a J o C flu M J O " a TODAY. O oooooooo 1 ri. o r;:E5:i o dispatch: OOOOOtit VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, fN: C, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1922. NO. 203. ? i '- . ISJ ' BEALLOnED ; TO OCCUPY THRACE Only After Conclusion of a Peace Treaty Great Brit ain and France Agreed on , This Principle. , 1 " - ' " ' BUT LITTLE DOUBT ' . ' ALL WILL; ACCEPJT .Hie Solution Provides Three Steps for the Return' of Thrace to TurksTo Be , Referred Also to Rome. rarts, Oct 7 By the Associated rressl. Grant Britain ami France, an represented by Foreign Secretary Cur Eon, anil Premier Poiiicnre, - have agreed in principle that the trooM of T".. I . I . . I. .. . i 1 1 . . ..... 1 1 i . I TURKS TO Hmed to occupy Thrae only after tbel' C Tlt conclusion of a neace treaty. . . i , This agreement now will he suhmlt led to the French and British eabl- nets which, are now In session and , 'will be referred to Home by the Ital . ln representative here. There In 'considered to" be ' (little s : .doubt, however, that all. will accept, and the details will be worked ont this - -afternoon bo that the allied generals - .- at -Mudania can resume their confer ; ence In full, agreement with, each oth- i er aa. to the terms to be. offered the .Turks. tri' The- solution .' provides three 'steps ' for the; return of Thrace t( the Turkil ' as.follovss ,...' S--tr-?ir -r . ' ! First, the .Greek army and those of -the iKipulntionr desiring to leave must evattinte immediately. ., .; : ,., -, Second. 'A Turkish ; cfvll admlnls tnitlun will lie InstnUtsl at the same time the allied troops take the place of the Greek forces to preserve order. . 'Third.'. ' The Turkish-army-will lie r allowed to cross the StraHs of Darda nelles Nand enter Thnu-e only upon the ' conclusion' of ;a penw treaty, and it will not lie nutil that time that eastern , 'ill race la completely Testored to Tur- kej' :.'.', y;1??-" J-"'-j-v , ' 10,000 Greets in Eastern T3nace, N London, Oct. (By the Associated ; Iress).-r-Ten' tlKionnd Greek troops .,. have been concentrated In the Tcbatalja district, eastern Thrace, which Is un der fontrol of the IJrencB cavalry, iiays a Central Xews dispatch irora vmtan- Greek officers are ireportea to A .1 1 II... . .MHki An anniA rif iha nAnil. Minn lIIUlt.U BllllOlU.wmTJ," mo , ' lstlon of Thrw. telling them to re- nule the Turks. 4 v .?.'. -.i;v.i,'.. : ; Fires have broken out In the fores . , of lstranJa. north ot t.onstainttnopie, and-are' spreading In the direction of j.njtni tin, . .,...' The ' Turkish . newspaiHra announce Musta ' Kemal Pa alia has left Angora for Xludanln, where he hopes to meet General Harrington tha BrltlHb com liiander, says a' Renter dispatch, ' Mudania; 0!t. 7 iBy the Associated press). Tlie sessions . of the -conference here were resumed at 8 o'clock this morning'' 'Owing to the lateness of the arrival of British instmctioTis from bopie no formal session was held last evening, but allied generals con ferred late -into theiiJightfO::"";' Reported Tliat Sultan Has 'Abdicated, London, Oct. T (By the Associated IM'ss).- report that the Sultan Mohnmed VI of, Turkey abdicated at J0;55 this . morning was received, today by Russian : delegates here in a Wire less dispatch from Moscow.' : There is no confirmation of the,v report,' but Moscow 1 believed to be In close com munication With Constantinople. . The Moscow dispatch, which Tepeat ed the message from Angora, says that upon abdication the Sultan named as his cousin, who will lie known - as Mwljld It. ,. ; - - Rlnce the successful campaign of the.lng, as follows: No. 6, Fred R. Shep . - Turkish nationalist army against the herd, captain; No. 9, Dr. Robert Fisher, . Greeks there has been several reports captain, and No. il. Dr. Julius Bhauars, ,'of abdication of the Sultan. lit re- captain. 5 The silent boost was given ' ply to tfiese reports he declared In, a letter to a friend on ricptcmlier 30: V l , sunn continue to- oiscnirge my . Jioly duties until the end. - When the nntlonallsta . enter Constantinople I shall have something pertinent to say to them." t- New Instructions. 'Paris,. Oct ft (By .the Associated Press ).-t-Vl8Count Cnrzon, British for . eign secretary,' following another con ference this morning with . Premier l'olneare. told the Associated Press i that he and M. Polncare had agreed In! principle on the new Instructions to . sent to the allied delegation at Mu- ,; da nla. ,-, .':,,, .vvv"-'' ''' 'vJ-:' , GnWfaa. Must Evacuate Thraco Imme- y 1 s : : : ;,' diateiy. , ? j . Parla, Oct., T tBy the Associated Press).- The Mudania conference hns definitely agreed that the Greeks shall evacuate Thrace immediately, It was announced here today, t A month there- i after, the, Turkish "gemlnrmes nnd- a Tnrklsh , administration will center. ' Thrace and the allied contingent con ' trolling that , territory In the thirty day period will withdraw. . v ;jj "" f ' : -t r '' vvv" Football Today. ,: ; (Hy k Aavtmt frew.) ' 1 New Y-ork, Oct. 7. 'Eastern football elevens today generally fnced the first serious opposition of the season, with 0 number 'Of , Inter-aeC-tlonal games : scliediiled. ' ; t '-...'.- Yale, which will play without tlu services of t'nptnln Jordan, and othr llrst string : players, will meet North Carolina In the Bowl, v ' ' Princeton meets Virginia at Prlnce- ton. .,-' .',.-., '. '. ' ' -. ' ' : " " -.' :: '- . KIWANIS MELTING RfwJutUo ef C'n)mRlitioa for the tMi.Ovt Gift. John Millw Talks aa t irr and lire L. Tb KIwinii Club of Concord at' ft regular meeting Friday (Truing at the Concord Y. il. C. A. transact! several hurlnets waiters, and snjoyed splrn dld program arranged by IVam No. O.Fred It Phepberd, en plain. Lee froweil, Jr.. prewutsd to he Hub remilntlou c,xprralng to Mrs. 1. W. Cannon the ajp rectal Ion and com mendation of the Kiwanis t'ldb for her recent donation of $.V).(MI0 to the Jack son Training School to help rebuild Ibt airuiinintratloo building which was recently destroyed by Are. , , A tetter from Commander John M. Oglesby of tb Fred T. McOonnell port of the American Legion was read. Mr. Oglexhy stated he had -been Informed that It will be proper for the American Legion to Join In a celebration on Arnilsth Hay. and that the post will hf pleased to assist In arranging a celebration for November 1th. .The matter was referred to the special committee, of which Major Will Foil is chairman. , r '. . The District Convent Inn to lie held In Ashevllle on the 17tt and lKth of this month Was again called to the attention of t tie numbers of the club. was furnished to each of those present. Arrangements are being made for quite a number of local Klwantans to attend this big event, at which will be gath ered Kiwanlans from the two Carolina, reprer enting forty-t Kiwanis dubs. Chairman John B. Rherrlll.'of the Dis trict Convention Committee Is .making arrangements for members of the local club who expect to attend the conven tion, '..f I ':!". ,-v.--.: L, " - Captain Fred H. Shepherd, of Team No.' tl, took charge of the,; program. Miss Mary MacLauglillu. former Con- eordlan, delighted the. club with two vochi selections, the -accompaniment being ; played liy Miss Nell Herrin?. lp, John.Ifc Miller, one of the char ter meinliers of the Kiwanis Club, and known throughout the state in firemen clivles, was presented t deliver a talk on fire , prevention,. In observance of Fire Prevention Week, whlclt has lieen set apart from October 2nd to Octo ber Oth.- v .'- - V- ,Mr, Miller outlined to his hearers the' vast amount of losses sustained by this' country on. acconntof fires, run ning np to $550,000,0()Q per year, or $5 each for every man, winnn , and child- In the TJn.ited- States : In com parison with mother ' countries In the world, the Vnlted States has the hlch- esf losses In the; whole" world, some of the countries having, losses as low n one-twentlth otmirs or less..' ! Besides the loss of property, Kid lives were lost lat year lu the state of North Caro- Two thing' are 'responsible 'for so many fflres In the United States,-eon-tltnnwl Mr. Miller. These are igno rance and carelessness. Ignoratfee in tne minding or structures, rauity aues, defective wiring and ,the like; cause millions of' dollars loss - annually : while carelessness of , persons - In al lowing nil kind of rubbish to acenmu la te about theler premises has ' led to other losses still as large The speak er stated, that the children ot the pres ent generation';, are '- being, educated; along the line of, -fire prevention, and he predicted that the next generation will see wonderful improvement alon? this line, i;':.i;ii.:! v !' t.; y.-c Rev.: William A. Jenkins, a member of .'the. Rotary Club and an honorary member of the Kiwanis Club, was pres ent at the meeting, and presented Ho tne Klfvnnlang tpe r matter of, support ror toe tjoncora x. m.' u, a : ,: itev. Mr, Jenkins outlined the good work which' 1b being done by the locnl Y in Ixiyfl' c'lrcles, building them np-physically,' 'morally,: socially , and -spiritually. C.TIip speaker brought to the at tention' ot the club the financial condi tion Df the instltutloi and urged, that eteps be taken by the Kiwanis -. and notary muds or -tjoncora to put wie 1 -on a sound financial footing. . it is planned now to hold a joint meeting of the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs in the near future, at which definite plans will be laid for this wprk.' , Three iteamg- reDorted 100 per cent '. (attendance at Friday evening's meet- by will M.' Linker, of team Jlo. . I The; attrudance prlise for' the last meeting was ornwn ny urn mem tiers of ten in n 11. Caleb' 'ffa Swlnk- win ning the lxes whjeh was 'donated by Brevard Harris, of team No. 4, , ' ' ' ' !! s-H ': "f With Our Advertisers. : f F. O, Nlblock offeVs a complete build ing material aervlce. ' , See ad. todny for-partIculara.i f v. 1 !' ",." ,.;.-.! v -.. The Musettte, Inc., thla year baa a big and complete line of Halloween goods. State your needs. This com- be.pany fill' them. , i :. Regularity la what counts In saving money. --a Make . it a habit to deposit something' each week In the savings de partment of Cltissens ' Bank, k Trust Company. .. ' 4 - ' ' . :' You can get yonr shoes shlned free todny at Parka-Belk Co. Bee ad. on front page, - .---. ,- ; .J-- .-. Don't .depend ort ,any one fuel," ad vises Concord and Kannnpolls Oaa Co In new ad. Get a gas heater Installed at once.- 'v .,;.. a, ..; . - A. B. Pounds In a new ad. today says be ran deliver coal for yon vow at MZOO a ton. .y y -.y . -.' Red Forces Defeated. Vladivostok. Oct. 0 (B.v the Assoc! ated Press). The Bed forces which met 'the "white" troops In battle on the Stssk front In an engagement that ojiened October nth were reported to have been defeated. Batteries Twlay." " Polo Grounds, New York, Oct. fj the liatteiies for the Ynnkeea: Mays and Rchang; Glantn, McQuillan and Snyder.' , .: i ... f ; .'.. CONGEFSMW DOl CTiTON TO ME.tk HIKE OCT. 1: Will AU rHiesk la ML fWiaat m Kannapoti (L AUxrt Ivs t tt Urrt OrtvVer lets. Huu. It. 1 Dou-Utou, CoDgreaiitnaB from ibe Klghih North Carulina du trlrt. will make three speeHifi la this county thla ntunih, accortllag to an aa nmiueement nrnde tbl morning by M)r W. A. Foil. ihalruuD of the nnty Democratic F.xecutlve couimll tee. ,- , . . '",-.' Mr. Dunghtoo will aimik In Cuncord at the court haase on the night of m-tubtr 12th, On the night of tb Uth be wiU speak In Mt. Pleasant, and on the nlirtit of the Uth will speak in KannapolU. ' Mr. Houghton will speak In thts dis trict in the interest of his contest for Congresa. He i being oppoed again tbla year by Dr. J. k CamptieU. of XofwowL ' Being popular with a 'arge clrle of friends and supporters in inis city and county CongrrmuiHu Doughton is certain to lie heard hv large Crowds at the three speeches in Caliarrna connty. CoL Albert Cox,if Raleigh, one of the most pleasing speakers In the state, will peak at the court bouse Jiere on the night of October 10th. He will lie the Hist speaker to be beard here this year under the auspices of the Demo crats. - . ,' ..- , ' ( eiASTS mn a third game. 'j Jack Scott Baffle the Taaiks and -Leaps Into Bcnlm of Stars. New York, Oct. A little mors thau three months sen .Inhn wmium Scott drapped out of the 'baseball doxJ"118 mlecl. .i; : yltAi .nil nn - n. . - score and no tears save poss.bty his. uwik were sneii. jack bad never ranked, with those whose names are passed on; A hard working plodder had just; worn ont and was expected to fade away; Tonight he is the most talked about man In the Vnlted States and his name wi.l live. He transformed himself today and became an Identity by pitching 112 balls that resulted in his team, the New York Giants, defeating the New York Yankees, 3 to 9, in the third game of the. world's series, , and sup-! piled r his club with a two-game lead in the classic, an advantage that has been overcome only once In 'history. Everyone knew that Waite Hoyt, the 'Iboy, wonder" who .won two out of three games from the giants In the mi series, striking out-18 men, al lowing only 18 hits, and yielding only two runs, both unearned, was to pitch for the .Yankees., One fan remarked that McQraw, virtually was conceding the game, believing Hoyt unbeatable,. am oaa aecmea not to throw away a man who might win tomorrow;":,' , v J.lflck i&v.H'Cl mmnr'A (a bi 'lliA SuwJr. now. IjuaVl there,.thattUe...eat)Jt pucning was so -amrouwtnat the Giant outfielders TV mndfr onlj , six,, put- outs- that ; the,; Yankees were . so thoroughly subdued that. 18 out :t their 24 outs were of the easy -Infield variety. Only four hits Were made, by the Yankees, with their touted -"mur derer's row" and only .six times did they get a man on first. , f ,. On the mound, facing; 40.000 pairs of critical eyes,. listening to - tho blasts of .the ' mighty shouts. Scott was the Incarnation ot earnestness, altk and hope, tout he never smiled. He. re mained inscrutably calm and cool. Jack Scott combined his head and his ageing right arm today and he fot.owed orders, ' Earl Smith, ;; the catcher,.' said .afterward! that every time he called for a high pitch, a high tine came. Not once, he said, did Scott fail., "He used only a. curve but he .had such remarkable control that always It went where Smith, whose; knpwledgo of the Yankee batters and discerning judgment cannot tie over lkuded, ordered. v - iMcGraw was voKublle in- his praise of Scott and Miller Hugglns, the beaten and prestfallen mentor of the Yanks, , was not remiss. . LAST DAT OF EXPOSITIOy , Made-ln-Carolinaa Exposilion a Suc ,, , ceNs-70,000 Persons Attend. v- t.: (Br he Asaoetated Prnm. t ; . Charlotte, Oct. 7. The last day of the , Made-in. Carolina - exposition which closes here tonight,- was' given to farmers and agricultural interests. R.'W Stone, president of the North Caro'.lna .Farmers Union;'; Dr.: B,- W. Kilgore, chief of farm experiment and extension work In the state; and Mrs. Jane MeKlnVmon, state farm demon strator, were among the Chief speak-, era for the afternoon. . ' is ; ; .. Approximately: 70,000 persons have attended the second annual display t products for the two Curolinas, ac cording to officials ot the exposition, who j: expressed themselves highly pleased with the results obtained, ' - The South .'Chinese Government has one; Chinese, woman .' aviator. Miss Mupia Ju Is said to be an accomplish ed pilot, and tube ready to take her turn with, the other aviators in light ing the battles ot her country. ' 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Get Your Shoes Shined :: WITH V. .i- ':- SHI-NALL Dyes and Shines Your . . , Shoes. '. PARKS-BELK CO. ' ' Shoe Department ; TODAY - QUICK GETAWAY IS - PREDICTED IH BIG RACEL"! : ', b.v the frigid breath of a ghwt from ' 1 ,haetll a graveyard. Miller Hngglm Startinf "bonr" Wffl Sound JgZTZnX l1Z Jlonday m Most , Interest- f" the wigbt tb pbantow img in? Prize Event lnauyurat. ed in This Territory. ' from the length of which only one : . . I team In the history of world's aeries ' ' '' ". I baa mxirereil. STUPENDOUS PRIZES 1 The nnearthly dt.-bing which the ' nprrppn fI?fDI?Da "l,",,k Ironght from the cemetery. Ur r tnty JltiJUJtKS caused the Vauksr Imta to pass through as If the hall were bits of estoplasm. -i' i !)'(' iviit r 'V and.ln a warldly way of speaking. de Great Benefits Will Result fcatl them 8 to 0 in the third game - From Entering Now and "f ,be worM Th Atft - r if n " v i . the second In the eerie for the A'anka. betting LVen lireak at Bar- In the aeries of lrn the Giants set a rier -Rewards for AIL' Jireceilent by wlnntng the tllU after - - .fr1 isiitrtthig the Janka to the first two ' - ,'. e . . (games. . ' , Quite number of folks who have 'Ioug John's pitching lionea were lieen1' considering entering 'the Club laid to rest last July. Int .Mornn of and weighing-fheif ' iiossibtlltles- of the (Im-innatl Reds officiated. He earning one of th big prnses vare had pronounced John's pitching days sending In their names now, with the ner, theydirge was dronml, and the request that we nse-iMirticauir care lm Imselsjl world soon forgot that John having it appear in the hHt list. OnejXcott bad ever lived. - nieinner wuo ; eiitereti .yesrerdsv said ihat she believed she would lie "con science, stricken" If she allowed the oi portunity of owning an Anderson au tomobile' get by berlwithimt tuklng a "shot at It." "I kno it meahs work and work Is just what. I mean to-rlo," 1 11 tlirf The tlirM irrH fer. plmoiita in ii,.. cess in anything, yon undertake are effort. Industry, perseverance;' the easy things of life are of little value. Yon have something good'. to sell when vou offer your friends The Tribune or The Times, or both you; have, something' tnnt.me world is reaching out for ery day news, 'Information. The Trio- una and The Times convey both, to the public, they are an lnstitutioh in the community, exerting a iiowerful moral Influence an educational factor. When' you have something good to talk aliont It lsnot jhard to tell the people the nature of jour business. . The Names Appear Monday. the' first list will.; appear ; Monday, and the list will lie-the starting "gong" lor theoHlclnl opening of the "Sales- opening today. This caused trregu manship Club." Eight weeks from lnrlty, first prices being 5 points lower that day three Club -Members will lie, to G points higher, but the offerings the proud possessors pi the w6nderf ul ; were nbsorlied by fresh trade or-com-untoiuobiles.- .Every other peh'on lu ! mlsslonhouse buying,., and the market the list W'lll lie paid fcandnomely. The .Club will end nt a time when automo biles will le the mfcst desirable, ac quisition one could Imagine. ' You are cordinlfy invited to fcke part lit the 21:55; Jifci. 21 :3fl; March 21:50; May MJ.?.4J .JMftWPle lfeSkf3 Ju;21 :3!. . i , -.OOddo list, ,) , - : "' ' n ' !. .' Closed fa.: ' - ; This is Alenibersmp Week. New Yorlr, Oct. 7.-CotWir closed We have lieen writing pnd ou hnveieilgy October 21.30; Decemiber 21.62: been rending a irreat deal during the; janunry 21.48; 'March 21.60; May 21.55 past day or i so about , Membership j . . . Week. We are going to tell you some SHIPPING BOARD VESSELS more .about It We are modest, of: 7 MIST GIVE UP LIQl'OR course, nui we nave enougn coiiimence1 i in the attractiveness of-, the Salesman ship Club proposition and in the won derful prizes offered to lielieve that there are Scores upon -scores of i per sons ti-ho would welcome seeing their names appear In the first list.; ' r -And If their names appeared as a result of the thoughtfulness of some friend, , they would be tickled "pink." They; would begin Immediately to jus tify i the confidence their friend .or friends had placed in their ability as a winner by requesting supplies and oil information relative to beginning ji -winning campaign at once. - - - dt lsn necessary that you be nomi nated by some friend, '-in reality the liest friend one hns is himself. ' There fore, don't atnnd,' back ' waiting for someone else to -do It,-but send - In your (nomination , today xoTJltSELF, and, determine, to ride in one if . the chissy automobiles if the stupendous prize -list. '.;V.'t-..; .-:-, ' -..;'.; Do Not Hesitate. The all Important thing about the entire procedure is the- start, and af ter once the 'sturt is made one Is sur prised -at the.-ense with which their friends rally to their support It -Is the experience of everyone who ? has canvassed, their fiineds up to the present time thnt they have received splendid encouragement from all., it is only human to. wish to- be on the winning side,; and after: once Jrou con vince your friends of jour determina tion to succeed, the rest is easy. You still have plenty of tlm to get your name in the first list the charter member list Thousands of people are eagerly awaiting the first publication of mimes, and those whose names ap pear in the first list will lie fortunate Indeed. " We are going to suggest that The :(.: i WHO DOES HOT TAKE CARE f OF HIS MONEY ASSUMES THE I RISK OF SOONER OR LATER BE- ' ?- ING1N A POSITION WHEN HE WILL NOT HAVE ANY TO TAKE , CARE OF, . ' DEPOSnS IN OOR SAVINGS : DEPARTMENT MADE ON OR BE, ? FORE OCTBOBERTHE 10TH BEAR FOUR PER CENT COMPOUND IN TEREST, FROM OCTOBER THE 1ST. ' . If mm 1 i (ARM ntOM THK CWTT 1 TOO Ml CM to TANXS 'j4ia SnXt. KMarrerted Frwa Bue kail t.raverard, Lend Okants U lrtry. k-t. T. I By the Amrtat Their aaiHratlona crated men aouie world (King communicai- ede with the spirit land, and ' Scott learned that John McGraw, of . the Giants' needed pitchers and be would have them even if they hnd to be res urrected. So the gaunt figure of John Scott npiieiired yesterday on the mound they call the pitcher's Ikix. First as-he was in the tricks of the' "beyond,', he put them where the Yankees -couldn't see them. Most every living thing In the world is thinking about Scott to- day, but the Yankees are thinking of other tilings. Miller Huggins Is try- ev-flng to forget anont it ny ma King oes - perate plans for today's game. THE COTTON MARKET There Xfas qtosiderable ReaUzlngiJ,'1l on the Fair grounds each day and Some Sscattered Selling at the Opening. . ' i . ' (By the Amoclatel Frasa.) New York, Oct 1. There was con siderable realizing and some scatter- ed selling In the cotfcon market at the soon showed net advances ot i to in points, with Deceiulier selling nt 21.75 and .Tnauary at 21.00; tVittontfurures opened steady. Dec. In Accordanre With Attorney General Daugherty's Recent liquor Opinion. (Br tha UwdiM Pma.i - Washineton. : Oct. 7.-"-Masters of! shipping board vessels were ordered today by(?hnlrman iJisker, by direction of the President and In accordance with Attoreny General Dnuglierty s liquor opinion,' to remove and sur render to Treasure Department offi cials all v intoxicating A liquors nboad such ships. . . ; '- . ; 2 Weather Outlook For Next Week. i , Br tbe Associated Vtvm.) ' j Washington, Oct. 7. the weather outlook for the week lieglnnlng Mon day : ;' , ,' -. ;"'. ,'" :-- . v' i. j 7 South . Atlantic States: Generally fair, . temperatures lielow. normal first part of week and normal thereafter. yon lose no "time lu' making your de cision, and that If acquiring a prize lu vulue, from $2,020.00 down to the llli eral cash commission for yonp spare time Interests you in the least by all means get your nonilnatlon In now. 20.000 FREE VOTES. The nomination coupon' has a. face value of 5,000 Totes, nud four of them will be accepted for any one member, but be -sure to clip them from ihe pa pers and send them in, ns they are fil ed away, carefully and will lie turned over to the judges when the big cpunt takes place; .' : -. Remember the Club opens Monday (next '.'Monday.'' October 0th).-i You will waste enough spare time during that tiiUe to earn one of the three au tomobiles In case you do not ent:er the Club and compete for them. Man i: m- J ccs. prusRrNG wax iTTtMJ THK STATE FAIR WIU B TWe TbarKby. OrtWrI7. Oaost f CTtiuf Mrrtsa. RaMgh. Oct. T. Oenenil Jd IVw-hlnx will attend the Kiaie l"i Mt w 19 . k .t.. r Wedneaday, aa prrrkHiily annoiwn. I was stated today on the retnra of Colouel Albert I. Cox. chairman of tb cntertainuwnt rpmulitee, from Wash ington, wtiere be conferred with Gen eral Pmblug relative to arrangement for tne rty ot the diatlnguiahfd sol dier In Raleigh.- The change In the plans of General Pershing will cause -Military Day" to coincide with "Opening Day" and will give the Fair three rpeake of National repntaltlon for the opening day.. General Pershing will speak, probably after the Fair has bfen for ma Uy opened by Governor Morrison and Mri. Kdltb Vanderlillt. president of the Fair, has, made her annual ad dress. GeueraMershing tui accepted an invitation- to lie the guest of Governor Morrison while on bis first visit, to the State Capitol and will be enter tained 4il breakfast at the Executive Mansion Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. Following ' the breakfast at the Mansion, the man who commanded the two million troops in the Auierl--an Expeditionary Forces, will lead the' parade to the 'Fair grounds and after the speaking rxercisls wilt be the guest of honor at a luncheon at flie Fair grounds. General Pershing will leave Raleigh at 5:40 Tuesday afternoon for New Orleans, where he will attend the an nual convention of the American Le gion. Conflict between thetwo en gagements caused General Pershing to advance the date of his trip to Ra leigh, i . Colonel Cox also announced that ar rangements have been completed for a liaUery of field artillery to camp on the Fair grounds during the entire week of the Fair. This outfit will take part In the parade for General Pershing and will give exhibition furnishing the greatest attraction of the kind the Fair has ever bad. Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts has been asked by Mrs. Vanderlillt to act as Chief Marshal for, the parade! an! expects to have several units of j the National Guard in Raleigh for the ocenstoii; The thirty-two piece' field artillery band, one of the best military bands in the country, from Fort Bragg, will also be here' as' well as the Iwnd " of the 120th Infantry of the North Car- olina National Guard. ' Brigadier ; General A. J. 'Bowley.l eouimnndlng officer of Fort Brakk, will I menls are Mng made for full reprcf sentntlon of the ,! American legion posts throughout tne state. ' r- - "... , MANY LIVES LOST IN . 1 t THE CANADIAN FIRES , ' ,'" Property Xoss Jijsiy Reach $8,00,000. About 40 Persons Burned to Death. air the Associated FrMs.1 ; i North Bay, Ont., Oct. 7 The proper- ty loss in the fire which swept many towns in northern Ontario will prob- ably total between $7,000,000 and $8,-1 000,000. Ioss of life between 38 and 40, while between 150 and 200 farms were burned out, according to a state ment issued by Premier Durty today, after a trip over the stricken area on a relief train. ; 'c : - -'- ' - Tlie towns of' North Colialt, Thorn loe, Headslip, Carlton and Uno Park were destroyed. - Halleybiiry was al most destroyed and Englehhrt suffer ed considerable damage. . '- ' , ' At Headslip, John Bond, his wife, eight children -and a hired man were killed, when a storm cellar caved In. Rescuers found the bodies of Bond and his wife with their' arms entwined. The Only Biirvivor of the fninil-ls.a lad of 10 years. . He is sufferiui from shock. I. . Thomas W. Lawson Win live In Bos. . .. '.;. ton.. . '..:' .; ; - (Br iht Auoclated Presa. Boston, Oct. 7.-Thomas W. Lawson nas leowed an ei&ht-ronm furnished! apartment In' the Fenway District of this city and will reside there this - . , . . n7. a I . u winter,, irienos oi inv uiiuiiner , wuu today. ' In this comparatively small home he will plan to retrieve hla .for tune. v ''" : "'; : .' Sam (from below) : "G'wan nlggah. don't you call me up dere less'n you see a tree." , , ' With missionaries In China . men here wear patent leather shoes. , . Answering the Housing Problem , 1 "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TO , . Jl'ST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." 0 '-;-:' .'.; .-:,'i; ' wiX'lfy1"?' f '" V .v'.'AV'f';-?- V 1 - YOU CAN find a place to live A BETTER 1PLACR to live , .than you've given any consideration to YOUR OWN-HOME,, "s: , OWN l'OUR HOME. ' ' ' For twenty-five years we have been loaning money on 'weekly and monthly payments under a plan that lends to home ownership, .. and today CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who are not concerned aliout renting problems. YOV, TOO, CAN BE IN DEPENDENT -of the landlord. 4 ' . ' The-wny to do It Is to take out some shares In fcorlee No. 50 of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW .OPEN and let ns help yoit . , . ' -. l4.r ; ,v ; COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT.' Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association. . Office in Concord National Bank !.' is 3 SEUTDup TO DIE : Unless Something Unforseen Occurs Three Persons Will Die in Raleigh Prison Dur- ing the Coining Week. . ONE CONDEMNED . .-. MANISWIUTE His Case lias Been Appeal ed Others Are Negroes, and No Appeal Has Been , Made for Them. . (Mr the ImmIiM Fiwa.t Raleigh. Oct. 7. A respite of GO davs ; ganted John Dixon, of Craven county, - senteacetl .to electrocution on Tuesday, October 10th, for burglary, leaves three men sentenced to die In the electric chair at the state prison next week. One of these, John Bush, of "Caldwell . Cmnty, sentenced for murder, due to ' die on Friday, hns taken' an appeal, and It is possible the execution vt his sentence may lie stayed. : , Mclver Burnett, negro, prisoner, of Wake County road camp, sentenced ; for an attack on a woman Jiving near the camp a few miles from Itnlelgh, will go to the electric chair on Wed- . nesday, Octolier 11th. He was sentenc ed by Judge I.yon in Wake pounty 8n peJrlor Court, three weeks ago. No appeal was taken. ' .- Joe Johnson, sentenced from Wash--ington coimfy by Judge. Daniels on September 2nd, 'after be' was fonnd guilty of burglary lithe first degree, . will lie executed on Friday, Octolier 1 13. No npiieal hns been made lu but behalf. - : , -; v v . . John Bush, memlier of a well known white family of Caldwell county,, sen-, fenced for murder by Judge J, Bis Rayf ; In Lenoir three weeks ago, is schedul- 11 0'1 Friday, making a double ( ?r i V J! V' " ills sentence before the day set for his ' electrocution. . ' ;; , . : There are five other men in death a"LnB-,?, -Lt5"t,.J!.' ? ,,,,w,"f fOMMlTTEE MEETING .- ; .. . . ; . , Conference Committee of Co-operative ; Meet In Louisville . ; fusI?ille,t KT- Oct. 7.i-Tht? confer- , n. mnmin nt nnjniic. mrki.t. j.tag assoc-iations Is scheduled to meet . (here October 23 and 24 to work ont . 'a program for the nation's first na- tional convention of the association to lie held at Washington In December,': 0coHllng t0ian announcement made h(re by RolKlrt w Bingham, chairman of the committee. ' j The conference will lie tailed, Mr. Bingham said, at the suggestion of t Senator Arthur Capper, one of tlie ; leaders on the farm bloc.-, Sennor Capper, according tq the chairman, rer quested the conference for the purpose . of guiding the movements of Congress.- ; . Among the members of the committee who are to mee. here Ik" Dr. W. M. i-v Kilgore, of Raleigh, N.' C. STOKES SHERIFF-DESTROYS . SIXTY BLOCKADE STILLS A Good Example Set to Other Slier- y ;i r iffs of the State. . k ' fRr ttm ..AKMelated Prc. ..';,.". . Winston-Salem, Oct. 7. Parties here 7 today from Stokes . County reported y that Sheriff. Tnrpln after, securing a '; Iiennlt from the commissioners this , week destroyed sixty blocknde whiskey . distilleries in the presence lit a large , crowd of spectators who had gathered to witness the proceedure. These had. been seized in Ihe past ifew mouths; They were first offered for sale at auction but there was no bidding, and .; then the high - official proceedel to; ' chop the stills up in small pieces. These will be disiaised of to some junk, dealer. ' ;..-,. v .. . . .; . Woman Killed in Auto Accident ,i. Br tk Associated PresM Gaatonln, Oct 7. Mrs. Leroy Kee, ; 40, was killed and her hdslmnd slight-, ly Injured here last night when an automobile he was driving xkldded and went over a twenty foot mebankment ' on North Marietta street. . . Rain had -made the pavement sleek.-. ; r