ooonooo; O AS: CIATED L. O I.iLSS C O DISPATCHES Q oooooooa O TODAY'S O a nlvs q ' o TODAY. O OQOOOOOO' tnns VOLUME XXII. Entire British Fleet to Do Sent to' I Reinforce Lleditenranean Squadron CONCORD, rlC. MONDASgTEMBER 18, 1021 NO. m Will Be the Most Formidable Armada Ever Assembled, Embracing the Most Mod ern DreadnaughU. , THE TURKS CANNOT OPPOSE SUCH FORCES Theie Is An Increased Feel ing of Security in Constan tinople as Result of Great Britain's Decision. I- A&SOCIATTD FRrs. OPTNS .v c. m rkai' in i hajilottz Vni af the Wortd Di-tHl to . State Fiim From Her. (r Ik 4 it i rr4 fMl TV North Carolina Hut act-vlcc of Tbe AaancUled Itf' im tnanga- nti-l Sunday algal with all of lb ftXXXKK lcadlag pm of the atste rwaoertrn lr Iradisf wires and wlih practically AMMUNITION FACTORIES ' M nf term WrM oa tbr same wire TO WORK FILL CAPACITY rviilt rHaved fr.m the ww bnrranl at ' at . .. .--... .i - Hi i nanouf. -.inn lur iw i uarnnir (Brtie A"K-lalJ rrm.) . bureau awl tbr two paper bvre will Paris. Kept. 18 4 By rtw Aawa-i. a furnished fn double, trunk wires ated l'rea. The British gov- tmm Washington. . eminent ana onlered all smsll The extendi rt prrlrr. la finical tn, m arm and smainnttKm ractorlea in provide tbe nempapera f North Caro- tbe United Klngjkira to wk 24 jM ttl morning and evening, at Bonn at fnll capacity In prpri- b1t with the general news of ttafcoim- Ikin.'lor any Turkish eventnall- trT ,, ,u. wori, . lu u,. p. but tlea. according to news reaching .Ian t enable, tbeu to nhtalu more jn-lvate somvi her today. .. North Carolina news. " From Wash 1 n k i: k k x a lngton the. general dorwatle and for. 4 f I I r) BPWa in i. M.Dt ,4 the rtoliMr ' i . trunk wires. Richmond, (iwmliim dr' of ; Cnnatautlnople Kept. 18 4 By th Aa Bociatrd l'twn).-Tba entire . British Atlantic Jreet la !Hnit iient to rHnforo . the Mtvllt. rfaneon aqnailr for protec tion of Coivtantlniiple and the atruitu of IiMnlnnellcA " , , . TWa nndoulitedly will frfatc. h moat foruiiNlalile arfnada ever bsbsiu- ' Med In an area of like alae emnracing ' , the moat miHWrn drearinauKht. battle ' crnlHera. rteHtro.vern, anbinartne and air era ft --arrlera.' : . Britloh oflVlHln here fed confident ' that if the allied lnud force, are not Itiiltlcient to check a nntiounllMt attack ' on the Pardanelle the combined fleet ' together, with French mid Italian ' ve.nela will be adttmatc. There is an . increased "Teelln aecurlty' ainonK the population here aa a result of Great Uritaln'a energetic iiieaHurev l"he hinhext military a thorlticH declare the Turka will not couimit,the folly of opppalntt auch over wleltnlng forces. Th allied cotn- ' uinmlPr here are meeting today to dlwiiMa measures for dj-fense of the cnpltol and atrnlt. ' " V;. f ?. ... Will There Be Another Wart " London, Sept. 18 (By; the. Associ ated Tress ).-JThe British government , despite' the outcries apiienrlng iivthe French and Italian press against rur-i ther military action,: Showed no signs tcMlay of altering Its avowed illcy of defending the Dnrdnnellea against the Turks. .. ' i , .-'. ' " The cabinet minister met today with a high official of the admiralty, With , the chief of staff of the army and the ' i hief of the nlr force They dlseiiss ". ed problems connected .with the le . fense of the neotrnl sone', on ' either - side of. the-, straits agninst (HMWlble i Turkish action; lUwas stated. " -.4 A t Another meeting-: of -nWne uieru .? her8Jt ettor Jtti. tJtejguMrumO'k ainto-HlnV foreign minister la, hasten- i" lng to' Ixnidon fron Paris to confer with the cabinet over the crisis. The general , public is more-or less atnnnni lir the iiMHilllltita of another - conflict "While- the country is yet stag gering from the; ejects of .the great war. : .-. .' ; Indon streets are posted with post era and nityertlBeraenta saying "rend nlMiut the new war" side by side with others reading ' "stop the- new wrir.f , The Evening News has a column !! ; torinl ,'Stop thls ncw war," the text of ' which lieelns : . ' - , "The country Is taxed already to the hotton of Its pocket and una no money for a new war." - m ) The ray Mall unieite, ine uioor and TSvening Standard ; declare if London and Paris- sl'.aw themselves- to '. I of one mjnd theTurkB will- never - dare attempt to take-over the Straits ' or-enter Km-':-('f'-'&-'-' Canada Can Send Many Veterans l , Toronto, Sept. . 18. CAnada'a pre paredness for the prompt mobilization and equipment of a force of nbout 5, : (KM) men for. early dispatch to Constan y. tinople In response to a call of Great Britain,' was the subject of-discussion v: In munr niinrters here today.?".,!' -- ' There seemeil to be no &mm the . Dominion could send a well ; drained w and ertidpped cotnposlte force bf vet eran ttoops to the seat of,. war within ai rnr weeks. . At the main armories 'V qnlte a number of men .were wjatltng t offer tneir services. : j ' " , Washington, Seirt. 18. Bear Admft nl Bristol, American high commission 1 am of rnntnnHnniile. ' was renuested today by the State Pepartmnffor - specific information as to the number -' of American cltl-ens, native or."hatur 'l liiwwl in need of relief, as a result of the re-occnpatlon of Smyrna1 y the Turkish forces,' and also their pres ent whereabouts. ;' '. ' " s";t'. A 'i I TOMMY MILTON WIUS IN ; - FATAL S04-MJLE RACE Sarlea, Boaroe Veteran Rarer, la - . Burned to Death. - Kansas City, Mo. Sept 17. Iath chrlstttnrd Kansas , City's, new lwril speedway today. One racer was fatally burned, fnnr were InJgrftJ severely, two of whom may die and two others slightly In jured, ia the 3()-mile classic dedicat ing the new spmt bowl. -The dead: Koscoe Sarles, Indianapo lis, veteran driver, killed, when his machine 'was wrecked and lmpied af ter the collision with the. care of Pefe De Jaolo. ' , ' ; . ' v : ' -The severely Injnretl: Joe Thomas, Seattle, driver, Injured when his ma chine crushed Into Jimmy Mnrphy's car just ahead of him on the flO-llle mark; Mechanician F.d Heffermau, riding with ' Eddie Hcarne prolmbly fatally-hutt when -Hearne's car broke a front., axle , mechanician Harry Henning, riding with DoTnolo. The slightly injured 1 Pete Dot Paolo, driver, injured; when his car collided with that of Snrles; -Eddie! Hcarne, veteran driver tn many races, whos? car. turned turtle nfter" the. front axle broke, badlyi cut and bruised. . ' The. 300-mile race, which drew many of he most famous drivers i of tlie country, was won by .Tommy Milton, of St. Paul, time 2;--:r)2-fi(t. . JUDGE LYON SETS ASTOE' , HIGHTOWER MASSEY VERDICT Orders -fcew Trial Today In Wake r County. Superior Conrt. ''" Shr ta - - Fnu. , Kaiclgh, Sept. ia--Jude ton n Wake ikranty Superior Court here tp- IK; WLtdc. the . fflWM 4nl. ordered a new mm in tnc ease oi j. a. mw tower and H. H. Massey, former pres dent and cashlpr, respectively, of the defunct Ventral Bank & Trust tloni nnnv of this city,-found guilty by' n jury. Saturday" night of Vei-eivlng dt posit.s, knowing the bank was insol vent. . The Judge's decision was greet ed by scattere1 handclapping over the mmrt room. .: . v was iuDrrr.D wavin MXM. l IlARLrlS WEBB It Is RrfMTted N ba DtffemM Kww Mhe tiH-Ura About Her lilil lapping htmrj. tT IW AanarUM4 rnM.1 " tirmwlmra, IVpl. 1 IK Th Sulntl of the Biyatary fonremlac tb libtru- ty of the aula sod wnaa who were klilnajipod by, a hand uf Biaakeal aim txr Taylorsvtlle Tbiirndjiy . alat await! the retnra f tbe woman to her Buoai at .the home o( a hical riergy- uian. , Tbe woman asaerterl here Saturday she was Mrs. Chaa, Wrlili, and that It Was her husband, rnlmu(n. with beadqnarters at lUlelgh. who waavp- :lf,IANY SHOPHEH BACK OH OLD JQBS AGAIH It Is Estimated That at Least 50,000 Men Who Struck Were Returned to Their ; Jobs This Morning. ' arated from her by masked wen. Sher iff ( 'arson, of Ahntaadcr mnnty, is JEWELL CONFERRING WITH HIS LEADERS wire as Charlotte and win report tbe happenings of those sect lots, while. At lanta, tbe southern i tertulu of tin double wires, will lie tbe mnnectini point for transmission of news fr-mi other sections of the onth and south went. The Associated Press bnread at Kaleigh will continue to "ctfer" the capital. . . i. ,. The development of special North Carolina, aerrice was derhled noon at a recent meeting of the newspapers of this etate with V. L. McCall. tuperln- tendenr of 'the southern division, and other officials of The Associated Prest ANSWERS SI IT FILED c , BY HOTEL COMFANY E. D.'Eatla Answers Stilt of (Itiiens Hotel Company for $50,000 Sub scription. .,.l,;"-'', , ... r.l. Chaste, Sept 10. K. D. Latta, who la being. ' sitAh by the . Citiisens Hotel Company for'a subscription to that company of $TiQ.000 has .filed au- swer to the complaint of the company in the cle.rk of the court's office. i In his answer Mr. Tatta attacks the legal rights of the officers of the Clt- isens Hotel Company to act hi their official capacities between April 1. 1020 and April 1. 11121, claiming that during that time the company had no board of directors or officers legally qualilied to act or to represent tbe corporation ond that any action so taken was with out legal force and not binding; and setting up further contention .. that such officers were not at that time stockholders of the plnintff company. as required hy the. corporation laws, of the State, and that they were not. em powered to elect officers, receive or act on any proposal to lease the proposed hotel ami that no tulid proposal for a Contract to U-mJthe,; hotel has b;cu Minim tl.f "OhiSprTlrwhrtin ?"UMse was given. ; ji'v1: 1 --'H .Tliennswet' (further eflnmerares that. it was not In the minds of -citizens to erect- a commereinj, but n tourist type of hotel, . . authority for the staleuient that thei , , - 1 11 , JTk-w" i"3a!.n!L J?.?' On Roads WTiere Settlement doned by her abductors, that her. name la Margaret Smith. this city, and the man la the rase' as M. J. Jenkins, of Winston-Salem. . 1 . She left. her. rooai '.vesterdar with out tellmg anytme inhere she was go- Jenkins issues jStalement, Whiston-Salem. SeH IS. S. L. Jen kins, a merchant of 'this city today fesned the following jdiitement i . "It is true I was jmt of the city last Thursday . night, and I arrived home altont, 0 o'clock Friday after noon, but I was on business . trip which -did' not take me near Taylors vtlle 'nor in the direction of that town. 1 1 RESCl'E CREW8 CAN NOW . PASS TO ENTOMBED MINERS Great Force of Draftl Indicates That There Is No fave-im, Jackson, Cat, Sept. hs (Bv tike As sociated . Press). The owning con necting the' Kennedy , Mine vlth .the Argoliunrworklngs 7 Where 47 ' men have been entomlied 2 days, has lieen enlarged to the full star nwessury for the iwsHage of the rescue crews,'' It was announced officially at 6 :4r o'clock this morning. The great force of the draft blow ing from the Kennedy finto the Argon aut mine Indicated tblit there is no cave-in on the 400 fojit lever of the settlement plan. m m il n RAILROAD INTO STATE'S "LOST PROVINCES" Froposea itouie iinu nmo, nwiousa, . Allethaney ad Wilkes Counties. . ..''Br ! Aasoela4 TtmmL't .;,,'.'. Aahvllle, N. C, Sept. 18. Investi gation of a propoaea route for a rall- . vond Into Aslie, Wautauga, Alleghaney and Wilkes eountles known as ' tlie ' i,of "nrnvlmW has bent completed, and a survey ' by engineers Is to be made o a report; can, be suommea bi . the next meeting of the legislature. ext January. Col. Benneham Cameron, lnnmher of the commission said here today, ; Cni8l1tl(n being made f selling the'atate's Interest In. the "North Carolina Itoilroad and Atlantic t 1 World War Officers Meet. "Atlantic City. N. J.; Sept. 18. The national convention - of the Military Order of the World Warn, the memlier shlp of which is confined to veterans who served as commissioned officers in, the nrmynvy' and marine corps of the' United Titntes, was opened here todar, with headquarters at the Hotel Aiubossmlor. The sessions will con tinue three days, , during which time the -veterans will hear addresses by General Pershing, Secretary of War weeK8.'-yvs8isiunx siwremry oi : iue Navy; Roosevelt, Commander McNider of the Ameran Iegton, and others of prominence. . 1 ' - ( . ' .At the Theatres. Eddie Lyons is the star at the Pas time today In a big comedy. "Blind Circumstances ," ,a big drama, is also being shown. t William Farnum, one of the biggest screen ' stars. Is being offered at tbe Piedmont today In "Moonshine Val ley.'' . .' 'H x-..1: p'i-4 The Rta today is offering beautiful j Gloria Swanson Is one of her latest pictures. "Under the, Lash." 1 Durham and High Point Playing; ' '."'.r'I' Associated Pr 'i High Point,' Sept. ia---Durham and High Point .ivlll meet here this after noon in the opening game of the cham pionship series to decide, the pennant winner in the Piedmont League, 'lue teams wfll. play here also; tomorrow and' go-' to " Durham for two games. The team winning four -games out of sfwen win pe uecip'rea uie winner, NEW COMPANY WILL SELL BCICK'CARS The Standard Bulck Co., Inc Willi Open For Business Here About Oc tober the First. The Standard Bnick Co., -Inc., is the latest automobile company to be orgnnissed in (.Vmcord. The incoriw ators are Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Loffer- ty and Mr. Charlet Krlrter. , Mr. Liif- ferty and Mr. Krlder will be in charge of the pbint and the sales." The com pony will occupy the building for merly used by the Auto TrnctorTom' pany, on 'Barhrtck Street.-!,';. i;- . -The company plans; to handle the Bulck earexeluslvely, and1 will carry a full line of.imrts. An eiiierienced mechanic has. been secured from the factory. . nf - , The building 7 will be -entirely re modeled, . and will be modern when completed, j The new; company hopes to open Octolier Drat. ' - THE COTTON MARKET of Has Not Been Made New York Central Refuses Some - Demands of Shopmen. ' , . T Ajaartatv Pms.1 ' ((nh-iigo, Sefrf. 18. With, numerous railroads of both eastern and western gnm continuing to ignore the Balti more . settlement plan, several other roads; Including a few htg systems, to day 'restored the strikers to their for mer Jolw. Estimates of the number of strikers taken hack, Into the shops today var ied. Some estlimites by. rail and un ion officials placed the,niimher as high as M,mi of the 300.00U shopmen who went, on strike July 1 in 'protest against the decisions by the I'. S. Hall road Lalior Board. Among tbe roads which accepted the Baltimore plan for settlement of the strike was the Sen hoard Air Line Rail way. . - -.''. r Bert M. Jewell, head of the shop crafts organization and tbe shoinneh's representatives in frumlng the pence terms, hastened to New lork yester day when tbe plan struck the nugs of eastern opposition, notably ' ui the New York Ceqtrnl IJnes, which form ed one of the . big systems Included among those expected to accept the Argonaut, the rescue .otllcials declar ed. .Crews of - mine i workers were holding the - Ventilating doors on the 3;(KX foot level of the (Kennedy closed In ordei thnt the -draff would not re kindle tbe tire in the ArgonauK , , Engineers at tbe mouth of the mine said at least 24 -hours would le;re- qulred liefore the first tHMly- or res cued uilnt could be brought, to the snrface. Several days), may. lie requir ed for exploration work liefore any bodies pf the men are found, It was said.. ' . .-:'-'v:v,.''- ,; ASHEVILLK PHYSICIANS; f-l PAR0LED..T6 HIS FATHER J. L. MoorefleTd Charged With Viola- ; tion oLthe Anti-Narcotic Law. . (By Ihe-AMMlatefti PrcaS.1 Asheville. Sennt. 18. J. L. Moore- fleld, formerly a practicing physician of Tampa, Fin; was paroled to his father, J. L. Mooi-elield, nn aged resi dent of Greensboro, X.i C, by Judge Wells in police court here when the (Ider Moorefield'Cnme to the alitor his son -after the latter had. been arrested here with a lame nuantit.v of morphine In his possession.- The father told the court his son-was a hopeless drug ad dict 'nd promised to have him placed in a sanatorium near Greenslvoro for treatment Elder Jlooreftehl is cijl to appear November 1 and give an ac counting of his son. ;',; ! : , . - Tather Goes to Aid W Son. Greensboro. Sept. 18.r-sT.-W. Moore- iield,of this county, has gone to Ashe ville to plena tor. t ne mercy 01 nis son, Dr; J. L. Mooretleid, graduate of one of the country's leading medical colleges, who. Is in custmly there charged in engaging in traffic of uior pblne, ' - '; MAD AT HUSBAND - , DRINKS POISON First Prices Easy at a - Decline - -. . From .18 to 25 Points. ' ' (Br tk AaaalaMI Pnm.1 . New York, Sept. 18. The cotton market was unsettled by easier IJver pool cables and uneasiness, over the Near Eastern situation at the opening today, jvFirat prlees were easy at a decline of 18 to25 points and advance months sold 83 to 87 points net low er during the early trading, with De cember selling off to 21.08 under liquid ation 'while thtre was also considera ble selling by the South. ; ; V - Cotton futures opened easy Octo ber E1.10; . De-emlier 21.23; January 21.121; ..March' 2Lao'MayL14;'- the funds In the construction of a new ne through these northern- countict-. - (Br AlMfllM Vnmm.) . Mnderson. N. O.. Sept 18.-Rela ttvea of Geo. M. Harris, employed by a tobacco concern at Smyrna are un- ens-t recttrdlng his safety. A letter was. received from Harris by bis fath er. A. J. Harris, prominent attorney here, last week, advising thnt be was stationed at Smyrna. The letter vn written the early part of last month and nothing has been heard from him Since. Henderson Man at Smyrna. V To Bring Situation Before League of V .-'.--; '. . nations, '(-.'"'i-.-.. Melbourne; ' Austrllia, Sept. 18 ( By the : Associated Press), Premier. Hughes, -of Australian commonwealth, has lea bled Sir Jos.: Cook, Australian delegate to, the League of Nulions, re questing him immediately tolirlng the Near, East, dispute before the ueague with a view, to securing peace. u'. Mrs. HardingV Condition Greatly Im- t proved. t ' ' ' ' (9y th Auorlate Pra.V . Washington, Sept. 18. Mrs. Hard ing was re)ortel as greatly improved To . Dedicate Rockingham ICottaget A cordial invitation Is., extended by the authorities of the' Jackson Train ing School to the friends of the insti tution to Join them-in a reception to the Rocklnghnm - County delegntlon, which comes , tomorrow. ..('to ofliolally turn over the Rockingham cotti' KWt 1 -IM) in the school auditorium', d 'short program, will be'rendered, to whjch all j ,.ionsness. friends are welcome . ; . Heard Husband Was With Another ,Girl; Drank-Poison in His Pres ence. - " ' I Charlotte Observer. . 1 , Airs, nauie iiumer. lo-year-om wub of Lawrence-J.-Hunter, also 18 years old. is at St. Peter's Hospital In a critical condition as 11 result of having ffaken the larger part of-a -tablet of bichloride or mercury to -gei even with her husband," whom she suld. Bhe had found had been riding with an other girl in Camp Greene Wednesday rflttbt. . r- (-.-. :. Theiroung woman took the poison in the presence- of her husband at the home of bis mother. Mrs.. It. E. Hun ter, at 'No. 2 Bast Second street, yes terday afternoon ; about 5:30 o'clock. The ypiuig husband grabbed the glass of water into which the T-graln tnl let had been dissolved and from which she. -"Was drinking amU threw out a part qf the contents, it was stated. Her fondltion litst night was report ed. afC being critiiil, although it. was stated m- I)r. J. K. iaviuson, ai tending physician,- that it would take souie tiuie 16nger to deteimlne the e- The situation oft the New York Cen- ftrol lines was c-ausel. It was said, by demands made by strikers In addition to the original lieace. terms. Similar terms prevented a settlement on the Southern Hallway. Mr. Jewell's mis sion was understood to lie for the pnr post of straightening out matters with these roads. , . ' Y. M. C. A. Notes! - Activities at the Y are getting into a real wing. -With the approach of cooler jveather a gymnasium schedule will , soon be. made out ana rti worK started. - i - h- ThewevirfrTCpilmlnary -organt zation meeting tonight at the 1 lor all candidates for the. Y basketball team. All of last year's men are ex pected back, and several new men are iTllso coming out for the. team. To- Lnight a manager will lie chosen and a captain ior jne icniu, so iimi. fciiiio can lie prepared. The meeting if culled for 7:30. . , . Secretary Joe McCasklll is meettng dally with the football squad. For the past week while he has been thus occupied Lewis Smart has assisted Mr. Verburg by supervising the swimming pool.- Lewis is a capable swimmer u'ndhts work Is apprecioted. Av, C. ...Walker, Aubrey Hoover, Jr., and Clarence Ridenhour have assisted at the Y during the past week by tak ing charge of the offlce and lonny ac tivities on Wednesdays Thursday and' Friday ' nights respectively. Other high school boys will assist 4n this service hn the future and the" board of directors as well as the secretaries anureclate their co-operation. - Pi-e liuiimirv mcetines indicate that there is going to be plent? of doings for the Hi-Y clubs.' Some of the lead ers hove already been secured- for the clubs while more are needed, special plans for the membership and religious work committees are also contemplated and furtherreports of their work will bemade later In the week.-1 . , Several of the, Y ' memliers went off to school last week. Harry L. John son and Ernest Hales went to. David son and Rutherfordton v colleges and 111 pursue their work there this year. Both- have assisted in the Y during tbe. summer. , - THE DAVID RON CAMPAIGN Wart M the Ujm QwU Arrea44 . (ihtma ioaaty. Charlntm, N. C Hept. HUi unta at IKKMO has bnn anptrd by ClUf rn rannty. acrnniiag to the aanovDr-BH-fit today of R. JL Ulller. Jr. of this city. tate rhalnnaa of tbe t-!. dowaieat and rxpaaakia fnad DavMrna College and Mr. JIIIH ' T: , prewsed enoiplrte manoVace that fa harrns ninnty, as well as ail other cunntWa la the. Concord lYwhytery. wnabl Bxire than raise the aerepted quota. ' Tbe campaign ia the Concord Presbytery hrglna tmlsy and will con tinue throughout the week. .' - yonntlea ln lM(W In Ibis PrMytery are Aletamler. Burke. Ca'dwHI, "n tawba. Cabarrna, Davie. Iredell. Mc Dowell, Rowaa and Yadkin and. ac cording to Mr. MUler. tbe organinthi and- enthusiasm shown In these rotm ties has been so great that the rac cess of the rsmpaign In each county lis practically nwiiril. These conn- ties are the first in which the ram palgA hi being conducted. " The two great objects of the cam paign are the rebuilding of the- twrned Chambers Hall, and the Increase of the college, endowment In order to ex pand the teaching of Christian educa tion and the development of Christian character for which the institution is famed. Some of America's most prom inent men bare given their endorse-. nient of the campaign and; their sup port to a "Greater Davidson for a Greater Southern Church." Among these men are Wood row Wil son, former student at Davidson, Wil liam Jennings Bryan, Henry W. Sweets, executive secretary of 'the ex ecutive committee, of Chlrstian educa tion for the Presbyterian Church of the United States, William L. Lingle.j president of the ytnion Theological j Seminary, and John M. Vander Meulin, president of the Presbyterian Thelogi cal .Seminary, of Iiuisville, Ky. "I' consider the crisis which .David son College is now facing one of the most serious of its long and useful career. Chambers Hall must be es tablished, lietter facilities and more professors provided, or the efficiency, of this obi college will lie seriously Impaired," declared Dr, Sweets Is giv ing his support to the campaign. Dr. Ungle wrote Davidson campaign officials that he would "rather see a w Chandlers Building erected than to see any other piece of work done in nil the-church or in all the world." his message Dr. Meulin declared be would rather send his only son to Davidson thnn to any other college he has cvor seen, for in Davldsoh ex ists "a more earnest spirit of moral and spiritual idealism than in any in stitution of Its kind that I know any. thing about."" ; STRIKE OH SOUTHERN WOTTTLED not LTtelj That Efforts Will Be Made Now to Br in? Shop Crafts Workers and ' Officials Into Conference, severalqSestions must be settled One Union Leader Says An other Conference Probably WiU Be Held, But He Does Not Know When. ' I. (By Ik Aaaaetate4 Prtaa Washington,-Sept 18. Resumption ' of negotiations between Southern Hall way officials and chairman of tbe va rious shop crafts of that system look lng toward a termination of the strike were declared by nnion Veaders today to be nnllkely until certain funda mental conditions relating to short lines and two important shops could -lie adjusted. Southern Railway officials said no request bad come from shop craft lenders for resumption of negotiations which were broken off Saturday when ' representatives of the unions refused to sign the Warneld-Wallace-Jewcll agreement, ami the Southern declin ed to accede to a demand that all skill ed workmen employed since calling of .the Btrlke, be discharged. , f Both sides appeared' td hare assum ed the attitude of watchfulness, each ,, apiMirently expecting the other to make the lnitiul move. A. M. Mcttil 11 vera y, of Birmingham, Ala., general chairman of the shop crafts, said there would prolmbly lie further meet- . Ings with Southern . officials, ; but when, he was not prepared to say at this time. ' Four Hundred Responded to Settle-, nient Call When Shops Opened This Morning. !Ht lb .taaoetatcl Pnaa.1 Raleigh, Sept; 18. All the Sealswird Air IJne shopmen, who went on strike July 1st, went back to their old Jobs when the whistles blew1 st the shops , here at 7 a. m. today, in ncrWdance with an agreement reached by the The campaign in the Concord Pres- railroad and the-workers at Baltimore tliy W will doie a f" Tlie." ejid of 'tttstsatuf aft'? FourTJiihJied Inen are af- llntemieyer North Carolina line and reinvestlngHtoday at the.White House, her con dition being so -satisfactory that the President for the first tune since she became critically Hi' ten days ago, left tne ' unite House grounas ior exer cise. " '. , ;' : ';; to Have Case Daugherty. y , (By tbe Associated PB.i'; J Washlngton.ept. l&-rAnnounce-ment that Sumbel Untermeyet would represent him in the impeachment pro- tnfvT nif nanF-R IS Agiilnst OVRltLLED IN SENATE Effort by Senator Simmons to Get ,. Tariff Bill Back to Conference Fails. Wnshinrton. SeDf. 18.T-The Tjoint,of order made against the tariff bill re- ceedtngs against .Attorney General port. that the. conferees exceeded their Dougherty was made tontty ny uepre- autuorny. in propisins w tentative Keller, republican, of M in- to the President to deelore that Anier- TlCMOtU Pennsylvania Engine Men Sign Agree- " ; . ' ;,. ment. ?! ; - v ..: :' . (B-iha Amciatra Pre.) , Philadelphia, Sept. 18. A ; new agreement covering the : wage scale ber 15. and working conditions was signed todays by olilcmls .of the Pennsylvania Railroad and 'men in the engine ser vice. The agreement runs till Sep tember 1, 1S-J. ," " 1 in valuaMon on all Items was over- 1 ruled tmlav by Benu tor Cummins, re- I publican, president; pro tempore of tbe Wsshlnffthh Sent. ' 18. Comntroller The decision WBs sustained 42 to 21 f CnrrencT toduv Issued a call for In an auueab by Senator Simmons, CaU for National Bank-Reports. (By Aaaaelatea Fraaa.) n, munition of all National banks at democrat, of North Carolina, who made ' the close of business Flrday, Septem- he point of order against the tariff bill Httiuniny, wnn u vh-w iu iu 1 - New York Primary. New' York, v Sept. 18. Toinorrow'i primnry in New York will 1 the first prlmury election in this State since 1013, at which direct voting for the State and higher offices Will lie sub- trended. The prlmury will lie under the new election law, and it will be for the choice alike of candidates and of delegates. Candidates will be named for local offices, representatives in 'ongress and memliers of the legis lature., , At ; the sume time delegates will be chosen to the party conven tlons. ,The candidates for United States senator and for governor and other important State offices will not lv known until the pary conventions are held next week, the .Republicans meeting in Albany and the Democrats in Syracite. ' . . Cannot Pass Bonus Measure Over - , Presidents Veto, , ' (By the Aaaorinte Prcaa. . Washington, Sept 18. Sufflent votes in ' the Senate, to sustain - the presidential ' veto pn the bonus bill were assured today after a canvass by rfdvlscra of tlie President, who gave out information Saturday, that he had decitiou; to (iisapprpve me nic,nsure. - j ' Mr. Ed.Walter.'of Gaston'la, is hi the City today. ' He was called to Con-cord-by the condition of nia mother-in-law.-Mrs. Mary Colik, who Is critlcul- ly ill at her , home on St Charles street, j ' v- 1 '' ' '.-... . SEABOARD SHOPMEN ARE BACK AT WORK eek. and next week the Favetteville Pfeshytery will , open Its campaign. Mr. Miller declares that his confidence in the Concord Presbytery campaign is based o(S pledges and reports' from local workersin all the counties, and he concluded bis statement with the remark thnt "! am sure tlie faith Dav idson College has among her friends and citizenry -of the Concord Presby tery will he fully justified by tlie end the present week. ' Mr, Goodman Sings In Charlotte. . Sunday's Charlotte. Observer con tains the following; , Mr, - Samuel Goodman, of Concord, will sing the Recitative and Aria from EUJoh "If with all your hearts" at the morning service at St Peter's Epis- opul Church. - Mr. Goodman has a beautiful tenor voice and ' the congregation at St. eter's is looking forward with much pleasure to hearing him this morning. Mr. Goodman has been studying in New York for a numlier of years past and came home to spend the summer with his mother. Mr. Goodman was organist and , choir director, at the Second Presbyterian Church while Mrs. Coral Baker was north on a vacation. Organ Recital ai First Presbyterian Church. At the services at the First Pres byterian Church : yesterday morning,' Rev. Jesse C. Rowan announced thnt Prof. Minor C. Baldwin, one of Amer ica's most fam'ons organists, will give an organ recital at the First Presby terian Church next Thursday evening at 7 :30. Prof. Baldwin has several engagements In Charlotte and the offi cials of the First Presbyterian Church took advantage of this visit to secure his services to give a recital, using the splendid Cannon .Memorial organ. No admission or collection. -All music lovers of other congregations in" the city are cordially invited to be pres ent, ' .;";; " - feeted. The men put to work duriug the strike have lieen transferred to Jacksonville and Norfolk, where dou ble shifts will lie run, With Our Advertisers. 1 Sol's Style Shop has received new . Fall dresses, in latest design and But-.-, terial. . The Specialty Hat Shop Is now pre pared to serve'yon with bats in the I newest ..shapes and colors. ; . .1 The citizens uana ana lyust uim- , pany welcomes farmers' accounts. . Every lianklng courtesy and service la ; offered, by this institution. ' ' 'The Musette, Inc., has received re cently some of the latest novels. Read list in today's ad. and call to get your favorite, - - . In a pew ad. today C. II, Barrier & .Company quotes you prices on every day needs. The company can save ntoney for you. You can get the McWade Automat ically sealed tnlie at several store ; and garages now. New nd. today - gives full particulars. St. John's Community Fair. ; Everything is lieing put in order for the St. John s Community ralr, Thntw , day, Septemlier 21st The Various committees are busy collecting and nr- . ranging their 'displays. The exhibits will be varied, and numerous. The amusements for. the day have been , provided for, and will lie both amus ing and entertaining. There will lie an address in the afternoon followed by a boseboU gome, - Dinner will lie . served In the grove. Everyliody come and bring well filled Imskets. . and help make this fair the, best ever held in the community.' , " ' ' ---It hai-k to conference. Mr1 Hot Ynchelson has' returned'. 1 from a two weeks stay in New York m'i Bvery now and then one gets the There are few occupations quite so ' futile as comparing the past . with the 1 1 JlIi. l"w TVC U .IM j aua -J l ., ..a. . M .Ilk Citv, where be bss been purchasing kind of thoughts thin bring tears into present to me oisauvamuge 01 nu ready-to-wear for Bol's style Shop,, , the eyes. er. Musicale Saturday Evening. . Mr. - Sam Goodman entertained ' a number of hls musical friends at his home on Franklin i , Avenue Saturday evening. Ar?rogram was rendered by Mr. Goodman, Mrs; Laura Kidenhonr Gibson, Miss Nell Herring, Miss Mary McLaughlin and Mr. Spencer King.; The-evening ' was a most enjoyable one, those taking part In the program being artists In the music circles of the city. Piano numbers by Mr, King were especially enjoyed, . After -the program an ice course was served by Vina Aililln nnmlmnn. nsslRted' lV Mrs. Clay Blackwelder, sister of Mr. and' Miss Goodman. ., ; . . -,t; rj;; ; Mr. J. P. Cook, chairman of the Board of Trustees, and C- H. Roger, sniierlntendent of. the Jackson Train lug School, Were in cjmference this afternoon with Architect Asbury, mak ing plans for the proposed rebuilding nf the administration cunning wmcn was burned on the 8th. p ' ; V Cotton today on the local market is qjioted at 22 cents per pound ; cotton seed at u cents per pnsnei. , , . . - -"The first Christian mairtuga cere tnonv Hi th American conlei .was performed at Jamestown in iws, Southern Shop Removal Rumored : ' Story Denied. GreensbcM-o, Sept 1(1. A report cir culateil here today that the Southern railway contemplates . the removal of . Its shops from Spencer to thla city was killed, when R. L. Avery, super intendent ; of the Danville division,. ; with headquarters here, declared that': he knew nothing of any such plan. It was thought that perhaps the presence of former Superintendent -Shelron in the city gave rise to the tu woC, but he also denied knowledge of. plans, for the removal of the shops, , Dr. Yonan Not Heard From in Four J4 v , ".-;,,Week,v i..J.p-j v'j'V : ' (By taa Aaaaelatea Frcas.) ,, - Charlotte, Seirt. .18. Anxiety over ; the well being of Dr.' Isaac Yonan, of : nichmond. Vii.: of the Near 'East Re lief In the United States, who sailed' on July 4th for Armenia, was expresa ed -today by his son, John Yonan, a. aoninr tit Alexander ' Graham iilirh Rchooh here. Yonn , Yonan sold ho had not heard from his father In four weeks and feared he might have lieen in Smyrna and. became m victim ,ot the Turkish' nationalists when they entered, that city, '-f 'r y-r'g - Gets SixTlonths for MashIng.,, '. (By tha Aaaaelatea Preaa. . v Greensboro, Sept. 18 Bascomh rtlUllll, yIUng Willi UJUIU VI iwiinnnw, was today sentenced by ' Judge Col lins In the city court to six montha on the" county roads for alleged ''mash Jng,." ' j - . . :' -y 'i ,,. ( ... y .

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