ODDOOOOO O TODAY'S O O NE'S O O TODAY. O oooooooo tJN ooooooe" O ASSOCIATED O PRESS J O DISPATCHES a oooooooq VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N..C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922. NO. 207. Tee eoNGOSB. Daily Trie OCTOBER ME ALDERHEK mim n r .. I IMwa, maa iMtantly killed, sad Joarph I Whitney, 1m nf Helm, was seriously Members of Board Were Late ixJumi be southbound Atlantic . , Starting Jleetiny, But They X&ZV. . Carried On" in Fine Style mr rW,n n fM" After Starting. ' ff BP"r "'T " T:S0 """ Bx,ni' ' ' - 1 Both turn were carpenters, and were linnn OTDrrfo rn ! their way from Helma to Four Oak" MUKJU S 1 KLL IS ARh ' tbrnliu? war doing some ronatrw TO BE PAVED NOW Whitney wan rosbed to . . ft. local nusplt-tl where his Injuries are ' . being treated. - Me suffered a liadljr V ill Ask Southern Railway .fc"pi i'ih- hand slashed 4 - r r j hi n and lie was bruised severely'shont the n ivcpair ivuuu ai .ne uver- head Bridge Approve In- crease to City Limits, The Aldermen of Concord were rather bite in getting started at their' October nieetbiuvt the City Hall Tbnrsduy night, but once they got into they "inrrled on" in a Very bus- Ineca like manner, and aa a result tiansncted some very linisirtant hiurf- Jh, WelTri tat ln rrhiiiK the meeting ,Uioe. and as a , -Tn,". BW,M,y, w l,K,i taS5 Mayor W otuble colled the meeting. The hTii V V. '"? .' on" I5e J VI" ."rtl',n8 r.l.he ,lo,i!'l "!,,v- ed with the name Hwtftnctw thnt hna '.TL'TiTL"" "r'.!".' B,m Jb wiu.ui. iiri.nr iiirriiiiK hi mm nrxi iimiigiinted under the regime of for- i ..in....! inv-iiuoor. Orders for more tiaved streets nnd sidewalks,- iwissnge of mi anti-auction ordinance, introduction of several res nlntlons nnd action which may get the approach to the overhead bridge nt the Southern passenger station lwved, were the chief orders of business trans- acted by the aldermen. The most luinortanr resolution wv. linM, was the one dealing with an extension of the city limits in the- west section of Concord. The alder men were asked .by John M. Oglesby, tB the Aaaoclated Preaa.) representing a n'niuiier of citizens liv-j Washington Oct. C The first break ing-in the neighborhood of the old in the long drought which' has grip fiirnltnre factory, to extend the city ped the greater iwrt of the country lhuits to include that neighborhood, for the! lasti.four-r- live weeks was 'This was done 1y the aldermen, who' seen today in a weather bnrenu fore will ask the next legislature of North cast, which announced showers would Carolina to change the limits of the fall toRlgbt in - juatjy 'states of the city. ; The change will also take in South, followed by others on Saturday part of the territory lying on' the Kan-or Stunlny night. umkUs road above the cemetery, mid , At least "temporary relief , was in ; . will fake in Sidestown and other ierrl-' sight for the whole' south In the -next tiiry adjtdning. " -;; ' 1 ., . ' 1 3d -or 4g bohrs, the bureau predlcilng All children lfving In this territory, 'showers Irf -Georgln, Klorfalfl, Abiltnmn, who inve.not now' jilloweijktH; Mi MtKHlssipplf Tennesse , nnd , Kentucky fits WhoOl.- will be lumiitted lleiwf- hmlirht iin1. Katsribivy l Showers were ww iwi-." ii 1 i a vw"'y jprw. mi" luni im-ncHwimtue ) -. ci-ease the city limits as reqnested'liy;' the aldermen. . , . v , Insurance for city flremeli waB hot AVIATION .ENDURANCE i i ordereil nt the meeting, this niftier. t .. RECORD JHAS BEEN MADE being continued. ' f" mi - m:-U- uu n iliivt t ..!. The .board ordeiwt that all tnses Lieut. John McReady and Oakley KeK which would lie imltl to the city by ly Stay in Air in Monoplain For 26 the Roberts United Shows, which Hours and 34 Minutes. : ; rouie'here next week, lie, released, ns the snow win come here under tl)e aus pices of the American Legion.. The Mayor! "nnd City Attorney, were np lMiiuteil a committee to see that the shows offer nothing objectionable, and this 'committee will work with n' com mittee to upiioliited by the Legion. City Attorney Caldwell was order ed to, notify the, .Southern , Hallway Company .that, the approach to : the company's overhead., bridge, .near the . passenger station, must be permanent , ly repaired at once. Mr. .Caldwell vns also instructed 40 notify the Houthern that. If it does not repair' the road the city, will repair it,, at the expense of the Southern. Mr.. Caldwell stated that he woubl (take the matter up with theiTiiMroad company, at, i.oJM. . An anti-auction ordinnwe was nnnn tmously ;ndouted b.v the. . board. The - ordinance forbids persons, or corpora tiona to sell at public auction on the. streets of Concord any 1 dry gootts, wares or merchandise of any kind. The - .ordinance does not, of course, af fect sales nt the court house, which are ordered b.v law. The Merchants' Association Is- believed to- lie behind this ordinance, which will cut out ln the-'.fiiture,' the travelling .peddler, who sells his goods on the streets here In competition to the business nonsej. , A wwer line for THiirnnment ntreet was not tuilered, but the board orvler ed City Kuginecr Long to make a sur - "vey of the pmiioseil work,' and report t on 4he aimroximate cost.; This 111 tie done at oneis. . ' ;-': '. '' " ; The board ordered tout the follow I'SI-tlU:,. ;il I1T.TI 1TT7I-1 1 Answering trie Housing Problem. IIOl'SB SOLD AND NO I; 4 ".' JlST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." - y Toll OAN find a place to live A BETTER PLACR to live ,, l"S than yon've given, an consideration to YOUR OWN HOME. liy .''j-'. ''"'OWN YOUR HOME. ' f,,'""-. X' -.t i-'i-'': -' '-"'.V-V.'.l :' r"l ,i, ,,,- ,- - , .'.--',: '.'.- .' " ' ' v ;, ' F6r twenty-five years we have been loaning money on weekly ., I nnd monthlv pavments under a plan thnt lends to home ownership,. ''; and toilay CONCORD has HUNDREltS of hopie-owners who, are 4 not concerned aliout renting problems. : YOU, 'TOO, CAN BE IN- v rj DEPENDENT of the landlord. ' ' y - ; tjl , , ' The war to do it Is to take out some shares in Series No. 00 nf this OLD RELIABLE BUILDINO LOAN ; ASSOCIATION NOW J. OPEN and let us help you. . , ' ' . COME to AND LET US TELL TOU ALL ABOUT IT. 1 fc- ' Cabarrus County Building Loan and . ' , savings Association Office in the Concord National Bank' i another fatal ait ANOTHER FATAL AITO 1DKNT TODAY KltkV ui EJ pa Whltsey ttj Jured. J pa Wnltsey Very SecWly lav J FjyetmlHe. W. 8 J. T. Irtre.of biy. ww I'hyjlcliins nay . be will re- , CHARGES AGAINST CLARK. NOT TRIE, BAYS FRIENDS Officials! Kg Klux Klaa Say Charges Were Started by Persons Discharged Frcm Order.. ' mr iki ImliM rrmi Atlanta. H., Oct, . Denial1 that charges agHiiiHt Edward Young Clark, imperial wlird pnMem of tbe Ku Klnx Klan who yesterday was indicted on 1up allegation of using tlie walls "to fwt "' rtfraud" were true. WM mMnfA , a statement of the Imperial Klonctlliiui. the ruling body of the Klnn made pnl.lh- here t.nlny. "The fhflrgefi made ugaliiHt Mr. Clark ntl on whMMhe lu.li. tmcnt wa t .. I 1 , ' v Mild the Htiitement signed J. Simmons, Imperial wizard and otlter inendH'rn of the Kloncllluiu, 'were charge presented by the sniue crowd of former employees who were diwhiirged from the rogunizntlon, and who luive tiled one lawsuit after an- '"";r .7 " 8,I1,U,,-V ,vr,e "" ri l,m f payrt"1- " FIRST BREAK. IN DROUTH Weather Bureau Announces Rain Will Fall Tonight in Many souinern States. Tfiau ivin'lltl iipiuuiiiiwtm rwwww niglir ill virgluiah iorw ,v.iirowun uuu simth Carolina. ' .r- (i. , vt;-.'. i f 1 A Br tkl Alnt, Pm. .Rrin Dletro, Cnl., 'Oct. ''ft. All avia tion ' endurance' " records for heavier than nir craft were sipushed today by Lieut. John IncUemiy nnit (tnkiey Kelly, of the 17. 8..' Army,- who nt 8:30 o'clock.' had been aloft in their mono- nlane T-a for 2 hours and 34 mm ntes: ' ! The " Previous record was 20 hmirs", 10 miniltes and 35 seconds. Trliiily Law Alunini to Boost -New Law Building. Durban', Oct Members -of the Trinity Collego law school alumni as sociation w.l; meet at a' banquet''in this city October 12, for tHe purpose of furthering plans for a law school building on theTrlnity campus; The building was made 'possible through an: anDroDriatioa contained in : the irlft of more than' $1,000,000 inade to the .College recently iby . James - B. 1JUK6. . Ine streets lie paved:' Guy, Harris, Beach and Moore. Sidewalks were ordered fomented 011 Crowell street. Ka st Depot street and North Church street. . The cement sidewalk ordered for Harris street will not lie laid, ns the iiernons living on the street, asked for the paved stieef Instead, and' this -was. grunted... V Baxter Robinson son - was appointed ,eceed E.l R, McKay,! reral days ago.. Mve 1 patrolman to sue who reslinied sevc of the aldermen yoted i Af, Robinson and ohe for Pick Mnbry, the, other in didate for the 'place.:. - , PLACE TO MOVE TO; MUDAHIACONFERENCE la at Deadlock, However, and Nothinjr Probably Will Be Done During the Next Several Days. ALLIES MUST DO SOMETHING SOON r- Their "Inability to Agree on Question of Thrace Stops Conference Turks State Demands Plainly. Tni1on. r!-t. It (Br the AmuM-lnlnt ' Press). The Mudmiln conferenee Is not ended, it was officially stated otlHoyt today. Carl May tomorrow anil j the conclusion of the British cnbtnetiNHin Jone m Siimll). Bnsh with a meeting rhls morning, but It is dead- live day rest will tbt'ii lie fit for SI un locked and iiinot lie resumed ls?fore day. T' tbe British and French governments Tm not worryingTver my pit-hiug." have conferred over the situation. snld Huggins. "ImtUlie lintting ship Iird Cumin, the British foreign I the club ia In. If we could eonie out secretary, will leave immediately for Paris to see Premier Polncnre. Tlie 'British cabinet today delisted the situation in its entirety but the main point npiienred toJie the question of Thrace, It Is understood the Brit ish view is that there should be some ! consideration given the ureeK minor ity population there, and what might hupis'n to it if the Turks were permit ted to enter. There seems to lie no difficulty over the question of the Chanak area, which the British have lieen occupy ing. On broad lines the British policy, it was stated, is the same as it has lieen since the Greek debacle, which means that the British are opposed to the Turks crossing the Straits liefore the peace conference. It is considered possible that several days may elapse liefore it can be de termined whether the divergencies ne- tween the British and the Turks caii" be reeonciled so 'they can enter the lieai-e conference. Tlie French nnd the Italians, it was declnoaiJiBV )e iiamc positive .views Wltn T mv ll imr ii"- BiltlsliI ted until the vaHoot M Ik?' brought closer Hi Ih lllnl Ill not reply regarding the jience conrerence. French Protest Against Greeks Send ing Reinfortemehts. v instructed Its minister tit Atnens to pdotest against the Greek government having sent ' reinforcements" ' to the Greek army in Thrace. ' Constantinople, Oct. 0 10 n. m. (By the Associated Press). After confer ring for most of the night with the high ' commissioners and military ex jierts . here, the allied generals this uiornihg prepared to leave again for Mndnntn for resumption of the ar mlKHce conference. v The; rerfnlt of $he deliberations here were not announced. 11 whs conceuc. that the situation was ver serious, but It still was hoped a lrnsw for n common agreement among the British. French and Italian delegations could lie reached. ' The warships bearing the allied dele mites were scheduled to leave at noon. i,-tn nt Miidanln at about 2:30 o'clock. THE COTTON MARKET Rather Unsettled at Opening. Net Losses 01 zu 10 s roiuw.;, - (Br tke AaaMlateC FrcaM.1 . . -, New Tork, Oct li. The cotton mar-to- . rhther unsettled by unfavor. able reports from the Near Enst, rel-J attvely eosy lilverpooi mines uu ier ftireign exchange rates nt tlie op ening today. After Aliening steady at a decline of 7 to 14 points, more active positions soon showed net losses of 20 to 24 points, with December selling at 21.17 and January nt 21.03. - Cotton futures opened steady: J)e ceniliw 21.25: January 21.18; March 21:20; May 21:10; July 20:87. FootbaiTPIayers on Sick List. (Br tfc Associate Prw. nven Conn. Oct. . Chnrlle A.CZ-n nnd Joe Beckett, regular min rrbnt-k on the Yale varsity foot- ..' ' .... t..i, llof imlnv. i . 1 1 ill wen. in i.ic r., . ' " . .- Neither is excted J'"' "Kf"?' Reports reaching here late Thurs Xorth Carolina tomorrow, and it is v . doubtful if O Hearn, one , ' . M .!, im'D liest running backs, win piuy K"",'7 wePi suffered another stroke earlv lowa a week-from tomorrow. Neld-; t "tL condition is linger will probably 1 quarter ln Tliursday, and thar his condition the North Carolina game. He has,no serioiu . never played tne posiuo.. "'f - O'Hearn is ln a hospital with a pull- ed tendon, jmkhbi ud - Death of Alonzo P. Uuy. (By ik AMclate4 Pma.) ,n -intra Oct. . Alonzo V. Guy, superintendent of the F. W. Poe Mfg. Co., ot Greenville, S. Cs, died early-to-. da t-In a nospitai nere ..-nj been under treatment for several weeks.' He was 51 years of age and Is survived by his wntow. hi will fie sent tomorrow to Augusta, uai for Imrlnl. V ; '' "'.-' '',v ' i',.j:'j Kepubilc Rublier Company Starts up Tire Departmfent. 4.,' i - (Br tka'AaiMieUiMS nuaa-i "'; '.-., Yonngstown, Ohio, t)ct .rThe tire department of the Republic Rubber Company, Idle for two years, bus i be gun production again on a part t,nie basis, turning out only .a small pro portion of its former cnimcity. The company is In the hands of tt receiver. We 'are glad to note that the condi tion of Mp.-W.-D Harry shows slight; Improvement since jreBterdtty.;... ,h,,v(-v SCOTT AND BOAT ARK UQIMt f ITCHING TODAY Hardn Na rrW Owr liWam. kut Baitatf Miama af Traaa ( nn Marry. . Pulo U round. Nw Tort. Oct. (By Ui Aaaoclatcrf fma Tbe mid get maa&ai. XII ef Hiigglaji. shuffled lit deck it the Yankee pltrldiik staff tb.i afiernooii and th.n led with the thlrirac. Walte iloyt in hopes yf in nlng the Ant victory in lha hurid'i aerteii fma the Otanl. wba are al ready in proud- piiaseKNina of oiie game. Manager MoGmw looked with a critical era over the Olant hurlern. but gava do Intlma'tioB of bit cuoirc until game time. "I have McQnlll&h und 8eott both ready to aurV'Mld McQran, "and don't forget that Hl Ryaa looked pretty gcxxl la there la tbe first f t-.ae. V am perfectly satisfied with the way my team- is goingsnd our pitching has been gootl." ' .' HoggiUM will prosslily continue bla fir.! nmorrani nf Afarthiv hta Ave Nlur 1 pitching HtalT in warder unlew the (lnnts npset hlx klnn by knocking some hurler nnexpeed!.v Into Hie dis- card. Huggins , plan tymtetnpln tel of it we should win this series." The fiiants were the home folks to day and were ilrst ni (lie field fur bat ting practice. ' f Batteries for Today. Batteries: Giants,; John Scott and uv,iep Vnnkess, lfoyt ami Schang. THE tiKKElt CASE Argument Being Heard Toilay Mrs. Greer to Be tTried Also. . I tty Ike AaatMlotrd Prcu.) Wilmington, N. CH'f0ct. 6. With the conclusion here yesterday of evidence the arraignment before Recorder Har ris of J. B. Greer, ehjsrsed with attack 011 two girls arguments remain to be heard today before it he recorder was ready to consider whether to bind over or free the defendant. The prosecution cbjiirged that Greer, who claims to be 60ears of age. com mitted the crime ln his own home, and that his wife whose'ase was given as uo, was an accessory netore ine iaci. The girls, 13 and 16 tears of nge, testi fied to this effect ;esterday. Greer was lifted into the .'court room by Ms son, and u bailiff, jnd cf.alnis to. tie practically helpless ftom paralysis. Arraignment of JWs.; Greer was set by officials to follow the completion of the case against lfcr husband. TWO GOVERNOiS TO SPEAK Meeting: to Stinuilivf 5 Interest in Con- and North Carolina m. (Br tfc AamclBtc4 Praa. ' Raleigh, Oct. tt. Governor K. U Trinkle, of' Virginia.- .and Governor Cameron . Morrison, of North Carolina,' are to lie the princiiml speakers nt a meeting of North Caiilinlans and Vir ginians a Mt. Airy October IJlst for the purpose of stimulating interest in connecting highways between tbe two states, it was learned, here today. This will lie the first visit to North Carolina of a Virginia Governor in many years. The Highway ' Commissioners of both States. - good roads enthusiasts, a iitl' Hundreds of others are expevtul to attend the meeting. Standard Oil Company Declares. Big Stock Dividend.. (Br the AuorliM Trru.) ; New York. Oct. I!. Directors ,of the Standard OH Company, o? New York today declared a stock dividend of 200 per int increasing its capital from 73,000,00 to $225,000,000, and reducing the par valne of the stock from $100 to $25. Varaer Takes Over Salisbury Theater. Salisbury, Oct. 5. The Strand theater, this city, which lias Been one of the houses of the Southern Enter Drises. Incorporated, for' several years, s being taken over by H. B. Varnei , newKDUDer. anu uieuiricu. uu..., Lexington. Mr. Varner, will supervise the Strand from his Lexington office with a local manager in charge. The Seaboard Air Line sets an ex ample to all corporations to advertise North Curolinas advantages when it carries a whole page advertisement in The Mannfnrturers Record telling that "North Carolina is destined to be one of the great manufacturing States of I America.' Ud.V nioiDU llilll iis . - - . - d Htroke of 1)(,rayI(!lH enl.v this : premier Llord .-George will receive ooqoo pounds for his memoirs. 'lii i laii. tI cum Ntw fcuLomo t aa eAING COWrKlTKM a AMERICAN ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE li RirharrI M Anrlrewa Qncrur.!,'",l uu "f "" ,wn ' "rdiBi Head tticnaraAuarewauspm-;, fr lbr wll, K. ed Of Having in HlS POSeS- the ltlt.-rv l-xrli HteL AbeTllle'a cinn Pititr f Rir lo "via s irui v vi apa nese Fortifications. AMERICAN DENIES ALL OF CHARGES He Has Lived in Japan Since Childhood, and Has Been h. h. ii.Dutne. pr. ti,i, nt. a Conddered a FripnH nf l8:Kitt""Ill,' P""1'1'" vuiisiutreu a rnena 01 niS iV(M1lt(m. Kiwaninn ir. n. j Adopted country. Toklo. tVt. t (By the Afworlnte I Press). ltfi-hiird M. Andrews, orrest- ed after the search of his residence tiy the (silice, is susiecteil of having tak en iiunioKiiipiiH 01 ine loriiiiraiioiiH 01 Vokoisnka, according to information m-eived here. Tlie home of Andrews.. who is one of the prominent Ameri- j nin residents of Jnuin. was searcheil. ..... . , ,,.Ke.. ieniiiK 11 - motor Imnt without n l.vnse. He was later taken to court where he was sill.-1 Jw-tetl t.i a secret cxan. nation. One ;,L""T1W "7 "' ,U" bis reside,,., told him the clinret ..gainst lm was in reality a criminal ' Vokoisnka is alK.ut 1J miles f, , ! Yokohama and is .-onsidenil an in.-1 " . ',' J. 1 ' V ,H.itant strategic zone. i l"Hy. -: p. m.-iroup nmfer- The police apparently believe AllJen.e of pres dents, sci re arU. district drews took the photographs whne trustin-s dis rict -.miiiitte..s iiiiikins a trip in his motor boat. An- "'M f,:' ' "'.-Joy ride, drews denieil having photographed the I. :,M P- m -Buttery Park fortillcations. It is said he is chnrg-1,n" ,r,;"m rP?fption and dance -in honor e.1 with having taken photographs i!'f visiting Klwaninns and ladles, conjunction with Japanese accomp- Wednesday, October 18th. liccs. This, however, is a supposition.' Wednesday. 10:00 a. in. lieconven- Andrews is a member of the firm 1 inK f -onvention. Hon. W. B. Mer- of Andrews & Georu'e. nnd has Uvwl in Japan since boyhood. He has large private interests here, besides those of his firm, and has always been consid ered a friend of Japan. ONE ALLEN BOY OIVEN CONDITIONAL PARDON - Friel Allen and Sidtia Edwards Re - reive Pardons From Governor E.. L. Trinkle, of Virginia. (By the Aaaoctatrd Preaa.) Richmond. Oct. ((. Sidnn Edwards and Kriel Alien, two of the six men convicted of shooting up the' court house ota HillsvMIe, Va., in lM- were gnTfU'iHinmyonai jiaruons toiitiy by G'overaen E.' lr Tiiiikle.' 7""""" ' ' " At the same time the Governor re; fused pardons to Sidnn Allen and Wesley Edwards, sentenced to ,io and 27 years imprisonment, resieetively. for their part 411 tbe affair 111 which the presiding 'judge, Thornton L. Mas sey. commonwealth attorney W. M. Foster, Sheriff L. F. Webb, and 11 young woman . were killed and the clerks and several jurymen were wounded. Sidnn Edwards was under sentence. murder in the second degree. Governor , Trinkle, ln announcing the iwrdous to, Sidna BMwards and Friel Allen, declared their present record "has been without a mark dur ing the entire period of their confine ment." That, both are reformed young men and will in tlie future lend law- abiding lives .and in addition be was led to believe, Sidnu KUwanis to ue "of a rather weak mentality." With Our Advertisers. . Giant tires' and tnlies are sold here by C. C. Cntlett, 14 West Depot street. New ad. today gives price features. You can find everything needed for Halloween nt ('line's Pharmacy. Purchasers of dining room furniture now have a plemlid opportunity to buy matched suites of rare quality at the Bell & Harris" Furniutre Co. If you want advice aliout invest ment securities, nsk the officers of the Citizens Bank & Trust Company for advice. The bank offers service. Farley's Anniversary Sale, now on, offers .vou a chance til get clothing on credit. $1.00 down, and fifteen weeks to pay the remainder. Coats, suits. dresses for women, nnd full equipment for men. Attractive new ad. today gives particulars. Stlllman Case Derision Is I'plield. White I'ln ins, N. Y., Oct. 0 (By the Associate! i ressi.-r.nprc.. Press). Supreme Court Justice Morsctuuiser loony coniinucii ' rWa report In the Stillnmn (Uvoroe ca8e d allowed Mrs. Anne ji; st1)nllln wno defended the suit against her winner nusnanu, costs in tlie case. .; OUR BANK IS h POPULAR PLACE FOR EARNEST AND SUB STANTIAL YOUNG MEN AND WO MEN, THE KIND WHO WILL BE COME OUR LEADING CITIZENS. , ALL DEPOSITS MADE IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER THE 10TH BEAR PER CENT COMPOUND INTEREST FROM OCTOBER THE 1ST. f KIWAMANS PLAN FOB CONTENTION f CsrH KlwmnUa Win Attend Dtatrirt Ismtali ml AkwWe. NuuM-niua t'uururd KiwaBiaaa arc! . Making preparatlt.Bs to stiraT UlaiafrT itrM eiiarentkw al AaberllM - 17 1H, mtirn uienUwrs of live i ntber from orer tbe Canrfina dlatrtct. .,"' ""'I "inrentl.-n wile, and anelil- orate proicniui mix Iwd arrangel. Following l the district convention piogram : Conventkn Program MuikIhv. H:lKp. m. CiMiveution Hall. Kntcrtiilnuieiit for all Kiwanlnns and their bidiPK. Iel by JiiIch Krnxll. Tneaday l(:tal a. in. Convention as Hinddet ln Convention room 11 1 Untierv Park Hotel Anhevllle Ba te nia 11 song. A merlin. Introduction nf International offi cers iiml other distinguished guests. Address of welcome by the mayor. Address of welcome. K. H. William!, vii-e president of Asheville Kiwanis dull. Address of h, ,( M r v ,.n, Address of cjvitnu dnb ijWHI1W welcome, president of welcome, president of Honorable Merrinion Asheville Kiwiinls club. J)strl(., (loverlIor S(in )V Jll(N A(Wrew- Hononarl.le (ieorge H. Koss. 1'resldent Kiwanis International. Tm.H) , .,.,.,., ,tatlrv Vnrk Kwmiia'lls ;, ,",;- l'"-!' Presiding 'uon. uistricr governor, presming. Invocation Reports from group meetings and discussions. Sons led by Jules Brazil. Wednesday. 11 :0O a. 111. Address by Honorable John H. Moss, district gov- ; craor of Milwaukee. I Song b.v quartette. 1 Wednesd i.v. 1 :0O p. Outdoor lunch for Kiwaniaiis and ladies. Wednesday, 3 :00 v. m. Reconven tion. Final 'report of nil committees, Address Hon. Wiley H. Swift. Election of officers. , Selection of next Convention city Wednesady 7:50 p. 111. Knnunl bail- iijuer.-Jionorame 11. . .iierrnnon jire- Laiiling: . JJI IbcariiYlor vTsi'tlng KP wnninns and lailies nttemiing. ' 1 . "!1T.J' " " ' "' -" isii,li M a 11 A t .r.niN - TO DAS VILLE SIOIfDAY 1 .- t, -u-iii i . riMHM.s r,vangensi niii iicgiii im- mediately Hls Series' of SermtnW i the Tahernnrte t . . . Danville, Va., Oct. MiniKte rial union im3 appointed u co-mmiitoe j to meet Rev. William A. Sunday and 1119 hu iy wuvii lucy tti i iv o .tciti aicai 10:30 o'clock and, upon .arrival will be hastened to , the building where no time w-iM be lost in preilmiparies. , Accompanying the .evangelist 'will be Mrs. Sunday, known as "Ma" Sun day, Homer Rhodeheaver, song, leader. and a, pianist. Local merchants.- h;ive been asked to allow as many of tlielr clerks as possible to atteud .the sM'- vices. School children of the city will be taken to . the tabernacle to hear him, .also the student bodies of the three local colleges. The collection derived fioin the service will be devoted to the Winona B.ble school, In which Rev. Mr. Sun day is interested. Tne party will leave after dinner for Chatham, where, Mr. Sunday wll: speak to the school chil dren. Home For the Aged in County of Rowan. Salisbury, Oct. 5. The Rowan county commissioners have decided to have a modern county home and will convert the county work houso into a home for the aged and Infirm. Tlie 'building and grounds w'.U be im proved and put in fine condition and the home wi.l be one of the best and most modern in the state. A volume of the first edition of Bunyan's "Pi:grim's Progress" recent- ly sold at auction in London for $10,- 000. A New Interest Quarter begins in our SAVINGS-DEPARTMENT October 1st. All deposits made before the 10th draw 4 per cent, compound interest ' from the first. Safe deposit boxes for rent in our Burglar ' Proof Electrically Protected Vault. ;-. s ; ; , :" ''.'''-; X ' ' "i''lAX 'C3 The Concord National Bank Capital' . ', .... $1 00,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $100,000.00 NEWMEMBERS JDIHINB TO CAIilPAl Every Town Should Be Rep resented With One or More "live-Wire' Contenders for the Magnificent Prizes. ENTER CLUB DURING MEMBERSHIP WEEK End of the Rainbow is Real ized With Proverbial Pot of Gold Within Easy Reach of Energetic People. , The big race is about to liegln. AVhnt are yon going to do about it? Join In the profit-sharing competi tion, or. are yon going to he negligent of the opiMirtnnlty at hand? You are invited to artli-iate in the division of a $0,000.00 prise-list which Is made up of the most alluring, appropriate, and other worthwhile things one could imagine. A little investigation of the prizes offered in the big "club" will convince you of the sterling worth of each and every one. There is no fictitious val ue placed on any of the rewards in the list, and just liecause the prizes are large and doubtless the moat val-: liable, as well ns most plentiful nf any that have ever lieen offered liefore in this vicinity, is no reason why -you should stand Imck and figure that they are "over your head" so to siienk, and , lieyond your reach. ' Much time and thought was given tlie selection of the prizes and in of fering such a magnificent list to their . friends nnd readers. The Tribune nnd . Times feel justly proud of the offer-- ing. ' Club Begins Monday. The "Salesmanship Club" will open I Monday with n "Bang." It will lie a rtu-e for one of the richest prize lists . 1 ever offered anywhere in a similar un dertakingmore than $0,000.00 in high class motor enrs nnd other prizes and cash commissions will lie awarded nt the end of the eiirht ' weeks' cam- , ,,..1,,., . . Tlie Nomination Coupon Is "Opportun ity's Doorway." , It is good for 0,00(1 votes ami four, of them will lie credited to rfliy one . club memlM?r. The Nomination Coit- , pon is the first thing to clip out and . -fliv, tn -with rour mime, nnd nddi-ess Bni tninjir.jji.iKl totne "ucsmansnii) - Cllib" heiidonaWrs. X stroke' of the (pen. ,n. clip of the shears, and it is 1 of (.iml.Sp i the event vou cannot ,, n,.tiVe nnrt In the biff drive' lHrsoiiiuiv. vou can nominate some . ,.,, ... ... .s ...-i ','"'" . ';. 'jV""; .,'": .. V. pyri mm wr iuu uhp iumc ihthu ti ful automobiles. Fill in their name .. and address, in case yon are not in terested, and, the campaign manager ; will do the rest. . , After having attended to the nomt- t. nation end of the bargain, the next thing and nn Imimrtant thing is to lie gin immediately pledging your friends' support. Get in touch with them right . away and acquaint them with your de sire to own one of these "Prise Beau- , ; ties." Ask them to clip the vote "con-)' pilii8 nnd save them for' yon. Get them to pay their subscriptions to The :' Tribune and Times. The rest is easy.- 'i Heating Plant For Davidson ' College. Davidson, Oct. 5. The new central heating plant of Davidson Collego Is being rapidly pushed to completion 'by ' the combined .efforts of -three con trading companies, each of which"' have workmen on the college campus, , rushing to complete the installation of the heating units before the advent of ;. (old weather. From the present out ;xik, the first tinge of cold weat'ier -will find the plant completed and all . the buildings connected by means of u large steam conduits. -; Salisbury Achieves Fine Health Record. Salisbury, Oct. 5, According to the ; city health officer's report there have lieen only five cases of typhoid fever in Sa.isbory this yoar. In 1918 there were 44 oases and during the past three years there have been 14 cases each year.. In the same report it is stated that during the past month there were 42 births and 11 deaths in the cjty. ! .

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