c "7 X. O X'.-i'A.UiEJ ooooooc C vj C o o u volume xxii: CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1922, NO. 17& 9 Asking It to Define the Prin - cipleof aUvins Wae" in Case of Maintenance of Way Employes: HEARING ADJOURNED ITVTTI TnMnnpnw1 . ,,riir. nun., Ang. n mr tbe a- UiM lLLj lUJlUUUUiT Juiriated Pre). t ide the Ford Mo- " '"' " 1 tor Ciimiwny receive ciwl from an nn- Board Declares It Oannot Go wVmin"WrtMTtb"iv! . Beyond the Transportation;1" district nmr ith. 4ttT. i t -i i, Thin statement was wade at '-'Mr. Act W hich Prescribes MJustrd', otn.-e today m answer to a m- and Reasonable WaeeS." nior In clrctitatlon In Detroit and ,n,., ... . .' elsewhere to the effect that a way hiid ..' .,' . ,, ..In lila contention tnnt for bim to pay Ixwnl UumeilUtely define the priiid- i-,..-.-,,! nri,m f,,r unl t thin time me f "Ucw in th -f ,m reaseu prices ror coal at. mis time . . '"" , V the maintenance of way employee, who' are aeekins: Increniied intnliiimn eaten of imy. At the requeHt of K. Fv Ora- way orcnulaation, the bearing then wa ailJmriK"l till tomorrow1 morning. ' Mr. Grahle announced that -he was telegraphing ' President Harding and Seuator ftuniulns. one of the author of the transportation act, at Washing- t..n t.uiv null,. thm to wiii t I'ongresa an amendment to the art,"11" nn'1 11 nry to.rloae hla plants wliich would make It. mandatory on hecHnse of the price of eonl. Mr. Hex theVnrt of the lalnw board to "ennn. VW wild he tooted that .Mr. Ford con ciate tbe principle of the . 'living !1,,ere HM a ton ftsreaRona de prt. wnge'." ' , ... , . ; , . i for cooU. ami that the Detroit nianu- Thft lioard In lta ruling on fr.:niifr coum iniain iinra at i.oo afVa peonest declnreo It could not I Figuring on pf S.Sio ton ot go Im'.voihI tbtv trnuHMirtation act , wblcb prescribed the entnlillHlunent of "Just and reaaonnltle'V .wagea. ..'- The iMwrd.' ruling aa aiinoutu-e! by Chairman Ben AV, HiMiper, follow: v "n tbe motion ituhuiltted yeiiterdny on, bebnlf of the employea by Mr. Inck, the Board aimounceg as fol low : '":-','.. .', ;':.-.'.- .... ' ,"' ''It la miperflous for tbe Board to announce In advance the principle or ..theory on. 4-hb'h It will lis wages in I he pt'ndlng ilinputa It my lie aa KHiueil by the partlea in thla on ne that the Board will give full consideration to evejy clrcuumtance Bet out In the stHtute for it guidance, but it will not go lieyond that. t ,v , V.'i "; ' "Tbe traiiHpnrtatton net requires the Board to establish wages that are 'Jnat and rensonalile.' It is within the prov ince of the parties herein to make Hw-h 'nntejitlonH as they se Jit as to 'hti Bill (suiistilute a"M niilFrcasoiMiblej wage, it jiie wage '7mfnt irii faced either, with the pro of way organiwitlon finds the 'living ,RrMw .flt . temporary control of the wajml it should I demonstratW , j mihm or of turning over to pen-'Just and rensona l.le wap . ... -frcenrivate and oer- the lioard win adopt it ; otherwise It ' will not. ; , ;',:':';.'.. - J,- : '- "Tho hnrrt n-tTI nplthoi1 limit, nor 6n- ' ' large' the rights ' of eitter party tol . pmft'nt to the lioard lta conception of what constitutes a Just nnd reasonable I wage within the meaning of the laws.'' j ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR. PRESBYTERIAN ORPHANS New Laundry; Building at Barium " 1 Springs ' About , Completer-Other - Work-Going Forward. ; , , Barium Springs,' Aug. 28. The blg V RCt thing of Interest on the campus last week, waa. the return from hi vn cation of Mr. Hyde. Everybody was glad to sen him again, and, he waa Just ' a little bit glad to get to work. Mrs. Hvrle tind? tlm Udea.wlU return in about a week.- s ' c - -' Three Visitors' have l)een heret Miss -' Wnne Fnyssont Johnson, and. Misses Annie lrvln, and Jean Marlon. -.Tbey : ' have enjoyed being on the campn so -.." much that their fathers'are 'a little afraid hey. nmjr take steps to become orphans, so they , can stay . here per- , nianntly. v ' --i:;;.-;'-':-, ' The handsome new laundry building f" is rapidly nearlng completion, and rat ' the present rate of construction ' this not it.jp himself, and at the same time , should 1 ready for use in i-tew. rfw.liiIpriiijraelt,,'-'.'.'i( W''- .tf-v-' t weektw This splendid building ,1s the . yhe Held representative . has been gift pf a Charlotte mnn, O, W. John-Ij,uoeegl(fui 'm gigntug nther prominent s win, ami is just wunu ; t li, rhnrintte - neonle ilielleve in thei stnte. niAklne this worki n real powerl for, good.- 'J v .-'' .i' '-' . Whs ladles of Kings Mountain pres bytery, are responsible for some- very mnctc ofpret'intea worn in Airn". Thla niillilltiffwhi0 Is the home of j "' ' thirty frying sine boys, liasjjnst. hndjtinv from the oil; business September " a complete job of Interior painting, ' nnd in nddltloh to this, the Indies are no going to furnish the sitting room, It give some new eti aaa ma-u i l, ' - ...a n .onl hnmo - The liovs are i mighty hopeful that somewhere along , . , ; , ' the line somebody will happen to think Mrs. Yanforbllt to Speak at Lexington. ,hov bad they want a witless outfit; Lexington, Aug. 28. Mrs. Edith in this -building, and now they' have jVflndcrbllt, of Blltmore, . ptesident of already' planned to atrlng the aerial the North Carilina state fair, will be loii the wires into the building tDenker' and guest of honor at th They wouldn't think of-asking for.eelebratlon of ' the centennial of ,Dav- this putllt,- but tney nave iui somoulwly might have already tnonght ot getting an outfit to give away, tlon. with the opening or tno rouMiay were looking for a place ttt give it, 'county fair. Mrs. Vanderbllt has i Annie limine cottage looks Uke Kt written Major Wade H; Phillips,! France during a drive, but already the chairman of the centennial cummltteev Interior is commencing to take an Its- awptlng the Invitation extended her remodeled form and we hear only several days ago ". ' .,-. v ' uresslonB of approval on the lmprovwi- , , , , , living quarters It will furnish for the America' largest cold torage plant - little girls when It Is rmopleted. ' '-' (is In Montreal. The building cost $2,-, J We are already bsiklng foVward 250,000 pnd took two years to coiu wlth pleasure to the visit of the ladies plele. 1 ,! -- -. , ., Zl.Tr we' Wnty-flve specie, of wood, grown know "bene pood women arfe going to in nmn.v'countrle apiMr In the Am f,. ,, . ..V..U D .ii th,t Rome mav erlcan market under the name of mn- IK" Hill 1".!'" r,,. r,- - inslHt on staying Mrs. D. J. M In fqiendliig a fr Mr. and V.: Tbe li"'' ' !' r. ot lH'ljum. ii . ..... T;-1.. ii..vs nt the home i r .,u n l I t- - t-y t'ie - T' j ; two cotton iim at ' LKM.M ILLE MilT IKJWN . (bis rklntty account of lk i tif real. - 'l i FORI) MOTOR COMPANY' . HILL CLOSE SLPTLMRER II I'nk-w II Receive Coal From m I'n exprrted Source. would nave .the effect vr keeping coal . t ,h 0U1U1 f afui'turera and the householders of I be coimtry M Onlj JIM Jo frit ol . ' ma rawer. W'aithington, Aug. Ufl. lreHent coal prices would -only . add fl.nu to the price fit Ford cam, Secretary Hoover decLired today In exprensing the hope font thev Ietrolt mimufacturer wonld coal used a day, Mr. Hoover estimat et, that 0ve under the. present price the Increase per Ford car . would lie only about $1.50. ; Legislation now pending,' Mr. Jloover added, proliably would provide 'price control machinery that could go Into oiierntion within u few days if September 10th, the! date set for Mr. ' Ford to- close down; ' ; BRYAN IX FAVOR OF ' o,',;.- GOVERNMENT CONTROL Declarer Rlluation So I rgent No Time . Shoidd Be Lest in Doing; So. " Washington, Aug. 2S. Declaring the "cohipnlslon 1 so urgent', that no .time anouui lie uisr, v liuain jennms nryun in. n letter today to Sinutor Walsh, Democrat, Maasachusettf), advocated ne- llun by Congress giving tlu Prenldent gnthorlty to take over tejiiporarlly the jJjrjj W w iuiBau(l tne raiiroatis to "put an emi sUnutla;Vtrlt'at atoitils Jnnnager.-v H. iryan Vrirte , that; the gbverm thc.arinv f'to enforce' Drlvate and per sonal vtewrs.; The latter course,, lie va Id, c would be "indeiensuue. ' v tie tntd' Senator' Walsh that the. resolution which the. latter introduced last wwk to give the President the power to take over' the mines had hl approval nnd should b supported by Republicans and Democrats alike. The letter was carried to Senator Walsh's office by Mr. Bryan, who said he hid come .to Washington to talk over 'the situation with . lenders In Congrewt . , . - Signing Members for CotKon Growers ; ! AMrlatinn. ' A fleid repraenttttlve of (be Korth Carolina Coippratlve Ctton 'Growers' Ussoclatlbn is still In Cubarrus eouu- 'il ty, continuing the' campaign .for" iew members. N; He will remain here for several day longer, Mr, M. F. Tenter, oue of the largest farmers lit the coiintv. slmiml with the. association Monday, me neia represen tntive stated. Mr. Teeter made a state ment titter signing with the co-opera tive sxxoolatlon, declaring that be-had signed with' the, organisation "liecause i j wat to help Out the fellow who can farmer pi tne county, ne siaieu. -.. . , :r - 1 I Messrs. w, A. tone ana v. . Miner .) Sell Business. ; . .Messrs. W...A. Stone and O. 8. Mil ler, who have bandied the Gulf Re fining Company' business here for the past' seven, years,- have sold their trucks and equipment toMr. W. tC, ijuk; 0f itn'wan i coiintv and will re- tM,e lt .. - : y , J After a few weefcs rest they , will Ugnln - he associated with the business Interest o Ttbri town, plans ror wiilcn i. . - - iison county, wuicn win oe lormauy ;()iKerved here Septemlier 20 In connee- - ',,, Misses Marion and Ruth Mgon, of 1 ... ' - (,,rr,n- M ! nrn v h t n MIk (J cor. ofii i t i. 'V I - . : I Or ts:.- enroenter lit IIiirtforil.1 tlmt was aiiiMirewed only when tea - iv. i . i ' t'.. nit.le.1 a rcMtoriilli'ii FLUE PVT Hill. FK Petaara ReprvMttUlivta af the MLb- I rn a.td iard I oJ upmlora. rhiladfli.hU. Art 20 IV9ulI 'Mat-meiit tlmt lber would be bo fr eninwut lnterreollon or aeldire of the ailiiea reuiaiiied th irtilMnaillna fea ture of the aalhrai-tte lnuttlio bert early tmluy. The atnletueut came fmm aa authorllatlva hut ronAdeatiitl onpi-e. ' WliblB a aimrt time, aerortllnf ti the aonrce" of the Information, and pro(hly wlthla a week, rejinwnta eive of the nilnera and bard coal ojh eratora will nlxn a ieace part, and 1.M.0UI worker Boon thereafter will return ta their JoliA Thla jiitreenieut. It waa derlnre.1, will overcome the atuniUina: block wblcb prmented tbeuiaetrea utat week wlvn the Joint peace conference of nilnera and ojieratota rnuie to n dead- Itxk. Neither aide, ' It waa further wild. wiMild hnve to recede from its de termination not to ni4ke any more cosx-ewilon. FIRST MESSAT.E SENT 4 '. -OVKR THK NEW CABIE Privllef e Was Given fa ' Secretary Hughe oy the W pstern inlen. i WaHhluRton, T). C, Aug. 20. Tbe II t lueMKiise to lie trniiRtiiltted over the new Mlnmi-Barlmdoea South Am erican cable, algned by Secretary Hushes, and nddretweil to the Brazil- Ian mlnlHter of foreign nrfalra, wan diKitntched today from Miami. After PYit-MHlnv hla crmtlflcnHnn nt tha ntk enlng of tbe new line of communlca-' tlon between North and South Ameri ca, the Secretary a message said u formed a new link of "mutunl Inter est and amity." I ;, r ' ; The message Vns received at the Stnte. Department' b.V radio from the steamer Pan America ' on which Mr. Hughes is traveling as the bead of the oOicinl mission , tor the International Exinmltlnn at ' Rlol : deJnnetro.. The privilege of sending the Brat message was given to the Secretary by New- couih Cnrltoni .president of the West em Vnion Telegraph Company.. : ;. NEW MOTOR COMPANY- ' i IS LOCATE DHERE Lefler Motor Car Company ' Incorpor ated Keeentie BuHinew hn Buildinc. -i- :'. '.. - v.-.',''" -:7-i Tbe Lefler.i ' Motor Car Company has been Incorporated and is open for business In the Corl building , on W est Depot ; Street... The company , is the latest motor company to be. organized here. ; ,..' '!. 4 ,;. :; ';'. Jti ''. S.) Kay 'Pattefaon. lpresldent of the new company anKB.iTP,Leller is C. Rldenbonr is secretary and treasurer. The ntneers of. the company are well konwh he.re, Mr. Ifler has madeiCon cord his home for . some; time, while Mr. Ridenhour recently moved - here from 1 Nil,., township, where, he, was a farmer and school teacher. He also taught In No,, (1 for a number of years. ' The company sells the llupmoblle cor, and accessories. , - . . r NO GOVERNMENT OPERATION -'" ', ' x . ,.' Proposal for Taking 'Over Railways - and Mines Laid Aside, Washington Aug. 28.-i-Proposnls for government operation of rail and coal properties were put aside, at least for the present, todny and administration leaders both ; in and out of Congress centered their efforts instead upon less drastic measures to meet the Indus trial emercrencv With the return to Washington of President Harding, nfter an over-Sun day conference with some of hlg prin cipal advisers on board the yacht May flower, it became apparent that no step toward government operation was to liecome a part of the present adminis tration program. v ; ' .. i Not only was, it revealed that tne President, himself, was not disposed definitely to bsk ior congressional au thority to take over the properties in volved in the, strike' situation, but It was niade known also that nn influ ential gronp. of leaders in the Senate and House naa taken a position wnicn would make passage of fto authoriz ing legislation extremely dinicuit. $6,600,000 to Spend at Muscle Shoals. - Washington, Aug. 20.-r-Fundg total ling 6,60O,OOO have lieeni authorized by President Harding to ennblearmy engineers "to begin construction work on the Wilson Darn' at Muscle snoais, Ala.,; on an extensive scale pending the nse of the $7,500,000 appropriated by Cfifigress, which becomes available (Rtober J, itwas omciaiiy announceu today,;r - ".;"Jr ,'-," ' ' " With Our idvWl Isers. " Whether your account is large or small -it will receive equally courte ous and personal service at the Cltt jlens Bank and Trust Company; soys new ad. today. " ; - - New and correct style in men'i wean1, at Hoover's. ' Fall and winter goods are on displny no, nnd by buy ing early you get tbe pick or tne lot, '.1 Refused to Commute Dupre's Death - . Sentence. . , -' 'v tin MMi rwn.1 " ..' Atlanta, Qa. Aug. , 2. Governor Thomas W. Hard wick today refused to commute, the .denth sentence Frank It. Dupre, Atlanta youth con victed, of the murder of a private de tective. Dnpre is under, sentence to lie hanged next Flrday. - ,. , . ; Rioting at Michigan State Reformatory H the twHiliM Ptrmm. Ionia, Mich., :Aiik. 20. State polio I a. a ...... I. ...... I ... u,nA Mk.M1,1 "i" "'"""" ' irivi.u.,,.,,, I here this morning as the result of a loutbrenk among the Inmates late-nlgl of n lmi-ed Into one of the-dormt- DESLD Lmraedialery t. Take Over the Railroadi and Mining Properties, Ptesident Hard ing SUU Ikll-ttes. ABANDONMENT OF COAL AGENCY PLAN . ; President Harding- Has As- . sured Congress That He Would Not Exercise Power Except in Great Necssity. ' ztr ' Washlnglon, .Ang. YV I By, the Asso ciated l'ress.) President 1 Harding still lelleves that fongres should grant him Immediately authority to take over the rallroaaV and. mining proiiertles.-it wa said today at the ' White House, but he Hit assured Con gressional siiokesiuen that only tbe grimest public necessity would move him to exercise such iiower If granted. ; If Congress Indicates nnwllllpgnrss to enact legislation necessary tbe Pns- Ident does not intend, to push bis oplnj ion or to uinkc ioriuni piinuc iicuiiinu for the power, it van salil, offtelal adding that he does not Iwlieye that there Is any present , necessity for ac tion under snc a grant. ;. , In the. light f of facts nresented at toiloy's cabinet 'meetitig, 'the President was' said to believe that the bitumi nous coal ? producing situation had bared itself up nnd that there W'ould be nn anthracite settlement within a very short time, leavjng the condition of the railroad and (shopmen's strike as the only big Industrial menace.; It(wa declared that the rresldent had no doubt .but that by the, exten sion of the .present'! established nnd recognised administrative power, the federal government ciuld in an emer gency move to the control of essential public services without additional au thorization., although.) for the purpose of allaying public excitement anil, -tearing the nrmosphpre he was said to feel that Congres ought to make the powers definite nnd certain ny tne enactment of legislation. , . At the same time while be lias indi cated h'is desire, forv audi enactment, and furthef has suggested Its Imme diate desirability he .is ' not preparing to , uveas the ,eout4usi jBgnlnst, op: position which "already has been voic ed by Wme Congressional lea ders."v I'nuer present circumstances, n was said, the President does not ..-consider; tbe government has any lurtber r nonsiliility or duty to seek a settle ment of the rail strike. The admin istration's present intention was aid to lie limited to a 'determination ; iq press the enforcement of existing law guaranteeing safety of life, and prop erty and the maintenance of necessary public service. i 1 ':v--' Ilefinltfr nlmndonment of the Presi dent's, proposal to Congress for a fed eral coal agency with cupltal to .buy. sell and distribute coal was announced to the House by Chairman wwsiow. or the Interstate Commerce Committee, t rhe beginning of a debate on tne mil to create machinery to suiiervise dis tribution 'only. ; ': - i, ' , ' - ' The change- 'in plans, Air. winsiow said, had been acquiesced In by the President", whose suggestion ror n pup- basing and aelllng agency, nan js-eu thrust . Into the 'liackgronnd ot Con gressional consideration almost as soon, as It was submitted .' ' ; ,V, THE COTTON. MARKET Showed Renewed Firmness at Open ing Fir Prices it to z minis Higher, j:" . " 'V -VoS s tat AciniMi -trrv-'.r-,, i New YorU. Aug 2.-4Ph w,itlrm market Showed -renewed ' firmness at the.openlng todnp owing to relatively Hi.,,1 ,-niii crinHnucd croo complaints, and a rather more opfimlstlc view of the labor outlooK. nrst pnew wr 12 to 28 points bigeher,with Deeem tierrselling nt 22:M on covering and a little' buying by trade 'and commls- wtn'n 'hniwes. hilt the YOluUtt Of busl- nrw fell off after the can, ana mere .am recatlons of several points, dur ing early trading, as a result of realis ing and scattered' Southern selling. . Cotton futures opened Ktendyi- Oct. f2:40; Dec., 22:55; Jan. 2'4:; ..March 22:43; May 22:34. EIRGT TD4IMH HI T ON ST .TSLN nVii! IX An HOI'RS ALTON ROAD IN 60 HOIKS iAi. Civ th w IV fj 1 ICniUVim 7. ara Trainmen ."Everything bui we ivaii road." - v?1' -h - . ' ,wwihnnse ill.. Auc.;2fl (By the As- sociated Press )Afte .promising the 1 taiiift uv , . ,.i " .u inli. Xfr. thing but the railroad," Vice fresineni Titus, of the ChK-ago & Alton Railroad fmniwn.vnt 7:30 till morning had th untiafAction of . seeing the first train in 00 hours leave Roodbo.use, corrvina two passengera to St. Louis.' It came tbrongn rrora immtiu.(. 6.449 Men Hired by Railroad I8. , .. - ' - J - - . Week. (Br tbe Aolte Pre.) 1 '.' - 'xi twin rl off thnt'onniie with fifteen smaller copperhead tti lirenkun ot aegotlations lietween the railroads and the shop crafts rep resentatives last week has brought on natlonvriile disintegration of strike. ho,KKlHHint rbalrinait of the Assoda ,i,.n f lfniironrl Kxecutlves tislny an nounced that 0.440 men were hired by the roads of the nation lust Saturday, ...i.t.i v nfter the negotiations nil(Hl . - , . CI 1 '. Never follow on the news or a sr- SCHOOL EOIKO MIXTl.VJ Tain Anlaaj ErUtite U kUrAart U OHmoU at AO OUMraa. At a kwnltii if tbe tbiaril MA Ailfux i'Mh, il was Btornl aad tarried kmt the Hnl aiirare (tr rrruDMurtwlstiua of tbe K(t BusH ( KdiMatltM la rt-card to adoiitttng rbll drvm Iraia ou!.l tb Urk1 to tbe l-tl barnretl atboola and I hut tbe i blldrro will be admitted to our bnuUlfrum outside tbe dltrk4 ta accriliiu with I 111 rerutoaieadatloa tlx ui h children - I Ud la a rwan where there are not nxire tbaa thirty pnplui but utberwlae each rase amt I Mtlnuitted to a sixh-UI roat mlttre of ibl lrd for it action. . Tbe rennn mentation of tbe State Brd of Klm-Htlon referred to above have tbe following prmniltin : .Tbe County Jioard of Kihiralioa and ike- City Board of Educatioa should t-n-oppcMte in irovtding a six mouth term for all tbe rbildren, as required by tbe Constitution.. That the Isiards of trustee of tbe kliecla! chartered . school should ad mit children living outside tbelr dis tricts taily niNin tbe written order of the county Isiard of education. : "That the county hoard of educa tion should give an order for the ad mission to the city school of children from . rural territory only in case where the children affected live near er a school within the city district than any school offering instruction in the required grade,' or where, m ao count ot the location of roads or nat ural barriers, it is clear that the con- venlence of such children would be served thereby. "To the 'pa rents of such children no tuition charges shall lie made for six months of the term but for three months of the term tuition shall be paid in advance by the parents at a rate approximately the per'capltn cost of the city schools for the previous year. ''-.!, - ''For the six months term the coun ty hoard shall pay into the cityboard the difference of the per capita cost of.the-.city schools and the amount re ceived, from the county Ismrd fothe same purpose. In estimating the per capita cost the Interest on schoql bonds shall be Included." : . the American legion NATIONAL CONVENTION Is ,to Be Held in New Orleans From October 16 to 20. -, New Orleans, . La.1,' Aug. 29. Ships, Pullman cars, tents ami Army supply Imse- building, private homes and ho tels will house the thousands of dele gates and visitors expected at the Am erican Legion national ' convention ; m New Orleans, October 1(1-20.- ' - A preliminary canvass by the .con vention Rotttls and housing eommUtee hint ileniiinxtrnled the fact; that New Orleans will lie able fo 'House' H!0,000 guests. '''.'?' ,.;v.-ii :' , l'lissencrer liners 'will, ne docKeu-omi fonner "golia" and marines win lie al lotted first cabin accommodations : on them. . ' ' ' '-W '';' A Pullmnri cltyof hundreds of cars, to lie established In. three large rail road -yanhv will care for 14,000 visit ors, the convention - committee has announced, "The "hotels on wheels" will lie provided with nil theonven leiices of a jnodern hostelry.."' Dining car service will be maintained,' shower bath will be erected and all equipment will i be electrically lighted , while .parked. , . , 1 ' , Tne railroads nave estauiisoeu a charge of $12-for parking In addition to the $54 for daily Pnl.lman car, rent oL ; The average cost, to the Pullman gnest will be aliont $2 a day. ; . - ,If the size o tbe convention crown warrants it, tents will be erected on the parunets of some ot the more cen trally bs-ated boulevards. A modern barracks, patterned after those of can tonment days, will lie established in the Army Supply Base, a nrteen mil lion dollar structure on the river front. Private homes will be thrown oiien to the veteran who brings his wife to the convention. NeW Orleans hotel men have agreed uiKinY uniform rate schedule' of $1.50 a day without bath and $2.50 with bath. Charges in the tent Vities and improvised hotels will be from fifty to seventv-flve cents a day and the cost In private homes will comimre favor ably with the hotel rates. - All reservations for for rooms dur ing the five days of the convention must lie made .through the Legion d( pnrtment adjutant ': of '.the. state from which the visitor comes. ' ' HOLD AVIATOR IS "NUISANCE" "Nose-Dive'' at Ball -Game Narrowly . Misses Bleachers. - '' Durham, N. C, Aug. 28. W. H, Fll- more, a tlamornia aviator,; wuo un lieen making exhibition , nights nere, was arrested- last night, charged with ! committing a nnlsnn., after a flight 0TW the iMgehnU park durlng ft game betweim Durham, ana ttaieign. Ac- conling to . spectators be brought his airplane downHn a dose dive and miss ed by 15 feet the left field bleachers, in which were seated more than 1,000 --- - , . I tans, - JUnnv Ol tne iihih uihuc uunic w" .... . .. , ''.' " ' rT. m I Mr. W. A, Freeman, of No.. 10 town- ship, brings na a nnk stoTy that we iiellaye Venus will find It difficult, to i"cjn... -1 '"?'"". "--. ' ,1I1V niorillllK line- iir auu i Long, a neighbor, were tearhig nwny some rocks froia an old chimney place thev ran across an old -copperiieau ' snakes. ; These sixteen snakes weiaj killed, but Mr. Freeman states that he believes there Is still another old snake about the place. U .- Motor Bandits Get $82,000 In Tahh. - (Ur IM Auarltr4 Prm. - -, lethlirldge, Allierta, Aug.' 20. Five liannits mvaumi me iuwn oi rureiuum. I early today, ilwund and gagged, era. 1 moves of the Union Bunk, blew the safe ann escapea wnn ;,ouw iu casa i ,tl,l.. I, u ' . concert ru.L"y CeMral MimI AaditrUaai ttkr4 U Hear a tstkBdU LaUrUkaaiiiaV nmfrrt fin by tia Mojclag CUa fnaa tbe Xlilc litaa at Ux f"rd la tbe aalin1uai of t Voir I grad- nl tKl MoDrf nlxfht aa a imt ma, both la iolnt of atteiida1 aad rerHia Tbo large ai wa tat-Led and sUDding ra wa to he bad. Ten glria I Uu ruKiHt . tba rbiM IbU'year, lib Ml Mrrk Muse tearber aad planux. and Mr. L. W. Ablermaa In ruarar. The ' recvlit mounted to mure than $iiuil.OO. Tbe itrograaioie wa nDoaially rd and well rendered. That 'll w aitfirectuted by tbe audi ence wa eviib-aced by 4 he many en core. Among tbe moot popular nnm bera aa tbe rfrrumme were tbe unrig -We've Got tbe Mnuiiia," pole drill and recltltioo "Fn Not Me," the latter by tbe youngest Bietojber of tbe ela. Mas ter MayUnd MaiwengUL which took down tbe house. All tbe children showed sjilendld training.' Tbe inrty wa entertained at the va riotia borne 'of the, city while here and left thla morning for Kan na polls, where tonight an entertain ment will lie given. - . Near the chwe of the entertainment Mr. Alderman maile'a abort talk, and urged all who would to pay the Home a visit and ' lnsiect the work being done there. He aald among other thing, that there are 3.1,000 Masons In North Carolina who are responsible ror be management of the Home and thitt only one child out of every five there are children of Masons. A hos pital to cost aliout $75,000 Is qow un der construction anil wben completed will be a valuable addition to the equipment of the Home. ( v Y.. THE STATE COLLEGE . . . . i -1 Fall Session to Open September 5. Over 300 New Students. Raleigh, Aug. 20. With compara tively few changes In the faculty, the thirty-fourth session of Stnte College will own with the registration of stu dents on Tuesday, Septemlier 5th. Reg- istrafion will continue through -Wed- es,lnv the ftthi nn.l clni zrnrV win iK'gln Thnrsday morning. Septemlier 7. More than three hundred new men have already been admitted to ; the Freshman Class and applications are still being received at the 'Registrar's office on every mail. It hag been found necessary to assign three 'stu dents to end) room tn Watauga Hall, and the First, Second and Third dor mitories, but this congestion will lie somewhat wdleml " with the comple- m"ers oeiow tnai ,uwjenevei .iu Hon of the 'three new-Bections to South the workers Who vainlj1. struggled to ) lKiniiitory which' are expected to be reach them. v.-.:. ;-, .-v.-;. ready for omipaney aliout the first of Dnrina; the night men attempting In t (K-tolN'r. : - -' '."' '-f'-'jiv mine "skiiw". to ride down throitgh the .Rices' Hall, the new AgrlcnUurol x- 'fl'MMlnJ levels were dragged back to -tension bnHiUaaanoUa'awlU-t ,surfatbiarai('es-bla(teav -new hometf the deiinrtment of me- -Ttir!rnnv to gihrn eagerly for fresh j cbnnlcal engineering, wiU lie ready for nlr'aiulto tell of the hopelefsness of use at, or soon after, the oening of college, but the additions to the dining hall -doubling Its present capacity of 7,0 will not be finished -until uliout hte first of Novemlier. Construction wAVk at ' the' dining hull will not Interfere with the present accommodations '- for' deeding the stu dents as the new addition Is practical ly n separate structure being located as a -new wing-Immediately In the rear. ' The old kitchen will .serve both wings, but it has already been -enlarged and new and more modern equip ment has lieen Installed throughout. There will lie no Changes in depart ments bends in tbe teaching personnel, although a few additions Jhave been made in some of the subordinate posi tions nnd in some cases it has been necessary to fill positions made vacant by resignations. :, -. . j ,V; ARE AGAINST MARKETING BY CO OPERATIVE PLAN Dr. Alexamlef and Stone,-of Farmers' I'nion 'Outline View at Picnic i Winston-Salem,' Aug. 28. Dr. H. Q. Alcjtnndpr, of Mecklenburg county, in his address before the Forsyth branch of the Fanners' Union -at. their annual picnic In the western part of the coun ty Saturdayivdeelared that he. did not believe that co-operative, marketing un der the plan outlined by the. leaders of the movemnt, was just the thing needed by the farmers, and he. ex- pressed'" the ",. opinion "that .those who signed, up would soon ' be convinced that the.y had made a mistake. , Dr. Alexander i auvocatert . govern ment ownership and operation of coal mines, railroads, banks and, all public utilities. .:. - - ; .- ';. .- ". - President Stone, of tbe atafe. union. also, imade an address and he spoke along the same line of Dr. -.Alex apder. The -attendance upon 'the picnic was unusually large and the. dinner served was tiumptuons one. : i ., , r Aviators Here For Several Days. ; "A three passenger Curtis nirplane. comnlanded by Lieutenants M.A. C. Johnson and O. W. Gwinn,. Is now lo cated on the Charlie Cline lot on the Kannapolis road for exhibition flights. The pilots are ex-service mcnt and dur-. int the war pient Johnson was chief stunt instructor at, March Field. Cal. Two .passanger are given a trip for $10.00 and single price is $5.00. .- 1 . Lieutenants, Johnson and Gwinn have made two-trips from coast -to coast, and have visited 42 different states, r They,, have covered 180,000 miles In their plant and have carried more thnn A700 passengers. ; !-' v ' 1 111 11 " '"-'' ' Overflow Expertetl at Davidson's Fall v-Vv ;.Trm. ... - -.'. . Davidson. Ang. 2S. All the Indica tion are that Davidson will be. filled to overflowing this coming season. It teems now not to, be a matter ot se curing students, unit or nnoing ac ooni modn Hons for those that are offer ing for registration, and unless tbe Isill weevil or some other, unlooked for enemy of ' prosperity interferes, all available room will be occpled. Rev.' Mr.-Davis will preach tomor- row oikui t i .hwiv-vwihu . Clnilllre PnnH-it I 'Mirt h KOHOPEKOVFORTHE : . niTm 1RF0 ITTfil Vl.lWfc.wi Miuuuw , p ' ' i Nearly a Mil? Be- j low the Earth's .Surface Cannot Be Reached Within Eighteen Hours. j i -; CUT)FF FROM OUTSIDE BY FLRE Men Attempting to Reach Them in Mine Skips Drag- ged Back to Surfaces, Faces Blackened by Fire. Jackson. CaL. Aug. 20 By tbe As. MK-bited Press.) Volumes of nauseat ing gas Issuing from the burning depth of tbe Argonaut mine through tbe Muldoon alrahafta led to tbe lie lief that the men now aald to mini. her 47. who were imprisoned In tbe ' Argonaut mine at midnight Sunday night by a Ore, have all perished, , Tbe attempt to cut through from the depths of the Kennedy mine, the deeiswt gold mine in America, to the bottom on the Argonaut has been alien-, doned as hopeless. - The only hope of reselling the men who are trapped like rats In a hole la"" through the main shaft, and that hope is growing fainter every hour. -, Jackson, CaU Aug. 29 (By tbe Asso ciated Press ), Held In- the riw.grip , of despair as hour - follows hour in, their vigil,' families and fellow work . ers, ot the 48 gold miner imprisoned, since midnight Sunday, nearly a mile below tbe earth's surface In the Argo naut , mine today clung stubbornly , to the shred of hope that their hus- ' 2m ilJI M" fathers and buddies s ill lived, although the most optimistic hope was , to reach the men within 18 hours. Dawn todny found that group still J ; waiting. '; From the mouth of the pit ' from which these, men have helped to -take fortunes In gold at an average of a million dollars a year; came no token of hoiHv From it tcame a sign of the hell of flame, and smoke and poisoned air- that Vaged 'between the imprisoned !. the. trip below., xne traeas on-wnicn., the skips run were warped and dis torted .with the heat,, at some places t even being me.Ued away.. ; ..' , TERMINATION OF STRIKE IN ' PITTSBURGH DISTRICT FORECAST t'nfied Mine Workers Say They Will Meet Scale Committee of I'oal Pro- dueers; i : ' KBj tk Asnctatcal Pre.l :...f I'lttsburgh.i Pa.. Ang. 20. Termlfia-' tlon of the coal strike in the Pitts burgh bituminous district , was i fore- cast toilay when the district otllcers of . the .Unitetl Mine.. Workers announced ( they would meet the scale committee of Pittsburgh - Coal Producers Asso ciation this afternoon on Invitatiou of the association to illfcm-s framing n's scale under the Cleveland agreement. - . , :. ,, -; "Peacock Alley"' ' Author - Ex-Soldier. 1 Edpinnd Goldlng, who, from a story by Onida Bergere, wrote "Peacock "Al- ley," the Tiffany prodnotlon for Jiet-', ro, starring Mae Murray at the Pas-V time -Thejitre Welnesday and Thurs day, is an Englishman. - He was lead- log man In Sir-Herbert,, Tree's com- pnny before the war and during the , war he served in France. ' : ' . 1 His scenarios. Include t'Tol'able Dav id," "Madonnas nnd Men';" ''Man '-of'. 11." "The Regular Girl," "The Glorious Stone."" "Beyond tile Bend," "The Dev Ixiver," "The Sin That Was . His," Dangerous Toys,";, "Dangerous Para dise," and J'Daughter of the World." In "Peacock Alley" he tells the .ro- mance of a Paris dancer who mitrricd an American business man. (The pic-, ture is presented oy uoiwt z,. ion- ard, who is also director. The photog raphy is by Oliver T. Marsh, the art settings by Charles Cadwallader, and ,' the suli-tltles by Frederic and Fanny Hatton. ; t v . ' v ' MAIL DOOR-SLOT OR RECEPTA-, 7 V CLE RIQUIRED. ' ';-v.''. '.- . ' First Assistant Postmaster General, - Washington,' August 25, 1022, ( . Ou account of the-delays caused to -. carriers at dwelling house where no ' door-slot oc. mall receptacle is provld- , , ed, nnd the fact that a large majority f, ot dwelling are thus equipped alrca(l it seems thnely, within a reasonable . lsjrltHl, to require all who are to re-' celve maiKby atreet carrier at their , dwellings to provide such accommoda-' ' tlons, the expense of the same being ' small. Postmasters are therefore thus instructed. The " length of notice, should not exceed four months, al though there may lie Wc-ptlonttl cases where nostmasters should use reason-i able discretion or osk for Instrnctiiins. ' It Is hot the department's desire, of , course, that any shall lie deprived of delivery, by this requirement, but rath er it 1 earnestly hoed that all will . see the reasonableness ot It and its advantage to themselves, aa well as to the carriers, But If It .finally be come necessary mall delivery will lo discontinued where no disir-slol (pref ernblv) or nmll receptaclis, are pro vided. . , .. JOHN II. TUUTI.rTT. ' Mi-1 A i t. JNO, h. Mn.i,r:t, 1 ,,.,..- c - r.

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