o o o o - - ; t . I. u J Elii'AlCHL., o o o o o a V0LL'.".2 XXII. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER, 16, 1922. NO. 215. 1l Jul 4 - li -tke:.::er:c..:ileg!o: CEEISUILfOBLffiiS Fourth Annual National Con vention Was Called to Or dcr in the Crescent City in , iius fliorniny. ENTHUSIASM IS IN ; NO WAY DLMINISIIED Practically Every State in the Union Was Represented as - Well as the Territorial ." Possessions. . N ' New Orlcns, Oct. M (By the As eoclated Pres). The American Legion opened It fourth national convention hare today. The meeting was held In a converted warehouse on the Misnln- lppi River front decorated, with flag of allied nation and red, white and blue bunting.. The Legion heard re port of the National Cuniuiaader and Adjitant. ' , Hf ' - The tagioo has in no way diminished In enthusiasm, judging from the cheers ' and activity .which pervaded New Or-It-ana lnat night, i ' - . Oad In uniforms, civilian clothe and the. costumes adopted by the state delegation, tlie veterans of the World War made merrry, held Impromptu street -dances, nml generally enjoyed themselves. ,v v. . . . . : Practically, every tate in the union waa represented as well as a number of territorial possessions and represen tatives of posts of the Legion in for eign countries. CHARGES WIFE WITH V ' . MURDER OF TWN BABIES Husband Says Babies Were Born Last Decembac and Have Not Been Seen ' Since. ' - -V; (By the AMeeiatnl Frem.) y : " Sound Bend, Indiana. Oct. 16. A try of - how be occupied the same bause with his wife, Haxel McNally, liefore and after the time be charges .he gave, birth to twin, and yet be failed to ever see tbetn. will be told In ; the Iiniuuioiid County court Thursday by Frank McNally of this city who t charges bis youug wife with the niur der.of the babies said to have been born Inst ; Deceuilier. ; he nunonnced ' rlK,h,r.M tartnv. hmtfb Carolina; wbbh opens here , 4 srrs. McNally baa been arrit4 onfiirirrn- mornlngi : : J . otff tiy her hnsliand and token to Jiuus- inond to face, trial. Tim infsnta were sold by McNally to have been horn LNAi-emlier Kth bist yenr nnd not, to hai-e been seen alive since, A searcli, however, bus fulled to reveal "any rec ords attesting to the birth of the chil dren. l i , ' Mrs. McNally Is said to deny ever having given birth to twin ::wi. THE AMERICAN LABOR ' , , .i . PARTY' 18 LAUNCHED Morris Hilouit, Well Known SoclaJtst, y - -. Presides Over Meeting. . i - . (Br tbe Auectate4 Presa.) : ' .?.V;; New York, Oct. l(l.The Amerlcnu' Labor Party wus : otllclallv launched :. yesterday at a meeting-presided over j b.v Morris Hilqnit, tor many years' no ' tive as a- uoclnlist. He said the new . party is a political partnership of the aoyiulist party the former hilwr par v,:' ty, and a numlier.of local lalKir organ- . Isations. ' 1 5- Mr. Hilqult Raid 'the new party was s started In February last by 200 men i:1- and "women representing 3,000,000 or ... ganised farmers and other workers, .y who met on the Initiative of the or , f gnnlzed- railroad workers. He, pre- : -dieted that 'in the Presidential elec 1 tion of 1028 there will be only two . pnrtiea,' one representing a .property 1 owninn olass, and the other a proper ty rentl lg class. . i: v-; ' ' Hotel Blown lip By Dynamltfe; One ' , Dead. ; . 1 - Bristol, Okla., Oct 13. One man ta Iflead, two other persona are injured : probubly fatally, and '.a dozen others are Hufforiug from minor Injuries a r: the result of dynnmitiug ot the lIliuoU hotel here at mldni&ht. A large churga - of dynamite was exp.oded under tba ' rear- of . the building, almost leveling the : structure and shaking the c .Hire - tity. f v; THE AMERICA LfiGIONlil V; Has Arf ariged VrfimM 1 - ROBERTS UNipp S140WS; To Extend Their Engagement Three ... ' v , More Days v': ;;-';f MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESV FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY Come Out Tonight-Fun For All. DEATH Pf Mrs. WUTFR I rAHMtxjX LAhXV TOD AT. IU4 Bee rVrW,ly HI Since Friday Mrlt f owl Tta Alton m Walirr putter, ILU morning at 3 e'rl.nk at fcer ha. Hear Mt. UUe4 Cburrn. la No i to-Clitp. She bud bees aertutttlylU Hoc Fri day ilglit" with diabetes. Funeral services were held this af ternooa at X o'clock at the borne, cno dmird by Hex. J. Frank ArauMroni and Rev. V. t Lyerly. luterueiit was nude la Oakwond cemetery her. The deceased t enrrired liy her mother, ilrm. Mack Coodnuin. and 4 children: Blanche, Itria, Yani- and Havel Two sister. XI rx C. A. Black welder and lira. Florence BarrtnaeT. also aurvlve. .- . The announceurnt. of lira. Putter sou's death came aa a distinct shock to ber many friemla la this eonnty. It waa hot generally known that she was seriously HI, rbe having been -? on the streets here Friday, and the fact that she waa seriously stricken that night, was not generally known. She bad a wide circle of friends In this Hty and county who will learn wtth deep regret of her death. , . ' BET. EDWIX PF.5ICK V WTKS BIGH OFFH1! mm a. V Consecrated A Blskce Ceadjnior of tpiHCopai-VMcese oi . north taroline, Charlotte, Oct 15. The consecra- Son .of Rev. Edwin Anderson Penick, , D., as bishop coadjutor of the dio cese of North Carolina,, waa consum mated here today In tba presence of a large concourse of bishoi. clergy men and laity of the Episcopal Church. Seven- biahims ' officiated at the ceremony which, occurred in St Pe- ter's church. The Right Rev. Joe. B. Cheshire, ltishop of the - dlocesa- 'of North Carolina presided. The vener able divine, with the Right Rev. Wil liam A. Qnerry bishop of South Caro lina, and the Right Rev. T. C. Darst. bishop of East Carolina, 'acted as the consecratom - ': ; . ' " The iblshop-elect was presented by the Right Rev, Herbert Shlnman, suf- frngan bishop' of New Tork, and the Right Rev. Kli kman O. Ftnlay, bishop of Upper South. Carolina, . -.r, ASIIVILER READY FOR l' MEETING OF KIWANIANS International President ' and Other Notables Will Attend Convention of ' Two Cardinal. i . aty fbe aseelal4 rri. UAshevllle, K. C, Oct. 10 George II. Ross, International , president, - and Jules H. RraiUl, of Toronto, entertainer, are expected to reach this city today to take part in the annual convention of the; Kl warns clubs,; of North Carolina the railway station by. a delegations froni the Asherllle Club, headed by Kobert V. Moody. - v ' : ,' ' l W. B. Merrimoa. of Greensboro, dis trict governor, arrived in the city last night. - A large delegation from tbat city, Including; a band, will arrive this afternoon. Local Pastor II b Busy Day. . . Rev. . J. Frank Armstrong, ! pastor of Forest Hill Methodist Church, re ports a rather strenuous day Sunday. After teaching his Sunday School class ami preaching to hi congrega tion at 11 o clock he motored, in the afternoon to Bethel Church In Lin coln County,! where be preached to n great congregation of - "homcfolks" and dedicated the beautiful . Church Just- erected there. '? ,' 'if, v .-'; : - Tbe new Church has been buU' wlth (n 'about 100 yards of Wd Bethel, which has-stood for nearly m hundred years. - - '.'?-va'.f!"i.rii;'1.'''' iMr. Xrnistrons'' father wai 'a mem ber of this Church; tor nearly sixty years, and be himself Joined this con gregation when amere lad,-The old est person in Lincoln i county , Mr. Freeman Kelloy; in 1 is ninety-soventh year,- la alio a member t)f the new Chrrch. Rov. H.r C.S Bynum ' the preponj pastor, .'.';... Atier-melting this trip ot about -f milts una encountering plenty of rain and mud the pastor was 'back with his flock' at 7:30 to close up: his third year's work. ' ''"t Krassur Resigns. ' ) Riga, Oct JO (By the Associated lcess).--U was announced here today the . lAonid Kvnssln bad signed as the Russian; soviet minister of trade and -commerce.' 1 ' , ,,, v The condition of Mr. "A. CM. Furt, wbo bns been qnlte 111 at via borne at Bouts Mill for several nays.' does not show '.nys improvement. ; -y. , v 0S1T: IC3JECTS TO V PifOaOFIBES For Reciprocal Extension of Rights of Search and Seu 'ure Outside of the Three . Mile limit ; . . : ; CONSIDERS BRITISH . REPLY AS FINAL Reply Blocks Attemps to Ex ; tend Authority of Prohibi ; tion Officers Outside the - Usual limit ' ' 1 ' ' Waahlngtoa, Oct. U (By U9 As sociated Press) Great -Britain in a communication delivered today to tne State Department, la underwood to have declined to agree to the sugges tion of Secretary rjughes for a reci procal extebsWrn of the right of search and seiture aa to give the American prohibition navy" ' Jurisdiction outside the three wile limit - . . ' At the same time, the British foreign office assured the American, govern ment that every precaution would bo taken to prevent violation of the American prohibition law by Mini smugglers under the British ling. It U tbat Canadian and other port officials bad beea instructed to prevent so far as possible tbe issuance of frau dulent clearance papers and ntbor Im proper practices complained of In Sec retary Hughes prohibition note. - . - The British communication, in reply to the one sent to London by tbe Hate Department several weeks ago,' wis presented to' Secretary Hujtbes by. the British ambawador. Sir Auckland Ued des. i Although Department 'l officials would not discuss the subject, there were indications that the refusal to accord a reciprocal right of search iub. side the usual ' limit ' of terrltori.il waters would be considered as finally b'ocking any extension of any such au thority to prohibition officers, v . TENNESSEE INTERESTS v ARE BEING HEARD NOW At tbe Rate Hearing Before the I. C. ( . f WWch waa v Continued Today in , Asfcevlllew. .! . , i ' t'MWr be Annelated Prma.t -V Asbcville, N. X! Oet 16,--Tennesaee Interests are maigtainlnK thrtrjjgbt for. what they beticve to fair freight Ohio River gateways, and .west, of Pittsburgh-Buffalo, at resumed sittint of ithe Interstate ' Commerce Com mission here foday. ' , . l. t-M. mnaerson, representing tn-j traffic Interests of Nusbvllle, Chat tanooga and Knoxville, ; spent this morning .completing bis direct exami nation and responding: .to' questions propounded by Nelson W. , Proctor, oounael of the Loutsvilte and Naxb viKe railroad. Mr.i Proctor has suc ceeded Chaa.' J.i Rixey, Jr., as spokes man of the railroad group of attorneys now that the evidence, more directly affect the Louisville and Nashville. ' , Noli Carolina Interests lbII : were silent when questioned concerning the threat of ,J. S. Griffin, of the North Carolina Traffic' Association to' v take action against the authors of a state ment attacking the Griffin proposal for removal from the records of much ot the-Corporation Commission's exhibit J. T Ryan,; president of tbe Southern Traffic League ' here to testify this afternoon or tomorrow morning, said it would be the policy of the big ship pers who have ra.lied to Commissioner A. J. Maxwell's support to remain silent until they have copy of Mr.. Griffin's statement in its entirety. Mr, Ryan added that he personali.r stands bjt bis Btatemont of-Satnrdiiy afternoon that tbe efforts of Mr. Griffin organization to remove North Carolina from the scope of the inquiry have been shown to be futile and are not therefore worthy ot support. pa YOU WANT TO BE THE ' " ''-.;..;.....;.- .i t . ..-v.y... t . w.t;. . All Firckie-Faced, Toiuel-Headed and. Snaggle-Toothed Roys to Be Adinlt'cd ' Free to Stat. Fair.,.' (Br the a lat4 Frus.j Ralelgb, Oct 18. Every Freckle faced,, tousel-headed and snaggle-toothed itKty over 7 and under 15 year, of age who gets in line at the main en trance at the State Fair grounds at 3:30 tomorrow .afternoon will', be ad-, mitted free ot -charge, . Manager Wnl- bourn stated todays; The hoy who bus the- most freckle, on bis face will be proclaimed freckle .King", of North Carolina aud will be presented with $20 In gold presented by a local news paper. Mrs. Elith Vanderbllt Presi dent of the Fair Association, and Gen. John J. Pershing will be on hand to greet the winner, ' ' A Great Birthday Occasion ; "'. . Rev, Jacob Sinvpson on last Satur day celebrated his 86th birthday, In honor ot the day a great birthday din ner was spread. Among the . largd number ot invited guests .from Con cord were RevV kJ. Frank Armstrong and his family and RevTVl. h.-. Kestor and his family. There were friends and relatives also, from Durham, Sal isbury and Spray. ' . , An Unusual thing about, this affair was the fact that it was not only a celebration in honor of Mr. S.mpson but it Included that of a raudson from Durham, a granddaURllter from Fallsbury and two great - gFanddanght ers, aiso i roiu eausoury. , ii was in every way a happy event. , .: New Fall ' Dresses ' at Sol'. Style Phop at prices that mean a big aav lug to you. -See new ad. today.., ,' IXBmSDESTTU KIT ' fUM tOlNTt T; liariea H.Ur, I NcaUui Per -oto-rlf 4 DcsAcratir ma 4 Iry.b Ik t inaUW i i re ttopoartrd. It was leaned kere KsiurUy after booo that aa ttxIeoeiMietit ticket for all local county omcea in the Fall etec tloa had be Doautaated tv a aaailvr of lndpeooBt voters of tbe rountr.'n;,, V,4. V- rvr. 1 ir.J. and tbe fnll ticket waa nuuk ihiUIc ber this afterHima.bi lite -roluiuna of The I toll? Tribitnr and Tttr Cuorird TUues In tbe form nf aa advertiseaaent The list of tbe candidates of Ibis sua partlma orannlutln waa : hccosaiiaa- iea iv aunt or tbe planks the party ha la Ita platforati Tbe tUet la aa follow. : lionae of Reitreavututirea Rev. A. T. Cain. t Sheriff Charles Vbr. " ' tVrk of Kuperbi Court Joha B. UcAlUiter. . Register of JVeda U V. Elliott - Coroner Ir. 4. f. 1 hi vis. . Cotton Weigher V". B. Boger. Hurreyor M. ft enta. Trenmiree-J.-Mack Bradford.', lirinllJi.luiM I. V . 1 . chairman; Charles Alexander,, D. W. Karrlnger, W. u. . orke, and J). A. Rosa. ' --4 Tbe supporter of .this tlckrt declare they favor-thViin iStaK Caliarrtta - county,"' think ; -olficers huge prize list offered and ti.o iw,,,, should bold office for, more than:larlty f the two newspaper.. wlJrflmlZ? J"" iwo lerms. ana pun to "vote for men of principle without regard to party affiliation.'' ; '. A check of the list shows thnt the ticket la about evenly divided lietween liemocrats and KennUHeaus. v0ur of the candidates gupierted by this or ganiKHtlon. aw candidates . chosen by ine democrats, roar are candidates ,,. ,.- .,.. I II l W nM,r?. iiiiiSS C"uh!f4 others are candidate of neither party. ; m, d , 4,7.' . V ,i ' U l"1 ? B.f ??.U 1 F- Pny-.one vault - The four Republican, minoort- ed are J. Mack ; Bradford, M. . G. Lenta, Dr. J, , Vf I vis and 'Charles , gIeilk Dy entering the race Immedl Alexnnder. - latelv 4.1b5 n(,Wut,.n he' independent. Kwr forner. Make Good. . ticker who were nowhiated by neith- .... er the Democrat., not the . Republlc.n.r.,,"""" ,r, "'"Z K " tne,ln,r are Rev. A. T. Caliu Charles Miller. !,i W. Barringer. W, D. York and D. A. Ross. pershAo TO ARRIVE IN RALKIUH TOMORROW Tuesday Has Been Designated aa Mil- : lUry Day .V Che Fair. . By the AweUtt. Prew.1 '..Raleigh, Oct l(l. Oen. John J. Pershing, who is to; be the guest of the North .Carolina State Fair here tomorrow, will arrive in Raleigh enrly tomorrow morning. .Tuesday bus been designated us 'mllltitry dny"1'at tbe degnatel .... 'mllltry dny;at the l. ?li 1 ' '" fi : . . met at. tbe railway station at ' 8 o'clock byf a fommittee v of 100 cltt aens, headed by Col. Alliert ' L.. Cox, commander of the ll.th Field, Artil lery .during' the world war. v"- Gen, Pershing will be escorted from the train to the Governor's Mansion where he will be the- guest of honor at' a breakfast to be given by Govern or Cameron Morrison.: , At 10 o'clock he will make a brief address to the students of the Raleigh high school. At 10:30 General Pershing, Mrs. Edith, Vnnderbitt,- president of tbe North ,. Curolina . Agrlculturnl ' Society, nbder Whose auspices the Fair Is held, and (Governor Cameron. Morrison will ride in an automobile at the bead of a lmrnde ' to the Fair .Grounds, where Gen. Pershing will be one of the princi pal speakers, : ' - Following the S'nking at the Fair Grounds Gen. "Pershing will be enter rained at luncheon by the North Car olina : Agricultural Society. He will leave bere at 5:43 p. m. tomorrow for New - Orleans, where be will attend tbe American. Legion ' convention. V IMPORTANT DECISION ' North Carolina Railroad - Cannot Be ... Held Liable for Damages. '..-'B the AjMclatea rmu ' : "vV:aBhington.Oct.. 16A rai'lroad cor poration which leased it. property and maintained its - corporate existence solely to receive and disburse through lu( stockholders moneyv received- as rentals from" Its lessee, cannot be held liable tor damages for injuries receiv ed on ita property, it waa beld today by ,the Supreme Court In the- case brought by the- North Carolina Rail road Company against' Evelyn Lee, administratrix.;' , While property of the North Caro lina Railroad was under lease to the Southern Railway, Hugh S. Lee was ki:ied on its right of way. The State court awarded a verdict -:; of . $5,000 against the North Carolina Railroad finding tbe death bad been due to neg ligence of its lessees, the Southern Railway. It was also sought to have its verdict set aside on the ground tbat at the time of the accident the South- era Railway was being operated under government control, : and the suit should have been brought against the Director General of Railroads. : ''., Mm. D, A. 8 wain. Aged laity, Serlmis- .. . iy.inj.reu ity rniu Cedar Falls. Oct. 14! Mrs. vD. " A. Swalm, aged 94,' Is still unconscious as result of a fall at ber home near ber. last Monday, night Her leg- was broken and owing to' her advanced age ilttle hope la entertained for her recovery. Mr. Swain 1. the motner or C. 'U Troguony of Mlllboro; W. F. Tfogdon, North Wilkesboro, and Mrs. C. F. Sherrlll, Of westtJresnsboro.'and Us a Bister pt J. A. Utlell, of Greens- " The Charms Bluek Boys Chapter of the D. A. It. will meet Wednesday at S -..') with Miss v Klizalieth Coltrnne. - v.a,-h membnr 1a nro-ed tn mm thla - '' ,., iirst reKir meeting of the year and very important Iseues for the com jlng year will lie discussed. - Cotton on the. local market today - quoted at 22 cent, per pound'; cotton seed at 54 cent, per LubIioL v , BUIOFFBI ic vmtrr AilUriU iir . rt t t ' i via iu ouurss tor 17 rive, Members. Build Clubs Now. $30.00 1 (LIST OF NAMES . APPEARS TODAY Offer Ends Saturday Nieht and V 1th It Goes the Bestjlatter prediction proved true, for with f i 'a m r m ith. rl... .v..a xjpponumij jor xou 10 ARlaSS VOteS. . ' :' - ., IVrmrsT 19 ivrrvw 1 v- - bJuZ t th -i t ,h b'.'"or of . ewa,iaini In tne touth baa Interest in a cainia!gii liecome some intense aa is demount rot- A.I In tba 1 .. ....!. . M . , m. . Klircest nrize In the l n imioi son I'ltra-Siiort automobile valued at i!tKW.0ll Ant. prizes ranging from this amount down to $013.(10 .re in- eluded in the list, All Have Equal Chance. Too much stress cannot lie laid on the fact that every person who enters 1'" VIIIIJUM nWU LUHUITI IO Will. Jill ,w """""K lK.n an equal basis, alMl an a,Vantnge is given to no one! tka f '1 ,,l J 1. .. .. l .1 . I . ,, Provmwt tbey do not wait, too long le- main requlsite-nn early start, im. , ., JLV 7".,: . x....,, .... ..m.ufkn urn uinuiinn, and every day others who have been nominated, begin the merry pastime of gathering subscriptions. Only two days ago a woman hrought In her nom ination coupon and In today's standing she will rank" among tbe very highest. Another who started Saturday will lie among the leaders also, according' to ; information phoned . in to headquar ters. 7 Yon can enter this stupendous gift distribution by using the nomination coupon provided for - thnt. purpose. Once yon make the stnrt, the way to prosperity. '.nd the. ownership 'fit one lt..m 'it'lkJm7i prtsier tbiiw-'VMU-' iver enmtmi ft thbut while is ever secured without effort. mid also that -the ensy things of life are of little value. 1 ' ' - Send in your nomination today and get your shade .' In- the most lavish prize distribution ever made by a newspaper in the South. "Club Your Way to Success Build ? $30.00 Clubs. In building $30.00 clubs it should lie remembered that persons are not lim ited to jnst one club. f ou get two or more clubs so much the better. Each $30.00 worth entitles you to 240,- 000 EXTRA VOTES. All the regular votes are also given as usual. A club can be composed of all subscriptions rney enn oe an oi one .Kinu oi sui- scriptions. " For Instance, Tribune suli scriptlons, or they- may all be Times subscriptions or they enn be of any 'flavor or "mixture whatsoever, so long as they are turned in for not less than six months or more than two years. The Waiting List In order to save space, it is deemed advisable by the Salesmanship Club manager to place tbe names of those who have not - Increased their vote standing above 50,000. votes . by next Saturday night, upon what we will term the "WAITING . LIST.', This means, tbat a . record of those whose names appear today, who have not In creased their vote standing up to and beyond 50,000 mark by next Saturday night will be kept on tile at the club office and the names will be reinstat ed and again published as soon as enougb votes are received to bring the total up to the required 50,00 votes. , REMEMBER, 50,000 -Votes Is the DEAD LINE"' and If you wish to keep your name in tne puuusnea list oi Club, members, be sure to send in enough votes between now and Satur day night to bring your vote up to or beyond 50,000 .votes. , , Bear in Mind, The BANNER PERTOR EXTRA VOTE OFFER OF 240,000' extra votes on $30,00. worth of subscriptions will be a thing of the past after next Sat urday night October 21st. Today Is oue of importance. It promises to be the biggest week , in the way. of sub scriptions and votes - in the "Sales manship Quo" that ha. so far been seen. . The 'reason for this is that ev ery .club memlier fully, realises tbe Importance of getting in as many of their promises and subscriptions this week before tills offer expiree, as the manager has Said the votes will posi tively decline and every member should make bis or her best efforts this week liefore this offer passes out. ' Hurry and scurry "rake and scrape," for ev ery suliscrlptlon possible. ry- , - The Club members residing out of the City of Concord can work up to the last minute, ten o'clock- p, m. Just get your remittance in the mail so that .your, letter bears the1 postmark some time before that hour. , This gives every memlier an equal chance to work up to the last minute. The first name K'.ven to the Azores - j Acores, and while the date and name of the discover of these Islands Is uncertain. It Is conceded the nam. Is va given because of the -great num- pet of hawks flying about. Acor. tlknifying hawk in Portuguese. - , I PSETS 8TT-RDY IN THE FOOTBALL "DOPE" DavlaVM Tied by Wake rwm4; far. ' Uaa Wins by Narrow Marxla.: but Defeats Baaasha. ' The foottiaU "dope" la Xorth Ciro llaa go anotaer terrible opart Situr day. Teams which were dJped to wta by Urge Btarglas bad all tbey could do to wla or tie, a ud other Irama m -i-nru 10 mourn aaura sirmgin, more proalaent opponents to kw ""JIT?" ., . .... la this Mate was the brand of hall DarhlMia ami Wake Formt played, the Iierldxon Wildcats were doped to win by at least three touchdown, and Wake Korent so completely ervxbed by Caro olina and beld to one touchdown by Kloo, waa expected to show neither de fensive nor offensive Ktreagtb, , Tbe .57 Z .bnt three Brut downs. Davidson, at the ame time, played way unler the tarm "P1- Captain Moore was in the ,lnM,P- " h. team eeemed .t M per cent, weaker. . End mn. for which Itavtdson pUiyers have been famed in the past, were not tried very we're 5Ti?5g2K !'' .r11."" .were t0 Punrt"-e - . "-."" uu der tbe shadow of the Wake Forest goal. : ' , . Carolina won from South Carolina 10 to 7. She was doed to win by several touchdowns. The Rlne And 'White like Davidson, waa able to ahow an offensive strength at times, but It was not consistent, and after scoring a touchdown in tbe flrst quarter, was unable again to penetrate the South Carolina line for a score., The touch- flown came after South Carolina fumble, as did the placement kick, which added the winning margin. The Carolina team, however, evidently was not trying as bard as In other games, after the game with Trinity Thursday, and in view of the game with State Thursday. ,'' ; State had all she could do to win from Roanoke, the Lutheran, accord ing to reports from Raleigh, showed the fastest passing game seen in the South Atlantic since V; M. I. startled the South two jears ago with Irs aerial game, and in the last quarter the Vir ginia team outplayed State. . They did not have a consistent drive, however, and could not Ret the score.; Fnrman a achievement' in ." holding Georgia to a loue touchdown came as a surprise, as did V. P. I's showing against Centes. Georgia Tech won rather easily from, tbe. University of Alabama. . ? .' '';d Iowa's defeat of Tale came as surprise in the East - The rirtory wasH itocwdre, Jhoogtf ttltVeVictiRra!rore but one touchdown. . The Army le-' feated Auburn, but the , victory wn. achieved only after the Southerners had held the Army for three qunrters and freshmen were sent tn against the Winded men from the South. Interest In North Carolina this week centers - in the Carolina-State game, which will lie played In Raleigh Thurs day. Carolina is the favorite, but re ports from Raleigh indicate that Coach Hartsell has his men tn fine shape for the battle; which is expected to be witnessed-by not less than 9,000 per sons, CABARRUS SUPERIOR COURT' IN SESSION Judge T. B. Fluley - h ' Presiding, Court Will Be In Session For Two Weeks. Cabarrus : County ;' Superior court convened in October session . at 10 o'clock this morning with Judge T. B. Finley, of Wilkes county presiding. Court' will be in session for two weeks.. The first week will be devoted to the trial of criminal cases, and the last week to the tria! of -civil cases, i Jduge. Finley's charge to the jury consumed most of the morning session of court today, and the first caee was called shortly before court recessed at noon. ' At the Theatres. Dick Hatton -is playing the leading role in "The Golden Flame, a western feature, at the Pastime. f . - The Piedmont today is showing Jane Nbvak In "Belle of Alaska," a storv of the great north. . Elaine Hnmmersteln is 'the star at Star today in the Paramount feature, "Reckless Youth." . f . - " , ,'Ir. and Mrs. Henderson Bornbardt, of China Grove, were guests in Con cord yesterdny of Mr, and Mrs. W. L, Linker. Answering the HOUSE SOLD AND NO tlUST CAN'T riNU A lOAUS TO UW&T T m : ' : . TOC CAN find a place to ilve-A BETTER PLACE to Uve than you've given any consideration to--YOUR OWN HOME. OWN YOUR For twenty-five year, we have: been, loaning money on weekly 'and monthly payments under a plan that leads to .home ownership, ' and today CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owner, who- are not concerned about renting problem., ' YOU, TOO. CAN. BE IN-.. - DEPENDENT Of the landlord. 1 ' "'t' "'...'' - The way to do it Is to take out some share. In Series No, 50 pof this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW OPEN nd let us help yon, , t . " ,':.-. ': r-- v:; .- K. t 5 . '!-;-'.; -;;-v :; COMB IN AND LET TJS TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. v ' l vCabarrus County Building Loan and . ' Sayings Association Office in Concord National Bank COJiSERVATiVESARE nurn-Torai To Decide hether They Shall Continue Their Sup-, port to the Coalition Under Premier Lloyd George. iMEETING CALLED BY CHAMBERLAIN It is Expected That Today's Meeting Will Have a De cisive Effect oh the Politic, cal Future. t London, Oct 10 (By the Associated ' Press). The conservative member of ' tbe government have been summoned, to meet today to decide whether they shall continue tbeir support of the . coalition under the leadership of Prime Minister Lloyd George. The meeting which was called by Austin Chamber. lain, lord privey seal, and government leader In tbe Honse ot Commons, will include not only the conservatives in the cabinet but also tbe under secre tarles. .'" . v It Is Itelleved Mr. Chalmberlain will . be bucked by tbe Earl of Balfonr, I Lord Birkenhead, and Sir Rotiert Home 1 In bis adhesion to the premier, but the attitude of several other, is re--, gurded more than doubtful; , t It is stated in wen Informed qnar- : . ters that there will be a demand from the majority that conservative rank and file be consulted before any deci- sion is taken, and if this is-done there will lie many resignations from the ministry, enough, . according to some , predictions, to cause Its fall. .' V In any case It is believed that today'. - meeting is likely to have a decisive - - effect on the political futuure, although . . possibility of some arrangement which i will hold the party together for .time.' . Is not excluded from consideration. . THE COTTON MARKET J", Opened Steady at an Advance ef 11 to 18 roints on Continuation of Buying Movement, .-. .. ...'..( -i-1. . - .- ; (By the AaMlat4 rraw.) .- "' New Tork. Oct. 10. The cotton mar ket oiiened steady at an advance of 11 to 18 lMiints on a continuation of . the 'bnyUig 'movement, which was re- spoBHUiie. for the advance last the steaify showing f Liverpool and ReooUniKtA, bnltisll repiii-ts Troiu 'tbe' 3o-" mesflf giMids market. 'IJecemlier m traetd lsold up to 22.70 shortly after the call making new high ground for tthe mosemebt and the list showed net advances of 15 to 22 points. ' cotton futures opened steady: lie- eeiuher 22.T January 22.50;. March " 22.110; May 22.02; July 22.43. , ; GASOLINE PROPELLED TRAINS ON a A. L. First Train of Tills Type Made Run; rrom Columbia, 8. , C to Hamlet, N. C. ' . ... Br the Amorlalr. Prem.- - - Columbia, S. C Oct. 10 Gasoline ; proiielled trains, designed to care for ., local trnffiy', are being installed by tbe .-leuoonra Air une itniiroati, it was ' announced here today the first having gone into service between this city and Hamlet, N. C., ; yesterday.. The first.' train consisted of the motor' coach, which liesldeis . the s engine carries 80 ' passanger,.and a Stt-passenger coach. 1 , A siieed ot 40 miles an hour can be attained by the new equipment It was stated, the first trip being made at an average speed of 35 miles an hour, s - VARDMASTERS GET AN y , INCREASE IN SALARY Granted Eight Hour Way With Over-.: time by the V. S. Railroad Labor Board. Chicago, 'Oct. 10 (By the Associated , Press). An eight-hour day, with ov" ertime, which is said to amount to nearly a 23 per cent increase in pay, was granted, to approximltely.i 2,000 yardmasters on the 20 Class One rail roads and to six switching terminals by the D. H. R. It Lalior Board today. This isahe ftrst time the Board has established .'rules and - working condi tion, for yardmasters, ' who now are classified as suliordinate officials, and subject to the board', jurisdiction un det the transportation act Housing Problem PLACE TO MOVE TO; 4- HOME.

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