oocr ,ooo U 0 O M ..J ' O O TODAY. O oooooooo 00600600 O ASSOCIATED O O PRESS O O DISPATCHES Q OOOOOOOO klLT : 1 SIB UNE VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1922. ::::iGz:!iT 'DECiQESTO RESIC: Italian Government Council Met This Morning to Dis- ' cuss -the Situation, With the Above Result RESIGNATION HAD BEEN FORECASTED A Sharp Dispute Had Aris en Over Government At - titude Toward the Vati A can. Other Causes Given. Rome,. Feb. 2. Br the Associated 1 Press. I The, Italian government of Premier IWsionil has decided to resign, f lx seml-otflcuiL Stefan! agency , an-in-iince. ' ,i .s Tim cabinet council met this morn ' nig to disease the situation created hy tlio attitude of the parliament. . saya the. statement, and as result the government's, decision to resign waa reached. . "-, i .V..- : Premier Ronnml announced. Die reel gnat ion of the cabinet in the ehaiolioi ol deputies this afternoon. , ( Forecasts had indicated that ' the Bonoml ministry's internal am) foreign - policies woud he attacked (When par intuent assembled today. A anarp dis pute ha arlwn over the government' Attitude toward tho Vatican, i Soma sections of parliament wore hlamlng the government for the fact that Italy had beca left out of the Pacific pan Inmed at the IVi.nMng'wi nrmamchr conference, and bonus..' alte ludl lns-n excluded from ihe nrrangonsiot lie- ween Franre nn-l Urrnt r.rttnln f-ir vmino oi icrn"r poMBime lununn NINE MEN ARE DEAD n , IN MINE AT GATES, PA. j , And 22 Other are Entombed, aa Ihe ' . " Krault f an ExnloaUion Today, i ' : ', : ' (r the Aaawlaled PrwuO . ' '. flnien, Pa.; Feb. 2.--The bodies -of 0 , minor, killed In nn expIoHion In Hip tintes mine of tba II. ('. Frlek ('oke i t'ompny here today had lieen hroupht i.. to the anrfaee at noon from thexentrj ; one and one half mllen from Uie not V of ihe shaft where the ckb?nt-oe- eurred. Twenfr men. It waa re-.!:-"rerftHHe tJi n.ift-iirvvkH!i'jrrir ed uilnera workliie feverishly1 to nach i them ttxpfeaa tho oplnhm thiit 'all are -.'dead...; - '.' r: -;t . - , flatRN,"' Pafet' -J-Se ea lien are kiMiwn tW'liaNHs " llei'it ltillckf 'iiltfl'82 . flhera are1 entothhenv W 4 rohtn !bne a ml one-half miles from-the month 'hf - v the (Jntea mine of the llC. Frloft Coke. Ct near here, aa-the reault of an explosion i ear r ' twtiiy."" Trained . reaene. erewa from all narta of Con-: ; f nellwllle field are. work Ins fti relnya t. trylnit -to ween tM ahnt-in men. ' ARBITKIE ( AlK AM UN ' s . - IN BAXDS OK .THR JI'RT a.- ,,i . .... ..i,..; ! . Defemie Betllned l rreaent Any ' rsunieiit After t .State's OneninK . Adilreaa. , ... , ' , . ; ' , (By IM AiamlaM PTCWb , San Francisco, Feb. 1 The case of Koscne (Piitty) Arbiickle today for the Hocond time wa In the hands of the Jury.- The- trial closed . unex pected at 4 tOO p. m; yeternr when the defense declined to present nn cument after the State's opening ad- -' dress.. Arbuckle is accused of hav ' . lng caused the death of Miss Virginia Rappe.'.-i.v--. . 'i, --..; , Twice before 11 o'clock last nlpht -when the Jury was i locked up for ' the night it returned to the court room, once to have Htenographlc re. cord of certain testimony read. And once to Ask further instructions iron) J the court The Jury was ordered ' to return to work at 10 o'clock this ..v morning. W-. -; :vs PLANS BEING. WORKED OCT , To rape With the Situation Next Month When Coal Miners' AftM merits Expire. ' -r i -ittr he AMMlte4 fw.V ' Wlaslilngton, Feb. 2. Plans of the. .. government to cope with tlie situation whk'h might arlH in the ovent of . strike of the ooal miners when the DnM4it ftereement expire, nt tho" end of next month are being worked out " . ' by the Department of Justice, it was indicated today b -Attorney General , .. . Dangherty. . tie said be was watching S an the proposed Junction of ralimed -. as tho proposed Juuetlon ol waltrnad ': workers with the miners to resist the '' . wage decreases, hut stated that he was '-. not yet ready to make known the government's policy. t"'t"mler the Napoleonic code still in ; the Province of Quebec, a woman can - take no legal action, cannot make t gift of property., or go iitfo trade ' j without the consent or ner iiusoann DAEItETBALL Churcli Lcajia ., . Teams C-.p TONIGHT AT ; Y. LI C. A. BEGINNING AT 7:33 O'CLOCK WfHVLROW WILSON roiD.TION KHirt Caasfwira V" m U RaW One M.u.aa. Itellara. , Tit tdlomng tubavrlnllutis bar Mr. and lira. R. T. Mills . 100 Mrs. W. w. Flewo . a no w. w. rto &.(ih W. K. fVnVU . .a in no Jas, P. Cor i ' .- SiNi Ili-nrr IVr Vim ...... S.on Mhw Rfwal ...... )fm K. M. for ion Judge I). SI. Fnrr 2.no Tril.noe and Time ...j fin on A. B. Palmer , ... fl.no I. J. K Hmoot : 2.(10 It. W. P.. HmuMim. ,. io.no J. P. Allison ; -.. 1.O0 faharnm ULn-k IWia tliaiiter I. A. n. . , 6.t0 Homer II. Wliwolf s.011 Mra. J. M. Udell in.00 J. B. Womble ... Z. V. Tuornbunr . .. Mra. Frank ArniHebl . W. XL AllTEil(t . 1.00 . 5.00 1.00 1.011 C. J. M. Illunut W. W. llolman ."...j j. a. Mow i Jr a. F. MrAIU-air .....'' H. K. Mrher . , rtrnwa MeAlllKli , nr. W. II. l'niiliertiia n. ii. ruia Julia Mngrtidir Itook (lull . Mlaa ItiMu llarrlx kirn KalhuW Wilson i l.no UNI !. .no . M 1.00 2-00 in.iai I. no llai ' The following twin lieen anliserllieil through Uia )tnsa Miinil J. A. t'annon ..... .Vim Mr. II. 8. lonag .. Mlna Jlarcnrrt. Vlritln Krvin 1.110 J.' U HartHcll . Mra. W. O. Camrcll Dr. II. M. Kln . ...... II. I, Woodhniwe -.::' Mlm Mary Kins C. V. Kwlnk A. H. Webb , ...i. . t'flnh ; Dr. 8. W. Bankln ..i v Mim Rom B. Mund ... W, 0. umell J.00 2.00 n.on r.001 1 .(Ml 10.00 1.00 : .on R.00 .1.00 .1.(10 B. E. Harris Jr. 1.00 , r.oo 1.00 i oo 1.00 1.00 loo ... 10.00 .I'.OO iPror j. it. HoIkHkok . . Mrs. P. I.. Uoxt Miss Clara Oillon Mis. Rictimoud Uml ....... Mrs. L, E. HAuer Cash , U T. HnrteU'k..:.. Chas. N. Field ...'....;. Mr J.' I, raunon V- i 1,00 u. k. iinrnvse-' - . "1 00 l. B.-5I6rrlto ......r: 200 Mrs. W...V. Foil . ',100 SulMcrlptlnos to the fund will l.e clovd and the money forwarded this week.';;;:'.? ' ' ' , :. J1KS. BTETJIIOM (ilir; MKK J Heiress Who Is to Marry the -Peer Knsslaa Then Hies Tenieif te New k )ork. t n "il- i -i ', l 'I Br the. aasaelated rra.t'' Chicago.' Feb 2. Mrlt' Msriotr II Stephens, heiress to the $4O.00aO00 es tate of her father, the. late xnrmaif ll. Jleauv less speeding to New York, to day to prepare for her marriage Hot urdny to ArttAse Andrevlfeh. fc young itiisslRa empfoyed by tile Baldwin u omotlv Works ' '" u Arriving In Chicngo hurriedly she ransacked preKslng Imnlnctii, roller ated her intentions to live according to the nieuns of her linshand to be-in's hnadile 'ctitlagiv and'-txiireswft' hr lows on ninrrlage. r . , ' . Uapillnes,". she said;' uor n1 qiiCNtlon of Wnne.tr. 'Money lias noth ing to, do with my nuirrfuga one wn.r or another: We shall live rery sim ply in accordance-with' mv husband's position,-although we are not going to live in precisely the kind of a wnrking mnn's cottage described as typical. I expert to he Very hnppy. The. man I am going to marry ' Is older than his years. The experiences he has gone rlirough.,' particularly in the army of General Denlklne and Ba ron Wrnngel broadened and' developed him beyond his years. I have always been sympathetic with llnssln and Bussions. Its," people I - think" hnve been such C-&4,. ehe-stopped for a word "sneli good siKjrts." Her nance is '23 rears old, and Mrs. Htepneus is a. ' I GRANTED A RESPITE - AT THE LAST "MOMENT Wright Rouse, Convicted of Murder lu lireene County, Uiven Two Weeks More. , .i, J.;-.;' , - , ,. ' .. -i,;., ; - 4 Br Ike Aaaet Pmi Raleigh, Feb. 2.Wlth preparations all made and within AO minutes of the time set for his electrocution, Wright Rouse, aged negro, was granted a re spite of two weeks today by Governor. Cameron 'Morrison in order to. com- filete his investigation he Is. making into tlie old negro a case. Bouse was convicted Jn Greene county last fall of the murder of William Whitley, Wnl- stonburg merchant and " farmer. Ho was sentenced to die in the electric chair last December, but was granted a respite nntll today on recoinmemla tions of the trial : judge. Whitley' widow and Thomas Hayes are now serving life sentences after bring. con. vlcted on charge of implication In tbe Bluing. - - j ' , FRANCE WILL BE . k , REPRESENTED AT GENOA Tills Assurance la Given In a Com munique From the ForeicD Oflire Te day. ; , -'t - ".-. ,., v Paris, Feb.' 2. By tho Associated Press ).---Frsnc wl(J I officially rep resented at- the , .international eco nomic and flnanclal conference Jn fie noa early next month. ' The assurance of France's attend ance was given In a communique from the foreign office which does not say in so many words thnt France will lie represented, hut lets It 1st understood lie Is already committed a a member of the supreme council. - ' ' ' When a man tn'l In love bit bar ber gets rich., ' msawB ffnrmrnmiw, m mesmBsacppei r . rn I i i nr-w rwrrr -neaasBaaM i,hii i il.ii 1 i n i nfrr-w FOR JEWISH RELIEF Leeal fommltte Appointed to Raise - t oneerd's Qimla, 81.0O. ' The week beginning Fehnmry tith. and ending F4irunry 12th.' hn been set. apiirt by ouj- tlovernor JewUh Holier- fiek. for North (a ml Inn, ini! it is the wish of the Wnte Coniiiilttit1 that ajwnl i-omniltleo be appointed to solicit funds from tho. people of our comimuilty, during the wee!; ej hourf. lor this .wortbe-ennse. - There'lA suffejlng Jimong the Jew Wr, people, of, Europe, and thotismulii of whom are reported as being entire ly destitute and in n , dying condition due to the. hick of fond and other . ne cessities, to sustain Ufp. Apy , con tributions made to tlie. following -oiti mlltoo ta'IM Imi iiplnlnff h. inoat worllic mmd , tt will helnrn iorslnln tho l.uujer of olit men ami women among Um Jewish iieople, if 'devsstated r n ropo n j i m s t i. Jl.'K. Ixiip. r4mlrmnn i f( . I A. F. Hartkell.-i -i i JP. C Xlhloekj i ri ' i ' -' Cameron Mcltne. - , r , '?. Vi Jiee Watson, f-r. ;,. ,i.i an, Mw 'C. N Ijiwrence.-. m . 1 Clias...B.--WauyuK'r'.. . j . F l ii Joe linskel. x , ,t i i i M. .S. Ynchelson. Jr.. -, - Mrs. H. r, tlllison. , , M)s. Kt T.il'onnnn i i" ' Mis. Iticbiuoud Kclii, Mr.. W. fir Cnawell,. treasurer to eonimlttee. . ir -.;. ri . ,. -.:. .41 J. B.;WOMBI.K, Mnvor. j Cnneord's nuola is (1.0110...- PAVnwON BEATS WUr'rDKII ;W TU El Presbyterians Have Little Difficulty . t in Winning Openinr Game, i Davidson, Fob. 1,-r-Iu the first col- date game of the season Davidson defeated Wofford college' tonight b the score -of 30 to 21. The game was slow and hard fought but in the last lialf'W-hlch started with the score l.'l to. T for Davidson, both teams I'-ik-jA1 . Davidson's quint was handicapisxl hy the long layi-off dne to tiio decent -examinations vehile Wofford was nn nd to Uie large floor. The entire Wofford team played good basketball but for Davidson -Captain Crawford and Munzo were the exceptional stars. E L. Morrisoh Limiber Company Or- gantzea. r - Tbe T.: u Morrison Lumber Co. Is one of the. latest business concerns to he organised and located in Concord. The plant of the company Is localcil on West corhln street,, near tun moiiiii em station. ;r.-:: s s' ,...'l . Mr. E. L. Morrison is organiser of the company, which will -carry a full line or rougn anil nressco luiuuer, sash,-' doors, shingles,-' mouldings and roofing. " !, ' ' . , Mr. Morrison was connected with the F. ft. Nlblock i.unil)cr Co, for a num ber of years,, and is an cxiwrlenccd luuilier uiuu. , . .: !. ; . .' " .' At The Theatres. ' V'Madonaa an Men," on of the greatest features the mar hns ever shown, is being offend at this theatre today.-;- :'.-.'.(:,'.;':' Eileen Percy is again the stat at the Piedmont today in that great, comedy- drama, "Little Miss Hawkshaw." The Pastime today Is showing J. I' .McGownn in one of his latest and best features, "Bccklesa Chances. Hays Goes to Florida to Regain Ilia v; ( Health. -Washington,. Feb. ' 1. .-Postmaster Oeneral Hays will spend the next 10 daya at Miami, Flu., In an effort to re gain hia health, which has been poor for several weeks as a result of eo'.d and the railroad wreck In which he was Involved, It was said todnj at the nostofflee department. Mr. Ha.vs was enroute today to the Florida city. ; .' i . . '. - ' - Mlsk Alma Alluinn has resigned- her nosltloii with the McLollnn Five nnd TeiU'ent Store and entered the Con - cord Hospital, where she will fnke J training to be Atralned aursc. - . Shado ws ' ONE PLACE WHKRK CRIME - . WAVE HAS NOT REACHED There Has Not Rent W Arrest at Or raroke in Morr.Than Ten Years. -.--', (U ike AMaeJar4 prm-r ; , Oorncoke, X -1 Fc.. 2.- Although tills little town olsittt 'n century land U half ago was. Ihi remlervous of one of the world's most daring and fnmous gnng of crooks- Kilwnrd Tench I It mite rill and bis tiaml It is toihiy one community ' which Ihe !. w-ent crime wave has not t reiiched." Tliem has not, Isvu an arrest here in more titan ten years and the crimes of rob liery. burglary, theft land imirdei; are absolutely nnknowu "t the population, insofar as they refe to Ocracoke. , " Johu Onenl, after witling otlhe as Justice, of the PeaceJiitj.lX'raeoke for f'ltthtearsTeplraejyar. r more ago., not finving lmd a srlminaF caw during his administrntioiK A successoi has never been elected, Mrs Dnenl, who was iborn iat.t)craeoke, 'says the worst I primes he1-fan- recall to hnv-o iwcurreil i at (kirnenke ih-fK) years' were one,ot j assault and battery. ) There lire only one or two homes, here that hnve locks nn tbe doors and the keys, to those are. thus equipiied are never used; Most of the bouses at fk-rnflOk,e:' were wholly , orf partially constructed -with ' lumbers of shlpi I whicn:'were wrecked on the trench., j emu Rhonls; off the -North Carolina cost. k Krery family , here owns Its home. .. ; '-Vi--":--'- : Ocrseoke'ls ht the extreme southern end of.a little. Island liy the same name.' located alwiut !S0 miles off flic mainland of rXorth Carolina, and Is uni(iie ln,!manyresp(ets.'icracoke Is. hind, 'which is iwrt of Hyih county .North Carolina.! h n; little strip 4 of j and about 11 miles long and ranges lu width from one half to one and half j mI)fit Th(, 1M,pllllltinll )f the ltdaiul i llml-1ju .. 7,.i im,:f ioit nt whom live at Ocracoke. Those who do no, live in the little town are members of tin families of const guardsmen, who patrol the const. - - v ''As there are no rntlroaiis. ; sub moliilea, streit cars or tlieati'es where motion pict'ircs are shown, many of the Inhabitants at "tk-raouke have never: seen nny of tliese things."-With tlie exception of the men employed by the t'nlted Mtntea government as coast guardsmen and the few merchants in the little town,, all Ocracokers make their living hunting and fishing.' V, ; Every tierson on (tcracoko Island Is : Methmllst iu religion. They are di vided, however, ' as tto, the sectional branch, to which they .belong, about half being members of the Methodist Church, Houth. -.while: the otbera at tend the Northern church. : . :- Ueracoke i one of- the oldest, set tlements in America. The people are believed -by niajiy historians to he dcscciulants of the "Lost Colony'! of Sir Walter llnleigh. Salvation Army in ddna Buying Girls .. -- to nave incm. London, Feb. 2. General Booth an nounced at a meeting in London toils y thnt the Halvatlon Array in China, by his Instruction, had bought 100 girls from their parents at. ' :t( shillings each in order to save Jhem fnua a life of shanw. . . -v. . -; He said the local officers were de sirous of haying more girls In - the district where famine was raging, bin the cost of maintaining them' was too great. It waa hoped the girls would be trained in Halvatlon Army work ana Isjcnmo energetic workers among their i own people. ; j ' Church League Trams to Play Tonight, The second . series of Church' League games will he. played no the V. M. C. A. court, tonight. . The First Prrshy- a , terlans are slated to meet their match I tonight, when they hook np with the Mcllill and Kerr street team with such stars as Ed. While In the tlne-im. The Central Methodists team their ' tenia sUreiurheued -wnsiifrrnhly by Coltrane and Host, will take on Uie Forest Hill Merhodlsts. The latter - have the Misrnhelmcr brothers. Trout man. Miller and Smart to bank nu. i. , Tha first game will begin at 7:30. DANIELS APPEAL! FOR JEWISH RELIEF Fl'NB Says Jews Gave Freely to Rdine tnt Gentile War Victims and Now Need - Aid, ' r .". '-t . - 'An appeal to jews inld Gentiles ivliki in the south that they lay askle tlw differences of race and creeil aiii give liberally for I lie relief and rn liahilltatlon of the ' suffering cbildrer of Abraham in eastern Europe wni made by -Joseplms Daniels, of 1 to I eigli, Secretary of the -Navy, through out l'rcsiilent Wjlson's ndministnition In a letter to Lionel Well, "of (folils iHiro.' chairman -.for the. North. Caro lina 'conference pf the f Anterlciin i Jew ish Relief Committee. . "Tho news tharM-ouiss fi-om Europe." wrote Miy lnh'ls,r"f the destitntlor of' handrails .of rhonsnnds ,of Jewlsi 'peoplewn)st WiditcanOTS'ry.niaintMSirt. nl nmn and wiminn. 'Hie fmt thn' there are 4tHMHK Jewish refugees driv en from their homes by starvation and murderous raids Ls nn appeal to itlu generous Instincts 1 of, the America! jicople which they must and will heed ... "In every' movement for. helping thi suffering of men of nil creeds one' rnces, our Jewish fellow citizens luive vied with nil other Anierk-ajw-'in "mT- vice anil sncrlflce. 1 am sure that tin appeal now made for the Jews will hi jcsijonilcil to not only by -men am1 Women -of their own rare, but by. all .Vniericnns wbosef hearts arpi touchcC With pity for sugerliiK peoples." : Ex-Secnlnry Daniels is one of. the many protnineut men. including 1'iesl dent Ilanllng, Ilertsrt Hisiver.- (nv ernor Cameron Morrlsnih and Severn nt her governors who . luwe .' Indorsed this camimlgn tit raise numey not on ly for the relief, but the -rehabilitat ion as Wiell, of destitute .j Jews) In cantem Europe. The nutioniil. fund to- w rubied nnioiiiits to $l-t,iKsi,0(KI. - and North- Carolina's ipinia- is 1(Hl.00(l. 'Concords share has been tlxed at J. E. I.OVE. lAHal Cbnlrnmti. BAPTISTS EVEN TRIM TV SERIES. Wake Forest Ouint Wins Bitterly Con test Game By Score ef 24 to 22. ' Wake Forest.. Feb. 1. In the most thrilling-basketball contest seen on tlie local court In years. Wake Forest College tonight defeated Trinity 24 to 22, avenging n defeat. '-of 31 to 10 registered by the Methodists earlier In the season. .- : - - The game was fast and bitterly eon tested .throughout, but the locals held the lead all the way and were not In serious, danger of losing nntll tbe last few- minutes of play when Trinity stag- an offensive that netted six points and threatened to, win the game However, the score remained a the final figures during the last two minutes of. piny nnd the crowd went wild with excite ment. Cabarrus Prisoners Carried to State . Prison. i Sheriff Carl Spears- and Jailer ln McCurdy left this morning for Italelgh. carrying with them six men to the. State penitentiary, sentenced from 111 barrus Superior court. - .Three, of the men. were, sentenced several .months ago, and appealed to '5 the Huprcui Court, the. lower ciwirt lielng sustain- cd by the higher court.. ' , They are Frank Illackwelder, 20- years: An-l lVtheL' (1 years.,tiinrvey UvereaNh. years. The other three. were seiftenc- eil at the term of court which met lost month. They urer Umnlp Wilson. 10 year; Mack Hodges, .'I years and Hid MeDanlel, R years. Lumberton ImA Falls Into River; HrowneiL ' i Liimliertnn. . Feb. ,1. Rupert Me Culloch. 14 years old, of East Lumber ton, waa drowned In . Lumber river, uear bis home .this morning. He walk ed out. upon an oTd spring hours and fell Into the Water,4 He Yould not swim and. when his body Was recover ed 30 minutes Inter, tr una lifeless. - The National Federation of Bnsl- - Ihcss and Professlonol Women is now , represented In fnrty-jeven States and . baa ft total membership of 82,000. , NEW JIOTOal fOMPlW OK 1MZI.U IN COVfORn Malar aaal Ttre rvrrlre f isipsay Or- . I A 1 . ' ,1 .JM . , ft u, Ta Motor apd Tire ri vBaiTfl1 Mmilr hm oreaalaed ll zZr' . IB II with the following storfchiiwra: O. P. HHltg. A. II. Jarran aud Mrs. rraiHre Jarratl. The i-mntsiny was Ural planned last bill, and after Its argsaiaaiina i oarti-d, I lie awnent atprlded ! pnr rfcane Ihe rily ilatar l"omianr. l multine the two i-nnirrun. Thla bat va done, and for the present Ihe w minnaay will he lurateri at I lie site of he rhy Motor l'niy. A new hoioe for the eomuany i be ing ererted on F.at I'ornta MreH. and It Is etpei-ted that work on the trnr iin will he. rnnipli'tnl withiu another innnlh. Mr. Ileilig l preahlent at the Bew :-miiiaiiy and Mr. Jarratl b Heeretary snd Treasurer. Mr. J." A. Perk, man ager of the I'lly Motor Company, will He roniwx-led with, the new -oniiani-. Mr. M. It. Fuller, 'who has conducted 1 vnli-nnisfng plnnl here, for aevernl ream, will aim tie eonnerted with tlic oiiaiiy . , ; . Tlie iminy wilt Mil the Onkliind iihI Chevrolet cur, and will .handle (he (inortyear and IVnu-ylvsiila tires. A full line of aci-CKaoriCK wiU alno V cnrrlwl. mid tlie motto, of the cout jeny will lie "service." ! ' , MR. 8IIAI (iHNEHSV DEAD. Second Assistant Postmaster General - Surranbs to I a Juries Received in Theater Tragedy. . - I Wy the AarlalHI aa.t . WaahingtiHi. Fell. 2. Edward H. Shanghnessy of Chicago, second as- sistnnt iiostmaster general, died here early today at the Walter Reed Hoav pltal from injuries received In . the Knlckerlss-ker Theatre disnstisr. Hat nrilny night. - Althnngb Mr. Hliuughnessy s Injuries were known to lie of a critical nature, his condition had shown Improvement up to yesterday and his death vyis un expected. . Mr. Shanghnessy a wire snil lii-ycnr -ild daughter. Ruth, liolli of whom ore now recovering from Injuries received In tbe theatre disaster, hart not been Informed of hi death gt mi early hour today. The death rf tlie second assistant postmaster general brings Ihe total fntaitv list from the disaster, as re corded by the police,' tin to OH. . . 1 WILL THE GROUND HOG GIVE IS AN EARLY SPRINUT Did Not See His Shadow on His First Winter Appearance This Morning. ,- l8f tk' AslslM rssa.!1"'. ork.b?ftrtaK m!W early sfirlng.'o That ts, if any reliance is to be. placed la signs, Jor tbelireuml. bog snooped his way out of his hole. tbclny, hliiuied -j bU'vAbv that-. Hghf, swept,) the, horizon,; with ; caieulatlug eye.; then nolt.il , his plump form was, unaccninisinied. Kv a shadow. ..- - i,, This is Groundhog day. .and sner- stitltion says tliat the absence of Ihe little fellow's shadow -on hi lirst win ter appearance points - to -MUmearly sprlug. Rain clouds kept the .sun, and shtulow away throughout Ihe east null mlilillc west. , , C0NCHVE OF SACRED ' . . COIXiE ItKtilNS K!SSlUi Fifty-Two Cardinals Present to Erlert a Nucresser to the "bale rope uene Uirt XV. , , Rome. Feb.. 2,- illy the Associated Pressi-r-The ciiuclave. of the Sncred College, wlih-h is to choose a successor to Pope Benedict. XV begun its. sittings rouny. The -52 cardinals who are in Rome went Into seclusion last night and when the gi-ent oak barrier at the entrance, of the court .yard of St. Kan no closed thev were cut off from couimimicattioii with the nutsiile wor n until their task was done.,,. , : ; The balloting is not expected t con sume more than two iln.vs,, (., '' PRESIDENT OBJECTS. . -- ' 'tO!. To Some ef the Provisions of the Allied Debt Refunding Bill. - (Hy the Aaswlatrd Preaa.) Washington. VHu . 2.J-President Ilariling,oliJi'ts(i) some lift the provis ions of tlie a llin I debt refunding hill as passed hy the Houiite, 'according to information understood tat 'have jieen given today to the House ways and means committee, nnd after the com mittee had -conferred todnv with Sec- reta Mellon, Chairman Ford no v sail) n-tlon 'would lie deferred until he could consult with the Exi-eiitlve, ba'scom hoskins dead Well Known Furallure Salesman Died in High Point HospUal Today. I Br the Aaaerlat4 Preu.1 " Hlgli Point, Feb.' 2. Bascom Hos kins, well. known furniture snlmman. died at a local hospital here at 12 o'clock tislay following an Illness ot several monlhs.v He was 40 years old and is survived by his widow and two brothers. Arrangement for'the funeral have not been made. " ."- Western I'nlon fe Get License to Land .; Its Cable.; . - .1 , r IDy lh MHali Press.'' .- ; Washington, Feb. S. IsMianiw ',hj' the State Department of a license to the W estern I nlon Telegraph (Van puny for the landing of its Bartsidoes (aide at Miami, Fla, may lie expected within a few (lays. It was Indicated early, tislay by olHclnls of the Depart ment. ' ' , : ... -. t All agreement, tt was said, has been reached By the Western L'nlon aud All American Cable Co. for surrender of exclusive cable rluhta held by!tbose eompnnlca or am lated companies In Ecuador, Chile, and f.rasil .and the matter of Issuing a license for tbe landing of the liarhacloes cable at. Miami Is the only question of a few days. MELLONS PLAH FOR mn Tiir nni p Secretary of Treasury Would Increase First and Second Class Tostae Rates to Raise the Money. ALSO INCREASE TOBACCO LEVIES Mr. Mellon ' Figures That Three ' Hundred Million Dollars'' Could Be Raised From His Proposals. . (Br lb AaaerlalrO Pma.) Washington.' Feb. 2. The soblier honns should be. paid nut of s)s-iiil -taxes such as Im-reased lirst and si- ' mil class pnsiage and tolnero levies. Sivretary Mellon declared Uslay ts f ore the House ways and means committee.- - t ' Secretary Mellon reiterated bis ls : lief that It would be linpracthalile lo lie) wild on the foreign (Iota for iliunu lng the propiMtod "live way" adjiisied coniM-nsatlnn plan bisansi the n-ve- , nne from that course, is problematical. These estimates of revenne from tho sisM-ial sonrces were made hy Ihe Set:- rotary: I I me cent Increase hi first Has post age. 70.0(si,000. ' lucrcflsed si-cond class postage 4o. .v. wipe out deficits In that brunch of the ' nostofflee dejiartmenf ttl.00(l.000. - llicre!isi?n ciKlinne ins. nil-, im-n-nw amounting to .Vic on 1.000. t2.'.(MNI.ssi. . . Increnseii tohait-u .fax 2 penla a V pound. 5.lSM1. ' Increased documentiiry stniup tax- C., "MU.1a-al.om , A tax of each bank cliick. :i0.0iai. A iicense tax if oO eents a horse-jiowi-r on automobiles. loo.OOO.tKHi. . Tlie total estimated returns from these taxes .were - $:!00.(HKi.Oisj: Mr. , Mellon skid the. bonus would ' cost -M20.OH0.tNNI a year fur the first two . years, and told the. committee that It' could extend the list of taxable aourc- -es to. make up the dellcieiicy. He".,, miide It- clen r Hint he wivs not recnui. . mending any of- the taxes suggested.' :' The treasury secretarv opposed . a 1 i gouerat sah-s tax on the groom of . twt, and lUnulty of administration. KMCkKKBOf KKR THEATRE v . SITE MAY BECOME PARK ... ') " ' . 1 1 : ..A-t Suggested That Property. Neier Be , I setl Again For: Business Purposes. ., , 'I r.,'J the; AaMeialea;. tBHI,;:'! ".'W'liNuinwtoa. Felt, 3.1'he "propose Sis I hot -the site of tlie Knii-kerhis-ker Theatre - never . again I. usd -. for t -commercial - purposes, but : t raasf onn- t ed Into o iwrk in which would be ereetii t; cd ' . uiemorial -to. thn ninety-live pir- ' song who lost their livm hi the col- . lapse .of the theatre, are under van- sldejrntlon by thiv'Hintsu Pistilct tif 'olumlliircoiumitteei'' r The commit li-e, it Was said, had re-j ceived several - Such ' 'prirtsiFSK Con- gross could cither pnn-hiiKe the stlo if tlie present owners di-Sire. to si-ll It, or "l acquire It throngh (nildemnattoii pro- . iiiilings..".'! . .. ... 1 - 1 THE COTTON MARKET. ' - ' '" 1 Opening Fairly Steady at a Decline of ' 5 lo 19 Points But Little Trailing. - -. t Br th AaaeHstea Prcaa.1 :. . , New -York, Feb.-2. The cotton mnr- - ket . waa easier: during today's enrly Hading. Evid'ii'ly the rally of yester.; had hiul eased tbe tii-hnh-ai iHisittou : and the opening was fairly steailv at a decline of 0. to' 10 isiiuts. owing to lower iiverpool cable.i realising, aud . continual Southern selling. There was -: a little trail Imying nnd some fur ther covering, hut it was nisr.- sulfl dent to hold the market, and prices . .soon showed net losses of 2! tl .12 lsilnts with -May selling lit 10.20 and July at 15.S2. i v- Cotton futures opened barely steailv. f Mar. 10:72; May 1:4S; July 15:01: N Oct. lo :4 ;.' Iec. lit :4:i. " ' i MISSISSIPPI NEGRO LYNCHED LAST NIGHT: Waa Identified as Man Who Had At : tacked White School T earlier, Note -on Body Said. J . Br the AaMM-tnlrd Press,! : :: - ,' Jackson. Miss.. Feb. 2. The lynch lug of a negro east of Crystal Springs was revealed nt ilaiillght tfslnr when ' tlie IsHly of Will Thrasher was found : uspendeil from a tree. A note attach-. cd to the tree read that the negro had . lieen Identified as tbe one who attempt ed to attack a white school teacher at ': Fair Plav yesterday at noon, Author!- ties ai-e Investigating.- Bod)' to Substitute For New - York - , Judge. v, ' Greensboro, Jan. .'11. In i-espopse to a call from Judge learned Hand, of tlie federal conit (or the southern dis trict of New York, Judge' James K, llo.nl, of the western district of North Carolinit, will go to New York Ihe first ' of May . and hold a two weeks' term for the New York Judge. The court sits In Brooklyn. According to Judge Hand's letter his docket, is crowded to the limit- with eases, some of them aevernl years o d. Epworth Leaguer et City : Meet To morrow Night. , - The first regular meeting of the City Association of Epworth Leagues, which was organized a month ago. will iw iii-io loiooirovv uigot af roiesr inn fn,lMfliu, f'h,t-.a, ' 111 ,1.. t. -. "..i.,. ,. ii. nil in,- ij,.,,...i. Chapters In the city and vicinity r ej;p.teii to attend this meeting. A I, . pi'.pnim hits tu-i'ii prepared. .

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