00000000 0 TO DATS O o Nn-s ; o O TODAY. O oooooooo rr O o r o q o c .0 AS:CC1ATED : 0 PRESS C O DISPATCHES Q oooooooq ElBME XXII. AIIEWBOIIMW. I ,1111 To Maiino- Panir! Pmin-Ma w . . n , iuujt in ruftimiiuii ui a .Cabinet to Succeed, Fallen : CURZON AND DERBY WILL SERVE WITH HIM V . . v I Bonar Law Will Not Make Official Announcement Un- til He is Elected Head of the Unionist Party. : mm- ndo'nVo. 20 l By tht Inmclntel Ptcshi. Anlnw.Itm.ir Ijiw Himnrrrt tn In. ninklnr ranlif nniirm tmlnr In f.irinlnft a ciiliinH to lfplnce the falleu r.iHlltlon iriverumeiit. ' ThU wna evi.H'm-ett lr the anmmm-e- mint th.it -Mannila t'liraon anrt rtc Enrl of l)..rl.y. Ixrtli men of Influence nnd experlenw! mhlnot inlntetem havi ogret.,1 to nerve under l.lm In any iMiclty. Il.nar, ljir will mil omdwllr nnnoiince the formation ;f hlijajinlx- try until im In elected hfRir of the. imloillHt nurtr to miceeed AiiKtln Thaim herlaln. but 'It Im iteneially eonmled 1 1lls electlim. will be i nly a formality. ' Althonxli tlie plif in unlonUt ranks' Iiaa dei)rirtd him of aiicb nmlcrlnl aai Mr. Cliamlierliilu,. Ind Itirkenhend, the Rurl of Hiilfour and Bourn lesser llulits.' politlcnl experts believe tjint Mr. Bimur I.-iw will find plenty of tlmiier nnion? yonuger niemlieni of tbe p:irty Who have shown pmmitsp in the lmlitlcal field and are niiiiked for vaneeinent at any favorable iiioiiient Tin' ureniior-deslifiinte was busy wek- liiK not elljdhles at an eiuiy hour to day, VOLUM His secretary declnred ho Is InithP entire lust year'a tenm Imck with Rood lieiiltli ngnln. and renity toitne exception of Cnddol. and with the 'buckle to" the work which is before lilin. Certainly be is -giving every evldem-e of hLs old Intense energy though whetm r he is strung enough to stnnd a long hard ftniin of office ls,',I"'esS probleinnticnl. ( HEATH UI Ml'RDKH CHARGE ,i BEING : IIELD IP ('onfereie 1VH1 He Held at SnHsbury ! . iTonamy Aiommy. Salinbury. Oct lSn-Further action d ini the ma.tt r of the state agnst H. "; ; H. Cheitham, the proKMI!)kUrmi(!ec ,:,K ..viiwreed with the, kil'in tA.) fr.renee to b held in Sak'bury next Monday, at which time It will b dcl termlnert whether Cheatham is to be tried In state or federal court. . The warrant charging murder, thiit was gotten out by County Prouecuting Attorney Ben D. Cubbing, and sent to StittesvtUe last night for servlcj on Cheatham, was held up today by Mr. , . iM'e"ul?blns, and the prohibition -oflleor is being be'd under the original charge of assaultwith intent to kill.: It is understood that his original - bond of $2,l0O Is still in effect, and, that in addition he is un-ier 1 sur vei. lance of federal officers at States ' ville. j r , . , ' iMi' McCubbins and SoKcitur Hay den Cement held a conference ' this "N urorrilng, after which Mr- MeCubblns in03.1 this statement: ' H. H. Cheatham is nW in eustoday of the United .States government '! federal officer is guarding him all the t'.me. He will 'be brought to Willis ;bnry 'Monday and a consultation' -will take place between the ; state , and rederal court officers as. t whether tbe' state or federa,' gonvt is the . proper court i to' exercise Jurisdiction." The , case 'charging : assault ' ' was taken from the state courts by Judge . Webb abaut the time the victim of Chivitham's gunshot died, and. It is ex pected that thejmore serious Case will be taken to the federal coi.rt, and . some action taken on it at the' term . i that convenes here next Moniay. TWO TAKEN FROM JAIL AND SHOT TO DEATH Ed. and' Gocrge. IIa"t'e.v Lmei;rd 200, ertls VW Jai rt latmimn, iei,n.- " IBr Aaanelaten rraM , Nashville. "Teiln., , Oct. 21). Kd. Hartley and his sen. George Hartley, recently eonvlettd of 'manslaughter lit connection with the killing of cmnie Hntrley,, Kit ; Hartley's . nephew,, in Benton county," last February; were taken irom the Ja.U at Camden at mid night and shot to death In a vneairt lot UOO nrds from the Jail. ... . " - More wood is used for shipbuilding today than when wooden vessels were the only ones afloat. "'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmggmm of r oua NEW MJILDING It - MtAMNC COMPktOOM ' vr ,V.rM: V; i i i ,, ii i j-hh-(i jj' ' 7 NO TRI E BILLS AS TO I . VrLAIN AND HERITAGE True BID rUD la ffairllU Bank ' ( w Only A ritual Joha W. Car, i Farmer tafUiwc the Bnk, j taravUl, Oct. 20, I a atorr ami ol frwoi tbU rlt.T oji UIiwUt, - tidier iNih. rBnnlln tare tra Mil" rt"- having b Wanted " federal grand Jnry alt. "" " " "- ramT lf'wr.ytVf,rU the hill returned i-harawt Out ami K. O. Heritage Jointly aiib rtulattiai ofi Itm national hanking bum. anil smith-' " 3 w ' mre wet rule mil or lmrniiuetit j rTTrgeTM'ny imiTi Viw- .' T,,Jr,i, .It A"",''! against Mr. On? ami not a true hill a Iru Mr. llerltiiitc. A am-oml Mil at lu-jilli-tment chrit Unr ami 4 W. Mc- Ijiln' with vluliitloo f th national wnkln Jatrn. A tru MX whu fmind M r mi mw a inn mil a to ji Lain. In a third 1411 In a third 1411 t Imlliiment x,r- '"r nlone for rlolntion of , """"" - f un "'""- '' fW. , ""T, iVJ7rr" "f .WKW fnn the Jlrrt Natlwial J"". .1 V"'"." ?"i- i' to i.ly 'p- , llp ,M ' ,lhertT ,'nrt,r t""" prRxT BASKETBALL " . UAMK OF THE TREASON ! ' ' ' . i To Be Played Tuesday Night Between the A'. M. V. A. and Pleasant Tranm. The luisketlull whwhi will lie liHher- ed in next, Tnewlny nlRht when the fust Sit. ricusiint live will milke Its itl'lH'nrance MKiiinst tbe 1khI V team. The colleclnna nlwn.vs have a fnst teiim mid put up a pmie Unlit. Tilts year they are exiiectlnir to avenge their nd-.two detents or lust year in concord. by walking nwiiy with the first pune. Tbe Y team this year givea jiromia? of being one of tlie Itest tn yeurs. With """"".Ion of Wolf, csptaln of the UK.1)- -1 ve. nnd Long of last years N. C. !tnte tenm. the Y should put out one ot the'liest Y. M. C. A. tennis in the -lick and Pelliiiger are back at their forward ihwUIihik, holding their own against all competitor. The way Del-' linger has been shoving them In in practice l-emluds one of bis old time form.:- Long, . holding one guard, with Yerbitrg. Boat, ' Fuller, and MeCusktll fighting for the otber Mctasklll has been shifted to guard and general util ity limn while Wolf Is holding 'down to Meet with .h-dgk ' , robert w. bingham To Disruss Plans for a Nation-Wide Co-operative Selling Movement. it lha AaaoeMRc tiwaa. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 20. Arrange ments have lieeu completed for a meet ing hei-e with Judge Iloliert W. Bing ham. iut Monday nnd Tuesday of a committee representing lending coop erative marketing Interests to lie held in Washington, it an enny onre, was ald to lie' the- jmrpose of the meeting Monday. " : : , The suggeafion for such a confer ence 'was said to have "come from Sen ator Capiier, - of Kansas, head, of the Senate agricultural bloc'.-. The purpose will lie to discuss mral credits and finme a recommendation to Congress regarding matters of importance to the co-operative mnrketing bodleB, it was an Id. ' '' - Members of the committee who will meet with Judge' Bingham include Aaron Sapiro, general eonrlsel for a numlier of the . American co-operatives", Carl WUlinms, president of the American Cotton Growers Exchange of Oklahomn City ! ' It. W. Kilgore. di rector of exteusinn, . Raleigh, N. V. THE COTTON MARKET Openetl Steady Today at a Decline of From 4 i ta roims. . , (Bjr tbe Aaaoclated Proaa.) New York. Oct. 20. The cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline of 4 to 15 iioints under n renewal oi scat t,r n HiiuldatU n, mrathsru selling, and little- loe.il .' pressnrf pniinote(- nv rr ntivelv e iw sliowing of Liverpool, The early- offerings see.me(l to be weel abfcrbed around 22 :05 for December, however, ami 'the market rallied to 23 :1T for thattMisition shortly - after the cnll, . with The general list , selling 2- to 0 points net feigner. - ' Cotton futures opened steady. Oct. 22:00; Dec. 22 :IH1 y Jan. 22 :75 ; March 22:83"; May 22:83. y , v'Mrs. Jett Wickersham Douglas is the Democratic nominee for Congress in the Tenth Iowa district. - The Power of Money , ?V Money, makes possible the best- achievements of life-; It insures comfort and happi ness, 'freedom from worry, and independence when earn ing power has ceased. YUU ougntto deposit part vour earnings regularly in j. this bankwhere your money will earn 4 per cent interest, 'cbpounded tour times a year., RATE HEARIHG ABOUT TOCOMETOACLOSE! p,.-.- O. tri. nO' - V" - . . . the Mettinjf Of t ocssiuu ui Interstate Commerce Cm - mission in Asheville. DESIRE A NEW I?ATI? CTtTf1TTTPP,n,,,""" dollar napl(!ii fnml. but an HAlt( BlKUlUHI.Wl,lW1i anmnnl of money bad . --., North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina Do Not De sire to Be Grouped With Other Southern States. I n ta AHif rnw.) AilMTllle. Oct. 20. Wlm t wan ex- iei-tl to I the nnnl aeaHion nf the InterKtnte Comiuerce Coiun,lMi)n here v..a umrimi iiy roniinueii -ifVfHi- ImenlH of Cbarlea E. Bell a nlea thiit IrinnlH, North t arnllna and a por tion of Konth Carolina, lie rtcnrdeil an a aeparate entity In the ronstrwtion of a new rate atrurttire. He hailed i hia powltlon on exhililla purporting to show thnt in dennlty nf trtttlc, popula un ,u tore goveniliiK tion to the rijunre mile, nnd other fac- rnte turtffK tlune Htatex no not iieaerve to lie groiiiiea with . iiiit'm m i lie r(Mii uifi. ,ur, IH'MJ r pivsenia t irginia sinppirs. Tlie majority of the attendants upon' tbe Compiisslon's sittings were ready I to leave for their homes tntbiy and the minimal ikmi.v prnnnen n leave on n . cro.-a-eonntry trip to Winston-Salem with State Commissioners A. J. Max well, of North Carolina, and Alexander Forward, of Virginia., Mr. Maxwtll in discussing the Bell proposal today said : "Nearly all the tcBtiinony nddncetl by the Virginias thus far, supiMirts the theory of the CoriHirntton Commission that material factors make for lower transportation rates In North Carolina and Virginia as well nf part of South Carolina than iu other southeastern states, x x In this lntcrfst the Virginians support the Corporation Commission with particu lar reference to the lowest rate adjust ment. Of course, when they get through their position will not' be helpful to us In aerurlug lower rates. They are interested in securing and want to secure lowest possible-rates from - Virginia Into North Carolina nnd South Carolina," . u HCTORY This Is Their Third Victory on the Gridiron Within Eight Days, (Br the AsaoclaWd lreaa.) Chaiiel Hill. Oct. 20. Students at North Carolina University were elat ed today over the victory yesterday over State College, the- first one in three years, and though somewhat dls apiMiinted at the 14 to ft score, recall ed that it was Carolina's third victory on the gridiron within eight days. There were some fifty who could not make the trip to Raleigh, chiefly for financial reasons,, and these beard de tails by radio, and were Joined by re turning students last night in kindling a Ismfire and Hinging college songs in celebration. These brought . reports thnt no serious injury had resulted to the team. " Clothing Sale at. Farley's. In a pnge 11A. in this pinier today the Jomea 41. Farley Store tells of a smashing, clothing sale which It is conducting here. The store Is not on ly selling clothing at n big reduction over usual prices, hut -It also affords nn easy payment system. Boys two pants suits, mens suits, men s bnts, women s dresses, coats, suits, bats nnd shoes, men's shirts and other commodities in the store are be ing offered nt attractive prices for the sale. . . And ft .00 down gets the goods. Tbel rest is paid in "' installments. Head page a (t iu this iwiper for further par ticulars. I With, Our Advertisers. All kinds lot misses', ladies' and children's glpvejit Fisher's,, from "0 cents up. " , The Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. has a new thoroughly mixed dairy feed nt $2.2 per hundred. The auto 1 laundry - or the central; Filling Station wilt do good work for your car. ' i 1 ' '" The 4 per cent, savings certificates of -the Cltinens-Bank and Trust Co. are compoundel every quarter. O. 43. Catlett. 14 West Depot street, has some tire bargalus for yon 33x3 nt $r.9f), nnd other sizes in proportions. Gov. Morrison Has to Decline Many In- "' , vitatlons. ' ' . (By tbe Aaaurlate4 Preaa. Ilnlelgh. Oct.' 20. -Governor Slorrl- snn ts receiving numerous requests from various parts of the state to ad dress patriotic organinntlons on Ar mlstlce Day, but he had had to de- cUne on aocount ot having to speak at - --" " " . a celebration that day in Wilmington.,! Raleigh. Oct. 20. -Governor Morrl He ii-cepted the invitation early in sob has awepted an Invitation to make the sniliiL' .1, - 4 - V ( the principal Address at the negro PVlx'H , . . . - - - - , . ... .!..!. ...til I... K..1.I 1...... .... Many Prominent, Person Indicted. . I Br the AaaaelaM Praaa.1 t Rllnijeapolls, Minn., Oct 20. Twen tvMt I nersnns residing here. , lnciun-' , g banker, and ;"' " .1 ... . . ' ' i 'i i charged with Implicate 2ftl..VTJliJL.J Vi"'E WHie IIUIIU 'limi "")ni iirnw., V. 8. today. District 'Attorney announced . . . ' U . - ...' -, i- . - V t ' . Have you registered? Jf you have If vnu have not, anV expect to vote at the Novem- a ... At i - k,l l.n4.4.AM AH.I.iA.aa CONCORD. N. p. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. BrnsT MMSIOYttT . MtfTlSU 1 HELD HERE Mr. C. tt Moaa7 Is HerieJ PmitktU ar ta Eaautnf lrr. Ttt twelfth aaaoaJ towHtng of lue RaDfUt Waikia'a Vla-IMrr milua a j tue iierUrnlmnt Vad Clmia o jrlntloaa cm bfUi la. the M.lliU Privrt ICburrtt of Cuocitra vW-dnrxlay. " morning largely de- " " H' repo" the pmMrtil 'rriiry and trimwr, m of lb In- itrr - JK! akmc all linen. " , - Hrin( to rhe areat Anam-lal atrew of tb Ttrtr. amat aorletlea had t paid In full their plilne an tbe 7. nererthele-l been' tii-ed. mmietliluf over IU.ixiO harlnf lt n ciren in the one ywir by the waiM-n nud Hilldren of jliln niMH-ixtlon. Tiilkx wera made ia a nuiuber of intereHlliiK aulijeeta, , M r. 1'enUie, if foncnH. Kneaklnf ai the "BeiipoUHl lillltv nf the AVomea'tf SiH-letiea to Train l-eaihm for the Jnnfcir SlMetle!. and Mra. I. ('. Wither, of rU. Joint's Chunh. Charlotte, .on Hie "Ui-eot Ken enta ArUlntT Kn.m Milm Study." Tlie nooudny . thOilidiiH were con ducted by Mn. P. FA Dawson, of the Kind ItnptiMt Cluing, Cliarlotte. who. apenklnit on the MibJecJ. "tiod Ih Alii .' bnuiKht pumfoit amUciKiiiirnKenienl to all. A niont IxHintiful I'liclteon to which all. did full jufttlr lirmiulit the morn Ina: to a close. ' . - -t " The H1 max of lueidny wan reached In the iifteriKMtn.r win n Mrs. W. A. smrh. of l'rltchnnl Memorial tliun h ("hiirlctte. Iiroui-lit thp .nlitiH.f nf Dip rclnfon-ement amnalcu for the collec- tun. of the fond nlwlrcs nf the 7.-. mil. h,,,, ,inllar fund before the union. FBures nre'.usnnlU- dry, but never were rusures listened o mnre carefully. These tlgures showed; that the women of the association hid not fallen be hind In most Instnhrfs. hut that .hard work was limf-nary In reach their glial. Tho. fervor; and will nt the speaker roniniiin!catrl itself to all present. Mrs. Smith wntr followed In tills talk by Mr. Smith, who is the cam paign director of the association. In a wonderfully inspiring t ilk he reach ed the hearts of the wonifn who all pledged their most hearty nnd loyal support In the nrdnoiiK undertaking of the next few weeks of helping in every way to go fe lie state conven tion with our- year's tuora fully paid. ' 'A (lemony trntlon'-My the. Suiflieams of McGIll Street ClUjrch brought le fnre th( union in. ' tjkost forefnl way the necessity of placing before our children Christian tiHiks. lyatlnzines and papers, t 'liesJ .children .. .ronld answer nil . sorts oflUitioiis about fwllMeaF, acentltk.': aflileMcraw'itrl-and iiffnlrs in general; but had to say "We don't know" when asked any question of current denominational oj religious affairs. The election of ntticers resulted as follows : i President, Mi's. C. B. Mooney: retary, Mrs. F. I,. Habits; treasurer. Miss Eva Mddeli. ADOPT RES0i'TI08 PRAISING D1SH0P KHG0 Bishop' Denny Urges That a Sialtablc Memorial Be Erected in His Honor.. Monroe, Oct. 20. Resolutions prais ing the life work of the late Bishop John C. Kilgo, of Charlotte, N. C, were adopted here today by the Wes tern North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Bishop Collins Denny, of Richmond, Virginia,, presiding officer of the con ference, stated that the influence of the ; ate Methodist bishop will continue not only in North Car.ilina wit through out tlie South and urged that a suit able memorial toe erected in his honor. . Eleven candidates wfre admitted in to the conference on trial t.uay, mak ing a total of 12 so admitted and Bishop Denny impressed on them the importance of personality, while the Rev. R. H. Bennett, of NashviMc.Tenn. pleaded for adherence-to the cardinal i truths of the Bible in the pulpit an.l ' class rooms of the church and schools. Any man who attempts to teach doctrines contrary to those 111 hUC Bible,u he snld, "ought to have man hood enough to get out Of the1 pulpit and classrooms of the- church.1 Vol taire, Paine irnd Iiigersoll proclaimed things contrary to tbe teachings of the Bi'ble, but they did not stand in pul pits, and .they never drew salarires as tmtehlna- In nhrlatlon cnilmma." J i BRIBERY- AND CORRUPTION Is Charged in Connectioh With the Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors. 7 Chicago, Oct 20 t By the Associated Press.) Special investigators 'author ized by the- Federal Department of Justice to inquire Into the recent con duct of the V. S. District Attorney nt Chicago today reported that "there is not the. slightest doubt that : since the passage of the 18th amendment there has -been trnllic in intoxicating liquors, organized on a' large scale. and protected by bribery nnd, corrup , Don, - L, Mn,isnn . Sneak at State - Governor Morrison to Bpeakat State ' ' ' " Blllii; lllir wuiiu nui iw ucm hcic ucai week. The Governor will make ad dress at tlie Fair (irounds next Wed- - 1 ueiflliiy at noon. "ZZ The live 'weeks old Infant of Mr. and e , on Bhnkesneare Harris -placa in . AO. this morning: Investigation showed that i V...A ,h.. dO, 1 lumni wu "" bed diirmg tne nigntj ..) , -i I V - ' ' -' Chile has aeciiieii to eicctriry ner railroads by means ot tbe abundant .mrAt-AM -kr.rrVM tr Ila ilaivlvail fniii Hill ALV1N OWSLEYHEADS THEAHEfllCANLEGION . ; .city to Weehawkaa. New Jersey, will Denton. TeraiL Man i Torlflv "'"S"-'' mKt "pilu nfi- VVi i .V " OQa-' ncerlng work y.t nndertakm, aur- LlCCted iSatlOnal L0rrUn2Cn- pslng In ih?i ren pert al aJM In derat National fnnvpntinn ,'n,, cost lbe pDrn accord uerai national convenuon . t0 Reprnuu,, ErnMt Acker- in New Orleans. man of New Jersey. Tie pans cr.ll for a s.nMe P;in of S.WI0 feet, with- mil .In. 1a n In flu. ir.r l,n. VOTE FOR HIM ! fi VP R WHIT I VfIMP terminal towers 685 fiet high or 130 wvijivviirJL,.mmi,fept j,igher takn f,,mc,i waxblnp. ' ton menu men 1 in this city. New and Old Commanders Pose on Platform With Kennesaw M. Landis Be tween Them. (Br ikt AntM-iairf Hrwiii, I ino Hudson river bridge would con New Orleai.s. Oct 20. (By. me Alta:n more than 10 times the tonnagr vi elated Press) Alvin M. Owsley of -f the stupendous Quebec br:dge, iu Denton Texas, was elected Niitl ni . ?anada, which Is the longest F.)un in Commandi r f the Amcrion Leg.in ! North Ame rica, and which took 17 at ita national convention here today. The vote for Mr. Owsley which cnn:e at the closing session ot tbe 4th annual .'.invention was overwhelming. Mr. Owsley was iiitr ulueeil by Han ford MaiNldcr. the retiring nation:: commander. "Flense accept my heartfelt grati tude." Owsley said, "for the greatest honor that cisild come to him wtio served in the world war. "We pledged to America In the world war that we were her defenders. We must now pledge 'There are four which we rest : ven greater service, great principles on j "Hosiiita4i'.atfon. "Itehabilitation. "Adjusted compensation. "Auiericaiilzatinn. "I pledge the best energies of m; manhood and my sacred honor." With Judge Kennesaw M. I ji nil is In twecn t lieni the new and old command ers or tlm -Legion posed on the plat form for a photograph. IMPORTANCE OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK Stirring Address Before the American Christian Convention. (Br the Aaaoclatea fresa.) Burlington. Oct. 20. "The Sunday school is usually a poor, weak ami insignificant affair as compared with the public schools and yet It professes to deal witli the most Important aspect of human ' life, with religion." Ir. Henry f. Coiio. of Chicago, toul the America '-'Christian" Convention here today.. TueV, must life IW' emonew .aiiaro iierauiw ii does not secure the respect of child life, he added," "The responsibility for this lies"not with the hard working people who keep up the school, but with the indifferent and sellish folk who neglect It with the church members who ke;p the best of the building, and-the' best of every thing in the church to themselves,'.' he continued. The forenoon session was devoted to the Sunday school program of the or- gnu -anon , n.. - . v ope ... - mi "Tiro Present Task of tile Sunday . ., t l.. nl.!- School" declared that task is to save the world by training children in right living: by helping them from Chris tian motives, and leading them to make a new world of Christian gbodwill and brotherhood." H ALL MILLS MURDER CASE New Information Which Dovetails With Farts Previously Obtained. (Mr the .taateintMI Pkmi.i New Brunswick, N. J.. Oct. 20. Au thorities Investigating the Hall-Mills murder mystery today were checking up details of new' information which they said dovetails with facts prev iously obtained, ami points to a defi nite solution of the case which has battled Middlesex and Somerset Coun ty officials for more than a month. They were said to lie weighing care fully a story to the effect that 'Mrs. Frances N. Hall, widow of the, Rev. Edward W. Hall, who Vith Mrs. Mills was murdered, quarrelled with Mrs. Mills shortly liefore the Hall's left New Brunswick for a vacation last summer, -and the ill feeling was more pronounced after their return. thirteen1enare ENTOMBED IN MINE As Result of a Gas Explosion in Mc- Curtain.Hlkliihonia, McCurtain, Okbl.. Oct. 20. Eight men were killed and four liadly in jured in an explosion of gas in the Progressive Coal Company mine, one and '.one-half lulu's north of McCurtain ' this morning. McCurtain, Okla., Oct. 20. At least thirteen men are entombed in thej pits of the United Coal Company mlnej here as a result of a gas explosion Vitj S o'clock this morning. Thirteen were In the mine at the time of the explos-l ion. Rescue ' parties were organized ; immediately after the explosion and' began the task of making their way into the mines. , . The RwkUlTFair. The Rock Hill colored people in--No. 2 Township are developing quite a community center nt "their new school house,' which was recently finished on La handsome stx-acre site. Toony tnev are noming tneir nrsi couiuiiiiiuy um. They hnve every department organiz ed found In the larger fairs, and we the; learn that each department is well 2 2 nntronlzed live ' stock, field crops, , po.utry, pantry, manual arts, etc. The silver Hill Sand la furnishing music In I 1... ...ll ior iue occhbiuu-hhu ickuuii m imir ned nrogram runs througn tne enttre Anv - 1'ha. farm ' , riamnnutratnr th home demonstrator ami tne county .superintendent of schools are aiding tlm nnlnvvwl tiArlt!n trrfi til a If A tllfall fll'Ht GRE4TT.ST FRIDGE F.TFB MOPOMD fOtSEW lORK fJTT Tbe BrUn WauLA Haw tU i Fraai tbe Center 5rw Ti aaatt Wrehawkro, X. i. I , Wsablotoa. 'ti-t. 20. Tb propoael Nnrfa rivar brtda. tL inning la Hud ana from tbe renter ot New Tork four ltPT.ene cables suspended fro... The bridge will conta.'n Ibfl.Ooo tons of steel, which Is tw.ee as much as Iu iV. the five will known East .Tver bridges combined, and which far ex ceeds the tonnage of steel in all the existing br lgei spanning the Ohio. Mfo-sniiri and Mississippi rivers com 'jinefl. years to fcui d. It would contain 30 times i much steel us! here is in the great Brocklin bridge, bailed for many years as the greatest work of man, and would riquqire 10 times the ton nage of steel in the Scotch bridge over the Firth :f Forth, the 'argest steel bridge in the world. These and other breath-taking facts concerning the proposed construction. 1 the authoifty for vhlch Is Included in I i a d.ii now petwint Detore- t ongress. are contained iu Mr. Ackerman's marks print' d In the Congressional j Record as a part of the record of de-1 oate on tne oiu in me nouse oi repre- lis grntirylng tn tile extreme. TQous nentives. The bill was before the house j a mis of people in the territory covered on adjournment. September 22. I by The Tribune and Times are watch- In return for the immense cost, the great amount if abor and engineering inv.lved, and the lifteen years esti mated as the minimum time required I to build the gigantic bridge, Con- grcssman Ackerman presented muny advantages to 'be derived. Automobiles and motor trucks would be able to cross from New York to New Jersey in a few minutes -'nstcrd of b( ing 'held up hours as is now the case. A saving In the cost of delivery and a certainty of supplies, fuel food and other necessities to the metropolis would result. Reduction in shi-nine costs to nnd from the nort New York, and, con sequent benefit to the nation's com merce, would follow. Through rail connections from the north, and south, east and west won be possible as railroad tracks would ,.. onrf ......uoniennbt giving greater speed and convenience i:t travel with elimination ' of some unnecessary costs. Besides allowing for greater busl ness expansion and home building In New Jersey and along the Hudson, the bridge would offer in time of war an important elcmene of safety and ef ficiency. Two Weeks Ift in Which to Register. This week' and next week the regis tration books remnin open still in ea UlllllHI bnrrua; County for those who are not. ... f ,,. ,... in the election of Noveralter 7. It is but a simole matter for all to present them' selves to the registrars in the several precincts of the county and apply for. registration. It Is not necessary to show poll tax recelpfs now in order to register. Voting Is the Highest privilege or a citizen of North Carolina but it is necessary to hnve registrations as a safeguard against citizens voting who are not proH?rly qualified or otherwise to safeguard elections. If von don't register you pan t vote. If you can't vote you have no sny so as to whom shall represent yon in the government of your county, your state and nation. Remember, the ' registration hooka close Saturday, Octolier 28, at -sundown nnd will not be opened again. If von have a frined or neighlior who has not registered, sneak to him or her about it and urge registration, Tlie inhabitants of the Ishmd of Marken in the Zulder Zee wear tlie ouaintest of Dutch costumes. Girls and boys up to the age of seven years are all dressed exactly alike, lu gin s attire. Not till the boys -reach the age of 10 do thev blossom forth Into ' - .. ,'.., .1 ... full miSCnlllie ClOllling. llie riuui;u is gindual. . -t 32 Answering the Housing Problem "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE TOt . - JL'ST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." YOU j CAN find a place to live A BETTER PLACE to live 5: .than you've given any consideration to YOUR OWN HOME.. 1 OWN YOUR HOME. S i - , ' . . ' , , ' i; ' . , Lv i y :: vf For twenty-five years we have been loaning money on weekly : and monthly payments under a plan that lends to home ownership, - and todnv CONCORD has HUNDREDS of home-awneVs who are . not concenied aliout renting -problems., YOU, .TOO, CAN. BE IN-i-DEPENDENT of the landlord., v - s ' . - ' ' The way to do it is to take out some shares in Series No. UO of tbta OU) RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW;. V OPEN and let us help you. , j , -, ' , ' . - .- i.'.,- :; i-V.i-'r-'vi -j -. .' '.',-. ''.", ;-.v COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. .' l Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association. " ; .-, Office in . Concord National Bank : . t&V l:t-"'r '':' .. . ,!.- -',iii'-W. ' i". ;. ,' "-'s . .1 .' , NO. 219. iBirrrnn ISIOWIRIIGUP Interest Increases by Leaps and Bounds as Bis Rare r fi..-t.t it,, A . VI - I wuauiv A ft . V vancesv Lnter now. ,j' - . . , . BANNER PERIOD OFFER ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT iMew Members Will front by r W-l w -a. T enrolling j neir in ames u n der Biggest Extra Vote OfiFer-Time is Short "It is tbe most wonderful race ever witnessed, any bustling men and wom en in the big Salesmanship Club who are vigorously striving ror a rewanL -Knch hour wltneasea new trnmiat " new ambitions stlrred-"-flnd excep tional progreaa la lieiug made by mean -of the $:i(.00 Club offer ending Satur day night. The big offer for getting 240.000 EXTRA- VOTES upon $.10.00 "i" suliwrlptlon clnlw ends Saturday night at 10 o'clock. There are only a few : more hours in which to have sulmcrll- tlons and sjiecial effort yield, such , great returns. . , . ( Enthusiastic Response. Never lief ore has a new-simper Cam re-lpnign created Buch tremendous Inter- est. nnd the manner In which the mem lrs and their friends are responding ing every move that is lieing made. All Interest now centers iu making the most of the present club offer. Under its lilieral provisions enough extra votes may lie secured to est all- . llsh a reserve vote that Will carry one to victory and win the prir.e for thenl. Which they have been striving for. Getting New Ones. Realization of the importance of the. Big Club offer and its possibilities are causing new members "to enter the campnlgn dully and the forecasts are that heavy voting will.be polled be fore Saturday night. Every section Is seething with the ' excitement of the famous prize race. That such keen i rivalry should exist Is small wonder when one takes in the situation, the manner in which the prises will lie distributed, as well as y theh valnei Eat and every memlier competea up- V.' . "'.' . ' v . 7.7 to Just what portion of reward is his. Prizes aggregating six thousand dol lars and divided into portions ranging, from two thousand fifty dollars down to cash commissions will lie awarded shortly. The pep the memlier puts in to the race and the reBults the memlier secures is the basis upon which their efforts will lie rewarded. , Good Weather Helps Workers. -Plenty of sunshine during the past two or three days has had its share in. contributing to the growing list JT members and vote standings. . The. pretty days enable many to get out and se etheir friends and acquaint ances with the result thut new sub scriptions coming into the campaign office are showing a rapid Increase. Members residing inside of- Concord are sitting up ami taking notice of the fact that if some of the main prizes tire to remain inside Concord they will have to "Get up and get." These pret ty days should encourage you to enter the "Salesmanship Club" today under the big extra vote offer md poll a high vote standing that will win you big rewards. Ends Tomorrow Night. The verV biggest EXTRA VOTE OF FER ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT, and it is useless to emphasize the Im portance , of hard word during the In tervening time. One and all realize that it Will tnke votes to win the big prizes and if they lng In their efforts, they are certain to lie passed by , the more consistent and energetic work- era. 'Subscriptions mailed tomorrow will lie nccepted to apply upon the of-: fer, provided the envelope lienrs the postmark to show it1 was mniled in time. " ,- -.?.,.." Fully one-eighth 1 of all the Inbnlil-. rants of the world live along the ... A' t, I ... 1.H ihiiihh oi ihk ihiikiu: -nnn, ui iin tributaries. . t , : :,. at once. mountain streams.

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