors wero tlll continuing, but bad greatly diminished In Intensity. ; .vu if. , ( .V f- THE WITTON MARKET. . ; Opening Advance of front 11: to 10 . Points Prices Later Eased Off.' i";.,'jr,(By. b .AMoylaled. iHaaati. , ' New; ioi'k,; Jan.: 1-A rally n ,( Mvorneol .market was followed, by an , 1 opening ndvaucc of 11 to 20 points, in. cotton at the opening , hens; today. . Houses with New Orleans and Wall Street connections were - ImyerK., and . was some Japanese buying of the old crop most, hut Liverpool sold -.'hero . while there was selling of Jiily'and thr-' market met pressuru from people who felt the rally was a result of purely technical position. This cased price off nfter early trading and after sell-; ing at 10.17 May eased back to IS.fts. while July. sold off from 15.80 to lil.OR ' or within a few points of Inst night's closing, , ' ' Cotton futures .opened firm. " XIar. 1:0: Moy 10:15; July in.80; (Vt. 15:40; Deo 1,1:81. , HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION r MEETS IN HIGH POINT Fourth Annual State Convention On. " , - omd at Sheraton Hotel Totla). ' I Bf the AMK-itrO w im. Hiirh Point, Jan. HI --The fourth annual meeting of the North Curolioo Hospital Association opened here this innmlng at the Sheraton Hotel with sixty delegates representing the bvirt- ' Ing hospitals throughout . the State , present. The visitors, wre Welcomed by Mayor. Hcdrli and Dr. John T. Biimis. local physician, aud Presldcat. of tlwi Stoic Hospital Association. To night the. delegates will beor a lecttiv ; on radium by Dr. Howard Ar Kelly. ' of Baltimore, and Dr. John Wclv Long, of Greemboro, will give an l lustratcd lecture on cancer. , L'lHcicncy U the modem watch word. A tnaa can drink himlf to death In five minutes bow.