OODOOOOO O TODAY'S O O ' NDS'S O O TODAY. O oooooooo The ' ' ' ' I f- MLY ooooqooc O ASSOCIATED l O PRESS a O DISPATCHES a IBUNE oooooooq (PilTPTh TR IN. VU' BA ' 4 i . . . ' . VOLUME XXII. Congressman From Eighth N. . C District Spoke to Large J Crowd in the Court House MANY WOMEN IN !; . LARGE AUDIENCE Reviews Record of the Demo- crats and Scores Infidelity ' '..of Republicans in Harding AununisiraiiQn. . Scoring Republican Infidelity, espe cially as Ir relates to ex-service men i and' praising the good (lewis of tba Democratic parey In listening to the voice or humanity Instead of to the , voice of "big business." HiHii R. I.. I Knighton optned his Cabarrus Comity Kiupuifoi for reelection to Congress n't the court house Thursday 'nlhf. He was introduced by Major W. A. Full sm "the Idol of Cabarrus." ' 'Farmer lloh" won heard hy a large erowd. aud a large number of women were in -the audience. He will con tinue hit campaign in tliix ennntv lir speaking at Mt. Pleasant tonurht null at Knunapolls tomorrow night.. The siiciiker expressed his delight at the intercut (he women ara taking in poll tics, lis erldeneed by the large num her present; nud declared that he be livrd women would help polities, for tney "are the most elevating, the Inoat uplifting and most sanctifying Influence in tne world. He also declared that me election in -Mivemlier was a moat important one, and he urged everyone to register and vote. A review of the acts of the two major pi me, .ur. Houghton stated at the Iteglniiing of his sjieeeh, would form the bawls of his talk. He would make the contrast, he declared, so that peo ple who heard him would he able to get a better Idea as to which party de served' their support. "Hy their fruits ye shall know them," is a Bible truth that none can (lis , pute, he raid, and 1n relation to the two parties this truth Is especially striking. The great difference he . twMit tlie two parties, he said, can I .xiiuii no union a . i ut- liilocrais come to' you with performances the Republicans come with ytalms, exense '"The reorinf tle 1 WurirteraHc pa f ty, while hi power from lill.'l to 11121, fs u.nlolnn.1 a ..11 ira.. I . .. . . . a record of which every ns niber of the party can lwpronml." the Congressman stared. More legislation was wrought during the period for the benefit of the masses than was ever wrought dur ing a similar Mine by any party." He men weiii on ro explain in detail some of the accomplishments of the Demo crats as follows : The Underwood-Simmons Tariff Bill. This bill , he said, raised more revenue with less burden oil the public, than any other hilt, in the histotry of the country. Federal Reserve Lsw. This law, he explained;-will remain forjrears as the "wisest piece of financial legislation ever enacted -by any country." , . The law, he said, brought all of the flnan j clal resources of the country under one cvnu-ui, nim. lev uiu Honiara me iimimng conditions of the world., , Federal Trade Commission. The com.niisslon.'he pointed out, under Dem ocratic management, regulated big busi ness and , little business alike.and all got along fine together when the Dem ocrats were in control. Any trouble now rests with the enforcement of the law and not with the law. Bonn! of Conciliation and Media flop. This board. It was pointed out by Mr. Dnughton, was done away with y uie nepunucana who sunsururea the Railroad Lnlior Board in Its stead. Tlie failure, of, the move was shown In the recent rail strike, he said. The Farm Loan Law. This law made It possible for the farmer of til CllltitlV tt' IwiriViiu infiii'liu fit, fila I ,,,.1 on long term, witlflow intevest for the first time In history. Establishment of n Department of Agriculture., This was done during , the administration ; of flrover Cleve land, and the Republicans had never made any. effort to recognize In this manner the farmer; the speaker said.. OooT Roads Law. f .Thi law, Mr. Doiighton pointed out, helped the far mers also, uecause it was designed to Improve rural roads. " The result o the law, he also oald. shows bow many . dollars, not promises, , the Democrats ient into this State for these roads! i '' I114.8S2, In 1017: 22H.'000 In 1019; $1,482,000 in 1010 $2,10500 In 1020,! $2,270,000 In 1021. , ; ' , , -.. When the Republlcnns got back In power Mr. Dough ton explained; this was' cut .down at once. 1 In 1022 the State received $1,700,000 ad $1,1$ 004). has been appropriated for next v yearv The DeiiKK-rats under the law, lie pointed out; sent alKmt $10,000.(KM) into tuiH Tstiiro, i nat is aoout ? i.otxi, 0K for each of the 10 districts, t In the entire United States in the last Democratic year $10O,(io0,000 was given ' lindot this Intir : This ve-ir tlia nnnnli. r-iicaiw gav $30,000,000, v, r i The Parcel Post liw and .Farm Dem onstrntlon legislation were cited. ' ' . Establishment of Iabof Department This depactnieut was established in' the Wllsun administration. Mr. Douch- DDUGHTOUOPEHSHIS ton' pointed out, to give the .laboring . man equal recognition Jn the Vablnet , with the capitalist, the manufacturer and the farmer. As a result of these, and other acts . ' designed to help the masses the coun- (Cont'nued on page flr.) , '. A A " , THK KATE Hg.UtINO MU OwmW to F-xponn Eft dcaM Bti the L L f . ! thm ia wtiiiM imm AsbertlU., im. t-Dlffemce W oiJul to tbe pnmi trright rate rerWosi from tbe (Vairal rreigbt AaMirlatbia terrllorjr Into tbe trnuih eart it affeiia this ntato. hetwvra lb Nnrtk Carolina C..nrali.Mi ami the North Carolina Tram.- Amirta. tlf ruliuliwtMt bore today ia J. . Orllfln, Horner fur ih Tniu (hitloa that a larn mr ..r ih.-.! UetH-e preaented Iwfor the IntenHatel (oihiner. hearing by W. u. Womble rate Herk fur the Cwtumii.. ..... -.1- Hi, , le expnnged fr..m the re,rd. Jos. B. hastnuin. ineuber of the .il,...,.i iuimlsai(in who was presiding, over - ruled the motion. The traffic nrganixation has taken the pinion throughout that .orth 1?.. '? "H" vltb J"nt ir nnuiiur, anil ougnt to I re- lieved fniin anr further tini,., - with traffic changes. The Corporation CoiomlHslou assuming that the orals - sion of this Htnte from consideration im me iM-em-nt is an utter impossiliil. Ityt has presented documents tending to show the present ratea should lie reduced, rather v than iermitted ro stand or be 'subjected to revision In Mile with the carrier's nrntunuils . . - - 1 .Mr. ttrllnn aueslioueH the antlmrltu , . . - - or Mr. onible to speak, for this State. declaring he had not q mil I tied as an exnert of r cords. "We do not know who he represents and we have no way of discovering It," Mr. Griffin re- The message said the City of Mono marked. Certainly, the lawyer said, 'lulu was burned beyond repair and Mr. Wbrnble does not reurt sent the It would be two Vol at Idfla-f htt'Afo views cf the 520 members of the North Carolina. Traffic Assoclatloii.On their behalf tlie nttorney noted an eDcen- tlj.n .... - .11 V 11.. . - w.u i.i a iiiniiK ty me cammissioner. :me passengers luid been effected with- Coi'iHirHtion Commissioner A. .1. out particular Incident. Maxwell, who examined Mr. Womble Two massages sent by the Thomas during the prolonged intriHluction of today to army transport .headquarters his testimony, wild he hud 110 extend- w re made public 011 their receipt The M argument to offer In response to first said the Thomas was alnngside Mr. (litfln. lie npimrently felt there of the West Faralon at 3 a m and was no chance of the motion stiind- the second said it had been decided to ing, taking the position that nothing wait until dawn to transfer the pas from him was necessary more than sengers "a3 they are as eep " Aecord tlie mere stntenient that he did not , ing to this 'ast message the West Far assent to that portion of hte motion re-1 alon advised the Thomas it d d not biting to the Wouible testimony. j have proper accommodations for the Tnpsv intitKn at 1 1st .passengers and crew of the Honolulu. TOPS! LOADED AT LAST T1)6 Eecond messilge gHVe the ist Big Circus Elephant is Now 8ate!rrom i?e 1 "y or Honolulu as 39 wo- Aboard an 80-Ton Box Car, 4 Hy Ibe AasoHntea frraa.! Wilmintton. '(let. 13. After jumping her contract with n circus here Monday! nlfiht and goitiR on n'ranipaxe In Wll- miiiKton and environs for three days, Topsy, the 4-ton" elephant, ts now aboard an '80-ton box car en route to Charleston. S. C., where she will re join the show and prolwbly take her place in one of the rings. Topsy was in a mlirhtv mrvous state t . ,. . , 111 1 . utm . Hiwui 11 11- nilnptoii and nearby 'swamps, ami ab solutely refused to go into the berth which had been so comfortably ar ranged for her on a box car. Her trainers petted and pleaded with re bnt she declined. As Topsy had es caped twice wliiie being loaded since ner nrst getaway on Monday night, her trainers did not think it advisable to take any chances, arid a hoisting engine was brought into play. She wiggled and fussed n bit but whe was hoisted Into the car. Topsy's sleeper was nttnehed to a freight train at S a. m, today and started on its journey to Charleston, S. C. ' Topsy's visit to Wilmington will not lie soon forgottep here. She damage n.lllillln in 1 . ..' ...... 1 ..4 . . .. 1 ii ujpvi 1,1 n, iiitr t-Ait-iiL ol several thousand dollars, it is claimed, and terrorized people who are not accus tomed to walking around elephants. suits have lieen instituted neninst the-l circus to recover alleged damages. THE COTTON MARKET After Opening Firm the Market Soon Showed Not Advances of 15 to 18 Points. - . (Br the Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 13. Tlie cotton mar ket wns influenced by relative firm cables and continued reports of ac tivity in the cotton goods market nt the opening today. There was prol ably scattered buying to replace the cotton .sold before the holiday while houses .with Liverpool and other for eign Connections were among' the early buyers, and nfter opening firm at nn advance of 10 to 17 points, the market soon showed net advances of 15 to 18 point with Peei'inlicr selling at 2213, or into tie high ground for the move ment. " . Cotton futures opened firm : De- cemlier 21.08; January 21.84; March 21.08,; May 21.00; July 21.72. Hording to fall Special Session.. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, ! Oct. : 13. President Harding was 'declared today by Con gressional, leaders who have recently conferred with him to he disposed to cnll - Congress in a special, sesslou about November 20th 1 NIAHINC CQMfHATi RESCUED PASSENGERS YTRAHSPORT Persons Taken from Steamer City of Honolulu, Which Was Burned at Sea, Being Carried to San Francisco. :TRANSFERRED FROM ' . t. tL, i UUKIN1IU VESSEL j . TVi.i,f. M.J. wjl n Iransfer Made Withoue Par- ticular- Incident More rrL nnn r " 7, ' Inan ZOO Persona On thp Burned Vessel" 1 casci. ' 1 san FTandsco, Oct. 13. (By the A eoclated Press.) The passengers of the City of Honolulu which burned at sea yesterday, were transferred to the U. S. the rnsi:i ahfn U'o.i .!. .... f , ..v-ij.. .luiuji, at uiit.il twlav anfnrrliiifr t, .n nmn!.. 1 - ' o " .u uiiiLin. iii,.n,i t" received by the FeUejal Tell graph Co The Thomas is due in San Francisco' tomorrow, but tt 13 expected she will ' be at least a iav into any ship would be able to approach her on account of the intense heat The message inilicatoii 11.,, r.erur ..i ... ..." i. : '"'i. oo men, ana i memDers of the vm . ...,c ' "v."1 ; Restraining Order by New York Jutlee Holds up Law Govemina Lienor nn Shins. ' IB Ik Aasaclatea prem., Washington. , Oct. la.i-l'rohibition oflicinls said today the enforcement nt Ifhf newjUnjKainiiiwt Uonnr on ships iiruruHay-win npstti.veo: generally un til Octolier 17th. as a result of the re straining order returnable 011 that date, issued by Federal Judge Hand, of New York. J. J. Biltt, chief counsel of the pro. hibitlon unit, declared that although technically the restraining order would halt enforcement of the new ruling only in Judge Hand's district "by implication" the stay would also apply throughout the country gener ally. RAX AWAY FROM" HOME AND POSED AS A ROY Margaret Davis. High School GlrL Found Working on a' Farm Under Amine or "Dick" Davis (Br the Asssotatea Press. Phlcago, Oct. 13i iMargaret Davis, 14, one of . the three missing Chicago High School girls for whom a wide search has been made since last .Mon day, was found last night masquared Ing as a boy. under the name of ''Dick'.' uavis, and working as a hand nn a farm near Roselle. 23 miles west of hlcago. With a corn cob pipe and a pack age cf cigerettes stUl in her overalls Dick awaited the arrival of her parents, frantic for four days with their theory of murder, kidnapping or romance. Detectives searched the rooming house district today for Ivy Reeves and Frances Reilly, believed to have run away in search of careers. Clothing Sale at Farley's. In a wige ad. In this iwper tmlay the James II. . Farley . Store tells of a smashing clothing sale which it is conducting here The store is not only offering clothing at a hig reduc tion over usual prices, but it also, af fords an easy pnyment system. Boys two pants suits, mens suits, men's lints, women's dresses, coats, suits, hats and shoes, men's shirts and other commodities in the store are lielng offered nt attractive prices for the sale. And $1.00 down gets the goods. The rest is paid In easy Installments. Read page ad. in this paper for further particulars. Do It Now Everybody knows that it is a good thing to save, that only by saving can succes come, ' But it is not what you ;KNOW that helps you.. It is what you DO. Start a Savings Account to day and have" money of your own. " ' :' CONCORD, N.C, FRIDAYPCTOBER 13, 1922. WFDMfr. OF rTIDE ITTTIFHT " fcOLtHSUEDHUE fm LEAD AT si rtnsot SarrM U Sir. W. jn. nmistruaa, f AbUMaa. Elegant dUvit aod rturnilaa idia pXty marked (be marrig of M:a Nan Cannon muI Mr. W. W. String ta low at the. residence of ilr. sjii Mra. J. Archibald Cannon, the r rinei a inKher of the bride. The ore many perforated by the Her. Iboitaa Oplt, aa old rrlend of the froum. mmi rector of lb Epis copal Church aw Rod Spr-ng. N. C. He was assisted; by R(.y. Jesse C. Rowan, pastor af the Flril Preit.y terian Church of i.nrd. The wedding march waa played by Mlsa Alice Slater C111111011, of Salisbury a aister of the bride. The bride and groom emen d the drawing room together and the vow were spoken In r. nt of a bcMutifu! bsak of fema and pai rs and Catbcd ial candlesj There were no; attendants except the irother of the bride. Mr. rannnn who gave her away. The bride wastv'erv beautiful in iui Imported suit of hand embroidered Morocain w.th hat t mitch, irimmed in oatr.ch. Herj bouquet waa ol brides roses and lillies cf the valley. Yi-s. Archibald '"inujj, sister-in-law of the bride, was charming in a gown of peiich colored satin ana chif fon with, real .ace drapery and dr- Gage bouquet of lillies of the vulley. An elegant and delicious buffet sup per was served, if The dining room table was covered with an exquisite Imported Turkish cover of handmade cloth of silver, in the center of which was a handsome silver basket filled with beautiful white chrysanthemums. The only other decorations were four massive silver candlesticks with white candles Hint shed a soft .light. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Wadswoith, Mrs. J. c. Patton, and Mrs. J. A. ('. Wadsworth, of Charlotte; Mrs. David Franklin Cannon, Sr., Mlsa- Alice S ater Can mm-and iMessrs Douglass and Theo dore irf Salisbury? Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Opie of Red Springs and 'Mr. and Mrs. John ('. McDowell and son. of Morganton. i Mrs. StrlngfHIow is the daughter Of the late Davhl Franklin Cannon, a prominent and leading cotton manu facturer and banker ::f Concord and tlie Sta e of his day She is a noted beautv and is social ly prominent lu Ninth Carolina and Baltimore. She Is, connected ' with some of the, most iirominent families- in the State. 5 !Mr. Stringf sllow is one of the most distinguished genftmen of Alabama and the South. Hi is noted for his courtly manner, generosity and -ub-lis spirit aud has arge business in terests in Anniston.jils home, and Biv mlnghain, Ala? a pioneer in the development rid beautifying of Blowing R::ck, wliere 'lie is beloved by all and universally known as "Boss." His family has been promi nent in Church and State in the his tory of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Stringfellow left in their Pierce Arrow immediately after the ceremony for their beautiful new home in Anniston, Alabama, stopping in Spartanburg, Atlanta and other places en route. After a short stay in Anniston they will motor to Califor nia, where they will spend the win ter. D. - r KAJTl E OPPOSED TO GERMA.V MOiHATORlLM. Instructs Representiitive on Kepara '"tions t'ommissiou to Protest AgaJnsi Moratorium. Paris, Oct,' 13. (By the Associated Press.) The French government ha3 instructed Louis Barthon, its repre sentative on te allied reparations commission, to oppose the latest prop osition made by Sir John Bradbury that an immediate moratorium for a period of 5 years be granted Germanv on all cash payments, it was semi-of- tlcially announced this aftenoon.. With Our Advertisers. Fall clothing for men and boys at J. K. Love's. The latest styles at prices that will surprise yon. See new ad. Dresses, suits, coats, furs and hose for women at Sols Style Shop. The latest styles and materials at reason able prices. . , Success and a bunk book go hand In band. Stiirt right now by starting a liank account with the Cabarrus Savings Bank. C. II. Barrier & Co.. in a new ad. to day states that starting net week It will close each night nt 0:30. See ad. Y011 should establish bank connec tions early, says ad. today of Citi zens Bank and Trust Company. This bank is anxious to help the young man or woman who Is just beginning to keep a bank occnunt. , An Enjoyable Evening. An 'enjoyable and interesting meet ing of the Ellen l'emberton Sunday Schol Class of Central Methodist Church was held Thursday evening with Mrs. W. I), l'emberton and Mrs. M. F. Itltchle at the home of Mrs. Pemberton. After a short business session the memliers entered whole heartedly In to games of their childhood, but' per- uBiM me most enjoyume part or tno uieuuug was tne musical programme furnished by Mrs. ('. B. Wagoner nnd Miss Macey, soloists, and Misses Nell Herring and Jessie Wllleford. nlan-, Int. , . , At the close of the meeting the host esses served refreshments. Retirement of Turkish Troops Is ln'wlu (1 wel1 10 now nnd do your rrogresa. . . . t , oewi wora. miring tuis oner z-hmkni Channk, Oct 13 (By the Associated EXTRA VOTES beside the regular, Press). A. general retirement of the''00" wl" be allowed on1 each and ev'' Turkish tnsips from the Immediate cry thirty dollars worth of subserip vtclnity of Chnnak la In progress. itlons turned In nnd there Is no limit .:. . " " (to the number of extra votes you con , Motion plctnre men ' were denied get. Do not hold Iwclc your anliscrlp permlsslon to film the Interior of the tlona until the full thirty dollars Canadian House of Commons because worth la secured. Turn them . in as It wag felt that such a procedure fast as you get them and nrnner cred- would not be In keeping with the dig- nlty of the Parliament.- :: ,.:. TO It is Hard to Lose in the Salesmanship Club as All Will Be Paid for Their Efforts. BOOSTER'S DAY- LETS GO! Get Your Nomination Cou pon in on "Booster's Day" and Bedn the Winning 1 s j m ' lvalc lUne, The list published today Includes nil nomi nat Ions received nn 1.. ........ c... eral nominations have Is-en ni-e'lve I since that lime and will lie publisheil in the next list. Is your address hml section correct? It will lie appreci ated if lb" club meiiilH-rs win go over the list of names carefully and see that their imine, address and district number is correct. New Nominations Needed. There are scores and scores of good towns in the immediate territory ...1. 1,1 inr irioune ami Times mat are as yet unrepresented yiiii EAflNINGFINEAU BETTER THAN BUYING chanees of winning a fine automobile 1 started otf witli 11 liang. Thnrsdny af- " ,liMtillpry prosiier, continues the re tire exc ellent, ef. cn tlionirh vnn I ternoon Sarah lliirnliin-.lt .,,r,.....i I Port, which adds that uiiich of such side in a small community lir on a, rural route. You have as many friends I as the next one who will lie just as , cnger to support you and just as anx - tons to have you win one of the mil..t,- nio prizes. . onie on lu on booster's iiiy. Tomorrow Is Booster's Day. "One (mi re. Many are irettimr "A ( 'in Pin- feeling mid sending in their nomina tions to iipjiear in tlie next list. mors win ne mere too if you net now. (die subscription on "Rooster's lay with your nomination liliinL- will afford you an advantage in wot ting an early start in the race. Now Is tlie Time to Enter. And right, now is the time to enter and win ! The great race is open to all there" are no entrance fees. 110 'obligations, nothing required at all ex cept an honest effort ami a determin ation to make the next eight, weeks liny you big dividends for your aim re time. No one Is exRcted' or required to givelie "Salesmanship, (Tub "f;ull- ,1,1.1 mic uie .contrary , ware run omy is an. that is necessary liT owler lo be a prize winner in the drive, YOl' can enter this race and WIN! Xo matter whether you. have done anv work at all yet for subscriptions and votes or whether you have even en tered your name, you can go into this nice and with vim. energy and a de termination to succeed, WIN ONE OF THE BIG CARS. For no one yet has accumulated enough votes or subscriptions to make it uimcult for you to win. YOU HAVE AS MI CH CHANCE TO WIN A CAK AS ANY WOKKEU NOW EN- lEKEI), But this opportunity will not con tinue long. The prizes are too teinnt- ing. the offer too generous and tlie tteld embraced too large, not to de velop some wonderfully hard work ing and successful memliers. Wheth er or not you shall be one of these is entirely up to you. Think it over! Is not an offer of a prize equivalent to $L'.;.(H a week worth working far? And another offer of u prize equivalent to $107.00 per week, nnd still another equal to al most $77.00 a week. And on Ixiyond these hugely re-, umnerative offers there is a score or more all well worth working for. and lastly, the absolute guarantee Of fair and square treatment and full pay for every minute of the time von put in? llie Anderson t. ltra-Sport is fully I eunipped. Evervthinir that iroes I automobile is there, and the retail mice, that mice that von and eveiv. one else who huvs this model of ,.,',,., will pay is 20Ti0.00, not a penny less. The Anderson touring car is a clas sy car. It sells for iri7"i.tK) in real money. Win either of these cars and if you don't want to keep them vou can Certainly realize the full retail price out of either of them. The Chevrolet car is one of the' prettiest models and sells for $013.00. 1 11 mono is wort n all tlie spare time tnuf yon will put lu during. the whole drive. During tlie next eight weeks vou can win one of these cars and It can't ' cost yon a single penny. You can win; it by devoting your spare hours to the pleasant and profitable work of secur-' ing subscriptions to The Tribune and 1 Times. IS THEE ANY OTHER OFFER THAT WILL PAY YOU SCCH LARGE AM O I 'NTS ON MONEY AS THESE? And for spare time only? IN THKItK ANY OTHER WORK IN WHICH YOl'It PROFIT CAN BE SO urcil? Bear in Mind The hig extra vote offer now in e"e,"?. ''"'""K Monday.-Octolier 0th, at eight a. m. and continuing until ten p. 111., isuturtiay, octolier Jlst, Is positively the biggest nnd best vote of fer of the entlro campaign, and you Its will be given.; : The "clnbs"'of thirty dollars worth -of snbscrlptloni -i BRITISH GOVrSYMEXT TO FORMALLY TROTEST Acainst RuHna PrahiUlW lla mm NUpa laJna laJwtrOaei la GraaaVf -V.. .!.. im. 13 (Hy the Asmriatnl lrw.-.-l'nlea aa tniiUM-tbai I mnt- ed the Cmmrd Urn-, ibe British M erniaeul rullily 1 msnX furui . ly innsiKU I tie rimHan oflbv aaahw the nillna pmbibltina Ihimirs on for- elen sbliM In AnM-rinn water. It waa Mated In nrtiHnl iirtfni tiatar. (tfl Hals here, however, exnmwed the otilnlon tluit n n InjuiKtion will be Crante.1 in tbe Americnn courts. It Is iimlcrstiaal the nirernmenl takes ti. ntiltiiile of remaining In the I huckgniniid iiihI sll.iwlne the i.rlvatcl A VTl VFRV I TTTI V , .lines ,0 take the ,.d. but ,, w .AU lAI nfiic in tue event of nil lure of these efforts. THE WEST KARAI.ON TO THi Bt RXEU FREIGHTER IN Shippinr Foard Notified Thai Pium. gera Had Been Transferred to the transport Thomas. Hy (be AsasrUir Prvas.) Washingtoii. j). (L.t. i:itii freighter West Karnlon which res- """"""Kern mid crew of the steamer City of Honolulu, notified the snipping Ismrd today that after trans ferring the iiassengei's to the trans Miit Thomas she would tow the hulk of the burned vessel toward l.os An geles until met by tugs. The West Faralon gave her ixisi tlon as approximately S.K) miles off Ijis Angeles. Two Mere Organiations Started at v Two more clul s were orirnnized at the Y Thursdav n ml 1...1I1 ,.f n... around her a group of the junior ft) rls and effected an organisation choosing ollicers as follows: Virginia ' Keetl, president: Askins Ivey, vice- president: Mary Orchard Boger. Sec- rotary: and Edna Yorke. treasurer These girls will meet again nt 11 a. ,"M1' ,IK"'B with""t !eing cleansed. ' 111. Saturday , at tlie Y. All girls iii j Activity of law enforcement officers . the grades are welcome to join thisi""'1 ''1"'y is'iialties Imposed In feder- " group. nl and state courts has lessened the 1 The other group that got starteif off ' prohibition violations, says the report, ' ' in tine shnie was the Young Men's ! w,li,'n n,1,,s that so far no Federal pro Brotherhood with M. B. Fuller as I ""''t'"" officers have been killed In leader. Miles Wolff is president of HKn,K wltn nioonshiners this organization and U. L. Dick as I vrlous sections of the state, recording secretary. The club metll"ve ,''rmvn particular brands of again last night nnd made further ' moonshine on tlie market," said the plans for its program. It was pointed Trf'rt. "but every one of them is dau oiit by one of the numlior that there 1 "" heetiuse of the very insanitary are organizations' for the business njTO conditions surrounding its manufne but no such an opportunity is offered ! 'H1'e- ,n practically every instance o for the younger fellows employed ! sediment is left in the ferraeuters . la k the places of business. The following ' wni('n worms, hugs, roaches and mice , , men were present last night: Miles ' accumulate. I have seen such fer Wolff, Marvin Long, Ed Ilelllnger, "inters and liarrels which are allow Bailey Bost, Eb Itltchle. Fred Kestler. 0,1 ro '"ollw't swarms of such vermin Crowell Kitehie, M. B. Fuller, Joe f"r days, and then are used over again McCaskin ami Martin Verburg. Ah '.without '.lielng washed or even einn- the roll mid there seems no reason from the ethusiasm present Thursday night but tlie club will succeed. Com- mittees to draft a constitution, to work out further details for a pro- gram and to plan for a dinner in the i nioonsnme by the gi-nln corrosion on near future were appointed and these I copper stills which have not been will report next week. Invitations j Proiierly cleaned, which poison is not are waiting for any young men, em- nTected by distillation, but is trans ployed, between "the ages of 18 and !.". j ruittMl to the whiskey. In some parts Big Reunion of Coniellions. Pittsburgh, P11., Oct. 13. Cornell rniversity mates who have not seen each other In yearns, men from all sec tions of the T nited States and even from foreign parts, are in Pittsburgh for tlie third general convention of Cornell alumni, which oiicned today under the auspices of the Cornell rni versity Association of Western Penn sylvania. More than Bis hundred graduates of the Ithaca institution will take part id the two-day session. Included among them are a number of women. Wiiislon-Salein Wants Methodist Con ference. .Winston Salem, Oct. 12. The off cials of Centenary M. E. church here have decided to invite the Western North Carolina' conference to hold its 1923 session in Winston-Salem. While Centenary will be the host, the other local Methodist churches have concurrtd in the invitation to be con- curred in the invitation to be extented, a,ld 11 is expected to be accepted. .The 1922 session of the conference will convene at Monroe next Wednesday. More than $1',000.000 is collected annually by professional .alms-seekers in Greater New York. 'may be made un of six. twelve, twen- tv - four. thirtv-six or sixtv months sub- scriptlons by 11111II or by carrier. EXTEIt THE 'CLl'R TODAY. Answering the Housing Problem "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TO: Jl'ST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." YOIT CAN And a place to live A BETTER PLACE to live than you've given any consideration to Y OCR OWN HOME. ' OWN VOIR HOME. For twenty-five years we have been loaning money on weekly and monthly paymenta under a plan that leads to home ownership, nnd today CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who are not concerned nlwut renting problems, YOU, TOO, CAN BE IN DEPENDENT of the landlord. ' The way to do it is to take out some shares In Series No. 50 of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDINO LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW OPEN and let us help you. . , ; ' COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. ' Cabarrus County Building Loan and :jf : Savings Association. , .'; Office in Concord National Bank ' " , NO. 213. REPORT IS innr rui North Carolina Does Not Go in for "Home Brew" to Any Great Extent. He Says in Report to Haynes. UUiXiyiiU LaVJUUIV The Main Worry of the En forcement Officials is the "Moonshine," Which in Many Cases is Poisonous. (By ths AsssebMMl Prm.) Washington, (M. 13. North Caroli na dis-s not goln for "home brew" to any extent, and very little bonded liquor reaches the stute, the main wor ry of Federal prohibition officers -ing moonshine" luicked up by some hair tonics, denatured alcohol, Ja imiicn ginger preuirations, aci-onling : to a reMirt of It. A. Kohloss, Federal Prohibition 1 linn tor. of that state to Commissioner 1 lanes, made public to- i,,ilv 1 "lonntainous and swampy reg ' "'Hh of North Carolina make the 1111c- 'li'll,,riH KH Insanitary. 'as .'to ls unfit I rr ll,1IU"" consumption, and In many ; cases poisonous, esiiecially where cop- lr stills are corroded, anil insects and mice are iiermitted to swarm In ; f,wliluel,t Mt 'wirrels which are ' 9LIC TODAY ihrse3og, caftlp aail sheep manure hr hwl. 11 Plle nt P'annre being invarl- ' n,,lv f,,n"l wherever there is a still, "Besides the lack of sanitation a most dangerous poison is imported to , or tne state, milk cans, gasoline bar- v , . rels, garbage cans and other fllthv containers are substituted for stills." CHINAMAN SAYS MISSING PITTSBURGH GIRL IS DEAD Brings This Message to Mother of the Girl Who Disappeared, and Then Disappears Himself. IB7 the Associated Press.) Pittsburgh, Ph., Oct. 13. The po lice have searched for a week for Clara Mnrko, a waitress, also known as "Betty Myers." No trace of her could lie found. Her mother answer- ed 11 rap at' the door of their humble Carson street home and there stood a Chinaman. He carefully inquired if that were the home of "Betty." The enger mother assured him and he whlsiiercd "Your daughter dead." . Before the startled mother could make an outcry he had disapiieared. Today the police were searching Chinatown. Tuey were also hunting for a northside youth with whom the girl was friendly. He Is missing from his usual haunts. Why the Candler Children Objected to the Marriage. New Orleans. Oct. 13. (By the As sociated Press.) iMrs. Onezima De bouchel, who arrived here today de clared that opposition to her marriage to Asa G. Candler, Sr., Atlanta capi talist on the part of the. Candler chil dren was due to the fact that Cand ler at the time they" vere engagej had planned to change his will so ao leave his entire estate to her.