t, L , . o o O o. today's o a nes o Oi TODAY. O 0 0 oooooo a c o a: .:ai O. i .;LSS o dispatchcs ooooooo 'AILY 1EIBUNE H. J. VOLUME XX1L CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1922. .NO 213. J ) I' V i I f.' I I 20 P L 17: 7 ARE UNDER. - TATPORTLAHD Following Mayor Baker's De-i ciarauon inatUie Lity Yas Threatened With Invasion of Thousands of Them. ' . ' f - I TVT-.Tr.r rT UKULKED POLICE ' . 'TO ROTTNn TIIFXf TTP ' . . -.. , . Tki. t w n "xr "' ine I. V. W . Papers in Yariz us Parts of the Country Had Adopted the Slogan, "On to Portland r , ' 1 . George aald he eeuM not consult them a prime minister, since be had re (Br t tuMMrf PiM.i . ' signed. - - '- . . -Portland, (ire., w-t. II). Mor tbnn Meniberi ef the miners' Mrgxtiea aald Mr.' Lloyd George told them thf, 2K) men wire nnilerarrext tere tliiT.K,nS eptedbU rcHlgnatioa. - . vrMi(iwiDg iin.vnr urgj l KaKcrnl- t v -- - r.wUiration Unit IVirtliiml wni threiit-'WARR.WT IS 1SSI ED s eiiI iy no InvaHlon f thouHnmlH of. AGAINST CHEATHAM . tueuliei-a of the InUimtrlil Worker , - of the World ohiiIdk lnw'lo wrti4- i Charging .'Him With .Murder In the ile lu the waterfront atrlke, and his I ' Death cf Doug Dunham, untera to the police to round them up. I nr the Amctatd rmi ' -" lu wbolemle ruidd in the imtlon of Kttllxliur.r, " (let. - m-A warrant the city ' here moat of the Hoik work,lcharKlllg H. , H. 'Cheatham. Federal . r-erfde,, S.K) men were rreste.l. prhlhltl(M1. ,r, who 3 and killed .i1"",.,, y b.",MtPn Vu'keVjll".re 1)0 Bwfhaui. young white .man of thnn Jin.Htf them lUevl to I thls ,.Uv , itnriW ng,lt while in "f. the ,Mi'.rlll? TJnn"lort;J.1!" " mr( lth murder, baa dwtruil 1 nlon of Porttaml. were Jail- 1efn ,Mf, the nty pw-ntor( el on chnrgea of Tagrnnc-y. The oth- a a Mt;t,W,na. , K ' VZZJVX t ...' Thl warrant wag forwarded to 8her ,iK V!,.uSt,ftwf'1"1' 1 Alexander, of Iredell county, thia aiF rui milt A, 11 a N" 1 in rarioua porta of the country have adopt pi 1 the alogan "On to Port land," and that the plana ill for the iiiiuiedinte inarch of more than 25.000 meiuliera of the organisation to Port land and other points on the Pacific COIlHf.- , PROSPERITY CERTAIN," , . '-HAYS Blti BTjSIXESS Conntry Maklnjr Rapid Strides to Ke lurn to Beat of Tiinea, Washington, Oct. 19. (Capital Wwg Service). From H eldea comes as Kuranco that , the country la making tapl progress towards a supemor malcy, which will 'spell full' dinner palls, coail bins, -and bank accounts. Ilager W. Babsira, nirted satisticlan, bci'h that we are at the bennlng of an upward awing to a pf jk of pros perity which will tw reached for r wo years ut least ': - . V .;, . ''; "''A B. C, Forbes has ehnrta-jtad. ilGures to in-ove that the country la buLentBr- M.rUiK the parioiLof xiWto&JhevmJb. - period of had time -wbrch were -the I i t reaction front War inflation. v ,1 , - The ' Department of Labor finds .that the Nation Is cal'lnp for laCiof, and that the unemployment situation . of a ew months as Is so altered as to ibe unrecognizable. ( The coal strike is over ; and while coal will' not be plentiful, there li no famine or fuel havrfshlp In. sicht. Textt'.e strikes in New England are rapidly belnpr settled; ' the railroad ril;e is "or' so far as the carriers and the public are concerned; and tbe Btee: industries show a 4rge untilled 1 ! -tonnage and increase in employment Building construction all over the ' eounfry has taken a new lease of life, and the housins shortage which Is '' practically Natlona wldo . Is belnjg to tome extent relieved it not curea. The newUaffs ive not yet proved as uDsettins In financial circles as Its onnonents oroohesled. and the recent announcement of the Government that ro-lew taxes were in prospect, and the ihe'-vlng of the bonus bill ide for an indefinite period have removed the spectre of increased Income taxes. Want. Gambling at Garni' Abolished. , Chapd HilU N. C Oct 17. A tele grm declaring far cO-operation with State College in opiwsltion to drinking and gamh ing at athletic contests was sent to the student body at State Col- i .i.. . i.tt f'o.h TfllliAin Fofzer , and Captain Prlrchard, of the Caroli na football tennf; H. OHnrmon, pres ldent of' the student body, and C. C. ; Poindexter,, of the senior einss. . n-t. : . ni,nn,iir hooii ffint 1UV U1B09M.17 linn -t'wir.,-'-i.i r ..iir.Y w tram .T. m tE...i7.'iL..ij',i ,,f. thn utii. J.. il, .kB.;t. ww ..kn th University students to coepcrata preventing armKing, iwiubh " . . fniMYim nt dl;iitton that would be a discredit to the two Institutions of .Ji-arnlng the State next Thursday. Salisbury Euslness Man Is Dead From AAiv4?..iJv;, .Cancer. 'vfT-'i- . SallsburyV Oct 18.T-Roscoe Robert son died this afternion at 4 p'clock at .v.. .1 1.1. .V-ro. Paul - W. Nichols, death e:ng caused Dy cancer sion uere uuu --i from which he had suffered for some' tlon of these tbe session was expected 'months; Mr. Robertson ; was aoout' to take, up transaction of Ha regular 'forty years old and was connected business. . v ' ; " with the Robertson Wholesale Grocery ' The report on social service was pre rZ.JLn ,n brother. Chares .A,' pared by President W. A. Harper, of i . HCDertson, s-utvivch. t uo iuubiui in , - place Thursday afternoon at 4 oclok 'from Summersets Undertaklirg triors V and burial will be with Masonic ' honors. . V Fern. IW Price on Cars $50 Mori, v , ' u Detroit,. MtcB.. pet- 17. At mld , night on -Monday a $50 cut in the price ' ' - ' T of all modi Is of Ford cars became ef- , - , foctive, accoraing to announcement iu V day toy the Ford Motor Company. The reduction came as a big. sur ' . ' prise In the motor industry, coming as it did at . time when the . company ' bus orders two months a head of pro duction. "Notification ot tb tiewpriess vi as wired to dealers throughout 'the , " cobntry last night" . ; ' ', German ex-royalties are applying for ' nenslons according to their military .ranks. The former Crown Prince of .Bavaria c'alms a general's pension. Government of Lloyd George V 1 V-a .a . - . . . Mbitrr u,d ceor mdpwd tw. tnnM. ' TllLt imior B,enb" r"'nd I Th aannuurrment f lb geTsnnneoft realgnatlaa vm Mie y the If antral New and vp to :tJ Urk IliU ifKmta afflrial r ether a- cotmeerorat ef U had not appeared. MUM preceded by the ami. lemrial arnounnrot f tke Praia Aaaartatien ttaUng that It bad learned m 1,11,1 u,hori7 that the goTermnml b . LATER OmClAL ANNOUNCEMENT MADE.. , . 1 1 London. Ort.l (:08 P. M. (By the Amertated Prea)-Tb rwIgnaUea of Prime Minister Lloyd George m mrially announced this aftentcen. ' to resignation of .Ylsrount reel, the Secretary ef State for India, aba was announced. ,. After a brief audience with King George this afternoon, Mr. Lloyd George returned te Downing street, where he reeeived the minera' delegation, but according te Frank Hedge, whe headed the drlecatlon. Mr. Uovd niorulug, where Cheatham la attending Federal court. Choirthniu claims that he nhot Pun ham ai-cidentally when, he attimlileil and his revolver was discharged. In a statement made before bla death, lmnhnra said, the revenue officer took deliliernte-nlm at him nnd fired before a word hud been spoken, by anyone. W0(J1S LEG HIS BANK. Ragged' Tramp Whe Boned Night's Lodging Is Well Heeled. New York, Oct. 19. Jim Cote, a rag ged tramp with a wooden leg. walked into White Plains i ml ice station and begged for a night's lodg.ng Monday. He said he was broke and friendless. He spent the night in tbe White Plains jail. When be was arraigned tefore Sergeairt Ready - today It was noticed the prisoner kept feeling f , the wooden eg. -5- - i r What Itches flowp there?" 8ked the' Sergeant, A search -was instituted nna fl secret' ef trap was found In the wooden , leg and within It 'was hidden 90.06. No charge had heen made against, Cote, so be was allowed to depart. Allowed to keep a s'kuxk. Alderman Dismisses Charge Without . Star Witness in Court. . Allentown,rPa., Oct 17. TUo right of an individual to keep at his home such harmless. "V even If odoriferous. pests as po'.ecats m.nst be proticted jdred and sixteen passengers were taR at all hazards, Alderman Bower ruled ', en from Colonial Line steamer Con today In dismissing the case against ; cord early today by freighter Mohegan Robert Shaffer, of summit Iawn, wno had been arrested tv Game Warden Gfry on charge of having a skunk in his - possession out or season. -; Shaffer's defense was that i he pile cat bad been guilty -of stealing chick ens, but that, since he had caught It, the animal had become thoroughly domesticated and harmless as a faini.y cat fie was discharged and . will be allowed to keep the skunk, which he. offered to bring Into Court .....,.. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady But at a Decline on ., ; Some' Months. - .(By tbe Aaaoctatcd Press.) 'New York, Oct. li).-The cotton mar ket opened "steady tlay-at n decline of 5 points to an advance of 8 points. There: were some overnight selling or ders, but they were very readily ab sorbed around the opening prices and the- market tnrned. llrra after the call iiccenincr KCiuni; un in or - - - - . about l.i points net higher. . Cotton futures Jipt-ned steady: Oo tober 2-J tr,: December ffit.0S: JammVy H22i'; Jlr,h S3 DO; -May 23.00; July American Christian Convention at Bur- Ungton. i ' - (By be Aaaoclatr rresa.) v Burlington, N. C, .Oct HI. Reports of commissions on luymen'B work, ev angelism. Ule amrk. sociul service and other sulijects were piucen oeiore me American Christian Convention In see- . -:-i. . t Elon College: Train VassesChild,' But no Hurts. MoiTison. 111.. '- ' Oct, 1 18. Bernlce Witt, vsix years old, of Fulton, 111., was run over by a Chicago and North Western passenger trairi today, but at tended school as usual. v v v r The little girl, was on 'her way to school , when she ; well In front of the tralu. the engine and five cars pawing over her,' The trainmen pulled her out inan unuer ine hikm i " "" car and found sle was uninjured.' .' ; She did not cry but hnrrled away to school; -v J' ':-'' f.V'. -tf iSSenllwortit t Be AbanAnned. 1 ; 1 Washington, Oct 18. It was made plain today that the general hospital at Kenll worth Inn, Asheville, wou'd be abandoned by tlie Veterans' ! Bureau. I Those working for '-its con .tlnuance lost hopes today. v : , r J' Prime Minister Has Resigned . k M - i V wauid resign forthwith. WORK OF THE METHODIST CONFERENCE AT MONROE PaatoVs' Salaries Have Averaged Over S1.4U9 Earb-Preaidlng Elders, $3,- 130. (Hjr tbe Aaaeetat Pma.1 Monroe, X. C. th-t. 1!. The West- "N"I cent has been spent in era North Carolina Conference of the JWuicssota." King a:d, "although eight M. E. Church. South,' now In annual ! months after the statement mis been session here, contributed $3Ki,fNM) dur- le tbat 1he money has Seen alio lng the last twelve months, to pastors" i cated. As for me. If I am the only salaries, or ah average of more than!mn to voice antagonism to General $W()0 for each pastor, It was shown Sawyer, I'll voice It". by . reports to the meeting. For" the presiding elders the total was $34,0TK, an average of more than 1,130. With organisation work done nnd many of the usual preliminary ques tions asked nnd answered, the lfKTJ session presided over by Bishop Cot Una Denny, of Richmond, was marked tolny work of the conference luiamla nml utiimlliin lukinmlrtuAii I I boards and standing committees, rieas ror tue i entennry r nnn oi the Methodist Eplscoiial . Church. South, were made at today's session of the. Conference,, which was told thnt thlrt conference which pledged $1,500, 000. has iml.l only $0(iO,(MlO. Bishop W. F. McMnrrah, of St. Louis, made an npitenl for more funds for the Cenfennry and G. F. More lock, secretary of the General Board of liay Activities, urged the laymen to aid It. "If the lnymen of the church,". Mr. Morelock said, "want to be recognized as more than 'money grnblttrs,' arid want to be ulentilied with evangelism. mission etlucotlon nnd every . Interest ' "".Ll'r Bishop Denny, presiding sotneer of the conference, nnonneed the transfer of E. K. Creel nnd C. iV. Johnson from the Western North . Carolina to the North Carolina conference. ANOTHER STEAMER ON FIRE The 116 Passengers . of the Concord Taken Off of the Steamer Mohegan. T lb AMMtatMI Hrw.1 Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. One hun- wnue nre rngeti in me rargo uom ui the passenger carrier; The Are was controlled after men from the freight er heliied the Concord's crew fight the blaze for an hour. -. , ". .; " ".' ' The transfer of passengers was done with the vessels 12 miles from shore, and the wind blowing 30 miles an hour from the northwest No one was In jured., , . -' ' " ; - Winston "Jlgfrs" Seek Refuge from "Maggies- , WlnstonSalem Oct.. 18. VJlggs," the mticbly-abused husband of "Mag gie" has a bunch of sympathizers among the citizenship . .of : Winston Salem., This , was demonstrated - re cently when a bunch"' of representa- tivemen got together,and decided to ness ntxtne mgnesr pwia. n una i perfect an organization, giving It the I In years, nnd with the worst cpnges tltle t Jlgga.--lncorporated.'-V'',v..,,..;i, (tlon locally the city has ever-had, the A cMtlfleata from the Secretary of railroad officials have shut down on State has been received and while the "Sympathizers" will not isyue 'any stock, the papers have been filed with the e'erk of the court to go on record. The Incorporators have purchased 225 acres of land three miles north of Kernersvllle. on which' they propose to establish a place' of refuge fccmj uirge advertisers to depend upon flews- ! - Their plans Include the erection of t modern club house,- tmuaing ot a Lake and the formation of a hunting preserve. Convention of Railway Treasury Offl- een Association. .. . (By the Aaseclata Piw) Asheville, Oct 10. Summing up th!mnn. of Somerset, and -Strieker, of alms of the organization nnd achieve- ments to lie accomplished through co- operation,' D. K, Kellogg, president of Mm Rnllwnv Trensiirv Officers Assoeia tlon, ln his address here this morning detectives and others, on the case. j opened -the sixteenth annual meeting; - " -,,. T"i. of the Assoelation-ihere. Nearly n hun- B.bles sent to the Gilbert Islands dred delegates representing practical-'have their covers fastened with a glue lvVery state in the union, are here containing a mixture of cayenne tar the three dnvs conference. J 4 ' pepper, oil of cloves and Corrosive sub for the three days conference. (4; Thlg l8 n(.eegsary to protect ?iw Anlh n.M ir K :-' UheT'books from a certain worm, pe Dry AmendmentHere for Keep.n TcuUar to the Islands, which destroys Washington,. ; .Oct. i 18. President hln,jln. . riardlng was nuoted by delegates to itM r11"'"8,,', , , , the Conference of Allied Christian o-l'.-'-"oir.' Lloyd George la to receive at ofetles who called upon lm atNtheiieagt $450,000 for his coming book of WTilte House tonight Just before the ' memories, a nrlce whlch Is. almost close of their, two-day, meeting as de parallel in the annals of litera clarlng that the nation ln his opinion Uure. r t - r -.a.;' would never depart from, the eight-1 , : , , -: ; eenth amendment . - ' ' . ' 'London's new Countv HaM, recently f ,-, -"i , r v ! ' ' ( completed at a cost of nearly $25,000.- The town of Douglas, In the Isle Of ono contains MO rooms,. In which 2,300 unan, ooasis or naviiig .iue ibhsbbv most comprehensive place of amuse- ment in the world. " One 6f its chief features-Is a dance ball capaift'o of ac- comndatlng a thousand .couples at one time. ' : , ;& - 5 ;r DEMAND THE REMOVAL ' ' VV UMHttl O I. HIWTEI If lIk ( WtifR "tllrr ratw," IJg tlr -mU4 Airta Letf t rails. Ori!v. Oct 11 (Br the Aa- Preaa) A rx uimn demand removal vf brigadier Oeaerai E. 8wycr for "utter anflt- I DMl" vaJ oreaeatea' to lh. inwitii r Lioa LMloA nvl Rliuai toiler hv IWnl jCotPtandrr Barren, f M.nnarsnta. The Hack wa uoire4 by ilie report of Rice Veaas. of Colorado, of , the Natlooal ReUa'jiataUoo Committee, i which accepted "the eleda ef w ' ope rat km give by General Sawyer." . IteclaruiK that "an , armistice baa I bera aigtted" and rtaJ -It'a lime to ttop irahllng.' Adolpbm Granpner, of t'al I Ifmula, sjsiJiV again) iir. uarren's j reaolntion. v v I A demand from the floor that a Ktateiucnt lie made a' te hetber OeiL iMiwyer nau aignea an agreement in writing was answered by Cot A. A. Hprsgue, of Chicago, chairman- of the' rcUaliilltatlAn cnmmilttM, who aald tbe committee Had taken Gen. Pawyer "on 1 hs word " He aakcl a vote agnnst Barrens retolutlon. 'It lli not ot ft i.l.iw at Sawyer," he saM. "You cari'l dlslodgo 8a-ycr. It will on'y be a, b'aw at your rehabi litation committee..) Adj. Stafford Kinfe.'of the Mlnnessota Departimnt was recognized by past nationi commander Kmory, who was (colled to tub chair by General Fore ;a men. , FILIPINO KU KLUX REPORTED WORKING Complaints Are Made to Prosector Rcbfrts TkU hlan Is Terrorising the Island Honolulu. Oflt. 18.-'omplalnts that an organization known as the "Filipino KuKlux ,8 operating in the country districts' of Oiihu and other Islands, have "been received by Prose cutor Caus L. Roberts. Prominent Filipinos have formally complained to Prosecutor Roberts that the- Ku Klux Klan In terrorizing1 their countrymen, threatening them with various horrible punishments unless they become members. The klan Is said to have been organized six month ago and to haye a memership of more than 2,000. ' Many of the members, it was said. have wished to withdraw from the Society but fear to. do so because of the penalties with ; which - they 1 are .threatened. One member, missing w veral weeks, is Jbet'lsved to have been aUve for vlolatipg the rules of tho order,- and aevw&'huve. been tied to stakes and whipped. . The public prosecutor is investlgat lng with a view to taking legal ac tlon. . . - COTTON EMBARGO IS EFFECTIVE FOR GREENSBORO Southern Cannot Handle Cotton Ex cept For Four Mills Until Conges - tlon Is, Cleared. Greensboro-News. k I Because of the congested condition in the freight yards In and around GreenBlmro,: an embargo has been placed on all cotton 'shipments for all consignees destined to Greenslmro on the' Southern railway system, with the exception of cotton for the Rev olution, White Oak, Proximity, and Pomona- Mills. ! . There were 255 solid cars of cotton on the tracks here yesterday and until the emlmrgo was placed more cotton was continuously coming In. The embargo will have its, chief ef fect on the cotton i warehouses In Greensboro wherein can be stored ap proximately 00.000 bales. These ware houses always have a certain amount of cotton stored In them, but at this season of the year with the cotton crop now being ginned, the demand for space is unusually strong. With the sontnerns ireigui oui- cotton, because, they t say, cotton re quires longer to handle man neaviy any other article iow being shipped. Thev don't know when the embargo will' be lifted. S ' vriv EVIDENCE IN THE , 1 A - HALL-MILLS ML'RDER CASE " ' New In the Hands of -Ine Authorities, fit Was Declared Today. . New Brunswick, X. J-i (Jet 10 (By tb( Associated 'Press ).--New evidence. in the Hall-Mills murder case is in the bands of the authorities. It was declared today, by a man ciose in ine nnnfiiience of countv prosecutors Beek- j Middlesex.; . - , : The situation was given coior y continuation of the feverish acUvity - , m tne nasi tnree oaya ou iue n 1, ui ofncialfl can be convenient y housed, n . , , . -Rents In Berlin were until recently limited to 125 per cent more than the pre-war figure;, they hav now. gone Up to 350 per cent of that amount.. RED ARMY ATTACKS FRENCH CONSULATE;- At VTadivostok-wlessnesslS'V Rerb.,NCTtjMpmK-: e Enrolliiuj Reigns There as a Result of the Approach of the Vic torious "Reds.' "WHITE" GUARDS ARE ANNIHILATED Foreigners Have Appealed to The Governments for Pro tection. Invading ; Army Marches Unhindered. Toklo, IM. 1! (By rhe Assoslatcd ! Pressi. Ijiwlcssness rciens In Vlmli-: vstok as the result of the approach of a victorious "retr army, official dis patches ay. The ' French cmiaulae was attacked yesterday and foreigner have appealed to jlhelr government for protection. . The Auierlcan consul has enraml as a refiiEf for Aniericam: building flying the American flag and gnardi41 by the guns of an American crhiser. Two Japanese cruisers and three d stroycrs nbe are in .Vladivostok har lHr to ,ali in the protection of for eigners. Recent reports have relnted the prac tical annrhilatinu of the "white" gunrd-i i under General Deiterichs. The ln ivnding army of the Far Eastern re I public of Siberia -Apparently was marching on Vladivostok unhindered, and the capture of tbe Siberian port was -expiated soon. CAROLINA KIWAMANS END THEIR MEETING District Clubs Will Hold Convention in Wilmington Next Year, Officers Named. . Asheville. Oct. 18. Selection of Wil mington as the place for the district convention of 1!2H and the election of Alva Lumpkin, prominent attorney tit Columbia. S. C, as district governor, succeeding W. B. Jlerrlmon. of Greensboro, was the feature of the closing sessions of the district cou- ventlon of the KIwnnis clnlm of the Cnrollnas today It wa.s formally deddel at the ses sion to ' iniike the conventions annual instead of seml-annuul and the 1023 session will prolmbly le held during the month of August It H. IcUoHhWC of (ilnmbla, S. C, ras elecfjpd as jUstrtet sTetaiy and treasurer, and fhe'hew -Hlr will (take office on January 1, 1023. Considerable Interest centered -In mules; two good horses; 11 milk the election of lieutenant governors, cows : one young- heifer ; one Guernsy with two each from North and South; bull; 10 hogs to kill? live good brood Carolina. II. Grady Rankin, who is 'sows: one male hog; 10 pigs.1 The engaged In the cotton mill business a t ' fa ruK consists of 133 acres, with a fine Hiastonia, aiftl Bert James, attorney of Greenville, were elected from North Carolina, and W. H. Keith, general in- surance agent of Greenville, and E. W. Srkes. iiresiilent of Cokec College at- Hartsville, were elected to serve from the Palmetto stute.. PLENTY PRINT PAPER , IX AMERICA I!f 1923 R. S. Kellogg Te!ls Press Association There'll Be Encngh for 1D23 Reqnire ments. Chicago, Oct. 18.-With the new paper 'mills planned and under con struction here should be no need for publishers to go beyond America for their 1923 newsprint requirements, R. S. Ke'.logg, secetaryof the Newsprint Service bureau, said today in an ad dress before the Inland Daily Press as sociation. News-print Importation of 135,000 tons from- Enrope in 1921 has fallen away, the speaker said, and new mills and additions in the United States and Canada will go Into operation next year with a capacity of 600 tons daily., "We are in another period of gen eral business increase," Lesaid. "This means increasing producticta costs and rising commodity prices. "Advertising agencies report a great increase In advertising budgets fer next year and- that a large proportion of the total will be spent In the news pa pt;rs. : The increasing tendency i-of laygeadvertisers to depend upon news papers for the maintenance and exten sion of their markets is Aown by the fact that wh.le tots.: newspaper adver. using In the leading cities so far this year has been six if cent less th"" ln 1920. periodical advertising has been -36 per cent less than during the same period two years ago." ' I Buffaloes at the Canadian federal. game park nt Walnwrlght, Alberta, j jnave increased in bucu ihuuik-ib iii 1 government omciam .maw iue "-. j tract of land set aside for them is In-1 , soun ieni , ,v.u. ,c number of the older animals are o be slaughtered, the carcasses to lie sold to northern trading companies. to oe made into pemmlcnn, The. government wlir retain the hldesv. --).-. '-.! " V , Ruins identified as those of Nen drum . Monastery, one -of the earliest Christian monasteries in Ireland, have lieeu found at Mahee lslirnd. Strnug- ford Lough, near Belfast. Extensive excavations have revealed valuable. material. Writings, believed to be of Danish origin,' havedjeen unearthed.. , Creeping Bent Grass in pure strains makes the best golf green,-according to experiments mide by the. United States Department of Agriculture, This ,varlety of grass' Is uniform In color and texture and stands wear well.. Crabs change their shells, annually, , An ordinary mouse average a run of ten and a half miles a day. ,. COI RT ADJOVRNEB FO WEEK Jaar Fmler Ul Be Here Mendaj ie FnU en the IUM Cairaaaar. Cahtrraa Omarr Minvrtnr Omrt on yevtvrday rnat4et4 the mnalnder of la criminal kl. . I Hiit at ibU um, 'a ad adjonrned na-l in urn aiuBtuy, waen in nvu iVxa-t et wiu lie taken op. Jitdaw VS. K. luwd te bla borne, amf Judge W TiwrT. ley la mwrled to la in 'iM-ird 1 C"" Molidar to thm -lvll r- The graml Jury, with Mr. Mason j iliuan aa foreninn. rumplHed Ita' .rt .. f..o.a: ' ' , .BEST OPPORTUNITY - We. Ihl flninil Jnrr titr th. ft,4nl m iifrir In imtir p.er Term, lir.fi of the Mia-rlor Cwirt. tieg leave to aulunlt tbe following re-! port : e bate acted on all bills of ln4J diclment sent to ua by tbe Solicitor and maile presentments of all vloln llona of the biw that liave been brought to our notice. .We as a com ml I ice visited the Jail and found Wren prisoners, four blacks, three whites: jail in good re-t l"lr and well kept. We nlso as a 'committee visited the offices of the court nouse and found tbe same well roster oi tmaw wno will compete in kct and In gmsl shape. We as a be big "Salesmanship Club." -committee visited Chain Gang Camp The great prise distribution excites No, 1 and found 44 'prisoners. 20 blacks enthusiasm throughout the city and and 24 white; 13 head gissl mules; six surrounding territory and It la In. two-horse wagons, one bUicksmith creasing each day that passes, The shop and good tools: one steam drill. Rig Clnh In which $0,000.00 in auto- , one White truck. '( 1-2 tons; 1 tractor; mobiles and other cash prises -and one Fordson tractor: picks aud shor-.cash commissi our will be given away els: all of tbe alsive in good shape. free a few weeks helice la making a We as a committee visited Chain solid hit everywhere. Gang ('amp No. 2. We found 18 pris- Those who wish to take time to oners,' all white: tui mules'; three two- study the campaign plan carefully be horse wagons: 1 steel cage; three fore sending in their names have drag jians; picks and shovels: all of found that it affords the greatest, op the alsive In good shape; prisoners portunlty of obtaining - big liy for well cared for. ' t their spare time that has ever ls?en We as a committee recommend that made In this section. Names of men Camp No. 1 have some good lighting and women continue to arrive every system Installed. , :dny to 1m placed on tbe list of Doml- We as a committee visited the Conn- nations. 1 ty Home. We find four large brick! New Names Being Entered. buildings, one for white Inmates, one Work in The Tribune and .Times for colored inmates, nnd one for in-, "Salesmanship Club" is Jtecomlng more-, sane and one for the suiM?rlntendent ( spirited each day. New names are all of which are electric-lighted and being entered in the list and recent s'tenui heated; Also have hot and cold entrants are forging right to the front water. We find the buildings well by building clulm. Since each club furnished, with beds nnd bedding. We means a gain of 240,000 EXTRA find for tbe Inmates one organ and one VOTES In nddltion to the regular Vlctrola ; preaching services every 'votes ft cap readily he seen that, a Sunday. We find the following nuui-jbig step is' .made toward the ultimate -ber of inmates: White men, 14: white goal. women, 111; white prisoners, female 4,1 This BIG EXTRA VOTE OFFER white Ihivs, 4; colored men, 8: colored I has caused others to enter' the race . women, 4; one colored bnby; colored; prisoners, female 1; colored boys 2, a I total of r7. We And the followiue. equipment for the home: One Ford cur, one Fordson tractor; one disc j harrow for Fordson tractor; one disc -harrow for team; 2 two-horse wagons; 1 one-horse wntnm. find harness for same ; oiie binder; one mdwer; onf rake; owj gr er ; shovels, rafles, hoes, and a. goon supply of farming tools; three "good orchard of four acres. The farm Is In a good state of 'cultivation, being worked in corn, onts, peas and beans, Theue Is 800 bushels of old corn, and n limit 000 bushels of new corn, to 'shred. Plenty of rough feed' for the stock ; 105 . gallons of canned goods 300 gallons of canned goods were burned, also 30 bushels of pens and the canning outfit. We recommend that a good fence be built around the entire grove of the County Home. We, as the Grand Jury having ful- filled nnd completed our' duties re-1 sportfully1 ask to be discharged. MASON GOODMAN, Foreman of Grand Jury. ' Miners of Alabama, Reduce Coal Price. Washington, Oct. 18. Alabama coal mine operators. Federal Fuel Distrib utor Spens - announced today, have agreed to limit the ' prices on that part of their output destined for do mestic use to a scale ranging from $3.45 to per ton, according to qual ity, and to cense charging on Interstate shipments prices which have rangea from $4 to $7. They have further agreed to charge no higher prices on that portion of their product shipped Into Interstate commerce than they are charging on the product jwmsuuied vdithln the state of Alabama. This is the second coal iulntng dis trict In which the fuel distributor has negotiated -maximum price agreements on domestic coal, the first having beeft-, the "smokeless" fields of West Vir ginia, where a $6 maximum was agreed i upon. I ' r Answering the-Housing Problem , "HOUSE SOLD AND NO P1ACE TO MOVE TO; -, JUST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." 1 "' . . "YOU CAN find a place to live A BETTER PLACE to live' '' than you've given any consideration . to-r-YOUR OWN HOME, ,,; ; , " OWN V0UR HOME.. i : :,,,.-.;--,,,. i. ,g ) A:''-;sKyi-'Ji:fifc For twenty-five years we have been loaning money on weeklyi and monthly payments under a plan thnt leads to home ownershiii, . and today CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who are not concerned about renting problem YOU, TOO, CAN BE IN-, DEPENDENT of the landlord. - - : The way to do It la to take out some shares In Series No. GO of this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW OPEN and let us help you. , ' COME IN AND LET US TELL tOU 'ALL ABOUT IT. . .... - ... )--;: ,;,. , .;,., .,:' V(.ri--'.-:":,'-i,.i,.V"''---;' Cabarrus County Buiding Loan and Savings Association.-. , Office In Concord National Bank VOTE OFFER PROVIDES A FIRM FOUKDATIQll I Daily ana d in the List Enter Now. j AU V 1 13 II UW ' ' . Tribune and Times Salesman ship Club Settles Down to One of Grim Determined to Win. : . , ; Every day new ambitions are aron. ed, new determination springs forth and new nominations are added to inn and as a consequent new names ap- pear each day. Best Time to' Enter. -Now Is the best time to enft'r the big "Salesmanship Club," but time Is growing short and It will aoon.be too lute to enter and enjoy the privilege of .workini.' under the biireest EXTRA Tfh'E OFFER- on $30.00 clulw diying A person can enter the '"Salesman- ship nub" during ;this BIG EXTRA- . VOTE OFFER and get a commanding position In the line-up at one hound. Securing, $30.00 In subscription pay- . ments tj The Tribune nnd Times is an : easy matter and can lie done with very. . , little effort. ' - ' ,t Offer Ends Saturday Night. Saturday night at 10 o'clock marks the close of the biggesf EXTRA VOTE OFFER OF THE. DRIVE. Yon can make your chances of winning more .- t -secure by , doing your hardest work - -now. Next week the votes will be . , I less and subscriptions harder , to get.. . , Make tise of the time you have now and make your efforts count big for you. The Club has been widely ndver- jtlsed and subscriptions are easy to gefc. , Don't hesitate. Determine today , to , get your share of the six thousand dollar prixe list. : You have as much., right to one of tbe cars as your neigh- . bor. LET'S GO ! REMEMBER get as many $30.00 clulw -as yon pdsslbly can. The -offer , ends Saturday night and the winners . are working and the workers are win ning. ;. - , ' n 1 At The Theatres. --, . ,r Bebe Daniels in "A Game Chicken' Is the attraction today at the i Star , Theatre.- - v V The Piedmont . Theatre Is offering "The New Teacher," with Shirley Mason in the lending role ; also a Fox , comedy, l featuring v Buck Jones In 'Straight From the Shoulder." "The Seventh : Day," a First Nat ional Attraction,, and a comedy "A Safe Proposition," with Ben Turpta in tbe leading role, nre on the program nt the Pastime today. This theatre Is al so showing - some pictures made in Concord. London's death rato last year was the lowest on record. , s . : ;-..

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