a c o . o i .i . ; O DISPATCHLJ o o o o o a o . 1 1 J : n: .. j o i. today, a . VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N.C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 192: NO. 217. 'i . 2 1 D0M:r:n$ ' DEf.0 M ' J j 1 Young Man Who Was Shot I . C V... tl;w: Last Saturday by Profub.- ; tion Enforcement OSIcere 1 T"r,l tv.... I -4 xt:v. i CASE TRANSFERRED TO FEDERAL COURT - ' " I lt is Said That a More Serious V rh.i.A IVill f rnrj inarge Will Ue-rref erred Against OUicer (Jheatham, . Wow Out on .BaiL fBj th AmmHiH Prn.) Pnllshnry, Oct. 18. Dong. Dtmbhm, Lam, young Salisbury whit niau, who jitgr DECIDE A CHINESE OATH Kan shot by Prohibition Officer H. H. r WOULD MESS UP COURT BOOM Chratham taut Hatitnlay altsht while" . Chirlmm auil arernl ather Federal . Prrmlta Torn Vr t Twtlfr Mllheut : officers were la the act at aerrlnit pa-1 fonrallty of Killing Chicken to In-ix-ra on Dnnhnm tnd Jnlte Browivat) aure Veratlty. the latter lilace on the outiiklrtK at ' New York, M. 10. It looked for a tbhi city, died In a local boapltal last moment na if the trlnt of Tom Tee, ulKht. The rase aRiinat Cheatham ehanred with the slnyliiR . Ko Ixiw wna last nljtbt hy or1er of ' Federal .would he halted today nnless some on Judtre K. Y. Wehli, tnkeii from the bromrht in a chickfn and killed it in county court and transferred to the tv B. Court. Thia ai-tion whs' taken he-'in fore Dunham's dtb. ft la said ly( the solicitor a more serious chnnto will ,w ineierrwi iiKumsr neninnm, wno is our on a f.uuu mmii, uier indictment chHr;lnK assault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill, and that hia bond , will be greatly increased.' When r the ' new indictment la issued thia cuse will , also be transferred to' the Federal court. . I'RGES CLEKGrS SITPORT - . ' v FOR LEAGUE OF NATIONS Erown University Head Says Europe V1U Sucunib Unless Christian Ren der Aid. .-. '- . Xew. York,. Oct. 18. An appeal5, tofhand; npon It." , the .the clerKymen of America to units in nn effort to briiifr about participation .of the United States in the rehabilita tion of Europe was voiced by William H. l'. Fannce, president of Brown, Uni versity, in an adress todnv before the Metroixmtuu Baptist. Minlsters'XCon- ference. . : : . v v Dr. Fnniwo criticised the Harding, Administration for its attitude toward . a league or association of nations', and declared the Church Fence Union with . in the next tew weeks would dilress v. a communication to )2T.000 clergymen nsftlng whether 1v V' i4Wvi?s.ii.rrfi wVA-MVoiilefl shonld remain longer Jil.mf fVom K-,gnst 7th. rope, r j, virc .' , j. fc . -.Hi ,M, m , , , - " i "I voted for tKe pieseiit Administra tion," he said, "in the belief that ' It was the quickest way to get the Unit ed States into an Association of ? na- , Hons. The 'Administration hns re peatedly naid It fnvored such nn asso- elation.0 . It; to' not time ta. ask what sort of an association-It shall; beT ' Dr.' Fa unco said he had brought n, heavy heart home from his recent '.trip. ; to Euroiie, whore he attended the con ference of the world alliance for pea! through the churches.- The line tween. civilization and the chaos in , Russia, he . ,, dec'lared,;- was 'r steadily creeping westward, and be fed red, uny Jess something were done by the Chrbi- tinn brotherhood -of the . world western ; Europe, wonld suwumb. ' , , , The lyeague of Nations,"-Dr;: Fannce declared, is doing a Strong, : valuable " and deeply needed work." 1 When In . Geneva, he said, he was repeatedly, . asked by the delegufes from the-51 na . tlons which make" up' the. Lengne what the attitude of the United States was and what the reason, for that attitude .. was. - fifci. " i 'v-. .";;i':V "I rave half a dozen . explanations,'1 said- Dr. Faunce, "but none of these satisfied myself." - i 1 - Geneva is decked with the flags of the member nations,' he said, but no ' where Is seen the flag of the United States or those .- of Russia',' Germany, Mexico. -Turkey and , the other with whom the United ' States Is forced to associate.". ., - (MT1.A f jMMiia, la vaalr tiniv Tin f It- la mtherlnir utreneth.' Riiid Dr. Faunce. ' 'If the Powers shonld refer to it the questlou of the heutrality of ,tl(e Jnr - daiioJU. it would liet'omera p.ower of . woild-wlde Important lmmetllntcly, PIGEON I BLOCKED CHIMNEY Entire Family Narrowly Escape As , phyxlatlon as Result, t -V , - Pottsville, Pa.; -Oct. Ifc-'A flutterUag homing plgedh nearly caused the death of Charles Meyers and his entire fiim- ily last nighty "Meyers,-who is city assessor and. '' dully newspaper .pub lisher, was awakened by hlg wife, who was snrferipg with alarming symptoina of conl gas asphyxiation, which was soon bdt by. all members of tbe fam . ily. , "'-Investigation showed that the main chimney of the house. wa entirely ': blocked by a' pigeon,- which well down the flue and, spreading its wings, blocked the draft entirely, all the coal fumes escaping into the home instead of inito the, outside air. Dr. Earl Btcvenson resuscitated all the patients, ... ... l ..... I . . Air narrowly ecapeu nspuyxtuiion oe.MU'uiiy iw vn"'" u said. --I., ', ',':; ' '-. - . v' , Ington- to Ot-racoke in six and one-half . a' i n , "'', 'i "-,..' !-.':. -X I or flevpn, ' hours. . Generally It takes tl. 8. Aeeeotinr Invitations on Learue longer.' - Tie new craft, with a ca- Commlssions Now, AVasnlnglon,' Oct 17. Tbe adminis tration is following a polled of ac- cepting invitations to unolllciul mem bet-ship oq commissions or the league of nations when tliose commissions are clmrged with duties in which the Vnlted Httaes is interested. (It was laid at the White nouse totlay in connection with the recent appolnt inent of an unolllclal American repre- acntntlve to a league committee to- Btmly anthrax. , ,. ,. ,.- :' iji'i. 'ACivsrn by nvsiuvn or kILU.SU rLS BABIES BiH UUj Facta Trial at lluntnond. Jmliaaa. . ? law t.muia fMI HiOiiurBd, JbU Ort. 1. Arr-oyi tr .her -buwtiaud of killing twin halUe w,hlra he Mill wer bora t net Ut ) letvtuher. Mr. UiH M.-XnllC-S. d tw miay daiming th hjlinT Iwina ra nothing more thau h,,, IVI1,tror,M 4loiu. mm by "n,1 Afi "'X' her " band's -ambition to hv kiwm to the world a father. v Both Frank McX.lly ,tbe !W year oid knahsnd. 'and hia Mnininl wife liaerted their rlatiua von Id he nnnr- h' witueca "" to testify la support of her claim. Mr.' Me X"-T rtwr' tid bnbnd shortly after their marriage- that It was impossible for to become a wt But that failed to st til hla desire to I a parent,' Mr. McNally said. -' All of hit wlfe'a story, McNally sild. "In (he desperate defense nf a wnnian wno bna done away with her children." tiM vfew of Judge TaUey and jury Ornernl Sessions.. - . . The first Chinese Witness- for ;tli proaecqtlon t was fthount to take the tnnd. He has Inst affirmed theoath, ircDeated to him In his own lanrauee br the Court Interpreter, when Judge Taller askeil Just how the oath bad .teen interpreted.' He wna "fold the niiernmer nncr given rne witness a liteiHl translation. t. -f : . ? ; 'What does that mean to a Chinese?" asked the judge. "Nothing at alU' answered the interpreter, "What kind of an on th would, ha respect?" pursued Judge; Talley. - t "A chicken1 wonld hare to 1 killed In court so that he conM place bis Interpreter e plnined. , ; This slgnifles to the Chj- iinie witness mar ne woum meet a cimllnr fate if .be swore falsely. With not hesitation Judge Talley decided the Christian oath wonld' suffice on the ground that no matter what the Chinese may 'think of it. he can- he held for perjury should he lie. The judge explained he thought the chicken oath would mess tip the court room too hitichv anyhow ; Yee to alleged to have- shot Iioav. who was national president , of the Hip King Ton?. In front of the Cbinee nt of the Chinese i MX A. J Charged With Violating the National i, - Banking Laws. 5"'- 'y tk AjMoelalMl Prew.1 Statosvllle, Oct. 18.--The Federal grand" jury has returned,' three true bills against John Ony-, St., former s,?,er.'n the First National Bank of Sntesvilte, ? the - indietmento-charging hl, ,Mh violation of the national be-J,"'u,""5 IT " "r i"ul 1 charged John ;W. Guy nd E. O. Her itage jointly with v violation of ; the tiatlonal banking laws. Another charg ed -t Guy and C. , W. McLain jointly violating the national banking laws. The jury found true- bills against Guy only In a third bill of indictment Guy alone was charged . with violation of the national banking- laws to-wit, em liezzlement, and a . tfue bill in this was found. It is exiiected tliat when the case is called ' in court a contin uance wilt be asked. - The true bill on the Indictment specif ying eralier.zle- nient alleges that Guy embezzled $84, 829.82 from the bank between Novem ber 1, 1010 and July 8, 1022. The oth er two indictments In which true bills were found against Guy allege' trans, actions with Heritage and- McLain in violation of the national banking laws. THE' COTTON MARKET Showed Continued Strength Today Vt to 21 Points Higher. . ' (Hit tha Ammtatc N'ew Viirft. Oct. '.'1R Thpji cotton mark-ahiiwMl-v.-' wniniml.t. atranath .eiU.iv,r(mv.Ai Uverixiol nlHtuf.met fhe t)fnl advance f the previous day wuiie thei were continued bullish re ports from the cotton goods market and reiterated reiforts of n Arm -spot situation in tbe South. These tea. turea promoted fresh . buying- and cov ering which readily absorbed broflt taking and' Southern selling , at the opening and first prices were 12 to 21 points net higher. . . . :- . Cotton futures' opened - steady i- Oc tober 22.87: December 23il;: Jan nary 22.08; March ,23.15; May 23.10; Jnly 22.82. , a , New Speed Boai Will Reduc Time on , famllco. ' , Klnston, Oct. 10. The time across the widest ' stretch fit water within North Carolina's bounds will be cut two-thirds .when a1 new speedboat be ing .outfitted on Pamlico river is com- Dieted. - Pamlico Bound passenger and cargo boats, mostly ,"bubeye''i sailing 'craft with auxiliary engines, infre. .... !.. ..... lr mi aan a fvtts ... Wauti. pacity foi' 20 passengers, will make the instance in two hoursk at the rats' of 33 miles an hour, it Is vaid. -The - fboat will lie itroitelled by an alrplam engyie. , ' Probably Frost Tonight; r. (Br AaaHtetatetl Pru.) Washington, Oct.! 18. Frosts .are prolmble tonight ns fur south . as North Carolina and the extreme north portions of Alaha ina and Mississippi, the weather bureau auuouuced today. - ' ' t UXLSTlfl ATI RTTD BUbl. Or B I EXIT (Uriow 4 Xartla, Iavtr, Trll f rUa WlHi (irraaeftt Nartit Far llrt Itaie. CWti-UdJ. tHua, IMolifT Id The otj of kow tb drniag of Ua armla 'ic aavad Brrtn rrm aa arflii al- lack was rafcied br IxxUy. ttb U nnlMl frt tlma lima L. OiarUn. inventor of a 4e rlca for a long ranga attack. Only a w paraoaa ar aa.d tn havt knowi .b aacret. an rhwaly was It guarded Tb ttasic Idea waa U combining of b flying torsd. bailt pr.nclpally (long to Unas of the dual-m itord tombing alrplatia. with a wnal. air Van of th aecut typ but carrying a arg fuel tank, Mr. Barlow aaid. In lying Vi th objective, th two- air man as wrre to hv bn a single idIU Th amiiler plan'a engine draw ng its fnel front th torpedo plane's ank, leaving Ita own fuel supply intact 'or th return f ight.- Tha range was limited only to tnr Ilstance which th smaller . plan wild travel in bringing th pilot back to the American base, Mr. Martin ex" Earned. . .' ' '..; . ' ? "If the war hid continued. Cleve land would have contributed two in dentions wbtch would have ended it peedily," said Benedict CrowelU 'ormeer 'Assistant Secretary of War, On would have been this r.ying top. do and the other the deadly gas which was developed in .the 'mouse- .rap.'" t f , ..v "Our scheme 'to- blow to atoms the jernvm Capital 800 inilea from th Iwttle lines waa , so simple that natue - nrt-fl so simple ma.. " General C. O. Squlw, American Rank-,01n reams-or trtte ive nno7 ng Genera nf the Air Forces, was ikeptlcal," Mr. Barlow said. "When he was convinced of Ita partlcablllty his -greatest fear waa that the Ger mans might hit upon the same Idea andaput it into effect before we could let me necessary, equipment across the Atlantic," ; '- SOLOMON WAS A PIKER' ' ' V BESIDE KIX8TOX JLRIST Indge Elliott Hangs Up Police Court ; Record of 86 Cases in 84 Minutes. Klnstcn, "Oct 17. Solomon i me.y have been the wisest judge to ever sit on the court of appeals bench and the most famous in a hi history, bur corn oared with the Honorable Guy Elliott, ludge of tbe po ice court here, he was a piker for'. speeq. Jtitige Kiiott at a recent gessk n tried 26 cases In 24 minutes. Frank Wooten. the prosecu tor, aided In hanging up what court officials today said may be u w6rld's record for a. regularly constituted court Wwiten, like . Judge Elliott, does jiot,s1llwe in prolonging trl 'tis of trivial matters, though when two or tbreo attorneys' into action and tfh nMt.. -,Mwi. frliiif Rnllcittir Qa 'IfjikB'Tf- fetenf-windlilff weech ns long as aiiyT!)dy, ani as ful ItTarri,usy day in'the-court when a tMk.iaf 's .."..".(. Judge Elliott started in for a record, annarentl.v unconsciously of the fact that he was making history.. There were 80-otld cases ahead of him, Sollclr tor Wooten, who loitered to one side of the bench, bands folded liehlnd him and a oDarentlv satisfied - with the procedure, let the court "go to it.' At the ra'e of tesa than 6U seconus to a defendant. Judge Elliott rattled off the judgments. - When tbe 2flth prisoner had "been ushered out of, the court's presence there bobbed up an ' . indi vidual cocked and' primed for a legal bntt'e, and the" average 'time of the previous 24 minu.tes was broken; Three motions, brought the- total or trans actions for the '24 -minutes up to 29. BCNCOMBE REBELLION . . A THING OF THE PAST Movement 10 Knife Ebbs and Swain Collapses After Democratic Rally,1: Asheville, Oct. 17 The militant move of - a numlter of Asbeville and BuncomlH? county women to bolt the Democratic ticket this fall, fell with a crash Saturday night at the big mass meeting held at the county courthouse, addressed by Bob Reynolds and Walter Murphy, of Salisbury. --.Reynolds, defeated candidate for the state senate from this county, gracious ly proclaimed Pinto Ebbs, Democratic nominee for . the senate, as a man worthy of the support of all the Dem ocrats and urged his friends to vote for Ebbs. He dramatically walked over, took Ebbs by the hand and pledg ed him the. support of all the Beyold- ses, insofar as he, was able to pledge this support.- ' .-' , i vx, ; , - He , declared ; Ebbs the- beot or tne two and urged every Democrat to sup port Mm.?:-: "He fcare i full credit to Ebbs for redeeming: the district a few years ago when Reynold won the elec tion as solicitor, after it had peen new for years by Republicans and was con sidered s a ,, Republican vjtib, . Kuds. Rovnodls rfnld, took off his coat and toured Madison county for the young candidate and Bob says that it was surely through, the efforts of Ebbs that he ( Reynolds) won the raw. ' ' , . Reynolds hooted at , the idea tnnt nny Democrat wounld.not 'give . Ebbs unstinted support inhls, race, and de clared that not only Buncombe, but the entire "state would lie benefitted by the work of Ebbs in the state senate. . -,. - At The Theatres.' . Richard Barthelmess is the. star at the Pastime today in one of his lntest features. "The Seventh Day. The Piedmont today is offering big' Universal , feature with - several stars.'-:!., .? ; Conway Tenrle plays the leading iwrt in "Shadows of the Sea." a Pur- amount picture at the Star today. Votes $300,000 to Build New Schools. ' Washington,.' N. C, Oct. 17. A 1300,000 bond issue to build and equip new schools was carried here totlay at a Kisvial selection, by 120 ' majority Today's aetioif places Washington In the front rank of Carolina, cities In the matter of educational progress. ;r.0RE0F::ris.faLs LETJERSi:M3EPUBLlC uuen lieierrca u m lernu of Endearmeht by Wife of , Church Sexton. ' A "LOVE NEST IS SPOKEN OF All Letters Wfre Unaddres sed and Unsigned Minis ter Referred! ,to as "Sweet i Adorable "BaJbykins." - , (Br fc Amm ! Pim.I . New Bmnawk-k. ij. J., Oct 18. Of flclals conducting tor Investigation In to the mnrder of Rav. Iklward Wheel er Hall, rector of tn Epiw-oial Church of St. John the Krangeilst. and n,,, choir lender, ilr. Eleanor Rino- hardt .Mills, on Septciulier 14th, made public today a Seconal series of letters written by Mra. Mill to Mr. Hall. rnaddressed, anil unsigned, the let rent are tilled with terms of endear ment. The minister' is often referred to as "sweet adorable Imbykins.".. ; They speak or a' love nest," of a serine the ; varied moiles of a woman -loved and loving 'without the conven-j Hons." -y---', V-A- I Excei-pts from the. letters follow : "My darling, how well yon seem to day. I am tired want to He and rest for hours." - Oh, you sweet adorable bnbykln of mine." -.. i t'I'd built a waiting love nest " : "People would niean nothing. I had rather watch the -bugs and ants as they' crawl along, i - Don't yon love to watch nn ant as lttfreei along, hon ey r ' - "And darling sweetheart 1 long for our love to Itetthe truest" ideol s pure as we can make it, for then it. is truest to nature. "I know I'm a crazy cat " "Charlotte n talks then Don.' ' asks questions, then annoys, so bow can I write?" :.- . Darling, mine, dltln t you feel me purring- blissfully coutented? And close to you, too." . r. : . 'Sweetheart, my trtte heart, I conld crush you; I am' Wild tonight.""' ' ' "I will hate the Winter nights, xnen I dream of curling nn in a chair with von oh, -what dreams I Save. ' Will it vyk i- i ELECTED PRESIDENT OF OLD HICKORY DIVISION A. Leonard 'Elected Vice President ,. - : For North Carolina. - , ' ibt tfce AHsoclated rresa.) , New Orleans, Oct. 18 Major Hay wood Mabon, of Greeuville, 8. C was elentnl Preslilent of the Old Hickory 30 Division nt the fourth reunion of the division here .tote yesterday. Other officers elected included J. A. Leonard, vice president; for North Carolina. :':,; - -: r- Promotion of Gen. C. G. Gntley, for. mer oommnnder of the 35th Field Ar tillery to the rank of -Brigadier Gen eral by the President, was asked In, a resolni-ion adopted by tfie Iconveutlon. THE TURKS CANNOT MARCH THROUGH CONSTANTINOrus Order' Produced Keen Disappointment Among the Turkish Population. Constantinople, Oct.,18 (By tbe As sociated Press). Tito Britlsh'authori- tles here In the Interest , of public sat - ety have declined to permit Turkish nationalist gendarmarie to march through Constantinople today, which the. Turks had planned. ' Tne oruer produced keen disaiipointment -nmoni; the Turkish ; nnniilation which had made preparations on a vast scale welcome the KeinalHts. ' , '..... .-i ...... Gland Theft Operations Condemned by'?"?"!, t, rb the mlDi of its .stored Convention! Cleveland, Oct.! 17. Gin nd-thef fen erations, were -condemned by delegates attending sessions of the Amerit-ah Public Health association and the Am erican Medical Editors s association here today. ,-. :,' ' "y -. - - "The upright physician-does not Re lieve in aiding one patient ny sacn- , titoi ni nnWhae Wr Trills Klein, of Detroit, declared in an ad - drssa hefnrA thn nssiKdntlon. lie atl(l - ed that certain gla ml operations , such as . goiter were valuable to the pa tient , - Delegates agreed that the gland op erations are ' po fountain, of youtn, elixir of life, or means by" which all llto can be cured. '",'- y Snow in Three Western State. St. Paul.. Oct 10. Tlie first grip of V.TT " went iouay,wun snw reyont-u num various cities iu Minnesota and North and south : Dakota. .'-.;-. mosr . cmtei the snow was reported, melting (is it fell,- but Ferjiul Fnlls, Minn., advices said a three-Inch . blnnket of white covered the ground. - i!, ',1'.. Protest Against Seiiure v of , British Vessels. ..--.--'., T..,atit.,.i v.t til nu Ilia Auuu' dated TressA protest against - oii tinned seizure of British vessels by prohibition agents operating outside it... th,. nitiu tt.nii -ny nroiienteH tn the State Deimrtment today on behulf of the British; government V V '' ; - : t ' "Hunts Husband. Ted Years" head - line. If you like puzzles, this nuikcs her about 148. -, ,,t .'V ,V'" - - v ... , 1 1 .. Luck is only a short way of spelling pluck. , , V- ' ' v" i ' - .' - - '" -.-( .' - . ' i' ', MMDOO AT BILLINGS I try Krrfurf lain- BarAag to 8,'ftetNral Cm Dfaae4 l Daving (SMtutoa ApeaiUng DWur. t TacMtai 8i i af ttta SuMfte' (r ta a ia hnu I ' millers. If ucf I tn is Wni tit MrAtkw to a ny-h ner lax adgbt! i mtii rvtlkirttua of farm rredlta -tty'r11 - the ntnml adailaiaeratluai la co-onera- V HI Taylor and JobiMd Farf tl with the nowtrfnt tolawn at Wall KtreM," and the -blighting ef-l ferta of i'mUmi Hardlnga uUliIrt of deflatina-aad Burmalcr.' l hi av ! aoceo loerwmtry rrua a conditio uf Male f ajipaUing dlKaater." The reatrirtbia) of farm rmllta nn- Mrs. Thomas Baruaardt was arg der the retMibltraa aUmlnhxratluo, be d '1'1 asMiilt. with a deadly weaiMia said, baa furred the raiiid sale f,to two raaea. At the rluse of Xtate'a tartu ppiMiorTa - and livestock to aork ' an extent that lb value - of taear products for the entlr country has been reduce fnna W.Otw.OOo.iSKX In l!ll! to $.?IO.ItMM0 to lir.'i The .former raHnet offlcer aald Ima ipeas depression bad followed tbe re duction in cse(uence of which the farmer and stock men were '"never before In such y an unfortunate situa tion as they are today." Wb, I, MrADOO ASSAILS THE HARDING POLICY mil .i t Attacks peOatloa Program and the .. publican Tariff. Denver, Ih-t. 17. In an address in the Denver municipal auditorium this afternoon, William W. McAdoO) for mer secretary of the treasury ami war time director of the railroad adminis tration, assailed - tbe Harding policy of deflation and tbe republican tariff nut uml concluded with an appeal for the electiou of a democratic Congress '.wl for tbe electi.m of the democratic tj,.jPtg i aU Btat;p. . tickets in all states. I "The republicans have passed the 'most extortionate a ntl' indefensible tar jiff bill ever enacted In our history," Mr. McAdoo wild. "The l'ayne-Alil-rlch bill, which destroyed Mr. Tift politically-and brought tbe republican party -to defeat in 1012, is outclassed by the Fordney-McCumber bill. 'It is estimated the, cost of living to the American people will be increas ed by the Fordney-MeCnuiber bill $4, 0H),0(10,000 per annum, of which only 400,000,000 will go into the Americnn treasury, ? The remaining $3,(M(O,000, 000, will be collected my monopolies, trusts and greedy combinations for the special profit of these favored in terests." L ' ' ' Discussing the Ua riling policy of deflation, Mr. McAatio . declared no more fatuous policy was ever pursued In- Anieiiciia , history than this attack by one great Political party upon pros perity. ?,"It was treated as though it were a national evil Instead of u national blessing," he said. . v "At thik.sume time prosperity was being destroyed, taxation, which , to bearing Sown with crushing force up- o tb. pelyi has- tuut lM-editol- was. soleumlr promised in the" republi can platform; ' The new internal reve nue hill s-uve norelief to income tax- navers exceirt to less than -1.000 ner sons and those 'persons enjoy the larg- lest incomes in Amerir When asked if he is a candidate for the presidency, Mr. McAdoo said "Nothing appeals to me less ; than a nresidentinl suit or a prealtlentiul 'suite.' CRIMINALS CAN BE , i FORCED TO TELL TRUTH About Their Offenses While Under the . ' Influence of Scopolamine. (By the Aasoclated Proaa. Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 18,-riml-naVs can be foi-ced to tell the 'truth re garding their offenses while tinder the influence of scopolamine, anaesthesia, or as 'it is better known, during "twi light sleep," according to1 Dr. E. E. Housei Ferris, v Texas, physician who has asked the. endorsement -of the med ical association of the southwest for a proposed experiment onVa thousand 1 prisoners in Leavenworth, tansus pen itentlnry to demonstrate his theory Dr. House has been experimenting with the anaesthesia for Ave years he told members Of the association, and declared in that period during which he had tried "twiligbt sleep" methods to:for getting evldem-e on a number of alleged criminals and others in his own state, he had "never failed In any truth.' LEtilOX TO CONTINUE v - TO FIGHT FOR BONUS Vote to Do So Today at New Orleans - - Was Unanimous. ; (Br th AaMClste Prew. New Or'.eans, Oct. 18. (By the As- ' fiociuted Press) The demand for a roll caU that the ''world may know where :e t"'""""' fol- Jowed a viva: vh, vote today ut the American Legion convention affirm ing the reiiort : of a resolution com-; mittee which declarerd the Legion will j "continue to nght for the legislation until it Is enacted Into law." ( A division called for hy Cohunander MtcNider resulted in the announce ment 4hat the vote was unanimous. One delegate who voted "no" by mis take cried out his apology when hun I HU nf nleMtes veiled .Alt "Who is .--,- jhe7v- ' ORGANIZATION OF WESTERN , mOCESE Dean Davis, of New York City Will - Preach the Sermon Tonight (By tha AoAjit rnn.1 -',.-.'..'. - ..Hickory, Ost. 18. Following tbe or ganization this morning of the west- - uiocese oi ftortu tarouna .i- tes. nere rroin nie western nan. oi t"" state were given a mncueon t y ladies of tlie local church and. pre- pared foMn automobile ride about th lm' ,nm aiiemoon. - . jxrw York City, wlW preach, the ser- , moil tonight and Hie convention Will come to a close at noon tomorrow. 1 ' i '' -i . , A. I Jl Paris dancer left the -stag b cause, of stage fright We know man who married a stage fright, ' , t ,:v' - . - :' ;l ,-' ; V' . -'.-1:i:: -:f '..'!'-'' y -.' '-''' : : ". . . 'i COt RJ CASES ( Mart. I (nsrrna fMinrrkir Cort . Tneadar rlaie4 iia lb trial of rrllMaJ rfaarged with fnrnlratina and &arrr. - Boih plead guilty and both wee fuuuil Uty. They wer rt.tro.-e4 to jaU lavt r.jfnr IK aiontha, and rack was to lal ..aK- W . r , rapua to "I"" e-tu 'apiuu - ario (tor anytime within flr years. I evweace, oeretuiani at overt to noa-auu and mm ion waa allowed by lb court. I iHike Itr-r nlead amiltr tn aiwanlt with a deadly wea)ion. lie hut not been sentenced. John Murpu was charged with re ceiving whisky. He was foniHl not guilty. ri SD FOR EDIT ATI0S TO THIS1TI COLLEGE First Irfhodist (hardt at RalUkary Ulvea SMJNW for litis rurpoae. Sartsbury, Oct. 17. Salisbury First church has decided that the mor than IM.OOO sh is to give to the geaeral educationa. fund of the Metno- dist church during the next tour years shall go to Trinity college to be nsed in the building of a department for the teaching of religious trainers. - James B. Duke recently offered to ?Itb tirionft rr thin huilitnr if th two Methodist conferences in North Carol in shoultl duplicate that amount. By the action of First church she Is taking caret over half of the amount expected from the western North Caro'.lna conference. .The action of the local church wiH he reported at the annual conference at Monroe this week and It is hoped that at this con-fAi-mi -tinneh monev will he -nledffed to complete the amount expected of i the conference. DR. BUTLER WOULD FORM NEW PARTY The Democratic-Republican Would Be Name of Columbia University Head's Party. New Tork, Oct. 17. Formation of a Democratle-Republihnn party, which would represent the perdontinant lib eralism of onr people," was advocated by Dr. Nlcbxilas Murray Butler, perl dent of Columbia University, in an ad dress tonight at the opening of the 10th year of the university's Institute of. Arts and Sciences. He declared . the time had come ' to move toward i higher ground." I - , - Coulescence of the two old parties. Dr. Butler said,' wtould lead to the or ganisation of a distinctly radical party, thus bringing about "an honest and IUI1B VI llip,lilg UlMllll. KM llt'llV-h ... vin.l ,,. v. n dneere divfeion.ot Jjolitical, frsJnjJL The cirtmmlgn niannger's. jidvice to" this emntirr' She Clrth "Slemlwa uml those contem- thin Constructive liberals , would be brought face to tuee with destructive radicals under such reorganization, he said, and with the question whether; tbe present federal form of government established by the constitution would be preserved or discarded. : ' Kannapolis State College Alumni Form Club. Last Friday night twelve alumni of State College met in Kiiniiaisills and formed a State College Club., The club was. organized '"primarily to promote fellowship among the alumni anil for the general upbuilding of . the college. . : After enjoying a nice lay-out of eats,, a few of the alumni discussed the college and its conditions,- From then on the meeting was made informal and many interesting and funny talks were made about the old college pranks that thev were mixed up in while on the hill. ' ''-:,. W. Nl Phurr was elected president and J. D. Pell, secretary and treasur er. .:.,. : ' '. The following alumni were present : G. G. Allen, O. M. Powell, .S. B. Bradford, H. B. Roliertson.i W; Nf Phnrr, A. B. MirCormick, C. E. Bailee, T, W. Alexander,- Iewis Loughljn, R. A. Holshouser and J. D. Pell.. t Prominent:. Twin City Man Goes to . f Roads. ' Winston-Salem, Oct. 17. R. T. Con rad, well known resident of Winston Salem, was tried yesterday on the charge of having whiskey In his pos session for the puroose of saleH trans - . .. . . , ..... . -Z l , portatlon and receiving, anu was gtveu twelve months on the county roads. ' The Woina'us Club of New Orleans, chartered In 1883, Is said to be. tbe oldest woman's club in the Sontn. A square nillle will nwnhldate 7, 005,000 people standing close together. Answering the Housing Problem , "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TO; -l JUST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." . 4 ,:,.'j-, . -: . 'i .i .',, v , t ,-v --.'.i .,:.-'-' '-;-' ...-';. . ,,-.''i;' -.' :, i - ' k,- : ' . :. .".':' ,:-'.: -v..'..-.'.- '- fl-r' - YOU CAN find a place to live A BETTER PLACE to live' than you've given, any consideration, to YOUR QWN HOME, ; , OWN YOUR HOME, ',; : 1 ,;;v. : ?. j.. 1,- , -v-,., , i'i-:., . : - ',..,.' .,v.'Vv':;:V''. -; -.V.'.W''!?.r . ' For twenty-five years we have been loaning money on weekly,' , and monthly payments under fl plan that lends to home ownership, nnd totlay 'CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who' are ; not concerned about renting problems. YOU, TOO, CAN BE J.N DEPENDENT of tbe landlord. - i k ' , The wav to do it Is to take out some shareh In Series No. B0 v of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW : OPEN ahd let us help you. -j;, , . . . . " COMB IN AND LET U8 TELL TOU ALL" ABOUT IT. Cabarrus County Building Loan and . , Savings Association. ' Office in Concord National' Bank r,V0TE0FFER AFFORDS TO SUCCESS - ,l riff rnJa Qafurrlav 'Io-rr UDCT tnOS aiUTQay IMgHC and With It Goes the Best Aatil . - m b F nr.rwrttir.itir in. Imni-o Votes Enter now. "CLUB" YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS AND FORTUNE In Building $30.00 Clubs it Should be Remembered That Persons Are Not Lim-t ited to Just One Club. " s A siieclal ballot of 240,000 Extra or additional rotes to being credited np 00 W1 worth of aulwcriiitloa iiay- a"1" mta-weeg. Thl" fl'p' until next Rat- ""l" iebt, ten o clock, Ojtober 21st, "n'1 l"ltlve assurance la lieing given to workers that this Is tbe biggest vote ofrw t" will.be made throughout tbe lirl ' . . . ' ' " . Tribune subscriptions and Times sulwcriiitions count to apply upon it; 'M),h nv "' "w aulsa-rlptiona count. jr musr ne- remeniitereu mat tuese votes are In adtlition to those allowed -yon according to the regular schedule. Subscriptions to apply nisin this pe ritsl should lie turned In as fast as they are received. It is not necessary that yon hold them until the required $30.00 worth to -accumulated before - sending them to- -l"t Headquarters. Get them in as quickly as you iMiKsildV can. Enough votes can be secured during ' this week to earn any prize In the llst( -and this offer should lie taken ad vantage nf to the fullest extent. Now' you folks who are contemplating en tering the Salesmanship Club, this to your tine big opiHirtnnity. Do not fail to get your Nomination in and make a , start. - . ' .. .".. - REMEMBER : - It ends Saturday night. Better get busy! - ' " i The nomination blank will . count for 5.000 votes and four of them will be accepted. A glunce at the stand- ing of tbe contestants so fur in the published list and it will show that a, few btmrs work among your friends j and acquaintances would yield enough votes to place' your name right among y the leaders, plating -entering the club is that they keep busy until th very last minute of the BIG EXTRA VOTE OFFER and get Justaas many Extra Vote Bui-, lots ns they possibly can. . it is Mietter to win by too- many votes than to lose by too few. Get after nil those promises and get. as. many In as you iiossibly can. RE MEMBER, the best voting opportunity of the 'entire campaign -omes to a close next Snturduy at 10 p. m. - , "Nnff Sed." , . With Opr Advertisers. Build now anil save money; F. C. Nihlock will lie glad to make esti mates for you. " v A shipment of large solid Danish cabbage just received at the Cabarrus Cash Grocery Company. ; -': With Our Advertisers. ' The C-2 Columbia Grnpbophone sells for only $4'i.OO. Read nlsmt It in the : , new ad. toiuiy of the Concord Furni- .. hire Co. - . - . -,. Try paying cosh for your groceries-, and see how much wou can save. See ; new ad. of C. H. Borirer & Co. - . : v - '; The Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet sold here by H. B. -Wilkinson, will save miles of walking. ; :' ; f . , A checking account to indispensable.' for the satisfactory , handling of your ' business and personal financial affairs. ' Iiok up the new advertisement of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. Rally at Tucker's Chapel. ! There will be a v-rally, at Tucker's :. , , Chuiiel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock .4 1 1. ' i I'Mnmrnjlll. MnJ IAH. - miu, vi x.iiiiiniia uu -. cord conducting it . Good songs and speeches. . :- Everyone is - invited to come and lie with us. II. T. BLACKWELDER, Pastor. ' William A.len White has removed his name from the editorial staff of , Judge. 'i i

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