GUUDOOQD O TODAY'S O O NE 'S O O TODAY. O oooooooo Tribune DOOOOC O ASSOCIATED O . PRESS C O DISPATCHES C oooooooc VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1922. In NO. 209. DAILY ilU : T Turks on Sunday ' Resumed Their Advance In Dardan- elles Area In the Difection of the British Forces. . , BRITISH PREPARE FOR REAL FIGHT Are Entrenching Now, and During the Past 36 Hours . Have Blown Up Bridges and Blocked Roads. MICE Cnnatantlnople, Oct ft (By the' An ' aotlaied PrvtwU Tbe Turkish nation allxt troop ypgtprday muninl their - adram-e In the Imrdnnelli- area In . -' the direction of CbanHk. the Brltl'h . i Rfronghold, arrordlnK to a Mudania r- . ill8mt h to a lot-al HPWHflper.; It fa retiorted dnrine the night that the Turkish Irregulars ' hid appeared Tmtpnhiy afternoon a ahort iliatanre lrnin nriKOH, in I ne owa on tne atle aide of the Bosplioms. j lielkoa la A auburb of ConRtontlnpole, 8 nillea - . . altove the American naval anchoraire. . . The British are entrem-hluK aromtd , Belkoa. , .: . " . : . The lrrpRulnrs nnd umall Immlii ,of ' gorillim and Immllts, which , frequent-1 ly noted a advance guard for the1 - Tniklh(ariny, have occupied a. mnll village, eiat of ('iinstnntlnnple, all V Ithlu the sulmrlinn limits of CoiiKtnn tlnile on the Asiatic side ;i; ' .: ! The British yenterrtn,v made format lireimratlona for defense, blowing up j ' bridge nnd Mmklng roiida. ' '! A British destroyer anchored gome . time Sunday at'. Shlleh on the Blnck i' 8ea coast.. The commander went ashore to i the Nationalist commnnder ' there, nnd nsked him to withdraw him ( forcs. The Turk replied that he had lKtn ordered to remain, whereupon . . the' British; commnnder declared that he also .would -remain and kept t0( anchor clone in shore. L"- -' Greek Army Win Not tletir. ... London, Oct. 9. (By the Associated 11 ', lYrsa) he Near East nitimtion con- .. tlnues to present disturbing potentiali- Army at Adrionople declares H vill urn retire t&uu wiui ; lira ..riuuriuuii ft ' lnrkislr army concentrating at-Brusa and lemid, nxloa )ff n-rb inptaii- llirace ( - ' Great Uneuincsg Felt, u ' , 1 . TnenginpsR is lncreused by the fact i . that the Allies are not generally con sidered toMiave sufficient armed forces to control either" the Greeks or the . Turks. . ' While Great Britain is using pn-tlen-e In an effort to conclude pence, . it is lielieved the. Greeks and French have warned if a settlement is . not reached the British will abandon the whole peace effort. At the same time the Meier is thnt Gen. Harrington has . orders not to risk any act of war and . . ... the British -: press Jindicntes that war with Turkey will not be popular '. In ! ' -v Ureut ajrltnln. ' :,i :':!,;v;-" 1 ' .. . It is affirmed that Ismld Pasbn Is - snowing as mucn reasonnoieness at me : Miidnnia conference as Is consistent : . wuu niR insrrncuons ana ior one imng has not. demanded that Constantino '. plebe evacuntejd at once. WILS01PS SEW PAPER TO COJMtC'B NOVEMBER 1 . i .E.!Po.weU'wm Proltab'ir Be Bdllor , and John Beasley Bosiness Min.a Ker.' jM-. .i,.., . ; - Wilsbn, Oct. 6. The report that Wilson is -to have a morning dally , newspaper has been verified. - E.- ; B. Powell, managing editor of the Dai.y GoUlsboro ,News says: "The - stock hni tiers in the new enterprise tne Wilson Publishing Company (for : which a charter has been issued)- ore. CoU John D,: Lnngston, , W. , W. Mlnton,' R. F. Beasley. John Beasley , and R. B. Powel!;' of Goldsboro, nnd rlt E. Hue-etna, of (Monroe J , - "Machinery has fcersn ordend snip-; ped to Wilson., anil wa nope to is-wo, " tho first number by. November. Thin." i While it hoc not been definitely do. . elded by the stockholders as to the .personnel of the new enterprise, it is - reasonably sure that Mr. Powell witl pilot the editorial end of the vehture and that John Beasley will look after the buslnss end - - ' v Wilson' Is live town- and there is competition in every business except in the newspaper field. , , . ; V' DESPERATE FIGHTING IN ' ' ' - ' t . PROGRESS ON THE STASK Red ttnd White Armies In Severe Battle Since Japanese Evacnauon , (Br kt Aulit rnu.) Vladivostok. . Oct a-Desperate , , fighting between '"red" and .whlte" .: arnfies'ls ln progress on the. Stafk. - The battle Is . the severest' since the r J a panes evacuation began.-, The soviet llfntSB am rvpwicu lu l tunning U-v'lin ; with airplanes and tanki . toward Vladivostok. The defenders are 6ffei ing serious oppowtion. :,i ; " ,. A vete was recently taken on thel wet and dry question among the in mates' of tbe prisons ln .the -United States. More than 133,000 voted dry nd only 909 voted wet, which shows that even the lawbreaker is capable right th.nklng and dreds the resu.ts of drink. . - ' Foreign school teachers have Wm In Iondon during the summer, study ing; English with the aid of a clever machine v which writes on a smoked tuiper the vibrations caused . by the hiiuinn voice ln speaking. tHABGED WITH MOUmo ' ASSOIUTION CONTRACT Case Artlrtst W. T. Stt BWoc Mad' fepecla. Tea (ftM et Katkjr MtuoL I tmr t iJwtuM rrM.i 1 Eorkjr Moant. Oct Tb rat of the TuUcro Urowpn Co-ipratlre As sociation linlDBt W. T. loot, (-barg ed with violating his contract wtlb the aaaoeUtluo, which U Mm auade "IKSUil tfwt map, waa nmtlmied until WwUM-aday. by Jodge Iianlela In the Nash superior con ft today; The continuation waa grauted oa a reiumt uf Aaron Haplro, reprrMpnta live aa tbe aaaociatlon'a chief ronnapL 1 HnHUt. f. B . Kl .luuM,!..,. ..Vul continuance till Thumclnjr but Mr. Ka- plro auld It wb ImiioNaihle fur him 10 be at Nashville on that day. , v THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm at Advanre of IS to St Polnta-l'ohsbJerable ReaUzlng and :: Sone rteutbeni Selling. ... -V (If Ik, W(Ulr4 rrtM.1 New ork, (K-t. 9. The cotton mar ket ntened ttrui at an advance of lit to 30 iMiints on renewal jit last week's buying movement, nnd sold some HO to 40pointa net higher on actlye months ford Ilayea, J!Kvear-old admirer of .lnHnir tha Knit fw nilnutm wllh 1W.ll.rl H,,hi,, II,. Vwwll.. during the first few minute with Ie cemlier touching 21.04. .There was con. siderable realixing and some southern selling at the advance bat the market held steady on slight reactions' with buyers evidently encouraged by the bullish advices from the cotton goods trade and reiiorts that it is becoming difficult to buy dixit cotton on the set back. ,7 v . Cotton futures oened Arm: Decem ber 21.85; January 21.H3; March 21.87; May 21.85; July 21.U0., .. .. ABASD0XS APPEAX ir.. .- . " L. B. King, of ' Mecklenbnrg. Glret Himself iip at the Htate Prison. (By the Aaaoelatt Praa,i ' " Raleigh, 'Oct. 9. L. B. King, pf Meek enburg county convicted of .the killing of Irving Little, 'Canadian, Ui Berry. HiE township June 17th, has abandoned his appeal to supreme court and came to Raleigh to nimself up to the State prison authorities where lie wns sentenced to serve five years. He was indicted on first de gree murder and convicted of second. King gave bond, but decided to come oh and begin his sentence. - King had not reported at the State penitentiary .at 2 o'clock this afternoon 'but was expected some time this aftee noon. .''; :. .,.-. Ventselm to Try to Save His Land, - Paris, Oct 6.-rM. Venlze'os arrived in Paris this morning, visibly a disap pointed and almost broken mail, to engage in Jan" apparently ; futile diplomatic duel with M. Polncare to waaa Mroaem. -hia' en'lvaU-he wftnt,; directly to the Hotel - 'MajesUd ". and within a few minutes vlrtuaRly. every htiportant Greek official in the Paris legation had joined the former states man in a hurried conference, before his . Interview with the French premier. :: . The Greeks in Paris are in com munication daily with - Athens where the uncertainty of the government still inspires Venize'.lsts wfth the hope that the former premier may stage a' "back from Elba'.' return to' the Greek capital. Mereer Sophomores Spanked- as Pun- ishment for Hazing. , . Macon, Ga., :. Oct. 5. Mercer Uni versity sophomores who 'were found guilty of hazing by the . university president were soundly thrashed by seniors last plghf Today the uni versity authorities said they lielieved that hazing wus n closed incident at Mereer. . The sophomores, it was understood, spanked" their new schoolmates Tues- duy night, r Yesterday the president gave thein . the alternative of similar treatment or expulsion, .The sopho mores salil v they would take a whip ping. .--4. ... . - .'-.. J A 1 Seniors were provided with straps and the punishment was given under school supervision. j ' , If orwood "the Scene '. of Pretty Wed Norwood, Oct 7, 7.-At the home of 'former. Sheriff and Mrs. G. D. Pl- lock their daughter. Miss Hettte Sta ton Blacock and Gera'.d Ehinger were trawled Wednesday 'afternoon! at o clock!- the event being on? of grace and beauty, :n fml keeping' with' its deop KOclal Interest and importance through.' this section. Following the ceremony (Mr. and Mrs. Ehinger de parted for a short bridal tour, ator which they; will be , at, - homo i at Elizabethtowit about October 10. , . 'Y Parent-Teachers' Association. The Parent'Teaehers Association of the Central Primary-School will hold its first, full meeting at tbe primary building on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.-; 'X;. -:: ; V-. ,. . ' .' . .' V; "' I J The object pf this association is to bring about a closer understanding between parents and teachers. ;.; Many school problems are solved with the, heln and sympathy of the parents. The? meetings are limited to forty minutes. All parents of children in the primary; -grade, are earnestly j invited and asked to be present. - . : . il"' ir ' ( :i '.!' ". t iU. Ik. 'Boll bn Beys, Roll on. Roll' Is Sunt; By enry. lord's Men.) t : Detroit Mich.; Octi 7. The chant ing of thousands of suddenly r light hearted workmen, - the most ..cosmo politan working force in the world as they swing through the gates of the various Henry Ford p ants, made otj a cheery emung oi that ' industrial magnate's war on cool profiteers. - The chant as they returned t.) thelf machines and benches after five days' alisence, coined on the -moment by a fellow workman, has become tbe Ford "coal war hymn." It Is: , "Roll on, boys, roll on, roll. ' "The old iolnt'a onened. i : "Fo Henry has tbe coal." - 1 Dl DOUBLE fiURDER CASjE Clifford Hayes, Aged 19, For- 11 am 1 lltil mauj iyliargea 1 Oaar in First Degree J New Brunswick.' rirst npirrM Murpr at - o" , SNYDER HELD AS A MATERIAL WTTNF.SJ iJlA 1 CKIALj m 1 n fcSa Cn.JA. Xl..OlA ft ir.j rT7 ? . 8 oOU-WOrd Statement AC-, ! It 1 !i cusing iiayesoi oimrni"- : il. o i fBr Aaartat4 Fkh) New Bmnswk k, X. J., Oct. O.--nif- I'enrl , V 'Li m i .L i ii B.ihmer. who found the bM lea v. Kdwnnl W. Hall and Mrs. of Rev. i., " . .. Mian.e old story - - i..n.u. jiimb, nnnr miiBvr, nr-- tlon with the tragedy. Raymond Snyder, who waa with the' Rahmer girl when the bodies were found, was beld as a material witness. Prosecutors Beekinan nnd Strieker, of Middlesex and nnmerset counties, say Snyder signed a .KKI word statement nimslng Hayes of the crime. . According to Snyder, the double slaying was the result of mistaken identity. He had goite with Hayes on the night of the nAirder, he says, trailing a man who. accompanied the Bahtuer girl. String a ' couple ' un derneath a tree, he said, Hayes opened fire. Formal announcement of the ar rest wns made by Prosecutor Strieker. Boll Weevil Covers the State. Raleigh, N. C. tH-t. From spl mens which have been sent In to Frank lin Sherman, Entomologist for the North Carolina Experiment Station, Indications are that the lioll weeevil has now about covered the cotton grow ing area of the State. From now -on farmers will lie more Interested lu lighting the. pest rather than In learn ing whether or not he will reach their particular farm. Specimens hnve; heen received by Mr. Sherman from -the following . points : Advance in Davie county, southern Alamance, MHlbrook In Wake, north eastern!; Edgecomlie near Hobgood, Scotland neck In Halifax. Windsor JJn Rertt - all nf Mnvttn anil Bit f!respll tir Waultt wiiwnty. - O1 pest 'atlo'd not gone ' north of A Ibeinarle Sound as yet nor have the weevils been, ac tually found In the outlying cotton counties of Orange,' Durham, Gran ville, Vance, Warren and Gates. The newly, invaded territory ;will likely have severe . damage In. 102-1. with only'light damage next year. In the meantime all preparations for fighting the pest -.should be made, states Mr. Shpruinn. John D. Rockefeller Gives Medical finhnnl of Lnmlnn. v' (Correspondence of Associated Press.Hf?nv?non,,Hf the ownlwtlon. Pies London, Sept 18. Through the gen erosity of John D. Rockefeller London Is soon to have one of the finest medi cal schools in the world. ' Work has already begun on the first port of the building program, o which more than 81,000,000 is to be spent. This in eludes provision for a . new nurses' home for the University College Hos-J pitai, an ousieinc- iiuiHiHig oi six stories, and nn enlargement or- the medical school. ' , Houses ln University Streetinnd Huntjey Street art shortly to be pulled down In order to make room for this large ' scheme." 'Later an oper-alr ward for septic cases and further re search laboratories are to be built. The project will reaeh completion some titme in 1925., t ' Little Betting on Election j IS to 10 . Odds Favor Miller. New York Times. ' Betting In the financial district on the gubernatorial e'ection yesterday was nil, the sporting element in the Street giving most of its. attention to the baseball series. G..B. de Chadenes ft Co.& reported that they had l placed ll.OOO even money- on Governor Miller to he re elected, this being the amount offered during the Oast two days.' At the close of the market uie nrm quoiea uus of 12 to 10 on Miller and even on Smith. ' Death Sentence Commifted. ' :nB AaiMHrtale . Preaa.1 Raleigh. Oct. 0. The death sentence of Joseph Johnson, negro, of Washing ton county,, convicted or nrst aegree burglary was commuted to life im prisonment by Governor -Morrison.. He ws to he executea next rnuuy; Commution was reoommendwt ny the Judge, solicitor and every memlier of the Jury that convicted Johnson, ana by officers and 2W1 citizens or wasn lnaton county.. The appeal ior com mution was . made to t the Governor by P. H. Belt negro lawyer or riy month.'.,. ff Mr Thomas F. Bayard ls elected to the Senate Nfrom Delaware .next month, bewlll'be the sixth memlier of hit family o represent . his state in that bodv. i That is. needless to say. quite, without parallel ln the history of the Senate. The most eminent oi mr. Bayard's relatives in the public ser vice were Thomas F. Bayard who was Secretary of State and Ambassador to Great Britain ln PresldPiit Cleveland's administrations, , and James Asheton Bayard who was a Federalist Senator In the early years of the nineteenth century. - ,: ''';'" ,- .-''!. , Wte know a, case of nerves that Isn't' a thing but a case of nerve. I FATHER KUL CHILDREN; ' J THLX COMMITS hi .CEDE ilamaOHr to rwnar tolomral U B-j Beved to Hart Cuntd Maa to Cee-' nU Crioae, ' - l tfe rr ) EorhcatPT, X. T. Ort. 0. Tbe body of a father a ad three nf kla rhildrra I lay aide by aide In an onderlaklu- " whose agc rang turn atx awolha to Tra. arrre drowwd lu the Uib tub of thrlr bom BP by IhWr father. Wll-I i Ham K. trbeeler. wbn tben nrad a bul- I Irt Into Ida owa bnrtn. . Dttpnnriracrl beranae of Inability to obtain employ-' i f a vwn rnTTr"IIT meat was rTMnili) for tbe- erlun'.'A' 3 1" UUUI1 1 P011' 3ri. Wheeler dl-oTprwl ,n tt( retnrnhut from chnrch. A' note protruding fmui beneath the; bathroom told of tbV act nf tbe him-' I1 nd gave Inatrtk liona for the dia- ixwal of la laly tud the furniture l,,f th. I,..,,,. I Tlie note aal - it"' "Dear Willy : It! i to come at Inst way out. ' Pay : what I did It ip kids 'with nip I can cee no other np erery hill. Tha for. il'm taking ti so thnt yon and no lone clue ran my , . h ZZ t 1 " I'unitH n ,f I w. tn n-ih, nmy n. mi lert a hnnlen on ini. ,, on , .," i,t .,, . v-. wheeler told Hie Dollre thnt Voting Venetian Girt I Orates Iliibk n 1 Kprincs. (Correspondence of ssclated Prei.) Rome. Sept. KI.-Aiwista Del PI" Ltiocrn. lienHfnl tiihih clrl nf Vunlio 'i, i..n ,.i k ,ii m '.nl.le and oleasant entt.1 ovment. Italvl"'"1" "''." W" lKfore the. . . , ., . . x , 19 ni-iiinii,i IUiriTH'll. J1IL IllMV ill two things, tlie location of pptroleuni. for all the world wants oil, and the finillnir nf n-nter fn Uib rimiivht I V f. L,mmi the past two summers is said to lie hut the beginning of a. long dry spell. To Augusta Del Plo Lout" Is nscrllied the ability to locate he deposit, within the earth, of both oil and water, and her successes, have been o remarkable thnt her services ore: bring sought by (companies interested in oil production and irrigation. J . Augusta first notlced Iter ability when a child. Whei walking in the country she would notice little shocks passing from her 'fei't to her head, causing her distinct pain. Io lftftli she met n foinOus water diviner, Chiabrera. and found "that his divining rod acted us well for her as it did for hlin. fA year later she went to Ar gentina nnd, making qse of her powers,' indicated a number rf places where water was found; but n some 'Instances it turned out to lie spit." ! Back in Italy after She war Augusta, in the presence of tvwi engineers, has ntpet-Mileuin and deposits of pyrites. She no long-' er uses the divining rod, hnt a chrono meter. - It Is said that thus equipiied she, can tell with remarkable accuracy the depth at which the water will he discovered, and whether it is scanty or abundant. . Red Cross Convention. Washington, I). ('.. Oct. !. Repre sentatives of the 3,(i2li chapters of (be American Red Cross in .the United States were on hnnd here todav for the opening of the annual national ident, Harding, who is ex-offlclo presi dent of-the soi-iety. was one of the speakers-at the opening session. Oth ers of prominence who arc scheduled to address the convention Include Gen eral Pershing, Commander MnVNldcr of the . American Legion, Colonel Forbes of the Veterans.' Bureau. Sec retary of Commerce Hoover, Sir Claude Hill, chairman of the League of Red Cross Societies ; Dr. A. Ross Hill, vice chairman of the American Red Cross in charge of foreign operations, Chief Justice Tnft, Solicitor General Beck, Mrs. Augustus. Belmont; nnd President Livingston Farrand of Cornell Univer sity. . ;' : Subjects on the program include In terests' of the former service man and his family,; and the foreign work of the organization. With Our Advertisers. See list of new October Victor rec- ords in new ad. of Bell A Harris Fur- nitureCo,' For hats, silk hose or hair nets go to the Speclnlty Hat Shop. Hoover s will hnve a tailoring open ing today, tomorrow and Wednesday, when fr. J. Harry Rosenberger will be with them, Living room suites at the Bell Harris Furniture Co. : ' See new ad. of the McWade nnerl,, .i.m-in their nuinliood at. a tulies, for. sale by the Home Educa tlunul Co. ; , Bee tne new nu. aneut piieiess rur nuces liy the Concord Furniture 'Co. The certificates of deposit of the Citizens Bank and Trust .Company earn four per cent, intesest, nnd the money is available for- you when you need it -. -!,": , - . Have a Year Round Garden. Raleigh, Oct. 9. About 75 kinds of yegetnbles may he grown In theNorth i o.uu.m umm: si.. -m. every day, reports Mr. O. I. Matthpws, or the ortn Carolina fcxperinient bib- tmn.j About 20 vegetames can. ne planted now which will lie readly, for lise in tne late inn nna winter momiis. Full directions about how to hnve a home gnrdfn and a succession of vege - V-""? , ,,V"X.i found In Extension Circulars HI. 122 and 123, which may be had on appll- cation to the Editor, Agricultural Ex- tension Service, Raleigh, N. C. . "Trinity football classic this season ;. 1- . i. i, , -m .. - Iwill Jje played' at Greensboro, Satur- Argument to Be Heard November 20. day, October 28.--AS, stated by gridu Washington, Oct. 0. The Supreme ate !manger of ; athletics, Dr. J; M. Court assigned for argument on No-! Doug as, this comes as n final decisln.i vemher 20 the cases brought by the between officials ef both institutions. Southern, Atlnntle nnd Yadkin, Sea-!, - ' - board Aly Line nnd , the Norfollr. ' If the problem of using ntomlc en railroads against certnln offlcers of ergy were, solved, Instead of using a the State of North Carolina, restrain' thousand tons of coal to drive a Ing tbera from enforcing certain tax ' steamboat from Liverpool to. New laws pending" Judicial determination of .York, the same result could be ob tbe Issues raised by tbe railroads. tulned from a bit aa big as a walnut ATTAINED BY G!AN IS New. York Nationals Mn,w1h""- "' JMvJUj,, - atiiicai iiuuuiB ui xmisvinui by Defeating Yankees in 41 tTVaTll- ATI . uieruia uaroe. HARD EACH DAYi'T!!! J? "TlILX 1 1 ' ' . An1 TKia tfo-hrinn- Cnm't r Lt d t:JZ Brought' SUCCCSS Victory' of Diflntjl ITncpt All th'Xw York b,nw- arreted as lnipllcat- Pre-SerieS D0p." iday for bis apPMrnnce at the Taylora- jvilh? bearing. It was announced that , . I New York, Oct. ft. Just liefore the oHning of the world aerlea Inst Wed-isey, r111 John Joseph MKiraw. Hume-'and Alleghany '" '"Utile Ndiadenii." said, cited to npiNt ,he ,.,,, with fn m(1Bt MMIK!Htellt flKht-Urll Thursdav. ere wins the most " 1 mi 11 games. His statement has lieen vindicated, con-J Armed and sealed. Ills (Jlnnts, rated' ieii nun wHini. ins uillllis, nneii. n by the most conservative exierts, I having nothing more than a faint! ertw as lighting chance to win one mime, lmt-l tied through the finished "sillier play-! Winston-Salem. Oct. 0. O. J. Leh ing" of the Yankees, won. four games, man, ofi Bethanhi. this county, is jier tieil one. lost noisp and are still world haps the oldest cornet player in the champions. From every approach that. country. If nut In the world. iiirsr game ine tiiants were considered game the (Hants were considered' a Uiiten olub a badly lieaten clnli. , Figure sa.d the Giants had but one """ r. m-i, ". r i.i.., ". elKe ,,ut unlieatable hurlers .1 ; .. 1 . 1 . ..!.!... !., ( I... '.l .. l-.w. twwl and that pitching won every world se- nes- , The score of yesterday's game that docldod the series for the Nationals I was (ft to .8. but thnt is only an imi-! dent. Exactly how it was done is a mutter of detail.' The Giants won' that pane and all the others captur ed liecouse they were the "most con sistent lighters." Of course the Giants have ability. The Giants are giants. It, wns courage ,nnd skill thot en abled "Long' George" Kelly to st might en out a Joe Bush "fork" ball In the eighth inning of the game yesterday when the Giants were one run behind l' .i .i . and the bases full with two outs. He had just been belittled by Miller Hug-1 gins, ninnager of the innks, who or- dered Bush to pass "Pep" Young tojknowed you wns Deuipsey," the negro get n cnance ut tne "easy mum. The nla.v W-as the climax of the game nmMhe series,. tind will remain a ntw of qontvMreyi .SaBflswM gins was jnstitletl in having young passed to get at Kelly, many including McGrnw himself, say it was smart baseball. Long George wins the weak est Imtter In the winning line-up. Young wn almost n hitting certainty. Bush sent over n wide one. Then he shot up one of his fast ones. Kelly, awkward and gaunt, lient over the plule. His lips were set. He gri ped the bat tightly. He met the fast. one .squarely the tying nud winning runs were scored. j Monslgnor Lavelle Sorrows Over Con dition of Ireland (Correspondence of Associated Press.) Dublin, Sept. 15 Monsignor Michael J. Lavelle, rector of St. Patrick's Cathedral,' New York, is on n visit to Sligo, nccompauied by Monsignor Wall of New York. Monsignor Lnvelle was one of the - men who, during Eamon De Valera's visit to America gave bin support in organizing" meetings, to pro vide dollars to help bring about Irish freedom. "We came to Ireland to see for our selves," said Monsignor Lavelle to the correspondent "the true state of things over here. We are returning, to our people With sorry hearts and with the conviction that all we did was so innc;h fruitless, effort on behalf of Ireland. It pains one lieybnd measure to think that such a glorious oppor tunity for this country should have been turned by the hands of her own sons into one of the greatest tragedies 0f her whole history. 1 "While we ore sick at heart, we are not without hope that even now, at the 11th hour, these men will see the folly of their ways, and If they Move their country as they claim to do, they will. in the nam of God, cense their de struction and find some other .mean ap,fii theti. iHfferenoes than that ,nt 1Btitl (iPa(.rt .-of their own lnnd - time tm ls wauted t0 mlil(, tue coun. Htrv un." Editors Warned By Irregulars of Erin. London, Oct 5.-r-Itish irregulars. thwarted in their . attempts., to wtp press or intmidate the Dublin press by smashing printing' plants, have adoDted a new ihethod--threateuing editors with death If they remain in the city. That came as .private lu farmatlon t0 yonr correspondent to- iny lt having been ignored in Dublin even to the extent . that corre- B1)0njent m not send out the news. It , underst0(rf that Sunday was get M the tlm8 llmlt whlch. the ar-, MV ,.i1A pditors' In letters delivered by hand to their homes. For . tne present papers are appearing as usual turner me same eanwrs.,i - , T ' " ' Trinity-Davidson Game October 38. Davidson, Oct 8. The Davidson- TAVL0B8VTLLB CASE AGAIN DrfeadeaU to Be Uvea Reaftog aa Thupday W TUs Week. . tmr tae JUmuM Vmi Wlnatun-Kalem. Oct. B The defend awls arhe are alleged to hare bin tm- , plicated la the TaylorsTUle aaatolt mae la which K L. Jeoklna. Jaral en-bant, araa given an lleged mok a bmiD or nten. fidlimlua: a! pi" tal'Tt ColrtaaD I'arne at TayloraTille uo ThurwUy of a -p-..,. this week. It waa announced bere to liiy by J. C. tUAA. ooe of tbe Htate of ftcera uf tbe Kn Klnx Klan. who baa the holdup ami kliliu)itng affair were attired In nwnimea reHcmMing thtwe P. A.' Tinker, traveling auditor of a warrants have lieen executed on Ralph Itichu rdmin. John Black. Ueoree Hal- Unu mid ' MacK Jones, of Ashe counties, and they are npiiear at Tayloravllle for OLDEST CORNET PLAYER . - Lehman, of Forsyth, Is Perhaps OIt Come Player In tbe World. Aola Pma.i I have lieen blowing a horn for 72 years." said Mr. Ihimin today, who has passed his S5th birthdav. He was a meuilier of the band of the 21st .un II 1 aroilllll reglllieiH IIiniUKaillll. the Olvll War and after returning x........ 11 I . . . , Rnu playing ln the old Salem band and for years has been, leader of tlie Mo - i - avlnn band in Rethanln. . , PROFITS FROM LIKENESS TO JACK DEMPSEV' .... - Negro Who Ran Into Hint Apologized I woctm Whn Kan llllA Him annlfl. vail When Someone Called Him "Jack." Br the AjaoIate4 Pnn.1 Asheville, Oct. ft. High Point, who Dempsey Isith in form and face, prof-: its from tbe lrkeness. Yesterday Mike Johnson, negro, who bumped Into him and rebounded under. the force of Bnrris' fist, : profusely apol-. ogized when he heard a companion call jsnrrls "Jack." .. ' ! -i wouldn't a bumped yon if I'd said. Famous Musicians Guest of Mrs. Wag- - - i ..I.. . -i.i-tv Sir. Mislest Altschecler, conductor of he Russian Symphony Miss Centa Hoffman, harpist Mr Stringfie d the flutist, were guests of Mrs. Jnnie Pat- lu..n 11'.. i.ii.i.i. nn SCim.l.l Mi Alf. terson Wagoner on Sunday. Mr. Alt- scuecier K"e .urn. i iiKtiiifr w cmuinwi- non u rai..e no.ig, a p.i.ce ui. .ue program dining tne unnriotre esti- val rendered by Elius Breeskin, violin ist ciiiicert maestro accompanied by,Mu )thw. isseg wilI awar,ed Miss Hoffman, harpist. The piece wus . o fh'e ruleg and ,n proport enthusiastically received, and the com poser called to the platform, and given quite an ovation. Mr. Altschecler, director of Sym phony, advises Mrs. Wagoner to com plete musical comijosltions she has written for the publishers, for her lnusicar Interpretations are not local hut national, and so place her name with the musical composers who hnve won recognition for which they work ed nnd which awaits Jnnie Patterson Wagoner when she gives to the public her work. To Use bark for Fuel. Detroit, Mich., Oct... How to re lieve the shortage of -fuel by the use in paper mill power plants of bark from wood as a substitute for' coal is being studied in a series of exhsus tltve tests, lu three Wisconsin mills, and a report of the results will be one of the Important features of the an nual convention opened here today by the Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry. 1 Three mills handling similar species of wood, as part of the Techincal As sociation's campaign to eliminate waste. The use of bark for fuel will lie of par ticular Interest to paper mills, for many of the most notible cases of shut down of mills because of coal shortage have been ln the paper industry in Mich igan. The commonest of all place-names in England Is Newton, which occurs no fewer than 72 times in different parts of the country. Answering the Housing' Problem -. "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TO; JUST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." . i . , : .. ., ". '-.' .'..vv. :' ;,"-4.0.v...- t-, t YOU CAN And a place to live A BETTER PLACF, to live than you've given any consideration toYOUR OWN HOME. : OWN TOUR HOME. . ' For twenty-five years we hnve been loaning money on weekly ; - and monthly psvments under a plan that leads to home ownership nnd today CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who are ' not 'concerned aliont renting problems. . YOU, TOO, CAN BE IN- DEPENDENT of the landlord. . , , The wav to do lt is to take out some shares in Series No. M of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW ; OPEN and let na-help you. : . . . ; ' , . ; J- i - e ; .' ,;'' - COME IN AND LET US TELL TOU ALL ABOUT IT. : Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association. . Office in Concord . National Bank "SALESMANSHIP CLUB" OFFICIALLY OPEliS -. ) fw - for Three Autos .With PublicaUon itxlay of Candidates for the Rich Prizes. . NEW MEMBERS WILL . BE ADDED TO LIST The Plan of Awarding the Prizes Assures an Equal Distribution and There Are Three Automobiles. .' . . Today marks tbe beginning of one of tbe mist Interesting circulation caniiwigns ever undertaken by amews piiier in this section of the L'nited States. Thousands of dolura in val uable and appropriate prizes are of- . fered the coniiietitors. The list of the ineiiilem who hnve sent in their names or have been nominated by some friend or acquaintance is published to day. The list is comprised, of the en ergetic, ambitious and wide-awake folks who are quick to appreciate the great value of every prize offered, and the splendid opportunity to acquire these prizes ln exchange for their ef forts during spare moments. Only the votes allowed on the first nomination coupon are published for each mem. . I... - 1. 1 r ....I . I. .. . . I. votes and subscriptions lit once. Sev-, '""' ve already seenmt a lew snn- I wrlptions. The votes will be publish- ed from time to time during the drive. las they are received and accented for publication. - ' , An Honor Roll. ir may oe consiuered quire an nonor to lie identified with nn organization such as The Tribune and Times "Sales- . . t , ... ,. .. i-im umi iiiiwii ui nin be--members thus fur will begin securing Jack Mnrrls, of nlanship Club", and given the Vprlvl resembles Jack lege of competing with such represen- tat ive people. A The, Tribune and Times have always prided themselves uixm the fact that they cater to the very best people dl this section. 'The list today proves that their good friends are willing to do their shnrejtowards boosting tho circulation of these two " popular newsiMpers, ' , Room For More. Six thousand dollars is the value of till. rm,-l OA Klut ..nil thai, la n InviMk... , I'hilitiiier. n8 vnlnnlile unit nttrjwittvn . . --.j-.n-v, iv Vi uea., j ee tact tnor tnose wna corn- SLi.. '2tnJ,, ..i ... a the reRn,aI.-prl!tesl wlU J paid ..lln- , t.a!ih (.0Uiniisf,1(m uonevery dol- to . of hmlnml theT ..... makes the "Salesmanship Club" all more attractive.' The plan of awardlne the rll!es assure8 nn eauni ,,terl.lmltioll ..., thpre flre three aiir,w mobiles given as tbe main awards. ac- proportlon to the success the members meet with - , in securing subscriptions. -, Prize Winning Is Easy. Prize winning, liecomes easier when there are ninny workers ln the fiehl, : as the work will be more evenly di- vided among . them, nnd the person ; winning any of the big prizes can do so with smaller scores. ? It is highly important, however, thnt those who expect to compete and : make a wining race, send in their nom ination coupons at once. A good be ginning means a good ending and as ' 1 1... fi in i. la ci uli i ii-1' 11- la ImnAmtlva I .. V 1 1 11. V, . 1. 111. 1,1.11. 1, . , . . 1 .1.11.. ..... 1 . that they begin 'immediately.' i t 1 We extend you a specinl invitation K.iiriM. mi NamA. I V '.. to Join the "Salesmanship Club" and win one of tbe magnificent prizes. , Yon will find the work both interest, ing nnd highly profitable and every as sistance will lie given, in helping jou outline a successiui campaign. ! au one needs to do in order to' enter the Club" is to clip out the nomination coupon which appears today and mail or bring it to the "Salesmanship Club"; headquarters Tribune Building. Full . particulars, receipt books and all in formation pertaining to the prizes, and' to hte drive in general -will lie furnish ed and every attention will- be paid yon. By sending in your nomination today lt will appear in the next pulK lished list, and thousands of votes will' be given you by friends nnd acquaint-: unces who see your name listed. . .. . , You cannot dodge, your responsibility by runinng away . from duty. t 4