a o o D O r O O ' O PRESS O DISPATCHES ooooooo TODAY'S NLVS . TODAY. OOOO u o o o o . . -X- VOLUME XXII. .CONCORD, N. ,C MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1022. NO. 227. IBIBTJME OUSRIOTiNG- BREAKSOUT i!i ROME ' Communist Attack Parties of FascLsli While Passing Through a Workingman'g Quarter of the City. - ONE PERSON KILLED; i TWX) OTHERS WONUDED v " : -'t ." Troops Now Occupy Trouble 'Zone and an Overwhelm f ing Number ' of Soldiers ' Have Been Put on Duty. , Rome, Oct. 20, 8:15 p. in. (By the As-tx-lated ' IVtw) . Serious- rioting broke out here tonight. Parties, of . - fascist! while passing through a work f inguiHK'a quarter knokn to lie a Jiotlied of subversive elements, were attacked by communists who threw 'atones and llred revolver. ' The fasebrti replied. One person was killed and one fus J clctl wn swoimded and the latter, who were greatly outnumbered, had two of , their men taken prisoners, ' Fasclstt' Immediately- telephoned headquarters whence numerous groups in motor cam went to the rescue, of their companions. The troops mean-1 while occupied -the eone with whelming numbers of soldier. Fascist! Leader Has Conference With . Kin. "-Borne,-Oct.-30 By the Associated t Press). Benito "Mussolini, leader of the fuscistl. called by King Victor Ira ... mnnuel to form a 'cabinet, arrived in ' Borne this, mornings Crowds throng f ing the neighlsirhood of the railroad . terminal gave him an enthusiastic Wel come. , ' - ..i" ;. Mussolini left Immediately for the Quirinal. where be, was given an au dience .by the king. :? The capital was lnvishly decorated with flags today -hut calm' was being maintained. It is believed the new ministry will be constituted in', the course of the day. l ., '. When tiie fascist! leader arrive) " at - Vlvitaueochla liefore taking a. train fur Borne, thousands of fascist! hn.d : citizens welcomed him. . In, a short ad dress MuMHollnl urged ' the crowd to :; remain calm, sml patriotic airs were sung. x vJk'---.-.-J ,-'-" 'IVv-",- Tbe,ii-simper Aslone Socialism to- WPaearfl lhur7nr(he toemwra s the community i-party "were informed Inst evening thut the party is ceasing its oiiertktion ; today .''and all Its mem lnra are released ffrom pa.rty dlscl- - pline and duties." , : "It is believed," adds the newspaper "tliat as n Vault of this decision the communist deputies will resign their , scats." V ASHEV1LLE WINS IN , i ' ; 1 THK EXrRKSS FIGHT - American Express Company Will De , liver Express to Southeastern r. at Washington. '.-' f WashinEton, Ot!ts 29.nator Hlm- : mons stntes tonight that he has been Informed b' the secretory f the Inter state (Commerce Commission that the American - Bnilway " Express Company " has announced that all express matter y - from the north und'east destined for - Asheville is now; to be transferred to f the Southeastern Express Company lit . AVashington. He assumes this covers, till western North Carolina points, but1 " will look further-" -Into- this phase, -of , the matter. ; r-v Y. ' This niKHincement by the American Ballway . Express culminates, fight that hus been waged- by Senator Nhu- Jnons for months-. Ixfoi-o the Inter state Commerce Commission to force the above mentioned company to trans- 'o.fer Us express iiackage business for vvestem North Carolina to the South - extern Express company at Washing - ton thereby enabling ':- the express freight to go diret-t to western North farollun points v instead of nil -way round via Soutt Carolina points as . has often -been the case. ' This announcement means the dis continuation of an outrageous- pnuv iice that has caused;- great Bhnoynnee . and inconvenience to the '- !people of AHbeville, piedmont and western North t'arolinn. ' . ;ii:'--'".',;)'wvv' , , . ' In five years the negro population of Detroit has increased 600 per cent, r, Democratic County Ticket ; For Senators, 24th Senatorial District ,',. FRANK ARMFIELD , . " of Cabarrus County , ' . J. L. DELANElf t x of Mecklenburg County' ' r ' :'A For Solicitor lith Judicial District . I ZEBULONl VANCE LONG . ' 's of Iredell County ' For House of Representatives , ,., t JOHN B. 8HERRHX " ' , v For Clerk of Superior Court l- ' joun b. McAllister - For Cotton Weigher v - r ' ; WILLIAM B. BOOER ',. For'County Treasurer ?. .-. ' , 1 j. MARGIE McEACHERN ' , For Register of Deeds ' , , L. V. ELLIOTT - - ' . r r For County Surveyor, WALTER L. FURB ' : .' . For Coroner ' .- , r ; JOE A. HARTSELL - ' For Sheriff WHXIAM P. MABERY , i -, : For County Commissioner . , ' JAMKS F. DAVVAULT , ' , M ILLI XM D. HARRY . - W. C. McKINXKV - : 'JOHN R. IHNZK . J. M. IL!.16LLL . DECLARE FOR JUST AKD.ONE OF KIDNAPPING REASOHABLESCALEi For Railroad Workers. This Will Be the Basis for De cision of the Labor Board . In All Wage Disputes. ' '"'' -. , . . SOME WAGES ; - , . , . ARB INCREASED Board Says the Living Wage Demands of the Workers Would Bring Financial ' Ruin to the Railroads.v Chicago, Oct 30.-s-MnJorlty members of the United State Railroad Labor board today had reaffirmed thetr as sertlon that a Just and renaonalile" wage shall be the basis tor 1lie(r de cision In the wage .disputes between earrlirsi and their employees. In their opinion formally handed down-1 last night in the case of main tenance of way employes, the majority member dec ared that the . "living waste" demands of the workers, would bring financial ruin to the railroads. The decision increased . wnges , of maintenance of way employee 2 cents an hcur.v The new scale ranges from 29 cents to 37 cents, -whereas the union sought the minimum hourly pay .up to! 48 cents. The opinion said- this demnn if granted would bring deficit of $378, 078,125 annually to the railroads. ' MRS. ROSIER TESTIFIES j Says She Does Not Remember Shoot. . , lug Mrs. Btekett. ; ("Br thev AnHicutca Pict. Philade phla, Oct. . 30 in. Cath ilne Rosier, cfiarged With the killing of her husband, Oscar, and Mildred i. Rickett, his stenographer, testified to day in her trial for the slaying of the girl tha,t she did not femember the shooting., v She said she sa w her hus band and lMIhs Rickrtt in hjs office, that she screamed and knew no more until she found herself in the hands of the police. '. . ' , ' , -In a voice hardly audible and fre quently Interrupted by weeping, Mrs. Rosier told her story of events in the family nml the conduct of her huslmnd until the shooting. She testified that while At a hospital nt the birth of her tmli.v, Arthur Rosier, brother of tfctear, to bis stenographer,. Miss Rickett. She also testified, that Arthur had attempt ed to trap her lnto.it compromising sft nation. , ' ..." . 1ra niulur tAutifloil tlml hti Una. band admitted to her he was going out) with Miss Rickett and added that he loved tiie stenographer and not hex. "IIS said he wanted1 me to get a divorce, and. : there was nothing ; I could do to make him gfv e. her wp," Mrs., Rosier said. BRIDE AND GROOM WERE FOUND DEAD LAST NIGHT Bodies Unclothed, Found In Bath Room , . of Their Apartment. (By the AMoclaaeA wrM.t . ' New York, Oct. 30.--Coroner Fretl erjck Hnowden today ordered an autop sy In an effort to determine how Dan iel Cohen, aged 22, and Frances Co hen, his bride of 'a month, met death. Their Inxlies, unclothed, were found In the bath room of i their apartments in Yonkers last night: Cohen lay fac down on the floor . with , -one. hand on the side of the bath tub. Mrs, Cohen's body was. under' water in the tub.. Neither bore signs of violence. "It looks like i murder,"j:; Coroner Snowden said, "but we will not know the -exact , cause of death until an autopsy has been performed. There are. indications thitf the woman was . killed wider the water by someone. It ils a very odd .ease." .THE COTTOrf MARKET ' Opened Firm at an Advance of From . -i S3 to 36 Points. I (Br the Associate Pre.) - New York, Oet. 30. The cotton mar ket opened firm at an advance of 23 to 30 points with all monthB making high records for the season on a re newal of Jast week' buying movement, and; In response to relative firm cables. Brokers with Liverpool, and domestic1 trade connections were- active buyers, while there was a good demand and further .covering, but the advance met if good deal of southern selling and realizing. " . Cotton futures .''opened firm.' . Dec. 24:3(1; Jan 24:15; March 24:30; May 2.4 :2Q; July 23:05.' t i I,. Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks to Be in Greensboro.' ' (Br tfc Jumcum rtmi .i 1 Greenslmro, Oct. 80-J. Edgar Mas tery of Charlerio, Pa grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent ,and Protec tive Order of Elks, will be a guest of Greensboro Lodge Na 24, it was an nounced today, Grand Exalted Ruler Masters will stop, o.ver here While en route to Atlanta, to confer with Elks there, relative to plan for' the -1123 Grand Iodge meeting ' to be held in that rtty.r. y".,-?""- C Seek Republic la Philippines. I ' Manila, P. I, Oct. 30 (By the As sociated Press). Formation of the re public of the Phllipplnesls sought by a concurrent resolution introduced In the legislature today with the bucking of a majority of the members. ; , . - - Cox Speaks In TennenKe. s Nashville, Oct. 30. James iM. , Cox, former Democratic Presidential candi date, returned- to Tennessee today to risume his speeches In the intersta of the democratic ticket in this state. - The True Blues," i Secret Society in Oklahoma, Meet W ith Trouble When They Try to Kindap Officer. ANOTHER MAY BE TW OTHERS WOIFNDED 'The Masked Men Called Con- stable Bogus From a Pic ture Show and Tried to En tice Him Into a Car. llj IK AMriMf Pnw. Henrietta, Okhi, Oct. 30. Reece Ad klns, of Dewar, - ttfcls., was shot to death and Thos. Bogus, Hiielter City constable, wos wounded, prolnbly fa tally at Sielter City near here last night when band of masked men, of. which Ailkins was one, called Bogus from a motion picture theatre and at tempted ro kidnap him In a motor car. Another man. unidentified, is known to have tieen shot in the leg. Bogus drew a pistol and Jtegnn firing when the party attempted to entice him into the motor car, the police said, i They reported that he admitted kill-t ing Adklns. Other wemltent of the masked iirty may have been- wound ed, according to Constable George Da vis, who emptied his pistol at the ma chine in which they drove away. The local -police said the members of the hand wore blue jumpers and masks of dark blue material. They were said to be memliers of a newly organ ized alleged secret society known as The True Bines." ' . "i ' , -.v. .. .I MOTHER IS TRYING TO PROTECT DEAD DAUGHTER Mrs. Joseph Pyle Does Not Believe Daughter Committed Murder, (B? tbe Aaaoclated IThi, - Havre, Mont,, Oct. 30. While Mrs. Christ lor today -was on an eastbound trntn nmonipanylng the body of her slain busliand, the - Rev. Leonard 3. Christler, wtor of St. Mark's Epls- -owl Church, and known as the "Bishop of All Outdoors," Mrs. Joseph Pyle, mother of Mrs. Margaret Carle ton, whose body : was found beside that of Christler, is attempting to or iHw-ar, pr0ve that their daughter did not.'oui-1 iliiffiiatflreo The. coroner s- Jury brought in .. a verdict " yesterday ' that Mrs. Carleton killed Mr. Christler and shot herself. The trngedyc occurred early Friday morning. Mrs. ChrisUer left with the body of her husband for Waterloo, N. Y., yes terduy morning. "I do snot believe Margaret did It," said Mrs. P.vle shortly after her arriv- Lil In Havre from, her home in Butte. X niiUK mil. . iirr, mumim uuia A null who owned the gun. Her reference wus to a .38 caliber revolver in the hands of Mrs. Curleton when the bod ies were discovered. v ; A small .22 caltlier revolver she ens- tomarlly carried, was fottnd in Mrs. Carletpns handbag. ' DEMAND THE RESIGNATION OP MR. DAUGHERTY A. H. Hopkins Makes Public a Letter -to President Harding. -(By the Aaoelntd Press.) New York, (Xt. 30. J. A. H. Hop kins, chairman, of the committee of 48, last night made public a letter to President Harding asking a personal reply from the Executive to, the com mittee's demand that Attorney General Daugherty' be 1 suspended from office pendmg a hearing of jthe impeachment charges brought . by Representative Keller, of Minnesota. -i- .The letter followed receipt by Mr. Hopkinr of advice friW the Attorney General's office that a previous com munication .to President Harding voic ing the committee's demand bad been turned over to Mr. ; Dnngherty and would .''receive serlolis consideration." ''In calling your attention to , the gross ' impropriety of referring a de mand' for Mr.,'Duugherty'H Suspension to Mr. Daugherty himself," Mr. Hop kins' letter to the President said, vwe slmulv wish to point out thht the se riousness of the situation which led to this demand, and the necessity .- for drastic, action - relative thereto has merely' been ! enhanced by, the action which you have takes." ', - . .. TWO ARRESTS MADE IN " " ' Russian- Authorities Have Abandoned the Theory That American Commit ted Suicide. Moscow. Oct 30 (By the Associat ed Press). Two1 arrests have been made in connection with the disap pearance two weeks ago of Pnilip J Shield. American Relief . Worker In Sluitmrsk, according to a telegram re ceived here from Col. Wm. N. Haskell, head of the fletd forces bf the .Ameri can Relief Administration. : Until Saturday night- last the . au thorities were inclined to bellevo that the, relief worker, whose home wa in Richmond. Va., ind committed suicide, but early yesterday certain' develop ments, not made public, led them to believe Shield may have been murder ed. i Detailed information concerning the arrest was not made here. - - ' Investigating authorities are still dragging the Volga in the belief that they will find the body in the river since Shield's hat was found on the bank above Simbursk several days ago. " The annual flow of the Mississippi carries to the sea 400 000,000 tuns of solid matter. ' , Among First Nominated In Big Salesmanship Club . 'V - f nJm - ... Mrs. Lester Miller, Concord. That her friends hare used goort judgment in selecting this chnrniini? young woman as a'prolmlile winner of one C the big.autos is attested by the splendid progress she is waking in the i lull. Just now Ctiie big Anderson holds her. unwnverftig Interest and she is demonstrating 1 her cainuaicninir ability in no smalt tray. DEATH THIS MORNING OF a JACKSON BOST Well Known- Concord Man Died at 1:30 Following Serious Illness Fun eral Services Tomorrow. . Stonewall Jackson Host, well known uiun of this city, tidied this niorning at 1 o'clock at his home on West Depot Street, afted a serious illness of sev eral weeks. Death was caused by heart trouble, withi' which the; decascd had been confined to his home for si;i weej. Last Friday his condition iie enme critical andf grew worse until his death. :! The deceased was "S years of age, and was born and Reared in this coun ty. He was a soft of the late David Jackson Bout, who -Iwas killed in the battle of Petersbnt He was twice married, his' first ffe, Mrs. Emma this union one child, which died in in fancy, was' born. His second wife, Mr Florence Linker Bost, two chil dren, one brother, one half-brother and two sisters survive. ' The children fire Allen, Bost and Mrs. Ida Louise Smith, lioth of ihis city : Caleb W. Bost, of No. 10 township, is the surviving broth er, Jno.. H. Jenkins, of Stockton, Oil., is the .surviving half-brother ; Mrs. John Eudy, Of Rinieiv and- Mrs. J. E. White, of Flowe's. are the surviving sisters. Two brothers, P. B. Bost rniil W. H. Bost, boih of No. 10 township, died several yenrs ago. ' f The deceased was a member of Cen tral Methodist Church, and took much int-e-rest in church work, ,. At the time he liecame 111 he held a postion with the. Cnnnon Mnnnfacturing Company here. The funeral service will lie held to morrow morning at 11-o'clock nt Bo ger's Chapel, in No. 10 township, and will be conducted by Bev, W. A. Jen kins and Rev. 'T. W. Smith. Inter ment will be made in the cemetery there: ' f Officers Elected hy War Mothers. The October meeting of the Cabar rus Circle of War 'Mothers was held at the home; of Mrs. 'Bi A,. Brown, on South Union street. The, cozy living room was filled to over-flowing by en thusiastic War Mothers, and the host ess was kept busy hunting chairs' from every nook und corner.! .. After the de votional exercises, led by the War Mother,: Mrs.' John K.. Patterson, nil routine business was transacted. This being the time set. the annual election of officers was held, and resulted as follows:. ' AVttr Mother Mrs. . Johni K. PatteY-son.'-'-;- . First Vice War Mothers-Mrs. J. C. Fink. - . Y - - Second Vice War Mother Sirs. W. S. Bingham. " . ' - " - .Third-'Vice War Mother-Mrs. J. E. Smoot. ' ; . Recording ;.Secretary--Mrs. fl.. T. Crowell. ' . .,. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. S. A. Wolff.. . ', Ti-easurerMrs. Watt Burringer. Censor Mrs. G. M'. Ixire. Historian Mrs. il. H. Caldwell. Miss May Stockton made A short -mi-dress, giving us particulars about the needs of war veterans. , 1'lus War Mothers expressed them selves as willing to co-operate In any plans that' may be made to celebrate Armistice Day. . , 1 . . At the close of the. meeting refresh ments' were served hy' the hostesses, Mesdnmes" It. A. Brown, O, W. Means, J. B. Hherrill and Jno. Young, and a social hour' was enjoyed. 1 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY . i. . . . i . , Ten Day Sale at Concord Furniture ", ' Company. , ,.v The big Ten Day Sale starts at the Concord Furniture- Company Wednes day; November 1st, and while the sale lasts many fine bargains will be offer ed. , In a half page ad, today the coin lmny gives particulars of the sale and tells you how yon can save money on the goods to lie offered during the sale. Read the ad. carefully, and call at the store during the sale. ' ' - The first sun-dial .was - erected In Rome, and the day 'was first .divided iutoj hours In 29a B. C, . s Miss Grace. Bounds, K anna polls ,Mlss Bounds' niime occupies a prom inent position In the list published to day. Her friends are rallying to her supMirt early in the race and are ex-, peering their favorite to carry off high honors when the Club ends. She is one oi iu mow mi iniar anil attractive)'., .. ........ ladles In this Motion mid has hosts o? l'ler lm UHfIles ,0 utlllze ,he P0"1 A,. . . . irienug ana admirers. i. R. SMITH DIED HERE EARLY THIS MORNING Dealh of Prominent Man Occurred at Concord Hospital. Funeral Services . Tomorrow Morning. John Richard Smith, one of the best known nnd most universally liked men in Concord, died nt the Concord Hos pital this morning at 0:20 o'clock, fol lowing u serious illness of several days. He was carried to the . hospital on Thursday, and his condition become so critical Saturday afternoon that no hope was entertained for his recovery. The funeral services will lie held morrow morning at 11 o'clock at Atli Saints' Episcopal Church, conducted by the rector, Rev. T. N.' Lawrence. Interment will be made iu Oakwood ceiieteryi ' The deceased - was horn in Rowan county JWJxaQ&i past 25 years he had made his home in Concord With his sister, Mrs. M. L. Brown, the only surviving member of his family. He was southern , repre sentative for. Parsons & Parsons, Cleve land, Ohio, and made his headquarters here. He returned to Concord several weeks ago from a rond trip, and ex pected to leave soon for Florida, his prinicpul territory. , Mr. Smith was a member of was a member of the Episcopal Church, having Joined thej Unuvh as a young man 111 Rowan county. He was n memlier of Concord Lodge No. 857 B. P. O. E., nnd was one of the oldest and most prominent members of the order in the state. The announcement of Mr. Smith's death has caused sincere grief In Con cord. To everyone he was known as "I'ncle Dick," and his courteous man ner nnd gentlemanly conduct won manji friends' for him. He was espe cially popular with a host of children in the city, nnd to Jiiin each of them was his "partner." .The body this afternoon was car ried to the home of Mrs. Brown, where it will remain until the burial hour to morrow, ... FOREST FIRE RAGING NOW IN WESTERN CAROLINA Hundreds of Acres-of Forest in Hay wood County Have' Been Burning Since Friday. (Hy tbe Auoelated Frees.) Aslieville, Oct 30. Hundreds of acres of forest between the eastern and western forks of Pigeon River,. Hay wood County, are a Hume today and ev ery available warden In the section has lieen mobilized to fight the fire which started Friday; Though about 20 miles away, the smoke ts plainly visible from this City. Reports reach ing the city say there are other fires in this vicinity. Apiieuls came from Hartford, Tenn., today, where hun dreds of acres of timber are afire on both sides of the state line. With no ruin fn sight, leaves and underbrush im dry as tinder, conditions are Ideal for. forest tires, officials said, ' And heavy damage is anticipated. Sell 10 Million Seals This Tear. ' The North Carolina Tuberculosis As sociation will place on eale this year ten million Tuberculosis Christmas Seals, which will sell for one cent each, the receipts to be used In pro viding funds for the care and pre vention of tuberculosis. The Seals will be on sale from Thanksgiving Day until Christmas. . i . " : With Our Advertisers. ' lints in bewitching shapes, brilliant colors, and priced to suit -everyone at tbe Specialty Hat Shop, - i . ' Confer with officers of tbe Citizens Bank and Trust Company when you are confronted with business probloms. The bank officers, will gladly aid you with advice and money. -. ' , : The Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Odell's Circle, of Forest Hill Methodist Church, will give a Hallowe'en social In the Sunday school annex tomorrow night. The helglith of each guest will be measured ant) a charge of S cents for each foot -'and 1 cent for each addi tional inch . will lie made. The pub lic Is Invited., ' Sandwiches, pumpkin pie and coffee will be served free of charge. , ,- v. , NEV HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANT TOBE BUILT Iliwassee River, in Chero County, Will Be Site for the Plannt Two Generat ing Stations to Be Bunt 60,000 HORSEPOWER WILL' BE GENERATED Other Industries Wfll Be De veloped, to Utilize Power Generated at the Proposed Electric Plant , (Br Ike Awrlate4 lr.. Asheville, Oct. SO. Completion' of Jduns for a hydro-electric development on the Iliwassee River in Cherokee County .Involving the construction of two huge dams and two generating stations,, was announced here'.yester dny by W. V. X. Powellson. of New York, President of the Carolina-Tennessee Power Co. The project w ill lie sufficient to gen erate (M),tKH) horscMm-er, and the out lay Involved will be from r,000,00 to $7,000,000. Inclmred in the program, which is, Iierhnps the most comprehensive ever planned for the western section of North Carolina, is the development of generated. The ixiwer so generated will make possible the exploitation of the vast natural resources r of the western section of this state, and ad jacent sections of Tennessee and Geor gia, and is expected to attract capital ninny limes as large as that repre- SPn'ed in the wnterpower project I . Litigation involving a few tracts of laud that would necessarily, lie acquir ed for the dam and impounding lakes is all that stands In the way of the program, Mr. Pnwellson said. These suits, which are in the nature of con demnation proceedings, will lie tried in Superior Court nt Murphy, begin ning ioveniiier XMto. as soon as a satisfactory set lenient is effected, the to-!L""KrH?, Ior. SHIIM. X lit- tH (II 1 21 1 JN HVIUllllJlf, preliminary surveys are completed, and plans and specifications for the con struction are almost finished.. TO ARRANGE SCHEDULE , FOR HIGH SCHOOL GAMES uames f or Mlgti school Championship ot state in f ootball f robabiy Will Start on Saturday. , ... ,.j , ,. . (Br the Associated Press.) Winston-Salem,: Oct. 30. Manager C. It. Joyner, of the local High School football team, was advised today by the state athletic authorities at Chap el Hill, that a meeting of the managers of the various teams in the western h 1. If nf tha urn fa will moot in linr. loTte We(inMdav nlKht for the purpose of. arranging a schedule for the state championship series, to start the series . It is the purpose this year earlier than In previous ' years, and It is thought the championship series will be arranged to start with next Satur day's games. 1 , FOOTBALL CASUALTY Member of South Boston Military Academy Team Fatally Hurt Satur day. , ,;.'.;,. ,:sy (Br the Ameoclated Press.) ' Danville, Va., Oct. 30,-t-Eugenlo' Fra tnrcangetd, aged 21 years. South Bos ton Military Academy halfback, died at a hospital here early today of in juries sustained in a football game Saturday between his team and that of the Chatham Training School. u Fratarcangelo complained during he third period of the game of feeling ill. nnd walked to the side line, where he dropped unconscious: The attending physicians said they thought he sus tained a blow during the early period of the game. The meeting of the Christian En deavor Society of the Methodist Prot estant Church has been postponed from tonight until next Monday night. nt which time it. will meet with Miss Evelyn GritUn, on Buffalo street. Mustapha Kemal Pasha is the son of a Turkish father and Jewish mother. He is a blond, with piercing blue eyes. He wears a closely cropped, dimiint five flaxen mustache. .. . The Gate of Opportunity -..".'. .- ''..'irir-.s.r.gv'-' New Series of stock now open in the Citizens Building & Loan Association t'- ;o.H':';i1:0-i'":; -&;iP:V A new starting point' for those who want to ; save money, or for those who want to build ? ' or buy a home, . - r ; ' We can make loans promptly upon approval -' of application no waiting necessary. : ' ; ; Office in Citizens Bank building. : . v STIRS INTEREST tnr( Voting Proposition in "Salesmanship Club" Will Interest Contestants for Big Automobiles. $30 CLUBS YIELD EXTRA VOTE HARVEST Another Extra Vote Offer This Week Gives Workers Opporunity to Further Im prove Percentage. Well, last week was a "Whopper," as each Club Member was.'benrd from t with a nice remittance snd'the Big Extra Vote Offer resulted in thous ands and thousands of votes being se cured by the workers. .'-'- , ' Big New Offer. "" There is another offer giving willing workers in the "Salesmanship Club" to further enhance their possibilities of winning a fine, brand new motor car. It will, no doubt, lie a pleasant sur-. prise to each one in the race to sue-; ceed, to know that they will have an-.' . other opisirtnsity to further increase their vote totals this week. - The new - '. offer is a very liberal One indeed and can lie made the menus of securing enough votes to carry one to victory. Two hundred and fifteen thousand EXTRA VOTES will be credited upon , each Club of 3O.0q worth of subscrip tions turned in this week. Not quite as big an offer as the one turned in last Saturday, but it is a far better one than will lie made nsjiin. It will take votes to win the automobile and every advantage to gain more of ' them are given the drive members, - places victory and an automobile that much closer. The race is fast developing fn to one pf vigorous competition and in. ' the "Salesmanship Club," as In every other race where honor . and rewa rd ore at stake, the stragglers and ; the faint-hearted must give way to the -more determined ones. , Up to the pres- . ent time few "quitters" have! develoiw .. ed, and In the great majority of cases, each week is a better week for the members. Lasts Just One Week. This extro vote offer will last just one week and will end next 'Saturday night. If is "short and sweeT and oi - ' on It.:-The workers now will be the victorious bnes after December - 2nd and there is no time for hesltnncy on ::' the part of anyone who desires to - win one of the automobiles. New Members. . It Is an opportunity for NEW MEM- ' BEBST to enter the race and WIN. Several of those who have made Into beginnings ore righP up among the topnotchers in the voting list toda v.: Yon can do the same if you will do -. ride right now to grasp ,opportunit-r -and put your spare time upon, a rev-' ' nne basis. Get them In this week sur) nnd do not wait until Saturday In o' -der to do the entire week's work. Th "wise" ones will start out fresh todn with a . determination to make thia : week's report the very best one yet RARROAD WANTS TO ABANDON ITS Carolina and Yadkin Asks Authorit y to Abandon Line From High Point ' to High Rock. t ' ' By tbe Associates' Press. ' , Washington, Oct 30. Pursuant to an order of the court directing ; tha. receivership now installed over lti, property, the Carolina & Yadkin Rail, road applied today to the Interstate ' Commerce Commission for authority to abandon completely Its 35-mlle line running from High . Point to High " Rock, N. C. 'p. It has proven Impossible for' several years to make the road pay operating expenses, the petition said, and, the' court order has finally directed the re ceiver to cease making any attempts. The commission , was asked to grant the application without a hearing un less the North Carolina state authori ties intervened to ask further consid era t ion. ' There will be nn oyster supper at V the home of L. I. Bost in No. 10 town- . ship Saturday, November - 4th, begin, c" ning at 4 o'clock.- . c, . r, 33