u a o as : Vi. i) O DISPATCHES i ooooooo., jiJAlJLT -I.E o :,. j o O TODAY. O OOOOOOOO v VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 NO. 225. Aid) J In i 1 AS 1 0 T ill Mill S r w ,. n v l rrosecuior ;uou ways tromi-'i nent Man Will Be Arrested if He Does Not Appear as Witness in Hall-MilU Case.' rVILLCORROBORATE ' MRS. JANE GIBSON Who Told Officers She Was , An Eye Witness to Murder. Mrs. Ilall Denies She Was Present at Murder. " ' . fBr tb AaaaelatHI New Brunswick, X. J, Oct. 2T. Wfl ' Imr A. Motf, atieclal Deputy Attorney General,' vho tan tnkrti over' the in quiry into the Unll-.MillH murder inys .tery, expected to Interview prominent churchman today In an effort to cor roltonite the Rtntement nt lln. Jane Uilwnn. eye-ltn of the ulnylnr Mott indit-nted -that he Intended An i.u. hA ..K...Kh.am. . ....I rauae the ihiirfbmnn a nrreat nnlosH he acreea to liecmne a wHnera for Jhe , proamnion. Failure of the man wild . to have been nenr the acene of , the murder, to ooiimint tho authorities ,i.u inn .mm .11 iur filKIII . linn iiiadn him liable to arrest,. lToneetitor lfl. kla l-n...l.v.l .v Kn 1 ' Mott believea. ' xi : ..'J two weeka. If the linal matters eon 1 Mott in aaid to lie In iioaaeoRion of jneeted with the trannfer from the Ok lata abowinK tliat this Kume mnn hndbihonin Conferenee nre traiiHacted diwwered the letters of Slra. Eleanor R. Mills, left In tbe tburrh atove for , the Hey. Edwird Wheeler Ilall, who , killed with her, find 1m yhowed V Oiem to Mra. Frances Stevetm Ilall, the clcricrinan'R wife. - ;.. '' DJs cur la sntd to have been park ed near the crnli apple tree on the old Phillips Place; a'nd . its ;i headlights made It powdhle for Mrs. Giliaon to fice the' battle that ended in the death : of Dr. Hall and Mrs, Mills. Attorney Pfeiffer, representing Mrs. . Hall, denied lasp night that jelther Sirs. Hall or her brother, Henry 8tev- ens, were present when the clergyman nnd hla choir siliger were' killed. . He .reiterated that, Mrs. Hall did not .leave her home that, night between 8 : p. m. and 2 n. m. and that Henry Htev ens was fishijDg in the ocean at Laval- ette, N..-J. j -fty-vs 'i , Mr. I'fellTer "a statement followed the disclosure that Mrs. Hall nnd Htevens - were the persons named ln'the-woi n " statement of Mrs. 01lson.i " .? " -Proseimtftf ; MotT iaillftt''-aV ' rests were Imminent but be,' preferred to wait until he had an ' "ironclad" case. Persons under suspicion are be ' log watched closely, -Person Found Who forroliorales Mn, tJibsun. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. ?T. Special Deputy Attorney General Mott, stated today -that he had found a 'per " son who corrolKifated the story told 'by the farmer woman, Mrs.Jnne 01b- sop. who claims to have witnessed the slaying' the, night of September. 14th of RetvKdward Wheeler" Hall, .and . Mrs. Eleanor R.-Mills. ' . "This case," said Off .-Mott, "is eom- plex, but it Is not a mystery."'., : The evidence could be taken to the grand Jury. Immediately, he said, but added that", the complexity of the ease made ft necessary for him to go slow- ly. v . . - . - Mr. Mott would not name the wit '" ness, he said, who v bad -corroborated Mrs. Gibson's statements. -yi ? . Mexican Consulate at New York Clos- ; ' (Br AMMil' Pr , ' New York, Oct. 27. The Mexican consulate was closed here today upon receipt of an order from the Mexican cliarge at Washington, quoting instrac- ' tions from the'Mexican government, as a pnneai -.ugauisi u.e r.uu.K "" ch ,ipppUi of Washington, while anoth York urts against "Urls Rev. Dr. E. B. Chappell, of Nash- : suit, brought by, the Olivers American " .Trading- Company. . , , , ii i .ii 1 ' ''-At, The air mail service has just com- " pleled 10 consecutive weeks: of per- ?' formance ivith no break jn the regu a lar schedule and no trips defaulted. During that period the mail airplanes ' flew nn agregate 6f 21,000 miles, car- rylng 13,200,000 letters af a rate of v more than 100 miles en hour. When ; the airway between Chicago and Chey- enne, Wyoming, Is lighted, mail will leave New York at 1 p. m. and will ar rlve in San Francisco by 3 p. ui. the - nert day, j - . , " Tlie Hawaiian Civ'ic Club, composed . of -leading Hawaiian, recently adopt- ed a resolution, in. Honolulu and tiie : mainland under the name of ithe an v . clent Hawaiian hula, in costumes al leged to be typically HaVallan, as be- , ing Indecent parodies'.' Big Boxing Bout, r Saturday 2 O'clock . ' 1 Gibson Ball Park .' City Championship - SMITH 'vs. JACOBS "The Harlem kid" "Krom the Army" ' V " The llesl Bout of tlie Year . . ' - See the fight then hoc the most ex ' citing iKirtlons of It on the svreen at the-. ''..- '. - -'. : " -. .. - 'V -, Pastime Theatre ' . r '- "tAZY LEW ,-:'---'.'' ' -i' ' -' ' -. -,. : ',''' ih a High Clnss One-Reel Picture npw i ,'.,' being. made, in Concord ;for - -. , 'N- tills theatre. st9aKal &ATlT?DtT LAST DT OF , fcttUMKATlON. Ifrorr Hume la m.t oa t he tmW x rr niruraiiua tnut tr pttadowa u.ki! T..? 1 .' not I permitted I election of Novmi!T T. Tan will ..r..ll.l.- .1.1. I...I .... . vLsi'nS .VcX1" 10 t J? A'XAS t K ffi S not Ire and the Imrmrtant Matter f reciiiuittlon mar eanpe their Blmhi. until loo late. ' . . 1 ww m m w w w w. m m w w W w. DR. CHAPPRIX MAY TOME ' TO AMIIEVILLK MKTHODISTS II R lWn4U.ii. n. uwtii m.. I He In U huereed Dr. Mrl-irtv. ... . . ' 1 Heleetion of the''. Rer.'-Dr. ARhley "wnry lnd monay to.ralm he rhnijn'll, of the Hrom-wav Metbodtat Th. work of J. B. Htlllmnn. fhuh. Anliuore, liklnhonui. to nr..,to wnnaiter. pralaed hj afhoratea i-eed the Hev. Dr. R K. McEnrtY aa of ,lH" h,n' na eontlnned In jiniu't n if ii iifii. .,--- i IMintor of the . Ontrul Metbodlnt Chimh, haa prHctlrallr been aettled, aiviiriline to advU-ew reeelved here. For aome time. It la nnderxtooiti the holre lr lierween the Rev. Dr. ttenrm' Stuart, of BirmlnKhnm. and Rev. Dr. i001"1 TuewTayof tf-toler, IIK. 'the 'V, .11 1.... .. .1. i. . l I'nlnnA ' 1a4V a jltln. . K Chupiiell, hot when It tvaa realised P"1.' Iiefntt left to eleotlon by the thut the Alalamn metroimlia had nnln,0,'r-0f and alnted -lerk of thf IndtKpiitnhle ilniui to the fumona pnl- pit orator, Die rholce fell nimn the' younger man In Oklnhonm. , ; . j ' .1. uafM-ll, It in umifpMINNI, ' D w ,' . . , t ia expeeted to reueb Aaherllle In- abont,r,1"g,, Soliblii(f, Himbaitd Ro tj A.. lAH II I. I ' .1 . 1 i without unforeseen 'bange In plana. Pome Idea of (lie calibre of tbe man who. will likely head 1 the Central Methodist Clyirch here la given In ad vires .from Ardmore, to the effect, that within three years the pastor at the Broadway Metbodlst Church added 8o0 memliers, making a total membership of 1,000, and the attendance nt all seusons has Jieen- remurkably : large. Heia known ns-. a forceful, brilliant siiealcer and an organizer of tinnsunl merits.-' - :' -: - . Rev. Dr. Ohnppell commenced his ministry in the West Texas Confer ence 14 years ago. Fraternal gather ings -have always been eager to have him art speaker, ns nre commercial or ganizations desiring a "man's man" with a message," '.'; : - Last June he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity at Wllmore. Ky. In conferring the degree the president of the college, Dr.- H. C, Morrison, Is quoted as calling the minister "on of Jlellsr . J . It Is of interest to note that .Rev, Dn Chnpiell is a mrtlve of Tennessee. He Is said to be a man of aliont 40 years of age, nnd with a family.- r . The introduction of business meth ods in the Broadway Church, accord ing to reports, brought about a phe nomenal growth. To quote from .thnt source t 'The real fenture-.of the ad vertlslug is the weekly bulletin lioardi which is hung on a pole at one of the street : Intersections, . on the busiest thoroughfare in the-city. 5 It is an at tractive Jioster, made "to order-each week by a local sign painting concern, and ; carries ah : individual flnnounce-i ment concerning the sermon -. which Is to be delivered the' following Sunday. Passershy ' cannot help but notice the sign, due to the' unique position which it occupies. It is placed in position every Friday- and removed early Mon day morning.- For this reason its ap pearance does not get monotonous." Various other forms of advertising and publicity are utilized, and in addi tion to .the usual news ' stories carried In, local iinpers, the Broadway Church baa been-using much newspaper ad vertising' space. as well,, particularly displays for sjieclal occasions, such as -Easter. Children's Day and the like, - The minister comes from a family of .Methodist, pastors, one. brother be ing the well known Rev.: Dr. Clovis Tllle. Teun., one of. the Sunday School editors . of Ihe . Southern Methodist Church. , - ' , , -1 -,-'.."' -'I,'"' !' ' ' "" II,T -"' Sharp-Toed ; Shoes ' and -.Four-Toed ' Baby. - Durham. Oct. That scientists who insist sharp-toed- shoes will bring about the', elimination of fifth toes know Whereof they speak, is the eon tention of Dr; George H. Ross, local physician, who announced jtliat he had , ushered, in Hhe flrst new style baby.1 It is niinuii a -fifth toe, otherwise the feet are 'in perfect shape. , r. Dr, Ross stated tonight that the ten dency has been towards four toes in stead of five ever since, sharp-toed shoes' came In, style. xThe doctor, be lieves that the baby born today gives (ncluHlve proof. " 'St vS: Complete Thomasville-IIigh Point Hlgh :v -h ( way. ?,,!(;- Tbomasvllle, Oct 24. The concrete highway leading to High -Point from here hasjuxt been completed and traf fic wtnt over It Sunday. ' :y. AH hands and machinery have turned to the link lending from ere to Lexington, start-, ing two miles below.' and are grading buck this way, ' following in quick suo I cession with the mlxiug and pouring or . concrete. very unort space or the old road-bed are being used for the new. , . ' ' " 324 Pounas of Potatoes FfW'One Pound of Heed.. ,- v , London, Oct. 6. What ia claimed to tie a world's record in potato grow- i ing is reported from llkorton. Id the presence of a large number of people a farmer named F. Peel weighed potatoes totaling 824 pounds and six ounces, all , of which Vas produce I from one pound of seed. - J ',. . 'j-' Some folks make their joys mere In cidents aud their sorrows great events. fkESBvrrnuv synod t , AlWiH K.S3 AT UNCOLNTON . Steward! BudrH AdoplxA J. & I Nlllnua Ciauiaaea la f&r. - - Mu lh ""ardaiilp budget of Hit T I rruju-naa B CbuM-fc, which ad jomedvbre iut BiKtu ... nuatiy -w VTT 2S3 ? .r..? .iVS nriclmtl ret'omnieadatloa . that tbt ty-nod'R permaaetit rommlttee of te artlrhtp raiM the lAtlre amount ahonM I u..umn r f 1 1 ..wwwi i. for one-fourlh of l lie monnr. Tlie report of the Mrnod'a committee 'on Htewnrilnhtp waa tlelwitM at lenirth. iome iMeitatea aiertinK the eipetiHe tu tan., liish, aiMl objertlnc to tht " nrj to tlie arnodUal mnnnfun l.iil l. office, but nniler the title of Synodlml (eeretflry. Inxflrurl of nianneer, and ea4i rfanrrh was aoked to appoint a IweivtnrT on rewnrdRhlp. -I'ne Ktynod will meet again on the Nvnod. ; ' DKXr.tL BY BlUN'S patedly Declares "I . Dldnt Kill Cleveland, ' Oct 20. Mrs. Hazel Burns. 2!), whose badly snutllated liody was found- buried in a shallow grave near - Pninesville Wednesday, died from suffocation and strangula tion Ijike - county; authorities an nounced tonight following post mor tem examination pf the isnly. - ,' Mrs. Bums waa not shot, but was hMten with the butt of a small calibre revolver then burled alive in a shal low grave in a marsh, the authorities declared. The marks at first believed to lie bullet wounds,' were made by the ,hutt of a pistol, physicians aid. -The examination was made while Prosecnfor Ralph il. Ostander. nnd Sheriff Spink were grilling the slnln woman's husband. Harry Burns, In the prosecutor's office at Painesville, r Tangled in Mr -'...'Burns' hair was found a small spring from an old fashioned -revolver, physicians report ed, : Grilling of Burns begun after his arrest Wednesday was continuing to night:' Authorities Iiiva fniiB.1 t. i who denies be had abythiSg to do tjith ffia ninMla . - i Today Burns was taken to view lijs wife's body, and twice collapsed and falling on bis knees at the side of the bier in. the Painesville morgue, he prayed and sobbed: "I didn't kill her, I didn't kill her." At the uudcrtak ing rooins. where he encountered his wife's relnttves, ho also maintained his Innocence. . , , t Two Aviators Killed In Fall. Norfolk, Va., Oct., , 26v Lieutenant Edward Lewis Ericson, of New- York city, and, Lieutenant RoRber Franklin Armstrong, of Rochester, N Y.j and Norfolk, t naval aviatorst were killed instantly at 1:17 o'clock this afternoon when a plane crashed to the earth With them . near Number One -han enr at- the Hamptbn Roads navil air sta tion, Theii bodies are at the naval hospital awaiting advices from re'.a- tives.f ' . -. :.,:.,.: The ibadly ' crushed Indies ' -were dragged - from the, plane's ; nfreckage Dy a dozen men who : witnessed the fall The shoes and leggings of one of the men had been unlaced and re moved apparently as if he had expect ed his plane to fall in the -water near, by and had made ready to jump for safety. fian Who "Never Drank" Fined For Drinking. . Salisbury, Oct. 26. An unusual in. cldent happened during the sitting of federal court, which adjourned today. Willis Hunt, of Davidson- cdutaty, on the witness stand' for his father, who was charged with violating national prohibition laws, stated among other things that - be' himself never drank liquor. In less -than -three hours Hunt was discovered taking a drink in the grand jury room, and this was brought trt Jndge E. Yates Webb's attention. The Judge had Hunt brought before hkn. and after giving-him a severe lecture, beld him in contempt of court, and fined him $250. ; ' r.- A man who was . with Hunt when he look the drink was fined 1 25.. Marion Butler Rubs Caldwell Wrong - Way. ' . Lenoir, Oct.. 25 The effect of "Mary Ann" Butler's speech here-Friday Lnlght' has already been shown, Butler's speech was the worst kind ef a tirade and much of bis language was so indecent ? that many' of the hearers got np and left the hall. -His speech has done A vast amount of good to the Democratic cause.-, i' His state ment that President Wilson was a traitor to his country has been, re sented by Republicans s well as Dem ocrats. Dr. X I. Campbell, who is opposing Congressman R.- L. Dough ton' again in the Eighth District, will be here tonight, u ; , - " e ' , New War bi Vla(Uvosok Region? Tjdtlo, Oct 27 By the Associated Press ). -i-Japanese t .evacuation of Vladivostok, consummated yesterday. promises to be the signal for a new war In that territory, with General Dietrlchs, "die hard" leadei1 of the Russian white guard, aligned with Chang TsaoLin "Uncrowned King" of Manchuria, according -to uitest.ad- ces received) here. , - , ' ' ARRESTEDFOaTRYHiG TO POISQH HUSBAND Chicago Woman Held Pend injfan Investigation Into the Illness of Man Who Was Fifth Hushand.. INQUIRY AS TO v DEATH j)F OTHERS . v - r ' -After Man Became 111 Two Dogs, Household Pets, Died After Eating Scraps : From the Fanjily Table. -' ' - - ' '"' f - v,"- ' i1 Mm Amm rfciixl rn', Cblc-aao, tht 27"-Mrn. Tilly Kll niek nnd her son were arrested early today and held iiemttng an Investiga tion of the illness of her husband, Jos eph KUmek. aged IEi,jreported -seriously III frmi a slow poison. - The police and.' tli coroner's office jnmedlately began an inquiry Into tbe lentil of four of Mrs. Klimek's for mer husbands. Klimetc Is at least the tlfth, the police said, nnd there may bave been another $fter the fourth liefore Mrs. Klimek jjvux married to him a year ngrf. Klimek told the police, they, said, that Mrs. Klimek lea Ami I that he car ried 1,000 llfeinsm?iiice, nnd .then took out two additional policies. He mid, arording to the. slice, that Mrs. KUmek frequently arter that would greet him with remarks to -the effect that, "you are pretty .dead now." and "did I not tell you yot were not going to live long?" ' I Afflicted with pains such ns two ohvslcians nnd the Cormier's chemist said the suspectll poifuai would -ause. Klimek Informed , his brother, - who called In the doctors. 6 It was stated that after Klimek lie- cn me. Ill, two dogs, '.'household pets, died after eating , s;i'aM from the family table. . : .';. .' '. 1 , si DECLINE IN POSTAL SAVINGS KNOCK TALK OP PROSPERITI Officials Silent Coneening Falling Off of $41,203,000 Since Peak Touched In 1919.-, .'.' Washington, D. , Crf 'Oct. 25. Rapid decline of postal , savings deposits is greatly ( alarming . the ''ost Office De partment,,, it iDecanie known today that, thera-Jia; Jjneu fa.mngjiff.jpf I f41.203.000 since the peafiv.f 1010, most of the decrease taking place In the last few months. Thetitgniflcance of this situation lies In the fact that these deposits nre al ways referred to by the Department as a barometer of employment -conditions. According to the sharn dron 'at a time when Administration 'lead ers are flooding the country 'with re ports of prosperity is a thoroughly dis cordant note, v . Moreover,, excepting for a few frag mentary statements and an uninforma- five explanation, the Department has been,' preserving strict secrecy about the subject, declining to make public recent figures to show how fast the deposits have been dwindling. As Assistant Postmaster ; General Glover, in ctharge of the postal sav ings division, admitted today that "the Department ha sick child on its bands which', even the medical skill of Dr. Work, postmaster general, has been unable to revive." ,-. No Information , has been given out by the. Department since June. Month ly reports have , been published as usual, but they. 'show only deposist in city- poet .'offices holding - more (ban $100,000 on deposit. Even, these par tial reports hnxe not been as Widely distributed as usdal. . V . . It is known : that when 'Assistant Ppstmaster -:. . Genera I Glover made a speeches month ago at a postal-conference In Denver, in which he let the eat out of the bag. he was roundly censured hy his associates. His ex planation vtoday; was confined to point ing out that the rail and coal strikes may have- been largely responsible, as well as low interest rates compared tto Treasury certificates and other In vestments. The Department Is sup porting the Steenerson bill to make the interest rate 3 instead of 2 per cent. -. ; --, ..- . -, With Our Advertisers. v Money in the bank offers iirotection for your family! The. Cabarrus Sav ings Bank -wants vvou to open nn ac count,; or Increase your balance. . The, Browns-Cannon - Co., is con ducted .with the purpose of making you, a satisfied. Service; quality and correct -styles are offered for this seas on.' i '-' "','-- ', Pay by, check the -business-like way. See new advertisement today, of tbe Citizens Bank and Trust Company. ' Hallowe'en masks, lanterns, and all kinds of novelties at the CJine's Phar macy, -"-, . Fresh shipment of cake suppUt Just received by the Sanitary Grocery Co'. They tell you about this in a new ad. today. ' - Everything you need when you give that next party, you can find nt Uw Musette. Minister Shot nnd hl'ted In Mis Home. - tha Ataoeiate Prnu.) ' ; , Havre, Mont. Oct. 17. The Rev. Edward J. Chrlstler, rectc of St Marks Episcopal Church here, and mis sionary of the Milk River Valley was shot and Instantly killed in his homo here early today. Mrs. Margaret Carle ton; a member of his congregation, and wife of a former district Judge, now residing In California, Is declared to have been the rector's slayer. iMrs. Carlton committed suicide. rjXADS FOB A CNR Ml.NDhXD ft-g CENT. N'ATT Rear Admiral Rodmw Makes AUtm a "Navy Daj- at Ilea Moiao. r it ! rn.) ! Siulaea, Iowa. M. 2..-.Tbe raited States "m Ira tlnMMleiM nu rommaauuic tMaUtloo la ib world naira urgely to the acklemaeala ul nu nary.- Hear Admiral Hugo Rod man, who commanded tb Aaterlcaa battleship fiW with tbe . Brilinh grand fUt la the world war, declar ed Jn a "Xary Dar" addn hm i. day. He urged bis bearer tt patrl 1 ' lo lnct their Coo- gressmenl to "give us a loo per cent naTy. ao that the navy will lie readr to act Instantly, and your money will not lie wasted." "It is a DltT." be ilM-lnre.1 ihnf pullths I two if party politics bare una an important bearing on Ibis subject that not Infrequently onr fight ing forces are made to suffer on this account. If we had more states men in Congress and fewer local toli tlcians, our iiMintry and Ipdirectly our navy would be greatly lienetttfed." MRS. HOSIER'S MOTIIDK filVEM TESTIMONY Says Rosier Beat Her Daughter Be fore the Birth of Her Child. - tr tfc ansaelate Press.) ' Philndelphla, Pa.. Oi-t. 27. Mm Kiw san M. Held, mother of Mrs. Cathar- ine Rosier, who is charged with the'lmman. He wears the button of killing of her-diilslinnd. Oscar, nn vertlslng man. nnd his stenographer, Mildred (1. Iteckltt. in Roster's Adver tising Agency, testified today thnt Os car Rosier beat her da lighter before the birth of her child, and that Ar thur Rosier. Oscar's brother, hart fill. her daughter's mind with tales of her nusiMinil s alleged Infidelity. Mr Rosier is Mn tried 'first' for the shooting of the stenographer. "I warned my daughter against Ar thur Rosier," Mrs. Held said, "and told, her he would try to trap her in to a compromising situation." She said she saw that Arthur "was plaving ins cams so iiscar could ohm In ,i ,. . . moroe by naming his brother-as co- -Mrs. Reld gave her testlmonv hrnk. " i enlj- being forced frequently to stop short by tears. One of the women errLr'1 hft '""0rS , THE ITALIAN CRISIS It Is Believed That It Will Result In Return to Power of the Fascist!. Rome. K-t. 27-12:30 P. M. (Rv tlie Associated Press). Benito Mussolini, leader of the fnseistl is expeted to nr rlve in Rome today, hnving lieen roll ed here by Premier Facta, who wishes to discus the sitnntlon with him. ,-' i ' ?Jit,aetion S" ni5ft,n tised runrors to fTHulate that tlie foruilonof an other Factii cabinet with (the partli-i-patlon of the fascist! is a possibility. aii speculations concerning the so lution of the crisis agree that it will result In the advent to power of tlie fnseistl, either alone or with Giolitti Orlando, or Salandrn In case the Fac ta cabinet possibility mentioned is dis sipated. Want Conference. Rome, Oct. 27 (By the Associated Press). Premier Factii bus telegraph- eu iienito aiussounl, leader of the fa cisti nt' Mllnn. nnblnir htm In nnma a Home to discuss the possibility of anfl agreement lietween the government and the fascistl "BOYS, GET THE MOtfEY" Republican Committee Has Raised $171,066.96 for the Present Cam- paign. ,. .- -. , Chicago, 0ct. 27. (By the Associat ed Press) a'he , republican national committee has raised $424,066.96 for tbe present campaign, and up to the close of business Wesdnesday night had epent 1421,444, leaving- $622.96 on hand, Treasurer Fred Upham announc ed today. His report filed with the clerk of tKe house Of representatives allows R. B. -Mellon, of Pittsburgh, bro ther of the Secretary of the Treasury ns' the largest individual .contributor, giving $25,000. . . . , T ,. Eflrds Mill Starting Up Nlglit Aiueinarie isews-Heraid. If we are to judge business condi tions from the stftus of ' the ' jfiflrd Manufacturing Company, of this place, we have already "turned the corner" long ago. For some time now all the local cotton mills and 'hosiery fac tories here have been running on full time. The Eflrd Manufacturing Co., not able to turn out the -wdrk de mandee'd by running during the day, has started up mill No.; 1-at night. It is said tills will, give employment to about one hundred additional hnnjds. The Ejfird pompany s not only starting up because of increased demand fur Its products but this en terprising company always has in view the welfare of its help, therefore this night work is being commenced also with the idea in view of taking care of any of the Eflrd help that cannot get employment on the regular day run; Storm Warning For the Gulf..: Washington, Oct 26. A storm warning was Issued by ' the ' weather bureau tonight for a storm of mod erate intrnslty over the gulf appa rently having two centers. One is a short distance south of the Louts tana coast and the other about lati tude 28 north, longitude 86 west The latter probably will 1 move eastward attended by fresh shifting winds. t iimM.ia . im tm ,r 1, ; ; Goblin! Get Tola If Ycu Dont Watch Out. Greensboro, Oct. 26.G. R. Sprulce, was taxed with -the costs In 'the city court today on a charge ' of playing cards on Sunday, v . , ., ' ... , :. A transcontinental Journey in Au stralia by rail from Perth to Brisbane involves five chnnges due fo break in gunge. , The distance is 3,480 mites with the greater part of the railway 'mileage constructed; on the 3 feet, 6 . inch gauge. ;. -- , t . &AM SMALL COVfINO T Speak la First rnai-ytertaa CWc Nert WedneMlay Mfht. Ilt. Xm Small, the famooa ftoutb era orator, odiiur and niucrlM. will le tbe speaker at the patriotic rally la the Film rrosbyterlaa Church, Wed nelay rrenlng. November 1st ' " Tb aubjert of Dr. Small a addreas will be "Smashing tbe Cooanajid menta." and a very timely aadllnter eating diarusloB la BDtk-lptteU. - For over three decades Dr. Sinai has been ooe of the prominent flgurW on the American platform. ' With Ham Jnoe. Dr. Small held evaareliMl and tabernacle meetings In every section of the country and tbe two Hams were beard by .ihuusnnds. His quaint and peculiar way or expressing- bis thought, coupled ' with tbe oratory which nuikea the speaker of the Soutblnad attractive has placed Dr. Small as a favorite before the public. He Is a man - or exceptional attain ments and his practical experience. as an attorney, journalist. anthir. sol dier, minister, evangelist and lecturer. has given him wealth of material ni- on which to draw. Dr. HnutU. after graduating frolh Kmory ami Henry College in Virginia and being admitted to tbe bar, Im-ame private secretary to President Andrew Johnson. Later he became editor of leading Southern papers. Including the Atlanta Constitution, the Norfolk Vir ginian Pilot ami the Oklahoma Okla- Confederate soldiers and the pin of a Spanish ar Veteran and his three sons were in active service during the great war. But It is his remarkable vitality and his versatile manner lioth of thinking and of speaking that, draws large audiences wherever he sienks. His humor is so original and his san ity so evident that his hearers are al ways delighted and impressed. The meeting ii under the direction of the National Reform Association, the oldest reform organization In the I'niteir States, which is sending Dr. Small on a tour, of the principal cities of the State in a campaign in behalf th .,,,,.11. ,,!.. f -i,iu.i., i,.i . in- a-..., .. ..... ... vuiinimu .iii.,i- pies to the unsettled problems of the nresenr onr vnA Activities nt the, Y ,V T A -...."a . ' l T. 1 be" To 'whiAi Ihfl'V mMnWshtn that fvli the Y membership and their friends are invited. . . ... Secretary McCaskill as coach of the high school teajn left today for Salis bury with the high school team, where they play this afternoon. There will be no pictures at the No. 2 school for the present until the new auditorium is completed. The cool nights does not make it very pleasant to remain outside . throughout- the showlngA Plans for , continuing 'r the pMttvctt wlth-added " tnttgi am- wHM under way as soon as the new building is ready. - A week from Sunday, November 5, the first Sunday meeting at the Y will occur. Severa! Bible Classes will participate and the committee will an nounce In the week which team will take charge of the f.'rst Sunday. Tlie plan calls for 'Men's Bible, classes the first Sunday and the Boys clubs the secrmd and third while the last Sun day in each month will toe given over to religious pictures which, proved so popular a year ago. The topie for the m"nin or wovemoe. -win oe unrisuan The basketbaH team is continuing to practice hard for the next game. Word is expected at any time- that Erlanger Y will be here for the next game a week from tonight November 3rd. The Davidson boys will in . all probability form the opposition for the week following. The crowd seemed well pleased with the . showing on opening night and -will again pack the hpuse for the nert game, y 'The 8. B. club of younger girls in tbe Y will go on a hike Saturday at 9:30 a. m. An a'l day affair will be made of it and a big time is expected. Eats will be taken and Secretary Ver burg with Miss Sarah Barnhardt the leader will accompany the girls. They plan to return between four and five 6'clock In the afternoon. BIG DAY AT BETHEL At the Corner Stone Laying -Next Sunday, October 29. , An immense crowd is expected at Bethel Methodist Church in No. 10 township, next Sunday,- October 29th, when the corner' stone of the new chunrch will be laid. ; Excellent- music, a good dinner and interesting speeches will feature the occasion. ; Everybody will be welcome. Five Killed In Auto Accident Br the Auodatc4 rr , Holgate, Ohio, Oct. 27. Two girls and three boys were killed when their automobile was struck by a Baltimore & Ohio freight train at a crossing near here late last night. ? - tlAIV.1i' . -a afiy . , 'ed W? OUH HtW WMLWNC . . Souther:! section . filUSTHAVELAKES Planned With Art and SkTl Before It Win Re a Truly BJW4 library CoUntlT. - oys rsraoos City Planner. .. .. SPEAKER AT TOURIST - CONFERENCE TODAY Our Mountains Are Beautiful Beyond Description, . He - Says, But Lakes and Ponds Are Missing. ; . , - 'y (By the AMMiatef Pun,) Ashevllle. Oct. 27. Tlie Southern Apimuirbian region mnst bare ponim and bike planned with art and skill, -and simulating nature liefore it will truly lie a great . tourist country, de, clared John Nolen, city puinner, in hi address here this morning . at the Western North Carolina Tourist Con ferenee. nt which has evolved tbo Tourist Association of Western North Carolina. - ' . ' t Mountains and rivers in thin region are liefliitiful beyond description. Mr. Nolan said, but ponds and lakes are lacking and I this deficiency must bo. overcome. j A regional survey nnd adoption of an extensive regional plan measuring; over decades and -generations if nee-, essary, nre things which must lie nn. dertaken In the Southern Amxilnch- , inns nnd tu Western North Carolina, tlHj sieaker saiiJ.' . 7 THE COTTON MARKET Opened Easy at a Decline of From 18 ' to 29 Points. i (Br th Aanoelatca Frml ' ...-' s'-r New York, Oct 27. There was an active general business at the votton market early today, but orders pretty evenly divided and after opening-easy nt a decline of 1C to 20 points, fluctua tions were comparatively narrow and Irregular. , ' : -: r: ' Cotton 'futures Opened easy: Decem.. lier 23.83; January 88.48; March 23.15; May 23,40; July 23.2.'i. - ,. . SUIT DISMISSED t American Steaimhips Cannot Carry o- J Sell Liquor in Any Part of th i World. ,..--A-' v; elated Press). American teaniahip-. cannot carry or sell liquor In ttny part : of the world,; Federal Judge Rand held - -totday in a derision dismissing th suit of two American steamship com panies to enjoin enforcement of thr Daugherty prohibition ruling. ' Marriage of Mr. Frank Caldwell. Announcement m-aa mmla horo t,u1i-r- . of the marriage Tuesday of Miss Ivor;' M. Henry and Mr. Frank Caldwel The ceremony was performed in Rpcl vllle, Md., and came as a surprise t the friends of the couple. ,, - .-' Mrs. .Caldwell lives in. Washinglor, D. C, nnd for some time has held responsible- position In the office- o' David H. (Blair, - Internal Revenu Commissioner. She spent several day- here last week with Mrs. B. W. Meant. and while here made many friends bt her courteous and pleasing manner. Mr. Caldwell is tbe son of Mrs. w. A. Caldwell, of this city, and since hla discbarge from the army In 1919, haa -held a position with the Walter Reel Hospital in , Washington. ' . He serveu with the 30thi Division in the Worl t War, and is universally liked in Con cord. . - ( The couple will make thoir home lii Washington, King" Emanuel to Arrive in Rome To- -s night, , Rome, Oct. 27 (By the AssociatPtl Press. king' Emanuel will arrive lit ' Rome tonight! He has expressed af desire to" consult tomorrow on the sit uation 'With Signors Tlttoni and Nico." In, , the presidents respectively of the : Sennte and Chnmlier of Deputies, with Benito Mussolini, the leader of the fas cistl. and with the lender' of tbe nut lonalist party. Former Premier Giolitti also will Jx' in Rome tomorrow. Tilly McCor.mlck, the 16-y ear-old granddaughter of John D., Kocke feller eays now that she is not going ' to marry Max Osier. The Swiss riding master got. a good deal of first-class advertising out of the matter, at least ' ? More than 5,000,000 personsMn the United States alone derive their in-' comes, in whole or' In '; part, from ; Banking Facilities Business firms and individ 3!i' uals -desirifig satisfactory fa - cilities for the transaction 'of financial affairs are invit to open accounts,: large or ; "k ? small, with this institution: v if, . 4 .per cent, interest, com . pounded' quarterly, paid on Savings. ' : '' ( Si-" c :. 1 ' 1-