if f r J 3000 0 O O O O G C O ASSOCIATED . O PRESS C O DISPATCHES Q oooooooq o Terrors o u . nlvs ' o O TODAY. O oooooooo m T H VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27, 1022. ti NO. 200. HMMIEPOOTII. ;totrai;;i:gschool RRGtSTRATWM POOR TO I Ol'fc.M ON OCTOBER CTH TM Awiiimiwiii MW by f. M. FcaroU' (halrmaa - f Uw 8UU.- Ike taMlMil hml I Raleigh, Hept. ?7 doou lur IM Horttoa to arid No vember 7th moat bo opened oa Opto- RQTARUHS HOST TO TEAGHERS OF CITY IGCOMIE ABDICATES .Mrs. James W. Cannon Gives i ShZ 'ttSUFt?' "lli Meetlnf Ileld tl Y TuestJar;AuthoriUUve News Received pa Ann r v 4 1 01 . " auvwca II a letter, , , t .1 l: r . u,uwy 1 or new ununis- tuy by coi p. m. rmnwii. chair tntinn ' Rnndinir at fk.'aian l the ett fcrd of -rtertlooa. ?. . . . ' I mailt letter BMNllOm part III JEKISr TRHL WILL CfcT fMUR WAV TOMORROW WUl B TrW la Ctinr4 tilir ion lor a autvury vtrmt, Omwhora, Sept 27. R. L, Jenkln I Wuutoa-KaWm BttrrtuBt, charged wit jataratory offense,, and l ,- ' . - Uiu WAKE YEARLY REPOR T of a letter sent to tb rouatr chair men oa September Hkh, hk-fc would have flied October 7th aa to date fur Eveninj Proved On' of Much Interest and Pleasure to All Present. . TO BE MEMORIAL W peiD ,f ba. ia bi. ihTEACERS PROVE .' iHWti. held thaf,the.0 day before the? V ; , ,. . . ' ' Work on Building WU1 Bering on Stunts in The Most Next Week Under Present' i t . niuit mar Time, to-wii, juoz, tin. Penranll'a MtW auld, "thpra baa Item aa umny aa V amaiona uf Ibe Urral AnwniUy (grawtl iiiiI aitei-taU- and . ' lim bnnK baa UfO mad la the "' 'A bmp ailnilnUtrntUtn hulldln. to'tion m runatroed , by the Attorney riln re the one recently destroy d by General. , Alao aincc IftKtt-tbla con- tire, ia to ! ererted Immediately at.Mnu-tton of the law boa lieeA nni Ibe Ktonennll ' "Jnckaon Tralnlns fonuly DuaerretL" . - s. . Plans Will Be Modern ' and Handsome Building. Approved Fashion Tom Web W' Bill Jenkins and Charlie Ritchie Spoke. The teacbera of the mrtille achonla of Coniiira were honor irneata ' at the That the King of Greece Has Signed Abdication De cree With Limitations. . GREECE IN GRIP . OF REVOLUTION At Least Part of trie Navy Has Gone Against the Gov eminent Direct Athens . Advices Are Lacking. London. Se-rt. 27 By the Axaoi-tated Ihwat. Rentera IJmited raya nil- The $6,000 Prize List Quick- "-n" V r,.i n..- tlfr0f of two y r uua vi vyii. 1 . iuv- roaua la aiHBIripal ' . -anil go Awake Readers Pick of Autos in Line-Up. , MANY INQUIRIES ' . BEING RECEIVED ae Reports featured Morn ing Session of the Reunion of State Confederate Vet erans at Asheville. ' Nominations and Requests .0 n a IOr lniOrmallOn Are KOIl- m-d by Jenktna who had lived. It waa ino- in Pnnt Inn.ll v n,iK'lleed by the pill.e.. In a number of " ' I puteea, aa C. K. AA bet-anae be had Headquarters. ' jtlml of lllnnle Jiaiea. who rialnia Hne xwen aa I ne wire or jenmna. trial la Knprrtor ('ourt here befure 4ud(e Vf. T. Ilardlac tianorrow. Tbe arreat rf Jeoklna followed aa inrrvtiaatioa by m.4ata of tbe Knighta of tbe Ka Klnx Klaa Into tbe wb1t plnr of Minnie Jonea, aliaa Mra. V. E. Wettb. by a party of alletred klanamea ear Tayloravllle two weeka apt. Tbe InveatUatltm aa teatind to by wil. ZX2ri!&XZ ,M"?ical Selections, Featuring SOME COMMANDERS ' REPORT IN PERSON 'School, near here, aentrdlna to an nn. I iioum-ement made here today by Jaa, "GASTOS COl'TTT DAY . - " ' V. Cook, cbHlrniHn of jthe lonrd of dl-l AT CHARLOTTE EXPOSITIOX rwtora of the Institution. Jlr. rookt, ' atnted that tbe new Inilldinj- haa beeni'0" 'ffe muda imaalble by a irlft of JTiO.OOO wlnklf macijal Speaker for the ironi Mra. Kiln Boat' Cannon, of. tbial i-ity, and the structure will be erected! '.-.' Aftt hm) on a memorial to tbe lute burtinnd of i Charlotte, N. C, Sept 27. "Uattin the donor, Jnraea W. Cannon, a oioneer , County Day." was observed at tbd Southern textile mnnnfnrtnrer, and nt iMade-in Carolinaa Exposition here to tbe time of bla death one of the lead- . ina textile men of the Cnlted Ktntea.- AVork on the new building will be (dn next week, Mr. Cook stilted, aa the architect drawinit the plana hoiea to . have them completed by Saturduy. The work will I rushed to completion. . The new bulldinft will lie one of the ninat miKlern Htrm-tnrea of liny nt the State 1 11st t tut ion. It will be larger . and handsomer ' than the s ImlldinR which was recently deatroyetf, nnd will also lie more conveniently s minted than the former administration build- . Inn. The building 'will -be three stqr les high nnd. will contain the office of the school, flie home of the superin tendent, n directors' room and twenty seven .bed rooms,, which 'Will be used by the matrons and other women in-! Htractors of the institution. ; "J The building will lie constructed iof brick,' with a heating plant und all modern plumbing facilities. It will be, fire-proof, with , other modern eqntp- ment, and will be erected at a cost of . $0,000. v U:i.-iV'vv;-i'-v -f. '. Mr, Cook, In discussing, the generohs action of Mra. Canoon, expressaxl deei n...jw.C.1,n nn 1 ltn .ha tiraiMl vurtu. I'm., mv of directors,, - Who, ( he- tleflaretl, bad lieeiiyftpeiVmov4 ,by;;jii., liflmlxoU'e . ejft. The new" building will' greatly ; ; taciittnteiie work at me institution, . ' he added, nnd give the directors and .v. instructors added imiietus to Increase their efforts for tlie, youths Sof the ' State who are sent to the Instllntlon - for training. . " '-.;. r For-n numlier of yeiirs Mrs. Cannon fiils tnkfcn a keen interest, in the wel : fare and: growths of the Institution, Chttlrmnn Cook stated, and was the . (ution : the morning of the Are. He w gift of the building shows in a mater :. in I way the deep interest she feels in the unfortunate youths , who ,: luck training at home and nre sent to the school for correction. : The gift Is thi largest that has . been made to , tne Bi-Mil, Mr. Cook snld. f The administration bitllding was de stroyed on the morning of September , 8th. The are was nrst mscovereii about 2:30 a. m., nnd though every ef- fort was mode to check It, the entire '. building was gutted, v A new lira flght-, ' ing system waa being installed at the school at the time, bnt Us installation had not been completed and it proved . fnillp nirnlnsr th blnxe which started nmmrently from defective wiring, and !: rapidly spread to every nook and cor - war nt the structure. Thoneh a num lier of matrons were sleeping in the ln.lln at the Hum of the tire., all esiined with some of their personal of ' fects. Some ot the office equipment also was saved, as were the eeords, which were in the vault. ' ' j. It will require1 several months to - complete the building, but gander the nresent Dlnns the work will be rushed . with all practical: haste. : After the ! nrchltett submits his plans the con- tKirfom lie' lut nt once, mid work - should lie well tuitlerway by the tt-N ' ter part of next week. , . .: ' The. pessimist puts two and two trf ' gether and getB fdur. but the optimist v gets 2. ; day with a large delegation frou; mat North Carolina county present to view the exhibits of the state. "The Industrial Situation." wan the subject of an address to be del verol late In the day by J. H. Separk, tex tile manufacturer, while Congressman A. L. Bui winkle cl'iose to speak on "Gaston County." , Residents of Gns tonin and Gaston County arrive'! today coming" through the' country In auto weekly meeting of the Rotary ClnM,h"rlt"t,v' new" Ba- hwn received of new at tne x Tnewlur eveurug at 0:30 ,ur """"""'n muk i onaianune, oVUa k. Of the S2 teacbera who are1of.,5m, i i Pinion, Rept- ST. ny tne Asaocint- revolutionary movement, and King Constantlne la retoTted to hnve alxll cnted. At least lwrt of the navy has gone against the government, and several warxbhia and trnnsiairts mnnned by revolutlonarlea are lielleved to la ad vancing on tne capitnl from tne'tic ever the Aegean Isliinds, where the revolt orig- their nines innted IHrecf ndrlces from Athens are lnck- Methodist Ctiurch Records Growth in ' Canada. (My the Aaaaetaicd Pttmm.lL Toronto, ' Sept. 27. Memliership In the Methodist Church In Canada has increased in the past four years from 388,210 to 400.1133. according to a quad rennial repotr made at the opening of the Methodist General Conference to day. Increase of salari.es to minis ters in Canada during the four post war years, says the report, nave ad vanced the' total salaries paid from 1,T82.KI) in W17-18 to $2,575,801 in 1021-22. The report notes a conRldwabW In- crease in the funds raised fo rail pur imw In tha Bfiliie- nertiwt. 4ha attnnl figmetT btaMgimlfi, ' 'irnnB 'amT" ?!),303.323 In" the year lust ended. Chnrches, parsonuges, other buildings, and cemetery properties owned: by the chitrch" in 'Cnnnda and Newfoundland are; valued at close, to 50,000,(100 it was announced. : J, Tbe Eev. S. I). Chown, of this city, will come up for re-election as Gen eral Superintendent of the Methodist Church in Canada at the conference as will the ten ecretnriesf the. de partments of the church. , v Wlili Our Advertisers. ' The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany gladly makes ' investments and suggestions for investments for its cus tomers. . - ' . Money is a loyhl friend. Don't take chunces on losing It. A good wny to save is by taking shares In series No. 00 of Cnlwrrus County Building Loan and Savings Association. W. C. (Worrell Jewelry Company" has just received a ' shipmaht of alarm clocks. Call to see the line. ' Von will find the best grade of per oxide at. Cline's Pharmacy. Also brick ice cream dally. . ; The Sanitary Grocery Co. has jnst received a shipment of Chow Chpw, the feed that gets results. : See new ad. of Fisher's today In re gard to "Little Miss Gage Hats. : Kemember the I'arks-Belk Company will offer a fnshion show in connec tion with the Ttum Thumb Wedding to niorrowniglit. See new ad. today for fuets about show and wedding. T IdeutiMed with tbe schools In Concord. (1, were present, one being detained at home on account of Illness. The meeting was held for the pur pose of explaining In a small way to the teachers the Ideals and Ideas of Rotary, and at the same time ttf show them that the Conx-ord Club is linck ing them In their work with the youth of the city. Muny of the teachers In the schools this, year are strangers here, and the meeting served as n hnedinni to intrfwliu-e thm t,i tho R.k.1 1. . . . -V I I J i.. i.. rarisns, who are intensely Interested 1 """"" " h mii-immii is in i the youths of the citV. i effect, but the report; of Constant! ne's (ius Hurt sell was chairman of the committee which arranged the details of the meeting, and the teachers were1 also called on for several stunts which were greatly enjoyed. .'Qua stated at the lieginnlng that when tbe Itoturians see an organisa tion or a body of people doing such n line work ns the teachers are doing here "we feel like" taking yon in our arms and showing yon bow much We love yon." The Kotnry Club, he add ed, is vitally Interested in anything that pertains to the welfare of the children and young people, and for this reason Is yitolly interested in the life and habits of the teachers of the city schools. ' . The roll call of the Rotiirinng open ed the entertainment. After the club memliers answered the call Whipp Webb, superintendent of the city schools, was askeit to call the roll of the teachers.; He designated the prln cliwlB of the various schotds nnd de nnrtments ot the. schools to do this irtifii,"tfnwe ratling tbf rofia lieing Miss Mnry King, prlncipnl of .the prlmnry department of . .Central Schiwl ;' Miss The Kalesuianshlp Club Is already In the limelight of hihcch, and tbe Ide.i struck a popular chord at once. Tbe SENATOR FRELINGHl'YSEN KKPIBLHAN NOMINEE Songs of War Days, Big ' Feature Convention Will Close Thursday. (Br k ..rla't4 AsbevlHe. X. C., Sept. 27. "First iiriisaiir in gfaai omuiiion. air, re- annonnieinent that the("oin-ord Tritmne Far I'nited States Senate From New ported Col. T. J. Wood, standing at at' and Times will give awuy $0,000 In an tomobilea and other big and appropriate ed l'ressl. Greece Is in the grip of a prute to those who engage actively ln Jersey, Having Hon In the Primary i tentioo despite the weight of four Held Tuesday. score years, as he sainted his division (By Ik AiMflaM Prcaa.) '.commander to give an aceountlng of School Constance Cliue, principal of the gram mar ileiMirtment at. Central; frof. J. W. ,B. Ijouk, lirincipnl at School No. 2 : nnd I'rof. Hinton McLeod prlncipnl offl tne nign school Each teacher rescinded with her full lfiune, home address, address in Concord and the grade she teaches. The roll call showed that 51 of tbe t2 teachers In the city were present. . While 'everyone was standing Bill Jenkins for the club extended the hand of fellowship and co-operation, and of fered the service of the clnb-to the teachers in any wny they deem neces- Tnrkish Reply Will Not Be Accepted. Constantinople, 11:25 p. m Sept. 27 (By the Associated Press). It is unofficially forecast that tbe Kemnllst reply to the ulnedi peace note condi tions is unacceptable to the allies. In that tbe nutioualists insist upon use the work of Increasing th. cin-nlatlou Newark. X. J.. Sent. 27. I'nlted nl" B""1 veterans In their ramiiaign of thlse two newspapers, met with In-(States Semitor Joseph Frelinghuvsen. ,he I""'1 Tear "Kttlnst the advance of stantnneous response and favorable friend of President Harding and one time the ever ierslstent foe liefore comment on nil sides. Folks Just bad Iof the administration leaders In Con- '"" sM.ner or later the men who time enough to Isin reading the paper gress, was renominated bv the repuli- dctendeil their homes and their ideals which this magnificent prlxe list has Means of New Jersev vesterdnv In a Jn ,n w,tn f,,n nnrt "". must announced liefore they were cjithusias- sweeping victory of more than 2 to 1 prosperts if enrollin-r lover George u Itecord, u Jersey City lawyer, nlslicntion has s;niisted since the last dispatch telling iif the Cabinet lvsignatlon and the approach of a cri sis was received last night. The revolutionary movement is headed by nn officer named (Sonatas, variously descrilied ns a general and a colonel who organised tbe soldiers on the Islands of Mytilene and Chios, off the Smyrna coast, to :whlch they ware removed after the crushing defeat by the Turkish nationalists. An order for the demobilization of these troops is said to have been the Immediate cause of the mutiny. Tbe revolt quickly, spread to the. navy and many of the warships re fused to answer queries sent out by the aduiirality. . An Airplane appear ed over Athens, and showered the city with pamphlets signed by Gonntas, and demanding the resignation and alxUcu tion of the king., This created tur moil in' the capltol and crowds surged through the streets and alsut the pub lie hullillnea. ' Then a number of war twsehtirrred- far -"ai8r- A large, number of troops mutinied in Siiloniki, hut this development is said to have taken the form of a mil itary movement organized in Thrace against the Turks. Official circles here believe former Premier Venizelos has had no part in the revolt. Because of his importance, however, and-his large personal fol lowing in Greece, it is pointed out that he will harly be able to oviod figuring in subsequent developments. z. Revolution Spreading. London, Sept. 27 (By the Associated Press)'.i Greece is In the throes of a revolution which has already caused the downfall of the government, and It is oui'e evident from tlit' niimcr-1 Mi the XovemlsT election Senator ous telephone calls nvceived both local-1 Frelinghnysen will fight It out nt the ly anil over long distance mat txluys pons una governor r.owuia i. to- Iierish. "First brigade's in good order sir," he reieuted, "comiKwed of as fine a, I tody of men ns ever fought though the ranks have been decimated and tbe files thinned to n mere skeleton." mail will bring quite a numlier of noin- wards, the democratic nominee for-the "mM' cameo nis reort to tne r in- Vnlted States Senate. As Governor m"lK " "" i iuiieu-rme ieniim mtyC i T"L KoinrlHns mwt :?,K1. d' ordlng to several dispatches , 'from week to better know one another," hd said, "and in onr, work we nre trying tar cultivate fellowship, high business ethics nnd learn how best to serve our fellowmnn and) onr community. The fellowship we have developed we ex tend !to you. It may help you In your work. , We wnnt to serve, and our ser vice we offer to you." : The' first "bit" contributed Jy the teachers to the program wns a song, led by Mrs. Nanny Crowell Newmnn, and written by the teachers. The song was: We are proud of our Rotary, w-ere glnd we have come, lnatlon coupons and requests for format ion and detail.-'. Hardly had the announcement of the big project lieen delivered to the. readers liefore requests ls-gnn arriving. This only goesto prove that the folks in-this territory covered by the Concord. Trl- mine ami Times are wide awake to a gilt edge business proposition and the wide spread interest taken in It is gratifying In the extreme. In "a general way the announcement of tills stupendous nndertakintr is the main topic of conversation in many quarters and the feature that remed to create the greatest interest is th? calibre and the quality of the prizes offered and the high value of the An Edwards is the champion of the "wets' New Jersey voters exKct a warm con test on the prohibition issue. GEORGIA M0CRXS THE DEATH OF SEJT. WATS0X the furrow to earn their daily breads in estimated 50,000 followers of United States Senator Tlios. E. Wat son, who died yesterday in Washing ton, today are leaderless offering to some man wno can win tneir Ttuifl ana here tisluy leciiuse his chief. Gen. A. II. Hoyden, of Salisbury, was unable to attend. - , , f But Gen. T. G. Alston, commander of the second brlgnde. wiis present, nnd made his reNrt. directly to tbe com mander, asserting proudly that War ren County with mly 30 living veter ans. had 22 here for the reunion. He the -paid tribute to Zelmlon Bnird Vance, and, as "the greatest and grandest man Not Fifty Thousand Supporters Are Wait ing lor a New .flan to Lead' J hn Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 27 (By Associated Press) In the hills valleys of Georgia, where men fellow j North Carolina ever produced." to lie outdone, Gen. G. Hall, of Red Springs, asserted that the third lirlg ode "is the liest and flghtlngest brig ade In the South if yo' don't ls?lleve it, challenge us to a game of horse tomobiles. It is n "winner" right j admiration an opportunity to become Maj. J. W. Goodwin, of Asheville, from the jump. The "Salesmanship I a dominating power in state politics, remirted for the fourth lniinide. be- inrougnoui tne state tnere is aaa-' cause his commander. Gen. J. M. Rnv, ness over the Senator's death, with was 111, and could not lie present.- He both political friends and enemies asserted that Buncomlie County , him . afternoon. Athens has forced the unhappy Con stantlne to abdicate in favor of the crown prince, . thus losing his throne the gecond tune In live years, v The revolution movement is making headway in all directions, but thus fur without reports of blooshed. The Insurrection which, while not altogether uulooked for, broke out In formidable force with unexepected suddenness, Jiad its inception among vanquished troops brought from Smyr na to the. Islands of Mytitlene and Chios, and among the : soldiers at Saloniki. Strangely enough, however. Are fen..w thev ntil .dense ns nnd mnke these two revols seemed to have dif Oi(l . (rillluv 'i tut Kivri iiiuruL ami King V Hinstannno, it no tne inner hi ' .1 .. e riw. .... . - ! 4. . Old Rotary, they're' brick folks, - Rotary we will shout Old Rotary, yell It out folks, yes they ; are nil good scouts. of , Thrace against the the dtfensi Turks. London Believes Abdication Report. London, Sept. 27 ( By the Associated Press), The abdication of King Con- We've heard of Mnury Richmond, who HII1K into inn, c, i i von f , uimiv i His good reputation we hope he won't stantine of Greece is accepted as an .' misplace. - I accomplished fact in the highest offl' Maury-Richmond,' he's a brick, folks, leinl quarters here. ' Maury Richmond we will shout, i - This Is based on n message from a of the atra t Richmond, yell It out, folks, for high diplomatic : official at Athens, to' nTran lorTthe oMhel . ' he'8 V" STO,,t' ' 1whll'n 18 rtooil to state that he to Throw W rore tne pegmning 01 ine . had received information of the King's , : ... . Shiim Webbr-lefs go sing it out loud Indication and believed Ah lnforma- and long, - tion to he true, although he wus un- r4? : A New Interest Quarter begins in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT October 1st. 'All .deposits made before the:' 10th dtaw 4 per cent, compound interest from the first. ' ,' . , 'V "A .' f:;-'-, 'j-"';"-: ), -. ,: ," 1 afe cfeposit boxes for rent in our Burglar : Proof Electrically Protected Vault. , " The Concord National Bank Gapital , $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits a $100,000.00 r For he's our superintendent and we'll back him up strong. Shlpp Webb, he's the right stuff, Shlpp Webb Hurray I i Shlpp AVebb, he's tbe right 'stuff, and i that a what we say. . ) . Tom Wefbb, spoke next, after being introduced aa the "man who knows the Golden Rule and Uvea by It" Tom told of his school days, of some exper iences he enjoyed as a; boy during the; "bangs and bustle age." In conclusion he pointed out to the ! teachers that they have a tremendous responsibility able to confirm it owing to unsettled conditions attending the revolutionary movement s . ' ". Signs Abdication Decree With Reset- ' i- -j l:. vations.. ' -j ..'-. ' T.imdon Sent. 27 (Bv the Associat ed Press I. A Central News dispatch from Athens, timed 8:30 this morning says Constantlne signed an abdication decree with reservations. The Opinion Is That Trouble Will Be i Avoided. London, Sept. 27 (By the Assoclnt- Club'' has struck the stride that spells success. In order to enter the 'Salesmanship Club and .compete,. ior,,the rich prize.''. fill in' the nomination, coupon whiC'.i appwii.tjlay in aiither-iiflrHifWsttru-reav'.Ti issue of thV-pnpel" -and send iir lirin tithe funeral it to the "Salesownsblp Club" bead quarters located In the Tribune build ing and full particulars regarding the "Club" will be. supplied. The 'Sales manship Club" will le Just eight weks long from the llrst published list of names of the members In the Club. Hence no time must lie secrificed in entering the race and getting a flying start. , Fill in tile Nomination coupon TODAY without fail and make up your mind which of the three big cars yon want and then see just , how easy it is to win once you get the stnrt. Capital Prizes : Anderson Ultra Sport Touring Car, value $2,050. Anderson 5-Passenger Touring Car, Value $1,576, and a Chev rolet Touring Car, vahfe $6.13; also $300 In cash. District Prizes: Three S100 cash prizes: three $25 cash prizes, and tbree $15 cash prizes. Remember, you can have any of these prizes nnd a ten per cent, cash commission if you fail .to receive a prize. The Club office is open until 0 p. ni. daily except Sunday.- Call the manager over the phone, numlier 78, or call in person. At any rate, get start ed now to win. Following is tbe schedule ot votes and subscription price:. Concord Tribune by Carrier ' and by Mail Outside of North Carolina. TIM K PRICE' V( JTES 24 Months $12.00 (15,000 12 Months 0.00 25.0(H) 0 Months 3.00 9,000 Concord Tribune by Mail in North Carolina TIME ' PRICE VOTES 24 Months I $10.00 05,000 12 Months 5.00 25,000 0 Months . 2.50 7,000 Concord Times (Semi-Weekly.) TIME . PRICE VOTES 00 Months $10.00 05,000 30 Months 0.00 , 25,000 24 Months 7 4.00 15,000 12 Months 2.00 5,000 In training the.youtb of this city, and- ed Press). More Turkish notionalist expressed the hope that each would troops have drifted into the Chnnak carry always tne affection .i.ineir. students that he : bad for the women who taught blm, and who had been a great Influence in his life. , Another spicy song by tne teat-new alike expressing n gret and sympathy the largest and most active camp In to the bereaved faimly ut "Hickory i,e state. J- '' ' " i- Hlckory he State.- :..', ilsJLiL- ; . will be held tonio! ii. mander tiald tribute to the United Daughters who had helped organize , .the Veterans "assisted and comforted THE COTTON MARKET the veterans In a thousand ways by Showed Nervousness Owing to Octo- t(lkln(t vhiuve , (,'Gtnlls for the Coi;. jrrr ...Muiu..u.. ouuti.cm kit yention, and even iwylng off the debts "S- i I of the campstv (By the Associated Pre.i otHlwg wm i,e elected this after New York, Sept, 27. The cotton noon, and tonight -the imges bitfl will market showed continued .nervousness lie held. Musical selections featuring this morning owing to a rumor of Oc- the singing of old war songs, took a tober liquidation und scattered South- prominent part on the program today, ern selling. Liverpool made a fairly , The resolutions committee will rejMirt steady showing and the opening here tilts afternoon. The reunion will ter was steady ot unchanged prices to a minute Thnrsdny with n pawle of the decline of 5 points, bnt prices weaken-! veterans, escorted by military organi ed right after the cal, going about. 20'ations of this city, to 28 points net lower on the active i "m. -. A months. The Lilliputian Wedding and Fashion i- . ..j. i ,. i .. . i ... , . Ulioil iiiiiirt-H urucTi nitrini. . wi.--( onOW tolier 20.73; Decemlier 21.05; Jnnuray 20.82; March 20.IJO; May 20.82. Urge State Law to Regulat Deanclng. (By tbe Aaaoclated Prcaa. I Cleveluud, Ohio, Sept. 27. A con certed movement for a state law m quiring all dancing teachers to pass an styles of dresses, wraps and hats. examination for a stnte license Is he- The Lilliputian wedding Thursday night, 7 o'clock, of1 the Central school building will show to the public the Concord belles nnd beaux of the fu ture. After the' wedding Parks-Belk, Company will put on a Fashion Show, living models, displaying the -latest These attractions are given under Ing urged by the Ohio Association ot the auspices of the Kings Daughters Teachers of Dancing. Memliers say and all money realized will lie used In this will raise dancing standards by I pursuing the wotk cornea on uy mis harrlrng the teachers of wriggles and: organization. tn'lsts. I The price of admission Is twenty- 1 five cents for nil sizes and ages. ' A man driving his horse nnd buggy I . from a distant town, droveu p In front Meeting Merchants' Association To of a livery stable and called to a boy night, standing out in front: IlBoy, extricate All the merchants are requested to the quadruped from the vehicle, I meet tonight nt 8 o'clock nt the Mer- stubuliite him, donate him with an I chants' Association office on West I)e- udequate supply of nutrition, and pot street, todlscuss Dollar Day and several other matters r lmiiortnnce. Every member. Is expected to be pres ent. W.'A. OVERCASH, Sec. when the aurora of the sun ' shall illuminate the oriental horizon 1 will award thee with a pecuniary com pensation for thy amiable hospitality." The boy, not quite understanding the man, called in to the proprietor Things could be 'worse. Suppose , and said, "Boss, there's a Dutchv.-an bedbugs nniKwl line, aogs neiore jney out here wants to see you." bite yon. f All subscriptions must be paid in advance. ,, . . One-half the number of votes shown above will be allowed on all renewals ot old subscriptions. "Salesmanship Club" members may work anywhere they choose for sub scriptions as well as have their friends work for them. : . ' ' Telephone 78 any time from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. except Sundays. J none, : according i to official . advices from Constantinople today.: This is not regarded i In authoritative quar ters today us aggravating the situa tion much, und the opinion was ex- followed, and ihen Charlie ; Ritchie; pressed In these quarters that trouble spoke on "What' Rotary Means," Ro- would lie avoided. ; Av i,; 1 ol tary, he said, is the key that unlocks ' Not Understood In, Washington the hearts of men. It makes meni . . Official Circles. f ; " throw oil tne auacKies or seinsnness,j Washington, Sept. 27 (By the, Asso- against the Turks was not a part of the, present American 'policy t toward tne ear r.asrer pronieiu. Vice Admiral Long Goes fo Constati' tlnople. , . . . Paris, Sept 27.-MBy the Assoi-iated Press) i Vice Admiral Andrew P. Itmg, United States Nary, commander of the American ,nn vol forces In European waters, bae,gone to Constantinople to direct the. Daval operation ahould any become necessary in participation with the foreign squadrons, It was said here ior me closer A" ' elated' Press ) .Parls- news dispatches today. aucn an orgu.. u y nnnounolni. tbot vice Admial Long. - Pone Plus Wires Pasha. icnance to no someiumg ior ma neigu- --- - ,,,, . ;... y, m th. ai. W- "!,: ConstantTnople to. Sum- ibii T "nal resPope Piusay teiVmed vlrJit their lbri tMr t'wl'"0"" were not understood; Mustapha Kemal Pasha nrglng that SL v x2i2 ?J ln official circles Here, where It waa-the Turkish commander adopt every . , - . "Vindlmted that participation of Amer. possible measure to a 4 '(Continued on Paje Three). '' lean; warships in any demonstrations bloodshed. avoid further Your Money Is a Loyal Friend Whose Services You Can- ( not Afford to Lose. , ,.f ' - . . , ' ' ' , - ' . . 1. You are apt to lose these services in two ways. ' . 2 Letting your money remailn idle. " 3 Investing it without due regards to Its security. . . ' 4. In the long run you will find . :'T That by taking shares in this OLD RELIABLE BCILDING & , LOAN ASSOCIATION, with the security which mra will enjoy here ' . - " ' ;.. 0 Is the liest investment policy. t ' , , , A it SAFETY IS THE MAIN THING WITH THIS ASSOCIATION, START RIGHT AND START NOW by taking shares In se-; rice No. 00 NOW OPEN. ' ' Cabarrus County Building Loan and Sav ' a . , ings Association. A a ,k , OFFICE IN THE CONCORD NATIONAL BANK , : 1 7