oocooooc o as:cc:ated ; O DISPATCHES G oooooooc o o 0 o i -I. u o u .VOLUME XX!!. CONCORD. N. C, SATURDAY, SEPT. 23. 1922. NO. 197. DAILY ji!-wJiiii vU Jjn Jii ASTATEr.EUTTODAY Says Policy of Great Britain in East is to Establish the Freedom of. Dardanelles Under League of Nation. IMPARTIAL AS TO , GREEKS AND TURKS Says Closing of Dardanelles in World War Caused De feat of Roumania and the Prolongation of the War. London, Sei. 23 (By tbe Associat ed press .-J-The policy of Omit Brit ain In the Near Kast Is to establish the freedom of J he lmrdnnellea under the suiiervlslon of tb Iridic of 'Na tions, declared Prime Minim Lloyd George In statement during con ference with newspaper men this af ternoon; , ' , i . v y .. ' Mr.- I Any A , George said ' whatever steps the. government had taken to strengthen the military and naval forces In tbe Dardanelles and tbe Bos- phorns bad liecn dictated by two su- ltreuie considerations: 1... i-. i. il. . . . of tlw sea a lietween the Jledlterrnn-j , A -- : Text of tbe A freemen t. ...- ean nnd the Blnek Sea " and aeeond to The agreement whleh was signed for r "prevent this exceptionally horrilileitha .,n..wnio. . un. .- M .. .. I The Prime Minister declnred at the. f ontset that be would like to make it . clear that anv notion tnken bad nnth- - lug to do with the merits or demerits ; of the case : under dispute between Greece an the. Turks... . ; j The Brltbth governments he' .gnld, ,,had 'been impartial, aa; between; -the Greeks and the Turkes. He pointed 4 out that a few. week ago the Greeks had threatened to'man-h on Conatnntl : nople and that at that, time General Hiirriugton,- the BritlNb general In ; chief command at Constantinople, hnd warned the Greeks in Hldentlcal terms . ns the -warning now given -to Mustapba ; Keiual l'uslia." - 4 ' -. - " '; . lu dealing with the question of the freedom -of 4fbe Straits, Mr. . Lloyd . George says tbnt what happened In the Intefwar demooHtrated how Vital " was the freedom of these nfttnrw seas to be protected of commerce,.; and "to- ' buumnity In Its broadest aspects? ,i The closing of the Htraita Jy itnrkej' j., iHlnrlnR the late -4varb aVx-biveH,- vas , r'N,Hiwllle for "the disnster "of one ,( of our Mtrongegt allies; nnd the defeat of Himnwniu, and prolongetl the war .'.', by at 'least two years." - ; j ?f -r. i ii Ml 1 1 i I l-a f--.;- ,.;.-..;r COX ATTACKS THE -1 ' , , REPUBLICAN TARIFF - Says Present "Tariff Monstrosity" Will Be Chief Campaign Issue lit V ' the FaU Election. -'. Clwebind, OJilo, Sept. 23 (By the ' Associated Press. ) -Ankod what the Issue will lie. In 1022, former. Govern- or Jnmes Jl. Cox,; if Qhlo, and the - democratic nominee for. President' in 11)20, declared here today, in his first - 5 address lnce his return from an ex- 'enslve tour of Knrope made before the city: club, that '"the people this year will ; lie' nsked to -elect- a Con gress that will undo the present tariff :. monstrosity.' . r';" , - - - t . v : J vflut . we will not lose sight of an other great question the International 7 one," Mr. Cox added. . - "It ... will be , more pertinent for- discussion In the great national forum 01 ouch. . T "When a surgeon finds .'an - injured mn suffering from aseyered artery and. a. broken leg, be sews up tue ar- tery first. ' in -the present Instance, : i liad as the International, wound Is, the domestic injury , indicted by the most , : ; Incompetent cohgress in all history,' is . even worse," he said. ARTICLE X BEFORE THE ' -' . . ' ASSEMBLY OF LEAjBVE . Notldng Definite Now In . Regard to - EUinlnatWlWg Article. Trr Qeneva, Sept 2H (By Oie Asso ; clatetlPress). Tbe, question of revls ; Ing Article X of the Lea?ue. of Nations covenitnt. or elinilniitlng it altogether v :was passed 'on to the-assembly by the (present- assembly today without other observation :' or-i recommendation - than, ' that the subject be considered Mri' all 'Its bearings. The Candnnla (Jclea tlon showed no disposition to. rush ; 'Charles "Doherty's. amendment ellu)t , patina the article.. J',?', - :P . ' :;. M. Bartheleuiey, ' of France said Article X ought not hove been dianged " States into the. League, There 'was ,'no assurance that a chauge would -have this affect, lie declarl,-and In any case 1 the - article , ought not lie. rhnnged until the United States was ; -' on tbe scene to deliberate, upon It with - the rest of the world. ; " 'X. Vj, CBASD. JURY'S REPORT:;'"'' ' In the InyesUgtition of the Mine Kill !' , Inga at Herri a, lib -. . '., Br AuorlntMl VmH.) ' j ..Marion, IU., Spt. 23.i-Th specla'. grand Jury investigating the Herrln V mine killings made their Onnl report . today with additional Indictments brtnetnar tbe total to 212. 1 The JUry returned 68 more fndict mcntw for conspiracy to commltfoa mnr dor, and 64 for assault to commit hiur iler. The Jury previously returned 38 murder' indictments, and 58 for con apimcy ai.d rioting. . T" : iv's return included four mur der in ;. trnenls and an arrlfjnuient of -ceri'iiii autliorita.: churning them with .fnilnre to protect liio anil property. In 1 t i PH for trolls when the i liiiiiiiiiciit. , terms or f-rmrrsy - , UK Sol Tut KS STRIKE Glrra to Lwtor tv-nt Out Txiiy Ii) PrwMml HarriMa. Wablnjrlua. I) C jv.t. 21 Tenn on watch tbe strike ef the hni-rXt employes on Ik Southern Railway System wi settled are riven la full In tbe follnwtnit letter which i'twianit Fairfax Harrison baa addremed to the1 pubiit-4. bibi .r the Hourb: "Referring to tbe circular I ' ad-: drcd to yon oa'Antiwt Hta, I ix.w rieeta It WT duty to adrlae yon of tbe tenua Bfx which the striking Bon aen are returning to work on our line. : - - - , "In ai-cordam-e with our announced Intention, wo began on Angust 15th to recruit forces and from day to day added to tbe men In tbe anoint until we bad at work IJtXi men. equivalent to IU.T- per rent, of a norniul shop fort. None of tbe rrnftmneu o en listed nought' or waa promised r per manent. Job. Tbey were mercenary trooi and took servk-e specifically as arrike breaker,' la la significant that many of them were striking shopmen frotn other railroad. . . , .'On September 14th the Chairman of the strikers' committee asked oa for a conference, advising tbnt be waa authorlaeit to negotiate a aeimraru lieare. Aa the remilt of the , ennninjt dlHcuaidon, a treaty waa made, adopt ln rerlMtim the. mwalled Chieneo flKreeinent. Tbiii treaty la quoted lu mil on ine next page. - ine aereeiuenr ' apeaica tor ltaeir. There la no understanding, express or' Implied, varrlnit the terms of It. 'TJtlA mean M.fl1lM ti h-n.L Mnnn tka' ... ........ ... uim tn reduced wages s-flxed by the La Imr Hii.fi! " . . . , niumHn uwaiua ii if iiitr nwiiiu-, (iAif if w . Miiiai. .mi- tn th. bK.i ' rmiis ot meir irenerni ennirmen. a. i- Jlcuuuvray Machinists-: Thomas J Gnrvey, Boilermakers; , Arthur Gled hlll, Blacksmlthsr ; Vf. H. Bnldork, Sheet Metal Workers; C. X. HolUind, Electrical Workers;, and J. M. 40111s, ; Lnrmen, was as follows: ; ."This agreement, made and , entered Into. this the 18th day of September, 1022. by and lietween . : , - - ' "Southern Railway: Company, Tbe Cincinnati,' New -l Orleans and Texas Pttcine Railway Company, The Ala bama Great Southern Railroad Company,'- New- Orleans and ) Northeastern Railroad Company,; The New Orleans Terminal Comimny, Georgia Southern and Florida Railway ,Comiany ; St. Johns River Terminal Company, Har- riman and: Northeastern Railroad - Company, Northern Alabama Railway Compauy, Atlantic and Yadkin Rail way Company, aud ' .7 '. 1 "InteBtkninl Assoclivtlon ;..otJIa cuuusiH, Jiirerimiioiiiii nromeruoou 01 Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders add fV!? , tnber 7 -Helpera '. of ? America," International LV "f408""- 8ft through on Bi-otherbood 'i-of r Blncksmlths. : Dron:the ,n8t d.r the deficiency nppro- Forgers and Helners. Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen of America, Amalga- mated Sheet Metal Workers'- Intermit ionnl Alliance,' International Brother hood of Electrical Workers. - "WITNESIETH:; 1. Iu order ; to t bring to an end the existing strike of employes upon the; railroads. and re lieve the country from the adverse ef fects thereof and to expedite the move ment of essential- traffic, the following memorandum of agreement is made upon the .understanding which the parties, hereto accept,' that .the terms hereof 'shall lie carried out by the of ficers, of the companies and the repre sentntives -of the employes In a spirit of conciliation and sincere purpose to effect a genuine settlement of the mat ters lit controversy referred to-below. This pnrngrnpt does not 'apply to Or Include sti-ikea in effect prior to July 1, 1022. ,-,'. , , it, ' " ."2. ";AU men to-return to, work-in positions of the class they , originally held .on June 80th,. 1022, and at : the same point. As many .of such men as possible are to be Immediately put to work nt present rates of pay, and all such employes who have been on strike larger than thirty days after the slgn-i f "Prted to have left North Wllkes 1.... t s,!.,. so ,,..h I boro that morning for Winston-Salem. men as have been proven guilty of acts of violence which In the opinion of the commission, hereinafter provided for,- shall be sufficient cause for dis missal from servlce.7i ' -.' V:W -rt'7"! "8. The relative-, standing as be tween themselves of men. returning to work and men laid off, f urloughed -or on leave of absence, including General Chairmen and others who were as of June 80, 1922, properly on leave' of ab sence, will be restored as of June so, 1022. and they will be called sack to work In tbat order,, r. "4. t If adlBpnte arises as to the rel ative standing of an employe or If any other controversy- arises growing out of tbe strike that cannot be otherwise adjusted by the carrier and laid em. ploye or the' duly authorized reprefien-J tatlves tuereof.-viie matter shall be re- fofred by tbe organizations parties to this agreement, ' the employes or the carrier In the Interest of any employe who may-lie aggrieved, , to a' commis sion to be established and, constituted aa hereinafter provided: for, for final decision by a majority vote. r 7 . 7 I. fSi The' Commission, referred to In paragraph hereof shall be composed Uif six representatives to lie named by the chief otnoers of the organizations parties hereto nnd six railroad officers or representatives selected from and by -the railroads agreeing thereto.' Thl commission shall be constituted with in fifteen days from the signing of this agreement and- shall have Juris diction to decide all cases that may proiierly be referred to It on or before aiuy aist, nut not tuereuiter. "0. Inasmuch as this agreement Is reached for the pm-pose of composing In a spirit of compromise this contro versy, all parties hereto agree that neither this settlement nor any decis ion of the. commission -above provided for shall he 1, -d or cited In any. con troversy between thewe par.! or be tween the rni; or any oOi"r m da s?7'i!hs; Hie snnio, ass or tin i -ct their ::ctio:i g'ited BY JUDGE Vi'lLKEHSOal r.. Attorney ucneral mnslne Fight to Get Injunction Ajrainst Railroad Strikers All Over Country, RULING AFFECTS . 400,C0 WORKERS Jude Wilkereon Says De fendants Could Not Deny . Knowledge and Responsi bility for Violence. i ii fBy k Imiuirt TimmA i Cfalrafto,'Hent. 23. Jndire Jamea H. Ttlkeraou today irranted . Attorney General Dougherty's iwttrion for a na tion aide teiniHirary InJtuirtion acalnxt jtbe railway atrlking ahopmen. , iMge ullkerann In a lenpthy re view of the i-aae,'aa!d the defendants eould not Ueay knowledge and reHnnn- iKllillity for the wldeattread violence whli-h ) inriixi th atrika Pai..i settlement Of he atrike, be said, bna Bit affected the- right of tbe govern- .1 . I 1 . I i i t mem o ooiaiu a uHiionwioe uuiine- tlon. The court gave the attorneys for the defense until -Monday morning at 10 o'clock to study tbe decision and prepare to argue the text of the In- , . , . ... ... . . Attorney QeBeral 1 Dnugherty on proiiosed draft, which is even more drastic than the restraining order now in force. . . " i - , The order, will affect about 270 of ficers and 400,000 memliers of the six crafts belonging' to the-railway em ployes department . of Federation of Iiibor. the American CONGRESSMEN GETTING ; i READY FOR ELECTIONS Opinion General Thai Extra Session Will Be Called for November 15th. : ' : ntw ' tk Anoelstr4 Piowhi , - S. ".Washington, Sept. 23. -Memlters of Cimgress generally were siieedlng to tbelr borne, districts today to look -out or fn" wn" y foUowffig Mhe Je He-adjournment of -Congress yes- terday. Many leaders expressed .tbe opinion- that President Hai-dJng would !! a ansi-iai wsrIou on .November 15 nrpenllnif rne - Hetr reirulnr seHSlon .'Pnntion nut, the administration ; Li. Iierian loan : bill,, and the Pyer antl lynchlng meosur? going over. .Opinions ns. to, what the- 67th Con gress abcompllshed were divided for Cordell H-uJl, of Tennesee, chairman ;tbe . Democratic committee; issneil Congress ever . so ' signally- fulled to grasp, great opportunities or to. meet important responsibilities,'' , but John T. .Adams,- chairman of the republican national committee, took an- exactly opposite' .view. -He tleclaml "no Con gress Tii time of peace wei-made sm-h a splendiu record." v JENKINS AND MEN IN NORTH WILKESB0R0 SEPT. 13 The Men All Left for Their Homes 7 . In Alleghany County About Noon. '7 - ' By tka AuoIatia Ptcm.) '; ' Wlnston-Satem,. .Sept, 23. Chief of Police-4. V, Banguss, of North Wll keslioro,' says he has information that several men, one of whom, was S. L. Jenkins of this" city, arrived there Friday morning' s Septemlier lu, be tween 12 and ' 1 o'clock coming from the direction of Taykir8vlUe., v Jenkins i The ; men with, htm.one. "of whom was a. relative; of Jenkins, an ,- lert for their homes in Aleghany County Friday, about noon, Reports' the chief, who talked him them. Chief Bauguss knows of 'bo warrant having been Is sued, for the men by Tnylorsvllle au thorities, . although their, names are suid to be known.' . .;',...' -i , " 1 " ' .- H. 1 A Pertinent Query. . Mr.'Edltot: r 1 ,1 -, t What do our soldiers who by their uniiaralelled courage and self-sacrifice in France, saved the American manufacturer, bankers and profiteer from :German " control and bondage think of the fact that,, although the present Republican Congress could not find any way , In which to even par tially compensate them, for their ines timable service not only, to our country but also, to civilisation throughout the world,, they had no trouble In concoct ing a-plan by enacting the most un fair unequal . nnd .unjust protective tariff bill that has ever been passed in the country's history for the special benefit and profit of the manufactur ers, bankers and rproflteers 7 in our country 1 - A tax . which the soldier while they get nothing, win nave to belr! pay to these specially favored Iut ' After being' In America 75 yarg an alien has become a citizen. He thinks ha wtfl like the place. ' . rf v, , employes In any other controversy that mny hereafter arise. "7. Both parties pledge themselves w i.itlii,l,lutl,n it.n.mti.MMHfin.fiie necesKnrv shall lie practiced or permitted against Federal OITlrlals bon't Agree. ; any of the employes who have remain-) Washington, Keart. 23. Treasury of ed at work or have taken service or aa flcla'ls tiMlay expressed the Informal against those who resume work under opinion that there was nothing tn the this understanding. - . . : . - ... (new 'tariff law- which could be eon- 8.1 All suits at law now pending as t ho result of the strike to be with- drawn and cancelled by both parties," MRS. JOrrX IT. v ''HRH AND DU t MTf R INJiari) VKe Aula h.V irh Inf Haa koorknl Of kj AaUer ( ar. ( ' Mrs. Jobn W. VJueria and danctter. Ulaa laahelle Morrta. nrt painfully lnjuml Friday afternoon wbd the Hniioiotrll ear In Which tbey were riding from their nnaie la tbla county to Charlotte waa kauefced iaT.aa eat baakjuent alxmt etrtif mllea from 'im eord. Mbwea Harry, wbo were la the car at tbe time, were a4 Injured. Two Charlotte Uft who paaned Jimt after tbe accident "Tarred brought Mra. Morria and daughter- to the t'on cord HnHpltaL wbere tbey are under going treatment for -their many ruts and brnlaea. Mrs. Mori suffered a dislocated abuulder anil annieroits rot and hrnlaea. While" Miss Morria did not suffer aliiy broken Ixtneaahe was tiadly rut, and both abe and ber moth er, bled profusely wtlk eo route to the hoHiitaL .-. Aii-ordlng to persons who witnessed the accident, Mrs. l orris' car was knocked off the embnukment by anoth er car, wblch waa dren by a negro and occupied by aevial other negroes. J nut aa Mra. Morria ws trrlnr to mas ;ai-nr hnnded towa nil Concord the ne- s unc uis rmr. ucntit-ii itiwuru .uar- lotte, lietween tbe tn cars, striking airs. Moris' car ami throwing It off the embankment. Tbe . four Indies were thrown from thi car,- which was badly damaged. I Tbe negroes did not stop, according to. reports, and so far the officers have lieen unable to learn 'their Identity. While Mrs. Morria and Miss Morris will probably., lie confined ' to their beds for some time. It la. not lielleved they are seriously injured. Both suf- fawi rura mt. hj .,i i their bodies arm, Inillr hrnlanl MliuJ ea Harry, who were-on tbe rear seat, were not cut, but suffered numerous bruises. . ' ' The ladles were e route to Char. lotte,. where "Mhfr Morris .was to un dergo an examination at a hospital. The accident occurred about 2:80 Fri day afternoon. ' 77 -7' --- FOOTBALL SEASON OPENS Two of North Carolina's Teams Are in - (By the A.MMdatr Pr.M.1 Atlanta,-Ga., Sent, 23.-rrThe dull thud of the klckoffs. .true harbinger of autumn as the robin is of spring, was heard on the Dixie gridirons, today ns tbe opening games of 1 1022 got uuder way with half a dozen or more of the major elevens engaging in. contests. Center College. which wns ranked above-all -other Southern teams-Inst year, by virtue of Its. record of victor ies during the ; season,, met in local and inter-sectionaUcon, ests f -and Geor- fRjirr-WMcllrieid JtaiftwW'tOr'ft 'ltf To score,-' were among -the lenders who de- elded upon--an early start. "Two of North Carolina's teams also were ear ly starters.. ; Davidson, which played early 'season games last year against heavier elevens and took; some severe defeats, faced Elon at Davidson ; Wake Forest was matched against Atlantic Christian College at Wake Torest. THE COTTON MARKET Opened at anAdvanee of From 8 to 18 Pointed December up 24 Points. ' (Br tka.,AaaoeiaCc4 Prw. ' New.Y'ork,-' Sept. - 23. The cotton market opened, firm at an advance of 8 to 18 points. Wing to more optimis tic feeling m over the political feeling abroad, reiiorts of a better tone In. the stock market and bullish week-end re views of the goods trader There was further selling, but It was very read. lly absorbed by coveting for over the week-end and 'V- AVall ; ' street buying which sent December up 24 points net higher during the early trading. -7 Cotton futures opened firm: Octo ber 21.12 r December 2127; January 21.12; March 21.10; May 21.05. ' Closed Steady. ' New York, Sept. 23. The cotton market closed stead v. October 21 :13; Dec 2t :40 ; Jan. 21 :22 ; March 21 :23 ; May 21 :20. . ; , . , Killed by train Roby Murphy at Vonover Sat oh Rail . road Traoji and - Train Ran .Over Him. ' -'' Or th AMurlntca Preaa. .. .. Hickory, a Sept. 23.Robv. Murphy, aged 23, was struck nnd killed by a Southern. Railway train near his home at , Conover, Catawba Comity,- about last midnight, as he was seated on the crosstles.of the railroad, track.. vile had been to Newton to attend a clrcnsi and It is supposed he sat on the truck to'rest, on his way home. ",.-'-, . Confederate Veterans Will Have Their -Expenses Paid. ,'' .f'H' - Asheville, Sept 23. The committee on entertainment, 'for statewide reun ion of tbe Confederate veterans held here beginning next Tuesday, announc ed today it hnd ; completed arrange- iuents ..whereby ..Teternns will , be - al lowed 7 ' accommodations, - including transportation, 7 The Daughters of the Confederacy,. Sons of Confederate Vet erans, Confederate Memorial Associa tion and chamber : of . commerce will provide, ! the - committee announced, that the old soldiers will be put to no expense. ,i r ; ; -ii ' ..' ''-''". --;;';;- New, Taritr Law No Frieikl - ' ' ' . Rnntlmrtrerf' - to .the :' Buffalo,'; N.. Y., Sept 23.' The hew tariff law threatens to put another bar rler In the. path of the bootlegger for. a Interpreted here, where prevention of smuggling liquor across the border. Is one. of the chief tasks of prohibition officers. Section 1581, Part 5 of the new I law menus search warrants no longer strned as giving .prohibition agents the right to make, a search without a war- rant , 1 ; j, ,- Vi'iLLPEACEORmn CHOICE? 'evealnf at tbe T. U. CN A, and a Within 36 Hours the World v','nr!fI.J(7B! l"mt t. , , , xr 1 """"nt Harris, waa eojuyed iTobably 01 Know V naty the weaibera pmi! - tciAti Tit1!.' id 1 XT . I . I v . AC allStS lltve ChOSen. . . FRANCE EXPECTED TO ITSF. IVFI 1IPXTP ' ,M,d-T fnr dlrtribntlon by Monday. . - 1 I Tuesday, tbe second day of the ex- To Kppn Pparp Rut Manv PB",OB- will I known aa "Klwanla rru- fi K iir-ii A"y',h,r" rb Kntans from aU over . Think the Turks Will D IS-, the two Carolina are expected to be rpp-nrd ArivW nnrl Tako It Pr'nt t the exposition. regara Auvice ana lake it. ,MPllt,B f ,lM, concord ki- Ul Iheir lWn Hands.' - 'wanUns was called to tbla fact, and , . -w. . of ,he foncord club to attend at that ConstlnHoople, -Kejit. 23. (By tfie Aa-'tlme. sisbited Press.) Within .HI. bourn the, "Caliarrus County Dnv" at tbe ex world nndiably will know whether the portion will lie on Friday of the com Turklsh nationalists have chosen war, week. A committee from thlacity or iieace. The Angora cabinet meet- anU hlta bPPB at work Ing at Smyrna Is exiected hourly to rangements for this event, and the dclare wether the Kemallsta wll nmlH-rs of tbe Klwanl Club were await the pence ciference proiKise.1 urKe(, tlle mPrtln), by the allies or take matters into their own bands by Invading Thrace. France i exiiected to exert renew ed iH-essnre ho keep tbe Turks from any hostile action which would jeo pardize their present favorable condl tlon at tbe forthcoming conference. I,,,, ..... , ... ........ thai that the nationalist cabinet will j .1,..!- .,11 ...w I . L .... HI. ilRIIAIJ B.nr tliaf thu mnfumw. n-lll .,l n . II.. I realization of all their claims. The T I'nrks are fully aware of thei'J1 ",eKfB,wt V-, m of the British bind forces' v-Mnjor ,W. 11 Fo"' n m,1n1,,"'r wf ..t..n.iv h..i,n ,w.in,. .,.. No- delivered an address en weakness now precariously holding points along the Asia Minor shore, and are con vinced of their anility to defeat them. The French official circles hold that the only thing which can stave off the nationalist attack Is a definite pledge by Great Britain td snpisirt France In guaranteeing that Thrace will be evac uated promptly by the Greeks and re stored to Turkey. , . It to reported that Mnstnpha Kemnl Pashn,' the nationalist leader, is oi- pnsed to hasty action, but It remains to'lie seen whether he -an triumph er the opposition of bis colleagues. Says Turkey and Russia Are In Con- ' , 77 p5et Agreement, Berlin, Sept. 23.--t(By the Associat ed Press) Foreign Minister Tchltch erln of soviet Russia' in an interview printed foytbe Tageblatt today deq'.ares that Turkey, and Russia. re in com. til r4mont-- rewrdJagiWfQMte-J uon oi luv oiruiis oi iu iuruiicuvB. According to Russia's -agreement wtlli Turkey he said, the nations borderim; on the Black Sea have the right to draft the final settlement of this issue. Of tbe six Black Sea States, he adds, Russia, , the Ukraine,. .' Georgia, , and Turkey already have adopted this standpoint. M. Tchitcherin declared himself convinced that. Turkey wt'i eventually achieve her aim of rennlf ing all territories inhavlted by the Turks. " - ' - FORBIDDEN TO MARRY Excent-1 Where Divorces Have Been Granled on the Ground of Infidelity. fBy iha AMioclatMr Prms.t Portland. Ore., Sept 23.-Commnnl- Cburcn In the'fnfted State's" are for bidden to marry divorced persons ex cept in crises where, divorce, has been granted mi the, ground of Infidelity. The. result of action taken here Inst night by the HouRe of Deputies' of gen eral convention confirflmed the measure passed previously by the House of Bishops. ; - -' V '-''i' 7 ' ' .'. ' ' ' 7 The former law of the church merely forbade : ministers to ' perforin mar riage ceremony where either party had b-en divorced for cause of Infidel ity.; The .new eqnon does not provide punishment for members of the church tflsolieylng It but there was pending before the convention talny1 a resolu tion, by Bishop Cameron Mann, of the diocese of South Florida, providing for excommunication of persons remarry ing contrary, to the divorce canon.: ,. TO INYITEMB. SUNDAY - Charlotte Ministers Want Evangelist - to Hold Meeting There, - Charlotte: Sept. 22. A committee from the Charlotte Ministerial Asso-'clatlon-will go to Lyncbburg, Y, next week to extend an Invitation to Billy Sunday to hold an evangelistic meet Ing In this, city. It is 'understood that Mr. Sunday has engagements up to 1023. but it Is hoped that he will find aome way to give Charlotte a date before 1SI24, he. being booked for Char lotte during' that year. - ' ' . The Lynchburg committee consists of Dr. Albert Sydney Johnson, of the First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Luthex Little, of the First Baptist Church, nnd Dr. W. W . Orr, pnstor of the A R, P. Taliernncle. ' . ( Paul Whitlock to Enter law Practice. Charlotte, Sept 23.--Paul C. Whit lock, tniat"' officer of the American Trust. Comiwny. :, today tendered his resignation at a meeting of the direct ors, John Fox lielng named aa his suc cessor. Mr. Whitlock will resume thw general practice of law, and will be associated with Henry V. Doekery un der the firm name of Whitlock and Doekery, Spartanburg Girl ' Wins Coveted ., ' Priaw la Music. Fouutalnebleau, France, Sept: 22 A first prize In opera was, awardedjy the American conservatory of music to Miss Gertrnde Courtney, of Siwr tanburg, S. C and second prize to Miss .Vivian HKea, of Mason ' City, . Iowa. First priza In opera comique was given Mrs. Teas Davidson, of Sioux City, Oowa. -CONSTITTTION WTfJC I OB.V.8UJ RY KTWAVJAXS Tkl. Waa rtilrf Ttwtn ! Weekly Mertiof MiMcttrt Ceata f lb Cluk "Omstltnttoa Week" waa oliaerrej by the Klwanla (Inb of Concord at It regular weekly Inacheoa on Friday Tbe rouuulttr oa arranaing hn let t. be ted la mraisblng lnformat abont Ouncord and calMmn Coua to tbe rbdtorm at tbe Maile-In-Tam. linaa exposition reported that the book, let waa almost completed, and would plana bare been made for almost all to get busy now in helping get a large. representation of people from tbla county to lie present at the event The program of entertainment ar ranged for by Team No. 4 was tho roughly enjoyable, the feature of it Mug the singing of Mrs. H. O. Gilison. m ihH iik NUffllipi VI All 1. .- .. . I . h . . . . J . - JUl Iwnlels. nnd as an encore rendered "a Llmly IOU." MlK. Gibson WOS i In1 splendid vol. and her singing was Team on tbe Constitution of the United States, which was filled with hlstorlct fact nnd patriotism. At the. conclusion of his address the entire audience arose nnd sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Rer. L. A. Thomas, the ne.w pastor of St James Lutheran Church., was present at the meeting as a guest of the club, and was called upon by tbe. chairman for a short talk. He re sponded In a happy vein, expressing ov-J1,'s Plensiire In attending the meeting "1 ine cmw, nnu in living in tnis cuv. Tbe activities of the dub In its civic undertakings, and the spirit manifest ed at the. uieetitnj; of the organization were commended liy the new pastor, and he bespoke for the club still great er acc6uiplisments: in the future. f- Rev.; W. C. Lyerlf, pastotr of the i nnir.v nciormen i nurcn, ,wn: nir nt - ims mm. ' ior, his, flrt time. He told the mem hers that It hnd heei announced at a meeting of the Con. cord . Ministerial s Association' that all j the pastors In Concord ' were, mndel'ur ",,!" """" nre.w im giv honorary memliers of the Kiwnnio Club !wfty, but you won't be one. of them If at . the organization . meeting of the cluli, but this had been bis first at tendance, at the meetings. He prom ised the members of the club that this would not lie the last time he would take advantage of the, opportunity of meeting with them. The attendance prize for the pre vious meeting was drawn for by teams No 2, 4 and 11. The captain, of the teams drew among themselves, and No. 11, Dr. "Julius Sbauers was the fortunate team; Charley. .Smart, on team No. 11 was the luck one of the team when the various members drew among themselves! He wns awarded the attendance prize, given by 'Lee Crowell, Jr., of team No. 3. - The silent boost was given by E. Boyd Grndy, of ieam No. 4. Tacky Party Friday Night. The Ladies' Aid of the First Bap tist Church gave a tacky : party at Mrs; c. SI. Isenhour s Friday; night, which afforded much pleasure to old and young. The most attractive fea ture was the costumes,' which 7 were very qiuilnt nnd appropriate, Mrs. J. ! T. Howell was awarded the-prize for lielng the tackiest woman, and Mr. Myers the tackiest man. ; One of tbe most elegant costumes was worn by Mrs. K. I; Craven, an elegant silk, with nilts and fan to match, of 50 years ago, in perfect : preservation. Recitations and songs were render ed to suit the occasion, after which gingerbread and pink '(emonnde were served. - ' ' ; Mrs. Grace G, Harte, a' Chicago at- torey, has gone to Europe to study renting' laws and conditions in Eng land nnd other countries, in the iterest of the Chicago Tenants' , league. ANNOUNCEMENT! The Officers, Directors arid Stockholders of This Old Reliable Building and Loan As- - sociation Announce the Opening of the ) ' 50th Series on October 1st, 1922. ' l;V- ;'7.,' : :7'-':.''-;i,i:;- ':-:-v,y ;7 v 7,7 7 7:.7.'" ;-. 7' v We invite yon tn come in nud tnke some shares In this series. , Running shares cost you 29 rents per "bare per week and. mature .; in alMiut 328 'weeks. ; Prepaid shares cost you $72.25 per share and :,. mature In about 328 weeks. STOCK IS NON-TAXABLE. ..'..': ' Start saving NOW' by taking. some shares In the 50th Series, -. making it the first payment for a home the surest method of winning the object of your devotion. ; - ;s. v 1 ; 1 Your Building and Loan Business Is', appreciated . here . whether i lArge or Small. " ' ,', t , ' . - ':'-' : ;:?'.; i:(''r.'tK::-.-v.:i - ' . START RIGHT BY- STARTING NOW.' ' . - ' : , - Cabarrus County Building Loan and Sav- ; . " , ings Association. w7, ', OFFICE IN THE CONCORD NATIONAL BANK , :' "-f - .' i ; -'.r:''-7 '. ATions co:;i:;g FAST" E11RDLLK0V You Have a Part in the Sales mariKhi" rw. 0f The Tunes ubrary -i'iay it ana ,-rrut iri2e. HANDSOME AUTOS NOW ON DISPLAY No Worker W ip Go Unre warded in This Salesman ship Drive to. Increase the Family of Our Readers. Come on folks. It's going to be" i great! And along with the wortc we're go Ing to have some fun, too. The. Tribune and Times Is out to Increase its family of readers, tixt -quickly, through the efforts of scon a of energetic folks in the territory In which this newspaper circulates, and it's going to pay some mighty big wages to those who prove to be tbe best subscription sellers. . ' And that Is not alL ' Eeverylsxly who takes part in this Interesting and Instructive .coiupell--f tlon will be rewarded for what tbey-, do In the work. There's lots of high-, ly valuable prizes to be awarded, and ' In case tbey do not' go around among our friends we are going to see. that tbe rest of them who fall to earn- a prize get 10 per cent cash commission - on the amount of money turned in. .- So you see It's useless to think that one will enter the race and fall tq be remunerated either with a prize or with a neat sum of money. Get ; , . right Into the. thick of the work and ' -7 , . not only, have a great deal of pleas ure out of It but get some of the Juicy plums wblch are banging temptingly c before, your eyes. v. : . If you are a lilt timid. Just get over it nnd send In that nomination blank right now with - your name filled in nd Jet the manager of tbe. Drive sup ply yon with the necessary Informa tion with which to get down to work ' and winning. ;' Nothing ventured, noth ing gained. The chance are that - 1 , ; . yon never will tie handed a $2,000 automobile for your Very own, but the , , chancea-ftij greatly ; in your' favor of , . ' fenvltig one; of your own. if you will -tflke ndvantatW of ' thperttnilrr ttwt naiiti and make the best of it It is ., cfrlalW that thrwv people who will en- nPKB and work will get you do not try. So the first thing you must do is to get your name In the list, get . the necessary ' Information - and a receipt book with which to sf! c,,!f 8"T;pHons and then go to it! Pay a call to The Tribune and Times office and see the Club Manager.." Get the information first then make up - your mind whether you want to enter the. race, or not. No charge Is made for this information, nor for entering the race for that matter, and It cer- ' tn Inly does not cost one penny to win either of the prize or a cash commis sion. So what more doc one want than such-an opportunity? . Thluk It over! It won't take yon long to make up 'your mind that yon want one of these elegant prizes nnd , its dollars to doughnuts that you will be down the. first . thing on Monday for the -necessary receipt books with which to begin the race that will land' you under the wire, for one of the biggest prizes. The Drive office is open until 0 p. ' m. daily except Sunday. , - Call the , manager over the phone, number 78. Daylight Saving Time in New York Ends. fBy the Associate Prca.W New York, Sept 23.-Dn.vlight sav ing time observedi-ln New York city since April 30th, ends tomorrow.: The official hour for shifting the clock is 2 - a. m. ; Want Venlzelos Returned. (Br tkc AwHWiatad Piwaa. ' f . Athens,-" Se.pt' 23. Anouncement Is mnde of fhe discovery of a plot to re-i turn former Premier 7 Venlzelos to power, it Several persons , have been ' arrested, and parties are conducting hoitse ti house Searches. 7 -1 i,

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