AILT :TE T ' " v V4 t) TODAY. O QOOOOOOO o dispatch::.; o o o o o o o A'OLU.VE XXII. ' 'CONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 192i NO. 220. . a c r H TT7 .- n LLOYD GEORGE SAYS ; HE IS-'TOB PEOPLE' It U for Them to Decide, Says Retiring Minister, Whether) - Tii cu-tl Come First. i DEFENDS 1TIS . WAR POLICIES Declares the "Banner of Par- ty 5trife" Had Been Hoist ed at Recent . Meeting of v Conservatives. . ' v Tjeeda. Of. 21 By the Aaalnt d rnVtaJI-ftvld Uoyd fleow, re tlrlug prime tululnter, aieakinx at a ' frrnt meetinr f coalition Imiterlala ' here tbla afteraoon, declared tlie 1n uer of .party atrlfe" had been ho'jited - ut the recent meetinr of eonaerrMtlrea nt the Carlton tTuti, which voted nmilnxt eontinalnr tbe ciwlltlon. "It H for the people of thla -eonn-try," he esi-bilnied, 'to decMe. wheth etr, the rty cornea tlrat or the nation flrat. I atand for the people.' '-v. j . : Mr. Moyd George naaerted that the coinbinntiou which bad achieved the i victory in .. the late .war. had been ? broiirht to aneiid hot liecfluse It bun inel to serve the nation, hut. be- cutiae the jiarty waa not rettliiB enough . or it. ! - , , -. ,!' ; .lie then Inum-hed1 Into a vlrorona defenae of hia adrainiatratlon, In bia ' iinttal piotiireaine lnnrnare: . ' ' . : "I have nought honestly, alnrerely tl and with it my donilnnnt pnrpoee to ' aerre my native land to the bent of ability.", aaid Mr; Uoyd George, In defendtnr hia adminiatratlvve acta. .."In the. . war the rovernment did everything it could. I am tod: Ton may have been a very Rood war .lain : lter, hn( you are not good In peace,' : War is not .a Imd test, aud I have done a few things in. 'peace." ,"''- Alluding to tbe Ua.ted Elates, Lloyd ' ' George sakk :: S' -f f';- "The United States of America add ourselves' murch aide by side' pa the - path of peace and International good . wiiL" j. xji: v :-i:. '': J- .-v-;.V v "it Lord Ba four hatf ntt come to the dlaarmament arrangement . with the United States'; oV America '.you might have had; comi)ot:Won l' niia , ments. flbtVa huge Jimrtr.'w:1 i' ' Some of Kl punpent ntterancea were: . ' , ' ' i "The treaty -of '.Versailles haa-become a charter of "liberty to . tens of million of people today.' ., -;... 1 "The lU-st clase of the treaty of Versailles estalbliahed the league of na t ens. Although we have not rid Euro-; pe of the burdens of armament, that treaty in the first art in the great v drama of peace." ' ' ( - . ONLV THREE TO BE TRIED 1 V , v ,o ON KIDNAPPING CHARGE Three Other Men For Whom Warrants Have Been Prepared, Could Not Be Located. . - . ' . iBr the Aaoalale4 Praaa-I '. Stutesvllle, Oct: 21. Only three of the six men alleged to have held tip and separated 8. .1 Jenkins, of .Win-aton-Snlcm,' and Margaret Jones,, a ' Greisl)oro shop girl, on the night, of September1" 14th near - TaylorsvIUe while wearing the regalia of the Ku , Klux Klhn, will appear ybefore "Sqnlre Hi 0. Payne, today : In fayloravllle. The are F. A. Tucker, of Wihston-Sa- loin.' Itan and, Mark Jones, ot Alle ghany County. Wnrrnnta for Bstell llnlaev and John Black, of Alleghany ' Countv. and Italnh ' Blchardsow, of .; Ashe County, have bsen. returned un. ' served, as the men could not 1e locntt ed f- v , - The 1 trials. - were set for 10 o'clock t thla morning; but were postponed until ' 12:30. to permit Jenkins, who" is now serving a two year sentence on the; Guilford County roads' for Immoral conduct, to nrrive. His wife o"nd fath - er T B. .Tenktna. oA Wluston-Hiilem. ' are at Taylorsvllle for the trinL Mar- gnret Jonca .and J. C. Gold, siierlalj reprew-mtutlve of the kuuu lire aiw, present. FOI R MEN INMI RED IN ' . s ,:. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT " -" John Ivester In Statesxllle Hospital v In Serious .Conditlotisy Companions Slightly Hurt. - . (By th Awelatc4 Pritaa,l. ;; ' Statesvllle. , Oct.. 51.-John Iveater, middle- aged white man of . Winstou- c Snlem, la in a local hospital in a very Is, aerlona condition as a result of; an '1 automobile , accident. ; ; The ear In ihlch he was riding turned over near b. bridge about two miles from ;. thts " , city on the Winston Highway this - morning. - He auffered a fractured . skull. ,".- v , ; ;'-'.-' 1 "..;' - ' George Plnner v Fred ' Elliott and k , ITenry Button, the other VcfP"4 of t ' . the car, were injured, but not serions . 7 ly. AU are from Winston-Salem. The accident Is being Investigated by Sher f lit Alexander. ' .4 . v-.'-T' .. ::t Associate Justice Day to Leave Bench. Washington, rOct 21 By the Asso ciated Press). Associate Justice Wm. . n rtnv nf the. HnnremA Court haa definitely decided -to resign from the bench In view" of his duties as umplre'disUngolshedi- . representatives . of In the German-American cWimg nego tiations, and is expected to formally ; present his resignation as a Justice to President Harding early next week. '"."' Kindness does not consist In gifts, . hnt in mntleneaa and arenerosltv of i spirit .Men may give their money which eomes from the purse, and with - , hold tbelr kindness which comes from.semb'y. He faces a trial in the district the heart. mt. rijiwivr xrws Orii fVW llu Farm! Opln.. t'nn mMi uukt liana W la ill. Pleasant. Oct. 6) The Welafc I Miners (julaiette will appear at tbe auditorium tier at 8 p. m Karardaj imtotwr 2-th. a ti im of th lycenm attractions for tbe mk. This ana H'XrJ: pr"a"" w i h Miner. Quintette thr mor than a tdeaalna enneoihle of qnlntette la a aul4t and aa inairu atenrallat. " During the reara wben tbetr mii'tl education waa being par sued. lUrJ- worked la the coal nilne of tbelr native country, awl fur that rsMaoa tfcpj bare an med tbdr organ I ratio The WeUb itinera. .. ' Tht graded school bere had Ita for mal ujieninc thla nximltiK. so aa to lie ready for real word on Monday morn ing. Tbe crowded condition of tbe achoot made rm raaary the addition of another mom. wbhh haa Just been completed. Tbe taacher for tbe whool tbla rear are: rrinclpal, Iter. Mr. Warllck, and Misses Mary lew der, Itnth Cress, Mala McAllister and Wllnia Tucker, Tlie Luther I-eapie of Holy Trinity Church will rive a, Hallowe'en party Saturday evening at 7:30. Beside tbe nieinhera of the League a numlier of otbe guests bare lieen Invited. The srfalr will be held In tbe old Wood men Hull, In the Lenta Imlldlng.. Amour our girls and boy away at tending coUeees this session are:"El leen Albright at Trinity, Ellsnlieth Foil 4ind Rnth Barrlnger nt Catawba, Uoaa and Knth Jnnie at Salem Col lege Kenneth '.Klndley at Harvard. Hoy Mnoae at the I'niverelty of North Carolina, and Joe Bank McAllister at AnnniHilla. Miimt I'leaaiint Is thla session fur nishing teachers aa follows: Mlaa Wit helmina Allman, ' in Avery County; .Miss Thelnia Alhright. in IewlsrlUe; Miss Lncile Albright,' in Asheville; Muaaea Bessie Hellig and Lena Bar- ringer In Concord; Mlaa Helen Sea ford in Haneatown; Miss Margie Barrlnger lit Troy ; MiHses Bonnie Misenbeimer and Laura. Heillg lu Kannapolis; Miss Edith Moose near Polkton, and Miss Georgia Barrlnger near Salisbury. . In the graded sniooI here,' three of the teachers, Mwsea . Jx)wder, McAllister and Tucker, are Mt. Pleasant girls. The large and handsome residence lielnr erected by Mr. Marshnl Herrln on tbe lot jiwt south of the Lutheran parsonage,, is ' neiirlng completion. - Good pregresa Is also being made on me attractive modern ami new rest item of Mr. W.. I). Fotf. Both of these structures will add mnch to the wttractlnesB of the' village. Mrs. George Blackweider is making an extended , visit -to her daughter. bury, v-:. -t'-:r.l Mlsa', Grace tierrln now has a posi. tlori as stenographer In Birmingham! Kev. -and' Mrs. George ' S. Bowden j and little son, of Charleston, have for the past week been, the guests of Mra. Bowden 'a mother, Mrs. Lather Lentz. - Mrs. Jesse Shnplng left yesterday for Charlotte,'; where she will in the future reside. witl her son, ; Mr. ' Os car Shuirfng. V i -T '. , . i Mr.: Dwlght Kluttz. from Watts' Cross Roads, has recently been added to the clerical force at Cook and Foil's. The Embroidery: Club held; a de lightful - meeting Wednesday after noon, with Mrs. Paul A. Moose as the hostess. " l The family of Mr.i Hay McEaetieru has recently moved to Concord. Mrs. McEachern spent "Wednesday with rel atives and friends: here, m :A .,:;'v' : Kev. 0. A. Linn Addressed the Luth er' League In .Greensboro last Satur day. 'Mrs.5- Linn -spent the last week end WMh relntlves in Salisbury; .. ; -.. Mrt, Paul Moose spent yesterday' in Charlotte. k ' - . " Mrs. John Foil has retunied from a two weeks' visit to her daughters In Rock? Mount. N. C. - Mesdameg Jesse McEnchern and Lee Foil were the gnests in Concord yes terday of Mrs. A.' C. Wolfe. v Miss Emma McAllister is ranking an extended 1 visit' to ; her' sister, Mrs. J. F. Misenhelmer, In Winston-Salem. - ' Mrs. Don MeManns, of Cheraw,' 8. G.. arrived Sunday 'for a visit to her mother. Mrs. John D. Beaver. , Mr-iU ! E. Foil was a visitor to 1 Charlotte vestevdar. I' , Puifj ami Mra. IT. A. Fisher left Thursduy morning for Italcigh where they -will kikmkI the Tciualnder of the wet attending the xmtc rnir anu visiting f i lends. Mr. and Mrs. cunton a. mitndeai will have as their guests Sunday Mr. Smlthdears parents '. from Winston Salem. ' i Mr. David Peck has recently joined the navy. : 1"' . M. National Girl Scout Week Opened. (Br k iMMliM Piwl Neva, York, Oct 21. More than 6, 000 Girl Scouts took, part here today In' ceremonies opening . National Girl Scout Week. ' . During the week ? ap proximately 123,000 Girl Scouts in 48 states plan demonstrations of the or- ranlzation a work in developing neaitn, efficiency, finer - womanhood and good citizenship among Its members, v A pa raile on Fifth Avenue was a feature of today's program. 'i.pfrriy? , Yale-Dlvlnlty'g 100 Years. New Haven, t Conn., Oct.' 21.--A three day celebration of the centennial of the founding of the Yale Divinity School wtl be opened, here Monday. Deans and directors rot all the theological ' schools of . America and two or three from Europe, as well as American universities will he present to participate in the celebration. , Th Oklahoma preacher who: mar ried a couple in his bathing .suit and committed other acts - against the peace and dignity of his profession, has 4ost his fight hefore Presbirtery land has appealed to the General As- semb'y. He faces a trial in the district eluded Mrs. E. , W., Burk, of Salisbury, feasors of various subjects and semi- v If, you can't take crlclsm, don't of court on the charge of arson. , . , N..C. . . t i educaUonul organlzaUons. ; ; : ' - fer it 'Y ", . V ; - ' WHY EfiW OTHER . aBBMaaMaaw Opportunity, Which Has Been Described as Passing) This Way But Once, is Here; Grasp It "" I BANNER PERIOD VOTE fiFVFT? PVna TAVIPtH1 I LUi ll niuii unnu You Can Win If You Will m iS.1- by Getting Busq.Thirty!V,,l,l'r?,l""T,ni m..L- ,7 oi ' Mr. aud Mra. .oikoii, and ner feuilyt UUliar 'OIUDS IS me Slogan , or the Uub Members. THE BANNER PJERIOD EXTRA VOTE OFFER comes to a close to- nlgbt at 10 o'rl.Hk. Bring or mail rtloa of the stuff ' - dei)ideiitly of all other investigating your vofea to The Tribune Office In' 5,T- "WwelI la-a son of Mr. and forces, Prosei-ntor Strieker, of Middle tune to be counted in on the big vote Mr"- Morrhaw 1L Culdwell. and -hbi sex county, today prepared to question offer. . ., ' - .'-. i - family haa leen pw.niinent in the ao- at least Ave persona in au effiort to ol- Onr workers are showing that lul- relighuai and polllh-al life of Ca- tain sufficient evidence to warrant an tbeyknow how to work aqd each day ,1r"' County fr gtHieraHons. - He la urifat In the Hnll.-Mills murder case, we find aome new contestant who haa on alnmnna of Pavjdsnn College, aerv-j n the lueantlme, Profl-cutor Beek falth enough In his or her ability to' ed with honor dnrBig the worht war, nian, of Somerset eountv, operating m come Into the pace and try for tbe big f1"' 1 "" fnptalil of Concord's nat-j different track, waa reported to Ite prlsea. .. ' . - , lonal guard couintiny. lie received preparing ' mtlmoenaa for witnesses to yesterday bne young lady enme Into ,wo decora tlona foribravery during the appear before a Somerset county grand tbe office and talked the matter over ' Bloe hbj fUsoharge has made jury nt smumervllle. Prosecutor Beek wlth us. and although ahe had won mm"""" aa one of the owners and nmn iiieves he will le able to pre several first prises In caminigna some-innnK of The Musette. Inc. '. Hent. enough information to bring an What similar, she an id that she hellev-J Mlaa Goodson wall the honoree at a! indictment ed that this campaign waa one of the tuto-elmneons shower given this after-j one of tlie persons to Be called le fHirest she had ever seen amk that . ""on hy Miss -Jrimis Rldenhour at'flP(, Propctor Strieker todnv, It was If she could get her . work in shape her home on Ww Depot street, and mM l8 KaIph v HowUne a restrv she would conwrln nnd try shaking, was the r-ll'lent f nmny useful ami Iian of tnB rlulrpll of Kt Jolin tlM things up. She told ns that Vanning lntlftil glfta roi her friends who KvanKPiKt. Mr. Horsllne was report first prise, was always easier than one attended the showefc. Ip(j to nflVp ont wniiine wlfh a realiaetl'and that although she has ' Jhe nWeddlng ilMa one of the most womn melnl)fr of the started near the close of one race she Prominent ( social ivents of the Fall m tUfl nlht ... tn m,.(ipr had won the first priae. 'She said i that by actual exiierience she knew that the first prises ,Nwere .won by "keeping on keejung on." , No stone la lieing left unturned for votes and subscriptions. Every ounce of energy la .lieing thrown Into vote getting by tbe energetic club members while suliscriptions ' count for so mnch. . THE BANNER PERIOD EXTRA VOTE OFFER OF 240,(100 EXTRA VOTES on -each nnd v every $30.00 worth ' of subscriptions turned In le fore 10 o'clock tonight is the incentive for the Club members to do their -very llPat 'Wnrtf - . f Inlv fotr liiuir. mi.w. are left tn which to work and ninkei ypnr effort count so mnbh. i 'i,.'Ai Naiv '-Mentha Vniam ;""'' j'f.'.'s1 getlc men and -women' "who are' enter- eaua ITy as good as those whThave Inn 4 Via w.n .t,nM .A na iroofl AM thnae whn hnve:w "tine bi-bu .iiiiviirratiiiiuiiiK - .- t the Xe from the start for ve t building a hard surfaced high- Preacher, or preacher of any denomi Pallw' thai - wtS 'i Utxtm '-nwHl .the two states. It nation falls, as this shows the world Ihev mav itch nn wkh and eontemplntes Virginia constructing 1(1 , expwta ( better things of the ministry." been In Hiey realize pass the lenders. There is plenty of.1"11?8 of sch road from HillsviUe toU The address-was delivered on the room for more "IJve Wires," and ! the ,be rate ,ine' J"ul North Carolina j admission to full connection with the Club Manager Hopes to see mnnv more Campaign this week aud next,'y iy "- ' iSet a Mark .f '.C.-' V ' Salesmanship Club members, while the opportunity Is before you to gain thousands of extra rotes between now and ten o'clock tonight," take every possible advantage of it. If you have set -yourself a mark to reach in sub- riptions on tills biggest-extra vote offer, reach, that mark if you possibly can, and next week set "your mark a little farther ahead and make an ef fort to reach that mark. Simple per- severance and determination plus re - flnlta will win ' -y -- , --- , ..... - yw many votes vviu irrar 1 And by the snuie token, too ' few votes will losfri-you can't get any too many votes you ' may I', just as well have too many as too few this is your opportunity to get ahead. ' , ' Public Is Interested. r' ; ! ; Public Interest in this great cam paign 'Is shown, by the thousands of Vote coupons which are cnpprtl from the paper each day and sent in to. be credited to their favorites In the race.'1(, interference in Turkish affairs. The me fuaiesrannsMp imd ana its ener - getic and nmbltiorh members . haMcf aroused concord antt tne territory or The Tribune and Times and ' have shaken it to Its very depths so to speak, as on every hand thf salesman ship club and its elegant and costly automobiles and other valuable cash prizes are the chief topic of conversa tion on the street .corner 'apd In the homes and In every place the active members have invaded in their quest for votes and subscriptions, with the result that-today hardly a; person can be found who has not heard of thlB wonderful salesmanship club race and who Is not saving :; votes and coupons for their favorite , in the race. . ',- ' . i With Our 'Advertisers: v Certi flea tea of denoslt of the Citi zens Bank and Trust Company offer a satisfactory Investment. !: . t The McWade .. Automatically Sealed Inner Tube carries ' a factory guaran tee.' It Is the best tube made, says a new ad. of Home, Educational Co. . The Bell, A Harris Furniture Com pany onera quamy iuru imn auu ru. M t . neen nSrnTtnre" r"? .from anpirtS tftKw K, beiictariM. partly at mrnldpal When van think of Furniture think re expected here February 20th - to , expense. The doctors, moreover, are efcTcon. '"VurnftureComiw.Msrch 1, for the 1923 convention cemandlng an Increas, .They !Tn "Hy j Mrs. E. W. Burk National CwnlUee , nuiiuin, , lr taa AaaMlata4 Praaa. ' New Orleans, Oct. 21, Announce - ment wasade today at the headquar- ters of. the National Amerlean Legion porfant educational ) grouini In the 0nd Lieutenant Brttler, of Orlffln, wers Auxiliary, which . closed Its enmwl country," A. J. Kennedy convention instantly killed tonight when an au ccnventlon here last night, that Miss manager states. "It Is virtually sthe tomlblle in which. they were riding iseita aicAo-, oi iiminuayons, jhu., has been chosen for the second Jtime ns National Treasurer ot tlie organlzallln. Aanonai comnuure wornon nnnit-u in 'FROMrvrvT rrrri.E to ' W UJ HI UH 11 KM) AT NIGHT Mlaa luketle U Rmim BrWIe i Mr,mo K, (aWaeiL . ( Mr. and Mra. J, y. O.mdai mdayl aftertMina lnru.ii hjM. 1 ik. ahmm.. t !of their daiirbtet. Mlaa lhell! CfOAilaia. to Mr. Kenneth E. CaldireU. jtae wedding to take place aeit Tne fifi tXU 'N? t0? Th rwi,jrT w a.4eniniaed in i k . aVMu It. .. .1 - - m m k. a Swai, ZZZZJ, Jteemliera. - Tbe cerrm.r w begi, at 7 o'clock, to be followed later hr a rei-elHbin at the koaie f Up. and lra rJ' w im ..reet. announceroeni or the approarb marriage of l bai Ooudaon and Mr. CaldwvU wlU he rend with Intereat la one of tbe olleat and most promt. new ! tbla rottnty she la a rnidnatei of Virginia VUes4 x Koanoke. Val and last year waa a metulier of tbe I faculty of No. 2 Grilled Mi hool of hl.' '! la. wldfly kimwn In this ""ison In Comtird.! mr.HWiv rnNNiVTinva . .-.'.-I: - SIIWKCT.OF MEETING : ' -. - . . : Held at Mt. Airy By Governor. Morrl- son and Governor Trinkle. . ' ' IBs Ibe Aaaodntrd rim.i Mt Airy, -N.; Oct. 21-Better highway connection! between the prtn- olina was the aubjet-t of a conference ! J0!",! ":Vn!rno!: Mmr' CiL V v.l "? " 7 - ' I With aiemlers of ftheir staffs, high way officiala of botrr- States, and num- hers of good roads advocates, ; tbe two governors arriyal hei-e late yester day' In time to takf part in the pre- la? developed. .:,' 1 "" The chief purpose of the meeting is t0 arrive Jtndersttinding relnHh world cries out when a Method "'"'"k ""M" 'B"j i'iu""" w the connections desired. L0VE OF PEACE ALONE INFLUENCED NATIONALISTS In Signing ' the Mudania 1 Armistice, Says the Turkish Foreign Minister; 1 Angora, (k-t. 21. (By the Associated Press.) The X Turkish ' nationalists BiKUti lue juuuuiuu nruiisiice prove) .their peaceful intentions to the world, ! and not because of pressure from tbe British, the Turkish foreign minister told the- national assembly yesterday, ."replying to David Lloyd George's re- I u ' .r . , iwii. hi. nil iH'unitrr .. r.ii.iHni, "The allies offered an armistice to the Turks when our victorious army was marching on Constantinople and the: Straits ;in pursuit of the enemy," said the minister. "We accepted in order to serve the cause of peace. We. want the whole world to know it was not because of weakness." , f , Referring to the allied appeal for amnesty for the, Ottoman Greek pris oners, the, foreign minister said "this ,TMrkg hove theIr wn tawB ud well ;knw how' to deal with such matters.'' THE COTTON MARKET Showed Continued Strength and Ac r tlvfty at the Opening Today.' . iBr tke Aaaoeia4l Prcaa.i ; 'ket showed continued strength and ac - tivtyvat the! opening Vtoday, ,-with prices for nil deliveries' making new high records for the season. ' This was due to- a' continuation of the recent buying movement which ' eventually found encouragement In; bullish week- "end ireyiews of the goods trade, and bullish ovwilgbf spot advices from the aUadva;ce 21 li 2:;s;rwiti;!float ' 2,000.000,000 marks issue of 1 December 'contracts selling up to 23 K19 ; emergency ctn-rency. it was nnnounced ! and March to o.i r,n today. This will tn Uie first issle of ; and March to 23:50, :. Cotton- futures opened- firm...'- Oct.. 23:43; Deo. 23:00; Jan. 23:86;. March 23 :4.7; May 23 :42. 'Prepare For Educational Convention. - I t i iinin. xtvi. zi. nrumn - - lM,,lt, ,.t,. the National Educational association. In addition to the general sessions of the convention, ' 115 '-separate , dally t,n(p3 of committees and subsidiary ; organizations; wlU ls held, it Is an- ' nounced. , . 1 .:,:." ;.,' 1 "The department is the most repre sentative of and one of the more lnv iiacaisine oi ie ctiiiwiiuimi a,vniciu, he added. ., . r - ' , The. various sulisldlary ' organlstt - iions inciuue tienua oiu nouieii, rv- K HALL HILLS CASE One Prosecutor is Workinj J Alone, While Another is . - Following an Entirely New line at This Time. .BOTH CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS SOON OnePerson Expected to Be Examined is. Ralph Hors- ... .tTL . r. a... ,,rii. line, Who Was Out Walk ing on Night of Murder. Xew Brunswick. X. J. Oct. 21 (By tbe Associated lress. Workinr 1n- Investigators intimate that they lie- lieve they have estalitished the motive , , rT V r',, Hall and his choir leader, Mrs. Elenn or R. Mills, but their fnllnre to make larrestR Is due to the fact that some links in. their chain of evidence have nHt heeir properly formed. ,nHII nv MFTimntST - , CONFERENCE IN MONROE Twelve i:mler Graduates Admitted to Conference-StatLstlral Seemtories Make Report. , (By the Associated Preaa.) Monroe, Oct-., 21. Pleading that a preaches should live a different life rrom toe rest or tn worm, ujsnop t'oii i 'ine wesrern, .in-iu nroium couier- e n"". mmf " ue aa giau uuu The statistical secretaries have com pleted tabulation of all fiuancial sta tistles for the past year which show a net total of contributions including preachers' salaries, benevolences and incidentals of $1,678,711. This amount indicates n net decrease of $"4,(!48 compared with the net total of the previous year. - . WALKER WILL OPPOSE SEN. HENRY ' C. LODGE Says Lodge Is on the Wrong Side of National and International yues ' tionc. - . (lly h Aocla(a Prcaa.1 Boston, Ott 21. Joseiih Walker, unsuccessful : opiwinent of Senator Lodge for the republican nomination for Senator in the primaries last month, In a statement today said he would support John A. Mcholls pro hibition progressive candidate for Sen a tor in the election on November 7th, He said that otherwise he would vote the Renubliean ticket. J,I have come to the firm conviction," bis statement said, "that the ' para mount duty of the voters , of Massa chusetts is to defeat Henry . Cabot Lodge, at .'...the coming election. , Mr. Lodge Is on the wrong side of great national and international questions. He is leading his party to certain de feat The defeat, of Mr. Lodge will lt destroy the republlwn nJorty ' the Senate, but it will lessen the power of the Old Guard bloc." BERLIN NEAR BANKRUPTCY .;'.., iv-77-''itW fam f M1""""', toi?T Marks. Berlin. Oct 20. The municipality of greater Berlin finds It necessary to ' srch .money' : in large aemyninauons. The currency will be in denominations of 100,500 and 1,000 tnarka a ffhe city Is 100,000,000 marks is ar rears in the payment ot sick benefits and sick funds, it was stated, and it Is also unable to pay salaries dm Oc ,w 1K the dnctnra ho treat the t sick bMiefltsHaborers who receive such high wages ' that they should - not be entitled to them, ' , Adjutant General Nash, of Georgia, Killed in Accident. , , Macon( Ga.; Oct. 20. Adjutant General- J. Van, Holt Nash., of Atlanta, : overturned near unmn, ua. . I' Three other , officers in the air - iinjurled. It Is reported hefe. : were KrWAMS MrtTTNO C. A. Camna Jataa Clfc H.4 Xiaa DtiraaiiiL WlU A" Klwanlana at Ineir awvlna T(- erming ai ioe i. i. i-t jl. m to ateiuberablp la their ortaBualltai CharlAi A. Canaoa; took up Om tuaH altuarioa la Coscord; appotnta a roounlttea t aid la tin T campaign ; and eo)oret a procran arranged by Team No. t, Oilbert Hendrix, rap-1 tain. I Tb needs of aUflonal ltotH faHW ltles for (Ninronl were set fort by aereral H leaker, who atated that tbe kaal haaielry In inadeqnate to haadle tbe demaiMla made apon It, aa many aa twenty would -be gneata hating lieen turned away from It in one nlgbt re cently.- Sentiment la growing fur a I letter hotel here, it waa aald. and Concord pemma, aa well aa om aider are ready and willing to aubacrlbe for atM-k in a tlrat-4-bisa hotel. One iwrty In (liartotte, and another la KJch- mond, Va la wllllog to put money In to tbe nrojaialtion. - Tbe committee m hotel waa contiuiHNl, with Instructions to keep working nn the matter. - , Charley Smart, who was chairman of the committee to arrange a 'joint meeting with .the Rotary Club, last week, reported tbe action of the Joint meeting, and aaked that a committee lie named by tbe President of tbe Kl- wanla Club to meet with a similar committee from tbe Rotary Club and the Board of Directors of the Y to de vise plana for tbe flnnnclnl future of tbe V. M. C. A. ITealdent Palmer named Caleb W . Hwlnfc aa chairman of the committee, with Dr. Morrison King and Julius Fisher aa the other two niemliers. Brevard Harris called attention of the club memlera to tbe disgraceful condition of the, road leading to the overiieHti urmtzv acrom.iur iMiuiurrii Kallway tracks on est Depot street., rbls Stretch has gotten into SUCH a condition that It is almost ' Impossible to travel over it. ipon motion, tne matter waa referred trt the Pnhlic Affairs Committee, Charley Smart chairman, which Is instructed to take up the matter with the proper parties. ' ami see if the road cannot be properly reijalretl or renewed. - Mrs. H. S. Williams, gined reader of this city. -was a'guest of the Club at Its meeting, and entertained her hearers with two humorous .readings, ' which were heartily encored. Miss Marv MncLanghlln, of tbe High School faculty, whom Concord ctauns as one of Its girls, delighted the members with two vocal solos, the aerompnm-Hfort ments belhg rendered by Miss Nell Herring, Kiwanian, at the piano. v fnon iwanlmous vote of the mem - lM?rs. Miss MacLaughlin was made an honorary Kiwanian, and was made. song leader for the clnh;-i f - 'v it . Sir: Koliert . V. Phifer. of ConcoitT htndKfir IFfsrniHvltB ilresenl? sP,jrJt at the meeting. - v . ' The attendance prize, donated by Gus Kennett. was drawn by Rnpley Pounds. The silent boost was given bv Gilliert Hendrix. Two teams had. 100 per cent, attendance at the meet ing: Team No. 10, Bob Benson cap tain ; and Team No. 11, Dr. Julius Shatters captain. Tha nrmrrfl m for the next, meetiiie W lieing arranged by Team No. 7, of which Harvey Dorton is captuin. ' ' Methodist Schools Show Increase. . (By th Associate' ri.i 1 Chicairo. Oct 21. Increased enroll. ment this year ovev that of 1921 In the 40 colleges and universities re porting to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, shows tlwt the post-war revival in college attendance is not temporary, that board declares. . An Increase of almost 5,000 stu dents Is disclosed this year. Fall reg istration totaled 06,570, which ,1s ex pected to la? increased by several hun dred before the end of the school year. Last veftr the total reached 51,200. Boston I'ni versify, with 0.500 stu dents, and Northwestern University, with 9,000 students, were the two largest schools reporting. Tobacco A veriges $35.32 at Wilson on Auction Floors, v Wilson. Octolier 20. For the tobacct week endlne October 19, H. B. John son. supervisor of sales, reports that 2,874,148 pounds of the weed was soui on this market for $1,015,57.3 at an nvernee of S35.32 for tlie week, an In crease over the previous week of .05 cents per hundred. For the season to date, forty-nine sales days, there has been sold here 25,H4i,oa powuis. which brueht $7,484,711.50, an all round - -. , l 1 , 11. average oi so5u per nunuiuu. . ...... iw"wima hw-hiibui m w wwi ao celpts at the co-operative receiving sta- secretary, of the Republican State tlon continue to be very light. ; tntraj committee.., . . ( j , , '-... " ' " :" f ; Answering the Housing Problem , , ;v . . '. . '.".' . 1 ;-i '.' : ;. s i v.s.; "I". . . ; .', ' '( .. "HOUSE SOLD AND NO PLACE TO MOVE 10; , ' '", , , JUST CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIVE." . ' . ' YOU CAN" find a place to live A BETTER PLACE to Uve ' than you've given any consideration to YOUR OWN.. HOME. , "'. ' ' OWN V0UR HOME. ' V ' ,t ; V ;';'! i-. ' ' ,i '- "'! .'.;; - ,.';1,.v ' vi' " ''';.!. . ' " For twenty-five years we have lieen loaning money on weekly ., ' and monthly payments under a plan that leads to borne ownership, and todny CONOORD has HUNDREDS of home-owners who are . not concerned aliotit renting problems. YOU, TOO, CAN v BE IN-, . DEPENDENT of the landlord,. - "" . ' i : The way to do it Is to take out some shares In Series No. B0 ' of this OLD" RELIABLE BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION NOW -. OPEN and let us help you. i , . J i . ' ;,'V V , 1 v' . '', V'. .'..';'..-!. . f V7-'';' '.V-; ''.(:: COMB IN AND LET tJS TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. , Cabarrus County Building Loan and , : . , Savings Association. Office in Concord National Bank 3M1IHE -4 With Troops on Guard Every thing Passed Off Quietly Friday Night, Following Many Open Threats. THREE NEGROES HELD IN JAIL Were Arrested in Connection With Robbery and Murder of Prominent Fanner Wed nesday Night (By tfca I Mt4 fm Wllaon, Oct- 21. WKh the Wilson military company guarding tbe Jail, laat night passed very quietly follow-. Ing reitorta reaching Sheriff Ilowanl . last evening that a mob planned to take three negroea from tbe prison and lynch ' tbeuv The negroes ' are held, In connection with the killing of liichurd Luuim. near Iucama, on Wednesday night. Rmaii ..POd of men collected In the vicinity of the jail several times dur- . im, th( pariler part of last night, but dlaorder resulted. Soldiers were sii,mwi their home at H .. . m i.f .mi i,,. m,ii,i .min If tbelr gervi,, sre needed, It was stated at fp sheriff s Ofilce. ' ' jMmm WUH hot to. death In the atore t his brother' after the nlnee had n mMied. The three negroea are iiegea to have leeii seen In ami alwut the store before and after the killing. , . IIIMIII,,T irrinv pvni " ' ;' a - """ y,iZr,vvvv:ax j ITS BlWwfcST H ONYENTIOjV , lftWMi . T.. ITn.nhnnn.1. " ', '".''. T ri' . SS'T. "riV- " F It , y Jl U" . New Orleans Oct 2 - Ameri- ..uUUh - A1her V",ay,: 7 elected Alvin M. Owsley, of Texas, as ;; national commander to succeed v LMaoNider , of Iowa . , who baa V, nred 'of past year and heaj.rt a " ' " '"7. . . i TJ ' TXZZnZi IT. ZZZZ--? fe(leratlollt woud bTing abont wor4d Ti th .e.!oti(m ot il l v I II II I III I II W 11 LOU tUU J.;iL kisiioBiiander8 , and a ' national c bap la I u ,Alt jyiipfilim. waa . ad-.-.-journed. Jind aieu and women trudged wearily out of the big hall ana Degan making their way to ral road stations - j. to catch trairis iback to their home communities. It was the legion's greatest cunven- i-,-tton. everybody said, and the : one which had accomplished most... : . .., ;' . After stormy sessions the legion . .. -reaffirmed its position as fo the so- .-;. called soldier , ibonus "adjusted com- ; ' ' pensation" is the. term the legion naires prefer criticised severely.. Brigadier General C. E. Sawyer, per sonal . physician to the . president; . tabled resolutions dealing with' the i . Volstead act. the ku klux klan and various minor ismies. It averred again that Its first Interest waa proper care for the disab'ed of the war.; The convention was attended by .' the noise, excitement, aud emotional outbursts which those who have at- tended similar gatherings In tbe past i -have learned to expect. But, all in all, the "buddies" haa j wonderfully good time, and fed that they accomplished - much. Next year's convention will be he'd in San ,: Francisco. Five national vice , commanderj ! i were elected as fo lows. . ; V". '; Edward J. Barrett; Shelmygan. Wis. y. Rolbert S. Blood, Concord, N. H. ; . ' Chiles P. Plumimer, Casper, Wyo. Earl Cocke, Macon, Ga. Watson B. Miller, Washington, D. , , Weather Next Week. l (By the Aaaoelated Preaa.) :' Washington, Oct. '21. The weather ' for the week l)eglnning Monday ; South Atlantic J States; , Generally , fair and cool. t ; , Mr . Mollie WIdell, of Superior, has the distinction qf being the. first ',v .. t T I .A V... ....1 .n , , V

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