u d o a o a Tomvs o Q N'LVS C O TODAY. O QOOOOOOO DaiiS-Tribijne oooooooa O ASSOCIATED Q O- TRESS a O DISPATCHES a oooooooa VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1022. NO. 196. TCOEB .COMKGPUUIS ' VIIVIH ll(v W Will 4- TOch WDI Be Observed it Charlotte Exposition Next Friday All Plana Ahnrtt rnuay aii nana adoui : Ready at Present, FINE PROGRAM f Trxrr" it xrrrv JJLliNU AKitrVNUEiU ' D, has resigned the pcealdenry nf Speakers Will Tell About the'?;?: tZf ZTnIK Many Fine Things in Coun- ty County to Have Many ' Fine Exhibits. An attractive program bna been ar ranged for Onliarrna County Day, Which will lw olaerved at the MadMn. i'aroltnss Rxnotiition next Kridav I t i Neptetnlier 20th. according to meniliera i Holyoke of the negro race, Ir. Ver- of the committee which have made alljner walked wisely in the footatepa of arrangements for the event. - and which are still working on souie of : tlie rttalla of their pinna. The program, according to member of the rMumitteca, will rint le long uaenilneaa, and with a uplrlt eqnnHy am drawn mit, Imt will lie Jnat lmg loyfll to. the great Jdeala of our f enough to give thiwe preaent an Idea Church. of what thia county i doing In a man- , ""A hla nucceaaor, the presidency nfactnrliig and agricultural wat, ami haa licen offered to Rev. Thouiaa 11. also whnt we have In Cilmrroa Conn-.Iwta, 1) !., iRtir of Amity Church, ty In the way of achoola. good roaila Pravoalmrg. Pa. Hla aliilltiea, exier and Cbnrchea. Two spenkera are onllence and energy, added- to the high the urogram now for abort nildrewesi,;iiroilitte8 sof bia wlfc, give the board and another vlnlly will lie added, the aamiranve of .a continuance of the The committees have not yet nnnouni-. great naefulueaa . uf this scIkmiL It is ed who the aiienkera will lie. 1 The trip to Charlotte this yenr in all prolinlilllty will be made in nuto 'molillpa. A train wua chartered for Culiarrna County laiy lnat year, but the pln'n did not" work out aa'well bad lieen exiiected, and It ia known now that no train will lie chartered fhla year unlerar the neceaaity for it V arlxea. ' . v : . All iieraona who wish to attend the ; expositloni on Caliarrua Connty Pny will meet at a given point in Concord or Charlotte, and drive to the exposi tion, grounds in a ImmIv. The meeting , place probably will l in Charlotte, '. tor n hing line of miti makes driving unpleasant and . at times dangerous. ' However, this detail will lie worked ' out biter by the ommitteea, and detl ' nlte announcement made concerning the meeting pbices Calwrrna Count will lie "well rep resented at the exposition this' year. a nnmner- or, manufacturer or tms Vinnly-luiv ooHRht HooT" WocVr'uci Hie KiwanlH and Kotnry Clubs have y taken ' additional . since. Caiiarrus ' Connty will have a booth, and the City ' of Concord made a donation for ad vertising material which will be dis tributed during the exposition. This i 'will be In contrast to the exposition of j Inst year, wbeu -this county ws not represented? . t , I'ersons arranging -'. the Calmrrus ; County liooth dwiure It will be one of the most attractive at the exposition ijK. D.. Gotalmun, county farm agent, and Miss Cuthleen Wilson, home dem i onstratton agent,, have been collecting ' exhibits for the booth, and. they havel secured gome of the' best exhibits en tered at the community fairs. The ' booth will lie ready for the opening on Monday. v' .vv---,.-:,,":' ,..; , .; Members of the committee nrrang- - ing for Cabarrus Day want to have at - least 2.000 people in Charlotte for the day.- "We sent more people than this hist year," one man stated, but the visits were scattered, and this year we ? wn,nt everybody to .go in a Jiflidy. The day will be set nsuie lor people oi rnis : wmnty. and we Want to have the larg- Vi est delegation of any icounty that la to ' have a day set aside for Its people.? The meeting place, and the full pro gram later by the Iviwnnls and Hotary committees which have the matter in , , hand. Strike Not Settled on C. C O. Road.'IPm on record in gnltlon bf the Bristol. ; Va.-Tenn. , Sept 21 No agreement' was' . reached - totlny be- tween. heads of the Carolina, Clinch ' n. field i Ohio and leaders of the etrlk j ing ' ahop workers in conference held - at Erwln, Tenn., to settle the strike " On that road: .' . V It was announce tonight that an ' other meeting between- the toad heads -and the union' men would be held in - . a few days. -. ;' At The Theatre, i V- :. The Piedmont today- la showing a Y Mg western fentnre'wlth several stars. J A comedy is also being shown. ) v. ' Hoot Gibson is the star at the Pas- - time today , in "Trimmed.' ' Harold I.lovd la also on the' program. The Star today Is offering. Jack T, i Holt "in "The Man Unconquerable," : ii!iii:::!!!;!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiii!!iiiiiini THE HUB i 'will be closed, on Saturday. Sept. 23rd ,y' . . . j i . t : it being a holiday. JOE GASKEL dr. terxfk bfsigns jnr. I i-kempem x or scam " Re.lraa aa Acraani ml Mrs. VerMr two president of hcotia ffoani ("oJ- l here for. a' nnmber of rears, ha .'rtaUroed this rl(1tav tbe Twlcuatk 'rV.r r-et. Dr. vw m many m -. wrt(lrt,i bn, n,. Herald di rr- byter. fmbUshed at Cincinnati, has tbe following enta-emlng Ir. Vmnt'i res ignation ami his future plana: "He auc of his wife's Impalr-d health, and the neM of pi cwnt tare neaim. ami in or pimm . ,,;iiral skill, ltev. A. W. V T' 'wetr. Board would bar de- tlllt'il III l n t-i i T" ujn ,Titmi one, who baa a successfully guided tbla great InHtltntion for nnmber of years, 'if 4bla special reason did not loom ao Jnrga and apiNttling. Sirs. Verner has lieen a true helpmeet' a nine counselor and assistant In all the .problem which arise In this school, which haa been termed the Mt. ma pmitf'fwuan, ' any. lr. iimt- inir bind, and Ret. Dr. I. 3. Hatterfleld, with his own Initiative and apprecla- tlou of increaaing . neeila. and larger Dr. Verner'e expectation to resume the' Iinstorate under conditions permitting the medical fa re -'of hla wife.", METHODISTS TO MEET ' , AT MONROE ON OCT. 18 nr iiJi. " .nl. r.-L.fjLrjuL.A11'""' Qiilrk, of the Interstate Ccmmerre Wf "STiJ J ? n Ca?f?1CminlsKlon.tolay recommended dls to Hold Anual Session at That I. , . A ,',,, , , v.i 'Time. ' Oreenslioro Dally News. Western North Carolina Methodism is now putting the house in order for thei arrival of the big thrill of the year the annual conference. Pre alcHng elders, stewards, and finance committeemen are checking p the hooka and financial reports while tha ministers . and lnymen are getting trim for . the conclave. ; , j The conference tbla yerir will be' held in , Central Methodist t'hurch. Monroe, beginning Wednesday, Octo ber 1H, and continuing tlirough the; following Monday, Itishop Collins DwmK tif- KIctimoHftr Va ;v -rttf mirke: bis first appearance, as ptwldlng of ficer of the -conference. Blsbnp V. Vi .W. Darlington, who presided last year, has lieen assigned to another district by the general conference and Bishop Denny assigned to North Car olina and South Carolina conferences. The arrival of conference time is the big evant of the ytar for Meth odist -ministers and members of their congregations. . In -:j the preacher a lwusebokl W ;manybjyg prior to the gathering every though is . dlrecred to bis going to conference and the probabilities of the result of tbey ses sion. V ' '.. : . No matters of outstanding import ance are scheduled to come liefore the inference other, than, the transaction of routine Ihuiness, according to local Methodists. . - . -. , xne worm , uarouna couierencr meet In Edenton Street Mklthodlst Church, Rnlelgh, November 15., Bishop Denny will preside, over that confer ence. , . EPISCOPALIANS RECOGNIZE ' THE MINISTRY OF HEALING Recognition Accorded by the House of Bishops, at fort land, uregon. Portland,: - Oregon. Sept. The Protestant Episcopal Church ' iri the United States has : been Informally ministry of healing. : The recognition whs accorded lust night by a vote or the House of Bishdps ratifying the action of the House of .Deputies at the General Convention here. The- bishops' action authorized' the clergy, and' lay - meinliers. who ' believe they have the power of healing to pre pare -themselves by "care and prayer and theological and medical study for their props and safe exercise. ProrlSloMs maue ' tnat wnerever this ministry la specialized those who exercise it shall da so only with writ ten approval "after due consideration' of their' bishops, and in sympathetic conference with Qualified Christian physicians. . vi1' i. - ATE TOADSTOOLS BELIEVING : THEY WERE MUSHROOMS Family of Five at Point ef Death. - ' Had No Other Food to Eat..- " Detroit. Sent 22. A family of five father, : mother, three chllden, one of the. latter a blind boy was in J the Mulclpal hospital today near death from effects' or eating poisonous run- police - we:e to!4 when the Rupply, of food and fnnda.gave put. , f -t The children found some toad stools tiey believed were -mushrooms. and their, mother baked " them believ ing them edible, Police found , the poisoned victims later. . i Federal Fuel Distributor Appointed. i . j.. x Jr iha Aaaoatatca Pra. i r Washington: Sept. 22.-f'onrad E. Stephens,-vice-president of the 'Chica go. Burlington & Qutncy .Railroad, to day was apiMilnted Federal fuel dis tributor under the new coat distribu tion and anti-profiteering acta. The. publicity manager of one of London's largest' mw-antile establish. meats is a woman.'with a salary of ,il $5,00q a year, 4 rMUKAKKD ACTTTTTY I hfLVMNO NDlSTKt Dvrtnf MaotVaf Aara Aa Ctmaaf 4 fciUi July twm im Lai (a ana wm Kryrt. ' r imam ri i . ' Washlngtoo.- Kept 22. lorreaaed -ttnty la the rottu ajdaalag iBdoa- try dniing the North -of Angim aa mmi red wm mn day hy the Ceum Bnr-au. The ano-l ber of aHlve ilill botira was placed at K.OiU.wri.l'r.. aa im-reaae of mor tban WoUMt.WHi over the prerMlag miaiih. AltbtMigh three rottoa spin ning slatfn abowed derllnea in the munlier of active splndlea tne -ere alight, and ma-a single Mate was reimrteil aa showing re.ln-ti.a tnj spindle bourn. North Carolina show- xl a decreaae of alaiftt 4.W active' '".".l1." IZJZ'.anE: SK-IIn 1 W't III! IT-M m HU I ur HMUIii-ri ua aHlve spliKlla honra in Angnst by Xtate liM-liKled: North Canillna .V KT7.4K4 aplndtes; and l.ll Atml3 snimlle honra. ' J THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady at an Advance of 10 Points on Spetember, But Boon ' Shwed Net Laases. " (Br tk Imrirtt Pmm.) New Tork, ept 22. While Liver pool made a relatively steady allow ing, the cotton market here was ner vous and unsettled during today's early trading. The opening was steady at an advance of lit points on September, but' generally unchanged to 4 points lower, and active positions soon showed net losses of 20 to24 points under, more or less general li quidation and southern selling. Cotton futures opened fairly steady. Oct. 2O:N0: Dec. 21:08: Jan. 20-.8S; March 20:82; Many 20:72. s . COMPLAINT DISMISSED K - Expert Finds Increase Granted Pull man; Company in 19930 Was Not I'nreasonable. ' -, I Br tfe AMoctalM Praa. Washington, Spt. 22. Chief5 exam Council of Traveling Hnlesmens As- siK'intion and other traveling organisa tions agninst the 20 per cent, increase in Pullmun car rates wbicb became ef fective May 1. 1II20. The examiner's report found that the Increased rates, were not unreason able, . despite vthe 'complaint if the tn-rltnx men that it Increased gross revenues , approximately $13,000,000 nnnunlly. ' . , DEAD AS THE RESULT t OF A SHOOTING MATCH Jess Albrief OreeaidW Killed and 'Two t)thtrs Woanded In, Triangular r Fight. - ,..-' IBra anolat4 Pr- Greei.sbor'o, Sopt. 22. Jess A bright Is dfad, Arthur Claps is believed fa - tally wounded, and Peiite Greene is painfully injured following a triangu lar shooting match which took place in the eastern section of this city at nootv today.. , Claps and Greens are in a local hos pital, under guard, and Esther Al bright, wife of the dead man is in the city jail..: A:i the persons Involved are negroes. ' Two Governors to Be in Charlotte. (Br lb) Aaaoelntad Preaa. Charlotte, Sept. 22. Governor Mor- rison, of this state, and . Governor ' Coal Corporation of this city, it was Harvey, of South Carolina, and Mrs. announced by Ernest P. Heasley, pres Hurvey will he guests of honor at a Ident of the coal corporation. Abni luncheon of officers and directors of Luusford, general manager of the the Made-in-Carolinaa Exposition given mines for the Ford company, confirmed Monday, the opening day of the show, , the, announcement.! at which products of several hundred ( v ' . . , . manufacturers of the two states will ; , . r s" be displayed, it was announced today (Br th A Mounted Prau.t at the oflJces of the exposition. Thre&! Washingtoni - Sept. 22. President hundred covers will be lahl. Governors 'Hording todny signed the adininistra- Morrison Und Harvey will take part tion coal distribution and anti-pront-in the forma: opening of the Exposl- eering and the fact-liuding cool cpm- tlon,.t:,.i,i; .i j ,'.-i.i. .-VK.f THE CAMPAIGN Thousands of dollars Worth of Valuable Prizes to Go For Energetic Work. To sav that the announcement of .are tilentv of rewards for nil and The The Tribune and Times ''Salesmanship ting It mildly. It has literally taken) the town by storm. And why not? The, magnificent list of rewards is enough to make any one want to get In and getic work-to be given nvfny aliso ahare them : ' . . . iintelv free to the lHst snlesmen and The fact that only spare time is re- quired for the work of the Salesman- snip i;iuu is auoiuer mnmB lureiiu that the Campaign Manager's tele for folks to get busy. Everyone hns nhones ni-e rlnirlni? straidilv. first this more of less spare time, and the "Ciuu is a grana anu gionqus oppor- tnnlty to turn these now wasted hours Into cash. ;" v , .,. .' A '. Turn right now to the page adver tlsement in yesterday's issue and look over those , elegant i rewards, again. Make up your mind that you are go ing to get your share of them and send in your entry to the 'Salesmanship Club' headquarters today, .yv? - V' .; . Everybody Wins. ; One very strong and appealing fea ture Of tbe "Salesmanship- Club" cam paign te the fact tha everybody .wins. No one can do an hour's work in this drive without being compensated. Be- shies the large numlier of valuable re- wards,) The Tribune and Times ,wiu profitable to those who tane mrt m pay a (-ash commission of ten per cent 'It, nnd at the end of the race, the re to all workefs in the Club and who wards will be distributed to those who . a . f - M A. ,.1 a.!.. ,w.a- a.l.llla-a In may tan . . prises. ; . ... , . .' There" are no'trlngs to 'enterlngThose'who'are contemplating taking this exciting' enmtinign. No entrance iwrt In this great enterprise are urg - fees and no cost of any kind-simply ed to make their nomination farly. Do a AtruiH4ntl( to make your spare time pay, you quick dividends, xne more workers in the campaign the better, for the easier the prixe win- ning.. It Is much easier to win a big prise when a lot are working thnh If , only a few arej participating. ..'fpere.aDotu making tne running sian, ' , .",' ' ''.'-.- '''..'''' '' '''': '''-.'""i 'v""-'yV'" '''''' i"-' ';':- ! RAILROADStlF SOUTH " FACINGHEVPROBLEH to-in SeveraJ Shbps the Shop c , i men Who Struck Are Al leged to Be Starting; Fight? With New Men. . PAtmirrpTfiiTr.r.r. r vC U IV 1 cri 1-1 4 IU tCjU -i - IW FIRIir IN SHOP lu1f: 4il 3v' . I Several Shops Situation Becarhe so T4nse That the Men Were ript Working in Separate Slifts. AtUnta, fin., Setit, C2 i By the Asso- elated Iress). With! working forces in tbe railroad shot if the Houth rnp- idly assuming a normal stage, railroad otth-inls are confronted with a new problem In hotllitytad tbe outbreak lietween tbe retnrninal strikers and the employea who- took l heir pluces dur ing the walkout. Attorneys for th Southern Hull way In Knoxville tixlav were making an investigation of a tight which marked tbe return of the strikers there yesterday. Fourteen men suf fered minor injuries, and non-union men were driven from the shops be fore the armed guard quelled the dis- turlmnce. 4 Those who unlawfully participated In the outbreak will He prosecuted to the full extent of the law, It was stated. v In Atlantn, Macon and several oth er Southern cities. . both the Seaboard Air Line nnd Southern Uallwny strik ing shopmen refused to return until they were assured they would not lie eomiielled to n'ork with Hie new em ployes. This demand-was met by the railroads In placing hostile workmen In separate shifts. CONGRESS ADJOURNS Second Session of 67th Congress Ad journed Today Sine Die. (Br IX Auoclatod Plm.) Washington, Sept. 2. The second session of the G7th Congress ad journed today slue (pe. Legislation passed in closing" mltnicK of .e.ssion was sigend by I'rcsUHVnl , Harding at the capitol. Pussaga of the iidjrtnrnment resolu tion, was marked by sj brief thrust by Senator HaiTison deiiaerjrat, of lillss iHSippl. ut the republicans, the Misxis sipl Senator dwUiring the ses sion' ended "as the most reactionary Congress since the time of Aldricb, and tbe most subservient to executive dictation since the days of Rmisevelt.' One of tbe last nets of 'the two houses was the passage of the defici ency bill carrying a total of $2,454,21C Including $200,000 for relief of Ameri cans in Smyrna. Order for Coal for Ford Company. (Br the Aaaoelated Press.) Cincinnati, Sept. 22. An order for coal for the Ford Motor Company, of Detroit was signed here today by a representative of the Ford company wltli the American Export . & Inland misBion bills,' t: . IS OPEN TO ALL Tribune and. Times wants you to make , $5,000 Worth of Prizes. witn thanwimfe ofl d.Hlnrs worth of valuable priaeerewards for ener- Rnimwomen in The Tiilume and Times I'Sniesraanshlp CUib " It is no wonder one amj that one seeking tiartlcnlors anj information concerning the liest way to go about making tbe start as an active member of tbe great drive. , Energetic folk living in the field cov erexl by The Tribune and Times gave their enthusiastic support to the plan when It was first annonncetL last Monday, and .since that . time Its fame has steadily spread, j ; The plan is easy and the rewards great.; It.. la.-not expected- that any time excepting spare moments lie de- voted to the wwk of increasing The Tribune's and Times' family of read- ers. and to thnt end the Salesmanship Club : will lie given sufficient time to make the work lioth - interesting and ,:r-JTJ?.J,X.i.,'stom was central tonight near latt. "'F""" ' ",u",3li-.lo Hf! .n,l ...niritn.lp 73 n1 i.nvlmr not wait tor some one to nominate yoiu ritmpiy ' nil in me nomination blank, or better still, use the telephone and call the manager .of the ('Sales- nianshlp Club." , He will explain the details and tell you the best way to go MAW f ROfOS.L FACE VOTERS. Buna ea. Kmn4 lanaea. Adjwtainit f I TautUa Lava l a la mtm tm Mba- 4 Hnlna Walaa. ( airajr 111, ;. J2- Ataina for ohltrra. bond bwura for poliUr utili ties and hlabwaym. rhang la ekwtloa laws, re-laloa Nof tbe (ayatept snd tet s hT puMtc oflV-tala, adjnaiBieat of taxatlnov laws a ad many mlar-eUan-eons pmpwdtiiiaa are to be imnl aa la the KtalM uf tbe Middle Went si tbe rawing eioHlon. H)ae of Ibe awaanrea are uf Initia tive origin, some arn for referendum, and' others are offered by IrgiKbtlnmi aa amendments to State rnnmttntlona. Two State. Colorado and TenneaaM are to deride whether to call a consti tutional convention a revise tbe basir strtH-ture of tbe government. . In tbreo Slstea aobliers' 1mwus nroj- erta are to be voteil on. lima projsai en to iay Its veterans .'.ilim.Oil. In Kansas tbe roniienaatia for aerrire men Is estimated fa nt 2.1.000,OtW on tbe pniitb sulsnlttetl for referen dum. Illinois proioaes to raise by di rect taxation .V..(KHMNN. which would provide -V) cents a day and not more than a total of K for every soldier. Four states are contemplating In crease in the delit limit or the Issu ance of bonds for public utilities or highways The States are 1'tah. Col ored, Soul he DukAta and Wisconsin. ('hnnge in the election code are ask ed In three States, with Nebraska pro lioslng two alterations. Nebraska Is asked to consider an amendment to the direct primary law which would restore the jsiwer of mrty conventions lit fhiMMW flaitomitMi I-,, thwlr Mkaikiw-tlvlk national" conventions, and the other J customs previously Instructed as to its would extend party registrations now,Pr"v,s,,,n wnUh '" oerative at In ffkl-f-0 Ilk tha In rim f-ltitku. to tliik rilpnl I dlHtrlcts. An Initiated constitutional 'iineiidinonf'ii! Colordao proposes to re adjust the senatorial and representa tive, districts to give farmers a better show, ciitfing down power of the min ing districts which have lost imputa tion tdnce district boundaries were set. A South Dakota proiosal would re- (inlre slgnfttures of 15 er cent, of the voters, instead of n jier -ent. as at present, to put proMisitlons on the bal lot for Initiative and referendum. Innovations alie presented in South Dakota and Mlnilexota. An initiated law In the former would create a State 'hank similar to that of aVi'rth Dakota. A Minnesota amendment asks that the State lie enabled to lend' mon ey to farmers. v Laws governing the pay, expeiises and .terms of public officials ami legis lators are to be considered in I'tuli, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Colorado, and Wyoming. 'Taxation occupies the attention of Michigan, Colorado, I'tah, Soullrlii kota, Minnesota and Tennessee. A great ; variety of uiiscMluneons lows are offered-, i various States, rdloi'udo. ,VlO.. ixiss,! oKJEiurjtlV-J-secthin amendment. ,An alien prop erty rights act would exclude Jiiian ense from owning land in the State. Oklahoma would amend its consti tution to enforce the attendance for at least four months , a year of 'all chil dren lielow the eighth grade in schools. The .proposal is Iwicked by the Amerl iciini'.iition movement xnnd would af fect Catholic parochial schools. In Michigan amendment to the con stitution to lie voted on would allow port cities to create districts and to spend money for improving harbor fa cilities. ,-"'.' Picketing" and the use of persuasion in strikes and lockouts would be pro hibited by a ' proHisul ofTered in Ne braska. An amendment to the Wis consin constitution would give the legislature power to provide by law that in civil cases the votes of a spec ified number of the jury less than all but not less than five-sixths shall lie; sufficient for a valid verdict. .North Dakota will consider authori zation of a grain grading department. Montnnn would allow the introduction' of liettlng machines at State fairs, a tax of 0 per cent, to lie levied on nil I et s. " ' " - Coal Slllaatlon Back to Formal. Raleigh, iSpt. 21. Returning to that very pleasing "normalcy" along with other' conditions following 'the close of the coal and ssll'strlkes Is the state supply of fuel. Distributor R. O. Se.lf finds, through another investigation as to the .progress the mines and rail roads are making in production ami distribution. 1 "The bie iob lust now is to get into North Carolina all the coal, that is i&mming eery side track- . between here and the mines," Mr. , Self sold "Alteady the roads an reporting ereat Drogress in tne reconditioning of their rolling stock, nnd these tracks will be cleared In the near future. Then new supplies can b loaded at the mines and rushed through in time to keen the1 public from really feeling the effects of the summer's big strips." ''''. Champion Fibre Company to Resume Work mesda-. (Br the Aaaortateii 'Ipiwaa.) r Ashevllle. SeBt. 22. Providing the Southern Hallway freight embargo is lifted meanwhile, the. Clwmpion Fibre Company at Canton will resume full operation next Tuesday, officials said today. With suspension last week, 1,000 men we,ve put out of employ ment. '. Keuben ItoliertRon, president of the company, said officials of the Southern hoped to lift the embargo this; week. !: , ' ' ) X. , Winds Off the N. C. Coast of Hurricane --i " V t, Velocity. .1 :-.':.' Washington, Sept, 21. The southern nor"u,td. TTJx 1 'o the wentner uurenu nere. ine ( storm has Wa attraded by gales along , """ . """s-" vw.. ..- j " hurricane velocity of the North Ttoro- Una coast, the report said. vStorm warnings remain displayed on. the At- lsntlc coast at and.boJween CP Hat - , , icras anu ouaiuu. ; ; , j . j - 4 ; . . ':r -vV'"'-. ' '"H ORGAN ro(TRT RF.Rn nu CaXAT IXTTJtEST Dr. Mlawr C. BaMtrta ThrilW aJ De UgMa Urt Amasara la VM rYaa kytrlaa fbwrrk. r. Ml Mir C. BaUtwU. one mt (M mvtt fa moos of (be world greaKH coecen argaaUla, gave a rerltal at tb rim ITrmlirterUa llinn-fe here aa Thursday night, and arasAeaNl with tbe gnatf interm aadAleligbt by, a, large audienis. lie nr aawMrt 'la tbe rerltal hy Mr. J. B. Wuoit4e and Mrs. J. F. Heed. , Coming (o ( "ow-onl with the reiOe tioa f being une of the greatest or ganists In tbe work! today. Dr. Bahl wla lived well up to h- mntallon. He plarwl the aumH dltlcnlt plerai with grace, cow ami touch that de llghteil ami thrillml bis bearera. ami tbe ratM-ert was decuimt tbe flnent of Its kind ever Ilea nl in t'oorord.. Ir. R4ildwln was brought lo Con cord by the First Presbyterian Chun-h. and the.niiM-ert was free to the general public. NEW TARIFF FILL IS NOW EFFECTIVE All Collectors ef Internal Revenue Had Been Previously' Instructed. ' (Br Aaaaelat Frraa.) . Washington, Sept. 22. The new rates of the tariff act of V.I22 were ap plying tislay on the flow of American iiuMirtsT The law marking a new phase In the history of America tar iff making in its delegation to the President of broad isiwers under the elastic' rate provisions, went Into ef fect at midnight with all collectors of once. Millions of dollars of revenue, otli clnls lielieved, will lie released imme diately from the new duties on goods in Imnd or In transit to ports of entry. STATE LEGION OFFICER I CRITICISES PRESIDENT Pi Says Bonus Was Designated to Help fear, with n slight tendency In favor of 1 Men Who Went to War at Financial the hoiefnl side of the luilance. Noth Sarriflre. . lug has hnpiiened in the last 24 hours , iBr tn Auwelatea' fTeaa.) I to make the position materially Worse, Charlotte, Sept. 22. Criticism of although it continues serious enough. President Harding for vetoing the sol- The immediate peril is In the possi dier iHintis bill was voiced in a pnli- bility that the Turkish .nationalist lished statement here today by .lames troops will attempt to take the British A. Loekhart. recently elected state positions along the Dardanelles. commander of the American Legion.! It Is eonttdentty hoped .that reauunv ' The bonus. Mr. Loekhart declared, was tion of the conveisotlons of the allied-' designeil to aid the American soldier statesmen in Paris today will lead to who went to war at n fmncial siicsi- -an invitation to tne Angora govern- k . (Ice and to set him on his feet again ' ment, proliably tommorow, to partici- ,. in order that he .might have an eqnnl pate in a general conference to settle v chance with those who did not go. the Dardanelles Niuestion and the 1 Turkish claims.' ', : MORE COTTAGES TO BE Through General Pelle the French ' Bl'ILT AT BEN t'LAKKEN government is reported to have lnfor ' ' . ' C TT ' , . Imally communicntetl to MustApba Ke- Summer Assembly Grounds of A. R. .niftj Pasha,. the Turkish nationalist L P. ( hurch-To Be Made. Larger jMU3s ttah he.ill 1-Mbe i- ...Oiire. ,..,,.,., -.. delegate -f mm Angora to the proposed V"' . T " !4 I conference. Tlia. secrecy maintained Charlotte. N. C, Sept. 22. The TPt roncernlng Lloyd George's talk board directors have- decided to ,vUn lHlMr leiiier in London remains uuiHi iKKiinonai iwrages ar nen ; Cbirken, the summer assembly grounds of the Associate Reformed Presbyter ian Church, it, was announced here day by It. N. Hunter, a memlier of the directorate of the oiierntlng company. The building program will be under taken immediately, it wus decided. BARRETT CASE POSTPONED To Be Heard October 3. Barrett Is Now in a Sanatorium. (Br tne Aaaoclaft Praaa.) Salisbury, Sept. 22. The two cases against J. F. Barrett, of Charlotte, for mer President of the State Federation of l.nlxir. enm-ine out of his visit here during the shopmen's strike were post- poned tslny in County Court until, October 3rd. A letter from Dr. Glenn, of AshevlUe, was presented,' stating tnat tne ileteiKiunt is in a sanatorium and uname t coine today. Barrett was churged with disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed weapon. $5,0000 BOND FOR DR. SUMMERS Case to Be Tried October 2nd. Worn- an Testified Against Him. iBr the AssoelHted Pkbb.i Charlotte, Sept. 22. Dr. J. W. Summers,' charged with having per formed - an illegal operation uiion a young woman here last Tuesday, was bound over under $5,000 bond for trial in criminal court October 2nd, af ter a hearing in city court today. The woman, testified against him and tbe defense put up no evidence. He made the bond and was released. Sued For $25,000 Damages la Rowan' (Br the Aaaoctatc Pma.) . . , and Is Awarded $200. . ' ,i Washington, Sept. 22. A constitu Salisbury, Sept 21. A' case ' that I ttonnl amendment giving Congress the consumed nearly three days In' Su-1 power to regulate child lalair In the perior court, this week was finished various states was proposed In a reso- Wednesday when the Jury awarded Mrs. Moses A. Leiflly $250 damages agaiiiBt Ralph Orr and John Morri son. The two men were on a motor cycle, that is alleged tq have frighten ed Mrs. Lemly's horse and made it run away. Mrs. Lemly was badly in jured and brought suit for $25,000.. ;Mii; . vaivt ' . - 1 . g OKI NCW UlltMNC i STRATEGIC POSITIOH nnnuni rr 3K TURKS' -.. M ifiwkrf Nationalist Forces Have Seiz ed Town of Ezine, and Now Threaten to Seize Town of Kum KalesL NO RESISTANCE OFFERED THEM Positions Give Turks Oppor tunity to Command the En trance to Straits May Hamper British Fleet Constantinople, Sept. 21 11:4-1 p. m. (By the Associated Press!. Tbe Tnrklsk Nationalist forces have seis ed the town of Exlne on tbe Asiatic side of tbe Dardanelles and are threat ening KumKalesi, an. Important key position to the sontb side of tbe Straits. The Keiuulists were nowhere opiNised. The nationalist move, in the opin ion of the naval experts here. Will en able the Turks to prevent free ingress to the Dardanelles to the British At lantic fleet units which are on their way from Malta. The im)Kirtant positions involved were prior to today occupied by the French and Italians, nnd from them the heavy Turkish I mt tor lew can com mand the entrance to the Straits. . The British View. London, Sept. '1 (By the Associated ress). Mews of the Near East alt- tuition here oMi-illiite lietween hone and ,,m)enetrnted but there is no suggest- . ,.. thnt thp .ilfflcnlties of . the eOvern- ment have increased thereby. . Some of the morning papers declare Lloyd George was willing to eominuni cute the minutes of the conference to the press, but the laliorltes desired se crecy. These twiners say there is a di vision of opinion among labor leaders repsectinir the crisis. Says Greet Will Never Permit Turks to Invade Thrace. Athens, Sept, 22 (By the Associated Pros). Greece will never permit the Turks to invade Thrace, which shn considers pnrt of hex homeland, and retention of which is an ""essential preliminary eoimmon io any p conference.". This declaration was I made In a statement to the Associated Press by the Greek foreign oltlce to- tuuy. THE FRENCH MAKE AN EFFORT TO PREVENT WAR Eetween Great Britain and Turkey, To Send Bouillon to Smyrna, v. parts, Sept. 22 (By the Associated I Press): The French cabinet today de I elded that in view of the refusal of the British to withdraw their forces from Chanak on the Aifintlc side Of t.he Dardanelles, the efforts of the French government should lie directed' toward preventing war lietwene Turkey-, and : Great ,Britaln. To this end, it was agreed immediately to send Franklin . Bouillon to Smyrna.: i. . Want Constitutional Amendment on Child Labor. ' lutlon introduced todoy by -Bepresen- ; tative Graham, republican, of 1 111- ; nolo. ' - . . A numlier of ministers in the east !. Pennsylvania conference, however, In cluding Blshop.AV. 'F. Dell, are oppos ed to tbe union, Mr. .Hengst stated, Ask Us . .:'"''- ,; ; " .'....,- -, , f- v . , if there is any detail connect ed with bankingf business which you do not fully under- stand. You will find our of ficers and employees always ready to answer your ques- ; tions promptly, intelligently and courteouslyr: : ;! "V.

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