onoooooo O TODArS O O NEVS O o; ' TODAY. . O oooooooo GONCOI ooooon O ASSOCIATE -O PRESS a O DISPATCHES a oooooooa IBUNE VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1922. NO. 200. The TR a;.AILY . . . ") : ' UISTICE.SEEHSTO : IED It Was Efen Reported Yes-! terday That a Protocal Es tablishing an Armistice Iai Actually Been Signed. SANGUINE FEELING PRODUCED IN LONDON However, Notwithstanding the Hopeful Feeling Thrace is Still Barring the Way to a Settlement, Ixindon. Oct, 2i (By the Associated BEALREADYASSUP Press). The reports if the Hrst two mutely twice aa niiu-b for Uvn.hhurn, lnya pntreedinies of the allied -Ken-jthp 'imlv Viridnin Ht.v setting the od t rnla' conference with Turkish nntion- vuntiine of wbMt Mr. Beemnn dew rllt alhitx at Mtulanln have ppkIiioimI n wi Ha tTplcal -oiuxiriu. .The I'nlted Miiifiilne feelinK here, aome bellevinic Uvmiua reirta were ipioted aa nnthor- inai an annisuce eienrinir tue way lor IeHe conference Ih nlready Hiwiired. It wiik eyeu reported y'terdny that n pnitocol CKtulillshliii; nn ariulmice had been artnnlly sinned, hut inithcn tic contirauitlon of thin la lucklni. The laU'St Information to the Aw-ociar-, Octoher -11, for the purpose of giving d I'ress contained In n dispatch which the imrticl)nntR time to examine the left fonatnntinople ahortly. Iiefore mid- testimony alreartvudduccd and to pre nlght wn to the effect that nothwlth- pare exhihlts for Introduction, slnnding the generally hoDPfnl atatuM of the altimtion the question of Thrace ! wna still harriug the way to. set t le nient. While the allies have agreed to turn over Thrace to the Turkish army in 30 days, t hoy have not acceded to the Turks' mutest that the VvestPrn line of rhe, Marltaa River be oceimied hv: Gie allied troops as protection against I ' Greek ftank attnek on the Turkish occupying army. i Turkish Cavalrj- at Kaiulra. Constantinople. Oct. o (By the As sociated Press). British general bend- quarters rep r the appear, nc-e of Turk- ish nationalist cavalry at Kaiulra in the Constantinople neutral 7-one. . , . ' Kami in is approximately 0.1 miles east of Constantinople near the Black Ken ' coast of the Isinld peninsitlA. This is the first reported violation of the Kemallsts of the Constantinople neutral zone, although -Turkish caval ry has repeatedly violated the neutral xnne around Chnniik oir the southern shore of the DnrdanetleH. . . -: . i , Groeka Not SatisHed. With AnMit. Stny rnn,r M i By J4r' Asscx-ia ten -.a j v . lMTTheTftgwemei;t " ' which Baa lieen reached at the Mndiinln confer ence lielv,-een the allied 'find Turkish delegates, according to Mudanin mes sages received here, waa communicat ed to the Greek delegates, who ex pressed -dissatisfaction with it, iter cliring themselves not empnVered to . reply, nncl they must have instructions from Athens. The message states that tne agreement provides that the allies and Turks are to evacuate the neutral re gion of the Dardanelles; that the al lies will continue their octmpatmn fit .Constintinople during the peace con.: ference;, and that they nceept the re establishment . of nationalist civil gov ernment in departments of Constanti nople and Channk. ' ' Thrace Subject of Conference. Constantinople, Oct. 5 (By tlie As sociated Press). The - Mudanin con ference wag reconvened at 10 a. m. to day with Thrace the ciilef subject . foi i cfinBldf ration, f The-; attiutde of the Greek delegations on thia'tniestlou was(lwutred to be giving the confer ees considerable trouble., v American Destroyer Bombarded by ' Turks. ' - ' i AVashington,' ' Oct.- 5. The report that'an American destroyer was boim .liarded.hy the Turks white taking off . refugees at. Alvali, a town north of Smyrna, first carried in a' ltetfters dlsimtch' from Athens, is reported in a dispatch from Athens received to day by the Greek legation. The lega . tion dispatch gave no details. t -iv Neither the navy nor the stnte tle . partmenta tcMlay hod confirmation of the reported attack. , . , ' : Squirrels ure considered a tire men-ac-e in some cities and are being kill ed. They place their nests in remote iwrts of buildings and the nests . are made of materials tha,t have a low kindling point. -' . . ' ; ' A New Interest Quarter ' begins in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT October 1st. All .deposits made before the :; 10th" draw"-4, per. cent."," compound interest ' ' from the firsts , " ' 1. 5 ; :'!:.,:.''':. f; 'v: -ir -':';:"-' - V ' i" ":'':-" " "';','"-"' ' v - Safe deposit boxes for rent in our Burglar Proof Electrically Protected Vault " ' The Concord National Bank Capital ' - : r $100,000.00 - Surplus"and UridiVrded Profits $100,000.00 FECICHT RATI HEARING tUNTCHl U AT AMIEVILLE Arsall m Preference Vlrxi.ila CUla ttatf Wnm lb KaU MaiOn- Apa- , l)r Ik AmtHmtr fmmm.1 AahevUle, M. &. Arnault npna al leged prcferenr which Virginia rir- m want frota th freight rate unking Iffix-trn rxim-ted t m .' ned In lb hearing tula aaornuix ln ""I fore tbe Intaratat Coninwrre Couimuc- l In the examination of M. R. bt mb. rate expert for the :North. Canv 11m Traffic Aaam-tatioo, Mr. Beeoiau late reaterday made a the rulne of Wlnston-Kaiera'a matin. I factnred product for the year amount-' ed to fnaumiKMlL aa nliut IKiT.-l 000.000 for Richmond. Tbe two title are tht largest la the state under dls cnsslou. Darham'a manufactured product for lh saui period were val ued at $7u.HMl.0fMl. jiwt twice thoae of Roanoke. Norfolk's made a total of less tbnn fcMM00.000. while Charlotte' total was .0U0.0tll. High Point wan quoted aa . manufacturing product ! worth f 1 4.000,000 against appro I lty. ' Will Adjourn Today. Adhevllle, Oct. 5. Aiinounccmeiit wrk umde thiit following the hiornlng ami evening wsslons tiwlny ndjonrn uient will he token nntitl Wednesday, HEFLIN 8TH.L FIGHTING GOV. W. P. G. HARDING Ask. . American , Rankers' Association Not to 'Endorse Alabama Man For Reappointment, (Br the Aaaoelated Prma.) WoHhlngton, tht. r. Senator Heflin, Dniocint, of AlulNima today made public- a letter to President Thus. B. Adams, of the American Bankers" As soc'lution, urging that, the luinkers in convention in New York should not Adopt n resolution endorsing V. P. G. Ll It.... ... .ndtw,!,,-. ln ,be Kederiii iterv; Itard i h 1Ipln ,,, ne fl nPln, y w th)lt Oovernor nnr(illlK ami hi(( 'friends had leen "active for weeks trying to select delegates to the Am erican Bnnkers' ABsocintion who would favor the passage of a resolu tion endorsing hfm for reappointment.?' "If they, should try ten do such a thing." wrote Senator lletltn, "I trust that you aa the honored head of a great American Institution, will use your great influence to prevent juk-o action.v I canf think of nothing ttojit ? would jjojinivire thpk.H,,1 ftn'g' fiatetnlty ot America With" the masses of the people ns dellliernte en dorsement hy your convention of the deflation conduct of Y. P. G. Hard ing." CHARGES AGAINST THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Tobacco Company Charged With 1'n- fair Methods of Competition in ne gate Prices. . , , -IRr tha Melta PreM, Washington, Oct. 5. The Federal Trade Commission in a . formal com- plaint Issued today charged the Amer Iciin Toliacco Company and nine wholesale tolmcco dealers of Chatta nooga, Tenn., with unfair methods of comiietitlon in the maintenance of re sale prices. The respondents were gtv en 30 days In which to answer. the charges, uftet- which, It was stated, the case would tie tried on its merits. Line-uo For Today's Game. The line-ups of the Yankees and Giants, who meet this afternoon in the second tame of the world series, are the same as yesterday, witn tne ex ception of the pitchers. The line-ups follow: : , Yankees: Witt, of: Dugan, 3b; Ruth rf: Plnn. lb: Meusel. If; Schang, c; Ward, lib: Scott, ss: Shawkey, p. Giants: Bancroft, ss; Groh, 3b; Frlsch. 2I; Meiisel, If; Young, rf ; Kel- ley, lb; Stengel, cf ; Snyder, cs; Scott, 1- V Batteries tor Today. ' Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. fi. Bat tries for today's game are J. Barnes and Snyder for the Giants; Shawkey arid Schanx for the Yankees. Tlu're will lie couiiumiioii service at St, John's Intheran Church next Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, The', -consumer gets a rew deal lie cause the cards are stacked. E Appear in Chicago at the In- i it i a juncuon Hearing, ana iwTO. Icise the Policy Adopted by U. S. Government DONALD RICHBERG LEADING COUNSEL aMaaaaaMaaa.M.aa Accused Government of Lack of Good Faith in Proposal to Expediate Disposition of the Hearing. Chicago, Oct. S (By the Associated Press.) ApHiirlng l)efore' Federal Jndg Jus. II. Wilkerwm today, Don ald H. Itichlierg, attorney for the rail way shop crafts,' ac-sl the Deiwrt inent of Justice of hick of good faith In tbe proMisiil to expedite final dls IMwltlun of the Injunction case against the tit r Ike leaders. Mr. KlchlM-rg declared that he and the usaociate counsel had "held a very unsatisfactory i-onference" with Solic itor General Beck, after a futile at tempt to see Attorney Genera! Daugh erty In Washington with reference to n early final hearing or a review of the Interlocutory Injunction handed down hy Judge Wilkerson on Hepteiu- ler .th. " , " " the etinvt, in which he recalled that Judge Wllkeinon had notltleil the gov- eruiuent It should hold itself in readi ness to go to trial nt an early date with the suggestion that the opposing oiinsei nncmpr . to agree on a emu program, air. Jiicui-erg oeuiereo 10 tne court a copy ot a letter to muici-i the portion of the KovemuuMit iittor- COTTON ASSOCIATION GUTTING MICH COTTON N. C. Cotton Growers' Association Receiving About, 2,1100 Bales Daily NOW. '; (BT tbe Aaaoelated Preaa.) Itnleigh, IK-t. 5. (otton.ls lieing de livered to the N. C. Cotton Growers Co-operative Ass.iciation nt the, rate of bales dally, accord- Manager V. B. Bin- that the high peak of .... .... ri ... more than 2,000 lug to General l.w.l- ,K,t Hint the movement no fur aft. the cotton cif .. . Ti . V,1!.!, d-W 'SiiWdnrTW-; tnies" were delivered. The tinny volume is Increasing daily, according to Mr. Bin lock, who states that, the advance , to members (if the North Carolina Co-operatives, this week will approximate $1,000,000, With Our Advertisers. The housing problem should not worry yon. xne Liiuarrus uounty Building Iionn and Savings Associa-I tlon can explain to you how you can easily own your own home. There -tire 28 points of superiority iu Cortley Junior ClotheB, sold here by Hoover's. New ad. today gives many particulars. , . Lllirnry tables, in - mahogany ana oak finishes, nt H. B. Wilkinson's. i A bank account will admit yon to life's sulistuntinl blessings. Start one today with the Citizens Bunk and Trust Company. To cook perfectly and with the greatest economy of fuer and labor get a Cole's Down Graft Range. H. B. Wilkinson. Will Handle All Cotton Crop. Henderson. Oct. 4. All the cotton grown In Vance, Warren and Frank lin counties can be stored under one roof In Henderson. It Is estimate 1 that the crop this year for the three counties will be around 50.000 'bales and the India plant 'of the Carolina Bagging company has eqlupped us largest building with sprinkling ap paratus and wi l handle the cotton for the North Carolina Cotton Growers' association. , Coble-Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Smith announce the marriage of their daughter . --Mary to Mr. Roliert F. Coble, Jr. on AVednesday, June the twenty-eighth Nineteen hundred and twenty-two At Home after Octolier fifteenth 327 Chestnut Street, , . Gastouia, N. C. Many cultured could grow wild, ; people wish they -KM'. trmr 11: It1 u out frw auttbiHG k MAfNNG CQMMAflOM -vflD saomm are civrv - 1 TH ENTV roi R H0lKS MORE la Whlffe U Kile .tower U Grera-i Mot'i 8uil Far lajaartaaa. Cti-cajfo, Oct. .5 (By la AaaiK-Ut-Ml Prea). oiu.4 fr tbe atrlklng, ratlwar hp craft today ere given ) aunt her 2 boar ! Air iwirrr t tbe. goreraawnt ault far a aathtawide per-' "Z; r. . ' i ... . nw mr Htixle of Attomet Oneral Danirtier- ty, ami Holleltor tleueral Keck, anil at I emitted to read Into tbe record a long letter to Mr. Beck, hut no objection of Blackburn Eaaterline. tbe awlHtant aollcitor general, j Judge Wllkeraon ttled the rendi Mr. Hlchlierg),i:ireited that the ronrt call in Th other two circuit Judgea to aiwl.t In trying the cane, re- lion to that effect Inter If the court I rejected the anggcsiion. -Argument J will he continued tomorrow. i iiarket. i THE COTTON URKET Showed Renewed Stead! neM Today, Net Gains of 13 lo SO Points. I Br the Aaaaelate Preaa.) New York, Oct. p. The. cotton mar ket allowed renewed HtenilineRs dur- Ing tiMiay'a1 early trading, owing to re- "r,1"1 "-i " ""r nn .I J0,".l'n,T, "1',t v,,.v Hieiiay cnoie. ramu neu cnec-nmness . . r,nHc sn mil ion, iiihi jim- online reporrs ,,. lmwr r.hh.s trade. There waa further scattered Southern selling, nml mime reii'iiK. .if Mi , i t e mrk t' an-e or jci to J.i points, tue market. soon showect'net gains of 13 to isiinis uu -i -luuri m-iiiuk i nud Jatmary fit in. ou..n niiiir ih-iii -..-I..... . 'cemlier 21.07; Janunry 20.110; March- ... -v., uino. I.. I.. m - FORSYTH OFFRRS K1VR Hl'NDRED D0IXARS REWARD i for Capture, of Party Who Shot and Killed Powell Maoe. (By tbe AlKwe,.tea Krr.. Wi..-t.m.siei.. ) n. t i,,.T.ti. Ter'ed a reward of , frm re of it be party who l:,si ,,, ,.' . ' , i.!,,..,! i for the captnr week mysferiously shot and killed Powel Mnlie, a farmer, while he was1 hunting stpiirrels jni his place near. Walnut Cove. In addition, neighbors i and other friends of the deceased are I taking subscriptions, hoping to crease the reward to $1,000. in-1 J V. M. C. A. News. The regular monthly meeting of the i Bonrcl of Directors f the Young Men.'nr. t' ";itinn Assault on will be heh to- ' ' TJjf" t iUB " orkf (;?',n,lttet wil1 mei this nfternomi at 4:45 for the nuniose of shaping up the ",r ""J ,,,ri ltulliHmia Work iinirriilll fur the venr. - " ",B ' The present plans, if adopted will start the Sunday afternoon meetings nt the Y on October loth, running through next May. There will lie no movies at the Y night or nt Number 2 school Saturday night, no Minis having arrived this weeek. The Y. M. ('. A. basketball team Will hold its regular practice tonight, while the Junior Christian Endeavor of the First Presbyterian Church will have the floor Friday night. The Junior Girls orgnnlzation will be perfected next week. An efficient leader has been secured. Gov, Allen Defends Kansas Law. (Br tbe Aaaoelated Prw. New York. Oct. ". Oovernor Allen, of Kansas, today addressed the third and last general session of the Ameri can Bankers' Association convention defending Kansns Industrial Relations Court and praising the Federal Re serve System. With its court, he declared. Kansas during the coal strike produced iiO per cent, of its normal output. This, he said, helped the state not only lo meet its own needs, but. to export fuel At The Theatres. "The Good Provider," a most unus ual fenture. is being shown at the Star today with several stars. "The Irfing Chance," starring Henry Walthall and several other stars, is being offered today at the Piedmont. "For the Soul of Rafael." one of the big" features starring Clara Kim ball Young, is the attraction todnv at the Pastime. Flight Postponed. By the Aaaoelated Hrt. San Diego, Cul., Oct. 5. Because of neuvy togs m tu mouma n s.i.c.s , hevond here early toduy, Lieut. John. Mac-Ready and Oakley Kelley aban doned their proposed non-stop nn Diego to New York flight in the big umiy monoplane T-2 today. ' nairnimi -flouTurn hnve lieen able to place Chinese rice in the markets .of . , Columbia, sown America, at a lower price than tbe Amerlcnu dealers. OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT JUST SAY TO ANY OF OUR OFFI CERS OR EM PLOYEES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO OPEN AN AO COUNT AND YOU WILL BE DI RECTED TOTHE RIGHT WINDOW THE MAN ATTHE WINDOW WILL ISSUE A PASS BOOK TO YOU, . MARK TO YOUR CREDIT. THE AMOUNT OF .YOUR FIRST DE POSIT. . "-V .v;.', '-'.5,: IN THIS WAY YOU CAH COM MAND WnHOUT ANY COST THE BEST FACILITIES FOR SAVING, AND TRUE SECURITY FOR YOUR MONEY. '.- : E E Roads of Southeast Section of i tt:j ci.i o: a tiuura ouurs oi&u grer- ments With Conductors and Trainmen Unions. AGREEMENT TO BE EFFECTIVE A YEAR (Disputes Before Labor Board ; Will Be Withdrawn and t- nr: 1 4 : ii'Mi r oi lytlUVUltlCS Tflll DC OeilieU Hereafter by Committee. ' iBr Ike AaaiK-lated Prrw.) WaKhingtoii. Oct. Ti. KailriHiils of, the southeastern section of the I'niteil States and the ItrothcrlusHl orpinlzn-1 tiollS of conductors and triilnmeii t,i. E llllV ulirtliul lltl iKruuilllHtf uttlln.r ulllfi, -jnutstnnding differences between them, extending the present wages and work-1 r,!,,,,, ,1Ilt k-tf tlMr 1. V.m. T,. MKm,.llt -,, ml(.bed nt the ;,.(1Ilf, .,.,.,.,. K.twwI1 ..HW iuls f ,. iim.s (lf (he r)lprs of niil. way conductors and tbe brotherhood of I raihv"v ,i"'- I .,.,1,.illui,,,1 ,,r .,,. i ,i, 1 M " ,: V, " V .. " . Hlp p,.. )f (rating agree- .,,. i,.,t-... .i.. n,iiui ..,..rni,. ...... .-..,. !.. M , t, b ii.llm.ids in the I'niteil States, western roads as a group, and the larger Hues in the cant individually having signed up I"'1 ""v; ' ' "nn iui wi y. Illf lllll I1IIUI lllil 111 lilt -Olll Ut-IIM which did not participate today, has an individual agreement. In addition to ngrecing to mnintniii I"1 present rate of pay and rules, the K-".ment provides that all ovw wages and working cm- ditions now pending lieforo the rnil- way labor hoard, submitted hy either party, shall lie withdrawn. A commit tee of the labor organization and nuin agunents of individual railroads were icumoiiLy in lane up unit con- siilcr el i mill it t ion or modification of local rules affecting efficiency of rail road operation or pay of employees during the tenure of the general agree ' r ' sZ L k i j .'j' . .I-lne. ( Kailrondu assenting to the ngree- luded the Atlantic Coast line. Southern and Seaboard Air BOMB THRUWPR (SWH . I -..-- 'WORK T ROfKT M01XT Thews Bomb Over High Fence Around Coast Line Shops. But Little Haul age Hone. -Hy the AMoelatea fTru.1 Rocky Mount, Oct. 5. A small bomb was early :ast night thrown from Rail road Sjreet over the high fem e around Emerson Shops on the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway here, ac cording to police reports today. No material carnage was caused by the explosion. While several bomibs have been hurled at the railroad property since the railway shopmen have been on strike, last nifeht's explosion was the first to occur in several weeks. Suit for Recovery of $3,650,000. IBr tha Awoclated lra- Norfolk, Oct. 5. Suit for the recov ery of ,$S,li.ri0.0(K) three-fold damnges under the Sherman anti-trust act, was today instituted in I'nitrd States Dis trict Court here by the Peanut Grow ers Exchange against a score or more individuals and concern's, memliers of the National Peanut Cleaners & Shel lers Association in Virginia and North Carolina. i The action which Involved the larg est amount in damages ever claimed in the courts 'of Virginia, is an outgrowth of the so called "peanut war" with I the growers organization on the one side, and the cleaning and shelling concerns on the othi r. In brief, the defendants including some of the larg i est- Peanut concerns in the world, are charged In the declaration filed by the Growers Exchange, with conspiring to render the Exchange insolvent trough the alleged manipulations of market price of peanuts, and by seeking to have the banks call loans of the plan tiff. It is alleged the defendants con trol 50 per cent of the pennuts grown and-North Carolina, and " j i.. i.. controlled the market price. Attempt No-Stop Flight San Diego to New York. (Br tb iHMCIated Preaa.) San Dieeo. Cal.. Oct. fl. Lluetenonts i John A. MacReady and Oakley Kelley, i,...i l .1.. it..,t ...mw.i.l,. tin -1-. Ill today In the giant monoplane T--' in army n via tors, took off at 5:iT0 a. m. their attempt to fly from Rix-kwell Field, Snn Diego, to New York with out n stop. "Risk in Dress. Genevn. Oct. 4--Low. necks, short sleeves, short skirts and high heels In feminine npparel have increased woman ns nu insurance risk, , and several Swiss Insurance companies, which In sure a gal nst sickness, have announced that their premiums are now, raised 15 per cent, for women because of curtailed garb., ' ,' , ' Between 50 and 100 Persons Drowned. I BT tli Aaaeclataa Vnmm i North Buy, Out,, Oct. C Forest Are refugee arriving here 'from Halley Imry, reiNirted that between' 50 and 100 peraona had lieen drowned when they were crowded off a dock where tbev were trying to board a rescue ship.' .' -'.,-. S - ' Tbe highest point of Mont Blanc. the highest mountain in Euroiie, la in Trance.' It has an altitude of 15,700 ROTAR11N9 nisftssro VARirnt or sfBJECTS At Weekly 1 nrheaa at O Y. WaV Mkr- ttm4 UMtun Priaripai Tapir I adrr DUra i . IHn-dMdua of and actios oa a num her of lniMirtaat queathma featnml tbe weekly meeting nt tbe t'ouc-octl Itotary tlnli. held WeilnenUy at the V at ViM in m. Tbla waa tbe fin meeting held on Wedneatbiy, meeting day of tbe cluk Shiii WeliJi was tbe first tbe meeting. He declared to tbe (Inh metuliera that be bad been asked by the teacher of tbe city school, who were entertained liy the club last week to convey their thank ami appre ciation to the club members for tbe j happy evening made iswsilile by tbe Icluli and he brought this message with 1 iMN'Ulliir mill tn nil Rill Caswell. cliMiminn of the luivs' ork committee., iNiimci ut to the l'clnh menilwrs the necessity of the ,.,ili smns.rtln.r the III V l lul. of the Y in its efforts to entertain the lsrs who will i-ouie lo Concord for the old er Boys Couferem-e. to lie held here !the first week in De-emler. The club. Bill Niinted out, supMirted the III Y t'luli's efforts to get the1 conference. and now should give Its supisirt in fornlshlliLr h tinme und enter! jiinment tliu liyk ..r 1 Jk L.r, ,ckn n-lll lk here for the conference. The club left this matter with Chairman Bill and lids committee, with Hwer to net. Bill (iibsou intrisluced a resolution f commendation for Mrs. .1. W. ,, Kifl f tr nMV , Istn.tlo illding at the .la. Training S,1,,k,1. The resolution -m..i, .i.i,,.-! i t i..,i 1 . : 1.1 ..w. ... . ,'..(.. hii ! nn m I tton tn clinracter liulldlng among the unfortunate hoys In North Carolina" was iinunimoiisly adopted by the club, tins uartsell brought up several speakers and much tine argument , when he mentioned roads. (!us de- dared he mentioned the subject be- cause he had lieen asked by severnl Mt. I'lensnnt citizens to do so, and Iuii,iiiuu hu .,ilajl t.. L'n,,n. ta-hnlhun aiieapk. wtr' ...,,., ii. .,-,. nuon , uinitr, mil); fllllipillgll. the Mt. Pleasant road was to lie iav-l Meuiliersblp Week is of vital lin ed. Several other sieakers discussed portance ns those who nre determined this road, and one liinn pointed out now to line nu with the folks in th ft hut he did not think the county would accept Commissioner Wilkinson's of-1 fer that the county and Mt. Plena-1 ant pay half and the State pay half liecunse the roail was a State road, connecting two county seats. Con-. cord and Alliemarle, and would even- ually be taken over by the State. Arthur Odell brought up a real dls-1 cussion when he stated that he wanted to "talk about something closer home, the roitd at the overheud bridge at the southern itaiiway iiepot. He moved that the club 'take up the uintter of nxing tins rond witn tne proper nn- thorities, unci see if something cannot be done. ' J h' .1 Mil VWlUlil lieCLIl lef 1 . TD11T Tne rouu is ii uisgrace ami snoiim oe nx- en. ii gives a person a, iiau impres- sion of Concord, be declared, and puts H visitor in a bad huiiioV with Con- cord before he really can get to the iT-iiT-u,.-, in win urn- ,i, ,r,i oumo. stuted that , the Brown Manufacturing l,......U,a ..I ...... ,...,.ul 1P..1. Company gave the rond to the city and county, und he understood that the railroad company offered to pave It, though he did not know this for sure. Charlie Ritchie slated that he was a member of the board of aldermen when the road was built, and thnt the city had u "gentlemen's agreement" with the Southern by which the South ern was to pave tills road. He sug gested that if the Southern refuse to pave the road that the city shut it upilnemuerg j that section. So do not to traffic until it is paved. hesitate to send in your name and by Mayor J. B. Womble also pointed nU menns do not make the mistage of out that the cty had only a verbal wnltlng too long and then regretting agreement with the Southern in the,not having made nn early decision. matter of paving the road. He de clared further, however, that the city had taken up the motter with the Southern recently, and - would do so again. "If the Southern will not pave the rood I am going to suggest thnt the city either pave it or pass such legislation as will make the railroad company pave it." The club directed that the matter lie referred to the Public Affuirs Com- mlttee, which was instructed to write city and county officials and see wheth- er or not something cannot lie done to' remedy the present bad condition of the road. The meeting was then turned over to Chnrles B. Wagoner and n committee npiMilnted to furnish the program. The members were cntechlsed uy t nntrmnn'parel, shoes, dry goods, cotton blan- Wnnoner, and tue questions proved so interesting that they will lie complet - ed nt the next meeting. Hereafter. President Richmond stat ed, the meetings will lie In charge of groups. Seven groups of live members each will be apiKiinted. and they will provide the programs in rotation. Answering the Housing Problem. "HOISE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TO; Jl'ST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE," . . ' YOC CAN find n plac-e to live A BETTER PLACE to live than you've given any consideration tee YOl'R OWN HOME. . OWN VOIR HOME. t , ...i For twenty-five yeara we have been loaning money oil weekly . and monthly payments under a plan thnt lends to home ownership, and todav CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners' who are not concerned about renting problems. YOU, TOO, CAN BE IN DEPENDENT of the landlord. Tlu wav to do It is to take out some share in Series No. 50 of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW OPEN nnd let tin help you. ... ! . '.;"'-'"'-i'V . COMK IN AND LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT.' Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association . Office in tlie Concord National Bank ' ' HEEIBERSHIP-WEEK-IH T Alembert En- -Trie Rich Prize to Be Announced in Next Monday's Paper. NOW BEST TIME TO ENROLL IN BIG DRIVE Membership Week Expected to Bring; Great Rally of New Nominations. Vote Coupons Printed Daily. The opening date of the "Salesman ship Club bus been set. Next Monday, October Dth, tbe offi cial list of the "Club Metuliera" who have been nominated up until that time will be printed. The drive will Inst for n ieriod of eight weeks, be ginning with October llth and ending Dei-emlier 2nd. Keep these two datea firmly in mind. ., , Membership Week. The present week will be known aa ".Membership Week." and siecial stress is laid uiion the importance f u ... ...i i ' i - iriCM III lilt- lfilt- Illlll 1 fill I ITIC iur the big prizes, to enter their : names so as to have them appear in the first published list. This gives all ample time to have their names listed prop-. ; erlv In the section in which tbev lie- ' HEBIGAUTO COHTEST long and sufficient time In which to . receive receipt IsKiks, supplies, and all " Information and instructions aa to -bow to proceed In promoting a win- ..I . j 1 ' coiumunitv who lielieve in doing big things will get. a ground-floor start ami enjoy the great advantages of having their name appear In the first list. ' Advantages Are Many. ' . Thousands of eyes will -lie trained uion the pages of The Tribune and Times to eagerly scan the list to see if BOnie of their friends have been ' nominated. Every one in the vicinity : served hy these two newspapers will take some Part in deciding lust who ti,e winners of the big prizes will be. ' liiimireds f vote i-nimmis ha to lieen c-lipiied from the recent Issues of these two newsnanera: and will be ' l .JllnJ ,.lln.- n.lKukA,. .' inasmuch as the ' Salesmausli Hi ('iuu- js r sm.n snort CluratlOU It. IH imperative thnt- those who aspire to ,; winning the best prizes should lose no time ... ....... ...... r t Jt )M expected iiiiu during aiemiwr-. Hnii Week every town, village and hamlet will be represented by some ambitious live wire member. ' The Tribune and Times cover a wide terri tory and the plan of distributing the prizes is so fair, so . inviting, nad at- tractive that even those living on the rural routes and sparsely populated sections compete on on equal footing with those residing in tbe larger ; towns. Each and every section bus certain prizes thnt must be won by- This is MEMBERSHIP WEEK. October Harvest Sale at Parka Be Ik Company. ' The big Annual October Harvest ; Sale will liegin at the Parks-Belk Com- puny Friday, Octolier (I, and , run , through Monday, October 10th, says : two page ads. In this, taper today. Thus the company is offering nine big days of Harvest Sule bargains, at a big saving. Don't hesitate. The Harvest is ripe. The', company says ' in the nds. thnt the tariff law -is now. in force and prices, are hound to ad-. ranee. If you are wise you will huy now. Frocks of silk, silks .of ail kinds, h0Se, wool goods, millinery, sport ap- kets and other goods will be offered ! during the sale. Read two uds. and cull at the store and select whut you - lneed. I Rev. L. E. Stacy, of Dalston, la the guest here of his alter, Mrs. Eltzalietu Kluttz. , , i; i1'. foet.

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